Hyacinth: reproduction and flower care at home. Hyacinth in a pot: how to care for home, what to do after flowering? Hyacinth in a pot How to care

To achieve flowering of this wonderful plant will be able to be almost at any time. Coincide with the dissolution of buds is possible to a specific holiday, making a gift, for example, for the new year.

The festive room will decorate not only the traditional Christmas tree, but also a majestic live bouquet.

About how the surveillance of hyacinths at home, a long-term or annual flower is a flower, and it is necessary to talk.

Hyacinth is a representative of the genus of asparagus and a perennial bulbous flower. Highlight 3 of its type:

  1. Hyacinth Litvinova. With wide empty leaves and short coloring. Flowers with pointed petals, prevailing tone bluish-blue. May be perennial or annual. In the wild (in the eastern regions of Iran and Turkmenistan), it grows more than one year, and in culture most often used as annual.
  2. Hyacinth Transcaspian. A small raptice with narrow long leaves. Coloros are usually more than two, the flowers themselves are blue and enough small. In the wild, the bloom of hyacinths in the spring can be seen in the mountainous areas of Turkmenistan.
  3. The most common is, of course, hyacinth East. It is precisely as a model type of culture, and on its basis new varieties and various hybrids are withdrawn, and there are already more than 300 characters. It has a variety of colors.

It is possible to conduct a very conditional division of the varieties of the Hyacinth of Eastern in color:

  • blue (Maria, Delftbl, Royal Fleet);
  • white (Aoshos, Edelweiss, Argentina Rentsense, Carnegie);
  • pink (Fondant, Jan Bos, Pink Pirla);
  • red (Woodstock);
  • yellow (Orange Boven, Apricot Passion, City of Harlem);
  • violet (Amethyst, Bismarck, Menelik).

Hyacinth mix is \u200b\u200ba hybrid with terry flowers that can have very different colors. This is a flower mixture.

The cultivation of hyacinths at home occurs not as in the country or in the garden. It is necessary to try to recreate the conditions as closely close to natural.

Not at all, it is not easy, but it is not arching to grow this plant. With this task, any amateur can cope.

How are landing and care for hyacinths in room conditions?

Care requirements for hyacinth in the pot are as follows:

  1. The soil. Used special mix (Dern, sand, humus, leaf land and peat - in equal proportions). Soil in a pot before used, it is necessary to calculate (thermally process).
  2. Lighting and location. This plant loves light. He needs not less than 15 - 16 hours a day. Therefore, pots in which hyacinths are planted, it is better to place on the windowsill southern or southeastern windows. If there is no such possibility, you will have to provide additional artificial illumination. In the hot sunny days, the plants need to shade or shoot from the windowsill, to avoid sunburn. Hyacinth on the windowsill should occasionally turn the flower to be symmetrical.
  3. Temperature. The hyacinths are quite demanding to the air temperature in the room (+ 20 ... + 22 ° C). Drops, sharp temperatures and neighborhood heating devices. You can imitate natural conditions, pulling out pots in warm weather on the balcony or loggia.
  4. Watering and spraying. Watering is required extremely gently and carefully. We exclude the complete drying of the soil. Moisture is not allowed to enter the plant itself: it can be understood. Watering is made by immersion in a standing, not cold and soft water. Spray hyacinths in pots no need. In the process of flowering, moisturize is generally strictly prohibited.
  5. Podkord hyacinths are often carried out. For this purpose, you can use any universal complex fertilizer intended for all indoor plants.

Bulb flowers in pots give abundant bootonization exclusively as a result of pastures.

And this is a whole set of actions aimed at stimulating the plant.

Conditions are created for landing and care for hyacinths in the room, the observance of which pushes the plant to active growth and generous flowering.

Bulbs - selection and preparation

Extremely important for high-quality flowering of the room plant Hyacinth is considered to be good material For landing.

