Installation of air conditioning: Mounting rules, work algorithm and accuracy. Useful Tips for Installing Air Conditioners

By purchasing air conditioning, it follows, without losing the vigilance, think about its installation. You ask, why is it worth worry about installation, because a good, high-quality air conditioner is already bought?! And the fact is that the perfect and best air conditioning can last not last only because of the poor quality installation! You can talk a lot about the factors and cases of negligence when carrying out installation works or actions of the installers themselves, but now we will try to voice the number of the main and most importantly - the most important thing in real life.

So, in order. Most first Council Such - Try to order the installation of "in the same hands", where air conditioning purchased. In the event of some problems, this will eliminate the "arrocker" and get the result from the well-coordinated work of the seller and the installer, and no matter what the reason was in the technique or installation. Otherwise, you have to be an arbiter between the fragmentation of the seller and the installer, where one of them does not want to deliberately recognize its guilt and carry additional costs to eliminate the problem. At the same time, the true cause of the problem will not get to find out and will not work, and you will have to spend a lot of time, but most likely your means to first get to the truth, and then forced the guilty to fulfill their warranty obligations. An example on this occasion is very simple and often entitled: On the one hand, the "cheap" air conditioner, which at the installation stage being still new (!!!) start not seemed possible due to a defective compressor (an outdoor unit is needed to change the warranty from the seller) and on the other hand, poorly mounted, but good, and sometimes expensive air conditioning with burnt compressor during the month due to freon leakage (it is necessary to change the compressor or the outer block entirely, but only already due to the installer). So I look to understand here - who is right, and who is to blame. And most importantly - why do you need it?

Actually causes and facts breakdownsEven in a new or short-running air conditioner, there may be a lot, but if you miss small shortcomings, then the main reasons 2: the first is the leakage of freon and, as a result, the failure of the compressor when working for a long time "on dry", and the second - failure The entire control board, or one of its elements. The most terrible is the first option - breakdown of the compressor, because the new one with its replacement costs will cost 80% of the cost of the new air conditioner. Freon may leave the system due to poor valve or soldering, poor-quality consumables (copper tubes) applied by installers for the purpose of saving - these are the scope of installation of installers, and the factory defect of the freon contour in the internal block is possible, so it did not seem to be installed without launching the system Possible is the seller's responsibility. Electronic control elements (fee) may fail due to the voltage jump caused by poor-quality connection to the power supply or block terminals - this is the area of \u200b\u200bthe responsibility of the installers, or because of the factory defect of nutrition and electronic control elements originally the factory defect. By the way, the voltage jumps in the network are the responsibility of the owner of the air conditioner (buyer) and the warranty case is not !!! But if we talk now about the responsibility of a specialist in the installation, it is easier to determine if the seller and installer is one organization.

Next, what attention should be paid - This is the appearance of installers, as well as the completeness of their tools. Installation is convenient to carry together, i.e. installers usually two. If three, then the third may be a student who knows the basics of work, or a complicated previous installation, after which everyone came to you. If the installer is one, then it should be physically located to independence of such works and wishes not to share the earnings with his partner. Cases of single installation of installations occur, from practice, I note - very high quality work comes out, but it takes about 4 hours. As opposed to pair work, which takes 1.5 - 2 hours, depending on the complexity. Therefore, if there is enough time at your disposal, then you should not pay attention to it.

A few words about appearance - as the practice of installers are often dressed in Rob, it can even have branded logos. The robe work is very convenient than a particularly a long time. Also take the hinged belts with tools. If the installer came to you in jeans and a sweater quite a "output tidy" - then the question of his belonging to this profession and according to the level of skill, even despite its assurances of increased accuracy. The installers will bring along the stepladder, the perforator, the bur (this is a very large drill), the screwover, the case with small consumables (screws, dowels, anchors, keys, adapters, etc.), copper pipe, insulating materials, vacuum pump and T .. Those. Enough equipment to bring everything you need twice together (especially on the 9th floor with a non-working elevator).

