Construction Lego Brick: What does it differ from the usual and whether to build from it at home? Lego Brick: Technical Features of the house of Lego Brick Wall insulation.

Would you seriously relate to building material, the appearance of which reminds of bricks to the famous designer? Many of you will probably answer - no. However, in fact, we are talking about a fairly effective material that can be used to build responsible structures that must withstand heavy loads. Today we will tell you about the brands and the parameters of these building elements.

Like the details of the familiar to the whole constructor, having protruding parts and recesses, this building material works on the same principle. In fact, by applying it, we collect the same constructor, just we build from it not toy, but the real houses. In this case, the technical characteristics of the material allow it to withstand heavy loads, which allows you to create both internal and bearing walls from it. Also widely use of this material in finishing and decorating.

Composition of material

The basis of Lego Brick includes surveying of lime rocks or sand. At the same time, the smaller the fragments of these breeds, the better the strength characteristics. Portland cement is used as a binding element. Also as part of the blocks there are water and dyes (the latter give the material a spectacular appearance). All this is bonded among themselves on special equipment by hyperpress.


  • Standard block sizes - 250x165x65 and 300x150x100 millimeters;
  • Density - 1550 kilograms per cubic meter;
  • Strength grade - M100-M200;
  • Thermal conductivity - 0.4-0.45 W / (M · K).

Advantages of building material

  • Strength allows lego bricks to be successfully used in the construction of multi-storey houses;
  • Water absorption is only 5-6 percent, which makes this material suitable for use in regions with a wet climate;
  • Due to the low level of water absorption, the latter does not accumulate in the structure of the brick and does not destroy it when lowering the temperature and formation of ice. The material can withstand two hundred freezing and thawing cycles;
  • Machine tools for the manufacture of data of building materials are very compact, therefore, as in the case of foam concrete, it is possible to make this kind of bricks directly at the site of work;
  • The weight of the material is very insignificant, so that its use does not require a bellulated massive foundation;
  • Cavities inside the material allow you to carry out a simple wiring laying;
  • Brick has an attractive appearance and a large number of colors. After installing the wall of it can be operated without further finishes;
  • The masonry rate of this building unit is several times higher than that of ordinary brick;
  • Since these building materials are adjusted to each other very tightly, the consumption of glue is extremely small (manufacturers say that there are less than a quarter of the adhesive mass of adhesive mass for 500 bricks);
  • Pretty cheap building material.

Important! In numerous video, the process of masonry of this brick is shown quite simply and repeatedly states that for the successful construction of the walls in this way you will not need the knowledge of masonry and anyone can do this. However, many authors of such rollers pursue their own commercial interest, exploiting the topic of simplicity of installation. In the same case, it is advisable to study the instructions in advance and work out in the masonry.


In general, the technical characteristics of this material that is already known for today, there is almost no shortcomings. It can be called a minus that the fact that the material is still new, which means the experience of working with it, like long-term operation of the latter, is simply not available at the moment. At the same time, an important minus may also be that such a brick is produced not large companies, but small "garage" manufacturers. Therefore, no well-established production and availability of certificates guaranteeing quality until not. And the buyer can with the same probability of acquiring a really high-quality product and spend money on what will disappoint him later.

It should be noted that the fact that initially such technology was used in South America, part of the world, radically different from our country with its climate. Consequently, in the future there is a non-zero chance that in this method of construction there may be problems that will strongly reduce its popularity among our compatriots.

Features of working with lego brick

  • When laying data blocks, the space is not filled with a cement-sandy mixture, but a special adhesive composition. This is another plus, since the minimum distance remains between blocks, and the cold bridge is not so pronounced;
  • Often, this material is used to arrange intricate posts. In this case, how manufacturers are assured, do not even need glue. All that is enough for this is to post 5-6 rows, and to pour concrete into the space in the center of the space, pre-inserting solid fittings there. The process of something resembles the creation of a stone fence, but without formwork and there is much faster;
  • Holes in this material can, as used for reinforcement, and simply reduce thermal conductivity due to the availability of air pockets. Therefore, with the same masonry thickness, the wall of Lego brick will be warmer;
  • You can use this type of brick and as a non-removable formwork in monolithic construction. To do this, it is necessary to put two layers of laying at a distance of each other. At this distance is placed with metal fittings, after which the concrete mixture occurs. As a result, we get a wall with high strength and visual characteristics. After all, the additional finish is not required by it, since the brick itself looks very beautiful;
  • Apply adhesive solution to the brick surface is best with a special pistol.


It should be understood that the strengthened increase in the popularity of this type of brick is a consequence of the active work of equipment manufacturers to create and ready-made bricks. First of all, the brick is unwound in the information space as a fashionable business idea on which considerable funds can earn. And judging by the increase in the number of "garage" productions, such a promotion works quite well. However, this does not cancel the advantages that this material really has, and consider it as an option for use definitely worth it. In extreme cases, it is possible to try it in the case during the construction of the house, but when the courtyard buildings are built.

When discussing such a building material, like Lego Brick, it is extremely difficult to select the grain of truth from multiple talk about this product and find it really truthful characteristics. The name of this type of bricks, borrowed from the popular company bears a simplifying task, which is often not in favor. Especially this affects professionals of this activity and more experienced lovers.

Run a fabulous image of such a beautiful building material as "Lego Brick" and let's call the thing with your name. Translated from English, "Interlocking Brick" means a mutually engaged element or a brick with blocking.

Easy use and low cost

What is the positive characteristics differ in the building erected from this kind of elements? The most obvious is simplicity in the process of laying this kind of bricks.

Another flowing out of this plus lies in less spending to lay out from Lego-bricks the wall. And this brings to the greatest advantage - saving money, which will be spent on the monetary content of the workers. After all, the less time spent on work - the less money will be paid! In addition, you will not need to call for professionals.

