Suffler instructions for use. Humaths - fertilizers in agriculture

The drug includes a complex of humic compounds and fulvocoslot with phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and microelements. In turn, all these substances have a positive effect on, and floral cultures.

Sodium Gumat: Description and Composition

Sodium humate is a salt of humic acid. IN Ancient Egypt This substance was used as a means for. Then this process took place almost completely without human participation. The Nile River, coming out of his shores the nearby soil, and after the water supply, it was covered with a layer of fertile ral.

To date, brown coal, waste production of paper and alcohol, are used to obtain sodium humate. Also, sodium humate as fertilizer is produced and organic. It is a product of the livelihoods of California worms, although the usual are also capable of producing this substance.

The formation process of the humat sodium is quite simple:invertebrates absorb various organic waste, which after processing in the intestines turn into fertilizer.

The initial consistency of sodium humate is a black powder that can be dissolved in water. But also there is a liquid humat sodium. It is worth saying that humic acids in dry form are quite poorly absorbed due to their small solubility. Therefore, using such a stimulator of plant growth, as sodium humat is desirable to prefer its use in a liquid state.

Speaking about the composition of the humat sodium should be isolated by the main active substance - sodium salts of humic acids. Acids are complex substances of organic origin. They contain more than twenty amino acids, carbohydrates, proteins and several tuban substances. In addition, acid is the source of wax, fats and lignin. All this is the remains of overloading organic.

Useful properties of sodium humate for plants

Numerous studies have shown that the substances contained in the fertilizer of sodium humate have a positive effect on. The humats contain organic salts that activate the supply of plants by all the necessary trace elements. In turn, these trace elements stimulate the development of plants and increase their immunity.

It was also noted that sodium humate reduces up to 50% the need of plants in, as well as 15-20% increase yields. it organic fertilizer Restores chemical I. physical properties Soil, which in turn increases the resistance of plants to radionuclides and nitrates.

Undercalinking the humate sodium provides:

  • Increase in the number of biologically active components in plants
  • The best survival and germination when processing roots and before landing
  • Accumulation of vitamins I. useful substances in vegetables I.
  • Increase the yield and acceleration of maturation

Did you know? The fact of the positive impact of the humat sodium on the development of plants was first established at the end of the XIX century. After that, he found confirmation in many scientific papers.

How to breed humat sodium, application instructions for plants

Sodium humate, used for or other plants, is best absorbed by them through the roots. To facilitate this process, it is necessary to prepare a special solution for. For its preparation, you need to take one tablespoon of humate, which is then dissolved in a declined water bucket. It is also necessary to mention that before applying the humat sodium, the plant should be gradually committed to such fertilizer.
So, after the transplantation of the plant, during the adaptation period, it is recommended to pour 0.5 liters of solution into the soil. Then, during the period when buds are formed and bloom, the dosage of the drug must be brought to one liter.

Important! Sodium humat can be used to detoxify the soil. In this case, the dosage is 50 grams of sodium humat for every 10 square meters of soil.

For processing seeds

Sodium humate for seed treatment is used in a proportion of 0.5 grams per liter of water.In order to accurately measure the comprehensive substance, you can use a conventional teaspoon. The volume of standard teaspoon is 3 grams. Based on this, a half-graph is 1/3 teaspoon. It is better to stock large volume of substance, for this you need to dissolve 1 gram of humate in two liters of water. To prepare such a composition, you can take the usual one, and then, if necessary, take a solution for treating seeds.
Sodium humate becomes liquid, and the instruction on the use of such fertilizer humat sodium is quite simple: the seeds are soaked in the ponded solution for two days (seeds of cucumbers and colors - for a day). After that, it will only remain well dry them.

Did you know? To process one hectare of land, you need only 200 milliliters humate sodium.

For polivov

Often, sodium humate solution is used on the initial period, the application interval is 10-14 days. At the beginning of the dose on one plant is 0.5 liters, after that it is brought to one liter. It is recommended to water the lined with a humate immediately after landing or a few days later. The second watering is carried out during the bootonization period, and the third - during flowering.

For the preparation of the solution you need to take one tablespoon of sodium humat and dissolve it in 10 liters warm water. It is better to take a small amount of water with a temperature of approximately + 50 ° C. Humat is poured into it and is carefully stirred. Later, the remaining fluid volume fills. Sodium liquid humate has a limited application, which is one month.All this time it needs to be stored in a dark, cool place.