Getting Started, the positive factors of the assessment of professionalism are advice and recommendations of installers about the admissibility in this place of installation and the corresponding aesthetics, the zones of the location of the indoor unit relative to the placement of furniture. There are positive feedback on the recommendations and assistance of installers to move chairs, tables, carpets and other household items from the place of work. There were cases of work on leather sofas, magazine tables, TV - such a barbaric attitude is unacceptable. Also use boxes from the very same air conditioner when drilling walls for catching sand and pieces of plaster - it allows you to maximally exclude the spread of construction dust in your home. Of course, the nature of the work carried out does not imply complete sterility, but it is necessary to properly organize the installation process and adopt sufficient measures to accuracy with care and respect for your order.

At the end of the installation work, the specialists will definitely test the performance of the technique, and, making sure the condition of the air conditioner, completes its own.

And finally, a good advice - even at the end and favorable completion of all purchases and installation work, leave a vigilance of control over the overall operation of the air conditioner. Do not use the technique thoughtlessly on the principle of "if it turned on - then it should work." Not always working air conditioning is an indicator of its serviceability, and in order not to aggravate sometimes a minor problem, it is better to contact your seller for advice on suspicious or unusual operation of the air conditioner. If you see that it works not as it was before; heard foreign noises; It clearly does not cope with the maintenance of a given temperature - do not be lazy to contact the seller during the warranty period, or another specialist in all other cases describing the problem. After all, it is most often cheaper to diagnose and eliminate the cause in time than to eliminate breakdown, which has lost costly repairs.

Be careful and alert: warned - it means armed.

We wish you success!

but you have no experience in this matter, we advise you to first read the following information:
  • Calculation of air conditioner power

Any room you want to cool has its own parameters, from which the required air conditioner power depends. It is the area, and the volume, and the number of windows with the parties to the Lights, which they exit, and the number of heat sources in the room and another number of factors. If you don't consider something in the calculation, then there is probability of choosing air conditioning or insufficient power, which will lead to the fact that it will not fully perform its functions, especially in a hot period of time, or, on the contrary, you will incur unreasonably high costs due to Acquisition and installation is more powerful than you need, air conditioning.
As a rule, if it is necessary to cool the premises in typical apartments, the calculation is greatly simplified, however, there are nuances that are better to discuss with a specialist.

  • Selection of brand and type of air conditioner

This is a very important and subtle moment. Currently, there is a huge number of different brands on the market, from constantly on hearing, to the mass of new, sometimes very beautifully sounding. At the same time, sellers who offer you this product often act as "experts", and persistently recommend some of them. Be careful: sellers - the party is not quite objective. Their task is to sell the goods available from them, so according to their version, it will always be the best that they have now in stock.
We recommend when choosing a brand of air conditioner and the seller (however, it applies to all household appliances as a whole), adhere to a few simple rules:
1. Try to make the brand of the product you choose to be known to you. Beware of buying products, no matter how attractive them, and how attractive them is their price (remember free cheese in the mousetrap!), If you have not heard before such a brand before.
2. It is desirable to acquire household equipment from those sellers whose location you know, and in case of some unforeseen situations, they will be easily found.
3. The air conditioners are better to acquire from the organization that will be able to fulfill their subsequent installation (then if necessary, for example, for warranty repair, you will not incur additional expenses).
4. When choosing a brand of air conditioner, be sure to ask the seller about the warranty period, the presence of authorized service centers, and where the nearest of them is to you. Practice shows that if an authorized service center is far away, then in the event of warranty cases, problems are very often arising with the departure of Matera - and money (considerable) for the departure requires, and they go for a very long time, and in the event of problems with repair, it will later refuse them .
5. Clients who acquire and establish air conditioners in authorized service centers for air conditioners in this sense are subjected to the smallest risk in this sense, which are also close and staying in the area of \u200b\u200byour stay.

