Funds for daily carcard. Parquet care

One of the main advantages of the parquet board is that it does not need additional processing after laying. Grinding, cycle, varnishing and other operations The material passes in the factory conditions, so everything that remains to make the consumer after purchase is to properly put the boards on the draft floor. Thanks to the convenient lock system, the installation technology is noticeably simplified, but to create a high-quality and durable floor covering, you need to study all the subtleties of this process.

A parquet board is different from the usual wooden three-layer structure:

  • upper layer - Wood of valuable rock with a pronounced texture. Thickness varies in the range of 1-6 mm, but most often is 3.5-4 mm. To increase the decorative properties, the material undergoes heat treatment, whitening and other procedures, and to protect against negative impact - varnishing or impregnation with oil-wax compositions;
  • intermediate layer - Pine or spruce rails laid perpendicular to the facial layer. At the ends of the rails, pinch or lock connections are cut, depending on the flooring modification. The thickness of this layer is 8-9 mm;
  • bottom layer - Whole veneer from coniferous wood, up to 2 mm thick. The direction of fibers perpendicular to the previous layer.

Such a layout of the layers provides a material of high flexural strength and compression, increases the resistance to the drops of humidity and temperature modes. On the parquet board almost no chips are formed, and the protective coating of the years retains an attractive appearance. The standard board has the following parameters:

  • width 120-200 mm;
  • length 1100-2500 mm;
  • thickness 10-22 mm.

There are several types of parquet boards caused by the number of dies in the upper layer and the presence of chamfer over the sides.

Table. Types of parquet boards

Type of blackboardCharacteristics

The upper layer is a solid cut of natural wood. After laying, the material is visually indistinguishable from the floor from the wood array, which gives the interior a more presentable look. In addition, the same-band version is considered the most decorative, due to the integrity of the natural pattern.

The front layer consists of a double row of dies, which gives the coating the external resemblance to the parquet. The length of the dice varies in a wide range: they can be solid or divided into 2-3 segments. Between the dies slightly differ in the tone and structure of the fibers

The dies are three parallel rows with a displacement in length. There are also options in the form of a Christmas tree and braid - a classic parquet pattern. Such a coating is the most common to date, since it is great for any type of premises.

The upper layer consists of small, perfectly fitted dies, characterized by shades and the structure of the fibers. The pattern of the coating is obtained bright and rich, which is optimally suitable for interiors not overloaded with details.

The presence of chamfer increases the decorative properties of the coating, gives it similarity with a natural board facility. In addition, these cuts along the edges allow you to minimize the errors allowed upon installation. Fabric width equals 1-3 mm

Prices for parquet board TARKETT

Parquet board Tarkett.

Pros and cons of the material

Despite the abundance of inexpensive and reliable flooring, the demand for the parquet board remains consistently high. Such popularity is explained by the presence of significant benefits of the material:

  • the coating is distinguished by strength and long service life, it has resistance to wear, amenable to restoration;
  • there is no need for varnishing, grinding or painting after the installation is completed;
  • thanks to the lock system, the coating can, if necessary, can be dismantled and reinmed, without deterioration of operational properties;
  • installation does not require special equipment and does not take much time;
  • the floor from the parquet board looks spectacular and suitable for different interior styles.

There are no cons of such a coating, although they are not many:

  • lack of figure styling;
  • relatively high price;
  • the need to carefully prepare a draft base.

Methods of laying parquet board

The laying of the coating can be carried out in three ways - adhesive, floating and with fasteners (nails, screws).

Adhesive way

Laying coating on glue requires perfectly even and dry base. If removal or tubercles remain on the draft floor, it will lead to uneven erasing of the finish layer, the appearance of cracks, deformations. It is also more difficult to restore such a gender, because more material is removed on the protruding areas during cycle, than, in the recesses it is not removed at all. And the presence of moisture under the floor contributes to partial peeling of the coating, the appearance of fungus, swelling and swelling. To eliminate such risks, the parquet board is sticking not to the screed itself, but to a substrate from plywood or chipboard. Under the substrate, there must be waterproofing, it is additionally possible to put a soundproofing material - a plug, foamed polyethylene and others.

This method is applied less and less often because it has more flaws than advantages. First, the costs increase: besides the parquet board and waterproofing, it is necessary to buy material for the substrate, fastening and special parquet glue, the cost of which is pretty high. Secondly, the time for laying is required more, because you need to cut out and fit the Phaneur, correctly fix it, apply glue. It is impossible to walk on the floor until the glue does not dry. In addition, replace randomly damaged areas will be more difficult, and the dismantled floor is unsuitable for reuse.

Floating method

The laying of the coating is carried out without fixing the parquet board to the draft base. Between the lamellas are mounted using a groove-crest system or a special lock connection. On the perimeter of the room, there is necessarily a small gap, which prevents the deformation of the floor at a temperature expansion. A layer of waterproofing is present between the coating and the base, there may be noise-absorbing materials.

This method is considered to be the most convenient and rapid, therefore applied by most masters, and is also ideal for those who have no construction experience. In compliance with the laying technology, the coating perfectly transfers the changes in the humidity and temperature regime, which means that the risk of deformations is reduced to zero. If individual lamellae was damaged, they will not be difficult to replace them, the main thing is to choose the right boards on the tone and drawing. The complete dismantling of the coating also does not require great efforts, moreover, the material can be reused.

Laying with fasteners

The fixation of the parquet board with nails or self-pressing can be used in case of laying the coating on the lags or a solid wooden base, and not on the tie. For this, lamellas with a thickness of at least 20 mm are suitable, as thin boards can easily damage. The lags are stacked with no more than 60 cm and strictly in the same plane, since even small differences in height cause the appearance of creaks when walking. Space under flooring should be well ventilated to avoid condensate and dampness.

When laying lamellas, they are so that their ends are fed only on lags. The nails are driven into the grooves at an angle, and the hats deepen the Dobochnik so that the fasteners did not interfere with the dense adjunitation of the neighboring boards. Such fasteners gives the necessary strength of the compound, but it makes it difficult to subsequent replacement of elements during repair. If there is a need to complete dismantling, the coating will not be reused due to damaged edges.

