How much weighs the FBS 30 block. We determine the weight of concrete blocks

Any house needs a foundation - what he will have a lot of years, without leaving under the ground and without wasting on his side. The foundations are different - in the wet places at home put on piles, sometimes dripped with concrete, but the easiest and most convenient way to create a foundation (especially if we are talking about a summer house, which is not higher than two floors and who does not need a drip depth with the Mariana Wpadin) The easiest most of the special blocks.

What is foundation blocks

Foundation blockand - these are special concrete slabs of different sizes, which are used for the fastest and simple construction of the foundation. Usually have a rectangular shape and the reinforcement frame, but, if the customer is desired, there may be irregular forms - if it is necessary on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe architect.

Region of their application

  1. Construction of the foundation. It stems directly from the title - the blocks themselves were created exclusively in order to become a support for the house.
  2. Erecting simple buildings. The foundation blocks are good in order to build a barn or an industrial body as soon as possible. They do not miss moisture, do not require additional care and it is very easy to use in the construction phase. Of course, the aesthetic qualities of the construction will not be too high, but you can always paint it into a cheerful red color.
  3. Construction of fences. Suitable for strict modest objects or for those who most appreciate their own privacy. Such a fence, as well as buildings, will not be very aesthetic, but it is extremely practical - it's easy to build, it is difficult to destroy, no holes and, with fantasy (or barbed wire), great difficulties with overleep.
  4. Saving basement walls. In the basement, the walls of which are made from the foundation blocks, will always be cool and never - wet. In such a dry cold place, you can also keep any pickles.


  1. Load distribution. Foundation blocks distribute the weight of the house on the ground so that it does not give and not crumble.
  2. Support. They are actually worth the house - all his walls are relying on the foundation.
  3. Laying the necessary communications. In certain types of blocks, there are special emptiness, in which it is very convenient to lay pipes or electric pipes connecting the house with the main city network.

What are the types of blocks

  1. Solid. This type is most durable and can withstand huge loads. How can I understand from the name, there are no voids in such blocks - inside exclusively concrete and fittings. Heavy solid houses are usually put on such blocks. The only minus is the weight. If the soil is at least a bit unreliable (swampy, clay, or dyed) blocks will cover and the house turns.
  2. Solid with voids. This type of blocks are lighter than the previous one, since they have special emptiness for laying communications. It greatly facilitates the connection of the house to the water supply, the power grid and the Internet - nothing needs to be drilled, everything runs inside the walls and the ceiling of the technical basement.
  3. Empty. The easiest type of blocks used usually where heavy solid blocks are not suitable due to natural conditions. Inside, in voids, there is a place that can be filled with insulating materials, for example, and obtain excellent warm floors or no less excellent warm basement walls.

Block size and its marking

The first thing to be remembered about the method of marking the foundation blocks is that the first three letters indicate the type of block. Accordingly, the FBB is with a cut, the FBP is the void, where F is the foundation, b - block, and the third letter is direct sending to the type.

Also, when labeling blocks, three digits are indicated:

  • The first of these means the length of the block is the smallest of them 40 centimeters, the largest - 240. In the marking it is displayed, respectively, figures 4 and 24.
  • The second of them means the width - the smallest blocks of 30 centimeters, the largest - 60, is indicated by figures 3 and 6.
  • And the last figure denotes the elevation of the block - the lowest 30, the highest 60.

Thus, -6-5-3 is a fundamental solid block, a length of 60 centimeters, a width of 50, and a height of 30.

FBB-24-3-6 is a foundation block with voids, a length of 240 centimeters, a width of 30, and a height of 60.

If you need blocks longer than 240 centimeters, for example, you can always order directly at the factory exactly what you need, and get it, of course, for an additional fee.

Weight blocks

The weight of the foundation blocks varies depending on their size. For example, the ratio of the size of the solid blocks with their weight will be:

Name Weight, kg
FBS-9-Z-6T 350
FBS-9-4-6T 470
FBS-9-5-6T 590
FBS-9-6-6T 700
FBS-12-Z-6T 460
FBS-12-4-TZ 310
FBS-12-4-6T 640
FBS-12-5-TZ 390
FBS-12-5-6T 790
FBS-12-6-ZT 460
FBS-12-6-6T 960
FBS-24-3-6T 970
FBS-24-4-6T 1300
FBS-24-5-6T 1630
FBS-24-6-6T 1960

The price of blocks is also varied depending on the size and type. In the widest part, this scatter is from 700 (the smallest of possible FBS blocks, only 40 centimeters long) to 4000 (the largest, 240 centimeters long).

