The most efficient traps for cockroaches. We make a trap for cockroaches with your own hands Ultrasonic scales of cockroaches do it yourself

The disadvantaged guests of our homes include cockroaches. They can cause allergic reactions or dermatitis. You need to fight insects at once as soon as they appeared. In order to quickly and effectively get rid of cockroaches, you can apply traps made with your own hands.

What are the most effective traps: purchased or done with your own hands

On the shelves of shops you can find different means from cockroaches: chemicals, ultrasound dischargers, electronic and glue traps.

The principle of action of adhesive devices is based on catching insects with sticky surfaces. They reliably fix the paws of cockroaches and do not allow them to get out. Usually purchased glue traps are a box equipped with several holes for insect insects. Inside put bait. Feeling the smell of food, cockroaches enter and glued to the base.

How does the purchased glue trap acts - video

Homemade counterparts are similar in design, due to which their effectiveness remains at the same level.

Purchased poisonous traps are made in the form of a house, inside which the poisoned bait is put. Having tasted such a treat, the insect does not die instantly, but returns to the relatives, becoming the source of infection. Thanks to the rapid spread of poison, more cockroaches die than when using adhesive designs.

An even more reliable means are electric traps. They are made in the form of a box that attracts insects with appetizing aromas of bait. Inside cockroaches kill electric charge.

Comfortable and practical device requiring regular cleaning

The effectiveness of such devices is quite high. Unfortunately, the electric trap is made at home will not work, but devices made by their own hands can make them worthy competition.

Compared to store analogues, homemade devices have certain advantages.

  1. Make such products can be made of infirred materials.
  2. The simplicity of the design allows you to make it in the shortest possible time without the presence of special skills.
  3. From purchased tools, the device made independently different is cheaper.
  4. Homemade traps harmless to adults, children and pets.

Ultrasound devices intended for scaring cockroaches cannot be called traps. It is proved that the effectiveness of such devices is very low, so it is not recommended to use them to combat insects.

Home traps that can be made with your own hands

To independently make traps for cockroaches, it is enough to familiarize yourself with several options and pick up the easiest one.

How to catch cockroaches in a jar

The easiest of homemade options is a trap-bank. For the manufacture you will need:

  • glass liter or half-length bank;
  • cardboard or tight paper;
  • glue;
  • brush;
  • scissors;
  • sunflower oil;
  • bait.

As bait, use smoked sausage, meat trimming, fruits, vegetables, sweets or kefir.

The best place to install such a trap is a kitchen.

Every morning, throw away the contents of the banks along with the caracanis caraccans. After, replacing the bait, you can safely install it for your previous place.

How to work homemade design from banks for catching cockroaches - Video

Option Second: Trap - Bottle

A similar principle of action has a trap - a bottle that takes less space. For its manufacture you will need:

  • empty bottle;
  • paper;
  • glue;
  • brush;
  • sunflower oil;
  • primaka: beer, wine, juice or kefir.

Such a trap should be cleaned regularly, after which it can be reused, pouring a fresh bait.

Please note: a large number of alive insects accumulates inside the traps from the jar or the bottle.

How to catch cockroaches for glue

For the manufacture of glue traps you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • double sided tape;
  • bait.

During the night, many insects will stick to the sticky surface. As soon as their number becomes the maximum, the trap will have to throw away and make a new one.

The adhesive trap can be made from a sheet of cardboard any value.

How to make adhesive trap yourself for cockroaches - video

Poisonous homemade trap with boric acid

The main component of this fund is boric acid. Pillow on its basis leads to the death of an insect, paralyzing its nervous system.

Boric acid sold in a pharmacy

In the manufacture of bait, it is necessary to make it as attractive for cockroaches as possible using additional components.

  1. Boil chicken eggs and remove yolks from them. Split them with a fork, mix with boric powder. From the resulting mass, roll the small balls and spread them in the places of insects.
  2. Boric acid powder Mix with sugar powder in a ratio of 1: 1, then add some vanillina for fragrance. Spread the mixture in the lid or on a saucer, putting them in the kitchen.

The lack of these funds is the neutralization of the effect by water. If the cockroaches who dismissed a poisonous bait will have time to drink even a small amount of fluid, the expected results will not be. Therefore, in advance to take care of dryness of all kitchen surfaces.

Please note: poisonous traps based on boric acid, mixed with products, must be laid out in places inaccessible to children or domestic animals.

