To take reporting to statistics. Statistical reporting: why and where to take

All major actions that are committed by government instances are subject to fixation in statistics. It has a written view of a special form. This allows you to somewhat understand how much the instance works and how many people are drawn by any other fact. A similar situation occurs in companies with IP status.

A distinctive feature of the transitions from the previous OKVED code to the new, federal observations on cost and release, as well as the abolition of alcohol form. In such reports now you need to specify the code of economic activity. And there is a question about the transitional period.

And now the accountant does not need to constantly update data on details and watch changes in the current legislation. Independently install updates or affix automatic updates. If an accountant allows an error, the system will not give the reporting. Also, the service will tell me how to act in this situation.

Which organs seem

By general rules All such reports are provided to the territorial body of Rosstat at the place of registration or location of the company or an individual entrepreneur.

In other companies, reporting is not provided. The exceptions are state funds, pension and social.


There are several forms for reporting for statistics.

Penalties for untimely reporting in statistics


Other entrepreneurs also do not pass such forms. If the company provides a paid service to an individual, then they pass the form of P. periodicity directly depends on the average number of specialists.

If more than 15 people are a monthly provision. If less, then it is provided quarterly.

Statistical reporting is given only to one body - Rosstat, namely, its territorial units. Divisions are divided into cities or regions. For example, there is a branch of Rosstat in Moscow and the Moscow region cities (Elektrostal, Odintsovo). The statistical reporting of Rosstat collects monthly, quarterly and sometimes annually in order to make a certain kind of statistics on business and business activity in the past time (month, year). On the basis of this statistics, the budget of our country can be made, decisions may be made to reduce taxes, etc. Information and analytical agencies can also use this statistic. Yes, and you can see it for your needs - just go to the official website of Rosstat. Imagine that you sell children's goods and your the target audience - Young mothers. On the Rosstat website you can find information about the birth rate of twenty-thirty years ago (will show how many potential mothers are now). Plus you can view birth information over the past year and predict for yourself sales market.

Who gives reporting to Rosstat

To take statistical reporting in the general case:

  • Russian organizations (LLC, JSC, PJSC, etc.);
  • Separate divisions of Russian organizations where inpatient jobs have been created;
  • Russian entrepreneurs (IP);
  • Russian branches of foreign companies.

However, it is not always that or another LLC falls under the duty by passing statistics. It all depends on the type of sampling, which is established in relation to the separate reporting form. There are two types of sampling: solid observation and selective observation.

Solid and selective observation

The responsibility for the delivery of this or that form of statistical reporting may be distributed to all representatives of the Group (for example, all LLC, all IP) and selective representatives (who chose Rosstat himself). For example, according to the results of 2015. All IPs that were registered at that time were obliged to pass into the territorial body of statistics reporting on their activities. Without looking at that, this activity was actually either no. Otherwise - fine.

To find out if your Ltd. has been enabled or IP on the list of those who should pass statistical reporting must be done as follows:

  • Call or contact the territorial authority Rosstat at the place of your residence (IP) or registration (LLC). The address can be viewed on the Rosstat website;
  • Check yourself on;
  • Check yourself on the site

It is only bad that the territorial authorities of Rosstat are not always information about the selected LLC and IP on their sites, and sometimes they are simply limited to sending letters by Russian Post. Knowing how the Russian Post works, letters reach the addressee not always.

Statistical reporting of small and microenterprises

Small and micro-enterprises - who belongs to them? Your LLC or IP must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. The number of employees - up to 15 (100) a person for micro and (small) enterprises, respectively.
  2. Revenues for tax accounting for the year - up to 120 (800) million rubles.

If you feel about small or microenterprise, then you practically do not need to take statistical reporting. The overwhelming part of the statistical reporting does not surrender to small and microbusiness.

Forms of statistical reporting

All forms of statistical reporting for LLC and IP can be found on the Rosstat website, as well as in the territorial body of Rosstat.