But this does not mean that the work will need to attract completely newcomers. An experienced bricklayer in any case will be required. But with such routine activities as the transfer of construction materials or the preparation of glue and its use will be able to handle adequate black-workers. After all, in any case, the quality of the masonry will be beautiful, and the professionals will take a large number of personal funds.

In the event that the work is not very much and the period is not limited - you can independently feel the production process. There is a decrease in spending on the workers and the pleasure of work done by your own hands.

When referring to methods of manufacturing such LEGE bricks, you can open a fairly light circuit.

There are pre-purchased elements:

  • sand;
  • dropsy;
  • cement.

All data elements are thoroughly mixed, after which the water is added and the mixing process continues again. After you can add a plasticizer and various chemistry. As a result, the substance obtained is molded with the help of the matrix and the press on the desired size.

How are Lego Brick? Facial facilities

This kind of brick is suitable for masonry even the most inexperienced worker, because to put it in the wrong way, you will have to try hard. It will only be necessary to learn a little theory and try working carefully and diligently. Everything else will not require your direct intervention.

Looking at the work on the masonry of this type of bricks, you can see a short confident work, during which a rather lego brick was mastered.

The most important stage in masonry work is a masonry of the very first row, where you need to observe the exact level of each brick. Inexperienced person is better to give this work to a professional. But later it will only be necessary to comply with the laying scheme and that's all.

Of course, it will not be possible to assimilate all the technique of the construction of brick walls, but with a great desire it will become a reality.

"Lego Brick" against classical masonry

There are many enemies of this technology on the Internet, which leave negative stories about the use of lego bricks. But looking attentively, it becomes clear that all their disadvantages do not carry the truth and do not belong to practice. All this is written by professionals, dissatisfied with the fall of their needs in their services.

  1. With similar strength, the mass of Lego-brick is lower and the cost of lifting bricks to the masonry site will be less and the erected building itself will also be easier. All this will positively affect the total value of the entire project.
  2. The water absorption in Lego brick is quite low, in comparison with ordinary brick. Therefore, the service life will be much higher. Especially in the places of unstable climate.

In the remaining parameters, everything is rather equally and special comments to the use of Lego-brick. Also, such a brick has one big plus - it can be made directly at the construction site. This will reduce spending spending.

Is it possible to make lego brick yourself?

Before the beginning of the cultivation of Lego-brick, it is necessary to adequately assess all the shortcomings and advantages of this method, as well as study all spending and cost. It is necessary to realize all the scale of future production, since this industry requires not small areas for production. But this is when the conversation is about business.

If it is made independently, it will be necessary to calculate profitability and determine what it will be easier to produce or order in production.

According to the classic scheme, the ratio of elements in the contents of the brick is as follows:

  • Sand - 10%
  • Opening - 70%
  • Cement (M500) - 20%

Of 1 tons of such a mixture, approximately 290 Lego bricks will be obtained. Costs will depend on the price of materials in your settlement. Equipment for the manufacture of lego bricks is in large quantities in the Russian construction market.

The easiest and cheapest way is to purchase a hand press and a small concrete mixer. With active production using a partner, you can make no more than 800 bricks data for one shift.

The most important plus of such equipment is low price, mobility and versatility. For example, this unit can be used to molding sawdust briquettes for furnace or fire.

More professional equipment that produces bricks in automatic mode for 10 thousand pieces per shift, will cost several million rubles, which is not suitable for independent production, not aimed at their further sale.

When it comes to lego brick, it is very difficult to separate the grains of popularizing a new product from its really working qualities. Even the term itself with the application of the name of a well-known toy company is working on the simplification of the concepts that it does not always benefit. Especially if it comes to professionals or advanced lovers.

To dispel a little children's image of an excellent construction product, let's call things with their own names.

So, the term bricks, in the literal translation from English, it sounds more detailed and fully - Interlocking Brick, which means mutually engaged bricks, blockable brick, that is, a brick with a lock.

Now, when discussing and searching for information regarding the price, characteristics and technologies of application, the possibilities are significantly expanded, especially for those who decided to make Lego Brick with their own hands.

Simplicity and financial benefits

What is so good home built of lego bricks? Of course, simplified laying technology. Indeed, if it concerns this very expensive aspect of any construction, then saving time, and together with him paid man-hours during the construction of walls of the construction structure differ significantly in a smaller side. This aspect can also be added to this that the number of highly paid professionals can be minimized.

This does not mean that the house will build a botanist scientists in their free time, a professional mason is still needed. But with the main work, like something: the lifting of the material, laying of direct sites, the glue, and its application will fully cope with the imputed handymen or students. Their rates are several times less than that of professionals, and the quality of work when laying Lego bricks will still be at the height.

Well, and if the scope of work is small, or the construction time does not have a fundamental importance, you can always try everything to do it yourself. Here, the pleasure of the work done and the result is also added to the reduction of cash costs.

If you contact the technology of making brick-lego, and not go into the details of the composition and the proportion of the mixture from which it is produced, a very simple scheme is paid. We have a filler - sand, screening, shell and binder, cement. All this is thoroughly kneaded, water, plasticizers and other chemistry are added, after which, with the help of the matrix and press, this mass is molded according to the planned sizes.

As a result, after a short drying, we get a brick of various strength and appearance, which, depending on technical and decorative indicators, use for the construction of bearing walls, interior partitions, swallowed structures and so on. In principle, wherein the usual brick is used, only with the difference that the types of extruded Lego Brick are much larger.

Lego-brick laying features, or rapid startup for beginner builders

At the beginning of this article, we are no coincidence that Ironized about Botany scientists. In no way, we did not want to offend anyone, but the events of recent years, due to financial shocks, are increasingly driven by people from emerging jobs, forcing themselves to look for themselves in new, more profitable and sought-after industries. One of these niches was and remains construction, in particular, the work of the mason.

