The fate of Ceper after the death of Rasputin. House Anna Crowbal in Tsarskoye Selo (g

In E. that day in Helsingfors (Finland), Maria's nun died (Anna Alexandrovna Celebova), Urban. Taneyev is the nearest girlfriend of Queen-Martyr Alexandra.

Until the end of his life, Mother Maria retained the memory of a farewell to the royal village with the Holy Family 21.3.1917: "I prayed God so that I was given to say goodbye to their majesty..

In the end, I was allowed to meet with the Empress and girls. The last time I saw the Empress in her mobile chair. Behind her stood Tatiana. We cried. We had only a few minutes, we barely managed to hide and exchange rings, and we were separated. My last memory of the Empress: she shows her white hand to heaven and says: "We will be together in heaven."

* * *

Anna Aleksandrovna Taneyeva (29.7.1884 - 20.7.1964 n. Art.) Born in Oranienbaum.

Her father - Taneev Alexander Sergeevich - was Stattto Secretary, Ober-Hofmeister of the courtyard, the main manager of his imperial majesty by the Office.
His grandfather and father also occupied this position under Alexander I, Nicolas I, Alexander II, Alexander III.

Mother - the thick hope of Illarionna - was the daughter of General Tolstoy, the emperor's outcrutant of the Emperor Alexander II, whose great-hearted Feldmarshal M.I. Kutuzov. Hope Illarionna referred to the number of guiltless ladies Order of St. Catherine of the Small Cross.

The family had three children, Anna was the eldest. The parents mean for her, Anna Alexandrovna writes in his memories:

"Despite the travels and the prepared education, most of us, children, still brought up our parents. The biggest happiness for us was to be in their circle, and they for their part dedicated us every free minute. Under the influence of our parents, people who love art and everything beautiful were grown. Faith in God, visiting worship, impeccable life, prayer were supporting us on the life path. Our Father emphasized the importance of a sense of duty for a person and called us in all cases of life to follow the voice of their conscience. He himself was selflessly devoted to the throne and his sovereign; We adopted the same devotion from him, as he admired her from her ancestors. "

In December 1903, Anna received a sign of a public journal, decorated with diamonds and initials, giving her the right to be called Honorary Freillina, and after a while she was invited to the service personally in a sovereign retinue.

"I will never forget that moment," says Anna Alexandrovna in his memories, - when the sovereign after our first joint cruise committed in Finland, the first time opened my heart to me. Once in the evening, having come to me in the cabin and hugging me, she said heartily: "God sent me to me, from now on I will never be lonely!". Then these close and deep friendly relationship began, where I drenched the power and joy to the end of my life. "

After a divorce with her husband, A. V. Cubepov, Anna, according to the traditions of the courtyard, could no longer receive the official place of Freilin. Remaining a girlfriend of the sovereign, she is free of charge five times Anna Alexandrovna arrested - at the beginning of the temporary government, then the Bolsheviks. "... black, hopeless grief and despair. God, how many bullying and cruelty! But I forgred to everyone, trying to be patient, because They didn't lead me to this cross and did not create slander; But it is difficult to forgive those who have lied consciously and tormented me. "

Members of the royal family knew about her suffering.

Sovereign Nikolai second on December 1, 1917 wrote to her: "I am very much thank for wishes to my names. Thoughts and prayers are always with you, a poor, suffering person. Her Majesty reads us all the letters. It's terrible to think what you have passed. We are fine here - very quiet. It is a pity that you are not with us. I kiss and bless without end. Your loving friend N. My hearty hello to parents. "

Miraculously she managed to avoid execution. "... as a suburban beast, I hid it in one dark corner, then in the other. In the black scarf, with a bag in his hands, I went from familiar to the acquaintance. No knocking, asked, like every time: "I left prison, will you accept me?". So she lived one day more than a year. For the love and dedication of the royal family, the Lord kept her on all paths.

In December 1920, to save Anna and Mother, Anna's sister, paying great money, insisted at the departure to Finland.

She went barefoot, in a torn offshka. January 10 (n. P.) 1921 Two Finns, on Large Sanya, I was crossed by Anna Alexandrovna with my mother to Finnish Coast.

For the Finnish authorities, she was an important personality - was a Freillan and her friend of the Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, a miracle of the survivors.

In their eyes, Anna Alexandrovna was a representative of one of the most luxurious courtyards of Europe, which made a significant position in the family of Tsar Nicholas II and, according to the public opinion, which influenced Russia's policies.

During the interrogation, as repeatedly, in Russia, she was issued about its attitude to the king, Rasputin, about politics.

To the question: "How do you explain the arrival of the Bolsheviks to power," Anna Alexandrovna replied:

"In practice, the Great Light Princes and other representatives of the Supreme Society were a frivolous lifestyle, did not pay attention to the people, which was at a low standard of living, did not pay attention to his culture and education. Bolshevism originated by their fault ... The death of Russia did not occur with the help of an extraneous force. It is necessary to recognize the fact that the Russians themselves, those from the privileged classes, are to blame for her death. "

"How long will the Bolshevik power last?", - asked at the interrogation.

"To revive former Russia, you need to learn to patience to others and repentance, only then will begin to manifest national pride. In the meantime, we blame each other, there will be no improvement, and God's grace will not overcome the light on the desert, which was once a state of Russian. "

Life in Finland was safe, but accompanied by mourn and suffering. The permanent mental state after the events occurred in the country, the arrests and horrors of transferred bullying and suffering in prisons did not leave it. The situation complicated life with people of other culture, traditions, another, unfamiliar language. All this was added material deprivation, reaching sometimes to poverty.

"Among the compatriots, all love for the monarch and his family was transferred to Anna Alexandrovna. She was the center of this love, although the relatives of the king were alive, his nearest helpers, friends. Some were at the receptions at Anna, others were spoiled at one mention of her name, "her contemporaries were remembered for her.

