In which city the happiest people. Where they live the happiest people on earth

Interesting studies conducted scientists - in which regions of Russia residents are happy, and in what are unhappy. Results you see yourself. Happiness literally lives in Chechen Earth.

27 thousand people from 100 cities of the Russian Federation responded to questions from experts on satisfaction with material supply, ecology, security, development and level of improvement of their city. Finally, the last question was formulated with a discouraging directness: are you happy?

The study was held by the NewSeffector agency in conjunction with the Foundation "Regions of Russia". The result is amazing (see table). As it turned out, the happiest Russians do not live in Moscow and other cities million paintings. The first line of the rating was taken by Grozny, Tyumen, Kazan, Surgut, Krasnodar, Sochi, Nizhnevartovsk, Novorossiysk and Belgorod. Moscow was only in 52th place, St. Petersburg - at 16, Ekaterinburg - at 49, Novosibirsk - by 13.

Actually, Anton Semenovich Makarenko has long been explained: the true incentive of human life is tomorrow's joy. Apparently, the "rich" Muscovites who have great opportunities, just, does not take it. If your working day begins with stress in traffic jams, you breathe at the 5 million exhaust pipes (being the unfortunate owner of one of them), and on TV you see mostly the details of the mass death of children, then the death of the beloved actress, is happiness it, Mildly speaking, does not add. There is no detailed perspective and hope that tomorrow traffic jams will be dissolved, the accident will stop, and the air and products will provide us with health and longevity.

On the contrary, the feeling of positive dynamics - a record 73% of respondents feel it - led the capital of Chechnya in the first place. Well, why not, when every year your city is becoming better and landscaped. Well, at the same time, it is not worth discounting natural optimism and the cheerfulness of this nation.

Close the rating of happiness Bratsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Chita. Residents of Bratsk have established a kind of sad nationwide record: only 3% of respondents stated that they are satisfied with the local ecology. On Sakhalin, another misfortune: there the people are not pleased with the dynamics of urban development, that is, simply speaking, the citizens demand from the authorities to the better.

The most unusual picture of Baikal. Chita "not failed" separately no indicator. Let's say in the higher places of Dagestan, Buryatia or the Chelyabinsk region, people are more dissatisfied with their material situation. And the level of urban landscaping of the outsider is quite comparable to such more prosperous cities as Sochi, Pskov and Tver. But in general, the happiness index cheat is two times less than the Terrible.

But still. See the penultimate column - the one where the percentage of feeling happy is indicated. From 60 to 80%. So people think about themselves. And compare this with the results of research of analysts of the British Research Center New Economic Foundation. According to their data, Russia with its feeling of happiness was at 122th place out of 151 countries. Somewhere between Liberia, Zimbabwe and the Congo on one side and Nigeria, Uganda and Burkina Faso on the other.

Here are the most incredible landscapes, clean rivers and free education. And people are the most positive, smiling and friendly. Do you think this is a fairy tale? National Geographic According to the UN, has made a dozen happiest countries.


Sweden is one of the countries of Northern Europe, where the level of contentment of life is very large. The secret of the inhabitants of this country is in the Swedish tradition of Fika (FIKA), which means to take a break in work to drink coffee and discuss news and business with friends. This break lasts 15 minutes, and arrange it every 2 hours. By the way, Sweden is one of the largest consumers of coffee.


Australia has a very low level of pollution and a high level of cohesion and society of local residents. And wines all love for barbecue. In Australian parks, often arrange paid or free picnics with a barbecue to chat with friends and have fun. But if you do not have Australian friends, the barbecue tour (BBQ and XXXX BREWERY) is an excellent chance to start them. And together visit the brewing plants and try Australian meat dishes.

New Zealand

How can you not be happy when there are blue mountains around you, wildlife and such fabulous views? Low level of pollution and the most diverse animal world make residents of this country are truly happy.


Residents of Netherlands are distinguished by high physical activity and love for cycling. They are proud of their cycling paths for a safe journey, whose length is 30,000 km. Do not forget to rent a bike and hire a bike guide when you will be in Amsterdam.


One of the largest countries of the world is a real paradise for travelers. Residents of this country boast a lot of excellent national parks with rocky mountains and wide expanses. Just look at these species - that's why they are so happy.


All worries and problems are instantly evaporated in the traditional Finnish sauna. Despite the small population of the country - only 5.2 million people, in Finland there are 3.3 million saunas, which are literally everywhere - from the shores of Lakes to office buildings.


Norwegians are proud of the nature of their country and are very careful about it. It is believed that climbing one of the highest mountains called Skala takes away from a person all the concerns. Almost anywhere in the country, wherever you want, you can put a tent and enjoy the beauty of nature.


