Vintage style in the interior: design in the spirit of vintage traditions. Vintage in the interior (22 photos): Decor and decor in retro style Against floor in the modern interior

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Vintage style in the interior: back to the future

Vintage (Vintage) is one of the most striking types of decor. In it, the echoes of the past skillfully intertwined with modern elements, filling the space in unique elegance. Properly created style Vintage in the interior is able to work wonders - he will easily take you into a favorite era at the expense of ancient furniture items, accessories and, of course, an amazing atmosphere.

Secrets and Rules for creating vintage design

The main feature of the vintage interior is considered to be the use of original vintage things.

Now it is especially fashionable to specially comprise new items to give them a worn look. But, it seems to me, this is an extreme measure that is permissible if after long searches you could not find the desired decor element from the past. After all, the process of struggling does not give the subject of his history or uniqueness, he simply imitates it.


Vintage style in the interior is simply unthinkable without an old or producing the impression of such furniture. It should be slightly loss, but still strong enough and neat.

It may be:

  • original sofa with twisted legs;
  • vintage durable chest;
  • capacious and slightly lined chest;
  • a little shabby chairs or armchair;
  • survant with a refined pattern.

If you are a happy owner of something similar to items from the list - you are incredibly lucky. It remains only organically and competently enter them into the overall stylistic of the room, and the rest of the design is adjusted for these elements.

If the miracle did not happen and grandmother's attic treacherously empty, events can develop as follows:

  1. You can buy new furniturestylized older.
  2. You can order antique things from special directories (True, be prepared for the fact that the price of such items sometimes reaches cosmic heights).
  3. You can buy ordinary furniture, remotely with stylistics reminiscent of some items, popular in the past (fashion, as you know, loves to repeat) and already independently give them a sorted look.

The last method is especially close to me, as it makes it possible to show all your fantasy and experiment with the ways to make furniture of the desired type.

The vintage interior loves symmetry, so if in one zone of the room you decide to arrange the sofa, then the chairs or landsrs should stand on both sides of it.


The decoration of the Vintage style room is not only simple, but also incredibly fascinating.

As decorations, you can use almost everything you like:

  • old hours;
  • original statuettes;
  • porcelain service;
  • caskets with thread;
  • gramophone;
  • kandelabra;
  • black and white photos;
  • chandeliers.

The choice of objects is limited only by the possibility of their acquisition. All these little things will help create a magnificent atmosphere of past times.

I want to note that old magazines or, on which the life of past eras were transferred to the wonderful guideline to create a vintage interior.

But be careful: an unnecessary passion for old objects can create a non-spectacular and unique design, but a space cluttered with unnecessary trash. Therefore, you should not buy everything in a row, think carefully how each item will fit into the setting created. Your task is to create an antique effect, and not turn your home into the museum room.

Materials and textiles

The most popular materials of the vintage decor are:

  • worn copper;
  • wood;
  • ceramics;
  • porcelain.

Color range is sufficient. Most often, preference is given to light tones (light pink, white, blue, gentle-lilac). Also appropriate will be brown and gray shades.

Bright contrasting transitions and combinations here will be superfluous. I can advise you to decide with one basic color for registration, partially diluting it later with close shades.

The more decor elements are present in the room, the less tones are necessary for its design.

All the same vintage is not a riot of paints, but soft atmospheric. A separate place in decorating style Vintage is allotted with flowers. Decorate the room with various dryers, do not forget about seasonal colors. Standing in a bouquet in a vase, give a slightly negligent look.

As for the wallpaper, there are several suitable options here:

  1. Classic warm shades with barely noticeable pattern.
  2. Wallpaper with a large contrast pattern.
  3. The coating of delicate pastel tones, on which butterflies, birds or flowers are depicted.

Each of the options indicated by me can perfectly fit into the design of Vintage, without violating its integrity.