Important! Incruitment of humate is necessary right under the root of the plant.

As fertilizer

In this case, the concentration of the substance must be somewhat smaller. First of all, sodium humat is used for extractive feeding, that is, for spraying. This method has an advantage, because in this case the leaf plates are wetted, and all the useful substances are absorbed on the surface of the sheet, and actively enter the plant.

At the same time, the solution consumption is significantly reduced, since you do not need to carry buckets throughout the garden. It is especially convenient to use sodium humat for spraying tomato. Preparation of the spraying solution implies the breeding of three grams of humate in 10 liters of water.

Soil treatment with sodium humate

Sodium humate solution allows you to improve the quality of the soil, as well as to conduct detoxification. To do this, it is necessary to scatter 50 grams of humate on an area of \u200b\u200b10 square meters. For the convenience of the distribution of the substance on this area, it can be pre-mixed with sand. After processing the soil you need to explode with the help of a boiler or robble.
Also if mixed sodium humate with ashes and sand, and then scatter this powder in the snow in early spring, then you prepare a garden to subsequent sowing. Snow will begin to melt much faster, and you will only have to cover this place with a film and soil will be ready for landing.

Soil fertility is directly related to the content in it organic compounds - Gumus. Humata helps to fill the complex of nutrients. Humat potassium is considered to be in demand fertilizer in this group, he is in selling with instructions for use, with detailed description Content and storage rules.

Pears spraying during flowering

Thanks to the activities of soil microorganisms, the decay products of organic substances form humus - the nutrient layer of the soil, without which it is impossible to grow abundant and delicious yields. Humaths are a famous fertilizer, or rather a whole group of drugs for garden cropsProven thanks to the efficiency, availability and ease of use.

The raw material serves manure, peat, il, coal, plant residues - completely eco-friendly materials.

Most often, nutritional compositions are obtained from oxidized brown coal, as it contains 85% of humic substances. Fertilizers produce ballast and fearless. The first form is intended for stimulating the growth of seedlings and strengthening garden crops, and the second is more proud. On this functions of humic drugs are not limited, so it is necessary to call them fertilizers with the reservation. Humaths are rather a bioactivator with a wide action.

The two main groups of humic fertilizers are humate sodium and potassium. There is no fundamental difference between two varieties. Potash funds are popular due to a wide range of action, but both types are considered interchangeable.

Why do you need a humate potassium?

Before getting to get acquainted with the characteristic and purpose, you need to remember that this is an environmentally friendly activator that helps reduce the share of harmful impurities in fruits and soil. Cultures, regularly equipped with a nutrient solution, actively grow and give the most useful crop.

Potassium humate for plants - nutritional composition, 80% consisting of humic acids. The rest includes amino acids, various enzymes, peptides, antibiotics, growth activators.

Main objectives:

  1. Improving physical I. chemical characteristics Soil, restoration of its nutritional functions.
  2. Reducing the acidity of soil and enhancing the action of the organic.
  3. Reducing the flow rate of nitrogen feeding up to 50%.
  4. An increase in the efficiency of herbicidal, insecticidal and fungicidal actionNeutralization of their toxic influence.
  5. Growing healthy and environmentally friendly plants. Improving not only taste, but also external characteristics fruit.
  6. Increasing the sustainability of landings to adverse conditions, in particular to negative temperatures.
  7. Strengthening the root system, restoring damaged roots in seedlings.
  8. Increased content in the yield of nutrients: vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates.
  9. Reducing the content in the soil and fruits of heavy metals and other harmful impurities, including nitrates.

The introduction of a substance in poor soil contributes to the development of the necessary microflora, significantly increases the yield of cultures in the first year. The plants are strengthened by immunity, the roots become stronger, the crop is longer stored and is better transported.

Methods of application and standards

To know exactly what the drug is used, you need to explore the instructions for use. Each will indicate that the main action is the optimization of the composition of the soil and improved yield.


The effect of humate in the greenhouse conditions is several times higher than in the open soil.

The maximum result is achieved when used on sand and heavy clay, lime and alkaline areas with minimal iron content. Chernozems already rich nutrient substancesTherefore, there will be no tangible effect.

The opinion of agronomas about humats in the video.