Lows must be strong, dense and healthy. They are not allowed damage (dents, scratches).

Weight should not cause suspicion of the presence within the emptiness, that is, the bulb should not weigh too little.

In size, the most suitable are the tubers with a diameter of about 5 cm. After buying and immediately before landing, they must be treated with disinfecting compositions.

To land the hyacinth flower in a pot, you need to take exclusively those bulbs that the rest period has already been moved.

The one who bought a landing material in the store reasonably suggests that this stage has already purchased bulging eggs. Repeated procedure is not required.

If your planting material is used, then you need to take care of it in advance.

Hyacinth after flowering (in June) digs at the moment when the blooming dries and yellow leaves. Then the bulbs are carefully examined and selected.

Storage of tubers at home during rest (rest) is as follows:

  • the first two weeks after the garbage of the garden bulbs should be kept in a wet and warm room (about 30 ° C);
  • in the next couple weeks, the temperature is reduced to 25 ° C;
  • until then to plant hyacinth houses, the temperature background should be below 17 ° C.

Lukovitsa - landing and subsequent trampling

First of all, you need to decide on the date to which you want to get a blooming hyacinth.

The time of the distillation changes depending on the selected varieties. It ranges from 13 to 20 weeks.

Blossom after early distortion takes closer to the end of December, after the average - in January or February, and after late - in the last decade of March or April.

The planting process, as well as care for hyacinths at home is made in several stages:

  1. Selected pot. It is recommended to use quite wide, but not highly high products. They must have drainage holes.
  2. Drainage (Ceramzit) is poured into the pot.
  3. Then the small layer of a special land is placed on top.
  4. Now is a thin layer of sand.
  5. On the sand put on the bulbs. In 1 pot, you can put one or even a few pieces (at a distance of at least 2 cm from each other).
  6. The bulbs are slightly pressed (not screwed) and the earth falls asleep. Landing is carried out shallow, about the third part of the tuber must remain outside.
  7. From above are sanded with sand, in order to avoid the occurrence of rotting the planting material.
  8. By 1.5-2 months of pots stay on vacation in a cool and dark place. It can be a basement or even a refrigerator. The main thing is that the air temperature is stable within + 6 ... + 10 ° C. Care is regularly moistening the Earth. You can not allow the resistrate to dry. Hyacinth at home is placed in artificial autumn.
  9. After this period, the colors need to create an unfulstly spring. They move into a well-lit room, where the temperature is supported within + 10 ... + 15 ° C.
  10. At that moment, when buds appear, the plant is immediately transferred to the desired place.

For long-term preservation of hyacinth colors in the apartment requires a constant temperature, not exceeding 20 ° C. It is recommended to avoid the neighborhood with heating devices.

It is impossible to stop care for hyacinth after flowering, otherwise the plant may die. When leafy of leaves and wadering of flowers occur, do not stop watering and feeding. It is necessary to give a bulb for recovery.

After the final drying of the leaves, it is removed from the ground, cleared and laid out for a couple of days.

If hyacinth has well-developed kids, they are separated. But if small bulbs hold hard, they are better not to touch them.

It is not necessary to transplant them. How to carry out the storage of bulbs at home?

We leave in a dark and pretty cool place until late autumn, then planted into the open ground. The bulb to frosts is well rooted.

Hyacinths do not bloom, which have already survived one distance. They do not have enough strength.

Therefore, they must relax in the garden and are likely to bloom the future in the spring. It is not necessary to plant them in a pot.

How is hyacinth multiplied?

The reproduction of hyacinths at home is possible to carry out several different options:

  • children-blouses;
  • seeds;
  • separate onion scales.

The reproduction of hyacinths for children by law is considered the most simple way For flowerflowers.

The daughter of the bulbs grow up, as a rule, in a natural way completely independently.

We only need to carefully separate them from the royal bulbs. The only drawback is a small number of children (from 1 to 9).

