Computer heating system - characteristic. Fighter heating systems Preliminary coordination and obtaining permits

Inhabitants of urban apartments usually do not care how heating is working in their home. The need for such knowledge may arise when the owners will wish to enhance comfort in the house or improve the aesthetic type of engineering equipment. For those who are going to start repairs, tell us brief about the heating system of an apartment building.

Types of heating systems of apartment buildings

Depending on the structure, characteristics of the coolant and pipeline layout schemes, the heating of an apartment building is divided into the following types:

In the location of the heat source

  • A quarter of the heating system at which the gas boiler is installed in the kitchen or separate room. Some inconveniences and investments in equipment are more compensated by the ability to include and regulate heating at their discretion, as well as low operating costs due to the lack of losses in heating rates. In the presence of your own boiler, there are practically no restrictions on the reconstruction of the system. If, for example, the owners wish to replace the batteries on warm water floors - there are no technical obstacles to this.
  • Individual heating, in which its boiler room serves one house or residential complex. Such decisions are found both in the old residential foundation (coarch) and in the new elite housing, where the residents community decides itself when to start the heating season.
  • Central heating in an apartment building is most common in typical housing.

The central heating device of the apartment building, heat transfer from the CHP is carried out through the local heat plug.

According to the characteristics of the coolant

  • Water heating, water is used as a coolant. In modern housing with consumer or individual heating, economical low-temperature (low-precision) systems are found, where the temperature of the coolant does not exceed 65 ºС. But in most cases, in all typical houses, the coolant has a calculated temperature in the range of 85-105 ºС.
  • The steam heating of the apartment in an apartment building (in the system circulates water vapor) has a number of significant drawbacks, in new homes it has been not used for a long time, the old residential fund is commonly translated into water systems.

According to the layout

Basic heating schemes in apartment buildings:

  • One-tube - both feed and reverse selection of the coolant to heating devices is carried out on the same highway. Such a system is found in "Stalinki" and "Khrushchev". It has a serious disadvantage: radiators are located consistently and due to the cooler of the coolant, the heating temperature of the battery drops as they remove them from the heat resistant. In order to maintain the heat transfer, the number of sections increases along the movement of the coolant. In a clean single-pipe circuit, the installation of adjustment devices is not possible. It is not recommended to change the configuration of pipes, installing other type radiators and dimensions, otherwise the operation of the system may be seriously violated.
  • "Leningradka" is an improved version of a single-tube system, which, thanks to the connection of heat devices through the bypass, reduces their mutual influence. Can be installed on the radiators regulating (not automatic) devices, replace the radiator to another type, but similar container and power.
  • The two-pipe heating diagram of the apartment building began to be widely used in "Brezhnevka", and to this day. The feed and return highway is divided into it, so the coolant at the entrances to all apartments and radiators has almost the same temperature, the replacement of radiators to another type and even the volume does not have a significant impact on the operation of other devices. On the battery you can install control devices, including automatic.

On the left is an improved version of a single-tube scheme (analog of "Leningradka"), on the right - a two-pipe version. The latter provides more comfortable conditions, precise regulation and gives wider possibilities for replacing the radiator.

  • The radiation scheme is used in modern non-type housing. Connecting devices parallel, the mutual influence of them is minimal. The wiring is usually performed in the floor, which allows you to free the walls from the pipes. When installing regulatory devices, including automatic, accurate dosing of the amount of heat in the room is ensured. Technically, both partial and complete replacement of the heating system in an apartment building with a radiation scheme within an apartment with a significant change in its configuration.

With the radiation scheme, the apartment includes a feed and return highway, and the wiring is carried out in parallel with separate circuits through the collector. Pipes, as a rule, are placed in the floor, radiators are neat and unnoticed below

Replacement, transfer and selection of radiators in an apartment building

We will negate that any changes in the apartment heating in an apartment building must be coordinated with the executive bodies and operating organizations.

We have already mentioned that the principal possibility of replacing and transferring radiators is due to the scheme. How to choose the right radiator for an apartment building? It is necessary to take into account the following:

  • First of all, the radiator must withstand the pressure that in an apartment building is higher than in private. The greater the number of floors, the higher the test pressure may be, it can reach 10 atm, and in high-rise buildings even 15 atm. Accurate value can be found in the local operating service. Not all the radiators sold on the market have appropriate characteristics. A significant part of aluminum and many steel radiators will not suit the apartment building.
  • It is possible and how much to change the thermal power of the radiator depends on the applied scheme. But in any case, the heat transfer of the device must be calculated. In one typical section of the cast iron battery, the heat transfer is 0.16 kW at the temperature of the coolant 85 ºС. By multiplying the number of sections on this value, we obtain the thermal power of the existing battery. The characteristics of the new heating device can be found in its technical passport. Panel radiators are not recruited from sections, have fixed dimensions and power.

The averaged heat transfer data of various types of radiators may vary depending on the specific model

  • Material also matters. Central heating in an apartment building is often characterized by the low quality of the coolant. The least sensitive pollution traditional cast iron batteries are worse reacting to the aggressive medium aluminum. Bimetallic radiators showed well.