You can prepare a bait dangerous for cockroaches using gypsum or alabaster mixed with flour or sugar powder. Finding inside the body, they are frozen, leading an insect to death.

A trap for cockroaches with their own hands is done in a matter of minutes. The processed means are in every house. As a poisoning substance, a cheap, but effective substance is boric acid.

Modern cockroaches are far from those naive creatures that were several decades ago. The baits manage to go around, do not eat powder, chemistry does not take them. It remains to catch! In business stores you can buy a ready-made device and place in the right places. More pleasure delivers a trap for cockroaches with their own hands.

  1. Adhesive - a sticky substance is applied to the base, in the center of the bait. Cockroaches stick, without reaching food.
  2. Poisonous - as a whole resemble a house or a box. Locked a bait with a poison content. Cockroaches eat, smeared, dirty others - chain reaction. As a result, everyone dying.
  3. Electric - the name speaks for itself. At a certain surface to which the current is connected, the bait is stacked. The device turns on. The cockroach begins to crawl, gets a deadly discharge of current. The dead insect highlights the pheromones that act for other conifers better every bait.
  4. Ultrasound - inspirate waves for a person, and for insects - real torment. They do not stand the sound, leave the room.

Make poisonous and glue traps will not be a lot of work. Over electric and ultrasound need to work.

How to make a plastic bottle trap

It will take a bottle of 1.5 l, 2 liters, 2.5 liters. Conditionally divide it into 3 parts, 1/3 of the part along with the neck is cut off. It turns out like watering can.

  • To most of the bottle pour water to half. Throw products that are capable
    Swim on the surface. For example, sausage, cheese, meat. It is desirable that the products are fragrant. After all, they will attract cockroaches in the trap.
  • Sliced \u200b\u200bpart of the bottle is lowered down. Fix around the edges of scotch, so that it does not shift to the side. The edges are lubricated with vegetable oil.
  • The trap put in those places where pests like to be. Near the garbage bucket, under the table, near the sink and so on. On the side of the "ladder" in the form of a wooden pencil, sticks, so that the cockroaches could climb up.

The principle of the trap from the plastic bottle is as follows. Food flavor catches cockroaches, hurry to get to them. They fall into the upper part of the bottle, lubricated with vegetable oil, quickly fall into the water. Back to find them unable. The disadvantage of such a device is the impossibility of spreading a strong smell of bait. Through a narrow neck, only a weak fragrance comes out.

How to make a trap from the jar

The principle of action is similar. But when using cans with a wide neck drawback with the smell is neutralized.

  1. A jar of 0.5 l is lubricated inside with sunflower oil or vaseline. This is done so that the cockroach does not get out.
  2. At the bottom of the banks lay the bait. In this case, it can be anything. Up to Salad Olivier. The main thing is that the smell is strong.
  3. The jar from the outside wrapping a sheet of paper in the form of a cone. The upper part should be well cling to the neck of banks. On paper, pests will be very convenient to climb up.

The advantage of traps from the bank is its large capacity. The disadvantage is the drying of olive oil, vaseline. If you do not follow this, cockroaches will freely get out.

Boric acid trap

  • Cook chicken egg. Use yolks. It is mixed with boric acid, some water is added. Make balls.
  • Boil potatoes in uniforms. It is added to the poison, sour cream, egg. Shape small balls.
  • In meat, stuffing mix boric acid, make balls.

The finished treats lay out simply on the paths where the cockroaches are running or make special houses. As practice shows, pests love to climb in every boxes. You can use the top of the matchbox. Inside put a small ball with poison, put in the desired place. Another option that combines a trap and bait - adhesive tape. Bilateral scotch is folded along the plinths. Lay a bait on it. One part of insects will stick, the other will poison.

You need a cardboard box or a regular sheet. Box to use more convenient because after
filling the trap cockroaches, it will have to take it into hand and throw away.

Main component - double-sided scotch or RATRAP glue. The glue does not dry completely and a layer of sticky mass is created on the surface.

The bottom of the box is covered with a scotch or applied Ratrap. In the corners, in the center of the surface is placed
Edible bait with a strong aromatic smell. It is desirable that there was an egg. The remains of the salad after the feast - fit.

The box is placed in the place where pests were noticed.

On the principle of adhesive mass is made trap from the can. At the bottom of the glass jar, a piece of bread dipped in kefir, egg, a bit of beer is stacked. Outside, turns into paper, so that you can easily drive. The walls from the inside are cooked by vaseline, vegetable oil. Cockroaches are climbed by food, can't get out - can not.