To increase the number of landing material, apply decorative methods Reproduction: Cuts (applying notches) and cutting (removal) of the Donette.

To carry out this procedure, choose the most healthy, large and rested bulb. Then it must be disinfected and dried.

When the cutting method, the don is neatly removed, so that the excavation remains. Then the bulbs are laying up in drawers with cutouts up and stored indoors with a temperature of not more than 20 ° C.

After two or three months along the edge of the cutter, kids are in enough large quantities (20 - 40 pcs.).

The bulb with kids transplanted into the soil for rearing. When the growing season is over, you can all dig up the tuber and divide the children.

Transplanted bulbs before flowering will have to grow for another 3 - 4 years.

With the cutting method of the Donette, several notches are made (2 - 6), and then subsidiaries are formed. They will be less, but they will be larger.

The hyacinth transplant is carried out similarly to the previous method. Children grown in such a method faster coming to the flowering phase (2nd - 3).

The plant is multiplied and with scales. They are simply separated from the uterine bulbs and transplanted into the substrate.

When the care behind the hyacinth is carried out correctly, soon they will turn into full-fledged bulbs.

The most difficult way is the cultivation of hyacinths from seeds. Used almost only by experts.

He is also the longest. In order to form a blooming bulb from the seed, it will take up to 6 years. Although it's not so difficult to care for growing lows.

Hyacinth is a rather capricious plant when growing in the apartment. Typically, the ultimate care for this. Here possible problems:

  • rotate flowers (watering excess or incorrect);
  • the buds fall (they got water when watering);
  • worse leaves (insufficient lighting);
  • yellow leaves (there are drafts);
  • no bloom (temperature regime is not sustained).

Kirill Sysoev

Cornish hands do not know boredom!

Often on garden sites There is a bulbous plant - hyacinth, "rain flower". Culture loves moisture very much: with the first spring rains a plant blooms, blue, red, white flowers appear. When careing at home, some difficulties may arise. They are avoided will help tested tips.

What is hyacinth

Hyacinth refers to the Sparazhev family. His homeland is the Mediterranean. There are tall, low-minded copies: height 20-60 cm. Flowerons appear from smooth fleshy leaves (5-8 pieces on one stem). Spring appears many small floweries, externally similar to bells: may be simple or terry. Cystic inflorescences different shades: Lilac, gentle pink, heavenly, fuchsia, cream, peach, dark purple, bright yellow and other tones. Common varieties of culture suitable for home care:

  • "Oriental";
  • "Litvinova";
  • Argentina is leasen;
  • "Amethyst";
  • "Rosalia";
  • "Ostara";
  • "Sanfulauer";
  • Borah;
  • Anna Marie;
  • Grand Blanche;
  • La Victoire;
  • Prince Arthur.

Preparation of bulbs to landing

To distill at home, choose whole, dense bulbs, without damage, with a diameter of 5 cm. Consider that when landing the copies of a smaller size bloom will not happen either will be inconvenient. Before boarding, extinguishing, make disinfection sowing material: Use for this solution of 2 liters of water and permanganate potassium or manganese (at the knife tip). After half-hour patching of instances, they need to dry 2 days at a temperature of 20 degrees.


Take care of the preparation of the planting material. For bulbs, digging from the bed, special events are held:

  1. Remove copies from the Earth in the summer (end of June - the beginning of July). Clean from the soil, 2 weeks keep there, where it is dark, at air temperature +30 degrees.
  2. After another 14 days, contain sowing material at a temperature of +25 degrees.
  3. Subsequently store the seed material at +17 degrees.

One of the main features of the plant is that his flowering time can be adjusted under a specific date: many people have culture on March 8, an anniversary or another holiday. Consider that from the moment of planting the bulbs before flowering goes about 3 months. Culture of culture at home can be:

  • early - landing in October, blossom on New Year or christmas;
  • middle - Locking in November, flowering period - the end of January - the beginning of February;
  • late, if the landing is December - the beginning of January, the appearance of flowers - March-April.