Installing the heat meter

The heat meter without problems can be installed at the radiation layout in the apartment. As a rule, in modern homes there are already applications. As for the existing residential foundation with type heating systems, this possibility is not always. It depends on the specific scheme and configuration of pipelines, consultation can be obtained in a local operating organization.

The welded heat accounting device can be installed with a radius and two-pipe layout, if a separate branch comes to the apartment

If you cannot install the device for the entire apartment, you can accommodate compact thermal counters on each of the radiators.

Alternative to the apartment meter - heat accounting devices placed directly on each of the radiators

It should be noted that the installation of instruments of accounting, replacement of radiators, the introduction of other changes to the heating device in an apartment building requires prior approval and must be carried out by experts representing the organization with a license to carry out relevant work.

Video: How to feed heating in an apartment building

To date, consumers of communal services for the reason for the growth of their cost becoming more and more relevant to the apartment heating in an apartment building. Such heat supply has differences from the centralized and saving money. In the field of providing heat of residents of multi-storey buildings, certain standards and regulations apply. At the same time, experts note that centralized and consumers of heat supply has their own nuances, dignity and disadvantages. The predominant is the centralized coolant and hot water supply system, but it is distinguished by serious disadvantages:

  • the specific consumer of the thermal resource (owner of the apartment) is not interested in its economical expenditure and he does not have technical capabilities for this;
  • transportation of the coolant from heat source to the end consumer is carried out over long distances and large heat loss occurs at this stage.

At the same time, the consumer heating system has such advantages:
  • there is no need to build expensive in terms of financial costs of heat mains;
  • the coolant from the work point to the consumer is delivered without loss of energy;
  • each apartment owner has the opportunity to use the amount of heat you need.

Arrangement of the quarter heating system

The quarter of the heating system consists of:
  • heat generator, it is also a source of heat supply;
  • pipelines supply hot water with waterborne reinforcement;
  • heating pipelines with heating devices.

The heatgenerator is a public premises or separately allocated in an apartment for the placement of the heat generator and other equipment.

The consumer heating system allows to save funds at the national level to be exported to the construction and repair of heat mains. At the same time, each owner of the heating boiler has the opportunity to personally regulate heat in its apartment, without paying the fixed prices charged monthly with a centralized system. It is clear that the owner of the housing in warm weather will not include heating.

In addition, central heating, which from year to year is becoming more expensive, does not always provide a comfortable temperature in the apartment in cold weather. There may be several reasons for this: the accident on the old worn heating industry or heating season the regional administration decided to start later.

When there is a consumer heating system, in order to set the desired temperature for different times of the day, the programmer connected to modern heating boilers is used. For example, if the owner
From morning to evening, it is at work, and there will be no other family members at home, then there is no need to maintain a high temperature in the apartment. The boiler in automatic mode will provide a temperature set at a level, for example, 18 degrees.

Combined heating system, detailed video:

If we consider the existing types of heating in the apartment, it should be noted that individual apartment heating is material incentives aimed at saving heat. For many years, consumers explain that it is necessary to warm apartments and windows, and not to dig a street. But existing utilities remain unsuccessful. Now, if available, the amount of payments for gas depends on the degree of insulation of the apartment. Thus, for the owner of the housing, the material incentive becomes a decrease in utility payments.

In the presence of your own double-circuit boiler, commonly used when a consuming horizontal heating in the apartment is created, the tenants are provided with both heating and hot water (read also: ""). As a result, when switching to the system of individual support with heat, consumers do not threaten the shutdown of hot water in summer, so well familiar to many large cities.

The presence of central heating in the apartment is definitely convenient, since the owners "does not hurt a head" on this. But, unfortunately, it is not always practical, since the temperature in the premises begins directly depend on the thermal regime installed in the total boiler room. In addition, such a system is not insured against emergency situations that may arise on any site her lengthAs a result, the whole house is often disconnected from heating. A lot of difficulties arises in the periods of "offseason", when the cooler came early to the slurry scheduled The beginning of the heating season, or, on the contrary, the batteries are drunk when too warm weather was installed on the street.

Despite the disorders of temperature regimes and temporary disconnection of the house from heating, payment for it remains unchanged that absolutely not profitable regular users. Therefore, in recent years, the trend in recent years is gaining more and more owners of apartments in high-rise buildings to the installation of autonomous heating systems.

Those who decided to "separate", as a rule, arise numerous questions related to various nuances of this procedure. Therefore, further and will be considered individual heating in an apartment building - the necessary documents and installation rules for him.

Advantages and disadvantages of autonomous heating in the apartment

Before deciding to such a cardinal substitution, it is necessary to evaluate everything "for" and "against" an individual system of heating.

So, advantages The presence of an autonomous heating system is as follows:

  • The possibility of heating an apartment in the off-season when the central system is not yet included or already turned off, in accordance with the established regional standards, which are based on the ambient temperature, during these seasons - is very unstable and with large daily fluctuations.
  • The ability to maintain the necessary temperature regime in the rooms, which is much more difficult to organize under central heating, as it does not take into account the location of the apartment and the degree of its insulation. Probably, it is not necessary to explain that the apartments inside the house, and the angular, and even substantive winter winds, require a differentiated approach to heating. However, to balance consumption costs, payment for heat It is accrued equally, usually - based on the apartment area.

