Message about natural cataclysms. The most terrible natural cataclysms

A catastrophe - a suddenly emerging phenomenon of nature or a person's share, which caused numerous human sacrifices or damage to the health of a group of people at the same time in need of emergency medical care or protection that caused the disproportion between the forces and means or forms and methods of the daily work of health institutions and health facilities, with The one hand, and the emergence of victims of emergency medical care, on the other hand.
In the period from 2000 to 2012, over 700 thousand people died as a result of the catastrophe, 1.4 million were injured, about 23 million were left without bed. In general, 1.5 billion people suffered somehow from a catastrophe. General economic damage amounted to 1.3 trillion dollars (for comparison: Russia's GDP for 2013 is 2.097 trillion dollars).
Natural and anthropogenic catastrophes are damaged, affecting all spheres of society. The destructive consequences of the catastrophe often have a long-term character.
The catastrophes indicate the physical, social, economic and environmental vulnerability and insecurity of the human population.
The important task of modernity is to improve the prediction of the disaster and the development of methods of rapid and effective elimination of their consequences.
Most of the devastating disasters have a natural origin (earthquake, extreme weather phenomena). Nevertheless, an intergovernmental group of climate change experts demonstrated that to reduce the severity and frequency of extreme weather phenomena caused by anthropogenic climate change, the use of a number of measures. They are to implement the practice of sustainable development, which will be aimed at protecting the environment and at the same time to improve the health and well-being of people.
To avoid man-made disasters, regular inspections of equipment of enterprises and infrastructure facilities representing the potential danger (railways, plants, stations) for wear and other necessary measures to prevent man-made disasters and eliminate their consequences should be carried out.
In this paper, the main types of natural and technogenic catastrophes will be considered, the reasons for their occurrence, consequences, as well as examples of the world's largest catastrophes of natural and technogenic nature.

2. Classification

There are several criteria for a catastrophe classification. These include: damaged, time of flow, coverage area, number of victims and others. One of the most common criteria is the nature of origin. This feature usually allocate:

  • Anthropogenic catastrophes - arise due to human activity (shipwrecks, accidents at nuclear power plants);
  • Natural catastrophes - arise under the action of the forces of nature (tsunami, earthquake, flood).

It should be noted that anthropogenic catastrophes in a broad sense may have a natural nature (soil collars in settlements caused by a malfunction of water supply systems; floods arising from the breakthrough of dams). Here, anthropogenic catastrophes will be considered as opposed to natural. Other classifications allocate man-made disasters.

3. Natural catastrophes

Classification of natural disasters

Natural catastrophes are divided into two types of origins:

  1. endogenous - associated with the internal energy and the forces of the Earth (eruption of volcanoes, earthquake, tsunami);
  2. exogenous - due to solar energy and activity, atmospheric, hydrodynamic and gravitational processes (hurricanes, cyclones, floods, storms).

Causes of natural disasters

One of the reasons for the emergence of natural disasters is a natural disaster, the phenomenon of nature, leading to the destruction of material values, the death of people and other consequences.
Main types of natural disasters:

1. Geological

  • Earthquake
    Earthquake - underground shocks and oscillations of the earth's surface, resulting from sudden displacements and breaks in the earth's crust and upper mantle and transmitted over long distances.
  • Eruption
    The eruption of the volcano is volcanic activity at which volcanic lava and hot gases are pulled out to the surface. In addition to the direct eruption of the volcano, the high damage is applied by the release of volcanic ash and pyroclastic flows (a mixture of volcanic gases, stones, ashes).
  • Avalanche
    Avalanche - the mass of snow or ice, falling or scaling from steep slopes of the mountains. Particularly destructive avalanches can completely destroy settlements.
  • Owl
    The collapse is the separation of mass breeds from the slope and fast movement down. They arise on the shores of the rivers, seas, in the mountains under the action of precipitation, seismic jolts, human activity
  • Landslide
    The landslide is the separation of earth masses from the slope and moving them along the slope under the influence of gravity.
  • Sel.
    Sel is a powerful mud, a muddy or waterflow, which is formed in the river river rivers due to a sharp flood caused by strong rains, snowing and other reasons.

2. Meteorological

  • Grad.
    Grad is the type of atmospheric precipitation of dense particles of ice (gradins) of the incorrect form of different sizes.
  • Drought
    Drought - long dry weather, often at elevated air temperature, with a lack of or very small amounts of precipitation, leading to exhaustion of moisture reserves in the soil and a sharp decrease in relative humidity.
  • Blizzard
    The blizzard is the transfer of snow by the wind above the ground surface.
  • Tornado
    Tornado - an extremely strong atmospheric vortex with air circulation, closed around a more or less vertical axis.
  • Cyclone
    Cyclone is a low pressure atmospheric vortex in the middle and circulation of air on the helix.

3. Hydrological

  • Flood
    Flooding - flooding with water.
  • Tsunami
    Tsunami - sea waves of very large lengths that occur with strong underwater and coastal earthquakes, as well as with volcanic eruptions or large rocking collaps from the coastal cliff.
  • Limnological catastrophe
    Limnological catastrophe is a rare natural phenomenon in which carbon dioxide dissolved in deep lakes is released to the surface, causing wild and domestic animals and people.

4. Fires

  • Forest fires
    Forest fires - spontaneous or man-provoked fire in forest ecosystems
  • Peat fires
    Peat fires - burning of the peat layer and the roots of trees.

In a separate group, the causes of natural disasters are distinguished by the impact of space objects on Earth: a collision with asteroids, a drop in meteorites. They represent a greater threat to the planet, since even a small in size of the heavenly body when a collision with the Earth can cause devastating harm.

The consequences of natural disasters

Killed and wounded

In the period from 1965 to 1999, 4 million people became victims of the main types of natural disasters.
Geographically, the number of deaths from natural disasters is divided as follows: more than half (53%) fall on Africa, 37% in Asia. The most detailed in Africa was drought, and in Asia - cyclones, storms, tsunami.
In terms of the number of people affected by Natural catastrophes Asia dominates all continents (89%). In second place is Africa (6.7%), followed by America, Europe and Oceania, in the amount of 5% components.
The number of victims from different natural disasters in Asia:

  • 55% of floods
  • 34% of drought
  • 9% of tsunami and storms

Economic damage

The vulnerability of countries in front of natural disasters is related to their public and economic development. Cities with high population density and developed infrastructure carry the largest economic, public and material damage.
In absolute terms, economic damage is more for developed countries due to the broad infrastructure and high concentration of capital. However, the ratio of direct damage to GDP shows that low-income countries are more damage.
Economic damage from natural disasters is growing rapidly every year. In the 1960s, it amounted to about $ 1 billion, in the 1970s - 4.7, in the 1980s - 16.6, in the 1990s - 76. There were cases when the damage caused by the economy from the catastrophe exceeded GDP.
The most devastating in economically natural disasters are typhoons, storms, floods and earthquakes. This can be seen by studying the European economic damage diagram from natural disasters (Figure 1)

Figure 1. Economic damage of European countries from natural disasters (1989-2008)

Effect of Natural Catastrophe on the Environment

Under the influence of natural disasters, large-scale changes in the geographical setting or type of landscape are occurring, which lead to a certain consistent change in the state of biogeocenosis of the area (Sukcessions).