Often, the surveillance is made using water. Carefully selected capacity: a narrow cups are suitable. The bulbs should not be sinking, touch the roots with the bottom of the dishes. Use raindrop or filtered water to distilse. Place the bulbs in opaque cups, place where it is dark, cool. Care at home behind the sowing material involves control over the level of fluid: if necessary, add water. After the appearance of the roots, pour a little nutritional composition: "Korninn" is suitable.

How to plant hyacinth house in a pot

Time to landing in pots are selected individually: October, November, December, January. Consider that plants with proper care at home will dissolve in 3 months. The landing is carried out like this:

  1. Select a pot with holes, create a drain layer (use clayjit, stones, crushed brick), pour the ground, sand, plant a bulb.
  2. If several copies are located in one pot, then the distance between them should be 2-3 cm: plant the bulbs so that they do not touch the walls of the tank.
  3. Planting material A little jumped into the ground, poured soil. From above, create a layer of sand - this will exclude the likelihood of posting. The tops of hyacinths should be unmamped.
  4. Keep a pot of about 1 month where it is dark, cool: the basement, cellar, garage with air temperature not lower than 5 degrees come to accommodate tanks. Care at home in rooting involves periodic watering: do not allow the soil drying in the pot.
  5. When the roots, first sprouts appear, transfer the capacity to light, the air temperature should be about 15 degrees. First week after the cold period, hold the pots with hyacinths under the paper cap.

How to grow

Beautiful I. bright flowers It turns out far from all flowerflowers. When careing at home for flowers in pots, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Watering, so that the water does not get on the leaves and the flowers: it is desirable to pour water or fertilizer into the pallet or use a canter with a thin spout.
  2. Hyacinth care in the pot at home involves the use of soft water room temperature: Suitable warm rain or thala.
  3. Prohibited spraying.
  4. When leaving, when the flowering period passes, turn the pot with a culture around its axis by 40 degrees. The plant will evenly dissolve the leaves, form full bluers. If you ignore this recommendation, the culture brushes will turn out to be one-bed.
  5. If there is too high instance or during its development in a pot solely on the one hand, use the backups.
  6. Take the hyacinth at home is prohibited, because it prevents nutrient access.

Home care

The period of flowering when careing at home is relatively short: from 1 to 4 weeks. Consider that the plants in the pots can not dissolve for a long time. As a rule, this is due to incorrect care: heat air, lack of moisture or its oversupply, poor lighting. If you exclude these moments, then culture with home care Will please the owners with its magnificence.

During flowering

Bulbous plants require a special approach to growing. Care for hyacinths at home should be carried out taking into account the following points:

  1. Carefully choose the soil for the pot: the recovery of the organicer of two parts of pure sand is suitable, one part of humoring, peat and the same amount of compost. High soil acidity for culture is detrimental. Prepared substrate warm in the oven at a temperature of 110 degrees: this is how the mixture is disinfected.
  2. The soil in the pot always should be wet, especially at the stages of flowering, active growth, wintering. Consider that water should not be stagnation, otherwise it will lead to the root rotting, the development of fungus. You will avoid these problems, if after each watering (after 5-10 minutes) you will pour the liquid from the pot pot.
  3. When leaving at home, follow the lighting: Keep flowers in the light, but do not place pots under the right solar rays. When cloudy, use artificial light sources - luminescent lamps.
  4. The perfect air temperature for culture is + 20-22 degrees. Do not place pots with flowers near the heating devices, where drafts prevail.
  5. Fertilizers when careing for hyacinth at home is made every 14 days. Buy ready-made nutritious complexes for bulbous and use them according to installed instruction: After the appearance of sprouts, an ammonium nitrate is used (30 g per square meters. m), an ammonia salter is introduced into the blockonization phase (20 g per 1 sq. M), "Superphosphate" (40 g per 1 sq. M.), Potassium chloride (30 g per 1 sq. M. m), after flowering - "Superphosphate" (40 g per 1 sq. M.), Potassium chloride or Calimagnesia (40 g per 1 sq. M).
  6. Before feeding, carefully sang the land.