Another important question: what type of air conditioner to choose, ordinary or inverter? It all depends on the requirements that you prevent the air conditioner. If you want to get a modern product with a very low level of noise, reduced energy consumption and an increased resource of work, and at the same time you are not very cramped in the means, then this is definitely an inverter. If your goal is to provide sufficient comfort with minimal cost, then it makes sense to stop on the usual split system.
For reference: The main difference in the inverter from the ordinary air conditioner is the compressor mode. If in the usual air conditioner it turns on and off on the temperature sensor command, then in the inverter it works continuously, smoothly reducing or increasing its power as needed. This achieves the lack of starting currents and loads, which reduces the overall power of power consumption, increases the resource of the compressor and makes its work more silent.

  • Selection of air conditioning location

When you decide to buy air conditioning, you probably thoughtfully figured out where it will be with you, and how it will fit into the interior of your room.
Unfortunately, not always your wishes are technically easily performed. If you choose the installation site of the air conditioner, for each of their type you have to take into account some features, for example: to install split-systems, it is desirable, if possible, minimize the distance between the outer and internal blocks (the length of the track); Not everywhere possible on the outer wall hang out the external block - it is desirable to hang it where the installation can be performed without high work, where the direct sun rays are not falling for it, etc. Therefore, the location of the individual blocks of your device is best to agree with the installer engineer.

  • What time of year is best installed air conditioning

Many customers, having decided on the results of hot summer the next year to install air conditioning, waiting for future spring, so that warm, on the sun, could be done. And with great surprise, by contacting the sellers and installers in the spring, detect the deficiency of air conditioners and the queue on the installation. Already the time has passed, even in our country, when air conditioners were exotic and luxury item. Now they become the necessary attribute for creating normal living conditions for all segments of the population. And they are noticeable from seasonal goods turn into goods all-season. Therefore, absolutely no need to wait for warm days. We decided to buy air conditioning - do it almost at any time. Experienced assembly organizations carry out installation at any time (except may be frosts below - 20 degrees) with the same quality and in the same prices.

  • Maintenance of air conditioner

Have you become the happy owner of the air conditioner? Congratulations! We wish you to fully enjoy the comfort created by them. However, do not forget that this is a complex technical device that, like a car, needs periodic maintenance. It is advisable to make it at least twice a year - before the start of the summer season, in the spring, and on its completion, in the fall.
And for areas where many poplars grow, it is very recommended to conduct third service after stopping the spread of the poplar fluff. And then you will enjoy cool without problems for many years.

Air conditioning (split system) consists of two blocks: internal and external, which are interconnected by freon highways and communication wires / power (air conditioning route).

Select the installation site of the indoor unit

Tip 1. Installing the inner unit so that the streams of the air generated by them were not directed to the place of permanent residence of a person (working / sleeping place), the location of animals.

Tip 2. Do not position the internal unit of the air conditioner above the bed, because the internal block of any model and the manufacturer (including the premium model), create a sound pressure of 20-42 dB, depending on the installed fan rotation speed, and this noise level may interfere with calm sleep .

The example is the example of how not to have interior blocks of air conditioners:

Tip 3. One air conditioner is one room. Air conditioning is a device for air treatment, intended for air treatment in one room. If you install air conditioning for air treatment in two rooms, there may be no comfortable conditions in one of the premises.

Tip 4. The upper cut of the inner block should defend the ceiling plane, not less than 100 mm, for proper air circulation at the air intake site.

Tip 5. Choose the installation location of the air conditioner, with the possibility of gravitational condensate drain. When working on cooling, condensate accumulates on the radiator of the indoor unit, you can remove it in two ways: the gravitational (from the air conditioner, the drainage hose is laid under the external unit, or through a special siphon - in the sewage) and forced (condensate falls into the special bath Pump - pump. After filling the bath, the pump motor and condensate is removed through the capillary hose, which can be laid without a natural slope). The variant of the gravitational plum is preferable, because the pumps often fail and publish increased noise when triggered.

Tip 6. The length of the track from the internal to the outer block should not exceed the limit values. Each air conditioner has the limit value of the length of communications between the inner and external block (in household models, mainly 15-20 meters). If this value is exceeded, the equipment will not work correctly.