Recreation of vintage style in the apartment

Despite all my love for vintage, even I can't help but admit that make up the whole apartment in this style - too. In this case, you just risk getting the most sensation of the "museum" of the room, which strictly should be avoided. But to arrange one or a couple of rooms - quite a good idea.

The following instruction will tell you the main points in the decoration of one or another room.


To anyone who fell to you, from the very first minutes of the beauty and the atmospheric of the interior, the hallway should look stylish.

You can achieve this with some tricks:

  • Huge wardrobes have not been used before, so you will replace their wrought or wooden hanger with an elegant pattern. If this option is not suitable, you can still use a small wardrobe, but to make it vintage, adding roughness and scuffs.
  • Mirror in the frame of a massive frame is placed on a separate wall. On the sides you can spend the original floor lamps.
  • The walls are separated by monophonic wallpaper, or the same paint.
  • On the floor you can lay parquet or large tiles. But do not forget that they should have a slightly used appearance.


If you want to create a unique decor in the bathroom in the bathroom - Vintage is easy to cope with it. In this case, you will need to pay special attention to the design of walls, gender and ceiling. I can advise experimenting with bronze, beige-brown or cherry-golden shades.

Alternatively, the floor can be decorated with a large tile of a dark chocolate shade, and the walls give a beige color. Ceiling can be just cheered. You can easily use other color combinations - everything is limited only by your wishes and fantasy.

From accessories, preference is better to give figure taps with bronze or golden handles, cabinets with glass doors, rugs with a large pile. It is definitely not superfluous to be a wicker basket for linen light shade.


The main complexity in the design of the kitchen is to successfully combine the atmosphere of the former eras with modern equipment and technique. If you do not have the ability to purchase a vintage slab or other items, you should not despair. The problem is solved by buying built-in technology and further disguise it behind the door headset.

One of the advantages of the design of the kitchen in the style of Vintage is that here you can enjoy plenty, choosing a juicy tone for the framing of walls, furniture and accessories. Vintage kitchen should be bright, cheerful and slightly naive.

How to choose the most appropriate design?

  1. Walls can be decorated with wallpaper or treat special paint, the main thing is that the color they have was saturated and bright.
    The drawing on the wallpaper can be diverse. Especially relevant will be peas, strip, cage, flower ornament. Do not forget about the gastronomic motifs: drawn kettles, coffee beans, fruits, cakes or candy VMIs will break the appetite.
  2. The kitchen apron can be separated by a tile of small sizes. You can choose the model of one tone, but it seems to me that several colors combined with each other will look much more effectively.

  1. Paul also better to remove tiles. Only now it should be large sizes and, preferably, two colors.
    Remember how often in old films you observed a classic combination of black and white tile, located in a checker order. This is a completely win-win version that will add your cuisine sophistication. You can also choose a blue-white or brown-beige combination.
  2. Do not forget about bright accessories. You can create vintage interior items with your own hands and obtain a unique atmosphere as a result. Perhaps you decide to decorate a few jars with the help of a decoupage technique, you can draw a bright still life and insert it into a beautiful frame - options mass.

Living room

The main rule of the living room is - strictly adhere to the stylistics of the selected decade. If you have acquired a stylish chair or a sofa, corresponding to fashion, for example, the 30s or 50s, all other elements must be seamless to this style.

In addition, it is better to follow several recommendations:

  1. The color of the walls is best done in calm soft colors. Excellent will look white, light blue, gentle pink, beige, light yellow colors.
  2. On the floor there is a specially part of the parquet, he will give the room a unique charm.
  3. If you have the opportunity, be sure to get a fireplace. He in itself is beautiful, and decorated with vintage figures and paintings on top, will create a truly unique interior.
  4. Upholstered furniture - another important lounge attribute in Vintage style. Checkered blankets and pillows with floral patterns emphasize the sophistication and unusual decor.