4. Anthropogenic catastrophes


Usually, anthropogenic catastrophes are divided into two main groups:

  1. industrial (radiation, chemical emissions)
  2. transport (aircraft crafts, railway accidents)

This is not an exhaustive classification. Separate groups sometimes allocate fires, social catastrophes (war, terrorist acts).
Another classification criterion is the origin. Anthropogenic catastrophes can be caused by negligence and ill-conceived actions from personnel, external causes (in case of shipwrecks), equipment malfunction and many other reasons.
At the scene of the incident: accidents at nuclear power plants, chemical production, bacteriological laboratories, emergency situations on water, railway, plane crash and others.

Causes of occurrence

The main causes of anthropogenic disasters are:

  • Malfunction of equipment, refusal of engineering systems, violation of the operating mode of equipment
  • Error action of personnel, non-compliance with safety
    External influences

The most frequent anthropogenic catastrophes:

  • explosions and fires at enterprises storing, processing or producing explosives
  • in coal mines, metro
  • transport incidents

The main reason for fires is a violation of safety rules, technical defects leading to fire, human negligence, as well as evil intent.
The explosions occur due to human errors, the presence of a high concentration of easily flammable gases and dust in air, violation of the rules of storage, transportation and processing of hazardous substances.
Most experts believe that large aviation catastrophes are usually caused by engine malfunction and other aircraft systems, pilot error, weather conditions, collisions with objects in the air.
Accidents on railways occur due to defects of railway canvas, rolling stock, overload of the railway line, operator errors and the driver.
In the world, hundreds of chemical enterprises and nuclear power plants, and accumulated radioactive and chemical waste, it is enough to destroy all living on the planet several times.
Chemical accidents are a violation of the production process, accompanied by damage or destruction of pipelines, tanks, storage facilities, vehicles and referring to the emission of chemically pollutants in the biosphere.
Radioactive catastrophes occur as a result of the loss of control over the radioactive material.

The consequences of anthropogenic catastrophes

According to the material and energy characteristics of the consequences of anthropogenic disasters can be divided into:

  • mechanical
  • physical (thermal, electromagnetic, radiation, acoustic)
  • chemical
  • biological

The consequences of the anthropogenic catastrophe for the term of influence and time spent on their elimination are divided into short-term (destroyed infrastructure) and long-term (radioactive environmental pollution).
In assessing the scale of anthropogenic disasters, various indicators may be taken as a basis: the number of dead; total number of victims; nature of environmental damage; Financial losses and others.
Like natural disasters, anthropogenic cause severe economic damage, although they are inferior in the first of the victims.
A distinctive feature of anthropogenic catastrophes is a serious environmental harm that they apply.
The accidents in the fuel and energy complex, air and shipwrecks, accompanied by leakage in the environment hazardous to ecosystems, entail the death of organisms, mutations in biological species, the destruction of habitats.
The release of radioactive substances in catastrophes caused by accidents on nuclear power plants has long-term consequences: the death of people from cancer, radiation disease, hereditary diseases in subsequent generations, radioactive environmental pollution.
In general, industrial accidents and disasters are a very significant negative factor for the state of the environment and public health. The disruption of natural ecosystems and the death of many biota components may be irreversible.

5. Prediction of disasters

Predict a catastrophe means to determine its place, time and strength. A peculiarity of modern natural disasters is that with their occurrence, a combination or simultaneous action of several initiating factors takes place. Seismologists monitor changes in the various characteristics of the Earth to establish the relationship between them and the emergence of natural disasters.
However, there are a number of obstacles in determining the reasons and the possibility of predicting hazardous natural phenomena and emergency situations that are related to the features of the functioning of the existing monitoring and forecasting system.
The difference between anthropogenic catastrophe from natural lies in the fact that they are sudden and predict them is impossible. But there are prerequisites for anthropogenic disasters and ways of their prediction.
The prerequisites of anthropogenic disasters are physical phenomena that provide objective evidence of the occurrence of a potential anthropogenic catastrophe. Timely detection of prerequisites allows you to take measures to eliminate disasters or in the case of its inevitability - the amount of damage to the minimum.
Such prerequisites include a defect or refusal of equipment for technical reasons or as a result of meteorological, seismic activity; Geophysical factors associated with concentrations of hazardous substances in enterprises and others.
The experience of creating and operating complex engineering systems allowed humanity to develop and implement methods for monitoring their safety and performance.
Forecasting disasters - a complex and important task of modernity. The safety and development of humanity depends on this.

6. Examples of large catastrophes

Hurricane "Katrina"

Flooded New Orleans on August 23-30, 2005, USA.
Hurricane "Katrina" is the most destructive hurricane in the history of the United States.
The hurricane fell on the coastline along the northern part of the Gulf of Mexico, which is strongly vulnerable to storm navigation. The spacious disaster zone was the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. The total number of hurricane victims is nearing 2000. Thousands of people remained without home and work, the objects of infrastructure of dozens of cities were partially destroyed. The hurricane caused coastal erosion, oil spills. About 100 billion dollars were spent on the restoration of the affected regions.

The Chernobyl accident

Destroyed fourth block of Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, 1986, USSR.
Accident at the Chernobyl NPP - explosive destruction of the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant with a large number of radioactive substances into the environment. The largest accident in the entire history of nuclear power
The number of victims and economic damage.
On April 26, 1986, an explosion took place on the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl NPP, which completely destroyed the reactor. The main cause of the accident is the personnel error. The consequences of the accident are long-term. The number of victims can be defined only approximately. It is estimated at tens of thousands (victims include people suffering from or died from radiation disease, oncological diseases, children with violations in the development of the development, born after the accident and others). The accident led to a tragic ecological catastrophe. The cloud formed from the burning reactor was separated by various radioactive materials in Europe and the USSR. Extensive territories were subjected to radiation infection.

Earthquake in the Indian Ocean (2004)

December 26, 2004, Asia.
The underwater earthquake in the Indian Ocean caused tsunami, which is considered the most deadly natural disaster in history. In the disaster zone, there were 18 countries, 300 thousand people were injured - local residents and tourists. On Sri Lanka, the tsunami caused the largest railway catastrophe in the history.

Bhopalskaya catastrophe

December 3, 1984, India.
Bhopalic catastrophe is the largest man-made technogenic catastrophe in terms of the number of victims, the reason for which the accident was at the chemical plant for the production of pesticides in the Indian city of Bhopal. As a result of the ejection of the vapor of methylismocyanate, 18 thousand people died. The number of victims varies from 150 to 600 thousand. The official reason is not installed. It is believed that a disaster caused a security violation.