It is difficult to assume that waking up in the morning in a difficult Monday, a person decides to take a celma in his hands and immediately starts to issue high-paying volumes. To become a qualified bricklayer, you need to drive out of one dozen cubes under the wise leadership, to make and fix a bunch of "jambs", spend a lot of time and strength. Lego Brick will help the beginning to save this resource and quickly get out of ordinary in the honorary officer.

The fact is that it is practically impossible to put the interconnected brick. It is only necessary to learn a small theoretical part, to be neat and diligent. Everything else will occur almost without your participation.

Here is a small roller, intelligibly explaining the main aspects of masonry of bricks-lego.

So what do we see? For a short period of time, the smart Malaysian worker under the vigorous music laid 154 bricks. With standard sizes 250x125x65 of one thing we have 0.3 m. Cube of masonry. Rates for stone masonry are different on the territory of our huge country, but for the basic minimum you can take, for example, 2000 rubles per 1 m.Kub. It turned out - about 600 rubles earnings. Not bad?

The most difficult and responsible - to lay the first row, it requires the exact level and the correction of each brick. When building a box of the building, there will be an angles of future buildings in such a place. If there is no experience, it is better to charge a professional. But then you just need to observe the laying scheme, do not forget about reinforcement and mortgage elements - the case will go much cheerful.

Of course, to grab on the fly all the details of the construction of the walls are impossible, but if desired and proper perseverance, the learning process, and with it paid or a saved result will be much faster.

Comparison of technical specifications. Lego Brick VS Classic

Online you can find many opponents of Lego technologies leaving negative reviews. But look at more carefully - mostly all the flaws of Lego-bricks are contrived and have nothing to do with the practice. Most likely, these are the very professionals who are terribly upset by a decrease in rates and coming in their business of new people. Let's compare the brick-leg with the usual burnt fellow by the main technical indicators.

The data is taken from open sources. As a starting point, we took the strength of the brick. It may be different depending on the production technology. M150 is the recommended minimum strength for the construction of bearing structures.

What conclusion can be made from this blitz analysis?

  1. With the same strength, Lego-brick weight is less. This means that the cost of lifting the material to the place of production of work is falling, and the design itself will be easier. This, in turn, reduces the requirements for the overall carrying ability of the structure, which will eventually affect the reduction of the project value as a whole.
  2. The water absorption of pressed Lego brick is 2.5 times less than normal. This means that its life under the conditions of an unstable winter climate of the middle band will be larger, and in the room with the same ventilation schemes the humidity is lower.

Otherwise, everything is equally, which means that there are no special obstacles to the use of lego brick.

Now a few words about the price, on which you can really buy that and other material. At the factory, it will be approximately the same and will be from 10 to 15 rubles per piece. But to reason about the cost without taking into account transportation costs and costs for unloading and loading works will incorrectly. These are integral concomitant spending that you need to calculate on the basis of the conditions in which construction takes place.

Therefore, it is difficult to analyze here, but other than those of equal bricks have one undeniable advantage - it can be made directly at the facility, thereby significantly reducing all passing costs and time. Yes, this is not a reservation, in the season behind the brick on the factories, there is a simple and garbage for timing.

Brick Lego do it yourself. Brief overview of equipment and manufacturing technology

Before thinking about the organization of production, you need to accurately weigh everything in advance, including data and cost data in the analysis. The first and most important thing to understand is the scale and organization of the technological process. Brick production - occupation is not a garage size. This process is large-capacity, requires large production areas and verified logistics supply of material and delivery of finished products. This is if it comes to business about business.

If you do Lego-brick for yourself, you need to calculate the profitability of this venture based on the volume of your construction and cost of production at the construction site.

According to the standard brick-legged technology, the following composition and proportions of the mixture are recommended:

  1. Sand - 10%
  2. Opening rubble - 70%
  3. Cement M500 - 20%

Cost of materials:

  1. Sand - 520 rubles / tn
  2. Opening - 185 rubles / tn
  3. Cement - 175 rubles / bag

Consumption and indicative cost per 1 ton mixture

  1. Sand - 52 rub
  2. Opening - 130 rubles
  3. Cement - 700 rub

Of the 1 TN mixture, it turns out 285 pieces of brick. Costs for the purchase of materials - 882 rubles. The cost of one unit is 3 p.09 kopecks. The number of ready-made lego bricks in shift is from 900 to 4000 pcs for 8 hours (depends on the power of the machine).

The cost does not take into account:

  1. The possibility of buying non-calibrated cement, which is significantly cheaper
  2. Cost of plasticizer, they are different in consumption and efficiency. This must be analyzed separately.
  3. The cost of transport services for the delivery of materials
  4. Salary workers
  5. Depreciation and maintenance of equipment
  6. The cost of electricity if the press is not manual

Equipment for the production of lego bricks in the Russian market is presented in a wide range. The simplest and cheapest solution of the question is a manual molding press and a small concrete mixer. The cost of this adaptation will be in the area of \u200b\u200b45-65 thousand rubles. Of course, it is not necessary to count on serious output volumes in manual mode, here we are talking about 500-800 pieces in shift with intensive work with a partner.

Obvious advantages of manual equipment - low cost, compactness, mobility and possibility of associated use. For example, having a manual machine for the production of lego bricks, you can provide yourself with briquettes for heating from wooden sawdust.

The cost of equipment directly depends on the effort that produces the press and quantity of automation accelerating the production process. Also, the higher this indicator, the better the product will be better. The cost of such a configuration begins from 200 thousand rubles for the simplest hydraulic press with a capacity of 1500 pcs in shift and comes to 7-8 million for completed lines with access to 10,000 products in shift.

Machine-semi-automatic machine

Serious manufacturers offer services for the calculation and compilation of a business plan of such industries, develop formulations of mixtures, based on local conditions, and carry out the technical support of the manufacturer at all stages of operation.

Automatic equipment with high performance

The meaning of this article is not coming down to advertising of individual manufacturers and does not give a one hundred percent solution for rapid enrichment. Here we tried to arrange the idea, the direction of dreams for a person with an active life position. Reviews on numerous forums are also not the truth in the last instance, it can be easily accessible to advertising techniques, sometimes not giving real information.

