Level of development of the soul. Development of soul zero level of development of the soul of personality

The level of development of the soul determines one of the tasks of a person for embodiment. He directly depends on the experience that was accustomed to man in his past lives.

With numerological calculations, we define the level of development of the soul at the time of the embodiment of a person. Within life, each person can how to increase its level of development, and significantly reduce it.

How to determine the level of spiritual development? Everything is quite simple - fold all the numbers of your date of birth and, the resulting two-digit number will determine your level (for born after 2000, a slightly different calculation and another interpretation, we will not consider it in this article).

An example of calculating the level of development of the soul:
31.10.1984 = 3+1+1+0+1+9+8+4=27

Now consider the value of each level and the tasks that are put by a person at each of the levels of development of the soul.

Levels of development of the soul and their task

First level of development of the Soul: 19 - 23

The task of a person at the first level of development is associated with the first chakra - Mladjar. A man at this level should learn to overcome the vital difficulties and adversity with joy, without malice, without fear and the search for the guilty. Often, you need to overcome resistance and show activity. Overcome the mechanism of self-restraint in the family, at work and in society.

It is important to develop physical strength and willpower. Learn to take care of yourself and others. Develop a certain sense of debt, responsibility and disciplines. Control the instinct of self-preservation and feeling of fear.

If a person does not fulfill the task of level 1:

This may turn into permanent failures, deception, betrayal, loss or absence of opportunities, housing and material problems.

Second level of development of the Soul: 24 - 27

The task of a person who is at the second level of development is associated with the second chakra - Wadiisthana. This is the creation of a family, the ability to build relationships with parents, relatives, children and the opposite sex. The flexibility and adaptability in relationships with other people is important. Orientation on family, sensuality, emotionality. Adoption and respect of the opposite sex.

People of the second level are strongly developed sensuality and sexual energy. But it is necessary to control their passions and desires, to subjugate their mind. It is necessary to sublimate, direct your sexual energy for social realization and spiritual development, and not on simple sexual interaction.

If a person does not fulfill the task of level 2:

There are problems in relationships, treason, unsuccessful unions, loss of close people.

The third level of development of the Soul: 28 - 31

The task of a person who is at the third level of development is associated with the Third Chakra - Manipura. Such a person is very important to learn how to control his emotions. It should understand that the control of emotions can contribute to the improvement of well-being, career growth and improve relations with other people. If a person of 3 level gives the will his emotions - it immediately begins to "punish" various adverse situations and problems in life.

People 3 people need to develop a mind, mental body. Guide not by emotions, but by logic, logical analysis of situations and events. To strive to make your activity more creative and learn to make money !!!

Often, at this level, people have hostility towards money, reluctance of money, depreciation of money or restricting stereotypes regarding money. And it is wrong. It is important to learn to make money, appreciate them and spend rational. It is necessary to master the laws of cash flows. Feel this energy, subordinate for your good, to live without and happily in cash flow. And at the same time, to understand that this is not the main thing in life.

If a person does not fulfill the task of level 3:

There are problems with money and social realization, failures in a career and misunderstanding in the family.

The fourth level of development of the soul: 32 - 36

The task of a person who is at the fourth level of development is associated with the fourth chakra - anahata. He will have to solve challenges complex, multifaceted. Therefore, it is important that passions and emotions do not become an interference for a person. It is necessary to actively accumulate knowledge and qualities such as mercy and compassion.

A person must expand his worldview, open a heart and learn to see people differently, at the level of the soul. Take and realize the beauty of this world. Recognize the laws of love and bring love to the world through their creativity, classes, knowledge and skills.

If a person does not fulfill the task of 4 levels:

A person has problems with taking themselves and others. Suffers from loneliness and depression. Possible heart disease.

Fifth level of development of the soul: 37 - 40

The task of a person at the fifth level of development is associated with Fifth Chakra - Vishudha. This is creativity, creation and expression. The main direction is associated with knowledge and creativity. The main goal is to comprehend independent knowledge of love, beauty and harmony. Transmit these knowledge verbally and through creativity to people.

But, at the beginning, a 5-level person needs to learn how to build relationships with other people (and with all without exception). And then motivate other people to develop talents. Such people tend to change the world with the help of words. Very strong verbal energy.

If a person does not fulfill the task of level 5:

Man is not in demand in life. It is fraught with different kinds of dependencies. Loss of desire to live. Problems with vision, hearing, blood.

Sixth level of development of the soul: 41 - 44

The task of a person who is in the sixth level of development is associated with the sixth chakra - Ajn. He needs to learn to see causal relationships. Take the law of karma and get rid of illusions. This will allow a person to go beyond the material life.

So people often have to pass many different situations and tests. But, thanks to this, knowledge, abilities and skills are awakening. They can very clearly give advice, recommendations and tips (especially as for others). Sees a way out of difficult situations, find non-standard solutions.

If a person does not fulfill the task of level 6:

There are probabides problems with money, karmic meetings, repeating situations, restriction of freedom.

Seventh Soul Development Level: 45 - 48

The task of a person who is at the seventh level of development is associated with the seventh chakra - Sakhasrara. It is extremely important to learn to follow the Universal, Divine Law. It is necessary to know this law, accept and live them.

Often, such people have to learn a lot of new and constantly, consciously develop. On the one hand, they have removed all restrictions in terms of knowledge. But, on the other hand, they are a huge responsibility. People 7 levels must transmit "pure knowledge", not distorting them, without complementing their own comments and judgments.

If a person does not fulfill the task of level 7:

A person loses spiritual leadership (connection with the Spirit) and the creative canal. No inspiration. Disorientation in life.

Our soul in the whole cycle of their incarnations on Earth passes a spiritual evolution, turning from a young and inexperienced soul, only the fastening laws of the universe, in a more experienced and wise soul, who feeling unity with God, eager to escape from Sansary (cycle of birth and death). Thanks to the sacred scriptures of the ancient , which are described levels of development of the soul, It is possible to determine at what stage of spiritual development we are, and that we still have to. To do this, let's look at what stages of the evolution of the soul in our earthly incarnation are:

  1. People are materialists, atheists who believe only in what they see with their own eyes. Level of development of the soul In a large-scale vision of the universe - the initial one. The purpose and meaning of people's lives is to build a career, the accumulation of material goods, the creation of the family, the upbringing of children. The usual time is to work, education, family life, rest in nature and all sorts of entertainment. People do not believe in God, reincarnation, , And the concepts do not have that person besides the physical body has other energy bodies. They associate themselves only with the body, feed on both vegetables and corpses of killed animals. There are an overwhelming majority of such people on our planet.
  2. Sadhu is people walking along the path of liberation. This is the next level of development of the soul. They can be as followed by some religion, and not consisting not in one of them, but simply believe in the creator. But if Sadhu adheres to a certain religion, they will never deny other teachings and scriptures. They know that in every religion there is a grain of truth and respect him. sadhu is seen in self-knowledge and self-development, comprehending universal laws, as well as teaching people. For this level of development of the soul An awareness of itself opens not only as a physical body, but also energy and astral. Sadhu is aware of the strength of thoughts, feelings and emotions and can heal the disease that appeared by changing their worldview. Food exclusively vegetable food is not acceptable in their diet of violence. The overwhelming majority of Sadhu practitioners conscious dreams, astral flights and bidding. Externally, they live in an ordinary earthly life, create families, use material benefits, but inside themselves they are not materialists. Free time Sadhu is carried out in prayers, meditations, visits to holy places, spiritual seminars. The number of sadhu on Earth ranges from 1 to 3 percent of the total population.
  3. Jnani - Saints, Master, Wise men. It is very high level of development of the soul.Jnani are in constant contact with the creator, feeling like a part of the absolute. They see the world in one whole and perceive any resident of the earth joyfully and with love. Most of his life, Jnani spend in places of healing in silence and prayers, and the highest goal is to have a connection with the creator. The saints who have reached this level of development of the soul can change the space by the power of their thoughts, change the course of events in life, materialize the desired, only thinking about it. They have a very clean aura, all seven chakras are open and function correctly. They can control their thoughts, as they are immersed in the state of infinite space. Jnani do not create families, no offspring, since the highest goal of their life is the desire for the original source and the distance from the material. They live in the forests, mountains, holy monasteries and prefer to conduct a quiet way of life. People sometimes do not even guess the existence of Jnani. The total number of Jnani on Earth is about 60 thousand.

The following two levels of development of the soul are Siddhi and gods, but they are so far from our limited perception of the world, that I will not give here their description. It must be said that there is always a certain category of the population, which costs one foot on the old level of development of the soul, and the other is already stepping in a new stage. Moreover, now, when the Era of Aquarius came, all the processes in the universe are accelerated, including the process of human spiritual development. We were born in amazing time when in one life you can go a huge way of developing the soul, so let's not miss such a chance!

- What is the improvement of the soul?

- on the household level it is to acquire life experience, new knowledge, in the development of feelings and intelligence, and in the energy plan - is the increase in its own energy potential.

- Due to what happens the evolutionary growth of the soul?

- due to the development of it through life situations.

- Is it possible to speed up the progression of the soul?

- The evolution of the soul cannot be accelerated. This should be so understood: as it is given, it will develop. For this, programs are drawn up, which define fate.

- Does every soul give the right to evolve?

- No, not each. There are also degradation programs.

- Why does a person give such programs?

- to verify the strength of the qualities acquired in the past or

for the lack of missing.

- But can the degradation be encouraged, and isn't a person who should not fight her?

- Of course, it is necessary to fight. This is the meaning of checking: determine, to which face the concrete soul is capable of falling under adverse conditions. It may not go down, but simply stop in development at one level if internal qualities

sturdy: Such a person will not drink nor to use drugs. He will simply clicter in a narrow circle and will automatically carry out the entrusted matter. In the case, if the degradation program is focused on the acquisition of missing qualities, the soul comes on a negative path and takes the necessary energies. At the same time, it is not necessary that the person becomes a villain, some forms of activity contribute to the development of negative qualities. For example, calculations, programmers, military can produce negative energies due to the activities needed by society.

- If some person has risen high in development, it is no longer sinking again or from some moment starts moving down again?

- Why did you decide that the involution is possible?

- People have the theory that the personality first rises in the development, and then begins to turn in the opposite direction. Soots again into matter. It is like pendulum oscillations - first one way, and then to another.

- No, it is absolutely not true. How can a man rising very high, go down again! His consciousness becomes completely different, and most importantly - this is already energetically becoming impossible. His repulsion of low-plan energies. But if we talk about the average level of a person, it may fall down, if it takes drugs or alcohol, because alcohol, like a drug, turns off the consciousness and the person acts already mechanically, destroying itself, burning the accumulated energy, and since its volume decreases, falls Energopotential of the soul and it goes down. But this applies only to the average level of development. High souls are not capable of it, so you do not go down down. People are building a pattern of the pendulum development of the souls, in favor of some facts. For example, a man's soul can enjoy the animal body, dropping to the step below, but it is punishment, and it happens very rarely. Secondly, the souls of high personalities descend down to perform special missions. But it is not required for their development, but in order to raise others. Of course, these are also a single case.

- How high you appreciate the righteous?

- The righteous, as well as alcoholics, are different, so sometimes the activity of an alcoholic can be regarded than the righteous. There are such righteous people who do not notice the desire to the rightness of their actions of that harm that bring others. They would seem to do everything right, and fight for the truth, and others from this - only evil. You need to judge a person according to the results, by what he gives others. Also alcoholics. There are low, coarse individuals, and there are completely harmless, which only sleep and special evil are not caused by others. There are also such alcoholics, programs

which are strongly intertwined with programs of other people and allow them to identify negative properties. Alcoholics create situations in which the qualities of other people appear. Therefore, such low individuals have to appreciate their personal qualities, but for that negative, which they exhibit in others.

- Why does the development of a person goes only through difficulties?

- Because, as practice has shown, a person is not able to sympathize with anyone without having experienced difficulties himself. And I need to develop positive qualities in his soul, therefore, the more the person overcomes obstacles, the higher its level of consciousness becomes. Goods only indulge the soul. Light and calm life does not contribute to the acquisition of high spiritual qualities and the necessary energy spent the soul.

- Each nation has its own ways to improve?

- Yes. Each has the peculiarities of improvement, but not by some separate routes. Ways at all are the same on Earth, everyone passes through difficulties.

- Can the soul improvement to pass without difficulties?

- development programs can be the most different. High personalities life can occur calmly. They see the highest goal and strive for her. It is no longer needed by difficulties, since the necessary qualities of character are acquired, the energy industry is recruited, and remains only consistently go to the goal. And low indi-

types do not know - where to go, are moving from side to side, because the intellect does not allow you to find the right orientation and it is necessary to develop forcibly. Difficulties help acquire life experience and develop thinking. The high personality will mostly make a maximum effort to speed up their development, so difficulties may vice versa slow down its progression.

- Is it possible to change the material from which the soul is created, change its nature and method of improvement?

- Can. But another way will not be for your land, but for other worlds and planets, since it is the matter of the world, its energy, asks and a way of improvement.

- Which world is the development of the soul, which are not progression of progression? Where does their evolution begins?

- You can explain in different ways: from some moment on evolution, because a person has no complete and right knowledge of the universe. It can be said that the evolution of the soul begins with the laboratory in which it is created; And you can take a point of reference from the world into which it is sent initially. But if we talk about the laboratory version of its creation, then it is necessary to clarify that the soul can be considered eternally existing, because it is collected from the particles that were forever.

