Spring has come an abstract classes in the middle group. "Spring goes - spring road"


Identify the level of knowledge in children about spring changes in lively and inanimate nature, clarify the characteristic signs of spring, to identify the simplest causal relationships, develop visual perception, auditory and visual attention, to intensify the qualitative dictionary, develop imagination, educate the love of nature.

W.: Guys, we will go to visit, and to whom are you going to:

If the snow is melting

Turns into a stream.

The grass timidly crashes

Day to become longer

If the sun shines brighter

If birds are not up to sleep

If he became warmer wind

So it came to us (spring).

D.: Spring.

W.: Correctly guys, spring. Today we will go on a journey to the spring forest "). But before you go on a journey, let's dress with you for a walk through the autumn forest. What we need to wear for a walk.

D \\ and "fourth extra" (Spring Clothing).

W.: Well done, guys are now ready to go on a journey, but for this let's say magic words: twice in - twist in the Spring Forest.

W: (on the easel picture with an early spring image). Guys, look carefully on the picture and tell me what spring is shown here.

D.: Early spring.

W.: Correctly guys, and how you guessed.

D.: Snow darkens, melts, streams are running, icicles appear on the roofs, protalinki appears on the ice rivers.

Didactic game "When what happens".

- Winter gone, and spring - (came)

- Winter is sleeping, and in the spring - (wakes up)

- Cold winter, and spring (warm)

- Winter sun shines, and in the spring (heats)

- winter snow falls, and in the spring (melting)

- Winter hare white, and spring (gray)

- Winter days short, and in spring (long)

- Winter trees are sleeping, and in the spring (wake up).

Educator: Well done guys answered correctly. Let's go through the forest path further, see who flew to the spring forest. Call flight birds and show them in pictures.

Children call flight birds and show them in pictures.

W.: Guys, what do birds do in spring.

D.: Birds remove chicks.

W.: Guys, and how we can help with birds.

D.: Make the Bunches, and hang them in the parks and forest.

W.: Guys we are with the spring glan. And what are the flowers that appear the first.

D.: Priorices.

W.: Correctly guys, but watch all the flowers on our clearing spring.

D \\ and "fourth extra"

W.: Well done guys let's move on. (On the easel picture the life of animals in winter). Tell me how the life of animals in the spring is changing.

D.: Wild animals change the fur coat to the easier, young animals appear in the beasts.

C.: Well done guys, well, our journey through the forest is over and we are Swami on the outskirts of the village, say what happens in the life of people with the arrival of spring. (On a set canvas, the image of the village in the spring).

D.: People swallow the earth, plant harvest.

W.: Correctly guys. And what people use people in the spring.

D.: Shovels, rakes, watering cans, brushes for whitewashing trees.

W.: Guys, you know a lot about the spring, and it's time for us to return to the group. Let's say the magic words twice in - twink in our group will be.

W.: Guys, you like our journey.

D.: Yes.

W.: And what you liked most.

Responses of children.

. .

Integrated occupation B. medium group "Spring - Red" with copyright ries and fairy tale

Educational regions: Cognition, artistic - aesthetic, physical development.
Purpose: Specify the characteristic signs of spring, to identify the simplest causal relationships.
enrich vocabulary.
Learn to perceive the beauty of nature, notice the spring changes in nature.
fasten the ability to perceive the image of spring in verses, drawings, create a flower from different materials.
enrich the speech of children with nouns, adjectives
develop visual perception, auditory and visual attention, small motor
Develop the aesthetic perception of the beauty of nature.
Promote the formation of the interest of children to nature.
Rise in children a sense of love and careful attitude towards nature
Pictures - Lide (sun, stream, icicles, Protane, Snowdrops, Snowman, Snow, Skzorets). Spring landscape.
Plasticine, seeds of zucchini.

The course of directly educational activities:

Let's look at the window together
We have been waiting for such beauty for a long time:
And the sky, and the sun and even drops,
Cinema on the branch Walking Trell!
All joy filled with light,
Spring beauty greetings!