Volcanoes, wild beaches, hot springs and chic species - this is what makes the inhabitants of this country are happy. And how not to forget about everything in the world, lying in warm blue waters and contemplating such species.


A country in which so many types of chocolate may not be unhappy by definition. Residents here only for a healthy lifestyle - they ski, engage in kayaking and paragliding. Therefore, in Switzerland, the lowest percentage of obesity.


Denmark is considered the wiper country in the world. And not just so, because education and health care is completely free. Residents are proud of their sense of cohesion: even if you do not know, it does not mean at all that they will not be invited to a cup of tea.

Recently, a study was conducted: in which country the happiest people live. According to the results of surveys, Northern Europe was happier than South, and the inhabitants of the former USSR most often feel unhappy.

The World Value Survey Foundation conducted a study, the purpose of which was to identify countries where the happiest people live on Earth. For this, there are a survey of people who respond to two questions: "Do you think that, in general, you are very happy, happy enough, not very happy or not at all happy?" And "how much are you generally satisfied with your life today?".

According to the results, it turned out - the happiest people in the world live in Denmark. Moreover, every year the life of Danes is becoming more and more. "Formula of happiness" Dane is simple: low taxes and a high level of technical development. In addition, the majority of citizens "the most happy country in the world" are well educated.

But if you look below, it becomes clear that the Danish formula is not for everyone's happiness recipe. Because in second place among the happiest countries, Puerto Rico is located. But if with Puerto Rico more or less everything is clear - this island belongs to the United States, then in third place is Colombia. As this country in which the civil war is coming, in which the high level of crime, in which the majority of the population is poorly like a church mouse, hit the triple the happiest - the mystery. It remains only to sin on the cocca growing in these edges - there is no other explanation by Colombian happiness.

In fact, in the list of the happiest countries, many such amazing moments that do not correspond to the well-established stereotypes about this world. So, the second dozen opens the Salvador, located between Austria and Malta. The United States goes only at the 16th place: there are people of the excan very happier inhabitants of Guatemala. And the inhabitants of Venezuela, whom the invalid Hugo Chavez leads, happier in the residents of Finland.

The last country with a positive index of happiness is Azerbaijan. Opens a list of unfortunate countries - Macedonia. Of course, to live anxiously in the country, when your country wants to rename another country.

Russia in this list got 88th place out of 97 possible. We are less happy than residents of Rwanda, Pakistan and Ethiopia. By the way, last year Esquire magazine brought a list of new English words, where the word "Russian" of the British is actually analogous to the word "depressive". By the way, according to Russian polls, the citizens of our country simply glow from happiness. According to the VTsiom survey, where the question of happiness appeared, 77% of our fellow citizens consider themselves happy. Although there were no surprises here: the inhabitants of Moscow and St. Petersburg feel worse, only 74% of them are aware of themselves happy people. Well, the most happy in our country residents of the South, where 84% answered the question of happiness in the affirmative.

Researchers from World Value Survey argue that the year from year to year the level of happiness worldwide is only growing, but this phenomenon is not able to explain. It is interesting that on average after 40 years old men feel happier than women, although before this age in leaders of happiness is just a weak floor. It is also known that the older man becomes, the more often he considers himself happy. Is it possible to make out of this that it is men with age become wiser?