- But S. *, Yu. *, - we call the space names of the two higher hierarchs, - through what evolution process passed? After all, when they appeared, there were no lands yet.

- They passed other worlds, another way than a person. There are such worlds that you can not even imagine. There is such a life that it is impossible to convey through your concepts, that is, it is impossible to transfer images that understand the worlds.

- Can you show, at least approximately something so that we can compare with something?

The contactor shows a picture in which called hierarchs are far away in relation to Earth, speaking, that they in their development began much lower than a person. And for us, this is already a fact that you can judge that different souls begin to evolve from different worlds, from different levels, but it does not interfere with them to rise very high. Some souls can even overtake others in their progression.

- If there are some low worlds, it does not mean that they are all hopeless stupid. Souls, living many lives, one way or another, acquire extensive experience and knowledge.

- But in these worlds, life proceeded more difficult than on earth, or easier?

- Everywhere everything is very difficult. Easy nothing happens. Even with us now - their difficulties and difficulties.

- What is the meaning of constant suffering?

- In improving the soul, in developing such qualities as sympathy, compassion for the neighbor, kindness, selflessness. Just suffering, a person is able to come to such spiritual properties, and therefore to me. The satiety and wealth produces in a person of quality, that is, the type of energies that lead to the devil.

- What is the meaning of the human existence? Many people assure that only in love.

- Love is one of the steps of the earth's hierarchy. It is divided into different stages from which the lowest face of love is a love for a man, the average - to all mankind, and the highest - to God. But above love is a sense of duty and the highest consciousness that do not allow the wrong actions and always know that choose. In my hierarchy, the judicial values \u200b\u200bare changing in relation to the earth. But everywhere is paramount to progression, therefore: the meaning of life and any existence in any world is to improve the soul. Each moment must bear knowledge, feeling, understanding the new. Each individual should be crushed to my state to become me a solid support and a faithful assistant in affairs.

- For a person, there are only two directions of development: to you and to the devil?

- The main directions are two, but the paths leading to me and to the Devil, several. Name the main of them.

Positive ways leading to God:

1) The path of virtue: love, selflessness, helping others;

2) the path of creativity;

3) the path of development through medicine;

4) The path of calculation and programming associated with creativity.

Negative ways leading to the devil:

1) the path of evil: murders, deception, compassion, hatred, aggression;

2) the path of calculation and programming without creative start;

3) The path of automatism.

4) degradation path.

- How many lives on earth should live a person to go to the first level of the Divine Hierarchy?

- For the earthly plan there is a hundred levels. But it is not always the soul that is exactly this number. There are souls that develop slowly and at one level can remain for several embodiments or programs, and there are those that develop accelerated and for one life are capable of passing two to three levels, so they quickly go to the hierarchy. One hundred levels of the Earth Plan is a hundred levels of the earth's hierarchy.

- What kind of construction is the earthly hierarchy?

- This design belongs to me (God) *, but I work in her borders together with the Devil. The earthly hierarchy is designed to improve the initial souls, that is, newly created, beginning their development from the physical world.

- After passing a hundred levels on Earth, a person gets to the first level of your hierarchy?

- Yes. But there are souls, which and on Earth are sharply torn forward in development, so they can get immediately to the second level of the hierarchy.

2. Program

- Whether any soul, no matter what form is, develops according to the program?

- Yes. Any stone, the sandbank have their own connection, existence, separation. All worlds and spaces, not to mention their forms inhabiting them, are progressing only by the program.

- Who is the programs for a person?

- Negative system in which programmers work.

We were puzzled by a few such an answer, as it was believed that a person does everything at the destruction of God, and therefore, looking for support for their old ideas, clarified:

- But do you manage the development of these programs?

- No, the devil. All programs for the Earth is, - God passed a pause, so that the message is easy to do in our concepts, and continued: - I ask him the goals and directions of development, and it develops the course of events and everything else. He works for my goals.

His answer for the first time presented the devil in a completely new capacity, which was required to comprehend in conjunction with other knowledge.

- So, every person is the program of the devil?

- If more precisely, the system he directs his developers. But all the goals are mine. I give him. And if I say, what qualities in a person I need to get, then it develops methods on the basis of which these qualities appear. But the main thing is that I give a person in programs - it freedom of choice, which takes into account the wishes of the personality and allows it to develop in the desired direction. I need high-dimensional, strong personalities.

- Does the soul cracking happen to a new program before it is incarnation?

- Before sending to Earth with the future program, only souls are introduced above the average level of development. And while she is in the "thin" world, it takes off to her new program. But not everyone likes life. Low souls do not introduce the prospects. They are simply sent.

- Why not everyone likes? We believed that when a person is gaining in his life, he really likes it.

- Not. If everyone had ever lived in the same way, I would have liked everything, because it would be nothing to be compared with that: everyone would live in it or in poverty, but equally. And when people have a comparing moment, from which they begin to understand what is good, and what is bad, then naturally, many do not like many poor existence.

- What place in the soul of a person write a program?

- She is not recorded in the soul itself. The program is written on the shell.

- People are the lowest, so the program is written on the shells. And where do you write the program from the highest?

- also on the shell. Protective and permanent shells are present. It never writes anything on the soul. The program is associated with different designs, it already depends on the degree of development of higher personalities, since the construction of them at the lowest levels of the hierarchy and the highest differs from each other.

- Who is the programs for higher hierarchs?

- Each lower level of development of the program is a higher level, therefore higher hierarchs make up even higher on the steps of evolution.

- When a person's soul change the program in the course of life, in which changes are made in the center of its construction: in the center-brain, in the brain of the floor, spinal cord and so on?

- Changes depending on the program can be made or into some separate parts of the design or in everything at once.

- Who decides - what kind of constructions make changes?

- In accordance with the compiled program, these instructions give the founder of this soul that controls its development.

- If the person is corrected in the person's program, how does the new situations of the changed program with already existing programs of other people occur?

- At the same time, amendments are made to all programs of people associated with this individual. Change the program of one person together with all connecting programs.

- But changes in the program lead to changes in situations. So, some people can fall out of the life of a person?

- Yes. Just he will never meet with them.

Reincarnation. DEATH.


- Does the soul of a person develop after death in the "thin" world after the purgatory and separator goes?

- The development of the human soul never stops, but continues in a dream, and after death, - (see the relevant chapters) *.

- Where does the soul develop faster: in the physical world or "fine"?

- Naturally, in the "fine" world. The physical shell of a person consists of matter, the time in which, and, accordingly, all reactions are slowed down. The very time of the movement of physical matter flows slower than the time in the "thin" world. In addition, the physical shell is rude and drowns "thin" manifestations of the soul. It is difficult for her because of very rude matter. In the "thin" world, everything is different, and on Earth it, as in a scaffle. Without the material body, quickly also, because there is true knowledge, not as you have on Earth, where everything is distorted and wrong. In the "thin" world of the soul, it is better not to remember everything, and in the physical one is closed. In addition, on Earth - a very low level of information, and most knowledge is incorrect. If the soul is developing without a body faster, then for what purpose it is lowered on the most bottom of dense matter, in our physical world? After all, could you start her development from the astral plan?

- You see, in the physical world, certain accumulations must be accumulated for this unit, the energy of the corresponding quality, which in the "thin" world of the soul cannot be obtained. There is another type of energy. And the fact that it takes to her for future progression, as a foundation is laid only in a material basis. In addition, the material of the soul is better achieved in the material world. In the "thin" plan, she remembers everything and cannot make additional mistakes not by virtue of its high consciousness, but by virtue of good memory and fear of punishment in the form of karma. And when the soul is in a physical body, it is blocked by her, and if it does not have sustainable character qualities, it will be mistaken and mistaken until high qualities work.

Magnifying, the soul is gaining more experience, it perceives the situation not in one embodiment, but in a set. She has more positive qualities. Matter allows you to choose more and positive experience, and negative. Improving the soul in the material body is valued more than if she simply existed on energy levels. The developed energies are cleaner, high quality, and the potential of the soul is more.

- So the most main energy is produced on the physical plan?

- Not basic, but the most necessary shower for this type. People from the ground go to a certain pyramid in the hierarchy. And their design is so multifaceted that should begin with the material world. There are other constructions of the shower that cost without a physical plan, that is, what they did, they immediately begin their development on the "fine" plan. So each type of shower has its basis, and man begins with the Earth.

- How does the soul develop in the "thin" world?

- She is also given a program, but it differs from the earthly program, because there are other conditions of existence, other situations.

- Soul in the "thin" world also someone leads from teachers or is it already developing there?

- The soul also behaves the determinant *, maybe the same thing that he led her on earthly, and maybe another. Not everyone is able to lead in the physical world, and in the "fine." In this case, the determinant must have a wider range of knowledge, combine information about the two worlds, possess extensive experience than a simple determinant leading an individual in one plan.

- When moving the soul from one world to another, when it drops the shell, the acquisition of energy or loss?

- The soul acquires. With shells, she relieves the protection like a spacecraft, and all that was accumulated, remains with her. The more it develops, the more acquires, accumulates. The higher the soul rises, the more improves. In addition, in the process of raising, it receives additional information, such as, for example, many people receive new knowledge of the higher worlds, and this contributes to additional spiritual growth.

- The person is reincarnated on earth repeatedly. What is the role of reincarnation?

- Working a karma, consistent passage of the level of the globe, that is, the serial set of the components of the composite of the soul. The more the person is reincarnated, the richer becomes its composite.

- Are there souls that do not have a reincarnation?

- Reincarnation is a figurative concept, but the essence of this process is present everywhere and always. It, for example, takes place in the hierarchy, that is, the reincarnation can be considered the transition from the level to the level. It also occurs in the physical body of a person every second of time, because when the soul is being improved, she fills himself every moment. And this is already a reincarnation - a complete high-quality update, a transition to a new state.

- Are there souls that are once embodied on the same planet, next time - to another, and so on?

- Yes there is.

- For what purposes is it done?

- Again - for faster improvement. But this method is used for temperamental, very intelligent shower, which needs a variety of and very active processes.

- The process of reincarnations similar to Earth is somewhere else?

- Yes, there are material planets, on which everything is similar. Everything is generally dual.

- What is the duality? - in the relativity of the structure.

- Artists love to play other people's lives. Is their activities on the memory of past reincarnations?

- Memory here, of course, does not matter. They are given a special program to show the possibilities of one soul under different circumstances to manifest themselves in different ways. The goal of artistic activity is to show people as the same person in accordance with the program, in the role of which in this case protrudes the scenario, inadequately can behave, to feel differently and himself can be completely different from life to life. But such a profession, of course, is based on the principle of reincarnation.

- If a person is experiencing a strong desire to protect someone, did he have something connected with the protection of others in the past and therefore in him, perhaps the memory of the past?

- No, it is not necessary. Behavior can be associated with the program. And on it, a person needs to intervene in some kind of situation to protect the other to work out his karma. Everything is connected with karma.

- If a person in one life is engaged in improving the physical body, whether the skills of ownership of the body are transmitted to another life?

- Depends on what. If you take bodybuilding, then no, but if the ability to dance, then - yes.

- The ability to levitate or own telepathy is transmitted to a new life?

- Not. This program.

- Why is it done so that a person is gaining quality, passing many short lives, and not one long? Didn't he live life, for example, in a thousand years and to work out everything you need?

- First, short lives help a focusing of a person, as he constantly comes out, where it is necessary. Each program corrects its development in the right direction. Secondly, one body does not allow to obtain the quality of the energies that are required. One body gives a constantly a certain warehouse of the mind, thoughts, feelings, creates some monotonous one-dimension. And it is very preventing the full development of the person. Everyone must have different, therefore the bodies are used different in the process of reincarnations.

- For the existence of humanity on Earth, billions of souls lived on Earth. Where did they go?

- Those who reached the proper level of improvement switched to the hierarchy. Who did not achieve, continue to be embodied, or switched to other worlds. But now at the turn of 2000, as you know, there will be sorting sorting, and many of them will be destroyed.

- And in previous times, there were also many failed souls that destroyed?

- No, before we did not destroy. There are periods in which the soul maturity check. And the mass rejection just falls on similar periods that correspond to the completion of development cycles.

- Failed souls are constantly destroyed at the time of such transitions?

- Yes, constantly.

- And nevertheless, in each next civilization, such defective souls appear again?

- Not always. There are very successful civilizations.

- Where do these constantly degrade units come from? Due to what they appear?

- Errors are allowed in the program.

- What soul is considered unsuccessful and is subject to destruction?

- Mostly it is the souls that constantly killed in all lives.

- And what are the souls?

- which fall under the influence of the negative system, go along the path of the temptation. But I must say, every time has its own scale of moral norms, its own kind of spiritual values, therefore the reasons for which the souls are destroyed can be different. But if you come to a common denominator, it is mainly decoded * for inhumanity in relation to others. Destroy some souls of murderers who in the earthly life sold themselves to the Devil. They hope that if they switched to his side, he will take them under his defense. But all the souls on Earth are mine, and I decide how to do with each: give him or decline them. It also happens that the souls of murderers are so primitive that they are not formed to appreciate. And they are not needed to the devil, he refuses them, so such is destroyed.