Therefore, by installing autonomous heating in apartments, it is possible to immediately take into account the specifics of the location of the rooms, getting and comfortable microclimate in any of them, and considerable cash savings.

  • Autonomous heating is easy to individually configure operation modes. For example, it makes no sense to trample "on complete", if at the moment all residents are missing. It will be more logical only to maintain the required level of heating. But to the arrival of the owners, the automation "heal" heat so that the rooms are optimal temperature in the rooms.

Many modern management systems, besides whether they can respond independently to changing weather conditions. They can be controlled and remotely using GSM or IP communication channels.

  • The reduction in operating costs will also occur due to significantly smaller consumption of energy carriers, since modern gas or electric equipment is designed for optimal energy consumption - have high efficiency of the efficiency approaching 100 percent.
  • When installing, it is quite possible to refuse from the central system of hot water, providing its seven hot water autonomously. This means that the apartment equipped with such an aggregate will not depend on the summer preventive work of the DHW, and it will always be hot water.

  • As a category of advantages, the fact that, for central heating has to pay and in the summer, as it requires permanent service. By installing the same autonomous heating option, payments will be made only on a gas (or electric) counter, that is, it will be possible to directly monitor the consumption of energy carriers and the cost of heating and hot water supply, analyze and find ways to further save.

However, there are also considerable difficulties when translating an apartment for individual heating, and they can be attributed to disadvantages His arrangement:

  • All work should be made on a legal basis and in compliance with all the requirements for this process. Unauthorized reconstruction, firstly, will not save from payments of utilities for heating and hot water supply. And secondly, it also threatens a serious administrative punishment in the form of a very rather small fine.
  • The difficulties associated with the design of documentation for shutdown from central communications, project development, as well as obtaining permission to install the equipment.
  • It will be necessary or equipment or equipment with due faning system to install the heating unit.
  • Installation of the system refers to the works of a fairly high category of complexity.
  • Considerable costs, both in the design of documents and the acquisition of everything necessary for the arrangement of autonomous heating and DHW. And this is still excluding installation work.
  • All responsibility for carrying out operational and preventive measures, as well as for the safety of the system, fully falls on the owner of the apartment. It should be borne in mind that all these processes associated with autonomous heating will be monitored by the relevant profile organizations, whose representatives of the apartment owner will have to provide access to installed equipment.

However, even considering all the upcoming difficulties and significant initial costs, the autonomous heating system in all respects is much more profitable for central heating and DHW. In practice, she will pay off quickly enough and will reliably serve for many years.

Package of necessary documents for "autonomization"

In order to organize autonomous heating in the apartment, you will have to make some redevelopment, and this is, as you know, the process is enough labour intensive. It must be borne in mind that the design of resolution documents may take from three to five months, and the installation work is about a week. In this regard, the preparation process must begin in advance.

Preliminary coordination and permission

So, the first step, it is necessary to decide on the documents that will be required in order to proceed with the development of the project, the purchase of equipment, and then the installation of the autonomous system. The list of documents approved Art. 26 LCD RF "The foundation of the reorganization and (or) redevelopment of residential premises".

Any reorganization of residential premises is made taking into account the established requirements and in coordination with local governments. For negotiation, you must collect a package of documents in which the standard governor Documents on the possession of this housing, to which the following belongs:

  • Application application for a reorganization of housing. The form of statement is standard and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Certificate of state Registration on the right of ownership of the apartment is to be the right of inheritance or the agreement on the transfer of housing to the property. A copy of the document certified by a notary will be required.
  • The technical passport on the apartment is a photocopy, certified by a notary.
  • The redevelopment project of the apartment, made in the prescribed form.
  • A certified copy of the document, where all persons prescribed in the apartment are indicated.
  • Consent to the reconstruction of the heating system from all residents of the apartment. This document is drawn up on one sheet, where everyone living in the apartment has been listed, and then they affect their signatures, confirming their consent.
  • A document from the Organization for the Protection of Architectural Monuments, if the house where the reorganization is planned, refers to the category of architectural monuments.

The applicant should be remembered that self-government bodies are not allowed to demand other documents not provided for by this article. After making a package with documentation for consideration, the applicant must be given a receipt to receive, with a list of adopted documents.

Consideration and decision on agreement or refusal must be implemented no later than through 45 days from the date of filing the documentation. The document developed by the Commission must be issued to the applicant no later than 3-H. Business days after making a decision.

According to the norms and rules for the technical operation of housing, which are approved by the Russian State Building No. 70 from 27. 09.03 G.. , Refusal of redevelopment or reorganization of residential premises may follow if these actions are worsening the living conditions of all or individual residents at home, where the applicant's apartment is located.

However, this is not all. The list of documents is indicated by the redevelopment project, which must be approved by controlling gas and heat supply organizations, as it is necessary to obtain permission from the central heating system and install the gas equipment. And after receiving such permits, the draft redevelopment and installation of the autonomous system is drawn up, which must be coordinated with the relevant authorities.

