The sweetest sweets are sweet. The best varieties of sweet pepper with a photo and descriptions of large varieties of Bulgarian pepper

In any specialized store, not to mention online stores, you can currently purchase various varieties and hybrids of sweet pepper. Plants differ in size and color, aroma and taste, features of development and yield, maturation and requirements of agrotechnology. Before making the final selection of seeds, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Such knowledge allows you to get exactly the result for which gardeners hope. Before describing individual varieties, let's get acquainted with their general main characteristics.

Pepper sweet - choose the best varieties

Very important question. Most gloomy are already knowing that there are varietal and hybrid seeds. What is the difference between them?

The variety is the result of a long selection of the best instances of the plant, while creating is trying not only to increase its yield, but also take into account the cultivation zone. From the fruits of varietal pepper, you can assemble seeds yourself, they retain all properties of precursors.

The hybrid is obtained as a result of crossing various varieties. Plants are distinguished by increased rates of resistance to diseases, yields and taste. Lack of hybrids - it is impossible to collect seeds with fruits, the properties are not transmitted genetically. Hybrid seeds are designated on the F1 packaging, require strict implementation of the recommended rules of agrotechnology.

Selection of pepper seeds by harvest timing

Experienced gardeners recommend choosing pepper seeds with different maturation terms. But you need to perform one condition - not to allow their cross-lying, otherwise it is unknown to anyone, what fruits will grow in the end. In addition, it is impossible to collect seeds from such a crop, it is no longer varietal plants. Place various pepper varieties on the beds remote from each other.

If you have pepper with different maturation terms, it will be possible to have fresh fruits for a long period of time. How are seeds for deadlines?

  1. Earls. Such varieties are recommended to grown in the regions with meek summer. The deadline for aging fruits from the moment of planting seeds within 80 days.
  2. Overhead. Universal use, fruits can be collected approximately 120 days after seeding seeds. You can heal both in beds and in greenhouses or in room conditions.
  3. Late flight. For the ripening of the harvest you will need to expect about 140 days. Only for the greenhouses or the southern regions of our country.

Selection of seeds, taking into account shape, color and sizes

This feature should be paid in cases where you need stuffing pepper as ready meals or only for salads. In the first case, varieties and hybrids, giving fruits with thick walls of the spherical correct shape, should be selected. If there are deviations, then they may be a consequence of the violation of the recommended agrotechnology. In the second case, the form of fruit does not play a decisive role.

Sweet pepper can be a cone-shaped, oval, elongated or almost spherical. The surface is tuberculous and smooth, can have longitudinal ribs or not.

For example, the variety of the ball has round fruits up to 6 cm long, and the variety of a sweet banana and marconi variety give fruit up to 22 cm. There are pepper, similar to a cube (grade) or on the right cone (sort swallow) and so on.

There is no effect on the taste qualities of fruits, choose seeds of such varieties that you personally like. Just need to remember that there are varieties that as ripening can change shades.

Selection of seeds under growth conditions

Peppers love heat, to most of our country they can be grown only indoors or a greenhouse. Pretend to purchase seeds, read the recommended climatic conditions on the packaging and plant growing methods. Only in the greenhouses are grown by Raisa F1, Red Baron F1, these hybrids do not tolerate sharp temperature differences in day and night hours, fear frosts. On open beds and greenhouses you can grow varieties and hybrids of belladonna F1, golden rain.

Biological features of plant development

From the variety of seeds depend on the peculiarities of the vegetation of plants. When choosing seeds of a specific grade, pay attention to the maximum height, the labor costs are largely dependent on the cultivation. And the higher the labor costs, the higher the cost of crop and below profitability. The height of the stem may be within 30-170 centimeters. It should be borne in mind that high plants will have to be tied, and this is quite large time loss, you need to look for various backups and so on.

The second important biological factor - how much time can be saved without loss of initial qualities. The grade of seeds depends on the stability of plants to various pests and diseases. And, of course, the seed variety has a direct impact on the yield.

The best varieties of pepper

The absolute majority of domestic vegetable breeds wish to engage in early varieties, they allow you to collect completely mature fruits. The following hybrids and varieties enjoy the greatest popularity.


Among the dacrooms is a very popular variety, only positive responses. The size of the fruit of the middle category, the weight of about 100 gr., In color is greenish or golden. The pepper has thick walls ≈ 5-7 mm, the taste is sweet, the aroma is minozamen. Form resemble a pulled cone.

Pepper is very popular among farmers, it is easy to care for him, it has quite durable skin, which allows it for a long time to store without deterioration of initial product qualities. The variety has another important commodity advantage - minimal losses during transportation. Such an effect is achieved due to the relatively solid pulp of fruits.

The variety grows on poor soils, it is well tolerate both short-term disadvantage and an oversupply of moisture. But the long lack of moisture becomes the reason for the appearance of a bitter taste of fruits. Ripe fruits can be stored in ordinary conditions up to 3.5 months.


Pretty new grade, the first fruits reach consumer maturity for 102 days after seeding seed into the soil. Before sowing seeds, it is recommended to prepare and soak, the cultivation of seedlings is welcome. At the stage of consumer maturity, the peppers still do not have the qualities that appear after complete ripening, but this harvest can already be implemented. Early pepper is a significant profit for manufacturers. And on the home table, early peppers gives pleasure. Mass up to 130 gr., Fruits are red, narrow, similar to the extended cone. The wall is very thick, while observing agrotechnology can reach 9 mm, inside four, separated by chamber partitions. There are many seeds, you can collect for sowing the next year.

Bushes are grown compactly, which greatly facilitates the care of plants. Pepper Aivengo does not need special tapping, there is no need to artificially form, cut and pinch the stems. The variety has high resistance to many diseases, but reacts poorly to a decrease in temperature. If there are risks of morning frosts in the region, then it is better to grown in greenhouses. The yield with careful care is up to 8 kg from a square meter, it is currently considered an average.