Advantages and disadvantages of blocks

PBS advantages:

  1. Rapidity. First, you do not need to mess with concrete, breed it and knead that for an unprepared person in itself is difficult. Secondly, construction. Building something from blocks is how to play with the designer, does not take much time and does not require great effort.
  2. Convenience. The FBS design provides special coupling-hooks that allow them to combine them with the simplest way. At the same time, it is also reliable - the blocks will not discharge, being one day connected.
  3. Fortress. As a rule, FBS produces from good concrete, which is resistant to mechanical effects. It is not so easy to break through, and even the constant pressure of the Earth is not able to have any noticeable influence on it. In addition, the block design may provide special grooves that can be used to further strengthen the foundation.
  4. Heat resistance and oxidation resistance. Concrete blocks does not enter into chemical reactions and will not be mold and crumble over time. Also, it is also not terrous or a strong heat - warming up or turning around, it does not change its own characteristics too much.

Cons of FBS:

  1. Horregious. The blocks themselves will fall into a penny - because for the construction of the foundation is not necessary alone, and not two. Also will have to additionally pay for a special technique, which even quickly, and easily put blocks, as needed, but still costs money.
  2. Unpredictability. If there is a poor quality or error in the installation, the entire design will be made (after all, it is captured and monolith) can turn and quickly collapse - then it will have to redo everything, just as in the event that the calculation on the soil was in vain and it still cannot Hold all the severity of blocks.


In addition to the temperature resistance, fortress, speed for all blocks of heat resistance, the fortress, the speed for all the heat resistance, convenience and resistance of oxidation, and the PBV pluses include:

  1. Emptiness. They greatly facilitate the laying of communications. With them, you can not think too much about the way that water and electricity will be supplied to the house - all communications, wires and pipes can be calmly paved in the basement, along the walls from the inside.
  2. Ease. Where the FBS turns out of the fact that the Earth will see, FBV will stand and last for many years.

Cons them are the same as the FBS.

Separate pluses of the FBP include:

  1. Special lightness. The FBP is installed on the most unreliable soil, which will not keep NEF, nor FBS, and will provide the house of a reliable foundation in the conditions that make the remaining types of blocks absolutely unsuitable for use.
  2. Voids that can be filled with any material to taste. The heat insulation, which will create a cold basement, in which you can store pickles, waterproofing, which accurately reduces any possibility of flooding in the spring flood - the restrictions imposes only the fantasy of the owner, but not the characteristics of the blocks.

Minuses are the same as the rest. Also, the FBP needs a particular accurate calculation, because if they put too heavy design on them, the blocks will begin to crack, crumble and sees, and soon the house will have to demolish and rebuild, so as not to turn out once buried under the collenged ceiling.

Foundation blockand - a simple and reliable way to secure a reliable support.

Reinforced concrete products are used everywhere in modern construction. They are used to lay the foundation and construction of walls. The most important advantage is that they are delivered to the object of construction by already manufactured sections, and it saves time because it is not necessary to wait for solidification.
At least the weight of the FBS blocks is significant, there is a special construction vehicles, which transports materials to the construction site.

Reinforced concrete structures can be used in almost any climate, as they are endowed with unsurpassed technical characteristics.

The weight of the foundation blocks of the FBS and the properties depend on the type of product.

The main types of concrete blocks and their weight

The foundation blocks differ in form and design. They are:

  • Solid;
  • Hollow;
  • Solid with cut-out.

The design of the solid type is characterized by a completely filled space. They are filled with reinforced reinforcement or fill. These blocks maintain a significant load and their strength, in contrast to other products, the highest. Consequently, the weight of the foundation block of a solid type is greater, depends on the dimensions of the structure and ranges from 300 kg to 2000 kg.

Solid blocks with special grooves allow you to lay all kinds of communications. They have cuts, therefore, the weight of the concrete blocks of the FBS is much less solid. This type of design reduces the time for connecting the heat network to the source of electricity, buildings to the water supply or heat supply systems. The weight of each of these blocks reaches 500-700 kg.

The empty-type blocks are made with cavities, which in the construction process are filled with various materials, waterproofing or is used thermal insulation.

They are much easier to other designs and therefore apply in those situations when the use of solid sections of a large mass is impossible due to geological conditions.

The weight of the void FBS blocks varies from 20 kg to 200 kg.

The weight of the foundation blocks of the FBS also affects the material from which they are made (heavy concrete, silicate concrete or ceramzite concrete).