Therefore, it is necessary to prepare all the above documents, as they will have to make in all organizations that directly affect the project preparation. Registration of documentation happens in the following order:

  • The first organization in which you need to contact are urban or district heating networks. It is there that give permission to disable the heating circuit of the apartment from the central heating system. Consent may be issued if the disconnection will not lead to a violation of the work of engineering equipment nearby apartments or the whole house as a whole. Other reasons for refusal, in principle, can not be.

If an unreasonable refusal was received from this organization, then this is a reason to apply to courts. It should be noted that sometimes a shutdown application is supplied through the organization of self-government with a housing foundation.

  • Then, with the resulting maiden letter, it is necessary to contact the gas service of the district or city for obtaining technical conditions for the installation of autonomous heating. This document must be issued within 10 days from the date of the applicant's appeal.
  • After receiving the one by taking all the documentation on the apartment, you can go to the design or energy organization, which is engaged in the preparation of such projects. If the boiler is purchased before the project is drawn up, and it meets all the requirements of the installation in the apartment of a multi-storey building, then the design organization should provide documentation and on it. The project will be prepared taking into account the technical conditions provided.

Most of the requirements for controlling organizations, including the gas service, are registered in the document "Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning" Paragraph 6.2 "Fighter Heating Systems" SNIP41 - 01-2003.

To free yourself from walking in all instances, you can entrust the design and coordination of all the necessary documents of the project organization. In some regions of Russia, this function takes the gas service. Naturally, all this additional work is carried out for a fee.

Draft autonomous heating

Separately, it is necessary to say about the project for the reconstruction of heating. First of allBefore contacting specialists who perform project work, it is necessary to carefully study the technical conditions used in the preparation of the project, and it is desirable to draw up a preliminary sketch of the approximate location of heating elements.

Exactly, its location can be determined after studying the plan of an apartment plan, which is located in a technical passport.

So, the project is a necessary document when carrying out any reorganization of residential premises. Based on it will be installed in the new heating circuit and heating boiler. How correctly this document will be drawn up, and then according to it installed the equipment, it will work so effectively.

The project includes data on external and internal factors that determine the type of heating:

  • The climatic conditions of the region in which the house is located.
  • Engineering and technical characteristics of the structure.
  • Available energy in which heating system can operate.
  • Technical characteristics of heated housing are the number of rooms, the presence of loggias, as well as the area and the volume of rooms.
  • Financial side of the issue.

On the basis of this data, not only the installation site of the heating unit, but also its type, as well as power is selected.

To make heating efficient and economical, the development of its project is recommended to trust the specialists. Best of all, energy companies will be cope with this stage, the organizations themselves or interacting with the asserting sector of heating organizations, with which subsequently, the project will be aligned, which will definitely ensure the correctness of its compilation, and therefore approval.

To get a positive result and optimal technical solution, the Customer must work closely with the organization that develops the project. In the process of creating a project, several options are usually considered. The customer chooses the one that suits it most, after which the technical parameters of the unit and all necessary equipment are determined. The project is being developed in several stages:

  • If the customer did not provide its own sketch version, then work is starting with it.
  • The system of the heating circuit is developed, on the basis of which the installation of the system will be installed.
  • The documentation for the projected heating system is preparing.
  • Scalance is compiled.

If this work is entrusted to professionals, then at each specific stage of project development, it will participate in it specialists in the field of heat supply, ventilation, architecture, as well as energy supply.

The project consists of several parts, which present certain data from different aspects of the project:

  • Descriptive part Gives information about the content and value of the project. This section of the document, in turn, is divided into several points, where the following technical data is posted:

- location of an apartment or a house if planned to be mounted in the private sector;

- Location of residential premises and planning features.

In the descriptive section of the document, these technical characteristics of the premises are specified, taking into account their location and climatic characteristics of the region where the structure is located. This description is necessary in order to determine the types and types of heating equipment. This information will be subsequently used to calculate and determine the power to which the heating system must have, as well as the temperature regime parameters in the apartment.

  • Technological calculations - This is the main part of the project in which the result is due to the parameters of the volume of the required energy carrier during the operation of the unit in different modes, as well as the optimal temperature of the coolant, providing the necessary heating of the apartment rooms. It is especially important to determine the power of the heating boiler and hot water supply, since on the basis of these calculations a selection of equipment and components for it is made.

In the same part, heat losses are calculated when heating the premises, on the basis of which it will be possible to draw conclusions about the efficiency of the system.

The calculated parameters will also show how appropriate is the one or another wiring and the type of radiators connecting to the system contour. The calculations also include use in the system of heating automatic control devices.

Further, all the data obtained is necessarily reflected in the system of the heating system, which will be guided for installers during the work. Deviations from those developed by experts and the approved scheme can lead to a commissioning of a commissioning system that allows the reception office.

  • Specification . This section contains data on basic materials and elements of the heating system, and their main technical characteristics. This part of the project also includes a diagram of the heating system with placed nodes and devices listed in the list.

This information is key to calculating the hydrostatic system, as well as the necessary heating temperature. If these calculations are incorrectly carried out, the system work will be ineffective, and gas consumption will be exceeded.

  • Graphic image - This is an important section of the project that visually represents how the overall design of the heating system will look. This part of the project is performed using special computer programs, most often in a three-dimensional projection.