- No, besides decoded, the rest of the eternal souls. That is, test valuables exists for all shower. But if they pass it, they are already moving into eternal existence.

- Is it so that a low souls are instilled in one generation, and the following are more sublime? Does the alternation of different degree of development of shower through generations?

- Yes, it is just noticeable. Alternation in terms of development exists. The souls for one generation are selected in order to perform specific tasks, for example, the generation of destroyers at the moment should be changed by the generation of conventants. But always happens the evolution of souls.

- And before such a change of generations was?

- shower shower comes from generation to generation. Usually, the soul is influenced by the time factor and the overall program that unites them and puts some kind of common goal before them. The goal determines the nature of the behavior. But of course, the souls are assessed in quality. And so usually a circulation occurs. The wheel of the embodiment is spinning, but forward and forward. Never repeats anything. Evolution constantly occurs, but everyone develops evenly, and ahead is moving evenly.

- Do you have replenishment with new souls?

- Yes, necessarily.

- Now among young people a lot of low-lying souls. Where did they come from?

"That's it - now," God uttered a deeply, with light thoughtfulness. - These are the souls that suggest to decode. They are cleaned, but ...

- He paused - they are given the last chance to show their best qualities to save themselves. Let's see who will show themselves.

- How many times do you need to reincarnate about the soul to go to a higher world: twenty, fifty, a hundred times?

- It all depends on the souls themselves. Some and a hundred reincublings are missing.

Number of souls

- The number of people on earth is constantly changing. What is it connected with?

- With the needs of the Earth and Space. People are energy. Through them, the necessary energy is transferred and through them the same space for their needs receives the energy of another species, that is, through a person there is a circulation of energies between the land and space. Since your planet is developing, its activity changes, becoming more, then less, and in accordance with this planet, it is required, then less energy. Different places of land also require different numbers of people. In those sites where the planet is thick inhabited, there is an intensive exchange of energy. Therefore, the population is directly dependent on the need of land. And its activities in turn are associated with the needs of hierarchical systems. When they need to get a large amount of energy from Earth, they include the relevant processes in which a person is involved. So everything is interconnected, and the population depends on the need of space and land.

- The number of population is under control?

- necessarily. Each person will be born with a definite goal, and he will fulfill it or not, depends on him. But control over the number is constantly being conducted, and we know what the population is currently more accurate than your stars.

- How is the counting of people on earth?

- We can determine how many people will be at one time or another, given the freedom to choose a person in life situations, as we know where the situation leads and how it ends according to the program. Each moment of time is engaged in a certain number of people in the event patterns and a certain number removes. The population in one or another moment of time depends on the freedom of human choice.

- on earthly more negative shower?

- No, not negative. They cannot be called as such, since they have not yet formed. Here, on Earth - the beginning of the development of shower. Almost the very beginning. Then their school, here they are taught and raising. And what they will become, will be visible later.

- are there any extra positive Soul?

- no extra happening. Why are you asking about unnecessary?

- There are always some tolerances in quantities.

- No, we have everything for sure. The need for souls is determined by the calculation. If there are not enough, new souls are made. And no extra happening. Bruep starts for further improvement, everyone is its exact place. Can only be undeveloped- He allocated an intonation last sentence, - due to some kind of poor designs of the souls themselves, because of their bad leadership in life or due to weak programs, when the souls have to be rejected, that is, decompat.

- Production of the shower of people specifically for the Earth is infinitely or limited?

- Limited. Any world, any planet is designed for some maximum, that is, a specific number. Restrictions are given.

- Does the advantage have an advantage of a hierarchical system that owns a large number of souls in front of the system that owns less?

- Yes, possesses.

- What is the advantage?

- The advantage of a set of energies. Each soul produces energy, so who has them more, he gains more energy, and therefore becomes stronger.

- Do you produce souls periodically? Suppose, created some number of souls for two thousand years, then take a break and engage in their upbringing. After this period, part of the scene is decoded, you have a chance, and you for this reason make new souls again.

- Souls have to produce constantly and for many reasons. If we talk about the time factor, then any time requires a certain number of units for development. They fill specific volumes in the hierarchy, and in all my universes. They are those working units that build and rebuild all worlds, so the need for souls exists constantly. That is, if we talk about their quantity, then in any volume is a specific number, but for the reason that any volume, achieving the end of the development cycle, passes to higher existence plans, carrying away developed souls, then the empty place requires New units of the former level of development. Therefore, in general universe, their production does not stop.

- When will you go to the superior stage of the new hierarchy, do you stop the production of new shower?

- When I proceed above, many souls will not go with me, because I give them the right to independence. They will go around, that is, they will stand on the same stage as I, but will continue independent development with my hierarchy. For this reason, I will have to complement your own hierarchy.

- It turns out that the souls are mainly produced for low worlds?

- Souls begin their development in low worlds, but then rise above, rapidly high worlds. However, the need for the production of new shower is on top. If there is not enough shower at the top, they first create them, then send down, but on demand from above, from where they then replenish the superior worlds.

- Is it possible to make such a construction of the soul so that it starts not from the low world, but, for example, at least from the first level of the hierarchy?

- For the first level, a very large energy spent the soul and a large number of internal power supplies is required. They must be worked out by the soul itself, and not brought into it from the outside. Quality of the soul is lost, so this option does not fit me.

- In general, maybe such an option?

- Yes maybe. But it does not suit me. Do you understand what happens? If you put into the soul as many qualities as required, for example, for the first level of the hierarchy, then the soul will have to give us a lot in return. We have everything built on self-sufficiency. And in order to make such a return, the soul will need a huge development rate. This will be such a speed that will begin to interfere with the development of the remaining in the same world. That is, in this case, such a shower must be a separate hierarchy with a huge speed of development, so that the soul can and for themselves to produce the necessary and at the same time give their debts associated with its production. But with such a terrestrial hierarchy, like yours, you develop slowly, systematically and gradually. From a low level, go - and consistently give debts. But if you put such souls to you in the earthly world, as you say, they just bruise you with your head, if you exist in parallel with you.

- Is there any balance between positive souls and negative observed on earthly plan?

- Such a balance may be, but it is not required. Basically, positive souls are grown on Earth, designed to work in my hierarchy. And the devil gets all the rejection, those that went not by the Divine path. But the devil also seeks to get as much souls as possible from the ground. Such is the physical system of the structure of the world.

- Why is there a shower rejection? Isn't that all what you do?

- My ideas are perfect, and the marriage is in the work of the systems subordinates. The marriage concerning the souls relates not to their design, but to the psyche, the consciousness of man. It is difficult to predict how a person behaves in a particular situation. This is given to him freedom of choice. But it is usually difficult to provide for the behavior of an individual in the first stages of its development, when it is very low, and it is not known how it starts and what will take the next moment. Low soul is very sensitive to lack of energy. Since her own savings is very small, therefore, when she is not enough for her energy, it can freely go there, where we would like to us. And it is necessary to wash it. It can be said that this is a zero level of development of the soul, which is dangerous and in which the soul can go into a dead-end branch.

- And with a higher level of development, the soul is erased, and what does it mean?

- The souls are erased to the energy level "50" on the earthly plan, that is, if the soul is gaining an energy potential equal to 50 conventional units, then it will not be destroyed as a person. The erasure process is to clean the soul from all energy developments that she managed to do. Everything is erased, all her personal qualities, that is, they will decline. It becomes clean and can start from scratch, that is, everything is anew. But her own "I" disappears forever. The souls with energy 50 and above it remains.

- Are there any other indicators for which the souls are destroyed?

- Fully souls do not destroy, as it is a very expensive design. Erasing or decoding consists in cleaning a constant design - the matrix - from those energies that the individual filled it during its living on Earth. This energy is extracted from the constant base, the cells of the matrix, surveny, clean. The decoding process is very painful for the soul, it is still, as from a living body tear off pieces. And since the feelings of the soul are not disabled, then it feels fully in this operation. Hence the legends about the hell appeared, in which sinners suffer. And there is no exaggerations in it, because the degraded personality is split into composite parts. Each type of energy of the soul is separated separately. Details should be disassembled in pure form.

- Who does this separation process doing?

- This is a very unpleasant job, you can say - dirty, so it is engaged in individuals from the negative devil system.

- The energy of the soul is 50 conventional units. How does the soul pick it up for?

- The number of embodiments can be different, since the rate of development of individuals each has its own. But usually, when the soul is embodied on Earth 10 times, that is, there are 10 lives, then you must look at what kind of outcome it came, what energy did it score. And if approximately such a term, it gains the energy level "50", the road to evolution is open for it. If the energy is less, but in the shower are also positive, and negative qualities, it is given to it to show themselves in subsequent incarnations. If for ten lives of the soul is gaining very low qualities, that is, it degrades, and its energy reaches zero, then the question arises about the decoding of the soul. But first, such a fallen soul is offered to the devil. He considers what qualities she acquired, after which or takes it to himself or refuses, and then it is decoded. There are such souls that the devil is not needed. This is a marriage that you have to fill.

Some of my souls from the positive system moves in this way in the negative system of the devil. The opposite move: from the negative system in positive - no. The devil none soul allows you to go back. This is its principle.

- Who decides that some soul is unsuitable for you?

- There are higher personality who are evaluating the quality of the shower and I, and the devil. And there is, of course, the channel of transition of the degrading shower from my system to negative. When the devil takes himself a degraded soul from me, he pays for me for her, that is, gives the energy of a certain quality, but the equivalent design of the given soul. Nothing is given to anyone and is not done.

- But when the soul comes to a negative path of development, since it evolves, it means that somehow positive qualities are gaining positive qualities, such as disciplined, increasing intellectual abilities? Clever it becomes?

- Yes, the discipline of the devil is and very strict. The difference between my system and it, both between the life of a person at freedom and in prison. He has a strictest discipline. And he develops the thought process with the help of hard programs, seeking every subordinate the thought process to become absolute, but, of course, the opposite thinking of my souls. My souls will think in one direction - good, it is in the opposite.

- So, there is a division of shower for a positive system and negative?

- Not only. There is still a neutral medical system where the souls are sent to doctors having a high degree of medical knowledge, and some souls who love to be rescued or assisting. From the globe, the souls go into three hierarchies, but only after each will pass on the ground a full cycle. On acquired qualities, we look at what direction it is preferable to develop further. But the main selection that the soul is given during development is Choosing between good and evil. These two paths form the souls themselves in different ways. And the separation mechanism lies inside them themselves. If you submit this process shaped, then it looks like this: Making good deeds, making something disinterested, from a pure heart, the soul produces "light" energies that fill its volume and contribute to the rise, that is, to my hierarchy. Making evil, the soul produces "dark, heavy" energy

gIA fill in its volume. These energies, like a stone, pull it on the bottom. Here, even follow a person is not necessarily. Everything happens automatically.

- On earth more negative people, it means that there is more souls in the Hierarchy of the Devil?

- No, my shower is more. The simple people is mine. He is creating, creates goods.

- Why is China in China such a big population?

- This is due to the energy of the Earth in this place and with special methods of raising the souls. We have already talked about the first, but as for the second, then, for example, in China, as in Japan, a very large population density has been created to develop certain qualities in them: they must learn to appreciate each piece of free space, rationally use small space . And this knowledge comes across close, through all sorts of household trivia. For each nation and races, their difficulties are invented - and in this features of improving their souls. No nations not tormented. Nobody lives on Earth in paradise. Suffer from poverty, and from wealth. Each nation should be improved in something separate. So, in Russia - poverty, the soul is being improved through it. And in America, the soul suffers from suggestion, from idleness. But in the process of reincarnation, each unit passes through one, and through another.

Value of souls

1. For what souls appreciate

- What is considered the most valuable in your hierarchy?

- Of course, the soul, the essence.

- What determines the value of the human soul?

- I will talk about the three main categories: the souls are initial, medium and high. The value of the soul, which is only done, is mainly determined by those constituents that we invested in it. It is not necessary to appreciate it anymore, because she has not yet accumulated anything. This is the young souls or, as you call them, "low". But at the first stage, let's say, after the first life, its value is determined by already accumulated qualities. The value for middle developmentals is determined by the state of its energy pumping * and an increasing level of development. There is an energy spent * soul. The value of high human souls is determined by these same characteristics, but two more indicators are added - the level * of the potential of the soul and power *.

- Is the potential of the initial soul great, if it is compared with the potential of a person who has reached a hundredth level?

- Of course, their potentials are not comparable to each other, because we invest Mizer in primary soul compared to those accumulations that it reaches even in the fiftieth level. That is, if in the initial soul, the energy method of each cell will be equal to one (see Fig. 6), then the average person will have fifty in each cell. This is a cellular power bar. The potential of the soul is made up of the sum of all these cells. Of course, everything is approximately. Maybe more, and less. But when the soul develops, it increases its pumping and general power.

- And exactly determines the value of the souls of determinants? Or do they have something differently?

- No, the same. They have a soul building similar to yours. In fact, determinants are calculations. I just offer the choice of profession when the souls come to me: or something, or another. Development in the stage of planetary improvement is a separate stage of development, this is creativity. And the other way is the stage of control, count, conduct some person or entity *. This is already mechanical management. It just refers to identifiers. They pass their stage, increasing the potential, power, and their indicators are many times superior to the same indicators of an ordinary person. So we appreciate them for the same data.

- What determines the value of the shower of the planets?