The bedroom in the discussed style is romanticism and tenderness. No screaming shades that hinder a good sleep, only pastel tones. Paint for walls or wallpaper can be peach, white, gray-blue, ivory colors, pale-lilac.

Special vintage wallpapers, imitating vintage tissue coatings, can be ordered.

In general, the harmonious bedroom interior can be provided to you:

  • bed with a wrought backrest;
  • pillows with charming ruffles or ruffles;
  • an old tremor;
  • a huge mirror to the ceiling with a massive wooden frame;
  • decorative screen.

You can add the interior with a beautiful dressing table, where you can arrange the dear heart things: bottle with spirits, porcelain figures or music box. Do not forget about photographs, perfectly fit into the overall style.


None else, the style of Vintage allows you to win the modern elements of the decor with old unusual things. Skillfully filling out the furnishings with a rich history, you will receive a unique interior of the apartment in a vintage style, which will create atmosphere of comfort and romance in your apartment.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe style is the revival of the culture of previous eras, following the fashion and traditions of the mid-20 century.

Vintage design is a variety of design options. Can you choose to your taste that you are closer: Soviet era or fashion and chic noble times? Want to plunge into the times of the crazy rock and roll or create a free setting in the spirit of hippies in your apartment? Any of these tasks will help solve the vintage interior.

The main features of the vintage interior:

  • Numerous vintage decor: All sorts of figures, ceramic candlesticks, antique vases, mirrors, frames made by hand and much more. Look for them in home bodies at grandmothers or flea markets.
  • The decoration of the apartment should be genuine: large boards or parquet. Small cracks on the ceiling or irregularities in the floor, decoptee in decoupage style not only will not spoil the design, but on the contrary, will be very by the way.
  • The symmetrical location of the furniture is the main highlight of the Vintage style rooms. In this you will be helped by steam chairs, cabinets, deputies.

So that your apartment's design does not resemble the museum, try not to overload the interior. One vintage room will be more than enough.

Vintage kitchen

If your kitchen has a significant area, you can try to arrange her vintage interior. Although this is not the simplest task - to combine modern household equipment with antique objects, but with the correct selection of bright and saturated decor, the task becomes performed.

In the kitchen of vintage style, a cheerful and original design is welcomed, unnecessary wallpaper will recreate it.

As objects of furniture, choose the vintage grandmother's buffets with porcelain dishes, a massive oak table with curly legs, carved cabinets, decorating decoupage technique. A large antique samovar in the middle of a white tablecloth, complemented by round cups and saucers, will become the main kitchen decoration in the style of vintage.


When creating the interior of the bedroom, you can safely give the will of your fantasy. Vintage style in the interior will allow you to realize everything you have ever dreamed of. Here I perfectly fitted an antique wrought-iron bed with a massive headboard, light lace cavalo, decorated with tassels, a bulky metal chandelier.

With the elements of the decor in the style of Shebbi-chic room will look very harmonious and effectively. Shebbie - Chic welcomes abundant use of textiles in the interior.

In such a bedroom, I perfectly fit on the Babushkin Dresser, a trumulous or any other furniture that it would be time to already throw away. If it does not differ in its product view, then it can be painted or beautifully arranged it, for example, in the technique of decoupage. An excellent addition to the sofa or bed will be pillows of any colors decorated with ruffies or ruffles.

Create a feeling of antiquity will help a huge wooden mirror in a carved frame, which can be found in special markets or online stores.

Vintage style design needs numerous decorative ornaments. It can be porcelain dolls, paintings, crystal vintage vintage candlesticks and even a geographical map. You can also significantly transform the walls and shelves with numerous photos in stylized framework. Special attention is paid to textiles: decorate your room with embroidered tablecloths, knitted napkins, shook the bed with a beautiful cape or an old patchwork.

The windows of the vintage bedroom will be the best curtains with oriental ornaments, small patterns or flowers, Roman curtains, blinds or openwork curtains in Shebbi-Chic style.