The dependence of the weight of the FBS blocks from the size

The FBS blocks are the dimensions and weight of which are interrelated, made from a heavy-type concrete with high density. Each product is labeled, this conditional designation is taken:

  • Abbreviation: FBS;
  • Dimensions: The first value is the length, the second indicator is the width, and the third digit is height;
  • Material: "T" - heavy concrete, "C" - silicate, etc.

The height of each block is the same. It is 58 cm. But the weight of the FBS blocks depends on the length and width of the products. A reinforced concrete block with a length of 88 cm and a width of from 30 to 60 cm will weigh 350-700 kg. These products include FBS 9-3-6T, FBS 9-4-6T, FBS 9-5-6T, as well as FBS 9-6-6T.

Constructions with a length of 118 cm and width from 30 to 60 cm will weigh more. These include FBS with marking 12-6-6, 12-5-6, 12-4-6, 12-3-6. The weight of the FBS blocks will be 450-1000 kilograms.

With dimensions 238x30x60cm, 238x40x60cm, 238x50x60cm and 238x60x60cm weigh 950-2000 kilograms.

In the state standard regulating the production of reinforced concrete products, the FBS blocks sizes and weight are indicated. You can familiarize yourself with this document, where the technical requirements of the manufacture of blocks of silicate and heavy concrete concrete density are not less than 1800 kg / m3.

Why do you need to know the mass of the FBS blocks

The State Standard GOST 13579-78 normaliates not only the strength characteristics of reinforced concrete products, and also establishes dimensions and mass. Why do you need to know how much the foundation block weighs? This is necessary to control the quality of products. In construction conditions, it is impossible to determine the density of concrete at the facility, and the weight is precisely the indicator that indicates this value.

Knowing how much the FBS unit weighs and how many such blocks will be required to build the foundation or with another purpose of construction, you can choose the properly equipment for transportation, loading and unloading structures, styling. Such blocks supply 10 and 20 ton techniques.

And if you own information about the mass of the FBS blocks, you will be able to save a significant amount of cash on the transport of bulky sections.

It is important to take into account downtime, unforeseen situations in the process of shipping to the object.

The weight of the FBS blocks is their drawback, however, in the construction process, it plays an important role, because it affects the quality and strength of the foundation, determines the reliability of the structure and ensures a long service life.

The design calculation of the foundation considers the weight of the FBS blocks according to the parameters of the permissible load on the base area of \u200b\u200bthe construction erected. If the carrying capacity of the soil in the construction site is less than the total weight of the above-ground part + the mass of blocks laid in the support part, then you will have to look for another option of the foundation, change the size and weight of the elements, the area of \u200b\u200bthe support, to use combinations of structural solutions (for example, Sailo- Scarlet type support). In the estimate, these are also transportation costs, the operation of machines and mechanisms.

How to sort out blocks

The foundation blocks are monolithic concrete parallelepipeds, which are used for mounting vertical walls of a tape base or individual supports for light frame houses, log cabins.

By purpose, the elements are used for the device of the wall structures of the base, laying into the basements of the basements, and are divided into 3 types:

  • solid;
  • solid with a cut (for the possibility of laying jumpers or passing communications);
  • hollow (FBP with open voids from the bottom side).

On side ends, such a product contains grooves for filling the binder solution to ensure the connection of the blocks in one row with each other.

From above there are 2 mounting loops for laying using a hook sling. The overall array of monolith is reinforced to enhance the bearing capacity (necessarily indicated in the project).

An example of how the FBS blocks look like, is given on this photo:

Material for production serves heavy, clay and silicate tight brands of concrete.

In the construction for the installation of reliable foundations, the line of products of solid foundation blocks of the FBS from heavy concrete are used. Ceramzite concrete FBS (porous exciphered clay fillers), blocks of dense silicate concrete, FBB, FBP are described in detail in GOST 13579-78 *, as materials for the device of basement walls.


Calculate the weight of the standard foundation unit. There is no special need - products are made strictly according to the technology in the forms of the established size from M100 or M200 concrete. The solution is compacted by mandatory vibropressing, the obtained billets are collaborated in special chambers for a certain time, therefore they have almost the same density and volume.

Based on such facilition conditions, the weight of the foundation blocks of a certain brand contains a reference table:

The product brand contains all the necessary information so that it is possible to determine how much the desired foundation unit weighs, knowing the weight of 1 m³ of concrete from which it is made.

Abbreviation, denoting the brand, indicates all the sizes of the FBS in DM.