Wheel "Dona Paz"

December 20, 1987, Philippines
The collision of the Philippine ferry "Dona Paz" with a tanker "Vector" is considered the largest sea disaster in peacetime.
In the collision, there was a spill and sunbathing of petroleum products from a tanker. Both vessels sank. About 1,500 people died. It was revealed that the ferry was overloaded, and the tanker was without a license.

Flood in China (1931)

1931, China.
In 1931, South-Central China was destroyed by the floods that took lives from 145 thousand to 4 million people. The largest rivers of the country were out of the banks: Yangtze, Juiche, Huanghe. This natural disaster is considered the largest natural disaster in history.

Winter terror

1950-1951, Europe.
The Winter Terror - the 1950-1951 season, during which 649 avalanches took place in the Alps. Avalanches destroyed several settlements in Austria, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Italy. About 300 people died.

Fires in Russia (2010)

Smoke over the European part of Russia 2010, Russia
Due to the lack of precipitation and abnormal heat from July to September, the European part of Russia was covered by forest fires. As a result, 55.800 people died as a result of the catastrophe.
Dozens of cities underwent strong smoke.

Liminical catastrophe on Lake Nyos

Lake Nyos after a Limnological catastrophe August 21, 1986, Cameroon.
The Liminical catastrophe occurred on Nyos Lake, which resulted in a huge amount of carbon dioxide gaseous. Gas rushed with two threads
On the mountainside, destroying everything alive at a distance of 27 km from the lake. The catastrophe claimed 1,700 people.

Departure of the oil platform Deepwater Horizon

Fire extinguishing on Deepwater Horizon Oil Platform April 20, 2010, USA.
Accident in the Gulf of Mexico (80 kilometers from the coast of Louisiana) on the Deepwater Horizon oil platform. One of the largest man-made disasters. The spill of oil as a result of the accident became the largest in the history of the United States.
The accident claimed 11 people and led to a large ecological catastrophe.

7. Conclusion

A catastrophe is an unexpected, powerful and unguided phenomenon, a natural or anthropogenic nature, entailing human sacrifices, economic, environmental and social damage.
From ancient times, modernity, humanity faces catastrophes and is trying to counteract them and control them. With the development of science and technology, it was possible to significantly improve methods for disaster forecasting and eliminating the consequences of a catastrophe, but at the same time such problems as global warming, ecological catastrophes, mutated forms of life appeared.
The catastrophes include not only natural disasters (hurricanes, tsunami, earthquakes), but also "man-made" or anthropogenic catastrophes (accidents on production, war, terrorist acts), which also apply significant environmental damage.
Governments and public organizations combine efforts to develop an international strategy to reduce the impact of the consequences of the catastrophe. This is a difficult task, requiring decisive economic and political actions.
The subject of natural and anthropogenic catastrophes is very extensive, and the world is becoming more and more interested in analyzing, overview and search for new decisions. The study of the disaster is extremely important for the safety and prosperity of humanity.

8. List of references

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  7. McDonald, R. (2003). Introduction to Natural and Man-Made Disasters and Their Effects on Buildings. OXFORD, UK: Architectural Press.
  8. McGuire, B., Mason, I. And Kilburn, C. (2002). Natural Hazards and Environmental Change. London: Arnold.
  9. MENSHIKOV, V., PERMINOV, A. AND URLICHICH, I. (2012). Global Aerospace Monitoring and Disaster Management. Vienna: Springerwiennew York.
  10. Sano, Y., Kusakabe, M., Hirabayashi, J., Nojiri, Y., Shinohara, H., Njine, T. and Tanyileke, G. (1990). Helium and Carbon Fluxes in Lake Nyos, Cameroon: Constraint ON Next Gas Burst. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 99 (4), pp.303-314.

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Destructive tsunami in Asia in 2004 and 2011, Hurricane "Katrina" in the southeastern part of the United States of America in 2005, landslides in the Philippines in 2006, earthquake on Haiti in 2010, flooding in Thailand in 2011 ... You can continue this list for a long time ...

Most natural disasters are a consequence of the laws of nature. Hurricanes, Typhins and Soloz - the result of various weather phenomena. Earthquakes occur as a result of changes in the earth's crust. Tsunami is caused by submarine earthquakes.

Typhoon -tropical cyclone type, Koiya typical for the northwestern part of the soft ocean. Word happens from Chinese. The area of \u200b\u200bactivity of typhoons, which accounts for the third part of the cumulative number of tropical cyclones on Earth, was concluded between East Asia coast in the West, the equator in the south and the date of change of date in the east. Although the considerable part of typhoons is developing from May to November, other months from them are also not free.

The 1991 Typhoon Season was particularly destructive, as soon as the coast of Japan, a certain number of typhoons with pressure of 870-878 Bar was on the banks of the Typhoon of the Typhoon, in most cases, later, as their main blows are taken by Korea, Japan and Islands Ryuku. The Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, Kamchatka and Primorsky Territory are more susceptible to Typhnese. Many managed to fix Typhoon in Novorossiysk to personal photos and camcorders, mobile phones.

Tsunami. Long high waves generated by a powerful impact on the entire water in the ocean or other reservoir. The cause of most tsunami is underwater earthquakes, during which there is a sharp offset (raising or lowering) of the seabed section. The tsunami is formed during an earthquake of any strength, but the high force reach those that arise due to severe earthquakes (with magnitude more than 7). As a result of the earthquake, several waves apply. More than 80% of the tsunami arise on the periphery of the Pacific Ocean.

Note that quite recently, the Japanese company Hitachi Zosen Corp has developed a system of tsunami barriers that automatically reacts to a wave blow. In this time, it is known that the booms will be installed on the entrances to underground parts of buildings. In the usual state, the metal walls lie on the surface of the Earth, however, during the arrival of the waves, they are raised under the pressure of the upcoming water and take a vertical position. The height of the barrier is only one meter, "ITAR-TASS" reports. The system is fully mechanical and does not require any external energy source. Currently, in a number of coastal cities of Japan, similar booms are already operating, but they work from electricity.

Tornado (Tornado).Hurricane is extremely fast and strong, often a great destructive strength and a significant duration of air movement. Tornado (Tornado) - a vortex horizontal air movement, occurs in a thunderstorm cloud and falls on the surface of the Earth in the form of a tipped funnel, the diameter of which to hundreds of meters. Typically, the transverse diameter of the tumor funnel in the lower section is 300-400 m, although if the tornado touches the surface of the water, this value can be only 20-30 m, and when the funnel passing over the land can reach 1.5-3 km. The development of a tornger from the cloud distinguishes it from some externally similar and also distinguished by nature phenomena, such as death-vortex and dusty (sandy) vortices.

Very often, the tornadoes are in the United States. More recently, on May 19, 2013, about 325 people were injured from the devastating tornado in Oklahoma. Audites speak in one voice: "We thought we would perish because it was in the basement. The wind pulled out the door and pieces of glass and wreckage began to fly in us . Honestly, we thought I would die. " The wind speed reached 300 kilometers per hour, more than 1.1 thousand houses were destroyed.