- Power. All the same as a person, but in large units. The construction of the soul is the same, and the same man's soul when reached the relevant development goes into the stage of improving the form of the planet, but, of course, at will.

2. Purchase of souls

- On one of the contacts it was said that the souls can be bought and selling. Why can you trade souls? It seems to us that people sell it is impossible, what is it very bad?

- Do you compare with your world?

- It is difficult to explain to you. But our world can not be compared with yours. We have a different image of existence, other concepts.

- But the sale of the souls is done with their consent or is the purpose of selling?

- Everything is determined by the goal. However, this happens rarely.

- But do you agree to the soul or not?

"She knows that he performs his duty, and that she starts a new stage of development. It is like a person, let's say, moves to another country. Your athletes, for example, are sold to other countries and also begin a new life. Here is some analogy with this. And also in the reverse order, that is, if some special quality of the soul is required, which we do not have, then we also buy ourselves. But the souls are recruited and sold not only in the system, but such relationships exist within one level. Of course, it all concerns low worlds. For example, one determinant can buy the desired soul in another determinant. There are no longer in the middle and high worlds of such relationships.

- What is this relationship when one determinant can buy from another someone's soul? For what reason?

- Now there is a detention of a shower. How do you share your property, so in certain periods souls are divided. Even in one hierarchy - a variety of hierarchical systems with a different specialization, so each system tries to pick up as many units of the most suitable for itself as possible. So you have, for example, any production can recruit or buy for yourself certain professionals - people with the qualities necessary for themselves.

- So, it is now between the space systems there is a detention of a shower, since we are experiencing a transition period?

- Yes of course. Only not between space systems, but hierarchical. In my hierarchy - only hierarchical systems, and they are observed and work with earth, so the souls are dealing with them. Such distributions always occur in transitional moments. The highest souls in spiritual respect come to my hierarchy. And those that remain, disassemble the rest, as I said: Medical, negative. On the same periods there is a purchase or a breakfast of the shower.

- The dissembly of the souls depends on which energy was able to dial a person during life?

- Yes, it is the energy-free energy that affects where the soul falls. According to the internal qualities, distributions are occurring, so no one can stay in the insult - which has worked for many years of life, and you will get. Now this delayer was especially aggravated yet due to the fact that many souls are destroyed, and the remaining will be distributed, they will redeem the hierarchical systems that will be managed by the bought souls, as their property, and will develop them in the direction they need.

- Soul recruitment is made every millennium?

- Disassembly happens when there is a massive destruction of defective souls, as in this period. Basically, this happens in replacing the epoch, because here is still connected with codes. They affect general changes very well.

- What is the determinant who have taken from or bought a soul, which he led in life?

- The determinant remains with the energy as a man with money. For the soul, he is paid very expensive, more precisely - as much as he needs. Suppose this: the determinant bought a person who had to work out the energy of certain quality in sixty years. Here is a volume of energy, in sixty years, and give him. And the person is bought and translated on the production of other energy. And they will manage another determinant.

- So when buying a soul, pay energies?

- Yes, we have a cash measure - energy.

- Does it happen that for a person give a planet or some world?

- It happens, of course, that. For you can give. People are all different.

3. Freedom for shower

- What is freedom for the soul?

- Freedom for the soul is the desire not to have a framework, restrictions of actions.

- Restrictions for spiritual actions or physical?

- Everything is said only about the soul, and not about the body. But when she is in the body, then her freedom is more limited than when she is outside the body. For the soul, the main freedom is the freedom of creativity, and not freedom in order to absolutely or idle, as its middle person understands. The righteous soul may be free only in creativity. But truly free soul considers himself outside the body. With the misfortune into the body, it partially loses his freedom, becoming chained to material form, and on the subconscious level it suffers suffering. Therefore, freeing from the body at the time of death, the soul is joy.

- Can there be a soul embodied in the body, happy?

- Yes, if she is given such a program of action, which will correspond to its spiritual needs.

- The feeling of happiness is probably experiencing recognized musicians? Their soul is constantly in creativity.

- Yes, they at the moments of creating music are experiencing special sublime feelings, which are not known as an ordinary person. But the same state is experiencing the souls of artists, sculptors, poets and other creative people. Being detached from all over the world, they plunge into a special state of creation, which gives a feeling of happiness. For them, freedom in creativity is the main factor in improvement. But, of course, every individual understands freedom in accordance with the level of its development. Low Individual Happiness will see in freedom to create disgrace or satisfy their low desires. It can be said that for each level of development there is their own freedom and its happiness. However, none nor another is complete and long, otherwise a person will fully stop in cultivation. Happiness is a brief moment of achieving a soul of anything.

4. Experiments of earth scientists with soul

- Recently, in one of the newspapers there was an article in which the scientists are going to grow the body of a person without a head, to then use his bodies to replace patients with other people. Will your hierarchical systems be unable to such soul bodies?

- No, these bodies will remain without soul. But you have already learned to combine your heads with other people's bodies. And if a monkey's head choose to the body without a head, then there will be a soul in it. With any head there is a soul, but, of course, not a person, but that animal it belongs. Head is a carrier of the soul. Whose head will be brought, that individual is the soul and will be.

- And such experiences allow to do over?

- Such experiences are already doing successfully.

- What are they needed for? To develop the potential of creativity?

- This is done to develop science. A person must try his capabilities. He must learn a lot here on Earth.

- Can the body exist and develop if it is not unimaging the soul? Can there be a short-minded bodies like robots?

- No, such bodies cannot exist. If the body is grown without a head, then it is completely different, not the fact that the body is with the head. The difference here is large ... But in experimental isolated cases there were people without soul, but it is only repeating, in experimental versions.

- Similar experiments did the highest determinants?

- If we experiment something in our highest spheres, then it repeats and you have on Earth. That is, our experiments are your experiments.

- Is it possible to somehow define such a person who has no soul? Are there any criteria?

- We are talking about the body without a head. And on Earth all people with souls. The determinants do not allow anyone to be born without soul.

- We know that the souls are created artificially. One type begins to develop immediately from the person's stage. And at the same time, the soul of animals go into the body's body. It turns out that there are two types of shower on Earth?

- Yes, for the earthly world two types of shower are created. Although for other worlds, the souls are also created, and the forms in which they are aligning are countless.

- Why did they make two types of souls for the earth?

- We will specify that two types are only for your physical world. In the parallel worlds of the Earth, creatures also live. But as for the material plan specifically, such types of souls needed due to the need to generate a certain quality energy. The souls going through the animals give a special spectrum of energy, as they have an emotion to others. They produce other radiation.

- Lower?

- Not. The painting is different. But one can say - even clean than a person, because these souls are easier and cleaner by themselves. Take the children - they are naive and infertility, all perceive trustingly, without any bad intentions. Also, the souls who passed from the animal world.

- In terms of development, these two types of souls differ?

- Souls derived from animals, stand at a lower level of development. And the souls that are doing directly for a person, higher in development, but gross in terms of qualities.

- Does the soul device itself differ much different from each other?

- You can say, only half, almost half.

- Souls going through animals take longer path of development than a man's soul?

- Yes, they have to develop much longer than the soul passing only through the form of a person. But those and others eventually achieve the same level of development, only the first coming from animals reach it later.

- When is the soul of the animal for the first time they instill in the body of a person, does this shower pass any preliminary training? Or does she immediately give a new program, and it immediately begins to act in the required way?

- No, she simply gives reserves of new knowledge, which she should then work out. There are also reserves of some non-instinctive processes and the necessary skills of behavior in society.

- And the former instincts can also break through?

- Sure. In such people, instincts remain and are present in their behavior almost constantly until they rise to the level above. Although individual instincts break through even through many lives.

- In the most animal world, what does the Emboss of the Animal Soul depends on this or that body? For example, on what basis do the soul in the herbivore animal or predatory? What indicators depends the choice of body?

- The choice of body depends on the composition of the energy industry, which the soul should work.

"But, let's say if the soul may be placed in the body of a predator after staying in the body and in such a way to acquire the missing components?

- It should be noted that all predators in the level of development are below herbivores. The first stage is predators, and the second, higher - herbivores. I will explain why. In predators from constant killings, the "dirty" energy is accumulated. Therefore, by the establishment of his soul in the body of the herbivorous animal, it is cleaned during the existence.

- But, as a rule, the herbivores themselves kill: and the person destroys them, and predators.

"Yes, he is killed, but not he himself." And it is important. - Is it possible to reason that when a predator kills, then he is painting his karma and then worries her in the body of herbivore?

- No lower animal karma. And the highest, who already understand what is what, she is. In animals at their highest stage in the development of karma already acts. And on the lowest - the principle of their development is simply arranged differently.

- Predators kill to work in the soul of some fighting qualities?

- Not. This is the stage of their development.

- Aggression in man manifests itself from his animal base, that is, from the souls who have passed from the animal world?

- Not. Aggression is also laid in a program with a negative goal. And those are necessary for earthly existence.

- At one of the communication sessions, it was said that our contact in the past was in the physical shell of a small planet. Why did her soul develop through the form of the planet?

- She graduated from the stage of existence in human form on earth, and for a long time, after which he continued to improve in another condition.

"Why at the moment she returned to the human body again?"

- It took great potential for energy acceptance from us and transfer it to Earth.

- So, her soul was originally created and built as the soul of the planet?

- No, you did not understand. She passed the stage of improving on earth and other planets in the form of a person. Then she rose higher and the planetary stage in the physical shell of the planet began to extend the power. More precisely, it was developed in several planets, which contributed to the increasing of its common energy production, the general power.

"So she has a very old soul?"

- Not very old. According to cosmic standards - average.

- Does it often happen that the soul of the planets instill in the human body?

- No, not often. This happens mainly when you need to do something ambitious, make some world shifts. This is very rarely happens, but happens - at that moment when the contactor was reminded of her last existence, then for some moment the memory of the past partially opened, and she felt like a huge, majestic and difficult to human concepts. She felt in a different form, with a different level of understanding of things and processes, another vision of the surrounding world.

- Souls can be in the form of animals and the shape of the planets, then they can exist in different forms?

- It all depends on the level of development of the soul. There are lower forms, there are higher, so if the level of development of the soul is low, it can be in the form of an animal or initial form of a person, that is, there is an adjacent stage: the highest level of the animal is sometimes equal to the lowest level of human. The difference is in their behavior programs, and the souls on the composite are very similar. Also similar to the highest level of humans and the lowest is a small planet (see Fig. 7).

- Can a person be returned to the animal body for some reason?

- Can, but this happens extremely rarely.

- Is that a punishment?

- Here are two options. The first is really punishment. There were cases of you on Earth, when some animal led himself very cleverly and somewhat not standard compared to other relatives. This is just the first option when a person is returned to the animal body as a punishment. And the second option: a person is returned to the animal body, because in the course of his life, his soul loses some of its own energy stories that she had to have. That is, the man went along the path of degradation, for example, became an alcoholic or simply occurred in development in the game in football. Further similar hobbies, the development did not go. It turned out degradation. For this reason, a person lost a lot of points, that is, did not gain the compile components necessary for the soul.

In this case, it may be a soul to return to the form of an animal of the form in which the soul was previously. Only in this species, and in no other. And the soul again in the animal stage makes the missing energy and can live a short life, after which it returns to the human body again and begins to improve according to the person's program as it were. But since it missed the time in development, then at the new stage, the soul is being gained by the qualities of the person who were lost in a failed incarnation, plus a new program is added, which provides him with progression in the next stage, that is, the soul passes for one life a double program.

- For what purpose is the evil, aggression is laid in the human program?

- To raise other people, to work karma. A person is not able to distinguish bad from good without comparison, because the level of development remains low. But even having visual examples of opposites, many are still not able to understand - they themselves do good actions or bad, they go on a positive way or on negative. Take any middle-level person and try to analyze his life. It will be more minus than the advantage.

People often think that if something is permitted in society, then, it means, they can be used for personal purposes, and do not want to see that this is the path of degradation or evil. For example, you are now allowed to open various institutions, but many of them lead to corruption, and not to progress. Some countries choose the path of wars, and not peaceful negotiations in regulating controversial issues, that is, a person is already aware of good and evil and, nevertheless, chooses the path of evil. This speaks only about his low consciousness. Therefore, such a soul does not once be necessary to face evil so that she felt on himself - what is someone else's aggression and how disgusting her face. Therefore, the laying of aggression and evil in the program is the method of harsh education for incomprehensible.

- And in good souls, they can also specifically lay evil for some purposes?

- Yes. But these qualities may not be opened, it all depends on the circumstances, on the path that the soul chooses. It can recycle through the situation minus energies on the positive when it makes a choice towards good and, for example, does not kill, and saves.

- We know about the stay on the Earth of the cosmic shower. What is this soul?

- For the physical world - this is the third type of souls embodied in the form of a person. Usually these are the souls that had their own initial development not on Earth, but in other worlds and your world sent with a specific mission. They are stronger, stronger. They have a huge past experience.

- According to the quality of the material of the soul, they differ from the earth?

- No, the material is identical, but the power itself is higher.

- What is the difference between the embodiment of earth souls and space?

- Space souls are not tied to Earth, and earthly - are intended only for the Earth, that is, they are embodied on it until the specified development cycle is held.

- What happens to them later?