Guys, we will talk about spring today. It is also called red.
And why? Because she is beautiful.
Listen to the riddles, if you go out correctly, you will see a picture with a gueau on the screen.
1. Bezing his heat to us will not come spring? (Sun)

2. It is necessary to go down to me.
Over our hanging head.
Solnyh as she pays off
She pays, leaking. (Icicle)

3. We looked it in winter.
And spring came, forgot,
Where he stood, smiling,
Only the nose remained? (Snowman)

4. He was white lying, in the spring darkened,
Where did he go, who ate him? (Snow)

5 He runs, rings, sings
Play with me calls.

You give him a boat
And try, catch up! (River)

6.The beds, he rose from a snowdrift,
Spring will show the road. (Snowdrop)

7. He flew to our singer.
Singing bird. (Starling)

Educator: Well done, all the riddles guess. In these gifts, we learned about what?
Yes, about spring signs. The most important Spring Assistant is the sun. Solnyh wants to play with you.
And now the gymnastics for the eye "Sunny Bunny".
Sunny Zainka (pull back palm)
Jump on palm
Sunny Zainka (put on palm forefinger another hand)
Small like a crumb
Horn jump on the shoulder
Oh, how it became hot!
Lobik jump and again
On the shoulder, let's jump (follow the movement of the finger)
Here we closed your eyes (palms)
And the sun plays:
Brushes with warm rays
Gently warms up (expand their eyes wide).
And now, let's go to forest Polyankalet's see what happens there.

The fairy tale "On the clearing in the spring".
Forty on the clearing shrewd:
"Karaul, Spring disappeared!"

The first bunny rushing:
"What happened, who shouted!"

Hare on Sokoka:
"What happened, Beloboka?"
"And there is no spring and no,
Stark - Ke, Stark - Ke,
There is no one anywhere else! "
Bunny decided to calm Sokoka:
"Let's go, I'll show you spring, Beloboka.
Look, here is the Bergog Bear!
I slept a bear in it for a long time.
He was already wokened by the stream,
Berloga left - he is strongly wet.
Spring River That Bear sent.
What he loves to sleep, he learned about it.

The hedgehog also left his mink his
Walks through the forest, looking for food.

Lisyata with foxes on the clearing play.

Snow and ice on the river all melts and melts,
Here with the grihih rcho flies,
Strite the nest.

At Protalyank, a snowdrop was revealed
Spring and sun hi.

Well, what, Beloboka, spring or not? "
Sorted forty:
"Well, thank you, you are gray!
Was winter too white.
I see, the winter ended!
Streck-in, cheers! Hooray!"
Educator: Guys, you liked the journey to the spring clearing.
Spring for a long time
From winds and sozhi
And today straight
Slops on lunas
He drove snow
With gomon and ringing
To lay meadow
Velvet Green
Soon! Soon! Be warm
This news is the first
Glass drums
Gray headpad of the willow.

Spring - the wonderful time of the year is waiting for the spring, people meet.
Let's make from pumpkin seeds and plasticine the most brave spring flower "Snowdrop"
Children pose from plasticine stalks and leaves, from zucchini seed flowers.
Educator: Guys, tell me that you learned about the spring?

Evgenia Zaitseva
"Spring came". A summary of speech development in the medium group

A summary of speech development in the medium group

Subject: « Spring came

Educational regions: "Cognition", "Communication", "Art Creativity".



1. Expand and clarify the presentation of children about nature. Secure the ability to watch.

2. Expand and enrich children's knowledge about spring changes in nature.

3. To promote the formation of the interest of children to nature.



1. Enrich the speech of children with nouns, adjectives; improve the ability to coordinate words in offers: Nouns with numerical.

2. Secure the ability of children to pick antonyms.

3. Intensify the dictionary due to words (March, April, May, Protinal, Drops, Snowdrop, Priorices, Kidneys) .

4. Rail in children a sense of love and careful attitude towards nature.

"Art Creativity"


1. Continue develop The interest of children to the visual activity.

2. Develop Aesthetic perception ability to contemplate the beauty of the surrounding world.

3. Develop The ability to observe, peering in the phenomenon of nature, notice their changes.

Equipment: pictures with the time of year « Spring» ; Multimedia equipment

Handout: Pictures with tasks.

Preliminary work:

1. Widget observation during a walk

purpose: Secure knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

2. Excursion to the ecological trail.

purpose: Teach children see seasonal changes in nature, understand the relationship of all living in nature.