The main thing is to show perseverance, common sense and purposefulness, and the rest will apply and will definitely succeed.

Lego Brick is a building materials of a new generation. Due to its unique form, as well as a special composition of manufacture, LEGO has a number of significant advantages compared to traditional building materials.

Today, more and more people in the construction of the house, prefers new types of building materials and this is not good. The same, one can say about Lego-brick, which has very low water absorption (only 5%), while having a high degree of frost resistance, as well as ideal geometric shapes.

But besides all of the above advantages of this material, the most weighty, perhaps, is the simplicity of laying. In the form of Lego-brick, special guide holes are provided that significantly simplify the process of masonry work. For example, it is enough to lay out only the first number of the material perfectly, and with the laying of the other rows of special difficulties will not arise.

Because of the perfect appearance, Lego-Brick is most often used in finishing works, for example, when facing facades and interior decoration of buildings.

However, this popular material is not rarely used to lay out walls, if foam concrete acts as a filler.

Lego-brick features are as follows:

  1. The density of the material is 1550 kg / m3;
  2. Compressive strength M-150, on bend M-120;
  3. Up to 35 cycles of frost resistance.
  4. Water absorption 5-6%;
  5. Thermal conductivity 0.56;

It should be known that the last indicator of the material in terms of frost resistance can be easily improved by changing the composition of the manufacture.

As for the size of Lego-brick, then the traditional are the dimensions in 250x125x65 mm. The weight of the material is not more than 3.4 kg with the diameter of the technological holes in 50 mm.

Lego-brick can be made on the basis of cement-clay and limestone solutions. The cement-clay composition of Lego-brick is a mixture with an 80-90% clay content and only 10% of portland cement with water.

For regions with a harsh climate, the composition of Lego-brick includes a greater percentage of cement (up to 20%) with adding chubble and dye dropping. To make Lego-brick with your own hands, you will need, first of all:
  1. Cement grade 400;
  2. Crushed stone and sand;
  3. Water;
  4. Dye, if necessary.
  1. Cement 8-10%;
  2. Clay 80-90%;
  3. Water -3%.

As mentioned above, the composition of Lego-brick for the preparation of the solution strongly depends on the climatic zone where the material will be used. It is much more difficult to find or make an independently forms for Lego Brick, which will meet all the necessary requirements.

The most important advantage of Lego Brick is simplicity in laying. Unlike the installation of traditional material for the walls, the process of laying Lego-brick is much easier due to the presence of technological holes in it.

In addition, smooth shapes allow layer-brick layer with an ideal fit to each other. It is enough to put the first brick row and with the layout of the other rows of problems will not arise. The possibility of ideal dressing of seams is achieved by the presence of the guides, so it is impossible to make a mistake here.

If we talk about the speed of laying lego brick, it is also significantly higher than when using silicone or red bricks, as well as their analogues. The holes of the material in the process of laying can be filled with various fillers, such as foam concrete.

This makes it possible to significantly increase the thermal insulation characteristics of the walls of Lego Brick, and also significantly increase their strength.

Simplicity and financial benefits

What is so good home built of lego bricks? Of course, simplified laying technology. Indeed, if it concerns this very expensive aspect of any construction, then saving time, and together with him paid man-hours during the construction of walls of the construction structure differ significantly in a smaller side. This aspect can also be added to this that the number of highly paid professionals can be minimized.

This does not mean that the house will build a botanist scientists in their free time, a professional mason is still needed. But with the main work, like something: the lifting of the material, laying of direct sites, the glue, and its application will fully cope with the imputed handymen or students. Their rates are several times less than that of professionals, and the quality of work when laying Lego bricks will still be at the height.

Well, and if the scope of work is small, or the construction time does not have a fundamental importance, you can always try everything to do it yourself. Here, the pleasure of the work done and the result is also added to the reduction of cash costs.

If you contact the technology of making brick-lego, and not go into the details of the composition and the proportion of the mixture from which it is produced, a very simple scheme is paid. We have a filler - sand, screening, shell and binder, cement. All this is thoroughly kneaded, water, plasticizers and other chemistry are added, after which, with the help of the matrix and press, this mass is molded according to the planned sizes.

As a result, after a short drying, we get a brick of various strength and appearance, which, depending on technical and decorative indicators, use for the construction of bearing walls, interior partitions, swallowed structures and so on. In principle, wherein the usual brick is used, only with the difference that the types of extruded Lego Brick are much larger.

Lego-brick laying features, or rapid startup for beginner builders

At the beginning of this article, we are no coincidence that Ironized about Botany scientists. In no way, we did not want to offend anyone, but the events of recent years, due to financial shocks, are increasingly driven by people from emerging jobs, forcing themselves to look for themselves in new, more profitable and sought-after industries. One of these niches was and remains construction, in particular, the work of the mason.

It is difficult to assume that waking up in the morning in a difficult Monday, a person decides to take a celma in his hands and immediately starts to issue high-paying volumes. To become a qualified bricklayer, you need to drive out of one dozen cubes under the wise leadership, to make and fix a bunch of "jambs", spend a lot of time and strength. Lego Brick will help the beginning to save this resource and quickly get out of ordinary in the honorary officer.

The fact is that it is practically impossible to put the interconnected brick. It is only necessary to learn a small theoretical part, to be neat and diligent. Everything else will occur almost without your participation.

Here is a small roller, intelligibly explaining the main aspects of masonry of bricks-lego.

So what do we see? For a short period of time, the smart Malaysian worker under the vigorous music laid 154 bricks. With standard sizes 250x125x65 of one thing we have 0.3 m. Cube of masonry. Rates for stone masonry are different on the territory of our huge country, but for the basic minimum you can take, for example, 2000 rubles per 1 m.Kub. It turned out - about 600 rubles earnings. Not bad?