For fixing individual parquet slats, nails are used, the length of which is 40 mm, and the thickness - 1.6 - 1.8 mm

Floor laying technology with adhesive way

Preparatory stage

Start with the estimate of the condition of the draft floor. Its surface must be smooth, dry, without any defects. In order not to miss small damage, the base must be pre-cleaned from garbage and dust. Be sure to check the screed level and, if necessary, align the floor with a leveled mixture. If a new screed is poured, it is impossible to start the laying until the base is completely dry.

In the process of laying, you will need:

  • primer for concrete;
  • moisture-proof plywood;
  • parquet board;
  • roulette and pencil;
  • circular saw or electrolybiz;
  • drill;
  • dowel-nails;
  • single-component parquet glue;
  • toothed spatula;
  • a hammer.

Materials should be taken with a small margin, so calculate the required amount in advance by performing measurements of the floor area. As a rule, it leaves from 5 to 10% of the total amount of floor covering, depending on the experience of the wizard and laying options.

Council. A parquet board must be in advance to the room where the installation will be made, and leave the minimum one day. At the same time, the temperature in the room should be within 18-25 degrees, and the humidity does not exceed 60%.

Laying coating

Step 1. Purified from dust screed process with primer. If the composition is absorbed quickly, it is recommended to apply a soil in two layers, with the time of the time specified in the Instructions for the interlayer drying.

Step 2. Phanera is laid out on the dry floor and place the places of sections. The substrate sheets should be placed in a checker order, while between them you need to leave gaps 3-5 mm wide to compensate for temperature extensions. The perimeter of the room leave a 10-15 mm wide width.

Step 3. With the help of a circular saw, the phaneer is cut down, sections from chips and dust are cleaned. Dilsert glue and apply it to a concrete basis, where the first sheet will be. Glue is quite thick, so it needs to be distributed over the surface with a spatula. Put the phaneer, squirt, neatly pressing with their hands. All other sheets are glued in the same way.

Step 4. For more reliable fixation, Phaneur must be copped with a base of a dowel-nail. To do this, the holes in the corners and the middle of the sides are drilled in each sheet, retreating from the edge of 30-40 mm. Dowels are inserted into the holes and clog fastening with a hammer.

Step 5. After fixing the substrate, the surface is purified from dust and proceed to the markup of the floor covering. Put the first row from the wall, bonding the boards without glue using castle connections. On the last lamellae in a row, it is planned to cut the line and cut up too much. By fully laying the first row, the pencil outlines its border on the substrate and remove the boards.

Step 6. Take a new portion of glue and apply it to a spatula on the designated area. Distributed to a smooth layer over the entire surface, without going beyond the markup boundaries. Putting the first row boards, carefully configuring them from the ends and leaving the gap between the wall and the coating is not less than 10 mm.

Step 7. The second row should be attached to the displacement of the end seams on half the length of the lamella. Refrigerating properly material, gently cover the substrate with glue and proceed to laying. To do this, take the board with two hands on the edges, put at an angle to the first row board, the crest in the groove along the entire length, then lowered down and lightly burn so that the lamella is in place. All others are stacked the same.

Step 8. When laying the coating near the threshold, around the protrusions and in the niches, in the boards make cutouts of the corresponding form, necessarily leaving the technological gap around the perimeter. So that the gap was the same over the entire length, it is recommended to insert wooden or plastic wedges with a thickness of 10 mm between the wall and parquet board.

Council. In the absence of experiences of such work, it is necessary to control the time of fitting boards so that the adhesive layer does not have time to dry. If the room is long, the first time to apply glue is better than half a row.

Step 9. The last row often has to trim in width. Here, just as the board is applied to the surface, they are planned with a pencil line of the cut, clean up too much. Having completed the work, leave the room for 8-10 hours, so that glue froze and reliably fixed the floor covering.

After the specified time, spacer wedges take out and closed the clearances by the plinths. It is easy to care for such floors, the main thing is to avoid excessive moisture. With a wet cleaning, a cloth needs to press well so that the puddles are not going on the floor. Randomly spilled fluids should be empty, not allowing moisture penetration into the seams between the boards.

Floating method technology

The floating floor also requires a qualitative base, so the screed is prepared by the method described above. Next, all the necessary for work is harvested:

  • parquet board;
  • waterproofing film;
  • scotch;
  • soundproofing substrate;
  • spacer wedges;
  • roulette and pencil;
  • electrolovik;
  • plinth kleimers;
  • drill and dowels with self-drawing.

Step 1. The prepared base is littered with a film for waterproofing, capturing and walls to a height of 10 cm. The film strips are placed on a width of 30 cm and samples the edge of the scotch.

Step 2. The following layer is a heat-insulating substrate from pressed cork or foamed polyethylene. The substrate is placed close to the walls, adjacent bands - jack.

Step 3. Start the installation of the coating. Put the first board in the corner along the wall, with an indent of 10-15 mm on the side and from the end. For convenience, the wedges of the corresponding thickness are inserted between the board and the walls.

Council. The boards of the first row must be stacked the crest to the wall, but since in this case the technological gap will be wider than the ridges are pre-cut.

Step 4. The second board is put next to the second, align, the end will be put on the castle first and tightly customize. The latter in the row of the lamels first try out, mark the desired length and cut off with an excess saw, after which they are fixed as everyone else.

Step 5. In the second row of the board, shift at least one third of the length. The laying is done in the same way, only now each board needs to be allowed in length, and from the end.

Step 6. Having reached the opening, mark the thickness of the coating and the knife with a knife with a paz with a parquet board. The vacuum cleaner is removed for the resulting dust and chips.

Step 7. Install the thresholds. Apply an aluminum rail to the floor, through the mounting holes planning the locations of the fixation. Drumped holes, clean them from dust, insert dowels and screw the rails with self-draws.

Step 8. When laying extremely from the threshold, the compound is additionally strengthened with glue. To do this, a sharp knife carefully remove the top layer of wood along the ridge, clean the chips and put glue with a thin solid strip. The board is hosted under the door frame, flattering from the end and on the side line, snap the locks. For a more dense docking, they are hammer on the other side of the lamella.