Living room

For a living room of a vintage style, the muffled gentle wallpaper is best suited: white, pale pink, light purple, beige, pale blue, soft green or light yellow.

An interesting solution is to dilute the monotonous color gamut with a bright element in pop art style, bright plastic objects or funny posters, as well as placing one or two walls with wallpaper with the image of butterflies, colors, aristocratic patterns.

In the role of decor you can use any items in everyday life: Sewing machine, piano, rocking chair, Grandfather Suitcase, ancient servant, decorated decoupage technique. Competently combining these inconspicuous things with the common style of the living room, we get a single beautiful composition. If the room is spacious enough, you can also decorate your vintage interior with an aristocratic fireplace.

Decorating and furnishing the vintage living room, it is very important not to overdo it and save a single stylist, picking up the color range and decorative items in the spirit of one era or decade.


It is easy to notice that the main role in creating the interior in the style of Vintage is played by furniture. It must necessarily be made of natural materials: copper, brass, wood or wrought iron will especially well look in combination with an unusual figure finish.

All external "defects" in the form of scuffs or chipping only add vintage furniture chic and charm.

Well when there is an opportunity to find or order for your apartment unusual furniture items with their history, if not - you can try to make it with your own hands. Having mastered the decoupage technique, you can easily turn any things in the vintage, the so-called Shebbi chic. Vintage style items, artificially aged with the Decoupage technique, are very popular. It can be any wooden furniture: buffet, dresser, shelf, table or even a chest.

Wall decoration

When planning the interior, first of all, you need to choose what will be in the center of your composition: the color range of rooms or furniture items. If you choose a bright wallpaper, then you should give preference for modest neat furniture, and the major spectacular things will look much more interesting on the background of pale walls.

As for coloring, in Vintage style rooms, wallpapers are most often used with various floral or vegetable ornaments.

As a rule, there are three options for design walls:

  • Contrast version resembling the design in the style of modern. Often one wall is sustained in one color scheme, and the neighbor decorate striped wallpaper or wallpaper with a large ornament, drawing.
  • Japanese or Oriental motifs: rich basic color of wallpaper with the image of sakura, flowers, birds, twisted twigs.
  • Classic option: Neutral pastel wallpaper with drawn small repeating pattern. As a rule, the room is covered entirely, but now under the influence of fashionable trends, only a few bands of patterned wallpaper are increasingly used in addition to the monotonous range of walls.

Vintage and Shebbi-Chic: Differences

These two unique style of interior are very similar, which is why they are often confused. And not in vain, because the history of the direction of Shebbi-Shik takes the beginning in vintage design.

Here are the main differences between them:

  • In vintage interiors, spectacular, even slightly served items, Shebbi-Chic recognizes more modest and textured things, decorative decoration;
  • For the direction of Shebbi-Chic is characterized by beauty and sophistication, the romance of the situation, and in the interior vintage it is more important to preserve the atmosphere of antiquity, including its external signs - small cracks, chips, losses on objects.

As you can see, the Vintage direction gives a large space for imagination and creativity, it allows you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a cozy home fairy tale.

Such an apartment combines exquisite simplicity and chic, luxurious expensive homeworkers and things made by their own hands with the help of decoupage technique. Having thought over all the necessary details to the smallest detail, you can create an extraordinary vintage interior, the design, from which your loved ones and friends will be delighted.

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Vintage furniture remains popular so far, despite the fact that trends are definitely changing. Furniture today is considered vintage, is the style of the 1950s in the West. In America, such furniture could be seen everywhere, and Soviet people could only dream of her. Today, vintage furniture is popular around the world - both in America, and in Europe, and in the countries of the former USSR.

The combination of vintage furniture and retro

The old furniture fills the house with the grace of previous generations, and to dilute its massive appearance, the furniture in the style of vintage is perfectly fit. You can dilute vintage furniture in the interior with antique accessories, filling your interior with sophistication and making it much more "more expensive." This is especially important for those who live in country houses and has certain family traditions.