For example, FBS 24-4-6-T denotes products with a length of 240 cm, a width of 40 cm, a height of 60 cm. The letter notation in the end have this meaning:

  • T - heavy concrete on crushed it;
  • L - light concrete;
  • P - filler protrudes clamzit;
  • C - silicate solution.

The construction of the foundation from the finished FBS with the right project substantiation, based on the geological conditions of the site, reduces the timing of the work (with respect to the desired period of the set of concrete monolith fortress) and the cost of this part of the building.

Why you need to be able to at least approximately calculate the rational version of the foundation from the FBS blocks for your own home, you can hear from the expert on this video:

Calculate yourself

In the independent count of the number of necessary blocks, knowledge of geometry is used: it is necessary to divide the total volume of the outlined foundation on the volume of the selected block. But not everything is so simple - the ground sole must withstand the construction.

Consider the sequence of calculations on the following example:

  1. The weight of the future building (external and interior walls, overlappings, roof, equipping equipment and furniture) approximately will be no more than 12,000 kg.
  2. For the construction of the base supports of the foundation, select the FBS 2-2-4-t. 17 points of support will be required with a total area of \u200b\u200b6,800 cm² (2 dm x 2 dm x 17 pcs). With a height of 2 blocks, they will need 34 pcs with a total weight of 30 kg x 34 \u003d 1 020 kg.
  3. The total weight of the building with the foundation is respectively equal to 13,020 kg. We consider the load on 1 cm² of soil: 13 020/6 800 \u003d 1.915 kg / cm².

Solution: If the carrying capacity of the soil on the construction site is 2 kg / cm² and above, the foundation is selected correctly, otherwise you will have to change the total support area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation blocks (number of points or brand) in the most side.

The fundamental collection, which are guided to properly embed the foundation, is SP 22.13330.2011, as well as the updated version of SNiP 2.02.01-83.

In areas with soils with weak characteristics, the area of \u200b\u200bweight distribution of the house can be increased by creating a special cushion under the FBS. It can be arranged in several ways:

  1. From the sand of the middle fraction, it is poured expanding to the bottom at an angle of 35 ° (on each side) the layer of the calculated thickness. The depth of the backfill is defined as follows: the blocks are 3 dm width, the thickness of the sand is 0.2 m, then the size of the lowering of the cushion for the cushionable foundation will be 0.63 m received to the calculations.
  2. Skinny concrete with reinforcement. The sole is made somewhat wider than block and performs a double function: distributes weight and prevents the deformation of the overall design from different sediments of the elements.
  3. Finished concrete products of factory production.

You can independently make a solid foundation for the subsequent installation of vertical walls from the foundation blocks of less weight in the form of a ribbon will not require a significant increase in the consumption of materials, but will increase the stability and strength of the founding of the building during the entire period of its operation.

Sample preparation of the sole for laying FBS is visible on this photo.

In the installation process, the blocks are placed on the finished concrete or cement-sandy solution of self-preparation. Vertical joints are also filled with mortar. For installation FBS, you need a car crane and a brigade, consisting of 5 or more people (solid and mortar).

With the practical implementation of the calculations, it is necessary to take into account that the seam thickness between the ranks of the foundation blocks is up to 40 mm. In the preparation of the project, the length and height of the blocks for convenience is taken more actual by 20 mm, and the joints between the elements are denoted by the line.

Complete foundation block FBS 24.4.6-T- The most commonly used high-strength stainless steel material. FBS is a rectangular solid waste block. Classic FBS 24.4.6 is manufactured from traditional material - heavy concrete medium density of at least 2300 kg / m3. The FBS concrete blocks are intended for the construction of the foundations of low-rise buildings and the construction of cellars of various depths, as well as technical underground rooms of any buildings. The FBS is also often used for the construction of walls of unheated buildings and industrial structures. Concrete blocks of this type are often used in road construction as an obstacle in industrial construction.

Product marking

The following is accepted symbol Foundation Blocks FBS:

Designation of the foundation unit, rounded length, the width, the height of the bribe, then indicates the type of concrete.

  • FBS is a foundation block solid;
  • first digit - length;
  • the second is the width;
  • third - height;
  • T - Execution of heavy concrete.

Marking signs, the production date and weight of products must be on the side faces of each block.

Product characteristics

Blocks FBS 24.4.6-Toffee material for a ribbon foundation (bar from reinforced concrete around the perimeter of the entire building including axial lines). Most often, ribbon foundations from FBS blocks are used in highly bunched and implanted soils. The blocks are distinguished by low water absorption and long resist the destructive effects of groundwater.