Step 9. Cutting and placing the coating opposite the threshold, after which they screw the top bar of the metal threshold. The plank must close the ends of the boards and lying strictly horizontally.

Step 10. From the threshold of the rows are stacked by the method described above, with a mandatory gap around the perimeter of the room. If the last row is not placed in width, the boards are cut by a saw from the groove side.

Step 11. Setting the coating, on the walls, on top of the film, outlines the places of fastening of kleimers for plinths with a step of 40-50 cm. From the angles of the indentation, there should be no more than 20 cm. Drill the holes in the wall through the film, the dowels are inserted and screwed into scammers.

Step 12. Install the plinths, then take a sharp mounting knife and very carefully cut the protruding edge of the film so as not to leave scratches on the plinth and on the wall.

If technology is met, the coating is obtained strong and durable, not swept, does not creak under his feet. If you need to replace individual fragments, it will be enough to pose them and lift to disconnect the lock.

Video - Errors when laying a parquet board

Choosing an outdoor coating for their home, modern people often prefer the use of traditional and tested materials, type of parquet or parquet board, while rejecting existing new-fashioned trends. Consider the basic requirements and recommendations on the right parquet Board Care.
Without a doubt, the floor, the floor covering a parquet board, has a drawing of a natural tree and a perfect smooth surface that will attract people's eyes. In addition, parquet flooring is almost the most durable coating during the decoration of residential premises.
However, to maintain the coating of its effection, and so that it has the longest life for the parquet, certain conditions are created for the parquet. In addition, the owners of the room decorated with parquet board should be able to properly care for this coating. Only, it is possible to preserve the initial cloud and the unique coating charm.

Application of parquet board, structure and distinctive quality

Are there any differences between the parquet and the parquet board? Traditional parquet is made of wood. Most often there is a three-layer parquet board. The first, the top layer is wood of the valuable rock, the second layer is needles, and the third is a plywood plate that is capable of not to skip moisture.

Thanks to the top wooden layer of the valuable tree, the parquet board is striking with its beautiful appearance and durability. The thickness of this layer affects not only the cost of the parquet board, but also for its durability.

A lot of qualities have a lot of qualities with the use of modern technologies of the parquet board (the presence of a unique pattern, natural colors), and sometimes even exceeds it. The superiority of the parquet board over the natural tree is the ease of its installation. The laying of the parquet board is spent less time than on the flooring of the parquet.

Parquet board is mounted by simple snapping connecting locks.

The cost of the parquet board is much smaller than the price of parquet, so this finishing material is of great popularity among the Russian consumer. The cost of the parquet board may be less if, producing it, the upper layer is not made from solid wood, but from glued pieces. Such boards are called:

  1. Binary;
  2. Three-band;
  3. Merrate.

Thanks to the variety of colors and textures of the parquet board, a special atmosphere is created in any rooms: residential buildings, offices, apartments. Laying a parquet board, for the manufacture of which used oak, acacia, beech, maple and other exotic trees, is able to emphasize the individuality of the owner, the presence of a unique charm and refined taste.

Outdoor coverage - parquet board, there are the following positive qualities:

  1. Differs in high water resistance.
  2. Perfectly resists rotting.
  3. It is distinguished by the constancy of sizes, that is, minimal deformation, since under the action of moisture and temperatures, the layers are able to restrain each other.
  4. It does not appear cracks and chips.
  5. Just and quickly stacked.
  6. Has high soundproofiness.
  7. Does not require additional surface treatment after laying. Processing is produced on plants manufacturers.
  8. Diversity design.

Conditions necessary for the arrangement of rough floors

To ensure a long service life of the parquet flooring, as well as to prevent problems with it, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions at the draft floor arrangement, which is the basis for the parquet floor.

One of the main functions of the draft floor (multilayer substrate) is the maximum insulation of the floor covering from moisture penetration.

Ensuring noise insulation of premises, because shock and air noises are able to exert a destructive action on a parquet coating.

Ensuring the correct thermal insulation substantially reducing the thermal loss of the room (about 20%).

The base under the flooring of the parquet should have a strictly horizontal position. In addition, it is necessary to ensure its evenness (irregularities in height should not exceed 2 mm).

Laying the parquet board forces to everyone, because it is possible to collect it using a simple snapping of connective locks. The big advantage of this floor cover is the fact that they can be used immediately after laying. It is not necessary to grind, cyclish, or apply protective compositions on it, since all this is performed in the factory conditions.

How to put a parquet board

When laying a parquet board, you must comply with the following conditions:

Experienced builders are recommended after buying a parquet board to leave it for several days in the room where it will fit. During this time, the parquet board will have time to adapt to the temperature and humidity indicators in the room. Thanks to this, the laying of the floor covering will be facilitated. In addition, the duration of its service will increase.

For flooring from a parquet board with optimal temperatures in the room there will be 18 - 24 ° C, and relative humidity - 40-60%. It is desirable that during the operation of the coating in the room these parameters were supported. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure moisture and air conditioning and people, and finishing material.

If the parquet board is placed on "warm floors", it is important to comply with additional parameters:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the surface temperature of the coating, which should not exceed + 24 ° C, and the daily differences should not be more than 5 ° C.
  2. It is necessary to ensure the same temperature over the entire surface of the coating.

To be more accurate, the specialists are not recommended to lay a coating from a parquet board to the "Warm floors" system.

Protective Films Parquet Board and their species

In modern construction practice, protective coatings for flooring from the parquet board are:

  1. Special varnishes for parquet.
  2. Various oil-wax formulations.

Parquet varnish

Parquet varnishes are capable of forming a solid and durable layer on a parquet board. Their base may be water or synthetic solvents.

Lucky, the basis of which are classic synthetic solvents, until they harde, make sharp odors that can cause the suffocation and the development of allergic reactions. For this reason, they are applied to parquet boards at factories when complying with all the necessary regimes (some wear-resistant varnishes need ultraviolet lighting).

Use and applying a varnish for parquet ..