Statistical reporting in 2017 delivery time

The deadlines for the commissioning of statistical reporting will also be divided into one form or another. They can be monthly, quarterly, annual or even every five years. At the form of each form, the term of her delivery to Rosstat is indicated. The main term of delivery is March 31 of the current year for the previous reporting year.

Mandatory statistical reporting Ltd.

Each LLC is obliged to maintain accounting and tax accounting. This duty arises from LLC from the moment of registration in the tax and ends at the time of liquidation, i.e. Exceptions from the register. All tax reports of Ltd. surrenders to the tax, PFR, FSS. However, once a year each LLC is balance according to accounting data. Even if there was no activity, the "zero" balance is rented. Where to pass the balance?

  1. In tax.
  2. In Rosstat.

Therefore, all LLC, even zero and related to the microbusiness, it is necessary to pass the balance in Rosstat every year. Term - until March 31. Thus, the balance for 2016 had to be passed until March 31, 2017. Balance for 2017 should be passed on time until March 31, 2018.

How to pass statistical reporting

Little competently compile statistical reporting. It is still necessary to pass. For this there are four ways:

  1. Personally, you as CEO LLC or an individual entrepreneur in the territorial body Rosstat statistical reporting printed on paper.
  2. Similar to the first option, but you discharge the power of attorney on another person and the reporting has already redemed. Save time, strength and, most importantly, nerves.
  3. Post office. The main thing is to come out.
  4. The simplest, understandable and pleasant option - via the Internet. More precisely with the help of EDS ( electronically digital signature). It can be released by a company that is engaged in keeping accounting at small businesses.

A plus last option The fact that Rosstat in response to the statistical reporting sent on the EDS sent confirmation that the reporting was obtained and that it is correct.

Responsibility for the nonstunation of statistical reporting

So, you did not pass the statements or handed over it with errors. They did not know, forgot ... What threatens?

  1. Ltd. - fine from 20 thousand rubles. up to 70 thousand rubles. If violated for the second time - from 100 thousand rubles. up to 150 thousand rubles. Plus, the CEO separately will pay a fine of 10 thousand rubles a fine. up to 20 thousand rubles. (from 30 thousand rubles. up to 50 thousand rubles. for a repeated violation).
  2. IP - a fine of 10 thousand rubles. up to 20 thousand rubles. From 30 thousand rubles. up to 50 thousand rubles, if violated not for the first time.
  3. On Sweet - Ltd. or IP should reimburse Rosstat's damage that arose due to the need to correct the distorted reporting data. How he will be considered - remains a mystery.

Statistical reporting is a totality of data that entrepreneurs and organizations are obliged to provide statistical state authorities. Such information is submitted necessarily and has a clearly defined form.

There are two types of statistical research - solid and selective. As a result of a continuous surveillance, the report is submitted by all the subjects that fall under it, and specifically certain lines. Selective allows the statistics authority to make a study by independently determining the object.

Who is submitted

All business entities are divided into individual entrepreneurs and organizations (legal entities). The latter, in turn, also have species defined by the legislation. Most often, the classification is carried out depending on the size of production.

According to these criteria, enterprises are divided into:

  • small;
  • medium;
  • large.

Separately allocate individualswho are engaged in entrepreneurial activities. This is the main classification, depending on which the type of reporting forms is determined and the frequency of their provision is determined, however, it does not act as the only criterion.

Factors that are taken into account, a lot. Among them: activity, revenue, license availability, etc. Briefly consider gradation on the main criterion.

Individual entrepreneurs (IP)

Legislation obliges individual entrepreneurs report to statistical authorities every 5 years. The statistical report is simplified, because IP is not obliged to keep accounting. Accordingly, such information is not going and is not accumulated by Rosstat.

Small organizations

Federal Law "On the Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in Russian Federation"Sets the requirements of statistical accounting for this category. It is also envisaged to conduct research of two types: by solid and selective observations. The first of them are held every 5 years, which simplifies the reporting system.