As mentioned above, the classic FBS unit 24.4.6. It is performed from heavy concrete. Such blocks are suitable in cases where they are forced to withstand high loads from the walls of the building. Qualities of strength and reliability, resistance to corrosion in heavy concrete out of competition. The deformation characteristics and resistance to moisture is allowed by the FBS blocks to become an ideal material for basement walls and other technical subcolored objects. The block of heavy concrete does not crumble, does not rot, it does not age, does not release toxic substances

The FBS has the form of a monolithic rectangular parallelepiped, a length of 2380 mm, 400 width, mm and a height of 580 mm. The mass of the FBS from heavy concrete is much larger than from the ceramzite concrete and other materials, and is 1300 kg. But the solid mass is caused by durability, strength and resistance of seriously concrete blocks.

Such blocks can be used with the estimated seismicity of the object not more than 8 points. For light unheardous ribbon foundations, blocks 400 mm wide, for more powerful and responsible foundations, blocks of 500 mm wide and 600 mm are used for bearing walls of basements and basement floors. For non-bearing walls of the basement, blocks 400 mm wide, 300mm.

The reinforcement of the FBS block is made in rare cases, because thanks to the material and design, they are without laying into the design of steel rods.

Universality of FBS 24.4.6-T blocks not only in a variety of forms and sizes that allow you to implement any engineering solution, but also that blocks can be operated in various climatic conditions and with any soils. FBS blocks are one of the few concrete products that can withstand a very wide range of temperatures - from +50 to -70 C.

The manufacture of fundamental concrete blocks is made in stepping chambers, both in the outdoors and in closed rooms.

The basic requirements that are presented to the FBS is a guarantee of their special strength, as well as compression resistance, since the main purpose of the foundation blocks is to withstand the colossal loads of the structure. When used in the production of high-quality concrete, the foundation blocks are not exposed to strain, and also differ in high frost resistance and water resistance, resistant to aggressive media. All of these qualities significantly expand the scope of the FBS application.

Product marking

Marking signs on the foundation blocks of the FBS should be applied to the side surface of the block.

All products of fundamental blocks of the FBS 24.4.6. is issued by the manufacturer technical certificatewhere the following parameters are specified:

  • brand concrete on frost resistance and waterproof;.
  • concrete brand for strength and its average density;
  • vacation strength of concrete and the actual vacation density of concrete;
  • date of manufacture;
  • number of reinforced concrete products;
  • indication for compliance with the State Standard.
  • the vacation strength of concrete and the actual vacation density.

Quality control of the product

Even on the preferences of concrete foundation blocks, strict quality control are undergoing, one of the steps of which is to check for deviations on geometry. Deviations in the size of the foundation blocks should not exceed the following indicators: in length + 13 mm, in width and height ± 8 mm, in size of cutouts ± 5 mm, and deviations from straightness of the profile of the foundation block should not be more than 3 mm for the entire length of the width Block.

In concrete from which blocks for basement walls are made, cracks are not allowed, with the exception of local superficial shrinkage. And their width should not be more than 0, 1 mm (for blocks of severe and dense silicate concrete) and 0, 2 mm (for FBS blocks from a ceramzitobetone). The FBS 24.4.6-T unit can have several types of concrete surface - under painting, finishing with ceramic tiles and non-displaced non-facial verts.


Installation of foundation blocks FBS can occur at the construction site if there are necessary mechanisms for this. Mounting hinges made from a smooth rod fittings are allowed to be installed at a distance of 300 mm from the ends of the block to the closer with its upper surface (in the FBS type blocks of 1180 and 2380 mm). In the fact that during installation of the foundation blocks will be used special gripping devices, then by agreement of the manufacturer with the consumer, it is possible to manufacture blocks without mounting loops. Also, the mounting loops of the FBS concrete block should be mandatoryly purified from the plates of concrete, otherwise it can significantly complicate the installation process.

Storage and transportation

The FBS blocks are strongly recommended to be stored in stacks that are sorted by brands and parties and are tightly laid with each other. At the same time, the height of one stack of foundation blocks should not exceed 2.5 meters. Lining for the lower row of FBS blocks 24.4.6.t (with a thickness of at least 30 mm) should lie on a dense, thoroughly aligned base.

Transportation of blocks for the foundation is possible only with reliable fastening, in order to prevent them from mixing and possible damage. The number of blocks during transport depends on the carrying capacity of the vehicle. The height of the stack of FBS blocks is mounted depending on the carrying capacity and the dimensions of the transport used.