To improve the waterproof coatings from parquet boards after floor laying is completed, applying an additional layer of varnish. But at the same time it is necessary that while the varnish is not drying, there was no one in the room.

Oil-wax formulations for parquet

In order to protect the flooring from the parquet board from external influences, the oil-wax mixtures can be used, which will penetrate the wood, fill the pores, as a result of which it will acquire a unique view. In addition, the compositions are able to emphasize the uniqueness of the wood used.

The oil-wax formulations used to protect the wood were born many centuries ago, but did not lose their relevance. If competently care for floorpads, it is not less than once a year to cover it with these compositions. For this work, you do not need to have special skills, since this is a simple procedure.

Initially, you need to apply a uniform layer of oil, and a mixture of oil with wax is applied to it. These compositions are harmless to people's health, since the components are environmentally friendly. It is recommended to use flaxseed oil or oil from a Chinese tree, and the wax has vegetable or animal origin.

When switching from using an oil-wax protection layer to lacquer, the wax mixture is first removed, for which the coating is polished. Then the primer is applied to the parquet board, and on it - varnish. Otherwise, the varnish will not fix on the surface of the coating.

Proper Operation and Parquet Board Care

It is prohibited on the floor covering, if it is a parquet board, placing pots with flowers, because condensate will be formed there.

Flooring from a parquet board requires a certain care, which is to ensure the protection of the coating from the mechanical impact, which is possible when cleaning and operating:

The parquet board is contraindicated with an abrasive effect of sand-in-shoes, so before entering the room, a protective area is satisfied. At the same time, it is advisable to use mats of two species: hard - removing solid particles with soles, and soft - absorbing liquid dirt (which is most relevant in the autumn-winter period of the year). In this place it is better to remove street shoes.

On the legs of the furniture, it is best to glue felt overlays or other soft fabric. If furniture on the rollers, beds under it transparent plastic mats.

To maintain cleanliness in rooms in which the flooring is a parquet board, it is better to use a conventional vacuum cleaner. Occasionally, it is possible to wipe the floors with a wet soft cloth with hands or mop.

It is forbidden to pour outdoor coating with liquid. For wipping the most contaminated areas, special means are used, which are provided specifically for the protection of decorative floors.

For washing flooring from parquet boards is prohibited to use cleaning and detergents for dishes, solvents and diluents for paints, gasoline or alcohol. On the extreme case, the use of soft detergents is permissible.

Using the oil-wax coating when caring for parquet

Oil-wax formulations for flooring parquet coatings differ from varnishes for parquet in that they are not formed by outer film. They only fill the pores of wood, which protects it from the penetration of moisture and different contaminants.

For recovery, the parquet boards impregnated with oil must be pulled out only a damaged area, and then coolaned it again. This repair is performed during the day.

Wet cleaning of the parquet floor, treated with oil impregnations, is carried out using aqueous soap solutions.

The floor is wiping with damp rag parallel to wood fibers. Such cleaning is made as the coating is contaminated. Dries the floor with a half hour. It is then polished with universal means that have a double function - to protect and clean the parquet.

Flooring from a parquet board, which is performed by increased loads, is updated twice a year. Indoor, where the tenants go home slippers, the coating is updated once a year, maybe less often. At the same time use oil intended for periodic carcase care.

Hygiene floor covering from parquet boards treated with wax is carried out by dry cleaning. Waxes are processed exclusively by means in which solvents or wax are contained. If you use soap solutions that contain alkalis, the color of the coating may change.

With the right choice of the care methodology for parquet coatings, protected oils or wax, they will serve several generations of home owners. But the main advantages of it are the following:

  1. The coating does not need to grind.
  2. Wood dust harmful to human health.
  3. Do not have to be chosen by the caustic smell of varnish.

Caring for such a coating is the use of cleaning compositions that do not require polishing - the floor is only wiping with a cloth.

Implementation of preventive measures

Processing flooring from parquet boards using the composition of oil and wax in the first year after laying you need once every three months. The procedure is performed in the following order:

  1. The floor is clean and must dry carefully for 6-7 hours.
  2. Parquet board with a special brush is impregnated with oil. Excess oils that are not absorbed removed after 5 minutes with dry napkins.
  3. Applying a protective wax layer on a parquet board is performed in a day after its oil treatment.
  4. Performing wet cleaning of flooring from a parquet board, it is necessary to add soluble protective wax to the water.
  5. At the end of the first year of operation of the flooring from the parquet board, its processing is performed if necessary.

It is better to purchase a parquet coating of one manufacturer.

Using a lacquered coating when caring for a parquet board

To eliminate traces of contamination arising from operating on a paved surface board covering, use "Cleanners", which are special cleaning agents. Some of them are concentrates diluted before using water, while others produce ready-to-use, and enclosed in aerosol packaging.

The compositions have chemical neutrality to the compositions of varnish. All major flooring manufacturers have cleaners in the assortment, which can be cleaned with lacquered parquet. In order to preserve and protect the lacquer coating, the use of polyrolles is recommended.

Lactering coatings for parquet board.

If even a parquet lacquer wear-resistant, after some time, microcracks, scuffs and other unpleasant defects will begin to appear on its surface. For a longer service life, experts are recommended for a packed flooring flooring to apply with a certain frequency of a protective coating layer.

This moment requires the serious attention of domestic owners, since their claws are capable of spoiling the top coating layer in a short time. In addition, urea is able to leave stains on the tree and destroy the lacquer layer of parquet boards.

  1. Polyrols with wax content.
  2. Substances that have a composition similar to the strongly diluted lacquer. Before use, they must be diluted with water.

Preventive Parquet Board Processing Events

To remove stains and restore the lossed glitter with an outdoor parquet coating having a lacquered surface, it is recommended to use a special composition called "freshener".

To protect from the destructive impact of moisture, the coating once every two months is polished.

To eliminate the local abrasion of the lacquer layer, you can use the varnish spray. Conducting a complete renewal of the parquet board of the parquet board is best carried out after 12 years of exploitation, however, the timing of these depends on the load rendered to the coating.

You got acquainted with the information on how to properly care for floor coverings from the parquet board, so you have a planned to put it in the premises of your office or residential premises.

