Silk wallpapers on a paper basis. Stylish wall design with silk wallpaper

Modern material from which the silk wallpapers are created for walls based on tissue natural materials is divided into two layers: the basis and decoration. As the basis, developers often use paper or fliesline, and cellulose or silk fabric is applied to the surface. If wallpaper look at the wall, then the illusion of silk fabric is created, which has a rich appearance.

The price of silk wallpapers for walls depends on the quality of the material from which the canvas is made. Therefore, good silk wallpapers have the following characteristics:

  • Environmental safety. The composition of the canvas should not contain harmful substances for the body.
  • Protection against mold and fungi. Silk Wallpapers provide for the content of special additives that adversely act on the organisms of mushrooms.
  • The elasticity of the structure. Wallpapers under silk are a lot of tests and must withstand minor changes in the surface of the walls, while not to deform at all.
  • Insulating properties. The structure of silk wallpaper allows you to keep sounding oscillations, penetration of cold and excessive heat.
  • The possibility of restoring the coating due to damage.
  • Bactericidal and anti-allergic properties of the material from which silk wallpapers are made.

Buy wallpaper silk screen in Moscow - a unique chance to combine high-quality finishing and magnificence of design

Silk wallpaper perfectly glued on the surface of the walls, there are no separation bands, which creates a type of integrity and completeness. Wallpapers are famous for high structure density, which allows you to clean them with a vacuum cleaner. The cost of such wallpapers is high, since natural components are used, but the silk wallpapers in the online store "Artik" are presented according to the most advantageous offers.

The disadvantage of such wallpapers is their sensitivity to high humidity, smells, so they will not fit the kitchen, bathroom, hallway. Due to the fact that natural threads are used in the composition, solar lights, dust, excessive heat are adversely on wallpaper.

Suskography wallpaper catalog allows you to choose from a huge variety of styles and design solutions the best option that is suitable for you. Contact only the proven online stores to avoid fakes, especially in the case of such expensive canvases. Give yourself positive emotions every day, looking at high-quality fabric wallpapers!

Silk wallpapers are used to finish the walls since the Middle Ages. Fabrics on the walls add luxury interior, but at the same time they are quite expensive. Currently, using modern materials and technologies, wallpaper manufacturers create a variety of silk wallpaper on texture and color, so everyone can pick up the perfect option for their dwelling. Read more about Silk Wallpaper - Next.

Fissure silk wallpapers consist of two parts: the basics and finishes. The base can be paper or phlizelin, then a fabric finish is applied to it. At the moment, the canvas consisting entirely of natural silk is very difficult to find, and they are very expensive. Often, artificial fabrics are used for decoration, mixed with a thread of silk.

The plus of silk wallpapers is their environmental purity and harmlessness for humans.

Big advantages are sound insulation and thermal insulation, as well as impeccable appearance. Silk wallpaper made of fabric is very difficult to break and stop during sticking, they have high strength and durability.

Liquid silk wallpaper and their advantages

Modern solution are liquid silk wallpapers. They are made of silk fibers that can be both natural and artificial. They are mixed with cellulose and produce liquid wallpaper. These wallpapers can be of a variety of colors and sold in a dry form, before decoration of walls they need to be dissolved with water and apply.

There are several advantages of liquid silk wallpaper:

  • Security for man. We can safely say that liquid wallpapers contain a large number of natural components in its composition, and also do not cause allergies, which means they can be used even in children's rooms and hospitals.
  • Liquid wallpapers are waterproof and are not deformed from temperature drops.
  • This type of wallpaper has a wide palette, which means that it is not difficult to choose the best option for a certain interior.
  • Liquid wallpapers are easy to apply to the surface, and even an unprepared person can separate the walls with their help. Also, after applying the material, you do not need to close the doors and windows, as in the case of conventional wallpaper.
  • Silk liquid wallpapers allow you to hide the flaws of the walls, align the surface and create a smooth and beautiful coating.