Earthquake - Underground shocks and fluctuations in the surface of the Earth caused by natural causes (as a rule, tectonic processes), or artificial processes (explosions, filling the reservoirs, collapse of underground mining cavities). Small shocks can also be called the lava's lifting at volcanic eruptions. About a million earthquakes occurs on all Earth, but most of them are so insignificant that they remain unnoticed. Strong destructive earthquakes occur on the planet for about once every two weeks. Most of them occur at the bottom of the oceans and is not accompanied by catastrophic consequences (if tsunami does not occur).

In our country, a particular seismically active zone is Kamchatka. The other day, May 21, 2013, she again found itself in the epicenter of seismic events. In the southeastern coast of the Peninsula, the seismologists recorded a series of earthquakes of magnitude from 4.0 to 6.4. The foci of earthquakes climbed at a depth of 40-60 kilometers under the seabed. At the same time, underground shocks in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky were the most tangible. In total, according to specialists, more than 20 underground perturbations were registered. Threats of tsunami, fortunately, was not.

For billions of years of the existence of our planet, it has formed certain mechanisms for which nature works. Many of these mechanisms are minor and harmless, other large-scale and carry huge destruction with them. In this ranking, we will tell about the 11 most devastating natural cataclysms on our planet, some of which can destroy thousands of people and a whole city in a few minutes.


Sel is a mud or dirty flow, which is suddenly forming in the river river rivers as a result of a rainfall, stormy melting of glaciers or seasonal snow cover. The decisive factor of occurrence can be cutting down forests in the mountainous location - the roots of trees hold the top of the soil, which prevents the occurrence of the village stream. This phenomenon is short-term and usually lasts from 1 to 3 hours, characteristic of small watercourses up to 25-30 kilometers long. At its path, flows are paving deep-channels, which in normal time there are dry or contain small streams. The consequences of the set are catastrophic.

Imagine that the mass of the Earth, Sala, Stones, Snow, Sand, Customized by a strong stream of water collapsed on the city from the mountains. This stream will be demolished by the foot of the mountains of cottages along with people, and fruit gardens. All this stream will break into the city, turn its streets into raging rivers with steep shores from the destroyed houses. Houses to sort out the foundations and together with people will be carried out with a rapid flow.


The landslide is sliding masses of rocks down the slope under the action of gravity, often maintaining its connectedness and monolith. The landslides arise on the slopes of the valleys or river shores, in the mountains, on the shores of the seas, the most ambitious at the bottom of the seas. The displacement of the major masses of the Earth or the rock in the slope is caused in most cases wetting of rainwater soil so that the ground mass becomes heavy and more movable. Such large landslides harm agricultural crops, enterprises, settlements. In order to combat landslides, bererecting structures, planting of vegetation are used.

Only fast landslides whose speed is several tens of kilometers, can cause real natural disasters with hundreds of human victims, when there is no time for evacuation. Imagine that huge slices of the soil quickly come out from the mountains directly to the village or the city, and the buildings are destroyed under the tons of this land and people die out, who did not have time to leave the place of the landslide.


The sandstorm is an atmospheric phenomenon in the form of transferring large amounts of dust, soil particles and sand grains a few meters from the ground with a noticeable worsening of horizontal visibility. At the same time, there is a rise in dust and sand into the air and at the same time sedimentation of dust in a large area. Depending on the color of the soil in this region, remote items acquire a grayish, yellowish or reddish tint. It usually occurs when the soil surface and wind speed is 10 m / s or more.

Most often, these catastrophic phenomena are found in the desert. The correct sign that the sand storm begins is a sudden silence. Shorns and sounds disappear along with the wind. The desert literally freezes. A small cloud appears on the horizon, which is growing rapidly and turns into a black and crimson cloud. The missing wind rises and very quickly reaches the speed to 150-200 km / h. The sandstorm can be covered with sand and dust and streets within a radius of several kilometers, but the main danger of sandy storms is the wind and bad visibility, which is why car accidents occur, in which there are tens of people injuries, and some are even dying.


Avalanche is a lot of snow, falling or scaling from the slopes of the mountains. Snow avalanches are a considerable danger, causing human victims among climbers, lovers of skiing and snowboarding and bringing significant damage to property. Sometimes snow avalanches carry catastrophic consequences, destroying whole villages and causing death tens. Snow avalanches, to one degree or another, are common in all mountainous areas. In winter, they are the main natural danger of the mountains.

Snow tones are held on the tops of the mountains due to the power of friction. Large avalanches are approaching at the moment when the force of pressure of the snow begins to exceed the strength of friction. Snow avalanche's gathering is usually provoked by climatic reasons: a sharp change of weather, rains, abundant snowfall, as well as mechanical effects on the snow mass, including the effects of stonepads, earthquakes, etc. Sometimes avalanche can begin due to a minor shock like a weapon shot or pressure On the snow of man. The volume of snow in avalanche can reach several million cubic meters. However, even avalanche volume of about 5 m³ may even be life-threatening.


The eruption of the volcano is the process of emissions of the volcano on the ground surface of the splits of the fragments, ashes, the outpouring of the magma, which, flying to the surface, becomes lava. The strongest eruption of the volcano may have a time period from several hours to many years. Hot clouds of ashes and gases capable of moving at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour and climb into the air for hundreds of meters. Volcano throws out gases, liquid and solids with high temperatures. It often becomes the cause of the destruction of buildings and the death of people. Lava and other hot sponsored substances flow on the slopes of the mountain and burn everything that they meet in their path, bringing innumerable victims and affecting the imagination material losses. The only protection against volcanoes is universal evacuation, so the population must necessarily be familiar with the evacuation plan and is unquestioned by the authorities if necessary.

It is worth noting that the danger from the volcanic eruption exists not only for the region around the mountain. Potentially volcanoes threaten the lives of all living on Earth, so do not treat with a condescension to these hot guys. Almost all manifestations of volcanic activity are dangerous. It is understood by the danger of boiling lava. But no less terrible and ashes, which penetrates literally everywhere in the form of continuous gray-black snowfall, which boils the streets, ponds, whole cities. Geophysics argue that they are capable of eruptions hundreds of times more powerful than those observed ever. The largest volcanic eruptions, however, have already happened on Earth - long before the appearance of civilization.


Tornado or tornado is an atmospheric vortex that occurs in a thunderstorm cloud and propagating down, often until the surface of the Earth, in the form of a cloud sleeve or a trunk with a diameter of tens and hundreds of meters. Typically, the diameter of the rustling funnels on Earth is 300-400 meters, if the tumor arose on the surface of the water, this value can be only 20-30 meters, and when the funnel passing over the land can reach 1-3 kilometers. The greatest number of tornads is fixed in the North American continent, especially in the US central states. Every year about a thousand tornado appears in the USA. The strongest tornado can last up to an hour or more. But most of them have no more than ten minutes.