Old Spirit in your interior

Vintage furniture with your own hands

Often such furniture is sold on the "flea" markets and is cheap. So, traveling by Europe, you can bring home a new table acquired for a couple of euros. Naturally, it can be in a fairly sad state that requires the restorer intervention. But it is not always required, sometimes you can do on your own, and thus make an excellent vintage furniture with your own hands.

Of course, this is not suitable for everyone. If you do not want to do this, then you should visit the commission store, and if you suddenly do not want to use the ex-used furniture, you can always buy furniture in Vintage style in large stores. The only one is our advice in this case - competently pick up the store so as not to buy a poor-quality model, because the new style in the style of Vintage is not cheap.

Furniture in Style Vintage will emphasize the sophistication of your interior

Vintage furniture looks great and in modern interiors at the expense of their smooth lines. It is amazingly fits both in apartments with a bright design and in the black and white-gray interiors already familiar. In this case, with the help of vintage furniture, you can emphasize your monochrome design by entering into it special areas for recreation. The variety of models contributes to posting the furniture vintage in the office, living room and bedroom.

Vintage wood tables

Such furniture, despite all sophistication, is considered a fairly practical choice as everyday. Dining tables, chests, vintage chairs, you can use along with ordinary furniture. In the kitchen or in the living room you can use sets of tables and chairs, pickup them under the kitchen or wall in the living room. In this case, it is important to comply with the balance between retro and modern elements.

Various style in vintage style

Since Vintage style furniture has been popular for a long time, it gained widespread in all corners of the globe. All of them, of course, have common characteristics, but at the same time differ in detail and stand out by their own character. This makes it possible to fill the room or one direction of the vintage style, or combine them to get an amazing design with many interesting things.

Vintage photo furniture

Most recently a vintage style returned. This direction in design means a skillful combination of vintage and modern things. Moreover, the vintage interior does not always mean the design of all the placement by ancient or even antique things, you can simply use the decor in the vintage style.

Usually, those things that are created up to the 60s are referred to retro-style, those that are under 15 years old - to the modern one. And those objects that are made between these dates belong to the vintage. But the vintage of one or another thing is judged not only by her age: the thing should be original, distinctive and in general look like a work of art.

Interest represents the vintage decor with their own hands, which will carry the handprint of his owner. You can independently make items of the decor of the former epoch, and this will not be particularly expensive.

Different garlands and wreaths of fabric, organizer for jewelry or decorative elements made of burlap, various artificially aged jars and bottles, old photos or drawings on the aged paper are well.

Also used to decorate premises or individual vintage exposures Preserved children's things: booties, sandals, dresses, capes, dispensers, etc.

Room decor

To give the whole room of the Spirit of the past time, ancient or artificially aged furniture, textiles, bought in antique shops or flea markets, dishes, utensils and other objects that have experienced several eras are used. The vintage interior involves not only the use of antiques, but also a certain decoration of the room.

The main idea is to use natural materials:
- natural ceilings (cracks on them are even welcome, but everything should be in moderation; also looks well on the stuck of the walls and the ceiling),
- parquet or tiled field (used artificially created scuffs, chips and other defects),
- Natural wallpaper (or Japanese motifs, or floral patterns, or white walls).

It is worth paying attention to not to overload the vintage interior details. The more small decorative elements are planned, the air and more spacious should be space. Combining functional things with old exhibits should be correct that the room does not look like a museum. The main thing - the room should be convenient and comfortable, and the vintage decor only complements the overall setting and gives the room with comfort and exclusivity.

It is important not to overload the interior with a vintage decor.

Decor elements

To give the interior of the room, a finished type and uniqueness often draw up separate vintage "corners" or "islands". Such design is suitable for any premises, as well as almost for all design styles, with the exception of minimalism and style High-tech. As a decor tool use paintings, decorations, postcards, dresses, utensils, dishes, candlesticks, toys, caskets and many other things.