Claudio F1.

Suitable for growing in beds and in greenhouses, early. When growing, the first fruits are removed in 80 days. The fruit has inside four big chambers, in shape resembles a drawn cube. With full maturation, the color is dark red, the taste is sweet. Can use for canning or eating in cheese. The bush is powerful, reprehensible, the leaves are large in size, perfectly protect the earth from drying out and fruits from sunburn. From the bush you can have up to twelve fruit.

Important. To achieve such results, it is mandatory to remove the first marking.

The weight of the fetus is up to 250 gr., Wall thickness up to 14 mm. The variety is perfectly transported, during transporting does not have mechanical damage causeing the rotational type damage and accelerated rotting. The plant can withstand a minor deterioration of the microclimate. To improve the yield and acceleration of the ripening time, the seeds are recommended before soaring, and after the first germs appeared to make the discharge of weakened.

The average gravity rope plant, universal cultivation, shows good crops on the beds and in the greenhouses. The fruit is smooth, it resembles a cut-off cylinder. Fully ripe red fruit, in the form of cylindrical, can be used for canning or cooking fresh salads. By taste, consumers satisfy consumers, the aroma is attributed to the middle category.

Viking - Mid-Sort

Agronomas recommended to plant seedlings in the ground - improved all plants. The height of the bushes is average, support for the stem is not required. It can withstand a decrease in temperature, during this period the vegetation slows down. After an increase in temperature, the growth is completely renewed, negative conditions do not affect the yield. The disadvantages include poor transportability and a short storage time.

Gives guaranteed yields regardless of weather conditions, enjoys well-deserved fame among many vegetables. With a bush, up to 15 fruits are collected, such abundant fruiting requires increased care of the bushes. They need to be configured to support, the first marking is necessarily removed. The height of the bushes can reach 75 cm, but the specific values \u200b\u200bare largely dependent on the soil fertility. The average mass of fruits is 170 gr., Individual instances can reach 250 grams. The form is elongated and narrow, cherry blossom, the taste is sweet, with a pleasant aroma.

Excellent characteristics contribute to improving the sales price, which stimulates farmers to grow this variety. Crispy and juicy flesh, smooth skin. During transportation is almost not damaged, can be transported over long distances by ordinary freight transport. Storage up to 1.5 months, which is considered insufficient.

Marinkin Tag - Sweet Pepper Grade

Atlantic F1.

Superrand hybrid variety, has very large fruit of high consumer qualities. The bushes of the plant approximately 105 cm in height, subject to the rules of agrotechnology, the mass can reach 450 gr. The plant can grow on the beds and in greenhouses with separate heating or without that. The presence of autonomous heating makes it possible to receive a harvest for almost all year round. The hybrid is characterized by increased resistance to many diseases. Such a property can significantly reduce the financial costs of plants protection, the fruits become more environmentally friendly. Requires careful compliance with the recommended agricultural engineering, is very sensitive to irrigation regime. The hybrid does not give seeds, they need to buy only from proven implementers.

The variety is medieval, grows on the beds and in the greenhouses. It is recommended for growing in the middle lane of our country. During the period of technical maturity, the fruit is yellow, in the future becomes red. Technical maturity allows you to start the realization of the crop. At this time, the pepper is well transported and is stored for a long time, but taste quality during the period of technical maturity is slightly lower.

Pepper can be eaten in the cheese or marine. It has a complete set of trace elements necessary for the vital activity of the human body. The seedlings are recommended to grown without dive, during the transplantation, a gentle root system is damaged. After picking, development slows down significantly, the backlog can be up to two weeks.

Video - Sweet Pepper

The largest varieties of sweet peppers are very popular with many dacms and gardeners. The giant fruits not only have good footing and transportation, but also have excellent taste, allowing them to apply them for both salads and for billets.

How to grow big peppers

There are such gorld lovers who can grow large crop of large red peppers from the most common varieties of culture. But there are situations where the seeds of large-scale varieties of sweet pepper, give an unsatisfactory result. In order to obtain the gigantic fruits of this culture, you need to take into account the basic requirements.

Correctly pick up the grade of culture. It is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the region in which the largest variety is expected to land. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the hybrids of sweet pepper varieties that give very large fruits.

Pepper is a cooling culture, so it is necessary to plant it in the middle lane only in the closed soil. The same requirements are also imposed to lighting. If the day in the growing region is short, then you should organize a good backlight.

Some varieties derived specifically for open soil feel well in any soil. Therefore, before planting on your site, large varieties of pepper for open soil, examine all the recommendations of experienced gardens. Selection does not stand still and therefore every year there are many new varieties that can give a large harvest of large, sweet peppers in any conditions.

The execution of all the rules of agrotechnology.No need to forget that the varieties of the largest, red peppers love a lot of moisture. Therefore, if once a week shed a garden with plenty of water, then you can get a good harvest even on Earth.

If the culture grows where strong wind blows, then the earth must be covered with a film so that the wind does not drag the soil. In addition, pepper loves loose, light soils, so the process of loosening should be carried out after each watering.

It is necessary to constantly mulch the wells, to prevent the rapid departure of moisture from the soil, while not to forget constantly, to feed the best varieties of sweet peppers of large-scale. There are varietal cultures that easily carry late irrigation and temperature differences. But if you prefer to plant hybrid varieties, then be careful, they react strongly to late irrigation and feeding.

If you consider all the nuances and follow the rules for care of the culture, then you can be sure that the crop of large, red peppers of the giants will please you. But there are cultures that have the weight of the fetus reaches 850 g, but it is worth noting that the fruit weighing 200 g is also considered large enough. If you want to get fruit giants, then let's look at the largest and early grades of sweet pepper.