In Finland, Anna Alexandrovna begins to write the first book of his memories "Pages of My Life". In it, telling the truth about the members of the royal family, she is trying to reconcile the Russian people with the king. In response - human malice and new moral tests. The text of her memoirs was subjected to editorial censorship and included allegedly written fanquer - dirty Paskvil about the royal couple.

In 1923, in the Smolensk Skit of the Valaam Monastery, she takes the secret monastic stop with the name Maria.

On October 1, 1925, Anna Alexandrovna and his mother with a cottage in the terrifers (Zelenogorsk), by decision of the governor, sent to Vyborg, where they rented an apartment in Eden House. Anna Taneyev became the most famous resident of the house. The young hostess of the house Maria Pavlovna Akutina, took Anna Alexandrovna English lessons. Later she will write about Anna Alexandrovna: "She was very religious, the summer often spent in the monasteries. A lot told about the royal family. I was a girl, the details of these stories, of course, erased, but the impression was left that the royal family, the memory of her was the most expensive in her life ...

And I remember well that she was a very soft man. Despite everything experienced, there was no hatred, omitism at all. "

In 1930, having enough time to calmly comprehend the events of the past, Anna Alexandrovna begins to write the second book of his memories "Freilin of the Soviet".

Its best of her desire was to tell in the memoirs about the suffer life of the sovereign Alexandra Fedorovna, who she devotedly served 12 years old, dispel a lie and slander, which the sovereign of Krotko and patiently carried.

Anna Alexandrovna outlined this thought in his sketch of introduction to the book in 1938:

"I am sure that in the future, historical newspapers will explore and write a lot about the life of the family of Tsar Nicholas II - and I feel that my duty is to describe and maintain for the history of the circumstance, among which, keeping up with the life of the royal family, I had to Beat for life. Memories will continue to continue in me. "

The memories of "Anna Celebov - Freilli Soviet" edited by Imelie Vihuri was published in Finnish in Finland only in 1987 after her death.

In the spring of 1940, when Anna and Faith, after the Winter War, returned from Sweden to Finland, arose about the place of residence, since Vyborg moved to the Soviet Union. Thanks to the letter of his good friend K. G. Mannerheim, who at one time was represented by her in the royal village, Anna Aleksandrovna with his servant faith (Sevea) in Helsinki.

"More than thirty years knowing Mrs. Taneyev, her distinguished parents and many members of her family, I ask everyone to have to deal with the Mrs. Taneva, who experiences suffering due to disability as a result of misfortune on the railway, refer to it with sympathy and understanding. Feldmarshal Mannerheim. Helsinki, June 11, 1940. "

Of the 80 years of life, Anna Alexandrovna lived in Finland. In the bright memory of the people, it remained a beautiful woman with brown hair, with a strikingly beautiful cornflower color with blue good eyes and the same, strikingly beautiful face. Its openness remains in memory, love for people, responsiveness to someone else's misfortune. Because of the sovereign, she received letters from year to year, in which people asked her help. She could not refuse anyone in the request.

Anna Alexandrovna, despite the severe life, when there was absolutely no livelihood, carrying slander, contempt, alienation of compatriots, suffering the disease, according to eyewitnesses, could always forgive.

She never vinyl none, did not justify, did not complain, silently, Krotko and humbly carried away all the burden of life, imposing them on the all-consant gentlemen. In this she helped, gave the forces to endure and endure the image of her beloved sovereign.

Throughout his life, Anna Alexandrovna, remaining with a clean conscience, retained loyalty to God, king.

Its great desire was the revival of Russia's beloved:

"... we often blame the Russians in our misfortune, not wanting to understand that our position is our own hands, we are all to blame, the highest classes are to blame. Few people fulfill their duty in the name of debt and Russia. The sense of duty was not inside from childhood; In families, children were not brought up in love for their homeland, and only the greatest suffering and blood of innocent victims can wash our sins and sins of entire generations. And only then the Great and Mighty Russia will rise, to the joy of us and fear of our enemies. "

This is how Prince Nikolai Davydovich Zhevakhov writes about Anna Aleksandrovna in his memories: "Common suffering, the common faith in God, the general love for the suffering has created the soil for those friendly relations, which arose between Empress and A. A. Tubyova.

Life A. A. Zerubova was truly the life of the martyr, and you need to know at least one page of this life to understand the psychology of her deep faith in God and why only in communication with God A. A. Vrubova found the meaning and content of his deeply unhappy life ...

And when the Empress got acquainted with the spiritual appearance of A. A. Trubova, when he learned, with which courage, she tolerates her suffering, hiding them even from their parents when she saw her lonely struggle with human malice and vice, then between her and A. A. Torokova The spiritual connection arose, which became the greatest than the more A. A. Vyrubova stand out on a general background of self-satisfied, prim, none who did not believe the nobility.

Infinitely kind, childishly trusting, clean, not knowing neither tricks, nor a delicacy, striking his early sincerity, meekness and humility, nowhere and in anything no suspect of intent, considering itself obliged to go to meet every request, A. A. Vrubova, like Empress , divided his time between the church and the feats of love to the neighbor, far from thought, which could be done by the sacrificent of deception and malice of bad people. "

"... and I am my child, I am proud of you. Yes, a difficult lesson, a heavy school of suffering, but you have passed perfectly through the exam. Thank you for everything that you said for us, for how you defended us and so much for us suffered and reinforced. Lord One, may reward. Our souls are even closer now, I feel your intimacy when we read the Bible, Jesus Syrach, etc.