The most difficult and responsible - to lay the first row, it requires the exact level and the correction of each brick. When building a box of the building, there will be an angles of future buildings in such a place. If there is no experience, it is better to charge a professional. But then you just need to observe the laying scheme, do not forget about reinforcement and mortgage elements - the case will go much cheerful.

Of course, to grab on the fly all the details of the construction of the walls are impossible, but if desired and proper perseverance, the learning process, and with it paid or a saved result will be much faster.

Comparison of technical specifications. Lego Brick VS Classic

Online you can find many opponents of Lego technologies leaving negative reviews. But look at more carefully - mostly all the flaws of Lego-bricks are contrived and have nothing to do with the practice. Most likely, these are the very professionals who are terribly upset by a decrease in rates and coming in their business of new people. Let's compare the brick-leg with the usual burnt fellow by the main technical indicators.

The data is taken from open sources. As a starting point, we took the strength of the brick. It may be different depending on the production technology. M150 is the recommended minimum strength for the construction of bearing structures.

What conclusion can be made from this blitz analysis?

  1. With the same strength, Lego-brick weight is less. This means that the cost of lifting the material to the place of production of work is falling, and the design itself will be easier. This, in turn, reduces the requirements for the overall carrying ability of the structure, which will eventually affect the reduction of the project value as a whole.
  2. The water absorption of pressed Lego brick is 2.5 times less than normal. This means that its life under the conditions of an unstable winter climate of the middle band will be larger, and in the room with the same ventilation schemes the humidity is lower.

Otherwise, everything is equally, which means that there are no special obstacles to the use of lego brick.

Now a few words about the price, on which you can really buy that and other material. At the factory, it will be approximately the same and will be from 10 to 15 rubles per piece. But to reason about the cost without taking into account transportation costs and costs for unloading and loading works will incorrectly. These are integral concomitant spending that you need to calculate on the basis of the conditions in which construction takes place.

Therefore, it is difficult to analyze here, but other than those of equal bricks have one undeniable advantage - it can be made directly at the facility, thereby significantly reducing all passing costs and time. Yes, this is not a reservation, in the season behind the brick on the factories, there is a simple and garbage for timing.

Brick Lego do it yourself. Brief overview of equipment and manufacturing technology

Before thinking about the organization of production, you need to accurately weigh everything in advance, including data and cost data in the analysis. The first and most important thing to understand is the scale and organization of the technological process. Brick production - occupation is not a garage size. This process is large-capacity, requires large production areas and verified logistics supply of material and delivery of finished products. This is if it comes to business about business.

If you do Lego-brick for yourself, you need to calculate the profitability of this venture based on the volume of your construction and cost of production at the construction site.

According to the standard brick-legged technology, the following composition and proportions of the mixture are recommended:

  1. Sand - 10%
  2. Opening rubble - 70%
  3. Cement M500 - 20%

Cost of materials:

  1. Sand - 520 rubles / tn
  2. Opening - 185 rubles / tn
  3. Cement - 175 rubles / bag

Consumption and indicative cost per 1 ton mixture

  1. Sand - 52 rub
  2. Opening - 130 rubles
  3. Cement - 700 rub

Of the 1 TN mixture, it turns out 285 pieces of brick. Costs for the purchase of materials - 882 rubles. The cost of one unit is 3 p.09 kopecks. The number of ready-made lego bricks in shift is from 900 to 4000 pcs for 8 hours (depends on the power of the machine).

The cost does not take into account:

  1. The possibility of buying non-calibrated cement, which is significantly cheaper
  2. Cost of plasticizer, they are different in consumption and efficiency. This must be analyzed separately.
  3. The cost of transport services for the delivery of materials
  4. Salary workers
  5. Depreciation and maintenance of equipment
  6. The cost of electricity if the press is not manual

Equipment for the production of lego bricks in the Russian market is presented in a wide range. The simplest and cheapest solution of the question is a manual molding press and a small concrete mixer. The cost of this adaptation will be in the area of \u200b\u200b45-65 thousand rubles. Of course, it is not necessary to count on serious output volumes in manual mode, here we are talking about 500-800 pieces in shift with intensive work with a partner.

Obvious advantages of manual equipment - low cost, compactness, mobility and possibility of associated use. For example, having a manual machine for the production of lego bricks, you can provide yourself with briquettes for heating from wooden sawdust.

The cost of equipment directly depends on the effort that produces the press and quantity of automation accelerating the production process. Also, the higher this indicator, the better the product will be better. The cost of such a configuration begins from 200 thousand rubles for the simplest hydraulic press with a capacity of 1500 pcs in shift and comes to 7-8 million for completed lines with access to 10,000 products in shift.

Serious manufacturers offer services for the calculation and compilation of a business plan of such industries, develop formulations of mixtures, based on local conditions, and carry out the technical support of the manufacturer at all stages of operation.

The meaning of this article is not coming down to advertising of individual manufacturers and does not give a one hundred percent solution for rapid enrichment. Here we tried to arrange the idea, the direction of dreams for a person with an active life position. Reviews on numerous forums are also not the truth in the last instance, it can be easily accessible to advertising techniques, sometimes not giving real information.

The main thing is to show perseverance, common sense and purposefulness, and the rest will apply and will definitely succeed.

Easy use and low cost

What is the positive characteristics differ in the building erected from this kind of elements? The most obvious is simplicity in the process of laying this kind of bricks.

Another flowing out of this plus lies in less spending to lay out from Lego-bricks the wall. And this brings to the greatest advantage - saving money, which will be spent on the monetary content of the workers. After all, the less time spent on work - the less money will be paid! In addition, you will not need to call for professionals.

But this does not mean that the work will need to attract completely newcomers. An experienced bricklayer in any case will be required. But with such routine activities as the transfer of construction materials or the preparation of glue and its use will be able to handle adequate black-workers. After all, in any case, the quality of the masonry will be beautiful, and the professionals will take a large number of personal funds.