- They will move to higher stages of improvement, unless, of course deserve that. It all depends on the soul itself: if it does not fall below, and the soul can fall low, it will go above; And if degrades, it will be sent to the worlds even lower than the Earth, or can be decoded.

- What is the difference in the preparation of the shower of earth and cosmic before sending them to Earth? Perhaps more shells put on space souls?

- Space shower is another structure of construction than the earthly. The latter - shells are very coarse, because they are formed on the material plan from the components of the earth itself. Earth shells and terrestrial human type are identical and distinguished by rude construction. Space shower shells are created by special hierarchical systems. They are much thinner and stronger terrestrial shells and dress up on the soul before going down her down.

- Then it turns out that when the cosmic soul is sent to the ground, then put on her additional shells for protection?

- not special protective, but those that are required for work. They possess their own permanent shells and, since the souls themselves stand up to development, according to the potential, than the earth, they do not need special protection. Any earthly soul is weaker than them. Only additional shells are required to descend into more rude matter and to hold in its density of the specified time.

- What is the difference between the path of earth souls from cosmic?

- Space is sent specifically for some purpose. They are very rare here, they can come true once and then go to their world, and they can - and several times, depending on the tasks set.

- If space souls are embodied only once in our world, then they do not have big karma? Or, on the contrary, here on earth they work out some kind of propulsion?

- In fact, the space souls are the souls who came from the hierarchy. It would be better to call the hierarchical souls. These are usually missionaries, prophets. Or these souls are sent to your world at the request of the Earth. The planet requires some kind of foreign or very high energy, which she has no, and then they direct the corresponding soul, which carries the required energy with its embodiment.

- Is there any difference in relations to earth and cosmic souls after death? After all, some will return to the ground again, and others will leave her forever.

- Our hierarchical souls fulfill the mission, and we ask them anymore. And the earth is sent to the separator and hold the answer for the deed. Space souls, or hierarchical, separator passed.

- What souls prepare for incarnation in the world longer: earth or cosmic?

- Space souls are also different, from different worlds. Therefore, if you compare with earthly, then some of them are preparing faster, others longer.

- And if you compare the speed of development, who is faster?

- It also happens in different ways. Earth souls pass their way of evolution in duration, cosmic - its own. And among people there are very many advanced. In the conditions of the earth, they were able to achieve a very high level of development and switched to the hierarchy. In any world there are advanced and lagging, so even within one world, one souls quickly reach perfection, others slowly.

- Is it possible to say that all living beings in our universe are created according to a single principle?

- The principle of development they are the same, and the principle of structure is different, since the structure depends on the conditions in which the soul falls.

- Does the development depend on the form in which the soul falls?

- No, it does not depend on the form.

- Does the soul aware of which form gets?

- Usually no, because creatures that stay in the same form always seem pretty to each other, although they can actually be ugly. But without comparison, they do not know. In addition, the generally accepted opinion, if it belongs to the majority, may be an ugly form to accept the standard of beauty, and a truly beautiful form is considered ugly. So even the mapping does not always be objective.

Soul planets, stars

- Where do the start of the soul planets originate?

- Their two types. Some are created directly for the form of the planet, others come from other forms.

- The soul of the planet is made up of the same energy components as the soul of man?

- Yes, special energies are collected from other planets, they are connected together, docile and grown.

- For this, there are separate laboratories, or the soul of man and planets in one place create?

- No, in different places. Soul planets create higher order specialists.

- Energy from which they make souls of man and planets, different in quality?

- Certainly different.

- Does the planets the energy of higher quality?

- Not. In humans, the energy for the creation of the soul is taken more subtle, higher.

- It turns out that a person's soul is created from a higher matter?

- Yes, higher. The fact is that the shower of the planet is very powerful, and thin energy will not stand the loads that fall on the planet.

- Where does the material body for the soul of the planet come from?

- It is created by planetary systems. In a certain set of chemical elements and energy components, a program of the sequence of the connection and a temporary factor is laid, such as a gene code, which is unfolding after the explosion, which is considered to be the moment of its birth. The addition of additional energy from the outside leads to an explosion, which is the moment of incorporating all reactions. The planet reaches certain sizes at once at the moment of birth, that is, after the explosion. This is all calculated: what dimensions are required and from which growth should begin. The planet grows, expands from the formation of a clot of matter. Extension goes from the inside. So programmed. The growth and stages of development are laid in the program. And when the physical form is fully ready, it has its own standards, the soul is inserted into it, after which the planet becomes alive.

- What is the difference exist between the union of the soul into the body of a person and the body of the planet?

- The process of the instill is mostly the same. There are insignificant differences.

- The planets have two types of shower: some come from other forms, the second are created specifically for the planet. Is there a difference between the eligibility of such a shower?

- Yes, there is. This is due to their different construction. The soul, which was cultivated in another form, built himself and in accordance with the presence of the right of choice filled its matrix with various energies, so it will always be to wear some individual characteristics. And the establishment of special new shower planets will be standard.

- What other difference exists between the soul that came from another form, and directly made by the new soul of the planet?

- Differences a lot: by building, energy. The soul, coming from another form, must pass a very large way of development to meet the requirements of the planet for power. But at the time of the instill, the soul, and the other are on the same level corresponding to the planetary requirements. And further in the process of developing a shower, newly made for the planet, will give great returns than, for example, the human unit, the universe in the same form, because the new soul is empty, and it needs to work more to fill its matrix of the corresponding energy. This is a significant difference. The soul of the planet return will be more.

- And what power should dial a man's soul so that it is united in the body of the planet?

- Which units do you ask?

- At least in the earth levels.

- The planets are also different, large and small, therefore, the suspended souls in power will be different. For the Little Planet itself, there may be the last level of the earthly plan - a hundredth, and for a large one - this level will already be insufficient, and it is necessary to take a much greater.

- Due to what the soul of a person is gaining such power that it can even be put into the body of the planet?

- due to harsh tests, due to the program, work, due to a large number of lives. However, there is a welcome: for the planet can take the soul, in which the program is designed for a small number of lives, but very active. In this case, the soul is less choice, and it is quickly imagined by the required power. My souls walk along this path.

- And if it happens on the contrary: the soul from a very large body, such as the planet, instill in a small body, a person, at the same time what difficulties arise? After all, the soul has great potential, and the body may not stick with him?

- Non-describing may be, of course. In these cases, the body, in which the soul, is instilled, is a defense that keeps the soul inside without giving it to fly away. More precisely, it is not protection, but a special frame that is located outside the body to keep everything inside. The soul with a high potential will always strive to fly out of a less powerful body, therefore additional structures are required for its content inside.

- Such a person will have a powerful field around him?

- necessarily.

- And psychics all have such a powerful frame?

- No, not necessarily. There are such psychics who are powerful personalities, but developed monotonous.

- In them are not the souls of the planets?

- No, not planets. Soul planets are very rare on Earth in human bodies. This happens not often. Basically, such universions are made to adjust the Earth.

- Are there degrading planets?

- There is, but very little.

- What factors lead the planet to degradation?

- The defeat of another life on itself.

- Planet is able to create something? Minerals that it creates are included in the processes of her work?

- You can say so. But what it consists of, everything is laid in the program and one comes to replace another in accordance with the development stages, as in a person. Creativity opens at a certain stage, but she creates mostly thought. She has a well-developed thinking processes.

- Man's soul is developing through suffering. And through which processes the soul of the planet is developing?

- mainly through the mental activity of its level. She keeps working with energies.

- But the soul itself of the planet may suffer from any reasons?

- Yes, when it is located, for example, in a negative field of any world or when the correspondence between it and the worlds on it are violated, it suffers.

- Does the soul of the planet produce such a kind of energy as spiritual?

- Sure. Thinking activity is very diverse. She has its own methods of working with different types of energies, including spiritual. It is just a very high frequency range, that is, the most "thin" energies are involved in mental activity, and, passing the shells, fall into the matrix of the planet. She also has cleansing bodies.

- The spiritual type of energy is the highest for her? - Yes, as for a person.

- And for other evidence?

- This is for material bodies - the highest, and for the rest - the range of high energies is not limited. And the higher the level of the essence, the higher the level of its spirituality. And for the planet and man, the spiritual type of energy is absolute while it develops in the physical body.

- What is the next stage of the development of the planet after staying in the physical body?

- In the same way, as in humans, it goes into a new form of existence, higher than the former.

- And the stars are the same?

- And the soul of the planet during the development can go to the stars shell?

- No, this does not happen. They have a slightly different building. Planet's soul - for planets, star soul - for stars.

- When the planet finishes physical life, where is her soul going?

- They have the same way as in humans. All the same thing: and sorters are, and storages, their personal identifiers leading them according to the program, and so on.

Different worlds

- In each world, the soul develops according to certain rules?

- The laws exist everywhere. There are generals relating to absolutely everyone, and there are private related to specific worlds.

- Are there any worlds where the souls develop very quickly?

- There are and where they are accelerated, and there is, where slowly.

- What are these worlds?

- These are energy worlds.

- What is the development of the soul based on them?

- In any world, the soul is being improved by acquiring life experience. Only the processes of being can be organized completely differently, because all worlds differ from each other, both are different in them, and the space is arranged differently.

- Does any soul be able to exist in any world?

- No, every soul exists for your world, and for others it should still be frozen. The soul must meet certain qualities and a specific program. The inconsistency of the qualities, and consequently, the energy can lead to the fact that it will be crushed in the world that does not match the potential. For each world, their programs are characteristic of individuals, so the soul on the structure of its construction should be ready to fulfill them. Therefore, until it gains the necessary qualities, it remains in the world that matches the parameters.

- Now to the Earth from the space is descending energy. Does she help the souls of people rise to the level above? Also, for example, both in physics so that the electron reroxibrates to another orbit, it is reported to additional energy.

- The descent energy is designed for the Earth, but not for people. Although, of course, the overall energy level of a person increases due to the fact that its shells are saturated with the same energy, but temporarily, until they are on Earth. When a person dies, then all the energy will disappear.

- What then do you need a person to rise above?

- Self improvement.

- Intellectual work and other?

- Intellectual is not always obligatory. The main thing is to improve the soul, - the last word he singled out by intonation.

- The determinants of the Earth also descend some energy now?

- What is the difference between the energy, descended through people, from energy, descended directly to it?

"The Earth is well aware of the energy that she is sent in the usual way, without you, contactors, and she is already accustomed to her. And that energy that is skipped through you, it remains hidden for it. The planet knows nothing about her, and does not know that in this way she translates to another orbital. This is the difference.

Conclusions about the soul

We will make short generalizations of the main provisions about the soul of a person, stopping at the main points and creating the integrity of its perception so that there are no wrong interpretations, because the human brain constantly adjusts the truth to his fiction.

The soul is an energy construction intended only for the terrestrial existence plan consisting of temporary and constant components. It has a complex structure based on the trinity and self-developing matrix, spiritualized originally by God. In other worlds, the same design is none


1) The trinity of the soul lies in its positive, negative and managerial parts, which are a mechanism for the struggle of the opposites, leading to the soul to improve. The soul can not be fully positive

or completely negative: the specified percentage of the opposite energy (one percent of its total volume) is necessarily present in it, because this is the design created by God by his likeness.

The managerial part leading the two sectors: positive and negative - is a guideline. Development management occurs on the basis of the above programs that are connected to the managerial part.

The managerial sector is growing at the expense of its own energy stakes, as well as its best accumulations (that is, the highest energies) positive and negative parts. Therefore, its energy base increases in triple. But in relation to the total volume, it always takes half, and no matter how the overall energy volume of the unit increases, and no matter how much relations inside it between the positive and negative parts, but the management sector will always be half of the total volume of the soul.

2) The design of the soul also includes a special particle that orients a unit * on individuality. Uniqueness in development, that is, the factor of individuality, is laid by God initially into its design. Therefore, the longer individuals develop, the more they become not similar to each other.

Any individual is improved not only for themselves, but for a specific volume in the total volume of * natural, because it is its component part and it is initially predetermined by the place in the nature, which he must replenish and in which he will continue his progression from a certain stage of improvement. A similar direction in the development leading to further work in a given amount also determines the same particle.

3) But while the soul is on Earth, it passes the progression stage associated with the material plan of existence, and therefore possesses such structures that are intended only for this world, that is, by temporary shells (or "thin" bodies).

Temporary shells are protective and serve as layered filters that collect low energy spectrum in their volumes, which is not skipped into higher worlds, and therefore they are reset at the time of departure of the soul from the body. The shells are delayed in the purification layers of the Earth intended for cleaning the shower from the "dirty" energies. The soul drops all temporary shells, or bodies. And she remains one docking and other permanent "thin" bodies.

4) The permanent design of the unit includes in addition to the permanent shells, the main structural part of the soul is the matrix.

The matrix has the ability to self-order as the cells are filling in the required types of energy. The matrix, as the principle of accumulation of the soul of energy, is used only until the middle of the Hierarchy of God, then there is an increase in volumes no longer from the inside, but from the outside, that is, the required larger volumes are added outside. For a person, the matrix extension is based only from the inside. Energy accumulation begins with a low spectrum and continues towards high frequencies.

After a certain level of development, when the matrix is \u200b\u200bfilled with the required energies, the soul goes into the state of the essence, that is, a higher stage of improvement, and can translated into other higher worlds located in God's hierarchy.