Liquid wallpapers are analogous plaster, they are universal, and you can use them in any room, given that the price of this material is low, and the liquid wallpaper looks stylish and do not fade over time.

Also on liquid wallpaper you can create various patterns, add shine, use stencils and silk screen.

The latter is the use of various patterns and paintings on the wall. Use this technique is best in the bedroom or living room to create a unique interior.

Advantages of silk wallpapers (video)

How the wallpaper is used in the interior

The rohozhod is a cloth made of fabric with flavored cells. The wallpaper of the Rhozem is, which during application will fill empty cells and create a special picture. Most often, the drawings imitate silk or braid, wallpaper can also have shine due to fiberglass included in their composition.

This type of wallpaper is perfect for the living room, dining room, children's, hallway, bedrooms.

Ideally fit into the country interior, emphasizes the benefits of the selected design. Also, wallpapers can be used for a dacha interior, as well as in rooms with wicker and aged furniture. Plus, these wallpapers lies in their naturalness and elegance, and a wide range of shades allows you to choose the best option of the wallpaper of the Room for the room. You can combine different colors of cloths to achieve an unusual effect.

The wallpaper of the rotogo is environmentally safe, durable, and they can be painted up to 15 times. You can even apply these wallpapers on uneven walls, pattern and paint grew unevenness.

Liquid silk wallpapers: reviews

Reviews for silk plaster are different, not everyone likes glittering liquid wallpapers. However, many noted the ease of application, which allows the use of liquid wallpapers even with an unprepared person.

Not everyone can decide on such an innovation, the majority are still familiar with traditional paper wallpapers. The plus of liquid wallpapers is the lack of seams, which significantly facilitates and speeds up the repair process. Many choose this coating for bedrooms or living rooms due to an unusual appearance.

The minus for some can be the impossibility of washing the wallpaper with special means, and the plus is that liquid wallpaper can be glued at any time of the year, they are not afraid of cold and drafts.

During the application of liquid wallpaper, you can create any drawing on a wet surface, which is also a plus, for example, it is possible to experiment with the coating in the nursery. Also, these walls repel dust and do not burn.

What is wallpaper for stone and how to care for them? Can they compete with other types of wallpaper? About this our next material:

It is noted the ease of removing the wallpaper, in the event of an error you can simply remove a piece of liquid wallpaper with a spatula. You can also use liquid wallpaper on an uneven surface, they do not burn out and hide the flaws of the walls.

It can be said that the reviews on the liquid wallpaper are positive, but not everyone can decide on this modern solution and separate the walls on their own.

Wallpaper under silk

In addition to textile and liquid wallpaper, silk coating can be imitate other types of finishing materials for walls.

Such as the:

  • Fliseline;
  • Vinyl;
  • Paper.

They can imitate both smooth silk coating, and look like liquid wallpaper, include sequins.

If you want to create a rich and luxurious interior, then your choice is textile silk wallpapers, if you want to quickly make cosmetic repairs, without causing professionals, you can buy liquid wallpapers. If you want a simple smooth coating, you can buy traditional paper or phlizelin wallpapers that imitate silk coating.

For uneven walls, as well as arches and protrusions, liquid wallpaper are excellent. For smooth surfaces, it is possible to take paper wallpapers, for kitchen and bathroom washable vinyl wallpapers, and for an expensive office or bedroom it is best to get high-quality fabric wallpapers.

Modern materials are made from high-quality materials, serve for a long time, and the wide palette of textures and colors allows you to choose or even order the best option for finishing materials.

Silk liquid wallpapers in the interior (video)

In conclusion, it should be said that now the finishing materials market offers a huge number of various types of silk imitating wallpaper. Natural fabric options, modern liquid wallpapers, traditional paper - All this can be found in any store, and choose the necessary finishing materials on the basis of its financial capabilities and room interior.