Thank you for your love; As I would like to be together, but God knows better. "

Igumen Seraphim (Kuznetsov) in the book "Orthodox Tsar-Martynet" recalls: "The modern Great Movittle-Sorry-Sarovna Sarov Paraskova Ivanovna, who has lived in the last years of life in Diveyev, the one who predicted the sovereign and the sovereign for the birth of a son, but not for joy, And this royal chick will be born to grief, the innocent holy blood of which will shine on the sky.

Portraits of the king, the queen and family, she put in the front corner with icons and prayed on them on a par with icons, appealing: "Saints royal martyrs, the pray for God about us."

In 1915, in August, I came from the front to Moscow, and then in Sarov and Diveevo, where I personally became convinced. Sorzlivitsa, with me several times, kissed the portraits of the king and family, put them with icons, praying to them as holy martyrs.

Then she cried bitterly.

These allegorical acts were understood by me then, as the great sorrow of the king and families associated with the war, for although they were not confused with a grenade and wounded a lead bullet, but their loving hearts were exterminated by unparalleled grief and bleeding. They were really bloodless martyrs. As the Mother of God was not ulcerated torture to the torture, but at the sight of the suffering of his Divine Son, according to the word of righteous Simeon, weapons passed in his heart.

Then Staritsa took the icons of the mildness of God's mother, which the Rev. Seraphim died, blessed the sovereign and the family in absentia, handed them to me and asked to send them. She blessed icons: sovereign, sovereign, Zesarevich, Great Princess Olga, Tatiana, Mary and Anastasia, Great Princess Elisavete Feodorovna and A. A. Tubyova.

Only now it seems more clear to me, as God was opened by this righteous, all the coming terrible test of the Russian people abandoned from the truth. It was not clear for me then why she blessed everyone, except for the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich, the icons of the non-Rev. Seraphim, and the Mother's Mother's Mother's Mother's Motherhood, which Rev. Seraphi died.

Currently, this is clear for me: she knew ahead that they all end the life of the death of righteous martyrs, as the life and Rev. Seraphim cumshot, and inherit the life of the eternal in the abode of paradise with him.

Kissing portraits of the king and family, the Sorzlivitsa said that this is her relatives, cute, with which he will soon live together.

And this prediction turned out.

She died a month later, going to eternity, and now, together with royal martyrs, lives in the Heavenly Pacific. "

"Your congestion will bring you heaven awards, native, you will walk through the air, surrounded by roses and lilies. ... through the cross to glory, all tears, who are spilled, shine, like diamonds on the Rise of the Mother of God; nothing is lost; For all your torments and trials, God especially bless you and rewards. "

The grave of the girlfriend of the sovereign, nun Maria, attend more and more people.

Here they bring their sorrow, grief, illness.

How, during the lifetime, Anna Alexandrovna did not refuse to anyone in help, and now she consults, helps, heals.

Nun Mary, moth of God about us!

I, Natalia Borisovna, I am 64 years old, 10 years suffered from the elder, pain and ulcers on the right foot - Golekoston. This summer, a month, every day I read Akathist to the Tsarist Martyrs on the grave of Anna Aleksandrovna Taneva (Ceper). And, about the miracle, ulcers closed, the enemy went away at all, the pains stopped, and the leg took a normal appearance. Thank God for everything!

Natalia Kaivol. Finland, 2006.

We, the parishioners of the Nikolsky Temple, Boris and Valentine had a certain amount of the Kela (social service) not in our fault. Long continued correspondence on the return of this amount. We visited the grave Anna Taneva, lit candles, read the akathist about the rest of the departed, prayed, asked help. On the appointed day of the kel, we once again visited the grave Anna. A week later, they received a positive result about the forgiveness of debt and appointment of valentine pensions by age. The solution to this protracted question is positive, we believe that we helped us. Anna Taneyev.

Boris and Valentina. Finland, 2006.

In the Light Easter Sedmice of 2008, a group of pilgrims from Moscow and St. Petersburg arrived in Finland in order to visit the hostilities of Russian emperors in Finland, including the sovereign Nikolai II, as well as places related to the life of Anna Aleksandrovna Taneva and its burial place in Ilyinsky Orthodox cemetery of Helsinki. Everyone was very preferable to "meeting" with Anna Alexandrovna, which took place and was permeated by special warmth. The only thing that did not take to complete spiritual joy is that they were not able to invite a priest to serve the Panhid at the grave.

And what was our surprise! No - Miracle! The father of the cemetery was Father Paul, Archpriest, the abbot of one of the temples of St. Petersburg.

Here is what Olga writes about this, one of the pilgrims: "By the way, about. Pavel, whom we met at the cemetery at Anna Aleksandrovna, already returning to Petersburg, two days went under the impression of what happened. Apparently, it was he who had to be there on that day, at the grave. Surprisingly, the fact that he was at Anna Alexandrovna at the moment when we had already decorated the grave with flowers and icons and were ready to sing Easter canon.

Divines of your Lord! "

Larisa Stscenko. Moscow, 7.05.2008.

Last winter I had intercostal neuralgia. The pains were strong, and I could not remove them with anything, no medicine helped. So she walked for a week and suddenly remembered that the Annushka suffered in a catastrophe and was suffering. I decided that she would certainly help me. With faith, I was attached to her photograph, which hangs in my room and who cleared the Angel's day Alexandra Feodorovna. So the queen glorified his girlfriend! In the morning I got up healthy!

R.B. Elena V., SPb, 2011.