3. Reading fairy tales and stories: "Spring Joy", "Birds", "Creek" (N. Sladkov) ; "Happy bug" (Squretsky) ; "Under the bush" (N. Pavlova). Radiation of mysteries O. spring. Explore poems, proverbs, sayings ( « Spring» A. Plescheev, "Winter will be held" S. Yezhazh), etc.

purpose: continue develop The interest of children to artistic and cognitive literature.

4. Moving games: "Solar bunnies", "Birds and rain", "Cats and mice", "Flight of birds" etc.

purpose: Learn to quickly perform actions on the tutor signal; develop coordination of movements; Exercise in the pronunciation of sounds.

Travel course:

IN: Guys, let's start the day with a smile. Grasp your hands and smile at each other. We have a good mood, give it to everyone.

But what we will talk about classes, Guess yourself.

She comes with news

And with the fairytale.

Magic wand will wave

In the forest, the snowdrock will bloom. (Spring)

They guessed, what time of year will we talk about?

D.: ABOUT Spring.

IN: After what time of year comes spring?

D.: After winter.

IN: Tell me, what changes in nature occurred spring? (children's responses)

IN: Guys, and winter and spring Like each other? (D.: not) Let's tell about it. Let's play in the game "Say the opposite".

Winter snow white, and spring(grey)

In winter, snow is clean, and spring(dirty)

In winter, cold days, and spring(warm)

In winter, short days, and spring(Long)

Winter sun dull, and spring(bright)

In winter, gray sky, and spring(blue)

In winter, the wind is cold, and spring(warm)

In winter, the sun is low, and spring(high)

Winter got cold, and spring(Warmed)

IN: And how many months spring?

IN: Name them.

D.: March April May.

IN: And now I will tell you what changes in every month happen, and you listen carefully.

(tagging story on the background of the presentation)

Mart-profalp, because it starts to melting snow and the first protalynes are formed. Snow starts to sparkle in the spring rays a little more and run streams, runs on the roads

noisy water.

April-Snowdogon, because quickly, spilling with the streams melts. Well, look at the twigs, they are small fluffy lumps. This kidney is the first leaflers soon will soon be released. Lay back. Now and the snow almost melted, and in some way, on open areas, Green grass has already appeared. In mid-April, a bear with bearings get out of the Berlogs. At the forest glades are shine at rates.

May-herbage, because grass appears everywhere and the young leaves are drawn to the sun. So the nature of winter was completely cleared. There is nothing left of the snow, and the colors of flowers are revealed around. Trees and shrubs flourish. Birds flooded in the spring forest, the sun is rejoiced.

IN: Let's play the game "Excessive picture". I give you leaves, on leaves pictures depicting the spring months. You will need to starve on the bottom of the excess image. (working with pictures) .

IN: And of course, the first spring flowers bloomed! What are they called? (D.: Snowdrops). And since they are the first flowers, they are also called primrosts. Let's correct this word correctly. (Primroses). What other spring flowers do you know?

D.: Dandelion, mother-and-stepmother.

IN: Answer by sample:

1 Snowdrop-2 Snowdrophry-5 snowdrops:

1 dandelion ...

1 flower ...

1 Skeleton ...

1 leaflet ...

And now, guys stand up. We will rest a little rest and spend.

Bear got out of the berry,

Look at the threshold. (turns left and right)

He stretched from sleep (pulling hands up)

To us again spring came.

So that soon gaining strength

Bear's head twisted. (Rotation head)

Leaning back and forth (tilting forward-back)

Here it goes through the forest.

Looking for Bear Koreshki

And drunk hemps.

In them edible larvae

For bear a vitaminchik. (slopes: right hand touch the left foot, then on the contrary)

Finally, Bear Nalesna

And on the log sat down. (Children sit down)

IN: Single in our places, and imagine that we are artists with you. We were given a task to make a bright, beautiful album for children "Spring months". Now you think and decide for yourself, what month you like more, draw pencils on leaves. And then we will make an album.

Abstract in the middle group "Spring"

Purpose: consolidate the presentation of children about the spring, its signs.


Clarify and summarize the presentation of children about characteristic signs Spring, expand the knowledge of children about the spring;

Expand and intensify the dictionary on the topic;

To form the ability of children to work in the team;

Develop creative visual activities.