Having learned what a parquet board, having learned its structure, features of operation, proper care for her, and subject to the above-described rules, you can be confident: the flooring floor from the parquet board for many years will serve you faith and truth and deliver moral and Aesthetic pleasure.

Natural wooden floor coverings require a slightly more careful care than all other floors. But the observance of non-hard rules for the care of parquet will allow you not only for many years to preserve its initial appearance, but also count on a guarantee from the manufacturer. Remember that in most cases the non-compliance with the recommended rules of care entails the cancellation of warranty obligations.

The main enemies of the parquet board - sand and water. The first risks left on your floor small scratches, speaking a peculiar abrasive substance in combination with shoes and other solid objects. Excess the second can lead to the swelling of the floor covering.

In this regard, the first thing to be done for everyday carcase care is to put a rug at the entrance door, delaying the falling on the floor covering of dirt, sand and rainwater. To get the water to the floor can also through an open window during a strong thunderstorm or leaning through the flower pot on the floor, which is better to put on the plastic stand. Curtains on the windows will help protect the floor from the rain and avoid direct direct sunlight, protecting the floorboard from ultraviolet exposure and color change.

An excess of moisture is bad, but also a disadvantage of it can cause the deformation of the boards, so try to maintain the relative air humidity at the level of 40-60% and air temperature 18-24 ° C during operation of the parquet board. In the Winter Heating Season, use air humidifiers. In the summer during the operation of air conditioners, do not direct air flows to the floor. In the non-residential room, check the room at least twice a week half an hour.

Avoid scratches and dents on a parquet board will help rubber rollers on office furniture, soft vinyl rugs under rotating armchairs, felt or felt pads under the legs of heavy furniture and chairs, which, however, when it is better not to move on parquet, and raise. A parquet board is not intended for walking on her shoes on the hairpins.


  • Too frequent wet cleaning
  • Putting out water or a bucket of a parquet board
  • Use of abrasive drugs, including with metal engines
  • The use of chlorine for surface cleaning
  • Use of concentrated detergents without dilution with water
  • Use for cleaning for parquet washing vacuum cleaners
  • Powders, acids, solvents, ammonia and other active substances

For regular (daily), parquet board care is required only to wipe it in a timely manner from dust and flowing mud. To this end, you can use a pancake, a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle for a parquet, a brush or mop with a soft pile.

Most manufacturers are recommended for dry cleaning of microfiber cloths or soft cotton fabrics, and only the Austrian manufacturer of Scheucher® parquet boards warns from care to care for a parquet of coarse microfiber tissues, giving preference x / b mop.

Dry cleaning assumes a neat cleaner of the grooves on a parquet board with a chamfer and sweeping dust by a hair brush in a scoop.

For intensive care for the parquet board, it is necessary to not only sweep it, but sometimes wipe off with a wet, well pressed rag. This will make it possible to delete prolonged pollution and fresh spots from the floor. You can use a mop with a soft microfiber web, but only with the possibility of its spin.

Detergents should be specifically designed for a particular surface of the parquet board: for lacquered, brash and washed boards, they may vary. Read the instructions for the packaging. Some detergents are designed for daily care. After breeding in water, they not only carefully clean the parquet from dirt and dust, but also form a thin dirt-repellent film on the surface.

Remember that in the process of cleaning the tissue on the jam should only be slightly moistened. Wipe the floor follows zigzag movements along the boards. The permissible amount of moisture on the floorboard on the recommendation of the Wood Bee® manufacturer: 2-3 minutes after a wet cleaning, the floor must dry completely. In order to avoid the appearance of divorces from water after a wet cleaning, it is necessary to walk on the parquet of dry cloth.

Blood stains should immediately remove moistened in cold water and well pressed x / b napkin. A slightly moistened rag is used to eliminate stains from food and drinks.

Resin, ink, glue, cosmetics, soot, wells for shoes are removed from parquet plates with mineral water or White spirit. Its, benzene or substitutes can be used to remove crayons, markers, pencils, tar, rubber, oily spots. To remove lipstick and carcasses, use alcohol in combination with water in a 1 to 1 ratio.

Stearin, candle wax and chewing are carefully scribified with a parquet board with a plastic spatula after their hardening or freezing with ice or aerosol.

Oil coated parquet board requires additional drying protection. A special tool will help restore the natural beauty of the tree and save the floor covering from the loss of the initial appearance.

If you make a wet cleaning once a week, then the protective agent should be applied once a month, if less often, then every 2 months. For intensive care and recovery of the oil covering of the parquet board, a special transparent or white oil is intended.

Regular overnewing of the oil covering of the parquet board will save its brightness of its color, will prevent the drying of the tree and protect against the negative effects of UV rays.

In general, manufacturers recommend regular cleaning of a floorboard coated with natural oil using special cleaning products every 1-3 days in schools and other rooms with intensive load on the floor, every 3-5 days in offices and corridors with an average operation and approximately times a week in residential premises.

More intensive cleaning is required every quarter / six months / year, depending on the intensity of operation. Deep cleaning of spots with a natural oil coating parquet board is recommended as needed.

Caring for Parquet Covered UV Coated

Regular wet care for an oil-covered flooring board with ultraviolet curing is recommended depending on the intensity of operation. So, everyday cleaning in schools, shops and restaurants requires almost every day, in offices - 1-2 times per week, in apartments - 1 time per week.

Intensive care, removal of oily spots, traces of cigarettes, layer of dirt and detergents are required in schools every six months, in offices - once a year, and at home - once every 1.5 years. Cover periodically gender oil for care and protection is needed once in 1/1.5 / 2 years, depending on the loads in the room.

A parquet board of beech and maple is particularly sensitive to moisture, so immediately after laying the Austrian manufacturer Scheucher® recommends processing its edges and the shoulder joints applied to the C / B fabric, a napkin or a skin at the rate of 250 ml per 40-50 kV. m Square floor. You can polish the surface with soft wool, after which the floor should dry ½ day. Wet cleaning up to 10 days after processing should be excluded. The rest recommended the usual dry or wet cleaning of well pressed mrop. Also, the manufacturer allows the use of disk harvesting machine.