In the event that the work is not very much and the period is not limited - you can independently feel the production process. There is a decrease in spending on the workers and the pleasure of work done by your own hands.

When referring to methods of manufacturing such LEGE bricks, you can open a fairly light circuit.

There are pre-purchased elements:

  • sand;
  • dropsy;
  • cement.

All data elements are thoroughly mixed, after which the water is added and the mixing process continues again. After you can add a plasticizer and various chemistry. As a result, the substance obtained is molded with the help of the matrix and the press on the desired size.

How are Lego Brick? Facial facilities

This kind of brick is suitable for masonry even the most inexperienced worker, because to put it in the wrong way, you will have to try hard. It will only be necessary to learn a little theory and try working carefully and diligently. Everything else will not require your direct intervention.

Looking at the work on the masonry of this type of bricks, you can see a short confident work, during which a rather lego brick was mastered.

The most important stage in masonry work is a masonry of the very first row, where you need to observe the exact level of each brick. Inexperienced person is better to give this work to a professional. But later it will only be necessary to comply with the laying scheme and that's all.

Of course, it will not be possible to assimilate all the technique of the construction of brick walls, but with a great desire it will become a reality.

"Lego Brick" against classical masonry

There are many enemies of this technology on the Internet, which leave negative stories about the use of lego bricks. But looking attentively, it becomes clear that all their disadvantages do not carry the truth and do not belong to practice. All this is written by professionals, dissatisfied with the fall of their needs in their services.

  1. With similar strength, the mass of Lego-brick is lower and the cost of lifting bricks to the masonry site will be less and the erected building itself will also be easier. All this will positively affect the total value of the entire project.
  2. The water absorption in Lego brick is quite low, in comparison with ordinary brick. Therefore, the service life will be much higher. Especially in the places of unstable climate.

In the remaining parameters, everything is rather equally and special comments to the use of Lego-brick. Also, such a brick has one big plus - it can be made directly at the construction site. This will reduce spending spending.

Is it possible to make lego brick yourself?

Before the beginning of the cultivation of Lego-brick, it is necessary to adequately assess all the shortcomings and advantages of this method, as well as study all spending and cost. It is necessary to realize all the scale of future production, since this industry requires not small areas for production. But this is when the conversation is about business.

If it is made independently, it will be necessary to calculate profitability and determine what it will be easier to produce or order in production.

According to the classic scheme, the ratio of elements in the contents of the brick is as follows:

  • Sand - 10%
  • Opening - 70%
  • Cement (M500) - 20%

Of 1 tons of such a mixture, approximately 290 Lego bricks will be obtained. Costs will depend on the price of materials in your settlement. Equipment for the manufacture of lego bricks is in large quantities in the Russian construction market.

The easiest and cheapest way is to purchase a hand press and a small concrete mixer. With active production using a partner, you can make no more than 800 bricks data for one shift.

The most important plus of such equipment is low price, mobility and versatility. For example, this unit can be used to molding sawdust briquettes for furnace or fire.

More professional equipment that produces bricks in automatic mode for 10 thousand pieces per shift, will cost several million rubles, which is not suitable for independent production, not aimed at their further sale.

As he represents bricks: design features, production technology, laying nuances, scope of application.

History of a brick designer

In the literal translation from English brick (Interlocking Brick) indicates a blockable brick, or a brick with a lock, having on one side of the protrusions (spikes), and on the other hand, which in the masonry process is reliably connected to each other, without thick dissolve seam.

Local architects and engineers appreciated the innovation, and at the end of the forties, it was officially used in the construction of a public building, where on documents held a new method of "automatic masonry". However, the invention immediately did not guessed the invention, or they did not consider it necessary, and when the castle brick became popular and in other countries, they rushed, but it was too late. After several decades of the proceedings in 2010, the "parents" of bricks from Denmark was officially denied the right to be considered as such. Therefore, in the media periodically flashes information about students from America, then the group of enthusiasts from Brazil, but their merit, rather, in the improvement of the fixation system invented by Christiansen.

Design features, production method, characteristics

The form of lego standard, rectangular, protrusions and grooves are formed by two round voids, the height of the protrusion is 5 mm, as well as the depth of the groove, and the diameter is 65 mm. According to the dimensions, it is close to a conventional single brick, it has a standard length - 250 mm, a little large width - 125 mm, and height varies within 65-70 mm, depending on the manufacturer. The mass of one brick varies within 3 kg, which is explained by a different raw material base.

The supply system of the compound provides the basic fixation of the elements in the masonry, so there is no need for a thick seam, the brick is layered either by a thin layer of the adhesive mixture, extruded from the device such as a confectionery syringe or on a special mounting foam. And in that, and in another case, there is no collapse characteristic for brickwork. It is easier to work with Lego, thanks to the grooves, the masonry turns out to be flat, they do not need large volumes of the solution. To progress, some are drinking the grooves in the corner bricks under the reinforcement.

The domestic castle brick is mainly a kind of smooth full-scale hypersed brick produced by pressing high pressure without subsequent firing. Unlike ceramics, which is at the heart of special clay varieties, and silicate, consisting primarily of sand and lime, hyperpress is made mainly from the waste of the mining and processing industry. It can be a crushed limestone-seafront, dolomite, marble or rubble dropout, domain slags. In addition, brick battle is used, waste from cutting natural facing stone, stone coal. Mineral raw material is cleaned and crushed to a fraction of 3-5 mm, its fraction in the brick is 85-92%. As a binder, cement M 500 (from 8 to 15%), as well as dyes and modifying additives, which improve the characteristics of the finished product are used.

Such an impact leads to the adhesion of substances at the molecular level, resulting in a very dense, durable and frost-resistant brick with proper geometry of the faces.

Application, facilities of masonry

Characteristics of hyperpresshed bricks make it universal, it can be used to masonry carrier and enclosing structures, fences, landscape design objects. However, high density providing increased frost resistance and resistance to external influences, which is good, gives a high thermal conductivity - up to 1.1 W / (m * s⁰). A homogeneous wall of such brick is cold and needs additional insulation, therefore hyperpress, mainly used as a cladding.