Anna Taneyev was a great-leader of the great Russian commander of Kutuzov. Her father, Alexander Sergeevich, for 20 years, held an important state post of the State Secretary and the Major Government of his own imperial majesty of the Office - a position that practically transmitted in the family of Taneev inherited. In January 1904, Yunaya Anna Taneyev was "shifrized", that is, he received a court appointment to the post of Empress Alexandra Fedorovna. The Freinty cipher with the monogram was a brooch in the form of a monogramm of the Empress or two woven initials of the empress of the acting and widowing. The picturesque composition was crowned with a stylized imperial crown. Obtaining a Freintic cipher for many young aristocrats was the embodiment of their dreams of the court service. Note that the tradition of awarding the Freintic cipher with his own ruling and entered empress strictly observed until the beginning of the 20th century - Alexander Fedorovna refused this right, which deeply insulted the Russian aristocracy and finally undermined her reputation at the court. By the way, the entertaining Empress Maria Fedorovna, until the beginning of 1917, conscientiously performed this duty from which her daughter-in-law was refused.

On April 30, 1907, 22-year-old Freulin Empress Taneyev marries. As a spouse, the choice fell on the Sea officer Alexander Celebov. A week before the wedding, the Empress asks for a girlfriend, the Montenegrin Princess Militz, the wife of the Grand Duke Peter Nikolayevich (the grandson of Nicholas I), to introduce his Freillan with the popularity of the popularity as a healer and Providant Gregory Rasputin. Together with the sister Anastasia, with which the Chernogorsk girlfriend was inseparable, Milica wanted to use the "elder" as a tool for influence on Nicholas II for the fulfillment of personal desires and helping the native country. The first acquaintance with Rasputin produces a very strong impression on the girl, which will subsequently turn into a real worship: "Thin, with a pale, exhausted face; His eyes, unusually insightful, immediately struck me. "

The Empress called the "Big Baby" cut

The wedding of Freillana Taneva play in the royal village, and the whole royal family comes to the wedding. The family life of young couple is immediately not asked: perhaps, because according to rumors, in the first marriage night, the bridegroom got drunk, and the bride was so frightened that he tried any means to avoid intimacy. According to the memories of the cutting, their imprint on the unsuccessful marriage imposed the experiences of the husband after the catastrophe in the Tsushim. Soon (probably not without help, Alexandra Fedorovna), the husband leaves to be treated in Switzerland, and in the year of Cubov asks him a divorce. Thus, 23-year-old Freulin becomes the nearest girlfriend of the 36-year-old empress, its faithful advisor. Now it is she who will become a source of dating Alexandra Fedorovna with all urban rumors and gossip: The Empress was afraid to go out into the world and preferred to lead a secluded lifestyle in the royal village, where lonely cutoffs settle down.

With the beginning of the First World War, Celebov, together with the imperial family, begins to work with the sister of mercy in the climbing in the royal village of Lazarut. The woven in this hospital operates Vera Gedroitz, the most famous female doctor in Russia. While in voluntary isolation, Alexander Fedorovna almost all news from the capital receives from his faithful girlfriend, which often gives her not the most successful tips. Officers - Patients of the hospital are accustomed to the permanent visits of the Empress, and therefore allegedly no longer show a proper attitude towards her - Cubovyova advises to be in Lazarut to take care of disrespectful subjects.

At the age of 18, the cutoffs got sick with a typhoid, but was saved

On January 2, 1915, Celebova is sent by train from Tsarskoye Sela to Petrograd, however, without reaching only 6 miles to the capital, the composition enters the accident. The empress adviser is detected by fragments of almost no chance of survival. In his memoirs, Celebov carefully describes all the details of the terrible catastrophe that happened to her: 4 hours it lies alone without help. The arrival doctor says: "She dies, do not touch her." Then the Vera Gedroitz arrives and confirms the fatal diagnosis. However, after the person and status of the victim becomes well-known, it is urgent to be taken to the royal village, where the Empress with daughters are already waiting for the platform. Despite all the assurances of the doctors that the unfortunate will not help anything, urgently arrived at the request of Empress Rasputin providically announces that the cutoff "will live, but will remain crippled."

After the renunciation, the imperial family lives under arrest in the royal village, Cubina remains with them. However, on March 21, they are visited by the Minister of Justice of the Provisional Government Alexander Kerensky, who arrests a friend of Empress on suspicion of anti-government conspiracy, despite all the persuasion and complaints. Protection soldiers are very surprised by the fact that the famous cutoff is not at all the depraved secular diva, but a disabled person on crutches, which looks much older than its 32 years.

The investigation refuted rumors about her connection with Rasputin

After spending a few days in a preliminary conclusion chamber, Cubovov turns out in the most terrible prison for political criminals - in the Trubetskaya bastion of the Petropavlovsk fortress, where other enemies of the new government fall, with the names of which all the worst crimes of the former regime are associated: the leader of the right-hand party " Union of the Russian People "Alexander Dubrovin, former Military Minister Vladimir Sukhomlinov, Prime Ministers Boris Stürmer and Ivan Goremykin, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Protopopov. Tsarist officials contain in terrifying conditions. When the cutlets lead to the camera, the soldiers take the straw bag and a pillow from the bed, a gold chain is broken from it, on which the cross hangs, take pictures and decorations: "Cross and several samples fell on her knees. From pain I screamed; Then one of the soldiers hit me with a fist, and spitting into my face, they left, having shuting the iron door. " From the memories of the cut-down becomes clear how inhuman was the attitude towards prisoners: from dampness and permanent cold it begins the pleurisy, the temperature rises, it turns out to be almost without strength. On the floor in the middle of her cameras - a huge puddle, sometimes she falls there with a bed and wakes up through wet. The prison doctor, according to the memoirs of the cut-off, mocks the arrests: "I literally starved. Two times a day were brought by Polimysk some kind of borde, like soup, in which the soldiers often spoiled, put the glass. Often it smelled to rotten fish from him, so I plugged the nose, swallowing a little to not die from hunger; The rest poured. " However, after a few months later, a thorough investigative check is finally carried out, and on July 24, the cutting is released due to the absence of a crime.