On average, about 60 people die from the tornado every year, mainly from flying or falling debris. However, it happens that huge tornadoes rush at a speed of about 100 kilometers per hour, destroying all the buildings on their way. The most fixed wind speed in the largest tornado is about 500 kilometers per hour. During such a tornado, the expense of the dead can go on hundreds, and the victims of thousands, not to mention the material damage. The reasons for the formation of tornado are completely not studied so far.


A hurricane or tropical cyclone is a type of low pressure weather system, which occurs above the warm sea surface and is accompanied by powerful thunderstorms, lingering rainseed and winds of storm power. The term "tropical" means both a geographical area and the formation of these cyclones in the tropical air masses. It is customary, according to the Bafort scale, that the storm goes to a hurricane at wind speed more than 117 km / h. The strongest hurricanes can cause not only the extraordinary force of the shower, but also large waves on the surface of the sea, storm rings and tornadoes. Tropical cyclones may occur and maintain their power only above the surface of large water bodies, while over the land they quickly lose force.

The hurricane can cause shower, tornado, small tsunami and floods. The direct effect of tropical cyclones on land are storm winds capable of destroying, buildings, bridges and other artificial structures. The strongest constant winds within the cyclone exceed 70 meters per second. The worst in the number of victims by the effect of tropical cyclones was historically a storm tide, that is, raising the sea level under the action of the cyclone, which the average leads to about 90% of the victims. Over the past two centuries, tropical cyclones led 1.9 million people in the world. In addition to the direct effect on residential buildings and economic objects, tropical cyclones destroy infrastructure objects, including roads, bridges, power lines, which cause tremendous economic damage to affected areas.

The most destructive and terrible hurricane in the history of the United States - Katrina, occurred at the end of August 2005. The most severe damage was caused to a new Orlean in Louisiana, where about 80% of the city's area turned out to be under water. As a result of a disaster, 1836 residents died, economic damage amounted to 125 billion dollars.


Flood - flooding of the terrain as a result of the rise of the water level in rivers, lakes, seas due to rain, stormy melting of snow, wind pressure of water on the coast and other reasons that causes damage to people's health and even leads to their death, and also causes material damage . For example, in mid-January 2009, the largest flood in Brazil occurred. Then more than 60 cities suffered. About 13 thousand people left their homes, more than 800 people died. Floods and numerous landslides are caused by severe rains.

Strong monsoon rains continued in Southeast Asia from mid-July 2001, causing landslides and floods in the Mekong River area. As a result, Thailand survived the strongest flood over the past half a century. Water streams poured villages, ancient temples, farms and factories. At least 280 people died in Thailand, and 200 more in neighboring Cambodia. About 8.2 million people in 60 of the 77 provinces of Thailand suffered as a result of flooding, and economic losses are currently estimated to exceed $ 2 billion.

Drought - a long period of sustainable weather with high air temperatures and a small amount of precipitation, resulting in lowland moisture views and oppression and death of cultural. The beginning of a strong drought is usually associated with the establishment of a sedentary high anticyclone. The abundance of solar heat and gradually the decreased humidity of the air create an increased evaporation, and therefore the reserves of soil moisture without replenishing them are depleted. Gradually, as the soil drought enhances, ponds, rivers, lakes, rods, - the hydrological drought begins.

For example, in Thailand, almost every year, severe floods alternate with strong droughts, when a state of emergency is declared in dozens of provinces, and several millions of people may somehow feel the consequences of drought. As for the victims of this natural phenomenon, only in Africa from 1970 to 2010 the number of victims from droughts is 1 million people.


Tsunami is long waves generated by a powerful impact on the entire thickness of water in the ocean or other reservoir. The cause of most tsunami is underwater earthquakes, during which there is a sharp shift of the seabed section. The tsunami is formed during an earthquake of any strength, but much power reaches those that arise due to severe earthquakes with magnitude of more than 7 points on the Richter scale. As a result of the earthquake, several waves apply. More than 80% of the tsunami arise on the periphery of the Pacific Ocean. The first scientific description of the phenomenon gave José de Jip in 1586 in Lima, Peru after a powerful earthquake, then the strong tsunami tsunas 25 meters burst into a dutch at a distance of 10 km.

The biggest tsunami in the world occurred in 2004 and 2011. So, on December 26, 2004 at 00:58 there was a powerful earthquake of the magnitude of 9.3 - the second power of all registered, which caused the most deadly of all known tsunami. The countries of Asia and African Somalia suffered from Tsunami. The total number of dead exceeded 235 thousand people. The second tsunami happened on March 11, 2011 in Japan after the strongest earthquake of the magnitude of 9.0 with the epicenter, caused tsunami with a wave height exceeding 40 meters. In addition, the earthquake and the tsunami that followed him was the cause of the accident at Fukushima NPP. As of July 2, 2011, the official number of died as a result of earthquakes and tsunami in Japan is 15,524 people, 7,130 people are missing, 5 393 people wounded.


Earthquake is underground shocks and oscillations of the surface of the Earth caused by natural causes. Small shocks can also be called lava climbing during volcanic eruptions. Every year about a million earthquakes occurs on the whole land, but most of them are so insignificant that they remain unnoticed. The strongest earthquakes that can cause extensive destruction occur on the planet for about once every two weeks. Most of them falls on the bottom of the oceans, and therefore is not accompanied by catastrophic consequences if the earthquake is accounted for without tsunami.

Earthquakes are most famous for those devastations that they are capable of producing. The destruction of buildings and structures is caused by soil fluctuations or gigantic tidal waves (tsunami) arising from seismic offsets at the seabed. A powerful earthquake begins with breaking and moving rocks in some place in the depths of the Earth. This place is called an earthquake alcohol or a hypocenter. Its depth is usually no more than 100 km, but sometimes it comes to 700 km. Sometimes the earthquake focus can be at the surface of the Earth. In such cases, if the earthquake is strong, bridges, roads, houses and other structures are broken and destroyed.

The largest natural disaster is an earthquake of a magnitude of 8.2 points on July 28, 1976 in the Chinese city of Tanshan, Hebei Province. According to the official data of the PRC authorities, the number of dead was 242,419 people, however, according to some estimates, the number of dead reaches 800 thousand people. At 3:42 local time the city was destroyed by a strong earthquake. Destruction also took place in Tianjin and in Beijing, located just 140 km to the west. Due to the earthquake, about 5.3 million houses were destroyed or damaged so much that it was impossible to live in them. Several Aftersokov, the strongest of which had a magnitude of 7.1, led to even greater victims. The earthquake in Tanção is the second in history in the number of victims after the destructive earthquake in Shaanxi in 1556. Then about 830 thousand people died.