The development of the soul is carried out due to the accumulation of energies of different types entering the cells of the matrix and creating qualitative characteristics of the individual.

In each cell there is only one type of any energy that is quality. One cell is one quality. How many cells are filled, so much and the qualities of the soul. All cells together make up the texture of the soul or its composite. Any soul has an individual composite, that is, high-quality energy composition.

Any cell is filled with a homogeneous type of energy over several lives before reaching a certain quantitative state that captures the cell code.

There is a clean energy of one quality in the cell, that is, a high range corresponding to the frequency of the energy of God or Absolute. And all the dirty low-range energies are delayed by outer shells and the matrix is \u200b\u200bnot skipped.

When the initial matrix is \u200b\u200bfilled with energies, it is completed from the inside with new cells, that is, as the existing cells are filling out, empty cells are increasing for the following fillings. All regulate digital codes, as each cell is characterized by its code. The code for the initial soul is constant, but when it starts to develop, the energy accumulations of the cells change their digital codes.

5) The code orients the soul on the quality and amount of energy required. Codes correspond to the energies of the world in which the soul will develop, so in accordance with the code in the cell flows the energy of the required quality. Since the code expresses the necessary quantitative volume, which corresponds to the full filling of the cell, then as it filling it with energies, the code will change. And due to the fact that all cells are linked to certain digital ratios, the change in the numbers in one cell leads to a change in all other digital values. Therefore, the matrix codes are constantly changing.

6) Any cell carries a certain energy potential corresponding to the amount of energy in the cell. Energopotentials of cells, summing up, create a common energy spent the soul. This also plunge the energy and permanent shells. Energopotencyl is an important indicator in the distribution of souls at the levels of the hierarchy, since the energy industry of the soul must correspond to the energy industry of this world.

The process of improvement leads to gradual increase in the potential of the individual. And what he becomes more, the higher the personality rises in the levels of the hierarchy of God. And the person herself becomes more in size, hence the highest sketches in the paintings artists paint very large compared to the person.

When moving to a new world on the matrix and permanent designs, additional shells from the matter of this world are put on. These shells also serve as protective and simultaneously designed to fill in new energies and the process of the unit of more powerful potential. They also carry out the processes that bind the matrix with the external environment.

The higher the soul rises in development, the more powerful its energy potential, the power and more energy pump per unit volume becomes more. The principle of improving the soul, which is just contributes to an increase in its energy production, is the passage of situations as defined by the program. The set of energy in the matrix occurs through actions, processes of thinking, feelings.

7) All matrices God creates the same. But why is it stated that the shower is a constructive form intended only for the Earth? The fact is that when the same matrices are sent to different worlds to start the evolutionary path, they are connected to temporary structures (on earth-shells), which carry security functions: protect the matrix and constant "thin" bodies from damage and foreign interventions, and Other special functions are also performed, which depend on the specifics of the worlds themselves. Therefore, the matrix with permanent additional constructions on earthly conditions is called a soul, the matrix with special additions in another world will be something else. In the hierarchy is the essence. So it all depends on protective and auxiliary structures that fit the matrix for vital activity in a particular world. They create differences in existence forms.

External forms are always different from each other, no such. But those elements that are used to create an inner structure are always the same, that is, the initial structures are identical, but filling them in the course of development are different. Progression in the end leads souls to constructive and qualitative differences.

The outer form, such as a human body, is necessarily linked to those technological processes that it should produce in this world. Therefore, the form of creatures depends on the type of energy from which this world and technological processes of energy processing are in which this matrix is \u200b\u200binvolved.

The soul of man was created by the spiritual system of God, and the material shell for her was created by a highly developed material system in its analogue. Head-love only God and its closest helpers from the hierarchical angels system are engaged.

For the Earth, two types of shower are intended. The first type passes through the animal stage. This is an animal type of shower.

The second type is an empty matrix, the initial stage of which begins immediately from the stage of the person, its first level on Earth and therefore can be referred to as a terrestrial type of shower. That is, some souls pass the animal stage, others do not pass. And in this, their qualitative difference. Of course, the first type of shower is also created by God, and on the construction of matrices is identical to souls beginning with the development of a person. But they start with different starting sites. And this is important, since it is the beginning that makes them different from each other.

If you compare these two types of shower, you can identify the following differences in them. The first type has already been accumulated by some energies in the matrix by the time of the instigation into the human body, and the second - did not work, the matrix of it is empty, and all the initial energy developments begin in the human body directly according to the program. The second type of shower is created longer, but develops faster and the quality of such a shower is rigid. However, those and others achieve the required level of development, only for different times.

The souls from other material worlds similar to the Earth, or from the superior level of the hierarchy can be unabled to the human body. This is the so-called cosmic type of shower. The first to work out in their matrix the earth's energy required by them for some purposes, and the second fulfill a certain mission and therefore, according to the degree of development, there may be much higher than all other terrestrial souls.

What is the improvement of the soul?

On this, it is also necessary to concentrate the attention of the reader and at least briefly do some explanations, as a person cannot understand until now - for which he lives and why he suffers. Of course, you can speak infinitely about the goal of life, but we will be brief.

The meaning of man's life, like any other creature, is to improve his soul and souls below.

Each individual should evolve, and this includes: increasing the level of intelligence, consciousness, thinning of their feelings and perceptions, expansion of consciousness. Every minute of life should bear a new life experience to man, enrich it with new knowledge and information. A person is obliged to grow in morally, and in spiritual, and in aesthetic, and in creative, to know everything that is created by mankind, from the material knowledge to move to the comprehension of "thin" and higher worlds.

Each individual should not only develop himself, but also directly pull up the downstream or creating conditions for their development.

Man on Earth is improving through suffering and testing. Such is the method of upbringing from God.

Tests help to identify human weaknesses and vices, increasing the energy industry and the power of the soul, and sufferings have a goal - to teach a person to compare others, sympathize with their failures, feel their pain and resentment. If it hurts you, badly, do not cause the same other - the consciousness of the suffering should come to this conclusion. Having experienced bad, the person must strive for good, to the nobility, to high morality, to those higher spiritual basics that give rise to the highest qualities of a human character, allowing him to go to the Hierarchy of God. Who produces from suffering and testing opposite qualities, angry and hate others, he goes to the devil hierarchy.

The main meaning of life is to get off to the present level of God. And this is not a mystical task, but the real goal of every person. It is necessary only to feel my heart, what paths and goals lead to God, and what - to the Devil. Do not mistake in the choice.

According to the book Sel Rachel. "Integration of the Soul."

I would say that this is a "clean" book. There is practically no author's selfish trash (there is a different distortion and curved ego).

The soul itself is a holistic, completed essence, but at the same time it consists of many pieces or fragments that stay at many levels and measurements of time and space. From a non-linear point of view, they all exist at the same time, but in linear time, it may seem that some parts are stuck in the past, or the future, or in remote worlds or other dimensions. The integration of the soul is the art of bringing all parts into the alignment so that they can work together as one being.

I liked the model of 12 density levels of the soul, leads to many reasoning. It is very curious that the levels are not 6, but 12. But, as I understood, the six "lower" bodies are responsible for the embodiment in this reality.

"A simplified version of the appearance of Divinity is. You left the womb of the Father / Mother of God as the sparkle of the light of the seventh density, called souls. More complex, but the same adequate description is such. You left Divinity and found ourselves at the 12th level of the universal divine I, then adapted to the level of the 11 individual divine I, which was divided even more, to the level of 10 of Christ or Buddhic Ya. (We use these terms to designate the highest I am one known as Jesus from Nazareth, and another, known as Gautam Siddhart. Although to describe this level of being, we could use the term "great central sun".) Next, you were divided to the monad or the ninth level of being, and then turned into a superdad at the eighth level. Finally, you have reached the final result - became the soul of the seventh density.

Being creatures of the seventh density, you looked around and saw a vigorous unexplored sphere, which we now call the "lower worlds".
Under the lower worlds, we mean worlds known under the level of 6 - the causal plan, the level 5 - the ether plan, the level of 4 - the astral plan, the level of 3 is a mental plan (including the ego and personality), level 2 - emotional body (including instincts and Sexuality), and level 1 - physical body.

Formally, the soul refers to the level of 7th of our 12-dimensional Ya. Levels below the soul, are individualized specific aspects I, and the levels above the level of the soul are usually called collective levels or group soul complexes. Later we will enter the details of the nature of these levels.

Also bring the table of all these levels.

Many controversial moments (where is the energy level? Etc.), but we remember that it is just a model, levels are very conditional.

The metaphor came to mind. It is like a vessel in which a gradient of two colors - black and white paint. And it looks like a very smooth and smooth flow from one color to another. At both ends - black and white. So, all these levels are an attempt to describe all intermediate options. Due to the fact that the level of a person who describes on the level of black or black and gray, then the curvators arise. Imagine how difficult it is to determine the light gray color from light gray gray? Moreover, call and not confuse. Moreover, this "cake" can be cut on 6 parts, on 12 parts and everything will be about the same. Although some, seeing only half (to light gray), determine how the final level. Hence the problems ...

Density Density levels of souls Reality measurements
1 Physical body. Survival instinct. Awareness of space. Existence. Point. The kingdom of minerals.
2 Emotional body. Sexuality. Perception. Feeling. Primary awareness. Line. The kingdom of plants.
3 Mental body. Thoughts, beliefs, ideas, programs, ego. Awareness of space. The form. The kingdom of animals.
4 Astral body. Higher mind, energy fields, mental ability. Mental plans, astral plans, time. The kingdom of people.
5 Essential body. Love, compassion, ministry, body of light. Essential plans, love. Crystal body of light.
6 Causal body. Space consciousness, timeless. Causal plans. Chronicles Akashi. Shining creatures of light.
7 Soul. House level. Complete restoration of abilities. Lower star plans. Angels, ascended creatures.
8 Supersoul. The first level of the group soul complex. Middle star plans. Archangels, ascended masters.
9 Master Supersoul or Monad. Extensive universal mind. Higher Star Plans. The creatures of the highest order, the central sun.
10 I am Buddha or Christ. Awareness of the Divine Presence. Lower divine worlds. Creatures from the Great Central Sun.
11 Individual Divine Ya. Full self-realization. Middle Divine Worlds. Creatures from the Great, the Great Central Sun.
12 Universal Divine Ya. Outside the concept of itself. Higher Divine Worlds. Divinity.

And, important comment:

"In reality, the exact boundaries between the levels are absent. They are just offered for your mental understanding. However, each level has its specific characteristics and values, so at the moment it is a useful concept. "

By the way, the chakras correspond to twelve densities (from the book "Life on the advanced" of the same author):

  • First chakra: (Red - the base of the spine) - the first chakra grounds the physical body. It deals with survival and reproduction.
  • Second chakra: (Orange color - genitals) - the second chakra is mainly associated with sexuality and social interaction, including emotions related to sexuality and the need for approval from others.
  • Third chakra: (Yellow - solar plexus) - Third chakra - The abode of will, intuition and desire, it deals with the problems of personal power and rivalry.
  • Fourth Chakra: (Green - heart) - the fourth chakra is in the etheric heart and represents equilibrium and vitality. The spiritual heart emits pink color and is sometimes considered separate chakra.
  • Fifth chakra: (Blue color - throat) - the fifth chakra is centered on the mental and conceptual area and deals with expression and communication.
  • Six chakra: (Indigo color - the third eye - forehead) - the sixth chakra - the center of psychic and internal vision, is a higher mind.
  • Seventh chakra: (Purple color - crown) - the seventh chakra is the passage between physical and higher measurements, it represents inspiration from the Spirit.
  • 8-Aya-12-Aya Chakra: (White color is higher than the crown) - the chakras with the 8th on the 12th are subtle bodies and their connection with the Spirit. Colors - silver, gold, transparent.

Vibration level.

Very decent model of levels of consciousness / vibration. Well correlates with the Hawkins model, (about which I shot and wrote about the video, which was already slightly poisoned). I wonder, but the author mentioned the model of Hawkins.

"In accordance with the table of indexes of vibration levels developed by the channel, the range of consciousness of most souls on Earth is between 3.00 and 6.00. Vibration 3,00 means that the shower just began to develop in the consciousness of the third density. Vibration 6,00 means that the soul moves into the consciousness of the sixth density. The huge most souls on the ground vibrates between 3.50 and 4.50. "

Usually the vibration of consciousness is higher than the vibration of the physical body, since the form moves slower and lags behind the evolution of consciousness. For example, the composite soul index can be 4.35, and the physical vibration is 3.65.

The purpose of the vibration index - give a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhere you are in the continuum of evolution. It is not intended to ensure that the ego uses them any kind of "unofficial hierarchy" or a way to compare itself with others. The assessment of the index can be appropriate only in connection with the relationship with another soul when the compatibility of two or more souls is determined.

Usually if you and your partner stay within 20 divisions from each other (that is, the difference between indexes is 0.20), there is a good potential for compatibility.

For example, suppose your composite vibration is 4.27, and your partner is 4.33. This means you are placed in 20 divisions from each other, you can perfectly communicate and share common interests. But, more importantly, it means that, roughly speaking, you cleared the same amount of emotional and mental baggage (of course, with several variations, depending on programming and physical condition). In other words, in your spiritual evolution you are almost near.