The month of Cubeov quietly lives in Petrograd, until August 25, it does not declare her extremely dangerous counter-revolutionary and are not sent to the Finnish fortress Sveaborg. The convoy goes to the destination on the yacht "Polar Star", which was previously the property of the royal family, - Cubeov often happened on it: "It was impossible to learn in the wonderful dining room, the wonderful dining room, and the wonderful cabin. For the same tables, a hundred "rulers" - dirty, abandoned sailors "was sitting. By the way, their hatred to each other was mutual - the figure of the cut-off majority was associated with the most sinister crimes of the royal power. To the rescue, a lion Trotsky suddenly comes to the rescue, which orders immediately release the "Uznzka Kerensky" (not without the protection of the mother of the cut-down, hope of Taneva). On October 3, the cutlets are brought to the resolon, where she is met by Lion Kamenev with his wife Olga, his native sister Trotsky. Here it is even feeding dinner, after which they let go.

Fearing re-arrest, Celebov had been hidden from friends during the year, finding asylum in the "basements and climbing the poor, who once extended by it from poverty." At the end of 1920, a devoted friend of the former Empress manages illegally to get to Finland, where she will live for another 40 years, adopting a tonsure under the name Maria Taneyev in the Smolensk Skece of the Valaam Monastery.

The last Russian Empress called his Freilline "My Big Baby" and "Mute Martyr". Anna Celebova was for Alexandra Fedorovna the main girlfriend of life.

Courtless simplicity

Anna Ceubov (in Dev. Taneyev) was a grandfather of Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov. For 20 years, her father has occupied the responsible post of the State Secretary and the Major Government of the Imperial Majesty of the Office. The same post was held by his father and grandfather under Alexander I, Nicolas I, Alexander II and Alexander III. At the same time, in the public consciousness about Anna Ceper, the opinion was entrenched that she was a common woman. This is at least incorrect. Even having ceased to be Freillan because of marriage, Anna Ceubov remained, in fact, the main girlfriend of the Empress. Alexandra Fedorovna called her "Big Baby". "Little Baby" was the Empress was the son of Tsarevich Alexey.

Three times resurrected

Alexandra Fedorovna, having arrived in Russia, adopted Orthodoxy and reacted with all the responsibility. However, the people surrounding her were in the ministry were not so jealous and rather loved to talk about God, than to conduct an awake life. Everything, except for Anna Crowbal - Freillans of the Empress, and then her faithful girlfriend.

The Empress called Anna "my cute martyr." And it was not an exaggeration. All the life of Anna Crowbal - a series of tests, which she took with a truly Christian humility.

At the age of 18 she had sobbed a typhoid. From death she was saved, as she herself believed, the spiritual intercession of John Kronstadsky.

After 11 years, Anna Cerubova got into the railway catastrophe and her who had been unconscious, with multiple fractures "revived" Grigory Rasputin. Finally, in 1918, when Krasnoarsets was led to shooting, Anna saw a woman in the crowd, who was often prayed in the monastery on Karpovka, where the relics of St. John Kronstadt. "Do not go into the hands of enemies," she said. - Go, I pray. Batyushka John will save you. " Anna Ceper turned out to be lost in the crowd. And then another encountered acquaintance, who was once helped, handed over her 500 rubles.

"Bo do not know what they do"

There was no, perhaps, in the Russian history of a woman, on the silence of whose name would be thrown so much strength. Rumors about the vicious life of Anna Crowbowed rushed in the people before the revolution. They said about her that it was she who introduced the surroundings of the king Rasputin that she with Rasputin himself participates in different inconsistencies, that she allegedly seduced by the Empress itself.

Celebov in his book told how similar rumors appeared in pre-revolutionary Russia.

She wrote from the words of his sister: "Ms. Derfelden flew to me in the morning with the words:" Today we dissolve rumors at the factories that the Empress soldens the sovereign, and they believe it all. "

And all this really believed. Anyone who did not know Cubeva personally. Acquaintance with her changed people. The investigator Rudnev recalled how he walked to interrogate the cut and was tuned to her negatively - hearing everything that was told about her. He writes: "When Ms. Celebova entered, I immediately struck a special expression of her eye: the expression it was full of unearthly meekness, this is the first favorable impression of my next conversations with her quite confirmed."

Cubage was put in prison five times. And under Kerensky, and in the Bolsheviks. She was tortured. Once in prison with a row soldier, one of the most malicious persecutors of Anna, suddenly changed sharply. Visiting Brother, he saw a photo of Anna on the wall. He said: "For a whole year in the hospital, she was me like a mother." Since then, the soldiers hardly helped the best cut-down.

Already mentioned by the investigator Rudnev recalled that he did not know from the very cut-down, but from her mother, that Anna is mockery in prison. At the interrogation, Anna, it was only meekly confirmed and said: "They are not guilty, they do not know what they do."


In 1915, Anna received huge money for compensation from the railway for injuries received during the accident, 80 thousand rubles for those times. Half a year Anna was chained to the bed. All this time, the Empress visited Freillan daily. Then Anna Alexandrovna moved on a wheelchair, and further on crutches or with a wand. All the money former Freulin spent on the creation of a hospital for disabled people, where they would be trained by the craft, so that they could feed themselves in the future. Another 20 thousand rubles added Nicholas II. At the same time in the hospital there were up to 100 people. Anna Celebova, together with the empress and daughters, served there in other hospitals with sisters of mercy.

Old man and Anna

Contrary to the problem, not Anna Celebov introduced into the house of Empress Rasputin, and Alexander Fodorovna introduced his Freillan with the "Siberian Starter." At the first meeting, the elder promised that the desire of Anna "all his life put on the ministry of their majesty" will be implemented. Later he will predict that Freulin will marry, but will not be happy.

So it happened. In 1907, Anna Taneyev married, but divorced in a year.