Applying an application for project development, it is necessary to clarify for specialists the reason for the transition to the autonomous type of heating. The more justifications there will be, the more accurate the calculations, as experts will know what to pay attention to them.

A copy of the design documents must be filed to the gas company, which will continue to maintain the installed equipment.

Gas boiler for autonomous heating Apartments

When drafting a project, specialists will offer options for boilers that can be used to install in an individual system of heating an apartment. However, it is necessary and independently examine some information associated with the choice of the aggregate.

First of all, it is necessary to apply to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307, paragraph 44 of 16. 04.12. which addresses the connection of heat supply systems. This resolution presents a list of heat-power instruments that do not meet the established requirements, and therefore are prohibited for installation in the apartments of multi-storey houses. Having studied this document, it will be possible to immediately decide, the devices of which structures cannot be installed in the offline system of the apartment heating.

So, the list of boilers that can be used in apartments of multi-storey houses include aggregates operating on natural gas and corresponding to the following requirements:

  • Having a closed (hermetic) combustion chamber.
  • Mandatory presence of automatic shutdown of fuel supply in case of cessation of electricity supply, attenuation of the burner flame, if malfunctions occurred in the protection circuit, with insufficient pressure inside the system, which may fall below the limit value, when heating the coolant above the limiting temperature, as well as in the smoke system .
  • With a permissible temperature of the coolant in the system not higher than 95˚.
  • The pressure of the coolant is not more than 1 MPa.

In addition, the boilers are single-mounted, used only for heating apartments and dual-circuit, calculated, both on heating and heat heating. When applying and collecting documents, this factor must also be specified. This is due to the fact that the heating networks should give consent to the shutdown of the apartment not only from heating, but also from the DHW system.

Next, you need to decide on the design of the heating unit, as it can be wall or outdoor. To install in a modern apartment, a wall-mounted version of gas equipment is most often selected, since such boilers have compact sizes and pretty aesthetic Design, reminding in appearance. Since the chimney tube from the heating boiler should go outside, it will be conveniently placed on the outer wall, with this installation there will be no problems with the location of the pipe indoors. As a rule, a window is located on the outer wall, which will solve problems with ventilation of the room. Usually the power of a wall boiler is enough to heat the standard apartment with proper insulation of the walls and the presence of Eurocon with double-glazed windows.

Rooms in the apartment where the gas boiler can be installed

Separately, a few words are necessary and to say about the room for installing a gas boiler, as it is located in any room, according to the owners preference, will not work.

The placement of gas heating equipment must meet certain safety requirements to which the following are:

  • You can not install gas equipment in a residential room.
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe room should be no less than 4 square meters.
  • The entrance door to the room with the installed boiler must have a width of at least 800 mm.
  • The room must be equipped with a window overlooking the street.
  • The boiler is mounted on the wall or installed on the floor, at a distancewhich should be no less than 300 mm from the other gas equipment, such as a gas stove.
  • In the room it is necessary to find the possibility of output to the street, that is, through the wall. Pipe output to the general ventilation channel is not allowed.
  • Some heating units require the premises of forced ventilation, that is, you will have to install an exhaust fan on the window. This will be indicated in technical specifications.
  • The wall boiler should be fixed on the wall built of non-flammable material, and for the outdoor it is necessary to make fire-resistant flooring, for example, lay outdoor ceramic tiles.

Without fulfilling these requirements, the Commission, signing an act of acceptance, will not agree to the commissioning of the autonomous heating system.

Based on the characteristics of the room, it can be concluded that the unit can be installed in the kitchen room or a pre-insulated loggia combined. Since the gas boiler is tied to the main power supply pipeline, which is supplied to the kitchen room of the apartment, it is optimal for the location of the heating unit.

In addition, the kitchen is necessarily equipped with a window going outside and the door of the required width. And, in addition, the channel of general ventilation was supplied to it, which is also necessary for the premises of the apartment "boiler room".

How to come up with the choice of gas heating boiler?

In order for the boiler to fully respond to its parameters created system Heating, it was reliable and convenient to operate, it is necessary to guide the whole row of criteria for evaluating such equipment. - Read in a separate publication of our portal.

Autonomous electric heating

The arrangement of electrical heating is substantially simpler than gas. At least because there is a wider selection of its installation of boiler or other equipment, since the power supply is divorced throughout the apartments, and the ventilation and the combustion products are not required.

When planning the installation of electric heating, first of all, you need to consult in the establishment of "Energonadzor" (or a similar organization). It is necessary to check the availability of resources in the home for extraction of additional energy. If a written consent was obtained in this organization, then with him and a petition to turn off the apartment from centralized heat supply, it is necessary to contact the heating network.

The list of other documentation should be clarified in the energy company and in the authorities of self-government. The fact is that when installing electric heating in different regions of the country, the requirements for its installation can differ significantly. The only thing to note is that the number of documents and approvals will be much smaller compared with the gas heating of the apartment.

Thanks to modern technologies today, you can choose one of two electrical heating options. One implies the use of a heating unit with conventional pipe wiring for the circulation of the coolant. The second implies direct heating by separately installed devices or systems - electrical convectors, infrared heaters, systems "".