Under dangerous natural phenomena, extreme climatic or meteorological phenomena occurring naturally in one or another point of the planet. In some regions, such hazardous phenomena can appear with a greater frequency and destructive strength than in others. Dangerous natural phenomena will grow into natural disasters when the infrastructure created by civilization is destroyed, and people die.

1. Earthquake

Among all natural dangerous phenomena, the first place should be given to earthquakes. In places of breaks of the earth's crust, underground shocks occur, which cause oscillations of the surface of the earth with the release of giant energy. The emerging seismic waves are transmitted to very long distances, although these waves have the greatest devastating force in the epicenter of the earthquake. Due to the strong oscillations of the earth's surface, mass destruction of buildings occur.
Because the earthquakes occur quite a lot, and the surface of the Earth is quite densely built up, the total number of people in the entire history, which died precisely as a result of earthquakes, exceeds the number of all victims of other natural cataclysms and is calculated by many millions. For example, over the past decade all over the world, about 700 thousand people died of earthquakes. From the most destructive jolts instantly collapsed whole settlements. Japan is the country's most suffering from earthquakes, and one of the most catastrophic earthquakes occurred there in 2011. The epicenter of this earthquake was in the ocean near Honshu Island, the Richter scale the power of jolts reached 9.1 points. Powerful shocks and the resulting destructive tsunami disabled nuclear power plants in Fukushima, destroying three power units out of four. Radiation covered a significant territory around the station, making unsuitable densely populated territories, such valuable in Japan. The colossal power of the wave Tsunami turned into a mess that he could not destroy the earthquake. Only more than 16 thousand people were officially died, to which one more than 2,5 thousand, considered missing, can be ranked. Only in the current century, the devastating earthquakes occurred in the Indian Ocean, Iran, Chile, Haiti, Italy, Nepal.

Solochi (in America this phenomenon is called a tornado) is called a fairly stable atmospheric whirlwind, most often arising in thunderstorm clouds. He is a visa ...

2. Waves Tsunamis

A specific water disaster in the form of waves with tsunami often turns into numerous victims and catastrophic destruction. As a result of submarine earthquakes or shifts of tectonic plates in the ocean, very fast, but low-challenging waves that grow into huge as they approach the shores and access to shallow water. Most often, the tsunami occurs in areas with increased seismic activity. A huge mass of water, quickly impending ashore, demolides everything on his way, picks up and carries deep into the coast, and then takes it to the ocean with reverse current. People who are unable to feel like animals, danger, often do not notice the approach of the deadly wave, and when notice, it becomes too late.
Tsunami usually dies more people than from the earthquake that caused his earthquake (the last case in Japan). In 1971, there was also the most powerful tsunami from observed tsunami, the wave of which rose by 85 meters at a speed of about 700 km / h. But the most catastrophic turned out to be the tsunami, observed in the Indian Ocean in 2004, which was the Earthquake near the coast of Indonesia, which took the lives of about 300 thousand people to a significant part of the Indian Ocean coast.

3. The eruption of the volcano

For its history, humanity has remembered a lot of catastrophic volcanic eruptions. When the pressure of the magma exceeds the strength of the earth's crust in the weakest places, which are volcanoes, it ends with an explosion and outpacing of the lava. But not so much dangerous by Lava, from which you can simply leave, as the hot pyroclastic gases from the mountain, pierced here and there with lightning, as well as a noticeable impact on the climate of the strongest eruptions.
Volcanologists are with half a thousand dangerous acting volcanoes, a few sleeping supervulkanov, not counting thousands of extinct. So, when an eruption of the Tambo volcano in Indonesia, two days the surrounding lands were shipped into darkness, 92 thousand inhabitants died, and the cooling felt even in Europe and America.
List of some strong volcanic eruptions:

  • Vulcan varnishes (Iceland, 1783).As a result of the eruption, a third of the population of the island was died - 20 thousand inhabitants. The eruption was stretched for 8 months, during which trams of lava and liquid dirt were eructed from volcanic cracks. How never became active geysers. It was almost impossible to live on the island at that time. The harvest was destroyed, and even the fish disappeared, so the survivors have experienced hunger and suffered from unbearable living conditions. Perhaps this is the longest eruption in human history.
  • Tambo Volcano (Indonesia, Fr. Sumbawa, 1815). When the volcano exploded, the sound of this explosion spread to 2 thousand kilometers. The ashes covered even the remote Islands of the archipelago, killed 70 thousand people died from eruption. But today, the Tambo is one of the highest mountains in Indonesia, preserving volcanic activity.
  • Volcano Krakataau (Indonesia, 1883).100 years after the Tamboro in Indonesia, another catastrophic eruption occurred, this time "demolished the roof" (literally) Krakatau volcano. After the catastrophic explosion, which destroyed the volcano himself, the frightening risks were heard for two more months. The atmosphere was thrown by a giant amount of rock, ashes and split gases. The eruption was followed by a powerful tsunami with a wave height of up to 40 meters. These two natural disasters were destroyed by 34,000 islanders along with the island itself.
  • Santa Maria Volcano (Guatemala, 1902). After a 500-year-old hibernation in 1902, this volcano woke up again, starting the XX century since the catastrophic eruption itself, as a result of which a semi-kilometer crater was formed. In 1922, Santa Maria reiterated itself - this time the eruption itself was not too strong, but the cloud of fascinated gases and the ash brought death 5 thousand people.

4. Soloch

On our planet there are a wide variety of dangerous places that have recently began to attract a special category of tourists-extremals seeking in ...

The tornado is a very impressive phenomenon of nature, especially in the United States, where it is called Tornado. This airflow shrewd in a spiral in a funnel. Small tornads resemble slender narrow poles, and gigantic tornadoes can resemble a mighty carousel as directed to the sky. The closer to the funnel, the speed of the wind is stronger, it begins to entail all the larger items, up to cars, cars and lung buildings. In the "Alley Tornado" of the United States often, whole urban quarters are subject to destruction, people are dying. The most powerful edges of the F5 category reach in the center of speed of about 500 km / h. The most annually suffers from Tornado Alabama.

There is a variety of fiery tornads, which sometimes occurs in the zone of mass fires. There, from the heat of the flame, powerful ascending flows are formed, which begin to spin in the spiral, as ordinary tornado, only this is filled with a flame. As a result, a powerful traction is formed near the surface of the Earth, from which the flame is growing even more and increments everything around. When in 1923, a catastrophic earthquake occurred in Tokyo, it caused mass fires that led to the formation of a fiery tornger rose by 60 meters. The post of fire was moved towards the square with fright people and a few minutes from 38 thousand people burned.

5. Sand storm

Such a phenomenon occurs in the sandy deserts when a strong wind rises. Sand, dust and soil particles rise to a fairly large height, forming a cloud, sharply reducing visibility. If an unprepared traveler falls into such a storm, he can perish from the sandy grains. Herodotus described the story as in 525 BC. e. In Sugar, the sandstorm was buried the 50,000th army buried alive. In Mongolia in 2008, 46 people died as a result of this phenomenon of nature, and two hundred people were previously the same fate.