The trap is installed for 2-3 days, then changes. During this time, the oil on the walls of the jar dries.

Another option is to glue a bilateral skot of the plinth, the space near the garbage bucket, sinks and other favorite places of cockroaches.

Poisonous trap of self-preparation

A cardboard box will be required. Make there several holes, slots. Place in the center poisonous substance.

The bait can be made independently. One of the options - to add 5 g of boric acid powder into egg yolk. Near the thin layer of the Dust.

The cockroach crashes inside, eats, dirty, crashes to his relatives. As a result, an imminent death.

Electric trap do it yourself

A purchased trap is a box to which an electric current is connected. When insecting insect, a discharge is produced and kills cockroaches.

You can find a box, take the current and leave uninsulated wiring - too.

However, independent production requires minimal knowledge in the field of electrical compliance with all security measures. Not only cockroaches can suffer, and the owners of the apartment.

Ultrasonic cockroaches repeller do it yourself

Detailed manufacturing instructions can be found on the Internet pages. For the construction you will need:

  • resistors;
  • variable resistor;
  • piezo-emitter;
  • transistors;
  • capacitors;
  • diode;
  • switch;
  • block;
  • glass styling.

If you say these names about something, proceed to business. In another case, it is easier to buy it. The scriber cockroaches will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, and the time will take more.

Trap for cockroaches - the method is not for squeamy! It is easier to prepare it than then throw away alive, semi-shy and dead insects!

If the house in the house there are cockroaches, you can try to make it easier for their destruction yourself. A trap for cockroaches with your own hands is made from the items around us, it is enough to take a jar or a bottle, use the adhesive base and bait, you will get a great device. Of course, in these baits there are advantages and disadvantages, consider them.

Homemade bottle cockroaches

The most common material that is found in every home is a plastic bottle.

For the manufacture of the design, we need an empty bottle of 0.5 to 1.5 liters and bait.

To catch the scabs, use products with an oily sweet smell. It can be a piece or a banana peel, overpire fruit. If insects in your home accumulate near a separate product, use it for bait.

The bait can still serve: fresh onions, beer, operated in milk bread crumpled eggs, egg, silent sunflower oil.

Make a means for catching cockroaches from plastic bottle is very simple:

  1. Cut the top of the bottle.
  2. From it, make the lid, inserting down the neck into the lower part.
  3. Put the bait inside.
  4. Lubricate the walls with sunflower oil or vaseline;
  5. Install the construction in the place of large insect clusters.

By learning the smell of edible, the pests will drive into the trap, but they will not get out of it.

The video shows how students make such devices in their hostel, where the strokes are always a lot:

Trap for cracks from can

A similar device can be made from a glass jar. For this, we will need a bank with a volume of 3 liters, superchalters, paper and scissors, vegetable oil.


  1. Wrap the bank with paper by attaching the last to the neck with the help of glue.
  2. From the inside, smear the can with vegetable oil so that the walls of the dishes become slippery. So the strokes will not be able to get out. Instead of oil can use petroleum or any fat.
  3. At the bottom of the bait.
  4. Install the design in the kitchen and periodically clean it and change the bait.

For the manufacture of such a device takes 15-20 minutes. And if there is no time or means to run to the store for poisons, use homemade fixtures.

Glue trap from cockroaches do it yourself

In stores you can meet. They are cardboard "houses", at the bottom of which the adhesive basis is installed. Casting in the "house", insects stick and can not move further.

The cost of goods in the store fluctuates from 20 to 60 rubles. Depending on the manufacturer. However, you can make such a device from the materials that are in every home:

  • cardboard;
  • sticky glue or bilateral scotch;
  • scissors.

The video shows how to do and what happens in the end:

The procedure for the manufacture is very simple:

  1. Cut the 20x20 cardboard sheet. If you are using a cardboard box, collect it and make a "house" from it.
  2. Cardboard or bottom box lubricate glue. Instead of glue, there may be a sticky tape or bilateral tape. However, choose such materials so that cockroaches, in contact with them, could not get out.
  3. In the center, put food with a strong smell, preferably liquid or viscous. Such a structure allocates the smell longer.
  4. Put the design to the place where the most cockroaches. As insect sticks, replace the devices to new ones.

There is a simpler way to use adhesive base for pests. It is enough to go with scotch all the plinth.

Tracker for cockroaches electric

Electric trap - the last word of technology. It is an electronic device in the form of a bagging box inside, only instead of a poison on the stubs acts a high-voltage charge. The device only works from the network. In this regard, it is better to place it in places where water does not fall.