Heating using an electric boiler

The system using the coolant, that is, pipe wiring and radiators remain in place. But they are connected to an electric heating boiler, and heat carrier will heat up from him, and not from the central heating line.

Most of the modern models of electric heating units are equipped with automatic control. Therefore, the system can be programmed so that the heating of the room to the required temperature indicators will not be constantly, but only in the time set by the hosts. This feature can be safely saved, for example, using a free chance for "charging" heat accumulator.

Wall-mounted electrical boilers are presented on sale, which can have a power of 5 ÷ 60 kW, as well as outdoor options, their power exceeds 60 kW.

Which one to choose, specialists will be prompted, when submitting documents for the preparation of a project of an electric heating system, in which the scheme of its arrangement will be. The choice of the boiler will depend on the area and location of the apartment in the house, the degree of its insulation, the number of windows and balconies, as well as the material manufacturing material. Usually choosing the boiler power, rely on the installed technological standards, that is, 1 kW of electricity on 10 "squares" of the area.

It is impossible to lose sight of the fact that if an aggregate with a capacity exceeding 9 kW is acquired, then the need to re-equip the apartment power grid and the installation of a three-phase meter. If you plan to install a heating boiler for greater power, then before purchasing it, you must consult and get a written permission in the local energy company.

It should be borne in mind that household electric boilers are not designed for a large number of radiators, respectively, their installation is optimal for heating small areas, up to 80 - 90 m². In addition to the boiler, the "warm floor" systems can be used, which economically consume electricity economically.

Electrical units operate according to the standard automatic heating system. The coolant (water or antifreeze) heats up, passing through the boiler, and then enters the heating circuit with radiators installed in it. Passing this path, the coolant cools and returns to the boiler for heating, etc. So that the circulation was more intense, and the radiators warmed faster, the circulation pump is installed in the heating circuit.

The electric boiler, in contrast to the gas equipment, can be installed in any utility room where it is convenient to carry out a power line, and where it will be easier to perform a common wiring of the heating circuit pipes. Most often, the kitchen or bathroom is also selected for this. But sometimes it is assembled in the corridor, having filled the wiring of the contour pipe into the wall surfaces.

What is the electric heating boiler?

A variety of such devices is quite large, moreover, not only in size, power and other operational parameters, but even on the principle of heating. Read more about this in a special article of our portal dedicated to.

Direct heating room with electrical devices

Heating using individual electrical devices or a "warm floor" system, which can be combined or work separately, is called a direct heating system.

This option is preferable to choose if there is a desire to free yourself from numerous pipes and volumetric radiators, since, for example, electrical convectors have a more aesthetic appearance and compact size. The "warm floor" system can be a cable rod or film - but in any case, it is generally imperceptible to the eye.

When combining individual devices into a single system, it is possible to connect it to a common control unit, with the help of which the temperature modes in the time of day and by day of the week are set, taking into account the routine of the family's life.

When choosing any kind of electrical heating, it is necessary to provide grounding, without which permission will not be issued to commissioning the system.

The advantage of electric heating is that it, in contrast to the gas, is safer. And compared to the central system, it can be easily and very accurately adjusted by setting the required temperature.

The main drawback of the electrical system is that when the electricity is disconnected, the apartment will remain not only without lighting, but also without heating. Therefore, if this phenomenon is repeated with a frightening constancy in a particular settlement, it is better to stop your choice on autonomous gas heating of the apartment. In addition, explicit "minuses" includes very high electricity tariffs.

Features of the arrangement of electrical heating consist in compliance with some conditions that are not provided for the gas option of heating. So, experts are recommended:

  • Conduct for electrical heating system from distribution shield separate power cable which Stabilizes the load on the uniform electrical network.
  • Uzo systems are installed today in all new buildings, equipped with autonomous electrical heating. If it is not, you will have to take care of the acquisition of such a block. It - reliable Protection against lesion with current when it leaks on the instrument housing.
  • It is highly desirable to install a two-timer counter that will help to save in the case, if the heat supply of the premises will occur in the preferential clock.

Instruments and systems of direct heating of rooms - what to choose?

A variety of such devices is extremely wide. With you can take a closer look at the special article of the portal. Another publication will tell about the varieties and specific features various systems.

Installation of the autonomous heating system

Disconnecting an apartment from central highways of heating and hot water supply, as well as the installation of a gas and electric boiler, only specialists of energy companies have been produced with a special documented admission to such work.

Such rules are introduced to comply with all security conditions both during installation and during the operation of the equipment. No need to forget that in an apartment building there are many neighboring apartments with people in them. And you should not expose your own and their life danger.

You can take on the laying of pipes and the arrangement of heating radiators, the installation of other necessary elements of the system. But even that - only subject to the presence of good skills in conducting such operations.

In this publication, there is no particular sense in this posting. The fact is that with all the details this is set out in a special article of the portal.

Nuances Mounting Water Heating System

Laying a boiler is installed, or electric, otherwise the pipeline wiring, the installation of radiators, additional devices and parts is almost the same. How it is held in a house or apartment - to the appropriate detailed instructions you will give the recommended link.

