Merry family pie recipe. Butterscotch pie “friendly family”

Good afternoon friends! Well, spring has finally come, and not even spring, but rather summer. It's April, and it's as warm as July. The weather is just blissful and I don’t feel like sitting at the computer at all. And besides, the gardening season has opened and free time has become a bit tight. The other day I was going to a friend’s dacha to get in touch with nature)))), and since in the fresh air everyone usually has a good appetite and frequent tea parties, I decided to bake a cake for tea “ friendly family". Look at the picture above what I did, and below I will write how I did it.

COOK rich yeast dough: 1 glass of liquid (50/50 milk with water); 1/2 cup sugar; 10 g of dry yeast (1 tablespoon), mix everything, wait until the yeast disperses well.
Then add a little salt, 150 g of softened margarine, 2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 egg yolks mashed with 1/2 cup sugar, a little vanillin, 4-5 cups sifted flour.
Mix everything well and knead the dough.
Grease the walls of the dough pan with vegetable oil, put the dough there and place in a warm place to rise. My dough took about an hour and a half to rise.
After the first rise, add the beaten whites of two eggs into the dough, mix everything well again and let rise again.

READY Divide the dough into approximately equal balls.
Then roll out each ball, put the filling in the middle (jam, caramels, raisins, chocolate, berries, etc.) and form the ball again.
Place the filled balls close to each other in a mold greased with vegetable oil and sprinkled with semolina.
When the form is completely filled out, " friendly family"should distance itself, that is, rise straight up in shape. The time depends on the quality and quantity of yeast; my “friendly family” stood for about 30-40 minutes.
After this, carefully brush the “friendly family” with beaten egg and place in an oven preheated to 180*.
Bake until golden brown, about 40-50 minutes.
By the way, “friendly family” can be made not only with sweet filling.
You can use minced meat, liver, liver, stewed cabbage, cottage cheese and much more.
No matter what you make your “friendly family” out of, it will always take its place of honor on the table. Bon appetit!

Since I doubled the dough batch, counting on a large number of baked goods lovers, I ended up with two “friendly families.”
Yes, I also added the raisins left over from baking to the dough.
Don't let the goodness go to waste.))))))
The raisins are added after the first rise of the dough along with the whipped egg white.
Pre-soak in warm water for 15-20 minutes, drain the water and dry with a towel.

Step 1: prepare the dried apricots.

Wash the dried apricots under running water and place in a medium saucepan. Fill with regular cold water and leave to soak for 15-20 minutes. After this, put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Then turn the heat on low and cook the dried apricots some more 10-20 minutes. If it becomes soft, it's time to turn off the burner. Drain the water and place the dried apricots in a blender or meat grinder. Attention: pour some water into a cup, as we will need it later! Grind dried apricots using the necessary equipment. Place the crushed ingredient in a frying pan and add 15-20 grams of sugar and fill with the remaining water. Boil the dried fruit mixture over low heat until thickened. Important: From time to time, stir everything with a spoon so that the sugar is completely dissolved and the pieces of dried apricots do not stick to the base of the pan. Pour the jelly-like component into a bowl.

Step 2: prepare the cherries.

You don't have to use fresh cherries for this recipe; you can use frozen ones. In the second case, it needs to be defrosted. Place the cherries in the pan and add 15 grams Sahara and simmer over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved and the liquid has evaporated. After this, transfer the cherries into a bowl and sprinkle with a small amount of starch. This must be done to ensure that the filling does not leak out during the preparation of the pie. Mix everything well again with a tablespoon.

Step 3: prepare the cottage cheese.

For this dish, both fresh homemade cottage cheese and ready-made curd mass are suitable. In the first case, put the cottage cheese in a meat grinder or blender and grind it to a fudge state. This is best done, of course, using a blender. Transfer the processed component into a bowl and add 50-60 grams of sugar. Mix everything well with a spoon.

Step 4: prepare the dough.

Nothing beats a home test. But, if guests are on the doorstep, and you really want to surprise them with something delicious, you can also use ready-made frozen yeast dough for this pie. We just take it out of the freezer in advance. Important: Be sure to use a product from trusted brands, since low-quality dough will not only spoil the entire taste of the baked goods, but will also waste the entire filling. So, when the dough has thawed, put it on the kitchen table, sprinkled with a little flour, and knead it several times by hand. This will help our cake rise faster and become much fluffier after cooking.

Step 5: prepare the “Friendly Family” Pie.

On the kitchen table, use your hands to form a “sausage” out of the dough. Using a knife, cut it into small pieces the size not more 5 cm. Afterwards, we manually make balls out of each piece and set them aside for 5-7 minutes so that the dough can rise and take shape. Using a rolling wheel, we make cakes from each ball. Using a teaspoon, place a small amount of filling on each flatbread. Our “Friendly Family” pie is small pies. That's why we seal each crust with filling, like a pie. Attention: We pinch the edges of the dough with our hands so that the filling cannot leak out during baking. We put the finished pies aside so that they can brew and take shape. Place margarine or butter in a small saucepan. Over low heat, stirring constantly with a tablespoon, melt the ingredient until liquid. Afterwards, generously grease the baking dish and its walls with a small piece of butter. Dip each pie on all sides in the melted mixture and place it in the frying pan, side down. Attention: Place the pies tightly next to each other in a flower-shaped circle. And to complete our composition, be sure to place another pie in the center. Preheat the oven to temperature 220°С. We put the cake in the oven and from time to time we check the degree of doneness of the baked goods. When the surface of the pie begins to brown, reduce the oven temperature to 200°С and bake our dish for 25-30 minutes. Then turn off the oven and take the cake out to cool.