CountryThe index of happiness
1 Denmark4,24
2 Puerto Rico4,21
3 Colombia4,18
4 Iceland4,15
5 Northern Ireland4,13
6 Ireland4,12
7 Switzerland3,96
8 Holland3,77
9 Canada3,76
10 Austria3,68
11 Salvador3,67
12 Malta3,61
13 Luxembourg3,61
14 Sweden3,58
15 New Zealand3,57
16 USA3,55
17 Guatemala3,53
18 Mexico3,52
19 Norway3,5
20 Belgium3,4
21 Great Britain3,39
22 Australia3,26
23 Venezuela3,25
24 Trinidad3,25
25 Finland3,24
26 Saudi Arabia3,17
27 Thailand3,02
28 Cyprus2,96
29 Nigeria2,82
30 Brazil2,81
31 Singapore2,72
32 Argentina2,69
33 Andorra2,64
34 Malaysia2,61
35 Western Germany2,6
36 Vietnam2,52
37 France2,5
38 Philippines2,47
39 Uruguay2,43
40 Indonesia2,37
41 Chile2,34
42 Dominican Republic2,29
43 Japan2,24
44 Spain2,16
45 Israel2,08
46 Italy2,06
47 Portugal2,01
48 Taiwan1,83
49 Eastern Germany1,78
50 Slovenia1,77
51 Ghana1,73
52 Poland1,66
53 Czech Republic1,66
54 China1,64
55 Mali.1,62
56 Kyrgyzstan.1,59
57 Jordan1,46
58 Greece1,45
59 South Africa1,39
60 Turkey1,27
61 Peru1,24
62 South Korea1,23
63 Hong Kong1,16
64 Iran1,12
65 Bangladesh1
66 Bosnia0,94
67 Croatia0,87
68 Morocco0,87
69 India0,85
70 Uganda0,69
71 Zambia0,68
72 Algeria0,6
73 Burkina Faso0,6
74 Egypt0,52
75 Slovakia0,41
76 Hungary0,36
77 Montenegro0,19
78 Tanzania0,13
79 Azerbaijan0,13
80 Macedonia-0.06
81 Rwanda-0.15
82 Pakistan-0.30
83 Ethiopia-0.30
84 Estonia-0.36
85 Lithuania-0.70
86 Latvia-0.75
87 Romania-0.88
88 Russia-1.01
89 Georgia-1.01
90 Bulgaria-1.09
91 Iraq-1.36
92 Albania-1.44
93 Ukraine-1.69
94 Belarus-1.74
95 Moldova-1.74
96 Armenia-1.80
97 Zimbabwe-1.92

According to TURIST_RU.

Looking in the photo, you will understand why lucky people live here

1. Costa Rica
There is no army in this country, the average life expectancy here is 79.3 years, and residents are surrounded by such a beautiful nature that it simply cannot but raise the mood.

Instead of a protracted winter for five months, beaches, rainforests and excellent weather most of the time are expected.

2. Norway
In Norway, one of the highest levels of GDP per capita per year is about $ 54,947. According to the degree of satisfaction with life, the Norwegians occupy a second place in the world. 95% of the inhabitants argue that happy to have freedom of choice, how to arrange their lives.

According to World Values \u200b\u200bSurvey World Research (World Value Review), 74% of Norwegians believe that other people can be trusted. For example, in Russia, this confidence indicator is only 27%. What do you say?

Trust people are great, well live in such a country where it can afford it.

3. Denmark
Denmark supports parents and young families, extending paid child care vacation time. Danish citizens receive medical care for free, they have total gender equality in any sphere, the cycling is widespread, and citizens have a sense of responsibility towards each other.

It seems that this is a set of non-interconnected factors. Nevertheless, they mean a lot for the well-being of people - equality, freedom and responsibility, motor activity and assistance from the state.

4. Vietnam
This rapidly developing country has become one of the most famous tourist destinations over the past 20 years. Citizens of Vietnam are satisfied with what they have, and the overall level of satisfaction in the country is quite high.

Picturesque beaches, delicious food and friendly locals - only a small part of Vietnam's charms.

5. Canada
In Canada, a lot of life expectancy, high incomes and reliable social ties.

And also - the scope of education is very developed here.

6. Colombia.
In Colombia, the wonderful diverse nature of several climatic zones: mountain climates and tropical forests, savanna and desert.

Colombian coffee will conquer your heart, and the colorful national holidays will not allow anything to be bored.

7. Netherlands
Here are excellent conditions for work and a high level of security in the labor sphere.

At the same time, the Dutch can find a balance between work and life, due to which their life satisfaction ratio is quite high: it reaches 9 points according to

8. Belize
To live surrounded by the largest barrier reef in the world, lead a relaxed "Caribbean" lifestyle and enjoy the soft climate all year round - that's what awaits you in Belize.

In addition, several cultures are completely peaceful and harmonious in this country.

9. Sweden
If after moving you plan to do business, choose Sweden. According to Forbes, in this Scandinavian country a lot of freedom and opportunities for entrepreneurship.

Startups are relatively cheap, and high degree of interpersonal trust and culture based on individualism only raise the level of happiness in the country. Paradise for entrepreneurs!

10. Salvador
This country is in the shade of popular tourist destinations Guatemala and Mexico, but its inhabitants are quite pleased with what they have.

In El Salvador you are waiting for friendly neighbors, delicious food and beautiful beaches, not filled with tourists. There are relaxed life here, and the fact that Salvador is not too popular with Americans and Europeans, leaves good business opportunities.

You choose where to live, and most importantly - like. If you feel that I would like to try to be in another reality, in another country - why not?

This is invaluable life experience, and in fact it is in the acquisition of a variety of experience and consists of the meaning of our life. Everyone chooses in itself, as is known.