Before deciding to abandon centralized heating and from the supply of hot water, it is necessary to weigh all the positive and negative points of autonomous heating of the apartment. And only after carrying out such a comparison and conducting thoughtful analysis - to be taken for collecting documents.

Another little refinement. It may happen that by turning off the apartment from heat supply and the DHW, paying for generalic heating will still have to pay. But these amounts will be completely meager, compared with those that monthly indicated in the payment previously.

And in conclusion - a small video, which will also help weigh all the "Pro" and "Contra" autonomous heating system in the apartment

Video: Advantages and disadvantages of the autonomous apartment heating system

The quarter system is the following. In a special mine or specially embarrassed placement of common corridors or staircase halls, feed and reverse vertical racing highways,from which the horizontal wiring of the feed and return pipelines to the heating devices of each apartment is produced. Those. Each apartment has one input of the feed and return pipelines to which all the heating devices of the apartment are attached.

On the staircase, the commercial entries are located in the built-in mounting cabinets, where commercial heat meters are located, filters, balancing valves, shock fittings, water drain valves.

2 two-rope radiation and perimeter pipeline wiring

Memory heating systems can be performed according to the following schemes:

- two-pipe horizontal (dead-end or passing); two-pipe beam; Horizontal one-tube with closing areas and consistent connection of heating devices; outdoor With stacking heating coils from pipes in floor design.

Figure - Heating System Dual Tube Perimetral Stubble

Figure - two-rope heating system

1 Fighter deployments

Each apartment has one input of the feed and return pipelines to which all the heating devices of the apartment are attached. On the staircase, the commercial entries are located in the built-in mounting cabinets, where commercial heat meters are located, filters, balancing valves, shock fittings, water drain valves.

1 - shut-off ball valve; 2 - Mesh filter; 3 - apartment heat meter with flow meter and temperature sensors; 4 - ASV-M shut-off valve; 5 - ASV-P balancing valve; 6 - Crane for water drain

Figure - Scheme of an input assembly in an apartment

"Automated heating systems".

1 General

In modern conditions when problems of reduction of energy consumption It is especially acute, the heating systems should work so that the amount of heat supplied to each room is determined by the current need in accordance with the wishes of consumers. To do this, regulation and consumption of heat consumption must be ensured.

In Snip, 41-01-2003 states that t.election of the building should be designed, as a rule, ensuring consideration of the heat consumption and automatic temperature control of the coolant for internal heat supply systems of the building in temperature graphics, depending on the change in the outdoor temperature.

The heating of residential buildings should be designed, providing regulation and accounting of the consumption of heat to heating with each apartment, groups of public and other destination, located in the house, as well as the building as a whole.

It can only provide completely automated heating systemsequipped with heat consumption metering devices.

Complex automation of the heating system includes:

Local regulation of the parameters of the coolant in the thermal paragraph;

Individual control of the flow of heat from the heating devices of the system;

Automatic maintaining hydraulic modes in the pipeline network.

In modern automated systemsheating for individual regulation of heat transfer heat transfer apply automatic radiator thermal regulators (abbreviated thermostats).

2 Radiator thermostators (thermostats)

Radiator thermostat - an automatic direct-acting regulator designed to maintain at a predetermined air temperature in the room by changing the heat transfer of the heating device installed in it.

Danfoss type RTD thermostat consists of two connected midways - a thermostatic head and thermostatic valve, which are delimited by arrows, respectively but and b. on the image. The main element of the thermostatic head is the sensor. It monitors the air temperature in the room and reacts to its changes. It is a closed thin-walled cylindrical shell with a longitudinal corrugated side surface, called a bellows. The bellows filled with an exclusive substance. Responding to a change in air temperature, it expands and shrinks (like a spring). Through the pressure pin acts on the rod and valve shutter. The shutter overlaps the coolant passage, cargo regulation by the heat flow of the heat exchanger. A distinctive feature of Danfoss thermostators is that the bellows is filled with a gas condensate mixture. T. K. The heat capacity is lower than substances in another aggregate state, it makes the thermostat with an unsurpassed reaction to the change in the temperature situation. The pressure of the gas condensate mixture inside the bellows is verified during filling and is balanced by the elasticity of the adjustment spring. With increasing air temperature around the sensor, condensate goes into a gas-like state. Increases the pressure in the bellows, and it moves the rod. When the air temperature decreases, the bellows is compressed and the rod rises.

Danfoss thermostators are equipped with different structures regulators. The choice is carried out depending on the type of room, the installation site of the heat exchange device, the type of system of supporting the microclimate and the degree of its automation.

a- Regulator (thermostatic head):

1- restrictive rings; 2- thermostatic sensor (sensor); 3- bellows; 4- settings; 5- Spring settings; 6- push pin; 7- sealing ring;

b-thermostatic valve:

8 - rod; 9- throttle; 10- Cone valve (shutter); 11- valve housing; 12- flow stabilizer; 13- Caid nut; 14- Pipe (shank).

Figure - thermostat with built-in sensor

RTD radiator thermostators valves are divided into two types: RTD-N (for two-pipe heating pumping systems) and RTD-G (for single-tube pumping and two-pipe gravitational systems).