Step 6: serve the “Friendly Family” Pie.

No one will remain indifferent to such wonderful baked goods. The most convenient thing is that each piece of the pie can be easily taken out without using a knife. If desired, the pastries can be sprinkled with powdered sugar and served with mint tea. And you can also play the game “Guess where, what filling.” You will delight your loved ones with the aromas of hot baked goods and lift their spirits! Enjoy your meal!

- – The beauty of this pie is that you can add all kinds of your favorite fillings to it, and the taste will not spoil!

- – Cherries can also be ground in a meat grinder or blender, and then evaporate the excess liquid in a frying pan over low heat.

- – If you like very sweet dishes, then you can add more sugar to the filling. Then be extremely careful about the process of forming each pie. Seal the edges of each cake very tightly so that the filling does not flow due to the sugar during baking.

The “Friendly Family” pie with toffee filling is very tasty, rich and will decorate any tea party. Children really like it, because it is not necessary to cut it; pieces with a delicate creamy filling can easily be broken off. And it cooks quickly.


  • 0.7-1 kg of rich yeast dough
  • 8-10 “Cow” candies
  • egg for lubrication


Prepare butter dough according to any recipe (see recipes,). Divide the dough into 16-20 pieces, roll each into a flat cake. Place half of the candy in the middle of the cake,

pinch all edges together.

Place the balls - knots in a greased springform pan at some distance from each other. Let the cake rise for 30-40 minutes, brush the top with beaten egg.

Bake at 230-240°C for 30-35 minutes. Let cool slightly in the oven.


As a filling you can use caramels, any thick jam, pitted berries from compote, ground nuts, chocolate, boiled condensed milk. As a snack option, you can prepare “Friendly Family” from unsweetened dough filled with cheese, salted cottage cheese or finely chopped ham. This pie is good to take with you outdoors or on the road.
Bon appetit!


If your grandmother shared her baking skills with you, then this is a great success, and making the “Friendly Family” pie will not be difficult for you. But even if you have never made buns, it doesn’t matter, it’s easy to learn.


1. Milk - 1 glass
2. Yeast - 2 bags of dry
3. Flour - ~4 cups,
4. Egg - 2 pcs.
5. Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons,
6. Sugar - 150 gr
7. Salt - 0.5 teaspoon

How to make the Friendly Family pie:

Step-by-step recipe with photos.

Pour yeast and a spoonful of sugar into warm milk, leave in a warm place for 15-20 minutes, then pour the yeast into a bowl and add all the ingredients, knead the dough, leave for 30 minutes...

We love cherry filling)) Therefore, drain the juice and add a little sugar and a little starch so that the filling does not leak out.

Melt the butter, and at this time the dough has already risen. Grease the mold generously with melted butter.

We begin to sculpt the pies that will make up our pie. Pinch the edges well so that the filling does not leak out.

Dip each pie in oil and place in the mold, in a circle, one by one. And one more pie in the center.

Now we put this beauty in the oven at 200 degrees, for 25 - 30 minutes

I once saw such a cute way of shaping pies, and I really liked it! Instead of placing the usual long pies on a baking sheet in even rows, you can place round ones, like donuts, in a springform pan! And you will get such a “fun family”!

Friendly Family pies can be made with a variety of fillings: berries and fruits, cottage cheese, eggs and onions, and the cool thing is to make more different fillings and such a mosaic of pies... so that everyone gets a “surprise”! Can you imagine how fun it will be for the whole family to grab a pie each and guess: “What did I get caught with?”

I also baked strawberries. The dough can be prepared according to one of the following recipes:

Choose from these recipes the one you like, or make it according to your favorite one. After all, in a “friendly family” the main thing is not the recipe, but the method of molding!

What you need for the pies:

So, the dough is ready, sugar and pitted cherries are also ready. Cover a round pan with parchment and grease with vegetable oil. Separate small pieces from the dough and form them into round cakes.

Place the filling in the center of each (in this case, cherries with sugar).

And when gathering the edges of the flatbreads together, we pinch them better so that they do not open, because then the berry juice will run off and may burn. These are the “khinkali” you get.

Place them in the pan, seam side down, close to each other.

And let it rise for about 20 minutes, in a warm place, while the oven warms up.

Bake at 180C (approximately, check your oven) until the top begins to brown and the skewer comes out of the dough dry. And then, when the pies are almost ready, take them out and brush them with beaten egg. And - for another 5 minutes in the oven, turning up the heat so that they brown nicely!

What a friendly family!

And with the second batch of dough I wanted to be naughty :) And I made tiny little pies for 1-2 berries :)

I put them in a tart pan, it is also round, only with a larger diameter than my springform pan.

And what a big family it turned out to be this time!

It’s very interesting to eat such mini-pies, children will especially like them!

You can also shape buns in the form of rose-curls like these:

Beautiful, unusual and delicious!