For ease of use manufacturers produce different forms Fertilizers:

Analogues of Potassium Humat - Sufler, Athlete and Other Preparations

Fertilizer comes on sale pure formand with the addition of other substances necessary for the active development of cultures. Sufler - concentrate with the basis of humic sapropel. In its composition, the ideal proportions of all necessary organic and minerals. Suitable for soaking seeds, root and leaf feeding. Flakes of 250 and 500 ml are received on sale. Shelf life of 2 years at temperatures from -20 ° C to + 30 ° C. The "Sufler" line includes organo-mineral fertilizers for colors, vegetable and fruit and berry landings.

Dosage Fertilizer "Sufler"

Humaths can be supplemented with valuable mineral substances. Famous complex with iodine - "Humat + 7 iod".

Humine potash and sodium mixtures can be replaced with similar bioactive preparations. These fertilizers include:

  • gumifield growth stimulator;
  • the growth regulator "Atlet" is successfully used to grow seedlings;
  • the preparation "heteroaceksin" is one of the most powerful growth activators, requires an accurate dosage;
  • phitogormonal preparation based on the Gibbersib sodium salts complex.

Instructions for use: how to breed and use

Powder, liquid concentrate is bred in water room temperature. The liquid composition can be prepared independently of the granules, gel, or purchase ready. The solution based on the powder will contain particles, so before spraying it is better to defend 1-2 days, then strain through the gauze. The concentration specified by the manufacturer cannot be increased in order not to harm landings.

Spraying of tomatoes with a cooked solution

Soaking seeds and tubers

Recommended dosages for different crops are indicated on the packaging. For soaking seeds and bulbs before planting, 1 \\ 3 tbsp should be diluted. l. Liquid complex in 1 liter of water. In the solution, the landing material is placed on 1-3 days.

Duration of soaking:

  • potato tubers - 12 hours;
  • tomato seeds - 72 hours;
  • cabbage - 48 hours;
  • seeds of other vegetables - 24 hours;
  • strenches before landing - 20-24 hours.

Norms feeding for strawberries, vegetables, fruit

What to bother with humic fertilizer? Liquid preparations can water home flowers and garden, designed for cutting. Good respond to the fertilizer of soil by the humate potassium potatoes, carrots, beets and other root. For extractive spraying, a weak solution of 3 g of powder on 10 liters of water is prepared. At 100 m² of the spraying area is sufficient to 1.5-3 liters of solution.

The deadlines for making humic drugs and their approximate dosage for popular fruit and berry and vegetable crops:

  1. The fertilizer of strawberries is carried out in several stages. First, the soil is preparing for planting, then the culture is watered to improve the growing vegetation and fruiting, and in the fall prepared for the winter. Solution for watering 5 m 2: 10 ml of liquid means on 10 liters of water.
  2. Vegetable crops are fed before sowing and during vegetation. The optimal amount of irrigation over the growth period is 6 times. For carrots, zucchini, beets and cabbage, peppers are enough 5 treatments for the season.
  3. Saplings fruit-berry plants Proceed with solution when landing. They are sprayed for additional nutrition. Feeding is carried out before the start of flowering in spring period. The concentration of the solution for irrigation is 100 ml on 10 liters of water. This quantity is enough to process 1 m 2 plot.

Video about feeding tomatoes nutritious solution.

Humat potassium for active growth of indoor flowers

The use of humic composition applies to indoor and garden flowers. Dust is held in the spring every two weeks. For the season, there are 3-5 irons. A solution for processing colors is prepared from 100 ml of liquid preparation and 10 liters of water. For room colors, humic additives are extremely necessary due to the impossibility of the formation of humus in a pot. To home flower Actively grew and beautifully bloomed, it will take a spraying of the leaves with a solution of 75 ml of liquid humate potassium per 1 liter of water. From March to September, processing is carried out every 15 days.

Knowing, home lemon, persimmon, coffee tree, flowerflowers are definitely held in its arsenal it is a nutrient.

Compatibility with fertilizers

Precautions in the use of humic fertilizers:

  1. It is not recommended to parallel to fertilize the soil with humats and drugs with phosphorus content. This leads to the formation of insoluble compounds. The combination with Kaliivny Selutyra is also harmful. The minimum interval between the contribution of humate and fertilizer is 5 days. With organic and nitric mineral compositions, the use of humates is allowed.
  2. For annual plants The use of an eco-friendly activator is advisable before the start of the bootonization.