2 Balancing valves

Management of hydraulic modes of operation of the heating system is usually carried out automatic balancing valves Installed on risers or horizontal system branches. These valves provide the calculated thread distribution of the heating system standby regardless of pressure fluctuations in distribution pipelines, the operation of radiator thermostators in optimal mode and eliminates the possibility of noise formation.

Balancing valves are divided into automaticsupporting a constant pressure drop in two-pipe heating systems (ASV-P / ASV-M (I), ASV-PV (PV Plus) / ASV-M (I) or a permanent flow rate in one-pipe systems (AV-QM), and manual(MSV-C, MSV-F, USV-I and MSV-I), which are used instead of adjusting diaphragms.

Automatic balancing valves of type ASV-P, (PV, PV Plus) two-pipeheating systems in order to stabilize pressure drops in the level of pressure, which is required for optimal operation of automatic radiator thermostators. The valve is a registrability registrability of pressure drops, a positive pulse is supplied through a pulse tube with a length of 1.5 m from the feeding system and a negative pulse from the internal channels of the valve. The pulse tube to the feed riser is connected via the ASV-M shut-off valve or the ASV-1 shut-off valve valve. The ASV-P valve with a fixed factory setting supports pressure drops equal to 10,000 pa.

The figure shows examples of placing automatic balancing valves on two-pipe risers and branches of the heating system.

A) riser at the lower arrangement of highways; B) - riser at the upper arrangement of the feed line; C) - horizontal branch with versatile accession to highways

Figure - Examples of automatic balancing

valves on two-pipe risers and branches of heating system

Automatic Balancing Valves Type AB-QMinstalled on risers or horizontal branches single-rubles Heating systems in order to maintain a constant flow of coolant in them. It also is simultaneously a locking device.

Manual balancing valves - These are valve devices with fixing the position of its setting to the required bandwidth.

MSV-S, MSV-F hand valves are used, as a rule, for a single installation on the highways of the heating system, and the MSV-I and MSV-M valves are on the risers.

Subject: " Heating devices. "

1 Requirements for heating devices,complement and clarify the requirements for the heating system.


The temperature of the heat transfer surface of the heating device must comply with the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards: for residential and administrative buildings Maximum temperature 95 0 s, for hospitals - 85 0 s,

for industrial premises - up to 150 0 s;

Reduction of horizontal surfaces to reduce dust sediments;

Availability and ease of cleaning from dust devices and spaces around them;

2. Economic requirements:

Minimum value of the device;

Minimum metal consumption that provides an increase in the heat voltage of the metal;

Metal thermal voltage indicator M., W / (kg 0 c), is the ratio of the heat flux of the device q пр at Δt \u003d 1 ° C to the mass of the metal of the instrument G M

where Δ. t.- the difference between the average heat carrier temperature and

ambient air temperature;

The bigger M.The better, i.e. Less metal is spent on the device without reducing its heat flux. For cast iron radiators M \u003d 0.2, for concrete panels M \u003d 1.32.

3. Architectural and construction:

Compliance with the appearance of the interior of the interior of the premises;

Reduction occupied area.

4. Production and assembly:

Maximum mechanization of manufacturing and installation;

Production mass;

Convenience of transportation;

Sufficient mechanical strength;

The addition of the device must be simple, without unnecessary shaped connections.

5. Operational requirements:

Heat transfer control;

Waterproof with working hydrostatic pressure inside


The heating devices are also presented heat engineering, i.e. it is heat transfer from the coolant to the room through the unit of the area of \u200b\u200bthe highest heat flux, with other things being equal (flow rate and temperature of the coolant, air temperature, the method of installing the device, etc.). That is, the device must have the highest heat transfer coefficient.

2 Classification of heating devices

1. By the prevailing method of heat transfer devices are divided into:

- radiation - devices transmitted by radiation at least 50% of the total heat flux (ceiling heating panels, ceiling ceramic gas emitters of infrared radiation, wall and ceiling electrodepoplating panels based on coal composite).

- convective radiation- devices transmitting convection from 50% to 75% of the total heat flux (radiators; smooth-tube instruments - registers of smooth pipes and smooth-tube radiators; floor heating panels).

- convective- devices transmitting convection at least 75% of the total heat flux (convectors and ribbed pipes)

2. According to the used material distinguish:

Metal (steel, cast iron, aluminum, bimetallic


Non-metallic (concrete panels with polymer pipes, cera-

mIC, of \u200b\u200bcomposite mixtures;

Combined (concrete panels covered in them

metal pipes, polymer, ceramic).

3. in heightvertical heating devices are divided into:

High (650mm high);

Average (400 - 650mm);

Low (200 - 400mm);

Plinth (≤ 200mm).

4. P. depth Installations (taking into account the distance from the device to the wall):

Low depth devices (up to 120mm);

Medium (from 120 to 200mm);

Big depth (\u003e 200mm).

5. In magnitude heat inertia:

Small thermal inertia devices (small mass devices and a small mass of water, for example, convectors. In them wearing small diameter pipes, and they quickly change the heat transfer when the amount of water changes;

Devices of large thermal inertia. These are massive devices accompanying a large amount of water, such as pig-iron radiators.