Methodical techniques:

Taper story, work with proverbs, riddles, viewing illustrations, questions for children, answers for children to questions; Game and practical activity.

Equipment: Watman billets for gaming activities, paper, paint, illustration on spring theme.

The teacher of the guys, very long lasted winter with frosts, strong winds, snow, gray, gloomy sky. We all had to wear warm clothes (warm jackets, fur coats, hats, winter boots, boots).

But in nature everything goes to his woman, and a new season comes to a change of a harsh winter. And as it is called, you will now try to guess. The advantage: Someone threw me in the window,

Look at the letter.

Maybe this is the ray of the sun,

What does my face tickle?

Maybe this is Vorobanyshko,

Floating, dropped?

From whom the letter came,

You want to know?

Then you need to try,

You guess the riddles! (Take an envelope.)

Educator: Let's open the envelope and guess the riddles:

In the blue sky scarlet ball,

He is bright and hot. (The sun.)

White Carromb.

In winter grows

And how the sun priges

Gorky tears pouring. (Icicle.)

Melting snow

The meadow came to life,

Day arrives.

When does it happen? (Spring.)

I offer children to go and sit on the chairs

Educator: Correctly guys, it is spring. Look at these illustrations and tell our guests that they are painted. What time of year in this picture? (Winter.)

Educator: What is visible on it? (A lot of snow, children ride on sledding, trees, children warmly dressed, etc.)

Educator: What do you call that during the year drawn in the second picture? (Spring.)

Educator: For what subjects did you gues what it is spring? (The sun shines brightly, icicles, streams, protane, birds flew, etc.)

Educator: Let's play the game "Wonderful Pouch". Look at my bag, yes in it something is lying! Want to know what in it? I will tell you a secret that there is a lot of small cards with drawings. You will approach me, get it in one picture and call that it is drawn on it and what time of year it happens. It is necessary to put winter pictures on the field, where winter is depicted, and the spring - for spring. (Children in turn are suitable, take a small picture, call that they are drawn and correlated over time.)

Educator: Guys, call, once again, signs of early spring.

(The sun heats, snow melts, the streams appeared, the icicles hang off the roofs, protaly, the day became longer, the night shorter, the birds arrive, children and adults put on light clothes, blowing the warm wind.)

And what wind in spring? (Warm, Fresh)

And what spring sky? (Clear, bright, high, clean)

What other signs of spring do you know?

Birds are returned from warm edges (demonstration of birds with birds)

What are these birds called? (Grac, Swallow)

The kidneys swell on the trees. (Demonstrate a twig of willow with the kidneys.)

Kidney burst and grow green ... (leaves).

Green grass appears, the first flowers are snowdrops.

People dress in lightweight sun clothes, sunshine, children walk in a circle, holding hands. Golden bottom.

Gori, Gori clearly,

So as not to go out.

Ran in the garden stream, run in a circle.

One hundredgroba arrived, "fly" in a circle.

And the drifts are melted, melted, slowly squatted.

And the flowers are growing. Draw on tiptoe, hands up.

Educator: Children, how do you think, who brings the spring to us? (Toy Sun)

Of course, the sun. The sun helped to appear the streams, the call of drops, the kidneys on the trees, the first herb, the first leaflers.

The most important sign of spring is a gentle spring sun, which shines brightly and warms the earth.

And what is your mood when there is no sun? (sad, bad, sad).

Show what you when sad.

And what mood when the sun shines? (fun, joyful)

Show what you are when funny.

And now let's do everyone draws his sunshine.

What color is the sun?

What is it form?

What are the chucks of the sun?

Children draw sun, sounds audio recording sounds of nature.

After performing the work. Educator: And now when there are so many sun and so light, what is your mood (joyful, funny), and what we do when we are fun (dance). (Merry music sounds). Summing up the outcome.

What time of year we talked today? (Spring).

What signs of spring did you remember? (The sun heats, melts the snowball, the streams appeared, the icicles hang off the roofs, protaly, the day became longer, the night is shorter, the birds arrive, the people put on light clothes, blowing the warm wind.)