Important! If there is no experience in growing sweet, the largest pepper, then it is better to read the appropriate literature and consult with gardeners.


This is a group of high-yielding hybrids that can give a big harvest all season. For this, there is one important condition - it is necessary to plant these cultures only in heated greenhouses. If the plot is equipped with a greenhouse or a simple greenhouse, then it is better to give preference to the rapid large varieties of sweet pepper.

Bourges F1

Early hybrid, which, with technical ripeness, has a green color. Maturation occurs on 115 days after planting seedlings. Biological ripeness for 140 days, yellow fruits. This is a tall hybrid. If it is planted into the heated towel, the height of the bush can reach three meters, but in simple greenhouse growth decreases much. The fruits themselves are very dense, smooth, severe in the form of the right cube. The weight of one fetus reaches up to 250 g, the walls of the fruit are very tasty, fleshy. This culture has features:

  • a bush withstands a larger load, up to 40 fruits;
  • gives uniform processes and stepsing;
  • resistant to diseases;
  • excellent quality of taste;
  • the fruit is very fragrant.

This culture requires special care, garters, and steaming. On 1m 2, no more than 3 bushes are planted.


Large variety of sweet pepper, medium, with good yield. Already 120 days after germination, you can remove the first harvest. Biological maturity comes to 150 days. The bushes grow up to three meters in winter greenhouses, when landing in a greenhouse can reach to one and a half meters. The bush itself has a thick foliage - a powerful, tall plant. This culture is demanding of disembarking density. So that the fruiting is abundant and not interrupted throughout the season, then you need to plant no more than three bushes on the meter. The fruits are large in the form of a cube, with a thick wall of up to 8 mm. From one square meter you can get up to 19 kg of fruits. Features of the largest varieties of pepper:

  • fruit all season;
  • does not get a tobacco mosaic virus;
  • magnificent fragrance and taste;
  • not afraid of temperature drop.

The fruits of a large-scale hybrid "Boatman" in the period of full ripening becomes bright red. It has good fierce and steady, to transport.

Grenader F1.

The hybrid has medium ripeness, with high yield. Biological ripeness comes to 160 days. A bush grows up to two meters high, while it needs to be formed, as it gives a lot of steps. The landing density is three bushes on the meter of the Earth, only so you can get a high harvest. The fetus in the form of a prism with a long nose, and the mass of up to 650 is achieved. This large-scale variety of sweet pepper has a wall thickness of 1 cm. The variety has its advantages:

  • good yield;
  • superbly transported;
  • well kept;
  • early begins to bloom;
  • fruits with excellent taste and aroma.

Now it is worth considering the major varieties of pepper for open soil, and universal cultivation.

Growing pepper in open soil

There are varieties that are taken specifically for open soil, while they can be grown in a greenhouse and in a greenhouse. Early varieties of pepper with large fruits that can be grown in the open ground a lot. Experts are constantly working to bring all new cultures that can be adapted for any conditions.

All cultures of large, red pepper for open ground Radial. The culture is planted in an open ground when a third real leaflet appears on a sapling. Despite the fact that the early large varieties of peppers are adapted to weather conditions and temperature drops, they need special care for them:

  • shading in the bright sun;
  • timely watering;
  • constant feeding;
  • soil looser after each watering.

If you follow all of the above, you can get a very good crop of large red pepper in the open soil.

Claudio F1.

Can be grown in any conditions. One bush can give about 10-12 peppers. The quality of taste in fruits is very high, while they have a magnificent aroma. Already 70 days after disembarkation, you can get the first harvest - fruit weighing 260 g. Peppers in the form of an elongated cube, red. Culture has a powerful stem that is able to withstand the load of several largest peppers. The foliage is sufficiently thick, which is a plus in the case of growing in the open soil - it protects the fruits from the soaring sun. Features of the hybrid:

  • resistant to various viruses;
  • not afraid of burns from the sun;
  • well tolerate temperature differences, even critical.

The wall thickness of the mature pepper exceeds one centimeter, while the grade has good fierce and can be transported.

Quadro Ed

The best variety of sweet cooler peppers, which is derived by the breeders of Siberia. Fruits weighing 350 g, cubic form. It can grow both in greenhouses and greenhouses and in the open soil. A large-scale, early grade, which is good fruit throughout the season. This variety has a very high grade - 60 cm. But on this chickener, up to 15 large fruits can form. Cuboid pepper bright red color. From one square meter of the square you can get up to 3 kg of harvest. In order for the culture well fruiting, you need to constantly remove the ripe fruit and steaming, forming a bush. The plant loves moisture very much and responds well on the introduction of complex fertilizers. The plant is grown, living directly to the ground.

Gemini F1.

Large variety of pepper for open soil, which can withstand a large number of fruits on the bush. Large fruit weighing up to 400 g, while at the bush at the same time up to 10 peppers are formed. The first fruits can be removed by 75 days of disembarking seeds in the ground. This hybrid was brought out in Holland, and it has a mass gain:

  • even in difficult weather conditions can be adapted and bringing a large harvest;
  • can grow in all conditions, whether it is a greenhouse, or an open soil;
  • a lot of fruits are formed on the bush;
  • the fruit walls are very fleshy and with good taste;
  • not subject to various diseases.

This large-fashioned variety of pepper is grown by a seedler. In the middle regions, living seeds in early February. Despite the fact that breeders took care that the culture is well tolerated the lack of light, but it is necessary to water regularly and abundantly, otherwise the harvest you will not see.

The bush is not high, while it is well tolerates high yield and strong fruit education. There is no need for constant stepsing, and the formation of the bush. It is good for feeding and making fertilizers. The first harvest can be removed in early August. You can store for a long time in the cool basement.