Make such a device yourself very difficult. To do this, you will have to select a plastic case and put the device into the device that will produce high-voltage current.

Reviews about industrial electric traps contradictory. Some users argue that they are effective and absolutely safe. Others are not satisfied with the high price and inefficiency of the device.

Sergei's review, Kostroma

When cockroaches started in the apartment, we were afraid to use toxic substances. To avoid using poisons, we advised the electric trap. I installed it behind the stove in the kitchen. After 1-2 days, I looked at the result. A certain number of insects was there, but they still remained a lot in the apartment. Apparently, the bait of them were not too attracted.

Review Svetlana, Moscow

They took the e-trap from the neighbors. We installed it in the kitchen and connected to the outlet. After 3 days, looked inside. Cockroaches were really there. After a couple of weeks of application, we noticed that insects were much less. Now we will buy your own thing in the house.

Review Olga, Ufa

The cockroaches were in our country. To lay the bait or poisons there was no possibility, since the cats went everywhere and could eat them. The only way out of the position was the electric trap. With insects, she coped slowly, but right. At least they have become less.

Benefits of such protection

Homemade insect traps have several advantages:

  • effective;
  • affordable;
  • safe;
  • many of them are reusable.

To make a trap, sufficiently infirred materials. Many users doubt the effectiveness of such funds. Of course, poisons allow you to destroy most individuals for 1-2 applications. But if it comes to environmental friendliness, devices made on their own, are much more suitable.

Disadvantages of traps

The main disadvantage of homemade traps is that they are ineffective against large colonies. In this case, catch insects will have long, often rinse devices and change bait.

If we are talking about a large number of pests, it is better to use industrial means. They are aimed at the destruction of a large number of insects, but it is possible to choose a non-toxic option.

What traps are more efficient: home or shop

The question of which designs to use, remains controversial. With a minor number of pests, self-made devices can be applied. Their cost is minimal, but they will not give the rod to multiply.

If a large colony of insects settled in the house, you will have to use industrial traps, as the homemade is unlikely to help. Such devices contain bait with a pronounced smell and chemicals that allow you to catch a significant amount of pests.

Thanks to the huge number of insect-existing chemical means of combating insects, the task of combating cockroaches is not so acute as, say, 30 years ago. All sorts of pencils and powders, velcro and sprays - what is just not. All of them, of course, are quite effective, but not always safe. Their, for example, can eat a pet, and breathe a powder, albeit safe according to the manufacturer ... Nevertheless, there is another fairly efficient and completely safe, provided that the method is careful. Take a look at the scheme:

We have an ordinary multiplier in front of us, turning 220 volts in 1.5 kilovolt. As you can see the scheme is quite simple, does not contain scarce parts and does not require windings of all kinds of high-voltage transformers. How to feed cockroaches with this tension?

To do this, you will have to make a discharge, the design of which is shown in the figure below. For its manufacture, we will need a piece of foil fiberglass of arbitrary sizes (say, 100 x200 mm), where you want to erase two non-cycle rings, as shown in the figure. The high voltage from our multiplier is supplied to them. In the center of the plate you need to drill a hole with a diameter of 20 mm - it will be "input" for cockroaches.

Now, if the cockroach decides to run on the arrester and comes simultaneously on two neighboring tracks, it will certainly fall under high voltage and will be killed. It remains to collect the trap itself. It is a deaf box of insulating material, in the lid of which drilled a hole with a diameter of 2 cm. Cockroaches going on the bait - a piece of bread, moistened with beer. It remains to attach our discharger to the inside of the lid so that the openings coincide.

That's basically it. We put the bait in the box, close the lid and turn on our device into the outlet. The cockroach goes on the smell of beer, wals in the hole and, trying to "go through the ceiling" to the bait, falls under stress. The dead cockroach falls on the bottom of the box, freeing the place next. Your responsibilities only come in the morning shaking killed cockroaches out of the box. Well, of course, do not forget that the "insides" traps are under dangerous voltage, so turn on the device to the network only when the lid is closed.

Attention! The design has direct nutrition from the 220 V network, so during operation on all its elements there is a life-threatening stress. Before any overpass or changing scheme, be sure to disconnect the design from the network!