Occasionally in the ocean, waves of the tsunamis arise. They are very cunning - in the open ocean are completely invisible, but they should come close to the coastal shelf, G ...

6. Avalanches

Snowdate avalanches are periodically moving from snow-covered mountain peaks. From them especially often suffer mountaineers. During the First World War, up to 80 thousand people died in Tyrolean Alps from Avalani. In 1679, half a thousand people died in Norway from the snow. In 1886, a large catastrophe happened, as a result of which "white death" took 161 life. The records of Bulgarian monasteries are also mentioned about the human victims of snow avalanches.

7. Hurricanes

In the Atlantic they are called hurricanes, and in the Pacific Typhoon. These are huge atmospheric vortices, in the center of which are the strongest winds and sharply reduced pressure. In 2005, a destructive hurricane "Katrina", from which the state of Louisiana was particularly affected and located at the mouth of Mississippi, a densely populated New Orleans, especially suffered. 80% of the territory of the city turned out to be flooded, 1836 people died. Known destructive hurricanes were also:

  • Hurricane Ike (2008). The vortex diameter was over 900 km, and in the center of his wind blew at a speed of 135 km / h. 14 o'clock that cyclone was moving through the United States, he managed to cause destruction of $ 30 billion.
  • Hurricane Wilma (2005). This is the largest Atlantic cyclone in the entire history of meterans. The cyclone originated in the Atlantic several times went to the land. The magnitude of the damage caused to them was $ 20 billion, 62 people died.
  • Typhoon Nina (1975). This Typhoon was able to break through the Chinese Dam Bankao, which led to the destruction of dams below the dam and catastrophic flood. Typhoon died to 230 thousand Chinese.

8. Tropical cyclones

These are the same hurricanes, but in tropical and subtropical waters, which are huge low-pressure atmospheric systems with winds and thunderstorms, in diameter frequently exceed a thousand kilometers. Near the surface of the Earth, the winds in the center of the cyclone can reach speeds of more than 200 km / h. Low pressure and wind cause the formation of coastal storm Nephane - when the coarse weights of water are ejected to the shore at high speed, all flushing on their path.

Throughout the history of mankind, the strongest earthquakes have repeatedly applied to people with the colossal damage and were the cause of a huge number of victims among the population ...

9. Missile

Long rains are able to cause landslides. The soil swells, loses its stability and slides down, fascinating with him everything is on the surface of the earth. Most often landslides happen in the mountains. In 1920, the most destructive landslide took place in China, under which 180 thousand people were buried. Other examples:

  • Being (Uganda, 2010). Due to the village flocks, 400 people died, and 200 thousand had to evacuate.
  • Sichuan (China, 2008). Avalanches, landslides and villages caused by an 8-point earthquake, took 20 thousand lives.
  • Leite (Philippines, 2006). The shower caused agricultural and landslide that 1100 people killed.
  • Vargas (Venezuela, 1999). The village streams and landslides after a rainfall (for 3 days almost 1000 mm of precipitation fell) on the northern coast led to the death of almost 30 thousand people.

10. Ball lightning

We are accustomed to the usual linear lightning, accompanied by thunder, but the ball lightning are much more rare and mysterious. The nature of this phenomenon is an electric, but a more accurate description of the ball lightning, scientists can not yet. It is known that it can have different sizes and shapes, most often these are yellowish or reddish glowing spheres. For unknown reasons, ball lightning often ignore the laws of mechanics. Most often, they arise in front of a thunderstorm, although they may appear in absolutely clear weather, as well as indoors or in the cockpit. A luminous ball with light hissing hangs in the air, then it can start moving in an arbitrary direction. Over time, it seems to be compressed until it disappears or explodes with a crash.

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Disaster - Catastrophic natural phenomenon (or process), which can cause numerous human sacrifices, considerable material damage and other severe consequences.

Natural disasters - These are hazardous natural processes or phenomena that cannot be influenced by a person who are the result of the action of the Forces of Nature. Natural disasters are catastrophic situations that arise as a rule, suddenly leading to a violation of the everyday lifestyle of significant groups of people, often accompanied by human victims and the destruction of material values.

Natural disasters include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, villages, landslides, ribs, floods, droughts, cyclones, hurricanes, tornads, snow drifts and avalanches, long-term heavy rains, strong stable frosts, extensive forest and peat fires. Epidemics, epizooty, epiphyotsis, mass spread of forest and agriculture pests are also related to natural disasters.

The causes of natural disasters can serve:

rapid movement of the substance (earthquake, landslides);

release of inside ground energy (volcanic activity, earthquake);

raising the water level of rivers, lakes and seas (floods, tsunami);

impact of unusually strong wind (hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones);

Some natural disasters (fires, ribs, landslides) may arise as a result of human activity, but more often the nature of natural disasters serve the forces of nature.

The effects of natural disasters are very heavy. The greatest harm to flood (40% of the total damage), hurricanes (20%), earthquakes and droughts (15%), 10% of the total damage are accounted for other natural disasters.

Regardless of the source of occurrence, natural disasters are characterized by a significant scale and different duration-from a few seconds and minutes (earthquake, snowy avalanches) to several hours (villages), days (landslides) and months (flood).

Earthquake - The most dangerous and destructive natural disasters. The area of \u200b\u200bthe occurrence of an underground strike is an earthquake focus, within which the process of release of accumulating energy occurs. In the center of the hearth conditionally, the point, called the Gipo Center, is distinguished. The projection of this point on the surface of the Earth is called the epicenter. During the earthquake from the hypocenter, the elastic seismic waves, longitudinal and transverse are applied to all directions. On the surface of the Earth in all directions from the epicenter, surface seismic waves are diverged. As a rule, they cover extensive territories. The integrity of the soil is often disturbed, buildings and structures are destroyed, water supply, sewage, communication lines, electrical and gas supply fails, there are human sacrifices. This is one of the most destructive natural disasters. According to UNESCO, earthquakes belongs to the first place for the caused economic damage and the number of human victims. They arise unexpectedly, and, although the duration of the main shock does not exceed a few seconds, their consequences are tragic.

Some earthquakes were accompanied by destructive waves, which devastated the coast - tsunami. Now this is a generally accepted international scientific term, it happens from the Japanese word, which means "a big wave, filling the bay." The exact definition of the tsunami sounds so - these are long waves of a catastrophic nature arising mainly as a result of tectonic movements at the bottom of the ocean. Tsunami waves are so long that as waves are not perceived: they are from 150 to 300 km. In the open sea, the tsunami is not too noticeable: their height is several tens of centimeters or a few more meters. Up to the shallow shelf, the wave becomes higher, takes up and turns into a driving wall. Entering shallow bays or funnel-shaped mouths of rivers, the wave becomes even higher. At the same time, it slows down the move and, like a giant shaft, rolling into land. The speed of the tsunami is higher than the greater the depth of the ocean. The speed of most waves tsunami ranges between 400 and 500 km / h, but there were cases when they reached 1000 km / h. Tsunami occurs most often as a result of submarine earthquakes. Another source can serve volcanic eruptions.