As for selective observations, the Federal Law is provided two sampling options And, accordingly, the provision of reporting is monthly and quarterly.

Reporting is formed using data that concern the company's accounting and indicators profitability or unprofitability of its activities.

Middle and large

The statements of medium-sized companies use the same law as to small. This means that the observation frequency is unchanged, however, the list of information that is applied is expanded.

Large enterprises include those that exceed 2 billion rubles, and the number of employees is more than 100 people. Reporting frequency depends on its form. For example, Form NP-3 contains indicators of financial condition, is drawn up every month and is submitted to the controlled body no later than the 28th day following the accounting month.

With regard to information about wages Employees by profession and posts, then such information filled in the appropriate form is provided once every 2 years.

There are many forms of accounting for large enterprises. This is due primarily to the larger, the number of subordinates, as well as a huge spectrum of classes.


As for the remaining business entities that were not taken into account above, they are obliged to send data to statistical authorities only after receiving a written request.

Where and how to serve

Many questions arise after the form of statistical accounting is filled. It is important to know that the reporting is submitted to the territorial division of Rosstat, which operates in each of the administrative units of the federation.

There are several feed options, including:

  1. Personally (by providing a paper carrier for the location of the organ).
  2. By mail.
  3. Electronically (by filling out a special form on the unit's website).

Penalties and regulations

For violations of filing statistical data, an administrative penalty is envisaged. Responsibility is provided for by Article 13.19 of the Code. Legislation also allocates several forms of such an offense:

  • failure to provide data, or providing a violation of the order;
  • untimely provision;
  • submission of data that are unreliable.

The question with the definition of which of the data is unreliable, is solved by the Regulations on the conditions for the provision of primary statistical data. It is established that unreliable is the information that is filled with a violation of existing instructions, has errors that are logical and arithmetic.

COAP determines the size of a fine that hesitates from 10 000 to 20 000 rubles For officials, and for legal accounts amounts to from 20,000 to 70 000 rubles. With a repeated violation, the penalty is significantly increased and amounts to from 30 000 to 50 000 rubles for official I. 100 000 - 150 000 rubles - legal entities.

How to determine reporting forms with OKPO

All reporting forms that are used to observe are approved by Rosstat. Business entities can get common access to any of them, but this is not a necessity, because their number and composition is determined for each enterprise separately.

To find out whether the company needs to submit reporting for the period in two ways:

  1. Alone (on the official website).
  2. After receiving a notification letter (Rosstat is obliged to direct the official letter, which contains the necessary form to fill).

You can independently define such a list using. To do this, it is necessary to open the federal site of Rosstat and enter an individual number in the appropriate line.

If the start of the code is zeros, they are unnecessary. A list with forms that will be provided on request is open and updated weekly.

Another opportunity - information and reference system "My Reporting". This resource allows legal entities using the OKPO code to learn the list of necessary staticforms.

Additionally, it is possible to obtain the full name of the form, the strings in which the report must be filed and the periodicity of changes.

Search services

In addition to the official resource of Rosstat, there are several other sites that provide information on statistical reporting. One of them is

The service is easy enough to use, you can get the result in a couple of minutes. Developers provide the opportunity to choose a category to which the company belongs to its activities. The list of forms can be adjusted depending on the characteristics of the enterprise or entrepreneur.

Innovations 2018

In 2018, the reporting of reporting in statistics was changed. Now the Rosstat authorities decided to join reporting and increase their number.

Read more about the reporting in the funds - on this video.

Rosstat examines economic indicators and is waiting for statistical reports from entrepreneurs. Large enterprises are reported regularly, and a micro and small business - if it gets into the sample of Rosstat. That is why you could never encounter this report.

How to determine what you feel about micro and small businesses

  • The share of other large enterprises in your LLC does not exceed 25% of the authorized capital.
  • For microenterprises: the number of employees is not more than 15 people and revenues per year - a maximum of 120 million rubles.
  • For small enterprises: the average number of employees is not more than 100 people and revenues per year - a maximum of 800 million rubles.