One of the most unpleasant problems of modern housing with confidence can be called the invasion of cockroaches. Worst of all that these harmful and dangerous insects do not go alone - seeing one pest, you can not even doubt that after some time there will be a mass in the room. So measures should be taken immediately. In the conditions of an apartment or a country house, it is necessary that the tool is effective and safe. A good result in this combination shows traps for cockroaches, you only need to find out what kind it will be suitable in each case.

Types of purchased traps for cockroaches

The principle of the device traps for cockroaches is approximately the same: this is a small box with holes, inside which is a bait to attract an insect.

Cockroaches attracted by the smell of bait fall into a trap through special holes

Different traps by type of influence on insects. In modern stores, they are divided into four main groups: glue, electrical, insecticidal (poisonous) and ultrasound.

When choosing a means it is worth paying attention to the service life: traps are divided into disposable and for repeated use.


Usually this is a set, which includes a cardboard design with a sticky ribbon and a bait-bait. The box must be folded according to the lines designated in the instructions, then remove the protective film with the sticky tape and put inside the tablet.

The finished traps set in places the most likely appearance of cockroaches: the trash can, next to the stove, under the sink or in the lockers with food.

Tablet trap has a smell embarrassing cockroaches

During one night, several dozen insects can be caught in such a trap.

To the positive parties to use adhesive traps belongs:

  • lack of chemicals in the composition, such a trap is usually harmless to humans and animals;
  • price accessibility, glue traps can be attributed to one of the fiscal means of dealing with cockroaches;
  • easy to use.
  1. Disposability. The filled trap to further use is unsuitable. The higher the infection of the room, the more often the traps need to be changed.
  2. The inability to destroy the eggs of the pest.
  3. Lowesthetic appearance. Getting rid of traps and its contents, it is better not to look inside: the dead insects look unpleasantly.

If the disadvantages seemed insignificant in comparison with the main priorities - safety and accessibility, then you can consider the most popular of adhesive traps.

Argus (Argus)

Ideal for use in a medium where the main requirement is increased security. The adhesive trap-house Argus has no smell, does not irritate the skin, non-toxic (even the accidental hitting of its parts in the food harm will not cause).

Argus traps are most safe for people and animals

The composition includes: rubber, polyisobutylene, food bait and mineral oils. Trap domestic production, retail cost of 20 rubles.

Depending on the configuration, the lubricating substance may already be part of the adhesive layer, and an additional measure may be required to attract insects - the remains of animal feed, a small amount of sugar or crumbs of flour products.

When removing a protective ribbon with a sticky layer of argus, it is important to remember that after opening the service life of the adhesive substance is limited by three months.


A little less safe tool than Argus: belongs to the IV hazard class, which means a small degree and lack of the need to use protective gloves. It is characterized by the absence of unpleasant odor, non-toxicity and small cost - from 45 rubles.

Force site set is equipped with a special bait.

The set of force site includes a blanket-house, a liner with a glue base on rubbing and a bait in the form of tablets. Manufacturer - Russia, shelf life is 3 years.

When installing the traps of the force site, it is worth avoiding the sticking layer on clothes and other fabrics - it is very poorly dismissed.


The trap is made in Korea and attributed to the means with minimal toxicity. But it should be borne in mind that in the composition of the active substance - the adhesive mass on the basis of rubber - there is an insekto-rodenticidal agent (chemically toxic substance).

Eco-glue trap involves the use of protective equipment when installing

Complete offers traps-houses and several sheets with a sticky base. Additionally produced kits where the bait is included - tablets containing pheromones.

In multicolored sets there is a bait with attractive pheromones

Eco-glue is usually sold by packages containing at least 4 sets of traps. The cost of one such package is about 150 rubles.

Work with the means of eco-glue is better in protective gloves to prevent the active substance from entering the skin. If it happened, it is necessary to remove the substance with a solvent or vegetable oil, and after washing the skin with water.


This type of trap is made in China and in Russia. The domestic manufacturer of Greenfield LLC indicates that the tool is absolutely harmless, irritating on the skin does not. Precautions listed on the sales sites from the Chinese manufacturer, repeat the recommendations when working with a toxic eco-glue.

To achieve a better result, the manufacturer recommends using several traps at the same time

The cost of packaging is from 30 rubles in the retail network.


Like all glue traps, the obstacle is designed for mechanical destruction of insects. Made from fine cardboard, used at a temperature of +5 ° C to +40 ° C.

Personnel traps can be installed even in a polluted room.

Manufacturer Country: Russia, active ingredient - glue. It remains effective even when dust or moisture is hit. Retail cost is about 75 rubles.

