The speech therapist's homework is the sound and letter a. Speech therapist homework Sound and letter (grade 1)

Sound and letter A

Task 1. An adult teaches a child to navigate the “scheme of his own body”:explains and shows where his right and left hand, right and left leg are. Then he asks the child to show where his left ear, right eye, left eyebrow, etc. are. After this, he asks him to answer in which hand (right or left) he holds the object given to him. When the baby learns to correctly navigate the “scheme of his own body,” the adult teaches him to determine “right - left” on the person sitting next to the child, and then on the person sitting opposite him.

Task 2. Didactic exercise “Where did the sound come from?” (development of auditory attention).
The child closes his eyes. The adult rings the bell, and the child must indicate with his hand where the sound is heard.

Task 3. Getting to know the sound [A].
An adult invites the child to listen to a series of words.
At the same time, he uses his voice to highlight the sound [A] in all these words and asks the child to answer the question: “What identical sound is heard at the beginning of all these words?”:
August, stork, address.

The adult shows the child in front of the mirror and explains the articulation of the sound [A]: when we pronounce the sound [A], then:

Sponges in a calm state;
- the mouth is open wide;
- the tongue lies quietly in the mouth;
- the neck “works” (the child’s hand rests on his neck to control the work of the vocal cords).

The child correctly pronounces the sound [A] in front of a mirror, and then reproduces the articulation of the sound without a voice. The adult explains to the child that the sound [A] is a vowel (it can be sung, since the air does not encounter an obstacle on its way), and shows the child a red circle to indicate this sound, as well as the symbol for the sound [A] - the letter -the girl rocks the doll and sings to it: AAA...

Task 4. Phonetic exercises. The adult asks the child:

- show how a girl rocks a doll: aaaaaaaa... (following an adult on a smooth, long exhalation);
- what does the doctor ask you to say when he examines your throat? - A-A-A... (following the adult, abruptly);
- independently pronounce the sound [A] as many times as the adult claps his hands.

Task 5. An adult asks the child to name the extra word in the series (one that does not begin with the sound [A]):

orange, artist,
soup, astronomer

Task 6. An adult calls the child a word, asks him to identify and indicate the place of the sound [A] in it (the beginning or end of the word), using a red circle and a card.

August, stork...; hand, fox, saw.

Task 7. Didactic exercise “Name it with A” (remember words from the same semantic circle that begin with the sound [A]):

transport: bus, airbus, airplane...; fruits: pineapple, orange, apricot...; professions: agronomist, astronomer, artist...; names of boys and girls: Anya...; Andrey...

Task 8. Learn pure sayings:
A-a-a - widen your mouth, kids.
Aaaaand my leg hurts.

Task 9. An adult reads a poem and asks the child to answer which identical sound is often heard in it, and then name all the words from this poem that begin with the sound [A].

- What are you carrying, Motor Vehicle?

Everything starting with the letter A:

Here are watermelons, oranges,

Apricots and quince.

When listing fruits, the child sequentially bends the fingers of his left hand with his right hand.

Task 10. Introducing the letter A.

The letter A is tall and slender.
It looks very much like an arch.

What else does the letter A look like? (On a rocket, on the roof of a house...)

Letter A from fingers: the index and middle fingers of the right hand are lowered down, the rest are clenched into a fist, and the index finger of the left hand forms a “belt”.

Victoria Pavlenko
Speech therapy homework for children 6–7 years old with OHP. Topic: The vowel letter “E” and vowel sounds [YE].

1. Remember how many vowels and sounds there are in the Russian language? Why are these sounds called vowels? What color do we mark them with?

How do letters differ from sounds?

Letters - we write and see, read.

Sounds - we hear and pronounce.

We see the letter, we pronounce the sound!

2. REMEMBER! The letter “E” is a vowel, written after soft consonants – it indicates the softness of the consonant, we write and see the letter E, we pronounce and hear the sound [E]

for example: SING - [P`] [E] [L])

3. REMEMBER! The letter "E" at the beginning of the word means two sounds [Y E],

for example: EAT-- [YE] [L] [I]).

Read the words and do a sound analysis.

Count how many letters are in each word? How many sounds? Why are there more sounds than letters?

4. REMEMBER! When the letter "E" is written after a vowel in a word, it denotes two sounds [Y E], for example WASHES - [M] [O] [YE] [T]. Perform sound analysis of words:

Count how many letters are in each word? How many sounds? Why are there more sounds than letters? After which letter (vowel or consonant) is the letter “E” written in words?

Publications on the topic:

Homework for teaching children literacy “Vowel sounds and letters” Card 1. Sound and letter A, and 1. The sound “A” is a vowel (it is formed with the help of the voice, it can be sung, drawn, it is not met by an air stream.

Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy in the senior group. Topic: “Sounds [s], [s’]. Letter "C" Goal: To introduce new sounds [s], [s’] and the letter “C”. Educational objectives: - clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Literacy lesson notes. Topic “Sounds [L], [L’]. Letter L" Topic: “Sounds L, L. Letter L" Goal: To consolidate the skill of clear pronunciation of the sound l in syllables, words, phrases, to introduce the letter L. Objectives:.

1. Expanding children's vocabulary Building, group, office, speech therapist, educators, assistant educators, nurse, music director.

Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the senior group “Speech sounds. Vowels and consonants." Topic: “Visiting the Bunny and the Fox” (using the Russian example.

Summary of a lesson on teaching reading and speech development to preschool children “Vowels and consonants”; "Vowels and consonants." Target; exercises in distinguishing vowels and consonants”, designating them with a chip. Progress of the lesson: I Repetition.

GCD in the senior group on the lexical topic “Autumn” (generalization). The vowel letter "O". Tasks: 1. Fix the “autumn” theme. 2. Reinforce the idea of ​​the vowel letter “O”. 3. Practice word formation of leaf names. 4. Continue.

I offer you material on automating the sound [C] in syllables. These exercises are intended as homework (used as an insert in the student’s notebook) to automate the sound [C] in all syllable positions. From the list of words for sound training, the speech therapist selects only those words that consist of sounds that are not impaired in the child’s pronunciation.

It is convenient for parents and children to use this insert, since the sound is practiced, starting from syllables and ending with a sentence.

As an additional and independent task, the child is asked to color and name (sign) pictures for a given syllable position of the sound [C].

Syllable SA

sa - so - su - sy
sy - su - so - sa
sa - sy - so - su
su - sa - sy - so
so - su - sa - sy
so - su - sa - sy

Pronounce words and sentences:

Saber, garden, kindergarten, cod, saury, somersault, lard, himself, sleigh, sled, Sanya, sugar, braid, sausage, bite, forests, fox, wasp, write, stripe, dew, gardens, gardener, salad, salon, fireworks, napkin, scooter, plane, sandals, orderly, boot, barn, sundress, cash register, mass, wheels, crybaby.

Sanya goes to the garden. There is a wasp in the garden. There's a wasp right next to my nose. Striped wasp. Airplane high in the sky. Sanya and Sonya are flying on a plane. The plane is landing. Sanya will be bought a new scooter. Sanya's sleigh moves on its own. Sanka has a brand new sled. Sanya rides on a sleigh. Sanya saw the fireworks. Sanya puts on his boots himself. The gardener planted a garden.

Syllable SO

Say the words and sentences:

Sable, owls, soda, falcon, salt, Sonya, catfish, sleep, barefoot, temple, hair, high, wheel, piece, sock, sand, beans, dog, advice, nightingale, straw, meat.

Boris was bitten by a dog. The dog was given a piece of meat. Dogs don't bite their own. A dog sleeps on the straw. Sonya has a braid right down to her waist. Give Sanya juice and a piece of pineapple. Sand in a scoop. Salt in a salt shaker. Sleepy catfish at the bottom. Sonya slept on the straw. Sonya, buy mom some soda.

Color the pictures. Sign the names.

Syllable SU

Say the words and sentences:

Court, soup, bitch, bag, sum, day, dry, badger, carrying, grazing, dishes, drawing, Saturday, snowdrift, chest, dry, take out.

The soup is getting cold. Mom has a new bag. The forest is dry. The badger is preparing for winter. I'm carrying a bag. There are dishes on the table. Sonya drew a picture. There are dishes in the chest. Within a day there was a snowdrift.

Color the pictures. Sign the names.

Syllable SY


Say the words and sentences:

Cheese, rash, damp, cheesecake, damp, raw, cheese, dampness, raw material, whey, play, son, sprinkle, well-fed, Hair, braids, noses, mustache, rails, parcel, scarf, snub-nosed,

The hair was braided. The parcel was damp. The cheese gave Sanya a rash. Cheese pancakes are very filling. Mom's son has a snub nose. Cheese is made from whey. It's damp outside.

Color the pictures. Sign the names.

Syllable AC


Say the words and sentences:

bass, you, us, pass, kvass, went out, aster, helmet, mask, butter, paste, dangerous, vowel, red, sausage, swallow.

The aster has blossomed. Should I wear a helmet or a mask? The oil got into the kvass. A swallow is making a nest. The red lamp went out. Pasta sausage.

Color the pictures. Sign the names.

Syllable OS


Say the words and sentences:

Nose, rose, frost, wax, bridge, growth, tail, island, sharp, Barbos, mowing, question, apricot, kiosk, cross, space, stripe.

The nose is red in the cold. Apricots grow on the island. Barbos ran with me to mow. I want to fly into space. A sharp strip of paper. Bridge over the river. I'm tall.