After flowering

Few people know what you need to do so that the hyacinth after flowering at home is well preserved. Experienced flowerflowers Recommended to do the following:

  1. Plants gradually dry: the pot is located where it is dark, watering is reduced. Next, hyacinths get out of the ground, their disinfection is carried out, as before planting, after which they are retracted to storage. Consider that this method is very risky, because there is the likelihood of complete drying of the roots. In some flower water, after such a "test", plants are blown in a year.
  2. If you want to save hyacinths, then use the following method: Cut the outflower bloom, spend the flower transshipment of a small container into a large, spacious. Before transfering to the bottom of the new pot, lay out drainage from the ceramzit, pour garden land (Connect peat with sand), stick the bulb so that it covers the ground to the neck.

For storage, hyacinths are extracted from pots in the presence of yellowed foliage. Before reaching instances, cut arrows: if there is a greens, then after the colors are formed fruits that stretch the strength of the plant. Hyacinths are dried there, where dark, low humidity level, air temperature is 19 degrees. If the bulbs are small, then to strengthen them, make the specified procedure (pruning arrows, extracting instances from the ground, drying them) until the moment of flowering. With this approach, the culture will subsequently please you abundant blossom.


Often, when careing for excellent plants, the house requires to increase their number. Gardeners breed hyacinths in the following ways:

  • kids;
  • seeds;
  • using the cutting of the Donets;
  • cuttings;
  • with the dissection of bulbs.

If the cultivation of hyacinths at home is produced, then the method of breeding for children is suitable. One bulwery for the year 2-4 processes are formed: it is possible to stimulate the formation of children with the help of a cross-shaped handbap of the mother's bulb. The processes are neatly separated, planted. If the kids are still poorly disconnected, then the bulb does not touch: after the next bloom, the hyacinth is getting out of the ground, developed processes are separated. Dissolved for individual pots of kids grow very quickly, the first bootonization occurs after 2-3 years.

Seed reproduction, if you need to get plants of a rare variety. This method is considered too time-consuming, not suitable for home conditions. With the method of cutting the diagram, a large seed material is used. It is washed, the bottom of the copies is cut with a sharp knife: the bottom of the copies is cut: a cone-shaped cauldron is obtained. The location of the cut is processed by a crowded coal or a solution of fungicide. The bulbs are stored by the Donets. So that kids appear faster, cover the copies with polyethylene: the first protempted with a diameter of 5-10 mm is formed after 2-3 months.

The dissection of the bulbs is carried out like this: large specimens are taken, with the help of a sharp knife are separated by 5-6 parts, slices are solely disassembled on flakes, sections are disinfected with poured coal or a solution of fungicide. The resulting sowing material is turned into polyethylene, the first 30 days is stored at a temperature of about 25 degrees, the second month is maintained by the conditions - + 17-20 degrees.

The cuttings are cut into the formation of buds: a sheet with a stalk is selected, it is cut close to the stalk of the plant. The damaged place is treated with a disinfecting solution, a growth stimulator. The cutlets falls into the pot with fertile ground, covered with a film. The roots will appear a month later, the sprouts will turn around 60 days. The first 2 years care for hyacinth at home does not imply a transplant: Leave it to winter under the thick layer of mulch.

Diseases and pests

If we take into account the rules for planting and care at home, then the culture will not hurt. When you ignore some recommendations, hyacinths may suffer from:

Possible problems in the cultivation of hyacinths

Experienced flower and beginners may make mistakes when careing for hyacinths at home. To obtain beautiful plants, take into account possible problems and ways to solve them:


The cause of the occurrence

Decision method

In the winter months, the surveillance of hyacinths arrives - small bulbs with leaves and inflorescence. The sworded hyacinths should not be thrown away. They are easy to save, and then plan on on next year These hyacinths will bloom.