When using adhesive traps it is worth remembering that they cannot be combined with aerosols. The smell of aerosol interrupts the aroma of bait and scares insects from traps.

Video: Efficiency of gels and adhesive bait


Another name is electronic. Most often are metal boxes where the bait is put on. The kit sometimes includes a special brush for cleaning the device.

Despite the way insect destruction, the trap works silently

This type of trap works from the mains, destroying cockroaches with an electric current. Inside the e-trap is a chain, which gives a discharge at certain intervals, thereby killing insects attracted by bait.

To the positive parties to use the electric trap can be attributed:

  1. Ecology. There can be no harmful toxicological effects such a trap, because the chemicals are not included in its composition.
  2. Reparency. To work for a long time and efficiently, it takes from time to time to clean out the remains of insects with a special brush.
  3. Ease of use. The use of electric traps for cockroaches does not require special skills and skills.

The main disadvantages of the device:

  1. Fear of dampness. The trap works from electricity - to prevent closures, you should not post it in places of high humidity.
  2. In the absence of batteries, the presence of an outlet is required.
  3. When used, it is necessary to observe security measures, take care of children and pets.
  4. High price.
  5. Destroys only adult insects, anti-eggs the device is powerless.


Manufacturer - German company ISOTRonic - promises European quality and safety. The device package, except the trap itself, includes three batteries, a cable and a network charger.

Gogreen traps have a nonsense appearance

Unlike glue traps, Gogreen has a large exposure area: about 40 square meters. meters. The average cost of the kit is approximately 4,500 rubles.

Trap ecosnaper

The Chinese manufacturer has set a more budget price for his product: from 2,400 rubles. The kit includes: a shredder, a network adapter and a bag with bait.

Ecosneper batteries are not provided

The manufacturer promises the cost-effective electricity consumption, and in case the bait will end earlier than the premises will be free from the last cockroach, it recommends use to attract insect crumbs of food.

Insecticidal (poisonous)

Poisonous traps contain inside insecticide, which poisons not only seduced by the bait of cockroaches, but also their relatives. The principle of action of such traps is based on a delayed exposure: the insect freely leaves the trap, carrying out poison to the place of cluster of other individuals.

Poison traps are usually made of light plastic

In poison traps, several holes have been made for the smooth entrance and the outlet of the cockroaches. The standard release of such traps is made in the form of a small circle or square, with velcro on the reverse side.

Positive aspects of using insecticidal traps:

  1. Mobility. Such traps do not require nutrition from the power grid, they are small, and with the help of velcro they can be attached to any surface.
  2. Democratic price.
  3. Relative durability - traps retain efficiency for six months.
  4. Aesthetics. You can pick up the trap of the desired color, right up to the coloring "under the laminate".
  5. Easy to use.
  • with careless placement, there may be a danger to children and domestic animals;
  • the visible effect is not manifested immediately;
  • a small area of \u200b\u200bcoverage compared to electric traps.


The design of the trap (intact) eliminates the risk of contact with the active substance. Inside the device are: Primanka, water, glycerin and active ingredient - insecticide chlorpiffos or lambda-cigalotrine.

Traps Raptor are considered one of the most efficient

Now the new dual force is now enjoyed. Filmil and Emmactin gas station, which are dangerous for insects and harmless to people and animals, are taken as active substances.

Novelty Double Force is available in white housing

The cost of funds is from 150 rubles per package with 6 traps inside; The novelty is slightly more expensive - about 175 rubles for 4 traps.

With a large cluster of the cockroaches of the trap, the RAPTER is recommended to change more often than once every six months, because the cockroaches are able to eat the entire bait before the expiration of the efficiency.

Raid Raid

The preparation of systemic exposure, abamectin (insecticide component) is used as a active substance. The trap does not smell, and the bait the upper part is made of transparent plastic for the convenience of controlling its quantity.

RAID traps destroy insects and their larvae

The trap raid destroys the cockroaches and larvae in it, and adult individuals who came into contact with infected insect sterilizes.

The cost of the drug is from 270 rubles for packaging with 4 traps.

The component used in the preparation eliminates the "addictive" cockroaches to the medium. Even insects with so-called high immunity are destroyed.

Combat Superbait (Combat Superbait)

The manufacturer (Korea) promises the complete destruction of the colony of cockroaches within two weeks. The trap includes a new generation insecticide - hydramethylnon, which causes the epidemic and destroys the population along with the offspring.