To grow even a small harvest, gardeners have to work. The use of drugs based on humic substances solves many agrotechnical problems from improving the composition of the soil to increasing the yield of vegetable and fruit and berry plants. Humine complexes are widely used both on industrial scales and on small garden sites. Instant for ambient, accessibility, convenient forms of release, affordable price and understandable instruction Make the drug in one of the leaders in the market.

There are many supporters of both organic and mineral fertilizers. You can be an adherent of any way, but many still agree that natural additives for plants are most often more useful. At least due to the fact that they are completely decomposed in the soil. One of these fertilizers is humate potassium. In this article, we will consider ways to use it.

Gumat loved our gardens and gardeners for a very long time. It is easy to use it, and the effect of applying this natural additive is extremely good and noticeable even with the naked eye. Get it out of absolute natural natural components. Potassium humate from the residues of vegetation is used for this also drawing from peat, manure A or even lake il. In some cases, brown coal acts as raw materials. Natural components of humate have a pronounced stimulating effect. So, with pre-soaking seeds, the degree of their germination increases sharply. If the cuttings should be treated with them, then the chances of rooting are significantly increasing.

In order to treat seeds, seedlings and cuttings, a solution should be prepared from the calculation of 20 ml of the preparation by 250 ml of water. It is soaked within 10-15 hours a day before landing.

How to breed humat potassium?

If potassium humate is used for irrigation - the composition is prepared from the calculation of 50 ml of the drug on the water bucket (10 l). For a large processed area, one can proceed from the ratio of 1 liter on 200 liters of water (one barrel).

Perennial plants are subjected to four multiple treatment with watering solution: the first time the processing is carried out in early spring. 3 weeks after that, the second processing is performed. After the formation of buds, the for the third time to apply humate, and in the last - the fourth time - during flowering.

Instructions for the use of liquid humate potassium

Check out these articles

Very positively proved humate liquid peat with potassium composition. This fertilizer in the form of a dark brown liquid. It has a stimulating effect and contains 80% of the main substance. Potassium humate liquid on a peat basis, produced as a result of the processing of natural peat, by extracting many active substances (phosphorus, nitrogen, microelements and potassium). It is very saturated with mineral and organic trace elements. Peat liquid humate potassium has up to 30 useful and nutritious trace elements.

Instructions for the use of this fertilizer is not complicated: it is necessary to simply dissolve the concentrate in water with a concentration of 0.01%, depending on the purpose and fertile culture. This type of humate applies to soak seeds and planting materials, seedlings, as well as the root and not root fertilizer of cultures.

In order to improve the state of the soil, increasing the composition of organic substances in it, the liquid humate of potassium is added to the ground as a concentrated solution of 0.1-0.2% of the main substance.

The fertilizer under consideration is considered very effective in a complex with eradicates and mineral fertilizers. It can be mixed without any restrictions with nitrogen, organic fertilizers, even with potassium.

Liquid Gumat Potassium does not combine with phosphoric drugs due to the formation of compounds that are not able to dissolve. They are recommended to contribute separately. If you have any doubts about any other eradicate or organic substances, it is better to take each drug in small parts, mix and look at the reaction. If a precipitate is not formed as a result of this compound, it means that drugs can be safely mixed and used as fertilizer.

The treatment of growing plants is not a root method in a complex with minerals and pesticides, it has one very big advantage - it contributes to a significant decrease in nitrates and poisons in a growing plant and a grown crop.

In crop production, humates are widely used to increase yields and disease-resistant crops. The use of organoineral humic drugs stimulates the biological activity of the soil and has a positive effect on biochemical processes in it. The organic substances contained in humic stimulants serve as a source of power and energy for the microflora of the Earth, contributing to the increase in high-quality and quantitative indicators of humus.

The soil fertility directly depends on the content of humus - the reserve of nutrient and complex organic compounds. Undercumation of potash-sodium agrochemicals enriches land with all the vital elements, improves the structure of the soil, ensuring a significant increase in yield. What is a humat potassium and how this fertilizer is used for vegetable crops, seedlings and colors, find out in this article.

The value of humic fertilizers for crop production

Such drugs are a mixture of sodium or potassium salts, which are obtained from humic acids and fulfocuslies. These concentrated acids are specific humus substances formed in the Earth in the process of the life of soil microorganisms: dispute, cellulose bacteria, actinobacteria, mold fungi. Raw materials for the production of nutrients are predominantly peat, sapropel, brown coal, that is, all materials have natural origins and are environmentally friendly.