Hyacinth Care

Hyacinths that are sold more often in small pots, please us in winter and early spring. They quickly bloom, filling the room with a fabulous aroma. Unfortunately, the life of such a hyacinth system and full of deprivation. It suffers from lack of nutrition and thirst, a little space in a pot for a normal amount of soil. When irrigated, it is difficult not to soak the bulb, so the substrate in the pot has to moisturize through the pallet or carefully water in the very edges and corners of the pot. Hyacinth in the warm room fell apart and is easily overwhelmed. This is because his elongated bloomer with a heavy chick is inclined towards the light (windows), and it is impossible to strengthen the support in a tiny pot.

Help various optionsallowing to keep the floweros in a vertical position. The pot from time to time has to turn, to transfer it to the night in a cooler place or strengthen with infirred means. The larch of hyacinth, the pots with which stands in a bright and cool place (on a glazed insulated loggia, a veranda, in winter Garden etc.). In addition, winter surveillance depletes the bulb.

I buy a flowering hyacinth in a pot not only as a temporary decoration. I use this opportunity to replenish the collection of hyacinths. If just a purchased hyacinth is quite closely, it keeps on some roots, and little from the substrate has little left, you have to immediately engage in the new flower pot. Before that, I well moisturize the contents of the previous pot with an outcast and gently pull the bulb with the roots in the container bigger size. The main thing is not to burst the neck of the bulb. The bulb does not necessarily fall asleep the earth. You can add additional soil to it later, after flowering. Per blooming planttransplanted into a more voluminous pot, it is easier to care for. It looks much more interesting, and it can be fused in such a pot after the hyacinth is wondering, and the floweros will be cut.

What to do with the sworded hyacinth?

The first scenario. Many people throw out the sworded hyacinths. Sometimes they leave an empty pot, as it can be used when growing seedlings or for cacti.

Scenario second. Some existences in flower growing (including articles in newspapers and magazines) are recommended to expose the blurred hyacinth of execution: the plant is first systematically arched, the bulb is removed from the ground and disinfected, after which they are sent to storage to the autumn landing on the site. It is believed that the bulb who passed through such a test will bloom in a year. I tried many times to preserve the hyacinth bulb in this way. First of all, it is very troublesome. And most importantly, my bulbs never lived even to the end of the summer. They were so pissing that no further bloom had not even had to dream. In time autumn planting From the dried onion, nothing remained, except for the lump of rustling scales. There was nothing to plant in the ground.

Scenario Third. This option gives one hundred percent result. In addition, it is very simple. I start with the fact that I cut off the blonde bloom. After that, I make transshipment from the old little pot into a more capacious flower pot. Of course, only if I did not transplanted hyacinth to a new flower pot immediately after purchase. Be sure to put the drainage layer on the bottom (better from the ceramisit). Spend pre-prepared garden land, mixed with peat and sand. You can take the purchase of colors. It is important that this is not a solid peat or too nutrient soil type "Living Earth". To such content packages, you must add at least sand. The bulb falls asleep the earth to the cervix. It is very important not to plunge it in a new pot.
After transshipment, the pot with hyacinth put in a bright cool place on insulated glazed loggia. You can put it on. Hyacinth quickly begins to grow excellent green leaves.
Caring for him as for indoor plant During the period of growth: moderately watering the soil in the pot, trying not to dunk the bulWhi itself, and feed the complex fertilizers. The soil during irrigation can not be rejected. Hyacinth will naturally develop in a pot (on loggia or windowsill) as well as his conversations in open soil. The whole difference lies only in time and place of growth. As soon as the possibility appears, the hyacinth must be moved to

Winter - time is pretty harsh. Frost, the cold penetrating wind optimism is not added, so we live we all waiting for spring. And the hyacinths will help us, which are not as folded, as it may seem right away. They bloom in winter and really enliven our lives with a variety of their colors (from white to burgundy and blue) and luxurious blossom. In the February Studa, it is impossible to even submit blooming plants, but you can see on your windowsill. They bloom in February and inspire confidence in the heart of the fact that after winter it is necessary to come spring, everything comes to life and blooms, and life continues. There is no person who will remain indifferent at the bottom of this blooming at home the magnificence and will not admire the wonderful charming aroma.