Silk Wallpaper (photo)

Before making a solution to glue silk wallpapers on the walls of your room, you must at least get acquainted with their characteristics, and also learn more about how they are properly applied to the work surface. For example, it should be noted that in addition to the basic type of silk wallpaper - liquid, there are also cloths made on the basis of vinyl or paper, the outer layer of which is made of silk.

Liquid wallpaper is lightness and beauty

If everything is clear with rolled vinyl or paper wallpaper, then liquid silk wallpaper for the walls cause a lot of questions from those who did not have experience with them. This material, in its appearance, resembling decorative plaster, in a dry form is small granules.

Package content will turn into a wonderful coating

In the process of preparation of the composition, they are bred using a certain amount of water (sometimes - with the addition of some amount of glue), are stirred, and after a while they are ready to apply to the wall. However, let's go about everything in order.

Silk liquid wallpapers: characteristics

Being analogue of decorative plaster, this material is quite universal. Its use is possible both in residential and commercial, administrative and other public premises. The rapid growth of their popularity in recent years can be explained not only by a low price, but also a fairly large list of positive characteristics.

Perfectly harmonize with the rest of the interior

So, to the advantages of this embodiment of the interiors can be attributed:

  1. Increase the level of sound insulation indoors, helping if there are noisy neighbors. Improve thermal insulation.
  2. Hide small damage to the walls: chips, irregularities, etc.
  3. Not harmful to human health and differ in environmental cleanliness, as well as antistaticism.
  4. Creating a completely smooth surface, do not have seams, in contrast to traditional canvases.
  5. Different with high maintenance, as well as the possibility of applying indoors with high moisture levels (kitchen, bathroom, etc.). However, in such cases they are recommended to process them with special varnishes.
  6. Suitable for applying not only on the walls, but also on other surfaces in the room: niches, protrusions, arches, etc.

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Why choose and in which rooms glued

All listed advantages have a positive effect on the choice of many housing owners or commercial premises. In addition, I want to mention some additional pluses.

  • So, liquid silk wallpaper is practically not fade into the sun, perfectly coping with a long exposure to direct sunlight.
  • In addition, their use in premises with unconventional and individual layouts, such as attic and attic rooms, and places, etc. will be especially convenient.

Properly applied coating pleases the eye

As for their use in various interiors, then, in general, the application of silk wallpapers is possible in almost any room of the apartment, ranging from the kitchen, living room and bedroom and ending with the children's room, hallway and even bathroom (in those areas that do not fall splashing water). The fact is that this material is perfectly combined with any other types of finishes, furnished, curtains, household items and decors. This creates additional opportunities for creating a modern and exclusive interior design.

Good to know! As for manufacturers, the domestic silk wallpapers Silk Plaster (Silk Plaster) are among the most popular on the Russian market. This decorative Russian production plaster combines worthy quality and low price.

Liquid wallpapers are diverse in texture

As already noted, liquid silk wallpapers have an increased level of environmental safety. This is due to the use of extremely natural components in their composition, such as quartz, silk fibers, mineral fillers, as well as all sorts of additives that perform the decorative function and determine the texture and color of the material. Therefore, if you decide to apply this finishing composition on the walls of the rooms, then even the simplest and most small apartment, for example, in Khrushchev, can transform beyond recognition. And about how to apply silk wallpapers, we will talk in the next section.

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How to glue Silk Wallpaper: Application Rules

A particularly attractive advantage of silk wallpapers before traditional counterparts is the lack of seams and smooth walls. In addition, the positive point can be called the fact that in comparison with the rolled cloths, when applying silk wallpapers, there is no need to pick up the pattern and the pattern that we often deliver a lot of "headaches" when sticking.

Shall be applied with light movement

Almost any repair, whether it is a change of interior in the already cherished apartment or home building in a new building, is associated with the problem of alignment of the walls. In our case, this problem is solved almost by itself, since this coating fills all potholes, scratches, chips and irregularities. The application of decorative plaster will not cause problems with almost any person, not even having experience on the implementation of construction and repair work. Each package includes a detailed instruction, which describes the process of preparation and applying the decoration on the wall of the room.