King Kong

This best variety of sweet varnish peppers launched American scholars breeders. Rannel culture, which gives a crop on 90 days after sowing. The variety has its own characteristics:

  • vintage high and stable;
  • fruits juicy, fleshy, tasty;
  • it is not afraid of temperature drops, even critical;
  • good characteristics during transportation;
  • resistance to diseases.

Bush strabamy, compact up to 70 cm high. Fruits are large, cuboid, which can reach up to 600 g. The bright red color of the fetus attracts attention, while it has a wall with a thickness of 1 cm. The length of each fetus reaches 16-18 cm. Since the bush forms many large, fleshy fruits, then disembarking Must be up to 4 bushes per square meter. It is worth noting that if breaking the escape, it will grow very quickly. The variety is universal, it can be planted in both open ground and in greenhouses.


There are hybrids that have long been on the market and have proven themselves over time.

California miracle

Sweet, medieval variety, which is characterized by medium height of cooks. The crop gives for 120 days from the date of seeding. Cuboid fruits are very large, reaches 160 g. The wall thickness reaches 0.8 cm.

Peto Miracle

A large bush height in 1 m, with fruits up to 800 g and 25-30 cm long, fruits can be red or yellow with excellent taste and aroma.


Early large-scale variety of sweet pepper. The first harvest can be tried on 100 days after sowing. The fruits achieve 500 g, while the wall thickness is equal to centimeter. It can grow both in the closed soil and open-air.

Many are afraid to suck peppers of large varieties, believing that it is not for them. But do not be afraid, they require not such a big care. It is enough to remove shoots in time, forming a bush, watered well and feed. Some varieties require a mandatory garter.

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Sweet pepper, which is called Bulgarian, came from Latin America, where it is a perennial plant. However, in the territory of Russia, pepper can be grown for several years only in room conditions. With a decrease in temperature to 0 degrees, it dies.

Seeds of Bulgarian Pepper

Pepper fruits are false hollow berries with a large number of seeds attached to the walls. Bulgarian pepper seeds round, flat, light yellow, with a diameter of about 3 mm.

All varieties of this vegetable self-polls, so it is possible to grow them in open ground and greenhouses. For cultivation in a closed ground, only early grades are chosen. They are preferred in the northern regions. In the south and in medium latitudes you can grow varieties and hybrids of all maturation terms. This allows you to extend the use of useful and delicious vegetables. Bees partially spend pollination of peppers, so bitter and sweet varieties are not planted nearby.

The pepper bush can reach height from 20 cm to 1 m 20 cm. For growing in the open ground in the zone of risky agriculture, it is better to choose the lowest grades, grow tall in the greenhouse.

The mass of one fetus for different varieties is very different: from 100 g to 500 g. At the time of biological maturity, they can be light yellow, bright yellow, red, purple, chocolate, brown.

During the period of technical ripeness, peppers can be light green or dark green. In such a state, they are suitable in food, but the seeds are collected in a state of biological ripeness.

Good all the time of day!

The time is approaching when it comes to plant seed seeds. This, of course, concerns those who independently deal with its breeding.

Among the most popular plants that are planted annually on seedlings are. The people there are such an expression "What a seed, such and a tribe", and here, what seeds will be acquiring, such a harvest and you will get.

Or grow so much that it is enough and to work out and to prepare for the winter, or only you will spend the time in vain. And instead of red, yellow and orange fruits you will receive only a sheaf of green tops. No one wants it, so before proceeding to landing, it is worthy of good landing material.

What varieties prefer to plant gardeners, for which regions and how, in the open ground or to the greenhouses - about all this and will be told in this article.

After the seedlings of pepper comes in growth, it is necessary at the right time to plant or in open soil, or to a greenhouse. This time depends on the variety. In general, more than 800 of a wide variety of species are known. You can grow them in both the middle lane of Russia and in more northern and harsh climate areas.

Currently, it is not at all difficult to choose them for different climatic zones of our big country. Let's look at some interesting species intended for landing in open soil.


This is a hybrid. Refers to the group of Dutch ruler of cultures. It is early, the period from aging seedlings to landing into the ground is 80 days. It is possible to grow it in greenhouse conditions. It has a powerful straight stem, middleweight bushes. Fruits of bright red color, weighing 200-250 g.

One of the advantages of this species is its high yield. It has a good taste, it is capable of adapting to different climatic conditions. When transporting does not deteriorate. Used both in fresh and canned form.


California Pepper or California Miracle, Popular among Gardeners. This is not a hybrid, namely the grade. It was led by another 100 years ago in California, from which it was called.

The height of the bush is average - up to 75 cm. It can be grown not only in the open ground, but also in closed.

In terms of maturation is the average, the crop gives 120 days after seed germination. At the stage of technical ripening, the fruits are green, and after 20 days they become red, yellow or orange. Experienced gardeners are recommended for obtaining a large harvest to remove the fruits at the stage of technical maturation, i.e. Green.

Resistant to adverse environmental conditions. It can grow well and with lack of lighting. The fruits are large, weighing up to 150. During technical ripening, the wall reaches thickness to 6 mm, and with full maturation - up to 12 mm.


It is medium-gray, grown in open ground. It has an average height, the yield ranges from 9 to 20 kg from a square meter. Fruits in the stage of technical ripeness are greenish-white, and in biological - red. The mass of fruits can be up to 85 g, the wall thickness is up to 6 mm.

Shoots usually appear for 1-15 days, seedlings are planted when its age reaches 10 weeks. Since it is planted in open soil, it is necessary to ensure that freezers are no longer. If you sit in non-heated greenhouses, then it is done in mid-May.

The arsenal is used both in latest form and for marination, stuffing, and.

Bariums Rog.