Lego, theoritically, is also suitable for bearing walls, since the relendance fittings are inserted into the voids and fill their CPS or its derivatives, it turns out something like monolith with double-sided brick facing. But since the material is relatively "young", and how he will lead himself under a large load after a few decades, no one knows that they prefer to be facing facades or use for masonry fences, entrance groups, argificent complexes, summer kitchens or garages.

As a facade material, it is optimal due to high decorativeness (clear geometry, large color gamut) and the minimum permeability - the walls are not so contaminated due to precipitation, it is not formed by zapol. Moreover, if you do not fill out emptiness, the facing also will be better to keep the heat at the expense of air sucks around the perimeter. As an option - in voids you can float the insulation, for example, perlite or its analogues. The main advantage of Lego is the opportunity to get smooth, beautiful masonry, even if there is no Mason's experience, which for the facade is especially true, since the services of professionals every year they bite more and more. This attracted one of the craftsmen of our portal, choosing a castle brick for the construction of the garage, during the masonry process he used the reinforcement and flowing insulation.

There are no pictures of his garage, but there is a photo of another, another craftsman from the forum with nickname SpbmasterHe used Lego as a facing for his garage.

What is Lego Brick?

A distinctive feature of such a building material as Lego Brick is the presence of two guide holes, which protrude slightly above the main surface of the brick. During masonry of two bricks on each other, these holes form something like a special lock. This compound is formed according to the principle of "spike-groove", as a result of which high accuracy and resistance to mechanical effects of the entire structure is ensured.

When laying Lego brick, a special tile glue is used, not a cement solution. Thus, it disappears the need for mixing the mixture and the use of special tools for applying a solution. Tile glue must withstand low temperatures. For its application to the surface of the brick, special building springs or other tools are used, which are used to apply adhesive composition. This ensures the ease of work and significantly accelerates work. The consumption of glue is relatively small, for laying of five hundred bricks Lego, you need twenty-five kilograms of glue.

During the construction of non-vacant structures (shed, fence, block, etc.) using Lego Bricks, you can not use tile glue, and fill in the technological holes cement mortar, creating additional vertical reinforcement using fiberglass and iron reinforcement. In addition to the vertical, you can create horizontal reinforcement, resulting in a belief belt.

When combining both types of reinforcement, the laying will have a lot in common with a monolithic slab, as well as possess unique strength properties.

Depending on the type of reinforcement used, the speed of creating masonry from Lego Brick, if compared with construction using conventional bricks, increases about twice. This is achieved due to the almost perfect geometry of each brick, as well as the presence of guide holes in it. The most important thing in the construction of the structure using Lego Brick is the right arrangement of the first row, and also carefully monitor the uniform of the tile glue, the layer of which is applied to each product.


In one of the previous articles, we have already considered the main technical characteristics of Lego Brick and analyzed all its advantages and disadvantages. Today it will be right to figure out how to put a LEGE brick with your own hands, because if you believe the manufacturer mounting the LEGO modules does not require special skills and easily can be performed independently.

Preparation for work

Of course, before the immediate solution of the task is very important to correctly implement all the work of the preparatory nature. That is, harvesting brick, adhesive composition, reinforcing elements (fittings, wire, etc.), as well as to have a ready-made foundation of the structure. (How to make the foundation can be found here).

In addition, you should take care of the workpiece with all the necessary snap. After all, in addition to the standard set of a bricklayer for laying LEGO blocks, a special gun for applying glue may be required (if desired, a plastic bottle can be accommodated under this tool), as well as a whisk for high-quality mixing of the solution.

The first stage. Cooking glue

In the process of installing Lego Brick, in most cases, frost-resistant adhesive for ceramic tiles are used. In view of which the procedure for its preparation is not much different from the standard technology. That is, the dry mixture is introduced into the water tank and with the help of an electric drill with an electric door, a qualitative mixing of the entire composition is carried out.

It should be noted that the application of glue on the lego blocks is performed using a specialized snap-in - adhesive pistol. In view of which it is desirable to ensure the consistency of the composition identical to liquid sour cream. Well, of course, at a time to prepare a small volume of solution (up to 10 liters) in order to eliminate the likelihood of its frozen.

Usually one bag of construction glue is enough for laying 500 - 600 Lego bricks.

Stage second. Masonry of the first row

The masonry of the first row of Lego Brick is the most responsible event, because from how correctly this stage will be fully implemented, the quality of the construction is largely dependent and the main advantage of lego blocks can be provided - simplicity of laying. In view of which the masonry of the first row of such bricks is more justified to entrust professionals, which will be able to create a strong-quality basis for subsequent installation.

If we consider the features of the masonry of the first row, it is desirable to distinguish the following of them:

  • At first, all the angles of the future building should be postponed (no more than 3 rows), while laying 1 row should be made on pre-prepared foundations treated with bitumen or rubberoid;
  • For the convenience of conducting masonry work between adjacent bricks of the first row, it is desirable to pull the cord (focusing for example, by the brick chamfer);
  • The masonry of the first row should be made on the same glue, which is planned to produce all subsequent work (glue must be breed more dense);
  • The end adjoining of neighboring blocks should be carried out by applying a solution from a pistol to a brick end;
  • Laying bricks should be carried out in such a way as to be able to install the subsequent upper blocks (locks must come together);
  • The adjustment of bricks is allowed to perform with the help of a queen, while all the bricks in the row must be compared with the cord.

And a very important point, so that the subsequent installation of the blocks does not cause difficulties, it is very important to immediately lay the entire contour of the future structure.

After laying the first row of Lego Bricks will be completed, you can start following the work. We recommend to familiarize yourself with the video structure about how the laying of the first row of Lego is performed.