Easy to repair makes this material with a worthy competitor of well-known anti-vandal wallpaper from cats. Of course, liquid silk wallpaper is subject to damage to the claws of pets. However, their repair is carried out very quickly, and its result will be such that you will not notice the difference. It also adds a plus into a conditional "piggy bank" of this wonderful coating when it is compared with traditional canvases.

Fabric silk walls

Unlike its analogues, more resembling plaster, tissue silk wallpaper are more traditional in their configuration. They have an appearance well all known rolls. The basis of these canvases can be paper or phliselin. At the same time, the outer decorative layer is performed from the viscose, with some addition of silk. They are distinguished by an excellent appearance capable of decorating any room.

This type of wallpaper needs to be applied to the walls of an apartment or at home as well as decorative plaster. In trade, such wallpapers are sold in separate polyethylene bags. Before use, the contents of the package must be diluted with water to a liquid state. They are very easily applied to any surfaces and in their characteristics significantly exceed all the well-known types of wallpaper.

Benefits of liquid silk wallpapers

Moisture resistance

In rooms with high humidity or unstable temperature testimony, ordinary wallpapers are not used, as they negatively relate to the temperature difference and quickly absorb moisture. As a result, the wallpaper referred and depart from the walls. Liquid wallpapers in such premises are simply indispensable - they can be applied even in the bathroom, where water does not fall on the wall.

Light resistance

Liquid silk wallpapers have a very important advantage - they do not fade under the influence of sunlight. Due to the fact that in the rooms, the windows of which go to the south, wallpaper very quickly lose their original color, they have to change much more often than usual. It delivers great inconveniences and considerable material costs. Liquid silk wallpaper do not change color until the end of the life.


Liquid silk wallpapers are suitable for use in any rooms, even in the kitchen, where various contamination is possible during cooking. They absolutely do not absorb odors, perfectly wash with water with the addition of synthetic detergents. In places of increased pollution, such wallpapers are recommended to additionally cover water based lacquer.


Liquid silk wallpapers are universal finishing material, as they can be applied to any surface - plasterboard, wood, plaster. When using this type of wallpaper, the interior of the room acquires a modern exclusive view.

Soundproofing, thermal insulation

Liquid wallpapers are applied with a solid layer, and after drying it turns out a flat surface without cracks and cracks. This layer is a kind of thermal insulation and creates additional sound insulation of the room.


The composition of liquid silk wallpapers does not include anything, in addition to the components of natural origin. These are the smallest particles of silk, cellulose and other supplements that are not smell and harmless to the human body. The ecological purity of this finishing material attracts buyers prone to allergies.


The building materials market presents a wide range of liquid silk wallpapers. They are diverse in their texture and color and amazed with their beauty. If you wish, such wallpapers can be combined, creating individual decisions of the decoration of the apartment.

How to use liquid wallpaper

An instruction with a detailed description of the work is applied to each liquid wallpaper package. This type of wallpaper is very easy to use. All you need for applying is a clean dry wall. There is no need to attract specialists, every person, not even with construction skills, can easily update his apartment with the help of these unusual wallpapers. It is not necessary to align the wall and prepare the perfect surface. In the process of applying liquid wallpaper, all minor disadvantages will disappear, they will fill small slots and cracks and hide irregularities.

The result is a flat, beautiful surface with a peculiar texture, which will be happy to please your eyes. After all, liquid wallpapers are not dug and do not fade, they are the record holders of wear resistance. Due to its elasticity, they will not crack even when small cracks appear on the wall (which often happens when the new house has shown). If dogs and cats live in the house, with mechanical damage to the coating, you can easily perform a partial repair.

Liquid silk wallpaper is the perfect option for creating a unique individual interior of your home.