Pepper Barium Rog, unlike other sweet fellow, is sharp. Therefore, it is more grown by fans of this kind of garden culture.

The plant is Italian origin, is a medium impact. The timing of its ripening is up to 140 days.

A bush is a strambed look, medium spreading. Height - up to 60 cm, but when growing in greenhouses can reach 1 meter. Therefore, requires garter.

The fruits are small, elongated in the form of a raggy horns, from where it went this name. In length, they reach 35 cm, the mass of 35. During the ripening period, the fruits can change the color from green to yellow and under the end of maturation becomes red. The yield is up to 3 kg from a square meter.

Pepper is used primarily as a seasoning and. It can be knocked out and grind it. This species is suitable for preservation.


This is a small variety fetus. Named, because it is well suited for stuffing, like a Turkish dish.

Fruits are small to 9 cm long and up to 6 cm in diameter, i.e., almost square.

It has a medium ripening period, a semisteby view. The fruit itself is a bit of a bit down, in the technical stage, light green, in biological - light red.

You can use and as fresh cuts, but it is best for stuffing.


Another magnificent variety, which many consider the perfect, famous for their high crops and incomparable taste.

Its yield can reach from 10 to 14 kg from a square meter. It is secondary and fruit can be collected after four months. The plant is high and empty.

Ripe boxes have a yellow color and reach a mass of up to 240 g, the walls have a thickness of 0.7 cm. The taste is good, you can use both in latest form and for canning.

From the early and ultra-art species ripening in the open soil up to 100 days after the appearance of germs, I would like to note such a variety as Pinocchio.

The fruits ripen in 88 days. The bush is high, stretched, weaker, semi-penerminant. The fruits are large, when ripening, acquire a dark green color. The fruit mass reaches up to 120 g, the wall thickness is 0.6 cm. The yield is up to 13.4 kg from 1 m².

Well suitable for use in fresh form.

For lovers of thick-walled varieties, you can advise such a variety as Golden miracle.

It is middle-air, height is also medium, bush half science. Fruits with biological ripening have a dark yellow color. The mass of the fetus reaches up to 185, the wall thickness is 0.7 cm. The taste is quite good, the yield can reach up to 3 kg with 1 m².

This species is ideal for use both in fresh form and in a canned form.

Products of pepper seeds for conventional greenhouses and greenboat greenhouses

Here I will give examples of several varieties that grow best in any shelters, such as greenhouses and film greenhouses.

And now, many have and greenhouses from polycarbonate, in which you can plant seedlings earlier than in ordinary greenhouses. And as a result for two or three weeks you can earlier, you can get faster yields.


Immediately it is worth noting that it is a hybrid. What features does he have?

It is secondary, the dates of ripening are 130-135 days. Custracy bushes, reaches a height to 1.5 m. Fruits reach the mass of 500 g and have red or yellow. They are elongated, up to 30 cm long. Sweet taste, you can collect up to 3 kg.

It can be used both in a fresh form for salads or sideboards, and in pickled, for the preparation of various snacks for the winter.


The full name of the Palanichko Miracle.

This name is not accidental, it has a high yield, excellent taste, great fruit. They reach a length of 17 cm, width 5-7 cm, and weigh up to 150 g, the thickness of the fetal walls is up to 0.8 cm. Palanichko is medium-gray, its yield is more than 6 kg from one square meter, so it is necessary to be tested.

It is used in the fresh form, and in canned.


Pepper is hybrid, grown in a greenhouse, but you can try to plant it and in the open ground. It is a rash high-yielding and thick-walled. Ripening takes place on 60 days after disembarking seedlings in the ground. The bushes are quite powerful, the average.

Resistant to disease and moves well climate change. Gives a good harvest early spring.

The fruits weigh up to 200 g, the taste without bitterness, the wall thickness reaches up to 9 mm. The yield is good - up to 10 kg with 1 sq.m.


This variety is the most popular of those that are grown in greenhouses. It has a very high yield that can reach up to 8 kg with 1 sq.m. It is sufficiently resistant to various diseases and, which is very important, unpretentious when growing.

Bushes reach a height of up to 65 cm, but they are rapidly rarely. The fruits of conesoid, weighing up to 100 g, the color is salad, golden, red. The wall thickness is small - up to 0.7 cm.

Belozerka is used, based on its fragrant taste and in fresh form, and when conservation.


This species is early and high-yield. The bush reaches a height of up to 80 cm, the average, compact.

Ripening fruit occurs 120 days after germination. The yield is also good - up to 10 kg from a square meter. The thickness of the pepper wall reaches 5-7 mm. During the period of technical ripeness, the fruits are dark green, and during the period of biological - bright red.

Seedlings are resistant to temperature drops, steady plant and diseases. However, it is possible to watering and lighting. The only thing that can be amazed is a vertex rot.

The best varieties of seeds for the middle strip of Russia

The average strip of Russia - the region in its climatic characteristics is somewhat more favorable for the cultivation of pepper than other regions (excluding southern).

The choice of varieties of pepper for cultivation in the middle strip of Russia is quite large and diverse. Here I will give only a few most popular.


This is an average variety that matures 4 months after germination of seeds. The bush has medium sizes up to 80 cm height.

Sustainable weather changes, diseases. In the first spring month, the plant must be fed. But the most amazing thing in it is its large weight of up to 100 g of purple fruit. This color makes it with something similar to eggplant. Peel is thin but durable, taste gentle and sweet. Collect from 1 square. Meter can be up to 7 kg of harvest.


Early variety, resistant to temperature differences and various diseases. The mediterranean bush, up to 75 cm high. The fruits have red and weigh about 160 grams.

The pulp of juicy fruit, thick walls. The yield is about 6 kg from square. meter.