Active principles that contain agrochemicals stimulate the activity of soil organisms mineralizing organic substances. With the breakdown of drugs, microorganisms are saturated with a mixture of organic compounds and vital microelements, carbon dioxide, maintaining the balance of bacterial cells that manifest identical properties.

Commodity compositions can be:

  • industrial;
  • fearless;
  • ballast.

Scope of industrial agrochemicals - animal husbandry, amelioration, soil recultivation, construction, medicine, drilling. because of increased content Their carbohydrates cannot be used in the cultivation of fruits and vegetables.

For growing fruits and vegetables, potassium humate is not suitable due to the high concentration of carbohydrates, but are actively used for pre-sowing soil processing

For the production of crop production, the use of exclusively natural humic fertilizers is suitable, when natural organic sediments act as raw materials.

Unlike dry, finely granulated industrial preparations A grayish shade, black or brown natural compositions on the touch wet and have a self-consistency.

Video: Assortment of fertilizers based on humic acids

Types of fertilizers

Ballast agrochemicals combine the functions of bioactivators and fertilizers, however, due to the low content of NPK, they are not considered for helpful mixtures in the full sense of the word. But since such compositions are capable of positively influence on plants, then most often act as growth stimulants for seedlings and adult crops, as well as as well-sustaining solutions for landings. it universal means For extractive and roasting feeding of pumpkin, radish, beets, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, pepper, bow and other vegetables.

Humat potassium - not only excellent complex fertilizer for root and extraxanoral dressing of plants, but also a growth stimulator

The greatest effectiveness can be achieved if you fell by depleted soils, which gives an increase in crop from 8 to 29%, use for flowers to cut or regularly process potato fields. In other cases, it is advisable to combine blinding ballast natural composition With the use of mineral tuks, pesticides, other means of agricultural chemicals.

In crop production, mixtures of salts of existing components are required in a water-soluble form, for this reason, potassium or sodium are in the role of cations in the production of humic helpful mixtures.

Humat potassium with a complex of trace elements is distinguished by more wide spectrum Actions than and its popularity is explained.

The pH level varies from 7 to 8, which makes the potassium fertilizer almost neutral in terms of chemical additives. Well product manifests itself when it is necessary to process seeds, cuttings, tubers before planting.

Sodium humate helps to increase the stress resistance of crops: forms the sustainability of seedlings to unfavorable external influences, improving this figure by 45-50% and more, the ability to resist diseases and pests. In this respect, it is more effective than Kaliyev. High pH from 9 to 10 limits the possibility of treating alkaline soils.

There are no fundamental differences between Kaliyev and sodium composition, they are considered interchangeable drugs, which is very convenient if necessary.

Form release

Depending on the use area, several varieties of drugs are distinguished:

  1. Tableted means - dosage portions of fertilizers provide ease of use even to novice gardeners and flowers.
  2. Instant powders, like potassium humate for feeding in dry form are inexpensive compositions. Such a form of release greatly facilitates the work of the gardeners when the compositions are required to process the planting of a certain concentration.
  3. Liquid potassium humate is a concentrated tool. Concentrates are most often treated by large areas of agricultural land.

Gumat potassium B. liquid form still remains the most comfortable and popular kind of feeding

Humat potassium liquid peat is enriched with active principles to the maximum. The concentrate of the product includes not only humic acids, but also peptides, natural growth catalysts, enzymes, amino acid complex. The processing of these saturated useful elements helps harmoniously develop the overwhelming majority of fruits and vegetables.

Liquid tools are equally convenient to use for feeding on an industrial scale and in crop activities on small territories cottages and private households.

Universal organic fertilizer with trace elements, potassium and sodium, which is produced in the form of a powder, comprehensively affects the soil - enriches its useful substances, stimulates the rise in landings, neutralizes the pesticides and heavy metals.

Application area

How to use Gumat - exist various methods Processing aimed at optimizing the composition of the Earth and an increase in yield.

In private agroworks such compositions apply when necessary:

  • Prepare planting material or seeds before planting: treatment is produced by a liquid nonsense humate;
  • Seed seedlings;
  • Half plants of open and closed soil;
  • Process vegetative or fruiting landing. For extractive spraying used weak water solution 0,1%;
  • To reclaim the soil - a dry drug is applied;
  • Process organic compositions - manure, compost or humus. The fearless humate is added to the organic in advance, preferably three months before subcording landings. Recommended dosage: 10 g of fertilizer by 10 kg of organics.