Stage Third. Laying wall

In fact, the laying of Lego Brick is something like an assembly of the famous designer when the upper elements with a dressing and a joint-groin joint are installed on top of the lower blocks. At the same time, to obtain a monolithic wall, it is desirable to apply in advance prepared adhesive for ceramic tiles.

That is, essentially all work on the assembly of walls are implemented in the following sequence:

  • On one of the walls of the first row with the help of a construction pistol or a self-made analogue (for example, a construction glue (roller diameter 10 - 15 mm) is applied with zigzags or parallel rows). At the same time, it is advisable to achieve such a condition so that the material is fully joined by all legs of the lego blocks.

  • A similar roller (in the central part of the block) is also applied to the end part of the lego brick, which is also applied to the styling.
  • Lego Brick is laid on the underlying row with a dressing (the upper unit falls into two lower) and with the help of the image it is adjusted its location. In order for the adhesive to get into the existing emptiness and there is a closure of the spike-groove system on the brick, a certain effort is provided.
  • When the whole range is laid, starting from the corner using the construction level, the vertical location of the blocks is adjusted (with the help of a queen). A similar procedure is made in the opposite corner and over the entire wall in 2 meters increments.
  • The final alignment of all bricks laid row is performed using the rule that is applied to the control points and all the bricks of the row are aligned.
  • If necessary, the adjustment of the arrangement of bricks in height is produced by installing wedges, which are removed after the complete solidification of the solution (after a day).
  • Similarly, laying all other walls.
  • How to lay lego brick over the openings and in the corners

    In a situation where the need for laying Lego bricks arises above the door and window openings, they are applied as follows.

    Initially, a removable formwork is mounted on the alleged opening (for example, from wood). After that, directly on the formwork stacked one row of LEGO Blocks and along all bricks there is a longitudinal deepening in which metal fittings are stacked. After that, by the standard technology, another 4 row of Lego bricks is mounted, after which all vertical empties over the opening are filled with concrete (for reliability, you can pre-put pieces of fittings in the required size). After the complete pouring of the concrete, the formwork is dismantled, and the concreted brickwork becomes a full-fledged reinforced concrete jumper, which can be subsequently stacked with a standard method.

    When laying the corners, in the internal empties of Lego Brick it is recommended to install metal reinforcement and fill out all the cavities with construction concrete. In some cases (when building large objects), such reinforcement should also be performed on the central parts of the wall, and especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe end zones of the openings.

    In addition, every 4 - 5 rows it is recommended to produce horizontal brick reinforcement throughout the perimeter, for which it is pre-in blocks a slot is made and a metal fittings are fitted, which is fixed with the help of construction glue.

    If you need to carry out the mutual adhesion of the bricks of neighboring rows, the use of metal brackets is justified (as shown in the image below), which are located with a step to 1 meter, every 3 to 4 rows.

    The final stage. Laying Aropoyash

    In order to ensure the possibility of unhindered fastening the elements of the roof to the walls of Lego Brick, the last row must be made by Armopoyas. For which lego blocks that have a special groove are used. Subsequently, the recess (parallel rows) is stacked throughout the perimeter, which is connected with welding. And then the entire cavity around the perimeter is filled with construction concrete, and so that the solution does not fall into all vertical voids, the plugs are installed (for example, from the tree) in the holes.

    For the convenience of users, we offer you to familiarize yourself with the video on the assembly of the house of Lego Blocks.

    Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

    Modern building material called "Lego Brick" is visually similar to the details of the LEGO children's designer. The presence of protrusions on one side of the product and rounded recesses, recesses with the other provide the speed of laying and high quality connections. Apply the material for the construction of bearing walls, partitions, cladding, calculations of support pillars and decorative columns.

    Design and features of manufacturing

    Building material with a special machine. Limestone breeds are included in Lego Bricks, bonding material (usually portland cement), water, dyes. Standard dimensions of Lego Brick can be 250x125x65 mm or 300x150x100 mm. It is manufactured by hyperpress. The quality and reliability of building materials are affected by the used limestone fractions or sand: the smaller the size of the components, the higher the strength of the finished product. The approximate weight of Lego Brick is 3-3.5 kg.

    Technical characteristics of LEGE brick

    The widespread use of building materials is substantiated high density and wear-resistance of products. Lego bricks are suitable for finishing work, as well as for the construction of bearing walls. This brick group has the following characteristics depending on the manufacturer:

    • frost resistance: at least 200 cycles;
    • water absorption: about 5-6% (suitable for use in regions with elevated air humidity and large amounts of precipitation);
    • density: 1550 kg / m3;
    • thermal conductivity 0.4-0.45 W / (M · K);
    • strength grade: M100-200 (applicable to the construction of multi-storey private houses or commercial buildings).

    Lego bricks for the strength of masonry exceed ceramic analogs by 1.5 times. The formed design is minimally susceptible to mechanical influences and reliable during periods of seismological effects.


    The positive properties of the material are not the only advantage. A unique form ensures the simplicity of masonry of walls or partitions, a high-quality connection of the elements. The most important advantages of using a new type of bricks include:

    1. The possibility of simple laying of communications inside emptiness.
    2. Low cost of products.
    3. A wide selection of colors (from light gray to a saturated red, dark blue, pink or yellow).
    4. The lack of the need for the subsequent decoration of the walls and designs of Lego Brick (has a smooth surface or has a face with a slight texture).
    5. An insignificant weight of bricks does not require the preparation of a bellped foundation (for buildings in 1-3 floors).

    Attracts material and versatility of application. Suitable for both decorative finishes and laying decorative indents, furnaces. It can be used for the construction of arbors, fences.


    The disadvantages of Lego Brick can be attributed to the fact that at the moment there are no branded producers of this building material as opposed to aerated concrete and other wall materials. Those. These are mainly garage manufacturers, most of which cannot provide quality certificates. Perhaps the most important drawback is that due to its relative novelty, this building material has not been checking the time and it is not clear how it will serve after 30-50 years.