Specialists of the Medialogide research company analyzed more than 1 million reports on social networks Facebook, Twitter, Vkontakte, Ok, Instagram, LiveJournal, forums and blogs to find out in which region of Russia the happiest people live.

Frequency of mention: 25,09%

Moscow has become the most happy city in Russia, where people most often mention the word "happiness."

In addition, Moscow entered the number of regions with the greatest decline in crime rates in the region.

That is, over the past six months, a criminogenic atmosphere in the city has improved significantly.

2. St. Petersburg

Frequency of mention: 11,72%

St. Petersburg is quite behind Moscow in terms of mentioning the words "happiness", nevertheless the city was on the 2nd place in the ranking of the happiest regions of Russia.

Like Moscow, he also became one of the most restless cities of Russia in the recent ranking of the Petersburg Policy Foundation.

St. Petersburg also recently entered the top ten regions with the highest life expectancy.

And the mayor of the city was among the best mayors of Russian cities.

Frequency of mention: 4,09%

Crimea is a traditional place of rest and recreation. Sea, sun, fresh air - this is what makes the Crimea with a welcome place for a summer holiday.

Therefore, there is nothing surprising that this region is among the happiest in Russia.

In addition, this year, Crimea became one of the most popular tourist destinations among Russians.

4. Udmurtia

Frequency of mention: 3,65%

Udmurtia was at 4th place among the happiest regions of Russia, only slightly behind the Crimea.

Despite this, this year Udmurtia was among the most conflict regions of Russia, being at 6th place in this ranking.

5. Primorsky Krai.

Frequency of mention: 2,93%

The seaside edge closes the top five among the happiest regions of Russia.

6. Tatarstan

Frequency of mention: 2,8%

The Republic of Tatarstan enters the Volga Federal District, is part of the Volga Economic Area.

The population of the republic, according to Rosstat, is 3,885,253 people in 2017

In addition to the fact that Tatarstan was among the happiest regions of Russia, he also ranks 9th among Russia's regions on the life expectancy.

And the Mayor of Kazan entered the top - the top 10 mayors of the cities of Russia.

7. Novosibirsk Oblast

Frequency of mention: 2,47%

The Novosibirsk region ranked 7th among the happiest regions of Russia.

Despite this, the city of Novosibirsk this year was among the most restless cities of Russia in terms of rallies and protests, which were held in the city and region.

8. Sverdlovsk Oblast

Frequency of mention: 1,94%

The Sverdlovsk region ranked 8th among the happiest regions of Russia.

Despite this, Yekaterinburg this year also entered the list of the most restless cities of Russia, since in the city itself, and in the region, a number of high-profile rallies and protest shares took place.

9. Krasnodar Krai.

Frequency of mention: 1,59%

Krasnodar region became the 9th region with the most frequent use of the word "happiness".

In April, according to the study of MEDIALOGY, Kuban also entered the top ten most happy regions of the Russian Federation.

Last year, Krasnodar took the 5th place in the ranking of the happy cities of Russia, according to the study of the "Happitude of Russian Cities", which was conducted by the NewSeffector monitoring agency in conjunction with the Regional Research Foundation "Regions of Russia".

This year Krasnodar entered the list of the most restless cities compiled by the Petersburg Policy Foundation.

10. Moscow Oblast

Frequency of mention: 1,57%

The Moscow region closes the top ten of Russia's happiest regions.

This is not surprising, since a distinctive feature of the region is its close connection with Moscow, which occupied the 1st place in the rating of happiness.

Despite this, the Moscow region this year was among the most conflict regions of Russia.

11. Rostov Region

Frequency of mention: 1,55%

The population of the region, according to Rosstat, is 4,231,355 people in 2017

Rostov region ranked 11th among the happiest regions of Russia.

12. Bashkortostan

Frequency of mention: 1,46%

The Republic of Bashkortostan was at the 12th place among the happiest regions of Russia. In the recent ranking of the best mayors of the cities of our country, the mayor of Ufa took 3rd place.

13. Amur Oblast

Frequency of mention: 1,44%

The Amur region was at the 13th place among the happiest regions of Russia.

The population of the region, according to Rosstat, is 801,752 people in 2017

14. Krasnoyarsk Territory

Frequency of mention: 1,43%

Krasnoyarsk Territory also became one of the happiest regions of Russia: in the ranking he took the 14th place.

The population of the region, according to Rosstat, is 2,875,301 people in 2017

15. Saratov region.

Frequency of mention: 1,36%

The population of the region, according to the State Statistics Committee of Russia, is 2,479,260 people in 2017