Flood- Temporary flooding of a significant part of sushi by water as a result of the actions of the forces of nature. Floods can be caused:

losing abundant precipitation or intense melting of snow (glaciers), joint action of flood waters and ice congestion; hugging wind; underwater earthquakes. Floods can be predicted: set the time, the nature expected of its size and timely organize warning measures that significantly reduce the damage, to create favorable conditions for rescue and urgent emergency restoration work. Sushha can flood with rivers or by the sea - the floods of river and marine are different. Floods threaten almost 3/4 of the earth's surface. According to UNESCO statistics from river floods in 1947 - 1967, about 200,000 people died. According to some hydrolyts, this figure is even underestimated. The secondary damage under flooding is even more significant than in connection with other natural disasters. These are destroyed settlements, drowned by the cattle, brought by mud. As a result of the rainstone rains in Transbaikalia in early July 1990, the flood was unprecedented in these places. More than 400 bridges were demolished. According to the regional emergency flood commission, the national economy of the Chita region caused damage to 400 million rubles. Thousands of people were left without bed. Not without human victims. Floods may be accompanied by fires due to cliffs and short circuit of electrical cabbages and wires, as well as the breaks of water and sewer pipes, electrical, television and telegraph cables located in the ground, due to the subsequent uneven sediment of the soil.

Male streams and landslides. Sale - Suddenly forming in the channels of mountain rivers Temporary stream, characterized by a sharp rise in the water level and a high content of solid material in it. It arises as a result of intense and long-lasting shower, stormy melting of glaciers or snow cover and collapse in the row of a large number of loose-grade material. Having a larger mass and speed of movement, the villages destroy the buildings, structures, roads and everything else on the path of movement. Within the pool, the village streams can be local, general, and structural. The first arises in the rivers of the tributaries of rivers and large beams, the second pass along the main channel of the river. The danger of the villages is not only in their destructive strength, but in the sudden of their appearance. Silmes are approximately 10% of the territory of our country. In total, about 6,000 villains are registered, of which more than half fall on Central Asia and Kazakhstan. According to the composition of the portable solid material, the village streams may be mud (a mixture of water with angleless with a small concentration of stones), mudigan (a mixture of water, pebbles, gravel, small stones) and water-changing (a mixture of water with predominantly large stones). The flow rate of the sealer stream is usually 2.5-4.0 m / s, but when the congestion is breaking, it can reach 8-10 m / s or more.

Hurricanes - These are winds by force of 12 points on the Bafort scale, i.e. winds whose speed exceeds 32.6 m / s (117.3 km / h). Hurricanes also call tropical cyclones arising in the Pacific Ocean near the shores of Central America; in the Far East and in the areas of the Indian Ocean of Hurricanes ( cyclones) Wear a title typhoon. During tropical cyclones, wind speed often exceeds 50 m / s. Cyclones and typhoons are usually accompanied by intense rain rains.

Hurricane on land destroys build structures, lines and power lines, damages transport communications and bridges, breaks and pulls out the trees with the root; When spreading over the sea causes huge waves with a height of 10-12 m and more, damages or even leads to the death of the court.

Tornado - These are catastrophic atmospheric vortices having a funnel form with a diameter from 10 to 1 km. In this whirlwind, the wind speed can achieve an implausible value of 300 m / s (which is more than 1000 km / h). Such speed cannot be measured by any devices, it is estimated experimentally and according to the degree of influence of the tornado. For example, it was noted that, with a tornado, the siner looked into the pine barrel. This corresponds to wind speeds above 200 m / s. The process of the occurrence of the tornado is not completely clear. Obviously, they are formed at the moments of unstable air bundle when the heating of the earth's surface leads to heating and lower air layer. Above this layer is a cooler air layer, such a position is unstable. Warm air rushes up, the air is cold in the whirlwind, like a trunk, descends down to the earth's surface. Often it happens over small elevated areas within the flat relief.

Dust storm - These are atmospheric perturbations, in which a huge amount of dust and sand moved to considerable distances takes into the air. In comparison with earthquakes or tropical cyclones, dust storms are not essentially so catastrophic phenomena, but their impact may be very unpleasant, and sometimes fatal.

Fires - The spontaneous spread of burning, manifested in the destroying action of fire, out of control. Fires arise, as a rule, in violation of fire safety measures, as a result of lightning discharges, self-burning and other reasons.

Forest fires -unmanaged burning of vegetation, propagating on the forest area. Depending on which the elements of the forest spreads fire, fires are divided into lower, riding and underground (soil), and on the speed of promoting the edge of the fire and the height of the flame flame can be weak, medium strength and strong. Most often fires are low.

Peat fires Most often there are in places of peat mining, usually arise due to improper handling of fire, from lightning discharges or self-burning. Peat burns slowly to the entire depth of its location. Peat fires encompass large areas and are difficult to be extinguished.

Fires in cities and settlements There is a violation of the fire safety regulations, due to the fault of the electrical wiring, the spread of fire during forest, peat and steppe fires, when electrical wiring during earthquakes.

Landslides- These are sliding displacements of the masses of rocks down the slope arising from the violation of the equilibrium caused by various reasons (reasanced by water rocks, the weakening of their strength due to weathering or overlooking with precipitation and groundwater, systematic jokes, unreasonable economic activities, etc.). The landslides differ not only by the speed of breed displacement (slow, medium and fast), but also their scale. The speed of slow displacements of rocks is several dozen centimeters per year, medium - a few meters per hour or a day and fast - tens of kilometers per hour or more. Fast displacements include landslide-streams when the solid material is mixed with water, as well as snow and snow-stone avalanches. It should be emphasized that only fast landslides can cause a catastrophe with human victims. The landslides can destroy settlements, destroy agricultural land, create a danger during the operation of quarries and mining, damage communication, tunnels, pipelines, telephone and electric networks, water treatment plants, mainly dams. In addition, they can overwrite the valley, form a filling lake and promote floods.

Avalanches Also relate to landslides. Large snowy avalanches are catastrophes, carrying tens of lives. The speed of snow avalante fluctuates in a wide range of 25 to 360 km / h. The magnitude of the avalanche is divided into large, medium and small. Large destroy all - dwellings and trees on their path, medium are dangerous only for people, small practically is not dangerous.

Volcanic eruptions Threaten about 1/10 of the number of residents of the Earth, which threatens earthquakes. Lava is the melt of rocks heated to a temperature of 900 - 1100 "with. Lava flows straight from the cracks in the ground or the slope of the volcano either overflowing through the edge of the crater and flows to the foot. Lava streams may be dangerous for one person or group of people who, The underestimation of their speeds will be between several lavva languages. The danger occurs when the lava flow reaches the settlements. Liquid lava may in a short period of time to pour significant territories.