Micro or small enterprises are reported to Rosstat only at its request.

If you doubt, find yourself on the INN in the registry on the tax site. Your data should be written "Micro-Enterprise" or "Small Enterprise".

How to find out what you need to report

Rosstat sends the requirement to the IP registration address or register LLC. The letter applies the form of a report and filling instructions.

You can also check yourself.

  1. Find yourself on the Rosstat website: specify the INN and in the "Notifications Type" field, select "Notification for legal entities"- If you have a Ltd.," notice for individual entrepreneurs, heads of peasant (farms) "- if you are IP.
  2. If you see "the forms of statistical reports not found" - nothing to take this year. And if a table "List of forms" appears, it means you need to send the reports specified in it.
  3. Download the report you need on the Rosstat website and check with the conditions under which you need to pass. You do not need to report if you do not fall under these conditions and in the rules of filling out the report says that "in the absence of an event, the report on the form is not provided." Such reports include, for example, 4 ° C and 2-TP.

In addition to reporting in the list, all Ltd. rent an annual balance sheet to Rosstat - until March 31.

Micro-enterprises from the sample reported once a year, and small businesses are monthly or quarterly depending on the form of reporting.

A year later, the sample of Rosstat will be updated. This means that you will again have to find out whether you need to report.

How to pass a report

Rosstat may ask different reports, it depends on the type and size of the business. If you received a mail request, you will find a report and instruction in the letter. You can also download fit form On the Rosstat website.

Reporting in Rosstat is more like a questionnaire. Therefore, it is easy to fill it yourself. Ready Report Submit to your separation of Rosstat. The address can be found on the website: Choose your region in the section "Territorial bodies of the Federal State Statistics Service" at the bottom of the page. If it is impossible to go to Rosstat personally, send a report by a valuable letter with the description of the investment or in in electronic format through the Internet.

Through the Elbe you can prepare and send accounts to Rosstat. This is a mandatory report for all LLC, which must be passed until March 31. One copy you give tax, and the second is Rosstat.

What will happen if not to report

Many people think that the reports in Rosstat are not necessarily. But it is not.

Article 13.19 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation establishes fines for those who have not passed the report or indicated incorrect information in it:

  • for IP or director of LLC - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles,
  • for LLC - from 20,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Useful to remember

  1. Micro and small business is reported to Rosstat only on demand.
  2. Types and deadlines depend on what you do.
  3. This does not apply to the accounting reports that all LLC are obliged to pass to Rosstat - regardless of whether they received the requirement or not.
  4. Check out on the Rosstat website, whether statistical reports are waiting for you this year.
  5. Download the report and instructions for filling out the Rosstat website.
  6. Do not ignore the requirements of Rosstat. For non-love of reporting, rather big fines are threatened.

Rosstat - The Federal State Statistics Service - collects official information on the demographic, social, economic and environmental situation in Russia and on the basis of the collected information forms statistical reports. This service also controls all state statistical activities in Russia. Domestic entrepreneurs have responsibilities for renting regular reports.

Order and deadlines for reporting in Rosstat for IP in 2018

For businessmen, reporting in the statistics service is required in the following cases:

  • every 5 years, when all microenterprises are reported;
  • by direct request from Rosstat.

Submit the requested reporting in the statistical service should all individual entrepreneurs. In other words, these obligations are applied both by entrepreneurs who use the labor of employees and on the PI, working without attracting personnel.

Individual entrepreneurs are obliged to take reporting at the request of Rosstat on time

The last massive passing of statistical reporting on microenterprises was held in 2017, thus in 2018 individual entrepreneurs To take statistics reporting, only if an appropriate requirement was obtained. Their Rosstat usually sends by mail by registered mail. According to the statistics service, approximately 1% of small businesses from all over the country fall into selective observation. The deadlines for the delivery of reports (year, quarter or month) are indicated in the same notice.