Color the pictures. Sign the names.

Syllable US – YUS


Say the words and sentences:

Mustache, taste, bush, start, thick, empty, tasty, cabbage, sad, labor, bite, plus, desert, minus, sail, globe, focus, cactus, bus, pieces, fell asleep, tired.

Cabbage grew thickly in the garden. Seven plus five. Pressed the start button. The sail is sailing. Sanya was tired and fell asleep. There is a cactus on the window. There's a coward on the bus.

Color the pictures. Sign the names.

Syllable YS-IS


Say words, sentences.

send, exhibition, fox, disc, sheet, squeak, pussy, bowl, Denis, accordion player, spark, sour.

We need to send the sheet quickly. Denis and Boris were at the exhibition. Rice in a bowl. There are sparks under the hockey player's feet.

Color the pictures. Sign the names.

Syllables with consonant clusters:


Say the words and sentences:

Bench, jump, horse; bracket, crumple, boredom, stingy mask, bowl, pussy, helmet.

Slava stood up and began to look at the pine tree. Sveta, pick up the trash with a dustpan. Boxing is the sport of the brave. A fat marmot got stuck in a hole. A spark flew from the fire. Resin appeared through the bark of the plum tree. Put the chair in its place! The forest fell asleep under the fairy tale of sleep.

Vasilovskaya Zinaida Viktorovna,
teacher speech therapist,
Achinsk correctional boarding school of VIII type

The houses are standing
They look at each other.
Pedestrians are walking
They carry bags.
And cars
They drove off somewhere. What is this?

This is the street.

There is always a lot of traffic on the streets, a lot of people, a lot of cars and... dangers. Do you know the safety rules on the street? Let's do it again! ….

Rules safe behavior on the street

At the beginning of the lesson, we remembered the rules of behavior on the street - this is very good. But today we will get acquainted with a new sound. With which? Of course, with the first sound of the word street. What is that sound? Say the sound [u]. Where does this sound occur? What is he like?

That's right, sound [y]- vowel!

1. “Catch the Sound”. Clap your hands if you hear a sound [at] in words: spider, flower, puddle, sofa, table, chair, pigeons, chicken.

2. Determine the position sound [at] in words: teeth, duck, science, kangaroo, globe.

3. “Say the word”

Despondent people come to me -
With wrinkles, with folds,
They are leaving very nice,
Fun and smooth!
So, I'm a reliable friend -
Electric… (iron)

Long and flexible
Hunts for fish
Sometimes empty as a pipe,
But he can’t sing... (fishing rod)

It's not called a bird
At least it lays eggs.
He has a duck nose
The beast is not scary... (platypus)

Did you know that... platypuses live in Australia.

The beak of the platypus is not hard like that of birds, but soft. The platypus's mouth has cheek pouches, like a hamster's.

Being only 30-40 cm in length, platypuses dig holes up to 10 m long. There are two passages into the hole: one is underwater, the other is located under the roots of trees or in thickets.

It turns out that the sting of this mammal's horny spurs (on the hind legs) is poisonous and brings death to small animals. It is generally not fatal to humans, but it causes very severe pain and swelling that can last for many days or even months.

4. Pure sayings

  • Wow-wa – a baby is crying in a stroller.
  • Ay-ay – I don’t understand who’s lost.
  • Ooo-oo-oo - the wolf howls in the forest.
  • Wow, wow, wow – our iron got hot.
  • Uch-uch-uch - a ray of sun is shining into the windows.
  • Ur-ur-ur - the cat told us: “Moore.”

5. One is many.(formation of a plural noun):

  • duck - ducks
  • teacher -
  • ear -
  • student -
  • plot –
  • node –
  • textbook -
  • hive -
  • corner -
  • Street -
  • iron -
  • fishing rod -
  • smart ass -
  • snail -

6. What objects whose names begin with a sound [y], drawn in the picture? Color them (save on your computer and print)

Meet the letter U . U nice letter! U The best thing about it is that you can hang your coat on the letter! And also U y me!

1. Find the hidden letters U. Circle them.

2. Color the letter sheet U:

3. Color both letters red on the left side of the picture. Shade the letter according to the example. Find and color the letter U on the right side of the picture.

4. Connect with the letter U only those items whose names begin with a sound [y].

5. Underline the same letter as the one below on the left. Circle all the letters U on right.

6. Connect the dots in numerical order and color what you get. What is the difference between the two squares on the right?

7. “Who is bigger?”

  • Come up with words with sound [at] at first ( street, morning, dinner), in the middle ( hands, pear, cabbage), at the end of a word ( walking, carrying, below).
  • Think of words in which the sound [at] second ( puddle, bough, bedside table).
  • Guess the words that have only three letters, the second and third being uk (beetle, onion, branch, beech).