Vintage corner in the bedroom interior

Vintage decor looks cute, elegant and feminine, so most often used in bedrooms, kitchens, even in bathrooms, but also in moderate limits, it is possible to apply a decor in a vintage style in a living room or hallway.

Vintage dresses

When designing rooms in the style of punk glamor, a dress is often used as an element of decor. In the premises, vintage dresses are used, which are usually hanging in the bedroom or just on the wall, or on the mirror frame, or on the cabinet door. The main thing is to set such an original dress at the bottom.

If you are a happy owner of a vintage dress, but do not wear it so that such beauty does not disappear in vain, use it as a vintage decor. It is desirable that the coloring dress is suitable for the general type of room.

As a supplement to such a bedroom design, you can use accessories: a hat, handbag, decoration or whole compositions of them.

Vintage dress in the interior


Accessories and decorations can also be used as an independent vintage decor. The decoration of the dressing table with such things will fill the room by the girls and mental motifs. If you have vintage beads, hairpins, brooches, handbags and wallets, rings, rings, use them as a decor in a vintage style.

When compiling compositions from jewelry, you can strain your fantasy to the full coil: here the principle is "good, but little" is not appropriate. It is believed that it is interesting to look like decorations exactly when there are many.
As ideas for compiling compositions, you can consider the organizer for decorations, deliberately open boxes with accessories, decorations on a tray or on old mannequins, which are still preserved in some studio.


As a means of creating a style of vintage indoors, it is possible to consider furniture items. In order not to overload the room, just one of the old table or the trumulus. It is difficult to place something significant on such small tables, so most often they do not carry the functional load, but become element of the decor. On the table-console, you can arrange compositions from jewelry, an old desk lamp or a mirror in a vintage style. So all these items will not look lonely, and the composition will look finished.

Little vintage table in the interior

As an object of furniture can be used old if he harmoniously fits into the interior of the room. It can be decorated with your own hands using old photos, pictures, creating artificial scuffs or cracks.

Pictures and photos

Another way to make the interior of the spirit of the former epochs will be pictures or old photos. Such a vintage decor will be appropriate even in the style of High-tech and add romance to the room, if you skillfully find pictures. It is interesting and one, but a large picture with a landscape or still life, and several symmetrically located pictures, as well as a whole wall of photos or old pictures.
A feature of such elements of the decor, in contrast to other vintage items, is that they are not needed to be combined with anything. They themselves look natural.


As an option to create a mood in the style of vintage indoors, you can use vintage mirrors.

If the mirror is really old, and better with scratches or scratches, you can use it in the interior without additional decoration.

Mirrors are widely used in artificially used frames. You can create a similar vintage decor with your own hands, for example, using the decoupage technique.

Creating a vintage interior, it is important not to hang the mirror on the wall, but simply lean it to it. It concerns both floor mirrors and small toilet mirrors.
In order for the mirror not "missed" in the interior, it is necessary to choose some kind of vintage addition: you can use several mirrors in similar frames, you can place some kind of composition, casket, a table lamp or candlesticks in a vintage style under a mirror.


Old utensils are also seen as a vintage decor. Plates, clay pots, bottle bottles or bottles, similar to pharmaceutical, brewing chairs and even samovar will look great in the kitchen in Vintage style. You can find similar items in flea markets or in antiques stores. After their restoration, if it is needed, you can additionally decorate them, hiding minor defects. You can also artificially furnished similar things, a lot of techniques for this.


In the vintage interior, you can use the lighting that matches the overall mood of the room. For this, vintage table lamps, candlesticks or floor lamps are used.
The lamp is usually a white or light lamp shade in the shape of a truncated cone on a massive crystal or metal leg with a complex pattern. You can additionally decorate the lamp by making lampshade from a children's skirt or napkin.