Oak, ash, as well as some exotic tree breeds have large pores, and therefore can collect dirt on their surface, especially on spear floors as a result of high loads during operation, as a result of which they may need intensive care and cleaning of the dirt. To do this, you can use a one-piece solid machine.

The special concentrate is bred with water in proportion 1 to 10. The residues of moisture should be removed with a vacuum cleaner with the possibility of suction. Next, it is necessary to re-wash the floor clean and dry. After that, a parquet board can be polished if necessary, put it off, wipe with a damp cloth, apply oil / wax, polish, re-wrap, dry the day and not wash the day. It should, however, remember that it is possible to grind it only when laying a parquet board for glue.

If you need to update the colored oil coating on the glued parquet board, follow the instructions. First, pass the surface in the direction of fibers, remove the stains and damage. Use abrasive with grain 120, gradually moving to a thinner size of 150-180. Reduce the appearance of scratches will help colorless oil during grinding. Remove sanding dust from the surface of the board, degrease and let dry.

Color oil should be diluted with solvent (up to 30%) or colorless oil. Perform the priming of porous wood with colorless oil. Apply non-ferrous oil (10-15 g / sq. M) on a parquet board with a sprayer or mohair roller, carefully wrap in the surface using a red or green grinding circle. Dry day.

Next, the surface purification should be cleaned, mild grinding is possible with thin grain 220. A colorless oil can be applied to the protective layer, the excess of which is removed by grinding to avoid the formation of an inesttic film. Within 10 days, moisture from entering the floor should be avoided.

The lacquered parquet board can be cleaned specially designed for this spray or concentrate diluted with water (usually at the rate of 50-100 ml per 5-10 liters of water). In the first case, the spray is sprayed directly to the floor or a rag on the swing. In the second case, the desired amount of concentrate is added to the water bucket.

There are funds both for everyday moist care of a parquet case with a varnish coating and for periodic use in case of more serious contaminants. In rare cases, the use of an undeveloped concentrated detergent for a lacquered parquet board in order to remove persistent and complex spots.

To protect the lacquer coating and for masking small scratches, specially designed for this car care board are used. For example, the BarLinek® manufacturer is the Glitter Protector. It is applied directly to the coating, but not intended to polish it and for the brushed floors.

Otherwise, with wet care, the lacquered parquet board should be observed the basic rules: use a well-pressed soft cloth, to carry out with light movements along the fibers of wood, with strong contaminants, use special detergents and wipe the floor with a clean moistened cloth, after which it is not possible to wipe it dry, not Tearing traces and divorces. Polishing coating is not required. It is possible to exploit the floor after 30-120 minutes after applying care products.

Despite the precautionary measures taken, during the operation of the parquet board, it may occur its minor damage and scratches. For repair and restoration of the coating, different manufacturers have developed various care products for damaged parquet board.

So, the PAR-KY® manufacturer is special markers of different colors, allowing to remove minor scratches and damage from the surface of the board and prevent its contamination in damaged places.

The Quick-Step® manufacturer has wax pencils in a set with a brush and a spatula that will help restore the color of the damaged coating. Wax for repairing a parquet board in a set with a spatula and a melting knife is also at PAR-KY® for deeper dents and damage, including with the destruction of the lacquer layer.

Finally, the floor design of the floorboard allows you to easily replace the strongly damaged planks new even in the middle of the room, thanks to the special tool and the locking system.

From this article you will learn:

  • What ways of laying parquet board exist
  • How to lay a parquet board yourself

To repair in Moscow it is necessary to come seriously. It is necessary to clearly decide on the type of floor covering which it would like to you.

Parquet use as an outdoor cover - this is not only a good way to declare your prosperity and status. It is also an opportunity to demonstrate the surrounding the presence of an excellent taste. In addition, parquet as a coating is very reliable, environmentally friendly and has a large service life. Previously, to put parquet, it was necessary to work out, while possessing certain skills. Now, due to the emergence of a massive parquet board, everything became somewhat simpler. If you follow the recommendations of the specialists, the process of its laying will not be particularly difficult for you. Today we will talk about how to lay a parquet board.

At the moment there are two types of parquet board: massive and multi-layered. The difference between them in the method of manufacture.

  • Massive The parquet board is produced from different wood species, both deciduous and coniferous. But for its creation, a solid piece of wood is taken. On the ends of the board are made grooves and crests.
  • In the manufacture Multilayer A parquet board uses several types of wood, and each of them has their own advantages. Thanks to this combination at the output, a parquet board is obtained with high performance characteristics. Thus, the top layer of the parquet is made from solid and valuable woods, because it will be "responding" for the appearance of the floor. The middle layer of the plates is located at an angle of 90 degrees to the top, using soft wood. The purpose of this layer is to act as a connecting element for this particular panel, and for neighboring with it. The material for the lower layer is plywood, as well as pine or fir slabs with a thickness of up to 4 mm.

Parquet board for laying goes on sale only after applying special coating and impregnation that protects the fungus on it protecting against rotting and formation. Keep in mind: Be a board of a multi-layer or massive, its service life depends not only on the production technology and storage rules, but also from the right laying. You can't influence the first and second, you can not affect the third item can be easily controlled. Or even make laying parquet board yourself.

But that such an outdoor coating is durable and serve you for a long time, it's a little able to work well with your hands. It is necessary to hold a certain kind of preparatory work. It is also necessary to accurately comply with all the conditions of the technological process. What moments here first should be paid attention to?

  • Firstly, Inspect the base on which the flooring board will be locked. Invalid of different kinds of cracks, cracks and deepening. The base must be smooth and durable, as well as without a substantial height difference. 2 mm on the trafficphone meter is a maximum that can be allowed. The basis that does not meet the requirements should be repaired or completely removed.
  • SecondlyThe parquet board must "adapt" to your apartment - more precisely, to its microclimate. Therefore, after purchasing the board, it is not recommended to immediately begin work on its laying. Wait at least two days.
  • Thirdly, Important condition for successful parking board is the level of humidity in the room. High humidity adversely affects this material, and therefore should not put parquet in the bathroom, toilet or in the kitchen.
  • Fourth, again about humidity. During work it is desirable to comply with its level (from 35 to 65 percent). The temperature should be not lower than 18 degrees Celsius. Compliance with these conditions will allow the coating to become more durable and will increase its life.
  • And the last on the list, but not by meaning. When laying a parquet board, in no case should you forget about the substrate and waterproofing. Moreover, the features of the room and the foundation here do not play the role, to do it in any case.