Tip 7. The height difference between the external and the internal unit should not exceed the valid values \u200b\u200bspecified in the manufacturer's instructions (usually this indicator is 7-12 meters for household models).

Important: The indicators of the maximum length of the track and the height difference are not summed up. That is, the route cannot be a length of 20 meters with a drop of 12 meters.

After you have determined with the installation site of the indoor unit - we turn to the installation of external

Selecting the installation location of the external unit of the air conditioner.

Tip 8. The external unit should be available! Typically, the external block is installed under the window of the room in which the internal unit is located, but there are cases when the management company of the house sets its rules for installing external blocks (most, these are new homes) - it can be a special air conditioner basket (as in the picture) .

or specially designated balconies - as in our example.

But a clear example of how not to install an external unit

This air conditioner was installed with an industrial climber, he "walked" with this block from the roof of the building. Now the owner of this work of art will have every year with the planned maintenance of the external unit, call an industrial climber (the service costs about 8,000 rubles), coordinate the access of the roof specialist (access will consist only if there is a special permission and admission to high-altitude work).

Perhaps, this is all that can be said about choosing a place to install the air conditioner. If, when choosing a place of installation, you will have any problems or questions - we are always ready to provide competent technical advice with departure to the place.

All air conditioners are divided into two large classs in different constructive versions: monoblock - consisting of one block (window, mobile) and split systems (from English 'Split' - separate) - consisting of several blocks.

Split systems separate are: the indoor unit inside the room and the outer block, which is outside the room with the compressor in it. Also, all air conditioners can be divided into household, semi-industrial and industrial. Domestic conditioners include: air conditioners with a capacity of up to 7 kW used for air conditioning small rooms - in our case, apartments.

Monoblock air conditioners

1. Window air conditioners with a power of 1.5 kW to 5.5 kW are designed for cooling. Sometimes you can meet models that have a heating function and even remote control. The main disadvantages are to reduce the illumination of the room, through the use of most of the window opening, where the air conditioner unit is cut and a high noise level compared to the split-systems of the modern level. The advantage is the possibility of a substitution of fresh air from the street (up to 10% of the volume passing through the air conditioner). Although they are cheap and easy when installing.

2. Mobile air conditioners outdoor resemble a small bedside table with wheels. They can be easily moved from one room to another, because They do not require special installation, it is only necessary to remove the air duct (flexible hose, with a diameter of up to 16 cm) through the hole in the wall or the window. Together with the air, on this air duct, warm out of the room outside, so that such air conditioners work as a hood. The disadvantages of mobile air conditioners are: small cooling power, low efficiency and increased noise, because The compressor is indoors.

Split systems

The leaders of the modern market are the split-systems of household type (systems consisting of two blocks: internal and external). They meet all the requests of our time and most effective during operation.

The outer and internal blocks of the air conditioner are interconnected by an electrical cable and copper pipes, which circulates the refrigerant. Most modern split systems have different additional features, somehow: heating mode, drainage mode, ventilation mode.

All modern split systems are equipped with a remote control with a liquid crystal display. When it is assisted: the mode of operation of the air conditioner, the room temperature, and is also adjustable to turn on or off the air conditioner, the speed and direction of the cooled air flow.

Such air conditioners are divided into: wall-mounted, ceiling, outdoor, columns, cassette and channel.

1. Wall-mounted air conditioner is the most popular and not very expensive appearance, easy enough to install. The power of household wall air conditioners lies between 1.5 to 12 kW, which is enough to cool the area from 15 to 120 m²

2. Channel conditioner - a plain split system with an outdoor unit and a channel internal unit. The internal block of the channel air conditioner is similar to a metal box with holes for the fence and emissions of air, as well as with the fittings of freon communications and the yield of the drainage pipe.

Channel air conditioners are intended for hidden installation, but their main advantage is that they distribute air through the air duct system. In the internal block of the channel air conditioner installed a fan. Thus, the use of one channel air conditioner can solve problems such as ventilation and air conditioning immediately several rooms.