Annual plants recommend applying potassium humate for feeding at the very beginning of the growing season until flowers have been formed. Perennials shows the treatment of humate at the end of the seeding landing or adult shrubs and trees transplants to restore damaged roots.

Video: How to properly apply potassium humate at the cottage and in the garden

How to make working solutions?

Solutions for treating landings from dry drugs is not difficult to prepare with their own hands. A teaspoon accommodates about 3 g powder humic mixtures. How to breed a humate to get the necessary concentration - you need to divide this volume on a micro portion, weighing 0.6 grams.

Supporting a liquid drug is made in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The instructions for the use of such drugs contain clear indications regarding the desired concentration for specific cultures. It is impossible to increase the concentration yourself: such formulations can harm landings.

Much more convenient to dose liquid potash concentrates with a medical syringe, for which the needle is pre-removed from it. The use of an insulin sychante allows you to dose the means more accurately, up to 0.05 ml.

Processing schemes

Bonotization - pre-sowing effect on planting material or seed stimulation vegetable culture produce liquid preparations from 0.01 to 0.005%. Seeds impregnate the prepared suspension within 10-48 hours a day before landing. The working structure is divorced in proportions: fertilizer of potassium humate 5 ml + water 5 liters.

To increase the yield of vegetative plants is processed by a reactive solution to 0.005%. The cost of the flow determines the type of plants. For example, for radishes, lettuce, greens, Luke requires three uniform feeding during the entire period of active growth and development. Cucumbers need a four-time spraying, and extra cornering subcortex Cabbagers, carrots, beets, zucchini produced from 4 to 5 times.

For tomatoes: First, the solution is poured under the root of seedlings during landing, the rate of consumption of 12m is 0.05% of the working composition, given the normal density of landings. After that, it is possible to continue watering seedlings using this solution at the rate of 12m from 1 to 1.5 liters. Or use extraxornic spraying. In the case when the tomatoes begin to die, instead of irrigation, the processing of flower tassels by spraying is carried out.

For strawberries and other fruit, fruit-berry crops apply regular extra-cornered spraying in order of priority: until the leaves appear to bloom, at the very beginning of the formation of flowers, when the plant has dropped away, after it was formed by the ovary and two times during the growth phase of berries. The intensity of irrigation - should be clearly visible how small drops are settled. Before collecting fruits for 2 weeks, the feeding stops.

For seedlings grown in a greenhouse, when disembarking, the first fertilizer with potash solution is carried out after 3 days. Next, the helpful mixture is made after 2-3 weeks.

Video: Undercoupes of cucumbers with potassium humate

Brief overview of humic fertilizers

Despite similar characteristics, each fertilizer type contains its amount of use.

This remedy managed to establish itself exclusively with positive. It is a dark brown liquid with a high content of the active component (about 80%). In the manufacture of the drug, natural peat is used. Contains a complex of mineral elements and natural organic compounds.

The demand of the potash product among gardeners is explained by the combination of efficiency and ease of use.

  • The landings fertilize with a working solution of 0.01%, given the type of cultivated plants and the processing method - soaking planting material, roasting feeding, extractive spraying.
  • To improve the overall state of the soil, an aqueous solution is used 0.1-0.2%.
  • Restrictions on the joint use of this drug with an organica, nitrogen tuki, nadochymikats - no. The exceptions are phosphoric agents, due to the formation of insoluble compounds when mixing them with a potash product.
  • The integrated use of liquid potash mixture for the treatment of vegetative plants by the method of extractive spraying and mineral tanks or nadochymikats contributes to the preparation of a high-quality crop with a low content of nitrates and toxins.

Another popular crop grade humic fertilizer. When dissolved in water, the formation of a suspension of minerals is allowed.

Advantages of application:

  • Increases the germination and energy of germinating planting material;
  • Stimulates the formation of the root system;
  • Strengthens immune system;
  • Reduces the content of salts nitric acid in agricultural products;
  • Increases the period of fruiting;
  • Reduces the timing of ripening.

In addition, thanks to the regular contribution to the humin agrochemical, the microflora accelerates, which contributes to the formation of a high-quality humus, which distinguishes high biological activity. As a result, this gives a significant increase in the yield of 30-40%, accelerating the ripening of fruits and vegetables for a week or more.