Rasputin played in his life a cutting huge role. It was how she thought she believed, saved her after the railway catastrophe in 1915, however, it was rumors about their relationships made the cutting of the "neuropranaya" from a significant part of emigrants.

All the conversations about the allegedly designers in which she participated with Rasputin is refuted by one simple fact: a medical examination in 1918 hesnopanovilo, that Celebov was a virgin.

»Diary cutting"

In December 1920, together with his mother, Cubaov fled from Petrograd on the Ice of the Finnish bay abroad.

In 1923, at Valaam in the Smolensk Skeit Anna adopted Monastic defeat named Maria, but for no health in anyone did not receive and remained a secret monk in the world. Under his maidesturn, she lived in Finland more than four decades. Died in 1964 at the age of 80.

In Emigration, Anna Taneyev wrote the autobiographical book "Pages of My Life". In 1922, she was published in Paris. In the Soviet Union, apparently, they decided that such an idea of \u200b\u200bthe royal family can ideologically harm and published the so-called "Diary of Celebular", the hoax, where the entire royal environment and the king himself are presented in the worst light.

Despite the fact that today the fake of the "diary" has already been proven, so far in a scientific environment you can meet excerpts from it. The Soviet writer Alexei Tolstoy and Professor of History, an expert on the end of the 19th century Pavel Shvogolov, are considered the most likely authors of the "Diary of Ceubular".

"I am sure that in the future, historical newspapers will explore and write a lot about the life of the family of the last king - and I feel that my duty is to describe and maintain for the history of the circumstance, among which, keeping up with the life of the royal family, I had to fight For life. Memories will continue in me. " A.A. Cubtain

The land plot was highlighted in 1780-1790. The house appeared on the Plan of the Tsarist village, marked 1797, without specifying the initial purpose and accessories. Then his belonging to the Tsarsko Selo Palace Board was established. The high status of the house, underlined in an unusual material for the residential building of the Sloboda, indicates the likelihood of the construction of its office "to reside" the face of the "highest rank" - an adjutant general and personal friend of Emperor Alexander I, Prince P.M. Volkonsky.

The house is a monument of architecture of the beginning of the XIX century, one of the memorable Pushkin places and is located on the street of 4th 4, one of the oldest streets of the Tsarsky village. Street began to uploaded in Ekaterina II in the twenties of the 18th century and was called "the second street from the palace."

This is an angular building, a small one-storey with a mezzanine mansion, whose architect is P.V.Nelov. The building lived a music teacher and singing L. V. Tepper de Ferguson, a talented musician and a composer, a highly educated, artistic and charming person, just Wilhelm Petrovich in Russian. He was born in Poland, but acquired fame in Russia, where he arrived in the fall of 1797. There was a dropmester under the Russian court, a teacher of the music of the great prinjeon, the sisters of Emperor Alexander I. The young A. S. Pushkin and his friends-lyceumists were in his home at musical evenings.

From the Tepper de Ferguson, the house passed to the property of the historian N.P. Liprandi. Ivan Petrovich Liprandi - a historian, a Major General, who resolved the prototype of the Hero of Silvio in the story of Pushkin's shot. Then the house passed to the ownership of the Countess E.I. Melter. Subsequently belonged to the widow of the writer B. M. Markevich.
In the 1900s, the Russian composer and Pianist AS lived in it Taneyev.
From 1907 to 1917, Freillina A.A. Taneyev (Conduzova) lived in the house.

"My father, Alexander Sergeyevich Taneyev, held a prominent post of Statis secretary and the main-playing of his imperial majesty by the Office in the continuation of 20 years. The very post occupied his grandfather and father under Alexander I, Nicolae I, Alexander II and Alexander III. Six months a year My family and I were spent in the family estate near Moscow. The neighbors were relatives - Princes Golitsyn and Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich. From early childhood, we, children, adored the Great Princess Elizaven Fedorovna (senior sister of the Empress of the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna). Once upon a time, arriving from Moscow, the Great The princess invited us to tea, as suddenly reported that the Empress Alexander Feodorovna arrived "...
Already one origin of Anna Taneseva (Ceper) determined its further fate. She was among those who wrote the story. " A 19-year-old girl, in January 1903, Anna Taneyev (Celebova) received a cipher - i.e. It was appointed urban Freillina, temporarily replaced by the bolted Freilline Sophia Jambacur Orbeliani.
When Taneeva turned 22 years old, Empress Alexander helped his girlfriend to pick up, as it seemed to her, a decent party - the Fleet Lieutenant Alexander Vasilyevich Celebov. Cubons were one of those who participated in an attempt to break through the Blocked Harbor port Arthur. The armadiole "Petropavlovsk", on which there were cutters and his comrades, blew up on Mine and sank in seconds. Of the 750 people of the crew, they managed to be saved only 83. Among the survivors were the future husband Anna Taneva. In April 1907, the marriage of Freillana Anna Aleksandrovna and Alexander Vasilyevich took place. Nicholas II and Alexander Fedorovna were attended at the wedding. They blessed young icon. From now on, Anna Alexandrovna could not be Freillan, because only the unmarried girl could claim this position.