COMBAT Superbait trap causes the epidemic among cockroaches and completely destroys the whole colony

Duration - up to three months, the trap does not have a poisonous smell and, according to the manufacturer, safe for mammals, even if it is accidentally swallowed.

The cost of funds is approximately 370 rubles per pack containing 6 traps. Packages are manufactured with 4, 6, 8 and 12 discs of different colors.


Domestic production traps are produced in two types: instantaneous poison and classic dohlox traps. Created for use in apartments and catering places.

The instantaneous poison series contains an increased amount of active substance.

Despite the unpleasant odor and IV degree of toxicity (low hazardous), widely used and popular even abroad due to the high efficiency of the means. The actual fipronil destroys cockroaches within two days.

The classic version of the product is produced since 1999 and is still popular

The cost of the classic trap fluctuates in the area of \u200b\u200b90 rubles per package with 6 traps; Instant poison is a bit more expensive - from 120 rubles in the same packaging.

Clean house

Activity traps Clean home does not have a specific smell

The small coverage of the lesion zone (6-15 traps are required for 15 square meters. Meters) and relatively short-term validity period - 1-2 months can be attributed to the consoles.

The cost of packing with 6 traps is about 120 rubles in the retail network.

Ultrasound (scare)

The means is relatively new, on sale appeared relatively recently. The basis of the trap is the principle of operation of repellent waves that generate a device.

The device runs from the electrical network, using ultrasound it should be cast out cockroaches from the territory. Since this type of trap caused a wide interest among manufacturers, in a short time many varieties appeared, which caused rather contradictory reviews from buyers.

The indisputable advantages of using discharge traps can be attributed:

  • durability;
  • clean: The device does not leave stains, as it does not have a bait, and there is no smell.

Supplementary advantages:

  • efficiency;
  • safety in environmental terms;
  • universality: The trap affects all types of insects.
  1. Price. Ultrasound devices are difficult to attribute to budget acquisitions.
  2. Lack of mobility. The device works from the electrical network, which means that there should be a socket. And even if working on batteries, the trap cannot be used in rooms with high humidity.
  3. Danger for domestic pets.
  4. Presuming negative impact on living organisms, including a person.

When using ultrasonic traps, it is important to comply with the instructions in detail.

If you pay attention to the principle of action of the device, then call it "trap" is not entirely correct. The trap attracts cockroaches with the bait, and the ultrasonic device, on the contrary, is intended to scare insects.


The domestic producer is distinguished by an extensive area of \u200b\u200buse (up to 80 square meters) and versatility. The instructions indicate that the frequency of ultrasound will scare not only cockroaches, but also ant.

Trap Typhoon scares not only cockroaches, but also ants

An indisputable advantages include a long cord, which is included in the kit, and rather democratic for the device of this type of type: from 1,000 rubles in the retail network.


This type of discharge is suitable only for non-residential premises (workshops, collectors) or household plots. The manufacturer (Russia) guarantees to get rid of the area with a radius of 1,000 square meters. Meters from any crawling insects, including cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and spiders, as well as excavation and moles.

In the packaging of the trap, hail batteries are usually not included, but their use is provided

The kit includes a network adapter. The device has several modes of operation, it cannot be used in close proximity to people. The maximum degree of approximation should be at least 2.5 meters.

The cost of the device is approximately 4,500 rubles per set.

The best degrees work in the open area. With it, it is possible to displaced the cockroaches, for example, a playground or an elevator mine. But only at night or at such a time when there are no people nearby.


The device is produced in China, but, as indicated in the instructions, the trap is specifically adapted by Russian pests. The tool was created for use in residential premises, eliminates simultaneously from cockroaches, bedbugs and ants.

The model for residential premises is characterized by compact sizes.

This type of repeller automatically changes frequencies, which excludes addictive from pests. The warranty is issued for 5 years, the cost of retail begins from 950 rubles, depending on the model.

Equal instruments have a different effect of exposure: the described model is designed to remove cockroaches and ants, but there are more powerful, eliminating cockroaches and rodents.

Video: Ultrasound dischargers

How to choose a suitable trap

A wide selection of cockroaches traps allows you to choose an effective form and type of product, best suitable for disinfection of a particular room.