Below we offered several points of reference to determine the level of vibration. Keep in mind, the system should be used without any judgment. If your vibration is below 4.50, it does not mean that you are bad or incorrect. And if it is higher than 5.00, you are not better than others. This means that your interests (that is, what you put energy and focus) will differ from the interests of those who have a level higher or lower.

Each level corresponds to certain characteristics, and this will help you determine your place in the scheme of things.

The average vibration of humanity is about 3.55. The average vibration of humanity is about 3.55. During the period of writing this book, the vibration of the Earth was 4.05. Since the earth crashes, it is likely that some human souls "will stay behind", and it will make it difficult for their further stay on Earth. As soon as the Earth reaches vibration of 4.50 (middle of the fourth density), the souls, vibrating at the level of 3.50, will no longer be compatible with the planet and will not be able to remain on it.

This channel and his spiritual conductors foresee that in the next 20-30 years, many human souls will leave the planet due to the difference in the levels of vibration between people and the earth itself. A significant percentage of humanity is accelerated in evolution and remains with the Earth, while it is assessed. It is this group of souls that will bring a new golden age.

Below is a guide to identify different levels of vibration:

Below 3.00. - By definition, human beings begin with 3.00 and gradually increase vibration. However, the human soul can introduce its consciousness into the kingdom of plants and minerals, vibrating below 3.00. Usually 3.00-4.00 is the range of animal kingdom, and in the shower vibrating at this level dominate animal instincts, including breeding, competition, survival, and the like trends.

Vibration 3.00-3.50 - The souls in this range are striving to be conformists, possess the mentality of the sheep, believe everything that they say so called the authorities. Their life is centered on survival, reproduction and rivalry for resources.

Vibration 3.50-4.00 - Souls in this range began to see that they are more than just animals about two legs. Although in their lives, the rivalry is still dominated and the desire to conquer their place under the sun, they can have a subtle intelligence and successfully engage in business and industry. And yet, the instinct of rivalry will hold them from movement on the spiritual path. They will be skeptical to the material of this book, and most likely will belong to fundamentalist religions. Often they believe that the purpose of life is the accumulation of physical well-being and leaving the inheritance to future generations.

Vibration 4.00-4.50 - The souls in this range are working on themselves and to some extent aspire to personal and spiritual growth, but they still largely dominate the ego with its incessant srses. Often they turn out to be in relationship with the souls of category 3.50-4.00 and feel trapped or stuck in life, which is becoming more and more meaningless. According to world standards, they can be quite successful in life, but feel dissatisfaction and the desire of something more. They drew many metaphysical and spiritual books, learned ideas and concepts, but do not have tangible, real, energy experiences of their spiritual nature.

Vibration 4.50-5.00 - Souls in this range are deeply committed to personal and spiritual growth, visit lectures and seminars, go to psychics and consultants and read (and even write) books on this topic. They had some spiritual experiences sufficient to continue to move forward, even when the world was configured against them. People at this level of vibration will often work in humanitarian organizations, in the sphere of charity or engage in psychology or healing. They can also be involved in social problems, such as environmental cleaning or food for hungry. Under this category, many brilliant scientists are falling, as it represents the sphere of highermind. When such souls reach the level of 5.00, they become heart oriented and full of love and compassion.

Vibration 5.00 - 5.50 - The souls entering the lowest fifth density of consciousness often become teachers, healers and consultants who have reached the corresponding level in their work. They can be quite successful both in worldly and in the spiritual sense, and even possess a certain level of happiness and satisfaction. In almost every case, they will contribute to the absence of humanity - books, journalism or social institutions. Although they had real, tangible spiritual experiences and they completely committed to the evolution of the soul, they are still faced with the problems of the ego and the world. Often they are deeply involved in cleaning the problems of past lives, karma, agreements and soul contracts, and also actively seek to integrate the fragments of the soul. The largest problem becomes the sphere of close relationships, as they entered the range where there are not so many compatible partners. Therefore, many of them will be included in human relationships with the souls of category 4.50-5.00, which will make it difficult to enlightened communication.

Vibration 5.50-6.00 - The souls in this range include true mystics and sages of our time, as well as many psychologists and healers, breaking through the veil of darkness so that their dominant consciousness is at a higher plan. To the level of 5.50, the total perception is such. "We are human beings with spiritual experience." As soon as the soul reaches 5.50 and above, Maxim prevails: "We are perfume living in human bodies." Literally each in this range is involved in serving humanity. The feeling of the ego is still present, but is considered as a tiny aspect of an extensive creative reasonable creature.

Vibrations above 6.00 - less than 1/10 1% of humanity possess the vibration of the sixth and higher densities. Although consciousness is capable of reaching a level of 12.00, the human body can vibrate only to level 4.99 before being subjected to a radical shift in the structure, becoming the crystalline body of light of the fifth density.

Due to the low density of the Earth, the souls are difficult to take physical bodies with them, climbing the density scale. There are yoga, guru, wise men and avatars, vibrating much higher than 6.00 in consciousness, but their bodies can only be supported by vibration 4.99. In addition to the complexity in the rise of the vibration of the body above this point, there is another reason why they support this level. They need a human body to communicate with their students.

Since the Earth continues to be assumed, it will be much easier to maintain a physical body with vibration above 5.00. As mentioned in the previous works of this channel, in the coming years, several million shower will enter physical ascension.

At the moment, there are about 300 souls on Earth, whose physical bodies vibrate are higher than 5.00. They reached the state of immortality, staying in the body, and their bodies are resistant to the majority, if not to all environmental factors.

To the souls, whose physical bodies vibrate at 4.99 or lower, we offer an approximate breakdown by consciousness levels:

Consciousness level Number of people on earth
12,00 3
11,00-12,00 9
10,00-11,00 147
9,00-10,00 1534
8,00-9,00 17.134
7,00-8,00 35.808
6,50 — 7,00 116.345
6,00-6,50 1.230.656
5,50-6,00 15.830.014
5,00-5,50 93.667.442
4,50 — 5,00 624.167.057
4,00-4,50 1.210.550.010
3,50-4,00 3.227.978.117
3,00-33,50 2.010.424.110

Keep in mind: the numbers are close, because as the soul develops the categories constantly change.

Curious ideas regarding time (the most personal story in psychotherapy):

Past can be changed. However, there are several rules due to what can and cannot happen. First, you can not disturb the free will of other souls. This means that the physical change of the event in linear time is not allowed if it changes the experiments of other souls without their permission. However, you are able to change your experience of what happened, as well as the impact of this experience on your future temporary lines (including your present). In other words, you can change your dominant temporary line in this life, changing and healing the past.

Interesting nuances on how to check various entities at a simple level:

Staying in contact with the creature or form of consciousness, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does this be the creature or energy of my spiritual growth?
  • In the presence of this creature or energy, do I feel more alive and aware?
  • Is it encouraging a creature or energy me to think?
  • Does this be a creature or energy me space to move at my own speed?
  • How do I feel after communicating with this creature or energy?

By the way, questions are very significant. Allow a lot to determine and understand at least if the essence is from a higher layer.

I generally generalized and offered a brief table. About the physical body is all trite and simply: to live in the house in nature, rejoice and kayfan :) City, bustle, TV, fast food - exclude. It is quite a brought rules, I decided that it was not worth it for them to focus. This is the rest more interesting. Although many inaccuracies, when in one sentence, feel sensations, feelings and emotions, such as ...

1. Physical body
  • Context: favorable places, nature, dwelling (house), tan, pets, music, sleep.
  • Condition: breathing, calm in everything, dimension.
  • Behavior: Multiplicity (walk, relax, learn), friends, family.
  • Food: vegetable, fresh, clean water, moderation, cleaning, herbs, and so on.
  • Sports: physical. Exercises without overloads, soft.
  • Well, more ...
2. Ethimed body Let me proceed to all emotions and sensations, learn how to manage them. To be inside and as if from above, remaining impartial.
3. Valid body Working with negative beliefs, beliefs (I'm not in order, others are not in order, the world is not in order).
4. A astral body The development of astral, dreams, experiments of departures to the astral. Healing from obsession, implants and different creatures.
5. Effect Body "Electrical Body" - Aura, Chakras, Meridians. There is an essential copy with sores. Various energy healing, aura cleaning, chakra balancing, bioenergy, and so on.
6.Cusal body Causal, carrier memory of past lives, karma, soul contracts. Getting the experience of the soul, the lessons of the soul. Receiving lessons, regression, incl. In past lives, etc.

About psychotechnologies of work on the integration of the soul, I will be silent, because there are few technologies and they are quite spoken. But some things caused curiosity, for example, "Karmic Balance":

Your karmic balance sheet report

Although we said that the accounting card of your recoils and techniques stored by the judgey God does not exist, it is that this channel calls a karmic indicator. This is a useful measuring instrument for tracking how well you balance the energy of return and reception. The highest rating is 100 points. This means you have completed all karma and give and accept in perfect equilibrium. The estimate above 100 points means that you give more than accept. Estimation below 100 points - you take more than give. You can tune in to the Akasha chronicles and request your karmic indicator (or assign a session with this channel and ask it to voice the number). If the score is above 110, you need to reduce the return and increasing reception. If it is below 90, you need to open the heart and give more.

If you have found a mistake, please select the text fragment and click Ctrl + Enter..

Total 7 levels of development of the Soul: Baby Soul, Children's Soul, Young Soul, Mature Soul, Old Soul, transcendent And the endless soul.

Infant soul

We come to this planet as infant souls. In this cycle of incarnations, we care about yourself, adapting to the new physical existence for us and learn to survive. Infant souls usually settle in primitive cultures and civilizations, where the element of the struggle for survival is important. These souls are interested in the circumstances of the physical plan, but do not notice the desires of other people may not coincide with their own. They do not open emotionally, since their emotional nature has not yet been fully formed.

In a more developed society, infant souls seem not in their place, they do not fit into society. Infant souls have a tendency to religion as a worship of the Sun and in general nature. When birth, we have an infant aspect of the soul, regardless of whether it is our highest level already achieved or not.

This aspect is associated with our primitive, instinctive nature and learning survival in the human body. It is closely connected with the Earth, especially with the mother -thele, with the female aspect of the planet. We can see it in children who love to mess around in the mud, play with insects, frogs and lizards. Adults come into contact with their infant part of the soul through rituals - shaman dance, music, playing tools, face decorations and body various ornaments.

The infant part of the soul can also be caused in various physical states - for example, in case of illness, injury, or when enlightening, when contact with primitive sources of energy occurs. We feel the infant part of our soul, when the threat of our life or well-being appears, for example, when we lose work. Military actions, hunting, late walks alone in hazardous areas, terrible films and situations that awaken the primitive fears, lead us in contact with the infant aspect of our soul.

Infant souls, located on the lower stairs of the social staircase, are often represented by other people weird and undeveloped. They usually do not try to find a permanent job, as it seems to them burdensome.

In general, the earth quickly approached the time when it reincarnates the last infant soul.

Now at the beginning of the reincarnation cycle there is a much smaller number of entities than just a hundred years ago. Infant souls usually prefer to reincarnize in other places. First, because the land is a bit "strained", ahead of difficult work is to come, and therefore most of the "newcomers" decides to start on younger planets. In addition, since the average age of the souls on Earth is approaching mature, each soul, which was embodied for the first time, forced to "catch up" the total mass.

Children's soul

By the time we achieve the childhood of the soul, we have time to deal with the mechanisms of individual survival. Children's souls tend to develop civilization and maintain order. They learn to use their creative energy in this direction.

Children's souls love their life to be streamlined, structured and looking for authority, which could provide such structure and order. In religion, they prefer large-scale, well-organized belief systems that prescribe clear rituals and behavioral standards. They love cleanliness and often turn into medical institutions. They need that some authoritative force take care of their body and health. Children's souls are afraid of all unusual.

Societies built by children's souls, rigid and have a strict hierarchy of power: for example, the Roman Empire. These souls are less aggressive than infant or young, they take care of a collective, and not individual survival. At this age, the ability to evaluate certain public actions from the point of view of their morality or immorality.

Our children's aspect of the soul is the same our part that has learned to build its relations with representatives of public authorities and the world in general on a civilized basis. This aspect is from each of us, regardless of whether our soul is generally a nursery or not. A civilizing influence that parents and society have a children's influence, allow the children's aspect of his soul to start dominating over infant. The first thing that is connected in the life of a child with this influence is to train a potter (and not in pants). The child is accustomed to restrain their natural instincts to please those who have power over him (parents). Then the control of how the child eats, talks, behaves. (Parents often perceive this phase as doing "real" people from small barbarians.) As the child grows, he managed by teachers, friends and figures endowed with the authorities, police, doctors, priests and politicians.

Our children's aspect of the soul is the one of our part that should be rules: "refuel your bed", "do not take some strangers of candy", "drink more liquid". Our children's aspect of the soul loves purity, order and structure, it is upset by the violation of these principles: "Why didn't you remove the room?", "Why didn't you tell me that today we will lunch before usual?", "We always did it another! "

Our children's aspect of the soul feels that it should manage instinctive behavior - such as food, washing, sleep and sex. All our social behavior is mainly due to the feeling of relevance and correctness from the point of view of the children's soul. This applies to how to move the street, how to dress, how to behave in society, what words to choose and so on. It is brighter that it is manifested during the elemental public meetings, festive walking, weddings and funerals.