Educator: Everyone was trying today. Well done

Objectives: Secure the presentation of children about the spring, its signs. Develop connected speech, observation, small and general motorcy. Understand the meaning of mysteries and find a guess. Expand and activate the dictionary on the topic. Secure the knowledge of the parts of the flower. Relieve respectful, careful attitude towards nature surrounding the world.

Equipment: flannelugaph, flower parts for flannelhemph, cards with images of spring flowers, plot pictures on the topic "Spring", cut pictures with flowers, envelope with riddles, live hyacinth flower.

Preliminary work:

- observations in nature;

- reading poems of spring;

- viewing pictures and illustrations of spring, spring colors;

- Gaying mysteries.

Travel course:

Educator: Guys, I went to walk in the park yesterday, I did not recognize him. How did the park change? Why didn't I recognize him? Who guessed? What happened to the snow? (melted). And what happened to the trees? (Swimble kidney). What flowers appeared? (Primroses).

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle and you will learn how today today's occupation is devoted.

Here and the sky enlightened,

The land of the sun silently,

The streams in the forest sing and snowdrops bloom.

Everything was awakened,

This came to us - Spring (Children Choir).

Educator: That's right, the guys have come spring.

Are you glad spring? We waited a long time for spring, which means what spring? (Long-awaited). What mood you have when you talk about spring? (Merry, good, beautiful, ...).

Can I say - spring mood? And the sun in the spring? (Spring). And what puddles in the spring? (Spring). And what sky is the sky? (Cloud, streams, trees, grass, prostinal, icicle, rain, day)

Movable game "Spring, Spring Red"

Spring, spring red! (children go in a circle, holding hands)

Come, spring, with joy,

With joy, with joy, (go to the other side)

With great grace:

Highly high, (stop, raise hands up rising socks, inhale)

With the root of deep, (quiet, lowered hands, exhale)

With breads abundant. (Holding hands, run in a circle).

Educator: Let's tell me that it happens in the spring. Start your answer with the words "spring" ...

In the spring ... the sun shines brightly.

Snow melts snow.

Spring appears protaly.

Spring appear puddles.

Spring swelling kidneys

In the spring, birds arrive.

Spring ride streams.

In the spring wake up insects.

Spring wild animals change the color of the fur coat.

Spring in the beasts appear young.

Spring appears grass.

In the spring, the first colors appear: snowdrops, mother-and-stepmother.

Educator: Guys, someone knocks on our door. (Entered live flower in goroshke-hyacinth and envelope). Look - this is hyacinth. Hyacinth, too, spring flower. Hyacintha, like all plants there are stem, leaves, flower, the root is in the ground. Let's lay out a flower on the flannelhegraph ( children on flannelhemphit lay out flower).

Educator: Guys, I see that there is an envelope next to a pot. Let's see what is in it? (The tutor pulls a sheet with riddles and cards with images of spring flowers). Guys, it is riddles - riddles about the first spring colors. Let's guess these riddles:

It grows beautiful, gentle,

Blue flat white.

Even earlier blooms

What the ice is melted on the river.

Dismissed exactly on time

First Martov Flower. (Snowdrop)

Golden beam Sogret

Growing a sun portrait!

But a yellow flower

Temporary sheets no (mother-and-stepmother)

White peas

On a green leg. (Lily of the valley)

Yellow, white, blue;

Earth grow empty.

Spring has focuses:

Disamed ... (crocuses).

He hurries the spring to meet

I notice him everywhere:

Yellow caftanchik

Wears ... (dandelion).

Spring flower

Signs to not make a mistake:

Leaf - like garlic,

And the crown - like a prince! (Narcissus)

Educator: Guys, we solved all the riddles!


Flowers grow on the meadow

Unprecedented beauty (hands on the sides)

Flowers stretch to the sun.

With them stretch and you ( pulling, hands up)

The wind blows sometimes

Only it is not trouble. ( swing up hands up)

Lean flowers,

Lower the petals. (tilting forward)

And then get up again

And still bloom. (straightening)

Held didactic game "Collect the flower"

The teacher distributes an envelope to each child, there is a split picture in it. Children lay out their flower. Then the teacher of each child asks what flower it turned out.

Educator: Guys, you told spring signs, showed how the flower grows, remembered the names of spring colors, the pictures were collected. You are great!


What are we doing today?

What did you like best?