Preparation Reyhard.

This complex optimally balanced potash well-fighting mixture enriched with microelements. Planting facilities contributes rapid restoration Natural soil fertility, cultivation of environmentally friendly and safe agricultural products.

Fertilizer treated grain technical, cultural, fruit-berry cultures In conditions of open and protected soil, indoor and decorative gardening plants. The scope of application is pre-sowing processing and feeding during the entire period of vegetation and fruiting.

Proms of use:

  • Improving the digestibility of nutrients;
  • Restoration of natural soil fertility;
  • Growth stimulation;
  • Increase resistance to diseases, pests, unfavorable factors environment;
  • Improving high-quality and quantitative indicators of yields.

Balanced formula of organic compounds and all the most important minerals, makes this composition one of the most sought-after universal fertilizers Russian market of agrochemicals.

Spectrum of action:

  • Enhances immunity;
  • Accelerates germination of planting material and ripening fruits and vegetables;
  • Promotes rapid adaptation to changes in weather conditions;
  • Restores exhausted soils.

More than, affordable price (64-90 rubles) in combination with the efficiency of application makes this tool so popular. His applying gardeners makes it possible not to reduce the bar with a consistently high yield, and flowers whose home collections constantly need balanced nutritional feeders - to fully care for green pets.

Video: how to apply humate sodium correctly

Even a novice gardener knows that without fertilizers to get a rich harvest is impossible. Especially when it comes to the long-treated soil, which can no longer without constant feeding nutrients.

There are many supporters of both organic, and it is possible to be a commitment to any way, but many still agree that natural additives for plants are most often more useful. At least due to the fact that they are completely decomposed in the soil. One of these fertilizers is humate potassium. In this article, we will consider ways to use it.

What is it at all?

Gumat loved our gardens and gardeners for a very long time. It is easy to use it, and the effect of applying this natural additive is extremely good and noticeable even with the naked eye.

Get it out of absolute natural natural components. Potassium humate from the residues of vegetation is used for this also exhaust from peat, manure or even lake il. In some cases, the natural components of humate act as a raw material possess a pronounced stimulating effect. So, with pre-soaking seeds, the degree of their germination increases sharply. If the cuttings should be treated with them, then the chances of rooting are significantly increasing.

Fertilizer is equally useful for colors and fruit trees and potted plants. Simply put, it is universally. Contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus and other trace elements. But the richer of the Gumat of potassium on humic acids. It is their action that helps to obtain really clean products in conditions of ever-increasing environmental pollution.

Is it suitable for all crops so good?

Experienced gardeners know that there are really universal fertilizers. So is it so good enough to the tool, how are we talking about him now? You will assure you right away: today there are no such crops that would have reacted to the humat negatively. Almost always the effect of its use is closely associated with the characteristics of the soils, which costs your garden.

It should be noted that the fertilizer of this type is extremely useful on the soils, which contain very little iron. In addition, feeding the humate of potassium is useful for alkaline (especially on them), saline and but pouring the solution of the means on the black thing is meaningless, since you will not notice a special effect. In addition, agronomists singled out several cultures that react particularly pronounced in the soil of this substance:

  • Everyone reacts all the grained (including potatoes and tomatoes), as well as beets (and feed too).
  • Almost all grains show a significant increase in yield.
  • Bean cultures practically do not change the indicators.
  • Sunflower and pumpkin under normal conditions do not react to the humate of potassium, the use of it is inappropriate.

We did not accidentally emphasize that the last types of plants do not give an increase in the conditions of "ordinary". If the year was bad or you put them on low-quality soils, then humic acids can create a real miracle! In a word, you should experiment yourself, make sure that the effectiveness (or inefficiency) of this means under the conditions of your garden.

Thus, still humate potassium universal. Its use can be recommended almost in any cases. About when to use it should not be read at the end of our article.

What is the effect of its use?

Plants acquire a heavier and strong look, the growth and development of their leaves and the root system are improved. In vegetable and fruit crops, the taste qualities of fruits are dramatically improved. In addition, humic acids can significantly reduce the content of nitrites and nitrates in the fruits. They are largely reviving contribute to the development of useful primer microflora.

How to use it for soaking?

How to use the humate potassium correctly? To soak seeds, it should be taken at the rate of 0.5 grams per 1 liter of water. It's simple, but how in living conditions can you measure so insignificant volume?