Children's souls are often the "pillars of society" - persistent and unshakable in their beliefs. They become mayors and sheriffs, presidents of parental committees, they can often be found in educational institutions and bureaucratic organizations. When their beliefs are based on objections, children's souls begin to worry inner confusion. They are so confident in their rightness that it is difficult for them to listen to the arguments of the opposite side. This phase is alien self-reflection.

Young soul

Young souls have already learned to survive on the physical plan, maintain order and behave in society. Now they begin to be approved in the image of the authority that children's souls are looking for. Young souls are most oriented on the physical side of life. They firmly identify themselves with their body and ego. Such people are very difficult to recognize their physical age, often they resort to plastic surgery to continue to look young and attractive.

Young souls are very skeptical to any phenomena, not fit into the framework of the "scientific" ideas. They are usually not fond of mystical or religious experience over the measure that is adopted in society. They often consider ideas about life after death are ridiculous and, as a result, afraid of death.

These souls have the strongest motivation to achieve success in their selected field of activity and actively work for this. The ideal of the young soul is an attractive, rich, achieved the success of a person who are often shown on television. The young soul believes that it is what she owns. She sees the world through the prism of the polar opposites: "Good - bad", "right - wrong." Young souls believe that those who do not agree with them are automatically wrong and deserve the censure, punishment and contempt.

Often they are interested in politics. Such young souls, like Alexander Macedonian, Wilhelm, the conqueror or Genghis Khan, became the founders of the Great Empires.

Our young aspect of the soul is part of our essence, which has learned to make independent decisions. This aspect can implement the leader functions, especially in areas related to the physical plan. We use our young aspect when we undertake yourself in your hands, disciplining ourselves and aim to achieve success. From the point of view of this aspect, "right" is what helps him to achieve his goal, and "wrong" is what prevents it. This is our part less emotional than children or mature. It is focused on achieving goals and egocentric. People who refuse to take their values, young souls often consider "strange." A good example of the politics of young souls is the arms race. There is a philosophy behind it "if I do not break forward, they will be ahead of me."

The problem of poisonous waste, which was poisoned by the entire globe, is the result of the heyday of the civilization of young souls, which in pursuit of success takes little care about remote consequences. Young souls are very productive, inventive and fully focused on a specific goal. Issues of morality and ethics in the field of their view, as a rule, do not fall.

Trying to "leave your mark on Earth", young souls can show amazing performance. At the same time, they do not always strive for what they really like, - more often to the fact that, in their opinion, they will pave them to success. They wish to learn how to learn how "how the world is arranged" to use this knowledge with benefit for yourself. Some of these people have congenital abilities to force the economic system to "dance under their own duff" and with visible ease of hundreds of dollars in thousands, and millions in billions.

A man who is at the stage of a young soul always dreams of buy a more expensive car and settle in a more prestigious apartment, in a more expensive area of \u200b\u200bthe city.

Since young souls do not differ in emotional openness, they rarely get good parents who can establish durable contact with children. And yet they will buy any thing that you liked their child - from the doll in the wheelchair to the sophisticated French dresses. After all, the child can also serve as a social status indicator. Their children will drown in toys, outfits, diplomas about the end of all sorts of educational institutions, ride in expensive cars and fasten fashionable hairstyles. They will be prepared for a brilliant career, marriage, marriage. The success of children will discard the defill on the lives of their ambitious parents. The manifestation of the feelings by children does not find encouragement from their parents - young souls.

Young souls slopes adhere to generally accepted religious views, but at the same time devoid of fanaticism inherent in children's souls. They can be found in the church where they discuss business issues and have useful acquaintances, but you can hardly see how they are praying or angry with heat or angrily condemn their neighbors for the lack of piety.

Young souls completely identify themselves with their bodies and do not believe that consciousness lives after death. Therefore, they agree to freeze themselves in special chambers, produce plastic surgery over them, improving the shape of the nose, forehead, waist and hips. Thanks to their ability to endanger their health and even life, to transfer pain and material costs for beauty, cosmetic medicine has become a business-friendly business.

At the young age, the soul opens a thrust for creativity, which reaches a heyday in adulthood.

The advantages of the orientation to the young aspect of his soul is that it gives us confidence and orients to achieve goals and success in relations with people - especially related to the career. Older souls neglecting this aspect feel that there is a threat to their existence, and therefore begin to pay too much attention to the physical side of life. So, so that we can function normally on this planet, this aspect must be equilibrium with all the others.

Mature soul

Mature soul has already figured out with the questions of success and power and reached the point when it begins to open emotions. Mature souls are less selfish and more oriented on others. But they do not open around the world as a whole, but begin with close and relatives, believing these relationship more important than success or career.

Mature souls feel their connection with the surrounding, identifying themselves with them and considering them as their reflections. This quality gives mature souls aura of sincerity, distinguishing them from other ages. The biggest resentment for a mature soul is when she is doing something that she herself would not have done another person. Mature souls are less warlike than young, because they see themselves. Often, however, their life takes place in emotional throwing and torment, as they try to reveal emotionally. It is from mature shower that there are often cases of drug addiction, suicide and incurable exhaustive diseases.

Our mature soul aspect begins to develop after the young aspect reaches the peak of its development. It begins with the feeling that "there can be no life that is limited to this." Sometimes people consider it necessary to catch their young aspect of the soul, causing poverty, tragic losses and illness in their lives. They do it in order to open their mature aspect. Usually, relationships characterized by large emotional intensity are helped by this. For mature and old soul, this period often comes on the third decade of physical life.

If we have reached the level of a mature or old soul, we can use your mature aspect as that of your part that contributes to your relationship with others and with the planet. The "surrounding" may include close friends, relatives, colleagues, a public or political organization and humanity as a whole. The value of the mature aspect of the soul is to complete the development of conscience, compassion and the ability to maintain emotional communications, give and accept love. Those who neglect this aspect feel the harmability of their emotional sphere and seem arrogant, worm and alienated.

Mature soul wants to be "like everyone else" and therefore tries to understand others and be adopted in the team. The means of expressing this desire can be clothes, speech, behavior manner. From this point of view, the behavior of the mature soul is the development of the behavior of a children's soul, since both of these types are dealing with a collective consciousness.

At the stage of the mature soul, creative abilities reach their heyday. Philosophy and art occupy dominant places in life. A person opens the illusion and beam of the world, for him there is no longer there is no clear road in life, he is not able to fully understand his own feelings. Nothing seems already so unshakable as in the children's and young phases. The popularity of Hippie's movement in many countries has evidenced that society closer approached the level of mature age of the soul and the unconditional recognition of the values \u200b\u200bof the young souls.

Staying incomprehensible and not accepted in the Environment of young and children's souls, mature souls stretch to the society to themselves like. They usually strive for higher education, but at the same time, with small, unconventional educational institutions. They have their own priorities and authorities. To the surprise of their young fellows, they often refuse well-paid work or "honorable" position in society in order to carry out something important only in their own eyes.

The period of maturity is marked by intense searches in both the inner world and external. Of particular interest is unconventional religion, meditation, metaphysics, while the horizons of the outside world are expanding due to exotic clothing and overseas cuisine. By the way, almost all high-class chefs of the world belong to mature souls.

As the planet passes to the dominance of mature perception, we see how people begin to be interested in emotional harmony on the planet as a whole. Together with the adoption of mature perception, the spiritual consciousness and the ability of mature and old souls appear more freely when relevant to the age of the soul.

Old soul

The old soul has already learned to all the subtleties of emotional life and draws all his attention to spiritual growth. The old souls learn unaccounted to the emotional intensity of the mature cycle and to the physical plan as a whole. It is characterized by a more intellectual approach to existence than the mature souls, they can perceive more, part of what we are all. Old souls need to complete their experience on the physical plane and work out all the karma before proceeding to the lessons of the astral plan.

The initial stages of the old soul are characterized by care, internal search and feeling of their alien in society. As soon as this aspect is "open" and completely internally understandless, the next stage comes, characterized by the question: "How can I live in society?" For the old soul, this means the search for self-expression methods in privacy and career, which would correspond to its internal purpose.

In a society where young souls dominate, the old one does not have a fairly wide range of roles. In this society, they have a tendency to self-esteem, they know that they do not correspond to the "norm", and for this reason they consider themselves losers. The old souls usually explore many existing religious exercises, but in the end they come to their own belief system, in which they unite various aspects of various spiritual theories.

The old aspect of the soul can rise above the worldly bustle and come into contact with a larger meaning of being. He is not identified with the tragedies of human existence, not "docked" on them, he can look at himself from the side and evaluate himself with humor. He cultivates philosophical removal, humor and urgent, at the same time supporting communication with something big. The old souls learn to swim by the flow of life, and not to deal with its circumstances.

Our old aspect of the soul is the same our part that agrees to teach others and help them move in the selected areas of spiritual development. Most old souls teaches on their personal example. Along with the teacher, they have the task of integration and balancing all aspects of the soul, from infant to the old one, which they must decide until the end of existence on the physical plan.

The last lesson for the old soul - Agap, or unconditional love for himself and others. This is the most difficult lesson, because he suggests self-sustainment and the ability to love others so to accept without condemning the paths they have selected. When all aspects of human existence are fully accepted, the old soul is ready to move to the next existence plan.

Among the old shower there are much less celebrities than among mature and young and, if Glory still comes to them, then how to teachers - the old souls are designed to teach people.

Transcendental soul

The transcendental soul is a representative of a collective being that completed his physical training and whose fragments reunited on the astral plan. The representative (this is a rather complicated concept) of this reunited "collective" again embodied on the physical plan in order to tell their disciples (or, more precisely, the disciples of their creature) about the great relationship in total in the universe, which it seems with higher plans. Transcendental souls can come from any of the highest plans: astral, causal, mental, messianic or Buddhist. All collective creatures send transcendental souls at least once in one of the parallel universes.

Transcendental souls sometimes come in a newborn baby, but most often use the body of the old soul of the seventh level, which agrees to such a substitution. Usually they use the body no more than three to four years - longer, the physical body simply does not withstand their intensive energy. Sometimes they can be in the body and 10, and 20 years, but almost never live in it.

In transition periods, such as now, more transcendental souls appear. They prepare the planet for the manifestation of an endless soul. Examples of transcendental shower are Socrates, Zoroastra, Mohammed, Mahatma Gandhi, Paramahams Yogananda and St. Francis Assisi.

Transcendental souls do not always know about their nature. Unlike infinite soul, transcendental souls are not necessarily endowed with "superhuman" qualities. Mainly they are examples of balanced personalities identifying themselves with collective consciousness. Transcendental souls tend to see themselves as part of the human community, and not walking their personal paths.

Infinite soul

The endless soul knows about its nature, appointment and superhuman qualities. The endless soul comes to learn and help the planet during periods of transition to other age levels.

The manifestation of the endless soul was Jesus Christ. In the embodiment, the endless soul helped the planet to move from the children's shower cycle to the cycle of young souls. In the future, the endless soul can come to more than one individual to help the transition from the level of young souls to the collective consciousness of a mature soul.

Other manifestations of an endless soul in physical forms are Lao Tzu, Sri Krishna and Gautama Buddha.

Knowing different ages of the soul means an understanding that each of them performs its task. That is why representatives of one or another soul have an impact in every life and we receive experience that allows us to recall the stages of perception.

It should not be thought that the older the soul, the "better". It is necessary to understand the value of each age (aspect) of the soul. The old souls are often encountered on misunderstanding from the younger and find communication with them difficult. The way out of this situation can be found if the old soul is aware of its responsibility for the experience gained by it and in relations with young souls will learn to be tolerant to their point of view, will not try to "help them grow" or remake them.

Understanding that we all have different age aspects, and knowledge of the values \u200b\u200bof each of them helps to achieve equilibrium.

If everything in their actions were guided by the infant aspect of the soul, life would be uncivilized and would be able to fight for survival. If the children's aspect fully dominated, life would have become structured and ordered, but it would go under the sign of permanent fear of retribution from some strength or power. If everyone had acted as a young soul, much would be achieved in the material level, but there would be a brutal competition, and there would be no compassion. The society managed by mature aspects of the souls would be very emotionally, people would have done what they seem fair, forgetting, however, about common sense. If everyone were guided by the perception inherent in the old souls, people would be spiritual, but lazy and little capable of active work.

In order to start balancing various aspects in yourself, you must first learn to distinguish them. Then you need to highlight their useful sides and cut off harmful, unnecessary qualities. After that, it is necessary to determine which functions in your life they can perform. Then we can consciously activate these aspects and related functions in relevant situations.

For the maximum effectiveness of the perception of the soul, the balance of all aspects is required. Many people tend to throw from one extreme to another. But a person who supports the equilibrium of all aspects will feel competent in all situations and will be able to communicate freely with representatives of all ages of the soul.

Younger souls are not more stupid and no worse than old. Their lessons are associated with survival, ambitions, structure and success, while the lessons of old souls belong to the universal and emotional relations. Young souls are a natural part of the whole. You certainly know that everything is interconnected in the world? So, if you admit the idea of \u200b\u200byour own superiority, learn tolerance to all the rest - otherwise you are waiting for only dying loneliness.

Not all souls move with the same speed - to someone for the transition to the next level, dozens of lives need to live, someone sufficiently uneasy. You can move to the next level at any time: this can happen between lives or in the course of life. The transition from one age of the soul to another can be accompanied by change in the image and circumstances of life.