In addition, one small advice: Do not put a parquet board perpendicular to the rays of light. In this case, the shadows will be well noticeable at the joints.

How to lay parquet board in different ways

Well-known manufacturers (Barlinek, Tarkett, Kahrs and others) are trying to constantly improve the manufactured products. And they work not only over the appearance of products, but also above the methods, with which you can significantly alleviate the process of laying. All new castle systems are produced. There are several major kinds of their types:

  1. The compound is considered classic when the spikes are included in the grooves.
  2. The planks are connected at an angle of 10-30 degrees, after which it is fastened with each other by pressing the plate.
  3. This is a system of volumetric fixation. Their several types, titles and basic characteristics may not coincide, but the principle of connecting the elements is the same. The "tongue" of dense PVC or aluminum is embedded in the end lock. In another case, it can just be an additional insert. Be that as it may, but thanks to such a fixation, the entire coupling becomes more rigid and durable, the service life of the parquet increases. Also, this system warns the discrepancy of planks due to seasonal environmental change.

Depending on which the locking system is present on the products, the way of laying parquet boards is also chosen. By purchasing material for flooring, at the same time, see if a detailed installation instruction is available. If the goods are high-quality, it must be attached to the packaging.

How to collect a multi-layer wooden coating?

There are several methodsEnjoying the most popular:

  • Laying parquet boards on lags.
  • Fasteners with nails.
  • Laying on a rough wooden floor.
  • Method using glue.
  • A floating method in which parquet boards are connected using a lock.

The lock system is recently used most often. This method of laying parquet boards is also convenient for large, and for small rooms. Glue, on the contrary, in such work is used more and less. The fact is that the flooring of the parquet is such a method - the work is a very time-consuming, occupying a mass of time and requiring perpetuity.

Massive parquet is attached to the draft floor mainly with nails. But this method gradually goes into the past. If putting parquet boards on lags, the insistence between the latter should not exceed 30-40 cm, and this is not too profitable financially. And the process itself is also quite time-consuming. But one of the advantages of the floating method of laying parquet boards is that all works can be done with their own hands.

To decide which laying method to be most suitable for you, consider some of them.

Floating method

Many people are badly represented as stacking a parquet board on a concrete floor with this method. Let's deal with the order. Initially, plywood sheets with a thickness of 20 mm are rigidly attached to the floor. Waterproofing is placed on top, which can be used polyethylene in 200 microns. It is necessary that the waterproofing is covered with the entire surface. For this, the polyethylene is put on a mustache, with a 15-20 cm with a pounding. The joints glued with scotch. The film should also go to the walls - about 10-15 cm. On the waterproofing, it is necessary to put a dense polyethylene foam, polystyrene foam or cork mats. In the first case, the substrate, as well as the waterproofing, put on a mustache and gluits a scotch. In the second and third mats it is necessary to place an online jack, but the rotary.

Plywood sheets also need to lay a rotary, leaving a distance of 5 mm between them. From the walls should be 10-15 mm. Parquet floors in the room can be installed in two ways: parallel and diagonally. In the latter case, the material will be needed slightly more. Before starting laying parquet boards, make all the necessary calculations: how much material will be required which direction will be optimal. It is necessary to plan everything so that the plates in the last row do not seem too narrow compared to the rest. Parquet boards Connect with spikes and grooves intended for them. Remember that between the wall and parquet you need to leave the distance to expand the material in 1.5-3 cm.

When the first row of the boards, remove the spikes to the wall from them. The spike of the next dice direct under an acute angle in the grooves of the previous one, put the board on the base and with the help of a hammer (through the bar!) Get a dense connection with a neighbor. Between the first next and wall, put wedges.

When laying a second row of parquet boards, shut down the end seams on a third of the dice length. This is called the Mounting. First, take the first board in the second row in short on 1/3. Collect the range completely, then dock with the first. Also start a sharp corner of the spikes in the grooves and compound the connection by knocking on it through the hammer bar.

By the way, the breakdown step can be chosen at its discretion. But if you decide to make it just like this, then the first board in the third row should be shortened by 2/3 of length. In the fourth row, all the dies of its original size. In the future, observe the same page of parquet boards.

Most likely, the last row of dies you have to spill on the desired width. At the same time, do not forget to leave the distance between the parquet and the wall. After that, remove the wedges and attach the plinth, under which compensation gaps will not be visible.

One important nuance. For the greater fortress of the connections, the grooves between the boards can be sampled. But, on the other hand, if you need to replace one of the boards, it will cause certain difficulties.


With this method of laying parquet boards, you first need to fasten the moisture-resistant plywood to the screed. Then glue is applied with a gear spatula, a two-component polyurethane is best. When working with glue, keep in mind that it is toxic, although after drying is completely safe for humans. Small sheets of the substrate are put on the basis of the concrete. The distance between them and the walls should be no more than 5 mm. Next, all the parquet boards are placed on the glue - by the same technology as in the floating method of laying.

Before starting work, it is best to draw a scheme for which you will continue to stick parquet boards to plywood. The difference from the previous laying method is that the boards are not assembled into the ranks, but are joined by one. The glue should be applied both on the phaneer and on the dice, the grooves on the ends of the boards are also necessary to fill out by this composition.

Further act on the principle described earlier: the board with the help of the lock is attached to the previous one, align and compact with a hammer and a wooden bar. Panels additionally strengthen the pneumogs in the groove, but in such a way as not to interfere with the connection. The glue will be applied to the surface, it should be removed immediately. The distance between the walls and parquet fill the plug. After that, the entire surface of the floor is stuffed, covered with oil with wax or varnish. Along the walls fastening the plinth.