Designers of the whole world try to apply materials in modern interiors that are able to give the room the original appearance and can make it most exquisite. Special attention deserves silk wallpapers, which are a decorative coating of a liquid mixture.

A wide range of finished products provides an opportunity to get a surface for every taste.

Initial Product Information

In the manufacture of mixtures, a large number of components are used: silk fiber, mineral cellulose, color quartz, mineral fillers and other additives. In a single whole, all items can be associated with an adhesive basis. Despite the content of organic substances, the coating does not absorb smells, due to which it can be applied in a wide variety of rooms.

Positive moments

Immediately it is worth noting that silk liquid wallpaper can be from any materials. With their help covered concrete, wood, brick and even metal.

However, in some situations will have to resort to assistance tools that improve adhesion with the surface.

  • Environmental purity It is the result of mixing materials harmless to the human body.
  • Confident defense against mold and fungal formations It can be secured thanks to special additives.
  • Elasticity Explained by the layer structure. When even small cracks appear, the coating is not deformed.
  • Good insulation of the room From the penetration of sounds and cold becomes possible due to the continuity of the applied formation.
  • Comfortable acoustics The room is created due to the textured surface.

Wallpapers from silk have another important dignity - the possibility of repairing the coating.
That is, after mechanical damage, the finishing layer can be completely renovated.

Basic scope of application

In fact, the presented liquid wallpaper - silk plaster, with which magnificent coatings are formed on lateral planes of almost any premises. Wide color gamut allows the use of material in a wide variety of interiors. The most active products are used in classic or avant-garde style.

Technical characteristics of products

Decorative coating of this type is intended for final surfaces, columns and other architectural elements of the building. The application of the material is made on spike and plastered planes.

Tinting is carried out using special pastes.

  • Full drying of the liquid mixture occurs during the day.
  • On average, at finishing works, it is consumed from 0.2 to 0.3 kg per square meter.
  • Alkali resistance is more than 120 hours.
  • In the process of transporting the composition is able to successfully transfer up to five cycles of freezing and thawing.
  • Operation is possible at a temperature mode from 5 to 60 degrees.

Wallpaper with silk effect is resistant to abrasion and moisture.
However, special varnishes can be used for additional protection.
After applying, the durability of the coating increases to a large extent.

Some aesthetic effects

  • Wet silk looks very attractive, and in combination with saturated colors, it provides the ability to create bright and unique decisions in the design of apartments and residential buildings. It can also be used in the interiors of commercial institutions. (See also Article.)
  • The shimmering brilliance is appropriate if elegance is needed when designing internal space. After the work, a silk surface with flickering engines should be obtained. Silver or gold shine is particularly successful, however, the price of such coatings is slightly higher.
  • Velvety silk looks quite interesting, as it is based on the creation of a sandy effect. As for the color palette, thick and saturated tones are best. The discharge planes can be issued even in the form of gold vegans.

The process of applying material

To carry out work on finishing this method is quite realistic with your own hands, however, an instruction should be followed on the package with a mixture. First of all, the base is prepared, while all metal elements must be isolated, otherwise spots are formed on the coating.

The mixture can be applied using a special pistol or spatula. The layer thickness should be approximately 1-2 mm, but it is quite difficult to carry out accurate control. If the recommended area managed to spend the entire volume of the mixture, then the application was successful.

After completion of the work, it is necessary to wait 24 hours. All this time, the door to the room must be closed. After a day, you can process the coating with varnish to protect the surface from premature aging.

Popular manufacturer

High-tech products Silk Plaster enjoys high popularity, as it is made of environmentally friendly materials. Even freshlyland coating has no caustic smell, thanks to which it disappears the need to move to the repairs to another housing.

As a conclusion

When it becomes necessary to create a maximum spectacular coating that does not have seams, it is recommended to use silk wallpapers for walls. A similar type of finish will give any room a respectable and solid look, and it will be possible to provide additional thermal and sound isolation. As for other information information, you can learn about them from the video in this article.