Choosing the material for the construction of the house, you should navigate not only for the cost, but also on the characteristics that determine its quality: weight, density, frost resistance and water absorption.

The weight of any material, including the installation of foam block 600x300x200 depends on the fillers. Concrete blocks are different types and possess their characteristics.

The most popular foam block

Concrete blocks - the most diverse building material having various forms, sizes and fillers:

  • Heavy concrete. It is used in fairly large areas for the construction of foundations and basements. Features high strength, withstanding colossal loads;
  • Reinforced concrete. The structure has built-in steel rods that provide resistance to compression and expansion under the influence of temperature differences;
  • Light wall concrete: ceramzitobetone, slag concrete, cellular concrete. Designed to build walls or their insulation depending on the size of the material fraction.

Foam block is the most popular form of foam concrete application, which in turn refers to a number of light wall cellular concrete concrete production technology. The manufacture consists in mixing a conventional cement solution, sand and water with the addition of a foaming agent.

The principle of composition is independent bubbles in a cement test.

The material is relevant in the field of construction, and although the weight of the foam block is 600x300x200 more bricks, its density is much higher, thereby needed less cement mortar for seaming. He rightfully stands in the line of leading building materials of the XXI century. The thermal insulation properties are significantly ahead of the brick, concrete, ceramzit, etc.

The advantages of foam blocks are invaluable. They are almost eternal and unstable, possess the strength characteristics of the stone.

In addition, during the operational period does not distinguish harmful substances, and significantly reduced weight compared to the familiar heavy concrete saves on the foundations.

Standard size

Requirements for the project in construction work each of their own, therefore, the size of foam concrete. At the first stage, it is necessary to produce an indicative calculation of the required amount, during which not only external walls, but also partitions, take into account.

In the process of counting, it is also important to calculate possible loads, it will help to choose the material of the required density and strength. Considering all the data, choose the optimal parameters varying from the size of the usual brick to the large-sized stove.

One of the main parameters is the thickness of the product, which is responsible for the ability of the elevated wall to withstand maximum loads and its heat-insulating properties.

Classic sizes were once followed by:

  • 200 mm long;
  • 200 mm in height;
  • 400 mm thickness.

However, over time, they stopped using popularity and such a magnitude can be found in the production of slag concrete and ceramzite concrete.

As a rule, the clamp of the foam block 600x300x200 with such parameters will be 30% less than the usual ceramic concrete. For partitions, 100 mm thick is used.

Standard size is due to the specificity of the production of the product in production. The technology is cutting and casting. Regardless of the method, the protrusion protrusion of the press form reaches 60 cm in height, and after the array slice, the upper part becomes the side end of the block.

Cutting technology allows you to make any parameters of the material, however, the standard, regulated GOST is 600x300x200.

Standard weight

The weight of foam concrete directly depends on its density and size, the greater the dimensions and the volume of porous cells, expressed as a percentage, the greater the weight.

For each type of foam blocks there are special calculated tables indicating consistently size, density and weight. Main values \u200b\u200bare valid under the condition of total air humidity 75%.

For specialists, the parameters of building elements from light porous concrete talk about many. Depending on the parameters, they are classified on:

  • Heat insulating;
  • Heat insulating-structural;
  • Structural.

It should be noted that compliance with the exact geometry is impossible, so different manufacturers have weight and sizes fluctuate.

Depending on the density

The weight of any building material depends on its fillers, which, in turn, determine the density value. The role of the filler is played by sand and ash-carried away. The latter is a finely dispersed element, the sand is more dense, therefore its presence in a larger volume determines the total density of the petton concrete.

The proportion is denoted by the Latin letter D with the subsequent digit pointing to the number of concrete kilograms in one cubic meter.

Lightweight qualities are not the main characteristic for which the building material is appreciated. Its main purpose is to ensure maximum thermal insulation, while maintaining the required strength of the entire erected design.

The higher the specific gravity indicator, the greater the strength and thermal conductivity. And if the ability does not succumb to destruction of superfluous, the high thermal conductivity coefficient reduces the function of building materials to keep heat. Therefore, when choosing you want to focus on all the indicators and search for a compromise.

Often when it is erected, foam blocks with a specific weight D 600-D 700 are used as a structural and heat-insulating building material.

It is possible to state the fact that the density is an important quantitative characteristic of the structure of lightweight cellular concrete, which defines its technical properties, including the weight of the foam block 600x300x200.