When choosing a trap, it is worth considering the following parameters:

  1. The degree of indoor infection. If one random pest caught your eyes, you can limit the minimal measures. But if you are not lucky to enter the apartment and find that it is already sisit of cockroaches, it is better to resort to the most fundamental of the listed funds.
  2. Infection area. As we have already found out, traps differ in the degree of coverage of the territory. A small apartment can be displaced by adhesive traps, and other devices may be required (for example, ultrasonic dischargers) for workshops or large open space.
  3. The presence of children and domestic animals. If it is not possible to limit the presence of children and domestic pets in the infected room, the security principle of the selected fund is very important.
  4. Budget. It is important to remember that traps differ in service life and coverage of the territory. When choosing a budget, it costs to separately pay attention to the package and the number of traps in the package.
  5. Priorities. The popularity of traps allows you to take into account the most different wishes: the appearance of the device, safety in the use, efficiency and rate of insect destruction. Deciding with priorities, you can target traps for each specific case.

Traps for cockroaches do it yourself

Now, when we understood, according to which principle there are main types of traps, you can make them with your own hands at home. It is only necessary to take into account that household products have their indisputable advantages and certain cons.

To the positive parties to the use of homemade traps can be attributed:

  1. Actual free. Usually objects that may be required for self-making traps is always at hand.
  2. Security and reliability. You know exactly what elements were used to create a homemade trap.
  3. Functionality. If you wish, you can make a reusable trap.
  • not the highest efficiency when used against large clusters of cockroaches;
  • energy consumption: the creation of a trap with their own hands takes time and effort.

Adhesive trap

To create homemade glue traps, you will need:

  • cardboard box or cardboard sheet (tight paper), sizes can be selected independently, depending on the desired dimensions of the future trap;
  • viscous long-drying glue or strong bilateral scotch; The selected tool should be so sticky so that the insect could not turn into independently;
  • scissors;
  • wet or viscous food for bait, such a consistency highlights the smell for a long time, so ideal for the chosen target.

Usually listed components are in each apartment. If not, they can be replaced with analogues, but with the mandatory preservation of the necessary qualities.

Step-by-step instruction:

Alternatively, you can simply stick a strong double-sided tape over night along the plinths and in places where cockroaches most often appear.

Video: sticky trap do it yourself

Electric trap

You can make an electric trap yourself, if there is an extension skill on special tiles and skill to solder simple schemes.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Collect multiplier according to the scheme, in accuracy, following the principle of connecting diodes and capacitors.

    The chain converts a current of 220 volts in a half kilovolt, which will be fed on the tracks

  2. On the perimeter of the inner wall (plate from a foil textolite or other metallized plastics), you must neutral on the helix two non-cycle tracks at a distance of 2 mm from each other.

    So as not to redo the plate anew, the tracks are needed very carefully

    Self-assembled device can also be compact

  3. Connect the tracks to the power circuit. Collect the trap into the housing from any insulating material.
  4. The principle of operation of the scheme: the cockroach attracted by the bait runs through the ceiling of the trap body, closes the chain, gets a discharge and falls into the hole, freeing the path for the next. If you make a removable bottom, clean the trap from the remains of killed insects will be easier.
  5. When assembling, installing and cleansing the trap, it is necessary to follow the safety regulations, especially protect against children and inquisitive pets.

As a bait for a homemade electric car, one of the creators of the circuit was used by a pieguish beer or diluted with yeast with a small amount of sugar.

Mechanical traps

The method is characterized by the greatest simplicity and availability in the manufacture, because for the mechanical trap you will need only a bait, some of the vegetable oil and the case.

Depending on what was currently found at hand, the mechanical trap can be made from a glass can or from a plastic bottle.

Domestic trap from banks

Production of traps from banks is carried out at the following steps:

Plastic bottle trap

Plastic bottle trap is prepared as follows:

Mechanical traps made on an ambulance hand rarely look beautiful. Therefore, it is better to put them in places where they do not spoil the interior.

Video: Plastic bottle trap

Poisonous trap

Usually home poisonous traps are made based on boric acid. The advantages of this tool include accessibility and relative efficiency.

When using boric acid, the precautions must be observed

The minuses of use in this case are several:

  • toxicity: Boric acid cannot be used in the presence of children and pets;
  • it is easily neutralized: if the poisoned cockroach is able to get to the water source, boric acid will not destroy it;
  • energy consumption: Boric acid bait made in the form of self-shaped balls with the addition of attractive foods, before use, the room must be completely dried by removing all possible water sources.

Step-by-step instruction:

The resulting mixture is good to add alabastra or gypsum powders. Then the cockroach, coming to the water, will be destroyed after the frosting of the substance in the courses.

Video: Borny balls from cockroaches