To make it easier for you, I immediately say that approximately three grams of humate fit in an ordinary teaspoon. Thus, we take a third of a spoon to dissolve its contents in two liters of water. The easiest to use conventional plastic bottles to prepare a solution.

Flower bulbs in it can be withstanding about eight hours, and the exposure time of the seed is better to increase to day. If it comes to the seed of carrots, they can be withstanding two days at all. The cuttings are soaked for approximately 12-14 hours, lowering them into a solution of fertilizer on 2/3 of their length.

We use humate as fertilizer

We continue to learn the humate of potassium. Instructions for applying it as a "classic" fertilizer will be somewhat different. First, you need to take a much smaller concentration. Despite its natural origin, forget about the sense of measure is not worth it. Excellent humate is suitable for which is performed by the usual spraying of garden or gardening crops. This method is extremely good, since a fertilizer almost instantly reaches a "addressee" through the plants of plants.

Spraying and watering

This method is good in that it is not necessary to wear with a bucket among the beds, and the solution consumption decreases. You will only need to go through the garden with a sprayer. Ten liters of water in this case require no more than three grams of fertilizer. Important! Carefully profile the water, as there may be a plurality of small peat particles, which once twisted the spanging nozzles of the same "beetle".

As for the irradiation, they are carried out three weeks with intervals in two weeks. The processing period should coincide with the time of intensive growth. At first, one plant should account for at least half-liters of the solution, and then the volume is adjusted to a liter (for third processing).

For convenience, it is better to pour the seedlings immediately after its landing in open sad, then repeat the processing during the tying of the buds, and the third time watering the plants follows during their flowering. In this case, the concentration should be increased: a tablespoon of substance is taken to the water bucket (ten liters). Here is how to apply humate potassium.

How to dissolve?

Dissolve it better in warm liquid. First, it is better to pour some water in a bucket with a temperature of about 50 ° C, fall asleep there the required amount of humate, and then stir thoroughly. When the solution remains clearly distinguishable lumps, the volume of the fluid can be brought to a tent of the liter.

Everything is good, but all the time to breed the significant amounts of fertilizer in the usual bucket is not too convenient. And if you have a big garden for which you need a few hundred liters of a solution of humate? Therefore, it is better to immediately prepare its concentrate. A dozen tablespoons of fertilizers are taken for this, after which it is dissolved in a liter of warm water. If you pour the resulting solution into the usual plastic bottleIt can be used for a whole month.

As it is easy to figure out, 100 ml of such a mixture is equivalent to the tablespoon, in which fertilizer is located. Potassium humate in this form is extremely convenient to use. On the water bucket is quite half a cup of solution. This is a dose for root feeding. If you wish to spray your landings, then the same ten liters will need to be measured by 50 milliliters. Attention! Do not forget about the filtering: we have already written above that the smallest lumps may be in the water. When stored, humic acids often fall into the precipitate, so the probability of blockage of the sprayer nozzles increases sharply.

Question price

By the way, how much is the humate potassium? The price per liter of liquid means is about 130 rubles (but it is better to prepare it yourself). The cost of dry powder does not exceed 30 rubles for 25-30.

Improve the structure of the soil

If you wish to increase the characteristics of soils on its site, then ten square meters Simply scatter 50 grams of this wonderful fertilizer. To ensure the uniform distribution of the area, the powder should move in advance with the usual river sand. Then all this should be mixed thoroughly, walking in place by rabl. If you mix the humat with ash, it is better to scatter early in the spring. So you not only speed up the somewhat snow, but also ensure the beautiful soil fertility before plant falling down.

Compats - our all

Surely every more or less experienced gardener knows how good organic compost as a fertilizer. But there is a problem: the rigid parts of perennial plants, as well as the seeds of weeds, extremely long overloaded, sometimes "glad" of the owners of the garden even several years later. The feature of the same humic acids is their ability to destroy the rigid cellulose of dead plants. We offer you to take advantage of these properties.

In addition, the humats sharply increase the activity of saprophytic microflora, which also contributes to the acceleration of compost maturation and a significant increase in its quality. To obtain a high-quality fertilizer, about three months before putting into the soil (in the late spring, for autumn plowing) it is useful to irrigate the humate system, and the dose of fertilizer is calculated on the basis of the need for about 10 grams of humic acids to decompose ten kilograms of compost.