This method of laying parquet boards is used mainly for premises with a large area.

Using fasteners

How to put a parquet board with this method? Just as when laying on a floating method, waterproofing and insulation of a concrete screed is necessary. Boards are connected by the same scheme. The only difference is that it is possible to put the dice with a thickness of more than 20 mm. It is permissible to mount the parquet as a wooden basis lying on the lags and to the lagas themselves. If you decide to use the last option, then keep in mind: lags should be sufficient width so that the jokes of parquet boards can easily accommodate them on their middle. The optimal distance between the lags is from 30 to 40 cm.

They are attached to a concrete base through the insulation strictly horizontally, with the help of self-tapping soles with dowels. The dies are connected to lags with nails or screws, the length of which exceeds the thickness of the boards 2-2.5 times. In order not to interfere with the laying, they need to be installed in the grooves of boards at an angle of 45 degrees.

How to put a parquet board with your own hands

To work, you need to have the following:

  1. Waterproofing film with a thickness of 200 microns.
  2. Combined or coniferous substrate PE, 2-3 mm thick. The other is suitable, but the manufacturer must be the same as at the parquet.
  3. Barlock to seal the boards, Cyenka.
  4. Tool to fix connections (for laying floorboard with locks 5G).
  5. Metal bracket or expansion for laying the last row.
  6. Adhesive sealant, joiner or pva.
  7. Wedges of plastic for gaps between parquet and walls.
  8. Hamsaw or electrolybiz.
  9. Construction pencil, roulette and square.
  10. Level and hygrometer.
  11. Adhesive or strengthening primer.
  12. If you need, a toothed spatula, a screwdriver, a pneumopist or a hammer.

Preparation of the foundation

First you need to get rid of all old grounds. Then make measurements and determine whether it is necessary to align the floor. If yes, that is, two options to prepare the surface for laying a parquet board:

  • Use gypsum or cement-gypsum self-leveling bulk floors.
  • Collect screed from plywood, chipboard or so on.

Prepare base for laying, check it on moisture with a hygrometer, and a long rail (more than 2 m) - on evenness. Small flaws can be filled with quick-drying mixtures or cement.

The next stage is the primer:

  • If the laying of the parquet board will be made using glue, use adhesive compositions.
  • If you plan to apply a floating method, we need strengthening mixtures.

Foundation for styling wooden? Then you need to steal all irregularities from it (you can apply a parquet-liqueur machine). Wpadins fill in an elastic putty. If the boards "go", tighten the draft floor to the base with self-draws or nails. In the presence of a set of defects, it will be easier to make a new screed from chipboard or plywood with a thickness of more than 16 mm. Surface trees with antifungal primer.

Preparation for work

The surface is prepared. The next stage of work will be laying on it waterproofing and a substrate material. Estate the flask film, there should be 15-25 cm. Connection locations Skotch tape. At the top, attach the substrate (leaf or in rolls). Put it on jack. If you plan to laying a parquet board with adhesive way, you need to skip this step.

After the acquisition of the material, let the time to "get used to" to the microclimate of the room, it is usually required from 24 to 36 hours. If the apartment has a "warm floor", it would be good to include a heating system for two weeks, and 3-4 hours before the start of work turn off. With the help of such a maneuver, an ideal climate for laying a parquet board is formed and at the same time warns the thermal damage to the final finish.

One important point. If, when opening packages with a parquet board, you will find that some products are slightly different in color and texture, nothing terrible. The tree is a natural product, and therefore it sometimes happens. Wrap it for yourself, making an interesting picture from the plank.

Before starting work, be sure to make a scheme of future laying, better in scale. The last row in the width must be at least 5 cm.

Installation of floor covering

When laying a parquet board with a floating method, start working from the longest wall clockwise. On the perimeter of the room, leave a place for expansion wedges. According to experts, it is better to do this after laying the first three rows of parquet: move the board with the help of a bracket and insert wedges into the resulting gaps.

Further at the boards located in the first row, cut the spikes directed towards the wall. Install the first tile in the corner and proceed to the assembly along the ends. If the extreme dice is larger than you need, cut it. Start the second row to put the first lamella rest. If you are planning the laying of a parquet board with a classic click lock, then after connecting the plates to the end, fasten them along the length, while simultaneously having a pouch or a hammer through the bar.

By the way, working with Lock and 5G locks systems is much more convenient. All thanks to the ability to poison them and along, and across.

There are volumetric locks for which the plastic insert does not need to be adjusted. Just snap the plates, and the thing is done.

With the last near the dice will have to tinker a little. It is unlikely that they are ideal in size, and therefore they will need to trim. After that, the tiles are fastened over the ends and join the last row. Castled parquet boards surely choose with a metal bracket or schonog.

It happens that smooth laying of a parquet board interferes with a pipe or something else. In this case, tick the cutting line on the spot, disconnect the piece on it and drill the hole with a margin of 1-1.6 cm. Put the plate to the desired location, apply the adhesion composition and glue.

After the styling is finished, pull the wedges and turn on the "warm floor" system (the temperature should be raised gradually). Secure the plinth and mounte door thresholds. By the way, the obligatory gaps in the doorways are the requirement of manufacturers.

As the last stroke, it would be nice to handle the floor using special tools for a parquet board. The wax contained in these mixtures is well clogs the joints between the boards.

How to lay a parquet board on a warm floor

The floor of the parquet itself has remarkable heat-insulating properties, plus it, the cold does not miss the substrate. But sometimes it still takes extra heating. In such cases, the laying of the parquet board is made directly to the "warm floor".

True, not every system is suitable here. If there are no problems with water heating, the electric floor with a parquet board is incompatible. Such a "warm floor" is too quickly heated, a sharp temperature difference occurs, as a result of which the tiles locks begin to crack.

Laying the parquet tile on the "warm floor" should be made only after it is turned off and cooling to room temperature. At the end of the work, the system can be included no earlier than in a week, and it is necessary to increase its temperature gradually, no more than 2-3 degrees per day. It is also very important that the floor hangs uniformly, otherwise the parquet board can "Tale".

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