Well suitable for use in the fresh form, especially if you cut into the salad with rings, which is indicated on the package.


Early, time of ripening from shooting and before the crop is 4 months. The bush is powerful. The plant is steadily climatic drops, rarely sick.

Fruits achieve weight until 160, the walls are thick, the flesh is juicy and fragrant. Yield is up to 6 kg from square. meter. Plants need to water in a timely manner.


This species is characterized by early maturity and high harvest. It is grown mainly in greenhouses, where even two meters of height can reach. Therefore, the plant must be taught. The variety must be abundantly and regularly water. A complete ripening process is about 110 days. The color of the fruit is red or dark green with thick walls of about 10 mm.

With proper care from the bush, you can remove with a dozen fruit.


Another option that is characterized by purple painting fruit. It is therefore called black cardinal.

It is early and low. Vintage can be removed after 90 days. From one square meter you can collect a dozen and a half of black peppers. This will be approximately 10 kg. Motherland of Pepper Italy. Sustainable for diseases and climate drops. Fruits are well stored and resistant to transportation.

With proper care, the fruit can weigh until 250 g.

In this list, you can bring more quite a lot of varied varieties. According to experienced gardeners, if you find it difficult to choose a few immediately. And then decide what you like more.

And of course, learn the characteristics of those species that have already been planted, compare the seats of those who gave a good harvest.

Tolstone varieties derived specifically for Siberia

Siberia is a fairly severe edge and, it would seem that you can grow there. Summer is short, more often cold. However, here you can grow a good harvest. In this region, the pepper is mainly grown, of course in the greenhouse.

In addition, the best views are precisely early peppers that have pretty decent dimensions and weight of the fetus, as well as thick and dense walls.

Firstborn Siberia.

This early grade is derived specifically for this region. It is a disease resistant. The fruits are bright red, a length of 8-9 cm. The fruit wall is dense, the thickness is 5 mm. Mass reaches 45-75 g.

The time of ripening is up to 145 days. You can grow a plant both in greenhouses and in the open soil. Seedlings in the ground is best to plant aged 55 days. The bushes reach a height of 45 cm, they are weakly dismantuous and firm. With good care, you can get up to 9-12 kg from one square meter.


Another special variety specially derived for Siberia, from where his name is.

Seeds of this species are sown in February, and after two months, the appeared sprouts can be planted in a greenhouse. Another days after 100 it will be possible to remove the first harvest. Bushes reach a height of up to 100 cm. Fruits weigh about 60 g. The thickness is from 4 to 6 mm. An yield from a square meter can reach 4 kg.

Sweet chocolate

An interesting view that attracts attention to the color of fruits. They, as they say in the title, brown, well, just like chocolate.

Sweet chocolate is planted, which is an early, in the open soil. When changing in weather conditions it must be stolen. Bushes reach a height of up to 80 cm. The fruit is quite thick-walled - 6 mm. Seeds are common usually in March-April, and planted in an open soil in May-June.

Vintage can be collected from the end of July.


Mid-line view. The height of the bush reaches an average of 60 centimeters.

The yield is good, with one square meter gives 6-7 kilograms, and it is even with bad conditions. Fruits are large, red, weigh up to 150. Maturation occurs on 115-118 days. Grow the best symbiry in heated greenhouses.

Golden Taurus

It is early, grown in open soil, and in a greenhouse. It has good taste.

Fruit color bright orange. The thickness reaches up to 1 cm. The mass of fruits 200-250 g. With a bush, the height of which is 75 cm, you can remove up to 15 fruits. The bushes themselves are average. Fruits of large size.

In addition to the above species, such hybrids are also intended for Siberia as Grenada F1, Casablanca F1, Flamenco F1 and Orange Bull F1

What varieties of Bulgarian pepper is better to plant in the suburbs

Moscow region, the region, although not so warm, is still not quite stern climate. It is possible to grow and the middle-timed peppers can be grown, but it is better to start with early varieties.

Pinocchio F1

A characteristic view of early ripening. Vintage can be removed after 90 days. The plant is average. Fruits are formed on the branches up to 17-19 cm long. The color is bloody red. Pepper is fine-core - 5 mm. However, it is quite dense, which helps peppers to keep up to two months.

First of all, peppers are grown for canning.

Winnie the Pooh

This is our Russian pepper, bred back in 1981. The bushes are low to 40 cm. The leaves are not enough, so the fruits ripen directly under the sun. They are small to 70, the wall thickness is 5 mm.

The yield is high enough, with a bush can be removed 1 kg. Speaks the same harvest for 110 days, matures at the same time. And the harvest can be collected two or three times per season.

The peel is dense enough, so it does not deteriate during transportation.

And finally a view with such a wonderful and speaking name Health.

Also, early grade with good yield. From one square meter you can collect up to 5 kg. Fruits are tied even under adverse conditions. This is its feature. The plant is not scary bad lighting, excessive moisture or, on the contrary, drought.

A bush tall from 1.5 to 1.7 meters. Template, steaming and formation of the bush in 1-2 stems are needed. Fruits weigh from 40 to 70 grams. To increase the yield, the fruits can be removed in the stage of technical ripeness - green.

The best varieties giving good yields for the south of Russia

The south of Russia, of course, the most favorable region is not only for growing peppers, but also other cultures. But, if we talk about pepper, then among many varieties I especially want to allocate such as a red elephant, stepashka, swallow, big mom, etc.

Red Elephant

This is a medieval view that matures 110 days after sowing. The bushes are powerful, semi-science, reaches a height of up to 0.9 m.

The fruits are dark red, weigh to 150, the thickness of the fetus wall is about 5 mm. Fruits are used in both fresh and conservation. From one square meter you can remove up to 7 kg.


An early variety, gives a harvest after 130 days. Maturation occurs simultaneously. Plant and in the open soil, and in the greenhouse.