In the period between solid observations, surveys of small enterprises, microenterprises and individual entrepreneurs on a single-scale basis are carried out (according to the rules approved by the Government Decree of 16.02.2008 No. 79). For this, a stratified random sample is used. And then the data obtained applies to the entire general totality of enterprises and entrepreneurs.

In the selective set of organizations and IPs involved in all existing species Activities. So there is more chances to get into the sample in those who lead the atypical, rare view Activities. Or who is atponed on some sign. For example, according to the volume of revenues or the number of employees. The probability of contacting such unusual firms is actually equal to 100%.

This is how the request from Rosstat on the provision of reporting looks

Enterprises falling into a sample for collecting statistical data, the service determines independently in accordance with the existing approved work plans of Rosstat for the near future.

Consider reporting personally, by normal or email. It is important to note that Rosstat guarantees all respondents the confidentiality of data and the protection of information provided by the participants, and also excludes the transfer of any information to the tax authorities or other government instances and controlling structures.

Form forms forms in Rosstat for IP

Forms of reporting Rosstat sent individual entrepreneurs independently.Together with the forms are sent and instructions on how to correctly fill out.

You can find out the exact list of reporting provided by sending an electronic request through the feedback form on the Rosstat website to the relevant regional office of statistics service. To obtain forms forms of reporting and recommendations for filling them, it is convenient to use the site what to take to Rosstat. The portal contains 22 forms of reporting for individual entrepreneurs, of which are 17 per annum, 2 quarterly and 3 monthly. The most common are forms 1-PP, 1-IP (trade) and 1-IP (services). Forms themselves, their correct name, as well as the delivery time is easy to find on the website of the statistical statistics on the Internet.

Table: Forms of reporting 1-PP in Rosstat in 2018

The form Name Who passes Dates of delivery (year next for the reporting) OKud.
1-IP Information about the activities of the IP All entrepreneurs not occupied in agriculture until March 2 0601018
1-IP (trade) Information about the activities of the IP retail Entrepreneurs engaged in retail until October 17 0614019
1-IP (services) Details about volume paid servicesrendered to the population of IP Entrepreneurs engaged in the provision of services to the population until October 17 0609709

In addition, there are also more specific forms that provide, for example, information about the protection of atmospheric air (2-TP (air)), information on the activities of the travel company (), various forms for the IP agriculture (, 2-farmer, 3-farmer) and others. For IP, which also apply to small businesses, a separate form under the name MP (micro) is a nature, collecting information on the production of microenterprise any products. Such a form surreated to the 4th day of the month following the reporting.

You can download the sample design of the form 1-IP by reference.

Reports to Rosstat for IP without workers

As mentioned above, reporting in the statistics service is given only at the request of Rosstat itself. To check whether you should provide something in Rosstat this year, it is recommended to use the form of forming notifications on the official website of the statistics service.By completing one of the details in the form fields (OKPO, INN, OGRN), you will receive on the issue page either the number of some of the reporting forms that you need to fill out and send to the Regional Office of the Rosstat service, or just a form if this year you do not You need to pass any reports.

Video: An example of using the formation of notifications on the Rosstat website

Forms of reporting may differ depending on the type of activity of an individual entrepreneur and from whether he has employees, therefore, to obtain the most reliable information about the reports required with the IP, we recommend contacting Rosstat directly.

What threatens hope of reporting

Responsibility for non-love of reporting in Rosstat or for the message of distorted or false information was seriously tightened back in 2016. Such a violation is classified as administrative, and the penalty for it for an individual entrepreneur today ranges from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. However, for the first time, the entrepreneur may be separated by a warning.

When repetition of such actions, according to Article 13.19 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, the IP penalty will be from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Reporting for Rosstat Individual Entrepreneurs are required not to pass as often, but the fines for evading this duty are essential. To avoid contradictions with Russian legislation and regulatory authorities, IP is recommended to adhere to the recommended reporting rules. All required forms, as well as instructions for filling Rosstat sewing independently.