3. Column (floor) air conditioner is used in large rooms in which it is undesirable to disrupt architectural features. They are commonly used for large ancient mansions, estates and castles. Depending on the size and size of the room, the column system can be installed as a split-system of a channel type, that is, to distribute cooled or heated air through the ventilation channel system. In this case, the efficiency of using the air conditioner increases significantly.

Cassette air conditioning

Cassette air conditioners have performance on cold and heat (5-14 kW) and are used in premises with suspended ceilings. They fit perfectly in the interior and in many cases their use is the only solution to the problem of air conditioning. Cassette air conditioners also consist of an external and inner block. The internal block is mounted in the space behind the suspended ceiling. Uniform cooling / heating of the room is achieved due to air supply at once in four directions. The angle of inclination of the blinds is installed using the remote control.

4. Outdoor - ceiling air conditioner is an alternative to cassette air conditioner. They are distinguished by a small depth - 18 - 25 centimeters. They are installed, as follows from the name, or at the bottom of the wall, or on the ceiling. In this case, the air flow in the first case is directed upward, in the second - horizontally along the ceiling.

5. Multi-split system is a type of split-systems, in which several internal units operate with one external block. Typically, such air conditioners have from two to five internal wall-type blocks with a power of 2-5 kW, however, there are multisystems with internal blocks of channel, cassette, floor, ceiling type or combining blocks of various types. Multi-split systems are reasonably used when the task is to condition several adjacent rooms - the rooms of the country house. Each internal unit supports the specified temperature regardless of others and has its own remote control. Each compressor serves and has its own independent refrigeration contour.

Air conditioning - the device is quite complex, and therefore, perform the correct installation of the device not to everyone. As a rule, for help in installing an air conditioner addresses a service center, since this work requires certain knowledge, and the presence of a specialized tool. Nevertheless, the happy owner of the air conditioner also has a lesson. He will have to determine where blocks will be mounted, and where - the communications of the aggregate.

About installing an external block

Often this part of the split system is recommended to post on the balcony, but in this case you will not be able to glall the balcony. If a similar perspective scares you, there is an option to install an external block on the roof or in an attic room at home. It should be said that the last location will require periodic inspection of the attic or an organization in this place of compulsory ventilation.

The least successful specialists recognize the installation of the air conditioner on the facade of the building. In this case, the block becomes vulnerable, so it will be in a protective cell. In addition, such a drawer will not decorate the facade of the house at all. However, the choice is always yours.

On the installation of the indoor unit

It is not recommended to install this element of the split-system in a nursery or bedroom, since it is the shortest path to colds. In addition, when this placement becomes uncomfortable condensate removal. When installing the indoor unit in the corridor, you have the ability to output the drainage pipe in the sewer.

It is also important to correct placement of communications that connect external and internal blocks. When installing the external part on the facade, you can associate the individual components of the split system by laying the grooves on the ceiling or walls. With the roof installation of the block, you have two accommodation options. The first (optimal) is to arrange communication in an elevator or ventilation miner, the second is to put them on the outer wall of the house. In the latter case, of course, the appearance of the building will deteriorate. In addition, such communication pipes will always be raised from the outside.

About wiring

On average, the systems under consideration consume about 7-9 kW of power. As a rule, the wiring of apartments is not designed for this load, so you have to perform a separate laying of an electrical cable from the power shield.

Conducting the installation of air conditioners with its own forces is a rather risky event, because in this case, all warranty obligations for maintenance, repair and replacement of this equipment are removed from the manufacturer and from the implementer. Despite this, the desire to save on the installation of the air conditioner takes the top of caution, and people carry out mounting themselves. It should be noted that the availability of detailed instructions, some tools and assistants make the installation of the air conditioner on their own quite real. In order to be visually convinced of this, you can familiarize yourself with our self-installation scheme of the air conditioner.

The air conditioner, as a rule, consists of two specialized blocks - an internal intended for placing indoors, and an external, located on the street, and the components required for its installation are also included. Having studied the instructions and having understood in the appointment of all components, you can proceed to the montage itself. The installation of the air conditioner is carried out in its own stages, and each stage deserves separate attention.