To get a good harvest, a bush must be created correctly. First of all, it is necessary to remove all the leaves to the first branch. A bush grows up to 60 cm., Well-woofed. Salad fruit coloring, they can have 70 g, and the wall thickness is up to 5 mm.

Video about what kind of pepper varieties are the most yields

About what kind of yields of pepper varieties can be planted on their own site, describes the video below. The southern region is considered. It also describes how the advantages of hybrids in relation to ordinary garden species.

And also about what kind of crop can be obtained from those or other seeds, if you put them on the street into an open ground, or to a greenhouse. Of course, if we talk about greenhouses, then if you have it from polycarbonate, then the seedlings will grow in it more quickly, and as a result of the crop will also be soon.

As you managed to notice, here it is also told about the varieties already discussed above, and there are also new ones, which are also very interested.

Very interesting moment, which is near the peppers and other grazers, such as tomatoes and eggplants, is recommended to plant a basil. This will reduce their incidence and stimulate growth.

When buying any seeds, pay attention to the information on the package: the view and grade of the plant, the party number, the year of collection, the quantity or mass of seeds, germination. Separately, the pre-sowing measures should be indicated. It can be processing with drugs with the addition of trace elements for better growth, or fungicides, pesticides.

So, the plasma treated, the seeds are most resistant to diseases and as a result of more crop.

Communicate with sellers and consultants and recognize the maximum information from them. Get a good planting material and get excellent yields.

Good luck to you!

Sweet pepper is considered one of the favorite crops grown by independently on the garden. This vegetable is equally good in any form. And to successfully grow rare peppers in the open soil and collect a rich harvest you can, correctly choosing its variety. It is necessary to pay attention to such indicators:

  1. Ripening period.
  2. Taste.
  3. Mass of fruits.
  4. Number of crop.
  5. Susceptibility to diseases and adverse factors.

The choice of a certain variety depends on the personal preferences of a person, however, for most dachensi, it is precisely the ripening period.

Comment! The most popular rapid varieties in which fruits with fleshy walls are most popular.

Why the early grades are popular

Through the term of growth and ripening of fruits is the main criterion of popularity. From the moment of the appearance of sprouts and before harvesting, on average, it takes 85-125 days. Of course, it is necessary to understand that it is possible to achieve the desired result only under the optimal conditions of the content to which include:

  • favorable climate;
  • sufficient amount of moisture;
  • suitable soil;
  • lack of pests and diseases.

Today, probably there is no dacha, which would not try to express sweet pepper on an open garden. Early varieties of this culture are characterized by good tolerance and resistance to the influence of external factors. And new varieties relating to cold-resistant, have good protection against a number of diseases. Almost all the varieties of early grades have a neat bush, followed by easy to care for. The list of the most arrogant early varieties of Bulgarian pepper.

The most famous

The choice of varieties of early sweet pepper, capable of giveing \u200b\u200ba harvest before others. There are successful, early grades of this vegetable, in which all qualities are perfectly combined. And now we will tell you in detail about the most popular varieties.


Perhaps this variety can be confidently called the most popular and common rapid pepper representative. At low bushes are elongated fruits resembling a cone. This rapid grade is distinguished by a light harvest color, which ranges from light green to a white and yellow shade. Estimal fruits rarely weigh 120 g, which indicates a small size of peppers. The walls of the lumina of the middle thickness, 0.5 cm. The aroma of the fruits of this variety is poorly expressed, and the taste is sweet.

Farmers and dacities are happy to grow this early kind of sweet pepper in the open ground. It will be fruitful even in Spartan, arid conditions.

Tip! With a lack of water, Lumina can become bitter and acute taste.


The best early grades of fragrant pepper for open soil can be safely attributed to this species. It completely matures after 4 months. But, in food you can use earlier, a little unworthy fruit. In this case, they will not have a bright sweet taste and characteristic flavor, and their color will be almost white. Mature fruits have an orange or reddish color, the elongated shape of these peppers resembles a cone. Their weight does not exceed 120 g, and the walls are quite meaty. The cavity of the peppers is divided into partitions into separate chambers with a variety of seeds. Low bushes have a neat form. It makes care and harvesting with a light occupation. This raven variety is very resistant to diseases.

Tip! Drought or excess moisture reduce the harvest to a minimum.

Marinkin tongue

Early grade for growing in the open ground, originally from Ukraine, is characterized by rich harvest and enviable endurance. This often serves as a decisive factor in selection of a variety of sweet peppers. Bushes are hung with fruits and it directly indicates the need to trigger each bustle to the support. The height of the plants of this variety does not exceed 70 cm. The red-brown fruits of the medium size have an elongated, sickle shape and sweet taste. The walls are thick, however, this value goes to a decline near the base.


This sweet pepper is especially loved by everyone for the ratio to the earliest varieties of pepper for open soil. Triton is perfectly withstanding bad weather and is advantageously highlighted by a high harvest. The weight of each pepper rarely reaches 150 g, but one bush can have up to 40 fruits. Similar to bloated cone Peppers have a red or red-yellow color. Their flesh is juicy, with a characteristic aroma and a slightly sweet taste.

Important! Be sure to remove the first marking. Only so you can get a rich harvest.

Atlantic F1.

The major fruits of this variety of early pepper for open soil ripen among the first. At high bushes capable of growing up to a height meter, weighted sweet pepper fruits are located, similar to barrels. They have pretty thick walls and bright taste. Not susceptible to diseases.


On the bushes of the middle height, sweet pepper reaches maturity for 120 days after the appearance of sprouts on the outdoor ground. Scarlet fruits, similar to a stretched pyramid, are not distinguished by a lot of weight. This variety is referred to ideal species that combines a thin fragrance and exquisite, sweet taste. The crop is small, only 2 kg, but the quality exceeds all expectations. This is said even the name of the variety.