8. "Find the words"

1. Lesenka. 2. THROUGH LETTER

y – – y – –

y – – – y – –

y – – – – y – –

y – – – – – y – –

y – – – – – – y – –

y – – – – – – – y – –

y – – – – – – – – y – –

Possible answer: Possible answer:

mind, ear, lesson, dill, student, Shura, fly, puddle, beads,

estate, matinee. soul, hand, muse.

9. "On the contrary"

Choose antonyms starting with the letter U, to the words:

Beautiful -… ( ugly), wide - … ( narrow), unlucky – ... ( lucky), evening –… ( morning), sadness - … ( smile).

10. “Entertaining models”

Make up words using the following models:

  • – y – (Beech, tooth, soup.)
  • – – y – (Knock, circle, spider.)
  • – – – y – (Sail, watermelon, suddenly.)

11. "Who is this? What is this?". Don't forget that all clue words have a letter U.

1. This “hurray” is different from others

The one that flies and comes back.

- hooray - -

2. This ear is sitting on a birch tree.

– – ear – –

3. This hand is hidden in the river.


4. This brawler never fights.

Bu – – yang

5. This sheep is grazing on the shirt.

– – – sheep

Answer: boomerang, capercaillie, shell, weeds, button.

12. Crosswords


Write in the boxes the names of the school supplies that each student should have in his or her school bag.

Answer: pen, textbooks, notebooks, diary, ruler, pencil, eraser.

13. All words starting with letter U.

Write in the boxes the names of snakes, birds, shellfish and Australian waterfowl that you know.

Answer: grass snake, boa constrictor, duck, hoopoe, snail, platypus


A snail crawls along the path,
Like a letter U her two horns.

Take a yellow pencil and color in those parts of the drawing where you see the letter U.

15. We are writing...


Proverbs and sayings

  • Without flour there is no science.
  • The smart one blames himself, the stupid one blames his friend.
  • Don't learn to destroy, but learn to build.
  • Learning is the path to skill.
  • Skillful hands do not know boredom.
  • Know how to make mistakes, know how to get better.
  • The morning is wiser than the evening.
  • Friendship has no boundaries, knowledge has no bottom.


  • Decoration- something that serves as decoration for something, furnishings.
  • Lesion- decrease in well-being.
  • Notification- official information, notice sent by one person to another.
  • Confidence- this is a human property associated with a feeling of inner strength, faith in oneself, in one’s ability to move forward and overcome difficulties.
  • Persuasion is a mutual agreement about something.
  • Weekend- from English “end of the week”, that is, Saturday and Sunday.
  • Decree- these are general rules of conduct (rules of law), issued by a senior person, for example, the President.
  • Way of life- this is order in the organization of life, everyday life, etc.
  • Tenderness- this is a gentle, pleasant feeling that comes from something touching.
  • Native- this is a person from a certain area, born in a certain area.
  • Manor is a complex of residential, utility, park and other buildings.

Catchphrases or phraseological units

  • Kill two birds with one stone - do two necessary, important things at once.
  • To moderate the ardor - calm down.

1. Remember everything about the sounds (Г) and (Гь): (adult asks leading questions on the table)

2. Come up with and draw three pictures YOURSELF, in the name of which the sound (Г) or (Гь) is hidden, draw a diagram next to it, the position of the sound, draw a square of the desired color
(blue; green).

3. Children do not write the word, they analyze it by ear. You read, write down a word, draw a diagram, and the child marks the position of the sound with colored pencils. (Gosh, Geese, legs, steps, Lips, Garage, sore throat, horns, Newspaper). Determine which of the two sounds is hidden in each word. Color the square according to the desired color, the position of the sound (Г)/(Гь) in the words.
Look at the pictures, name each one, determine where the sounds (G) or (Gb) are hidden in the names, below each picture carefully mark the position of the hard and soft sound, choose the right color for the sounds! Mark with a straight line the longest word and the shortest one. Ask the correct question for each picture: Who is this? Or What's this? Draw a long strip under the picture if the word is long (green), and a short strip if the word is short (brown).

6. Game “Live Sounds”. The parent pronounces the syllable yG and asks:
— How many sounds did you hear? What's the first sound? ([u] - vowel), second?
([G] - consonant, hard, voiced). At the same time, a syllable diagram is laid out on the table in squares. yG . Then the parent pronounces the syllable Gu and asks:
- What changed? A new syllable is analyzed and a new diagram is laid out on the table.

7. Game “Catch the Sound”. Clap your hands if you hear the sound [Г] and stamp your foot if you hear the sound [Гь] in words (see example words exercise 4 and 3 or make up your own).

8. Color in the part of the mosaic where you see the letter G. Be careful not to go beyond the contour.

Trace, color carefully