(Photo taken from
From the memories of A.A. Taneyeva (Cubeva), 1907: "After our return to Petrograd, her husband became worse, and the doctors sent him to Switzerland. But his stay there did not help him, and I was more and more I was afraid ... in the spring he received a service on the ship. After For years of heavy experiences and humiliations, our unfortunate marriage was terminated. I stayed in a tiny house in the royal village, which we hired with your husband; the room was very cold, since there was no foundation and in winter a gentleman. The sovereign gave me 6 chairs to the wedding , With her own embroidery, watercolor and adorable tea table. I had very cozy. When their Majesty came to tea in the evening, the sovereign in his pocket fruits and sweets, Sheri Brandy sovereign. We then sat with my feet on the chairs to did not frrsley legs. Their Majesty was amused by a simple atmosphere. Sitting by the fireplace, drank with dryers, who brought my faithful servant Berkchik, Cameryman of the late grandfather of Tolly, served 45 years in the family. I remember how the sovereign, laughing, said M, that after tea I have in the house he wokes up only in my bathroom. "

"After I got a divorce, I didn't have an official position. I lived at Queen as an unofficial Freillus and was her personal friend. The first two years of the sovereign held me in the office through the servants' room, like smuggling so that I did not meet with her regular Freilli and did not excite them envy. We Corotal time for reading, needlework, conversations. The secrecy of these meetings gave birth even more woven. "
"Domik A. Zubova", wrote the manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs A. D. Protopopov, became a kind of "Power". The emperor Nicholas II, his spouse, great princess, G.E. Rasputin. Thus, the building played a prominent role in the history of the last days of the monarchy.
On January 15, 1915, leaving the royal village in Petrograd, Anna Vyrubova got into the railway catastrophe, having received injury (including head injuries) that the doctors have expected a fast deadly outcome. However, Cubtain has survived, although it remained rude for life: moving after that could only in a wheelchair or crutch; In later years - with a wand. For monetary compensation for injury, Anna Celebov organized a military hospital in the royal village.

Anna Alexandrovna writes in his memoirs: "I received dirty anonymous letters daily, threatened to me murder, etc. Empress, who bestly understood these circumstances, as I wrote, immediately told me to move to the palace, and I left sadness with sadness I don't know my house, not knowing that I will never return there. According to the orders of their majesty from this day, every step my step was worn. When departing to Lazaret, I always accompanied the Sanitary bug; even the palace was not allowed to go to one, they were not allowed to attend the wedding An expensive brother. Little little life in the palace entered his rut. "
But probably one of the most important memories relating to Rasputin, with whom part of her and the royal family of life, written in her autobiographical book "Pages of My Life": "For the sake of historical truth, I must say: Rasputin was a simple wanderer, what Much in Russia. Their Majesty belonged to the category of people who believe in virtue of the prayers of such "wanderers." Rasputin was from their majesty once or twice a year. They took advantage of the reason for the destruction of all the former owners. He became a symbol of hatred of all: poor and rich , wise and stupid. But the aristocracy and great princes screamed loudly. They cut the bitch, on which they were sitting "...
After the February Revolution, she was arrested by a temporary government and, several months spent in the Petropavlovsk fortress on suspicion of espionage and betrayal, after which "for the absence of the composition of the crime" was issued to freedom. At the end of August 1917, the Provisional Government decided to send it abroad, even a message appeared in newspapers, indicating the day and hour of its departure. But in Finland, at Richimakki station, the crowd of soldiers abandoned her from the train and they took it through Helsingfors to the Emperant Yacht "Polar Star", which went to Sveaborg. The whole month went to the troubles, and at the end of September N. I. Taneyev (the mother of Ceper) achieved the liberation of her daughter through Trotsky. As a result, Anna Cubage from Svealection was taken to Smolny and re-released. After the October Revolution, the cutoffs were repeatedly subjected to arrests and interrogations, held in prisons. More than a year she was hiding in friends and friends. In December 1920, Celebovoy managed to be illegally moved to Finland, where she lived with the remaining 40 years of their lives (under the Great Last Same Taneyev), adopted in 1923 monastic tonsig named Maria in the Smolensk Skece of the Valaam Monastery. He was buried at the Orthodox Cemetery (Ilinsky) in Helsinki. Mary's nun died on July 20, 1964, she was 80 years old. According to the testimony of loved ones, Mother remained "a very soft man. Despite everything experienced, there was no hatred, bite in it." In this sense, the phrase, which she finishes his book: "The Lord I am an assistant and is not a taste that I will create a person."

In 1928, the House of Tepper / Cutting Soviet Government was granted to the outstanding Russian and Soviet singer - an opera actor and director-director, later People's Artist of the USSR, Dr. Art History, I. V. Ershov (1867-1943) in compensation for his house in the Novgorod region . Here he settled with his family to mainly correct the health of the juvenile son, which was achieved. With Ivan Vasilyevich, the house has become a modern comfortable housing with central heating.

Ershov all the time he was home: "Well, why do I need these choirs? Never have been courtly, I don't know how to place there. " In the end, Ershov handed him in 1934 by the Union of Composers, and settled in an ordinary apartment. The house to the Great Patriotic War was a hostel.

During the Great Patriotic War, the building has suffered significantly: the enemy shell struck the ceiling and wrapped the ceiling. The reconstruction of the building was produced in 1955, the interiors were only relatively close to the type of Pushkin time. In the house restored after the war there was a district children's library. Then after some reconstruction and overhaul of the building in it from May 1, 1969, the registry office of Pushkinsky district is located.

In January 2014, Anna Aleksandrovna Taneva's house was transmitted by Chapel "Petersburg Serenads". A museum dedicated to the royal family opened in one of the premises.

Information is partially taken with
site of the project "Encyclopedia of the Tsarist village"

Before you - the reprint reproduction of the book released in 1928 by the Riga publishing house "Orient". The book consists of two parts - the so-called "diary" of Anna Crowbova, the Freillina of the last Russian Empress, and its memories.

"Diary" of the cut-off printed in 1927-1928 g. On the pages of the magazine "last days" - applications for the evening release of the Leningrad "Red Newspaper". As those who prepared this publication, O. Boschniovskaya and Z. Davydov were named (the latter in the present book was mistakenly given women's surname). As for the memories of Ceper, they were not published in our country, only small passages from them were published in one of the collections of the "Revolution and Civil War in the descriptions of the White Guards", issued by the State Grade in the twenties.