The harvest of this early grade is collected 3 months after landing. Small fruits similar to the red cone, grow on the bushes of medium height. Perfectly feels in the open soil and does not require special attention.

Lemon miracle

The first sprouts of this early sweet pepper appeared on the beds? Perfectly! Check the day in the calendar, and boldly count 115 days. Exactly there remains time before harvesting. In the high bushes grow small yellow peppers resembling a rectangle. The weight of each pepper rarely reaches 200 g. This early grade for open soil is not whimsical to weather conditions and is resistant to a number of diseases.

Latino F1.

After 108 days, the crop of sweet pepper Latino F1 is beginning to be removed, relating to early grades. On high bushes, fleshy red peppers are growing, similar to small cubes. In ideal conditions of growth in the open ground, are able to give up to 14 kg of harvest for each square.

Prince silver

You can try this pen after 3.5 months after the appearance of sprouts. On neat bushes, not higher than 75 cm, small scarlet sweet peppers grow, the shape of which resembles a cone. This early grade, as well as tenderness, is referred to ideal species. Under the optimal growth conditions in the open soil, you can easily assemble up to 3 kg of fruits from each bush. The plant is immune to diseases.

California miracle

An extraordinarily popular early grade of Bulgarian pepper for open soil in gobby. A bright sweet taste and a drinking fragrance conquered many hearts. Grow 15-16 light red sweaty peppers on the bushes.


Early sort of sweet pepper, which is part of a large collection of Siberian species. At low bushes, trembling pits grow densely. The main difference of the early grade is a rich harvest, grown in the open ground.


Collection of ripe sweet fruits of red and green can be started in 95 days. Mustive raised rapid pits resembling a prism, on high bushes.

Sweet Funtik

Dark-red rapid sweet found peppers having a cone shape grow on low bushes.

Red Square

This is an early grade of pepper, which will delight sweet taste for the third month after disembarking into an open ground. The low-speed plant, rarely reaching 80 cm, has quite severe cubic form fruits. You can eat this vegetable in 2 months after landing when they are still green. The rapid sweet pepper for open soil is painted in bright red. Different varieties of high immunity to diseases.


A neat low bush will be ready to please the early harvest of 16-18 sweet peppers in 4 months, and they are conventionally mature they are considered a month earlier. Each pen has a bizarre form and reaches 180. The tobacco mosaic and verticillosis is immune to diseases.


The sprouts planted in the open soil are more like a living flower-vegetable composition. The classic kind of sweet peppers conquered not one heart of the garden. Punched fruits form unusual beams similar to the inflorescences of futuristic colors.


Classic species Heavy sweet red peppers grow on high, branched bushes. Sweet and fragrant peppers during conditional maturity, have a bright green color. One square of the open soil can bring up to 11 kg of sweet pepper. The variety does not require special conditions and care, as well as immune to many diseases.


Among the many varieties of the breeding vegetable, this early variety can be used for the unusual arrangement of sweet pepper barriers. They grow up. Each pen has a heart shape. Fragrant and unusually delicious thin-skinned sweet peppercores are painted in a thick green color, and after complete ripening, a scarlet shade is acquired. Vintage can be started to collect after 110 days of growth. These are rather tall plants, besides the branches half lying on the garden. Under the optimal conditions of detention, one square meter will easily give up to 11 kg of sweet pepper.

About all the varieties of this cult tell unreal. There are still suitable early varieties of Bulgarian pepper for open soil:

Apricot Favorite.

A rich harvest of the rarely sweet pepper of this species is growing on compact bushes. Each pen will weigh no more than 100 g.


Very juicy and delicious sweet fruits of this early grade can be started to collect in 3.5 months. They are their appearance, remind small red cubes. The plant copes perfectly with various pests and diseases.

Big Papa

Highlights raging varieties unusual color of fruits. Inkful-purple fleshy sweet pepses are small and rarely weighed more than 100 g. There is always a large harvest of sweet pepper for open soil Big Dad delights gardeners from year to year.


The name speaks for itself. Large heavy fruits of saturated lemon color grow on small bushes. The weight of every sweet breeding fetus with ease reaches 500 g. It tastes neutral, but it is this vegetable that matures all of all in the garden.

Finding the desired variety of peppers, you can get a good harvest in your garden.

How to grow sweet peppers on open bed

Observing simple rules, you can grow an excellent sweet harvest even in the conditions of open soil. These recommendations must be used by gloomy, which cannot be constantly in the country.

Among the useful tips there are such.

  • Choose the open sections of the garden for landing, because early grades love the sun.
  • Sugglock is suitable for landing, and light black soil will be the perfect place for the list of bed.
  • You can plant seeds, but no need. You can spend time and get nothing. It is better to use seedlings.
  • Be sure to temper the young piglets before meeting with open soil.
  • The last decade of May is the optimal period for landing seedlings in open ground.
  • Water the plants with water room temperature.
  • Do not forget about timely feeding.
  • All high plants need to be configured.
  • Under the conditions of open soil, the early grades of peppers will be subjected to attacks of pests and all sorts of diseases. Follow the appearance of the plant.

Let's summarize

The raven sweet look in the open ground can easily be raised in various climatic zones. A large collection of early cold-resistant colds is suitable for growing not only in regions with temperate climates, but also in more severe areas. Thanks to its colors and a whole set of useful elements, sweet peppers takes far from last on our table. It is equally good in any form. Get a rich harvest on the outdoor ground, self-cultivating this vegetable on your garden, it is quite possible. The main thing is to comply with all the recommendations and cultivation technologies. Be consistent in your actions and then any early varieties for open soil will delight from year to year juicy, sweet harvest.

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