A lot of legends and speculations walked around the name of Anna Crowbal for a long time. The same can be said about her notes. If the memories of the cut-off, entitled by the author of the "Pages from my life", in fact belong to her Peru, then "Diary" is nothing more than a literary hoax. The authors of this socially ordered mystification were the writer Alexey Tolstoy and the historian P. E. Schegolev. It should be noted that it is done with the greatest professionalism. It is natural to assume that the "literary" part of the case (including styling) was performed by A. N. Tolstoy, "the actual" side developed P. E. Schegolev, who, as well as, among other things, was the editor of the semitomic publication "The Fall of the Tsarsky regime.

The book "Freillina Her Majesty" was and commented on S. Karachevtsev. Publishing under the Cover "Diary" and the memories of the cut-off, he subjected to significant abbreviations (especially for the "diary"). However, the book, as a whole, these writings will, no doubt, is also interesting to today, who can make his own conclusions from this comparison.

It must be said that the conversion was accompanied by the conversion and further fate of Anna Aleksandrovna Crowbal. Back in 1926, the "Floodlight" magazine reported on death in the emigration of the former Freilina, "a personal friend of Alexandra Fedorovna", "One of the most tary fans Grigory Rasputin." In recently recently (1990), the Soviet encyclopedic dictionary is carefully said that Celebov died "after 1929". Meanwhile, as it became known, the former Freilliage of Her Majesty lived in Finland for more than four decades and died in 1964 at the age of eighty; She was buried in Helsinki at the local Orthodox cemetery. In Finland, Anna Alexandrovna led a closed lifestyle, retaining in a quiet forest corner of the lake edge, on which, however, there were quite good reasons. First, fulfilling this before leaving the homeland, vow, she became a nun; Secondly, many emigrants did not want to communicate with a person whose name was compromised by the mention next to the name of Grigory Rasputin.

Drawn Details of the last decades of life A. A. Vyrubova-Taneva found out the Hieromons of Arseny from the Novo-Valaam monastery, which is four hundred kilometers to the northeast of the capital of Finland.

For many years, former Freulin worked on memoirs. But she never decided to publish them. They were released at Finnish after her death. We think that over time and this book will come to our reader.

A. Kochetov

The chariot of time rushes in our days the faster expression, the past years go backwards, in history, raise themselves, buried in oblivion. With this can not, however, to reconcile the torture human mind, which encouraging us to get from MGL of the past at least individual wreckage of the past experience, at least a weak echo of the unlocked day. From here - a permanent and great interest in historical reading, even more increased after the revolution; She opened numerous archives and made available such corners of the past, which were previously banned. There is always a wide reader much more towards familiarization with the fact that "what was" than with the fact that "what was not" ("invention of the wrister").

In the tragic history of the crash of the powerful empire, the personality of the Freillana Anna Aleksandrovna Ceubular, nee Taneva, is inextricably linked with the Empress Alexander Fedorovna, with Rasputin, with all the nightmare, which was shrouded in the court atmosphere of the royal village with the last king. Already from the published correspondence of the queen, it was clear that Celebov was one of the main figures of that intimate court circle, where all the threads of political intrigues, painful seizures, adventuristic plans, and so on were crossing. Therefore, the memories of the Freillina of the cutting represents a burning interest for all circles.

About his family and how she got to the yard, Cubeov writes in his memoirs:

My father, Alexander Sergeyevich Taneyev, held prominent post of Statis Secretary and the Major Government of the Imperial Majesty of the Office in a continuation of 20 years. The very post occupied his grandfather and father under Alexander I, Nicolas I, Alexander II, Alexander III.

My grandfather, General Tolstoy, was a flue-adjutant emperor Alexander II, and his great-grandfather was the famous Field Marshal Kutuzov. Praded Mother was Count Kutana, friend of Emperor Paul I.

Despite the high position of my father, our family life was simple and modest. In addition to service, all his life interest was concentrated in the family and his beloved music, - he occupy a prominent place among Russian composers. I remember the quiet evenings of the house: Brother, sister and I, silenting around the round table, prepared lessons, Mom worked, father, sitting at the piano, was engaged in the composition.

6 months a year we spent in the genital estate "Christmas" near Moscow. The neighbors were relatives - Princes Golitsyn and Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich. From early childhood, we, children, adored the Great Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna (the elder sister of the Empress of the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna), which was balung and caressed, giving dresses and toys. Often we traveled to Ilyinskoye, and they came to us - on long rules - with a retinue, drink tea on the balcony and walk in an old park. Once, having arrived from Moscow, the Grand Duchess invited us to tea, as suddenly reported that the Empress Alexander Ferodorovna arrived. The Great Princess, leaving his little guests, ran towards her sister.

The first impression of the Empress Alexander Feodorovna belongs to the beginning of the reign, when she was in the heyday of youth and beauty: high, slim, with royal posture, golden hair and huge, sad eyes - she looked a real queen. From the very first time, the sovereign was trusting from my father, appointing him by the Vice-Chairman of the Labor Assistance, founded by her in Russia. At this time, we lived in the winter in St. Petersburg, in the Mikhailovsky Palace, in the summer at the cottage in Peterhof.

Returning with the report from the young public, my father shared his impressions with us. On the first report, he dropped papers from the table, the sovereign, quickly fledged, filed them a strongly embarrassed father. The extraordinary shyness of the empress was amazed. "But," he said, "the mind of Her Male - Une Téte d'Homme." In addition, she was a mother: Holding a six-month-old Great Prince Olga Nikolaevna, the sovereign was discussed with my father serious questions of their new institution; One hand shaking a cradle with a newborn Great Prince Tatyana Nikolaevna, she also signed business papers. Once, during one of the reports, an extraordinary whistling rang out in the next room.