Translated from the Greek language, hyacinth means "rain flower". This amazing flower came to us from the Mediterranean and Malaya Asia. In nature, they, of course, look not so luxurious and presentable, but, nevertheless, very cute and gently. A lot of hyacinth varieties are derived from the breeders who will not leave anyone indifferent. It is grown this plant, both from the bulbs and from the seeds. But the growing of bulbs is more common, as it is difficult to grow hard and long.

Hyacinths grow both in the open soil and at home. In the open soil, they can be grown not further middle strip Russia, as they poorly tolerate frosty winters. The flowering of hyacinths after they blend can be repeated, but at home. If you provide hyacinths to proper care and observe all agrotechnical techniques, they will give you and your homemade new flowering, and, it means, new positive emotions.

Today, the conversation will go on how to grow hyacinths at home from bulbs.

Immediately it must be said that hyacinths are grown in soils in any dishes, as well as in water.

Blank Lukovitz

To do this, in the fall in the garden you need to dig bulbs bigger and more thanks and adding them. Now they will expect their o'clock to please all with their bloom, but now at home. But so that they bloomed abundantly and were healthy, some uncomplicated rules should be followed.

Definition of time

It is necessary to solve whenever you need blooming hyacinths and, based on this, plan landing time. After all, from planting hyacinths to their flowering is approximately 70-80 days.

Cooling Lukovitz

Then you need to create favorable conditions For growing.

You will need a dark, cool place to place the hyacinth bulbs there.. Well, if it is a basement, but, at worst, the refrigerator will go.

Cool and lighting

At the second stage, when hyacinths will go into growth, the conditions will change slightly. The room requires cool, but lit. Plants with blossomed flowers contain at a temperature not higher than +19 degrees with and with good illumination.

Size of Lukovitz

To distill hyacinths, you need to take healthy bulbs at least 5 cm in diameter. It will provide trouble-free and lush flowering.


For home distillation, the bulbs must be specifically processed. Therefore, the bulbs need to be purchased not in random places, but already processed, and where they are engaged in professionally.

Selection of Lukovitz

The bulbs should be healthy; dense, intact, covered by external scales, then their cultivation will be smooth.

Capacity and soil

To distill hyacinths, you need to pick up suitable capacity: small boxes, plates, wide pots with a small drainage hole and prepare nutrient soil, crumples or sand. Prepare everything you need to create conditions for pastures, you can begin planting bulbs.

Landing Lukovitz

The tonyshko with a thin layer of sand or clamzit, then mad the earth, so much so that the bulbs look out of the ground for 2-3 cm. We put the bulbs in the ground so that between them it was about 3 cm, that is, they should be closely, but to touch Do not each other and the walls of the tanks should not. In addition, that so they feel more comfortable when the plants bloom, look very impressive.

Earth around the bulbs must be sealing and pouring. Then, the ground is covered with a layer of sand with a thickness of about 1 cm. This is done so that the bulbs of hyacinths in the process of distillation do not begin to rot.


After that, the container with plants put in the cellophane package with ventilation holes. So we create conditions for venting. Packed plant put in a basement or refrigerator. The temperature of +6 degrees C contributes to rooting hyacinths.

Survey care

When the plant is rooted, the first sprouts will be sworn. This process takes 6-7 weeks. All this time, care is simple: you need to ensure that the land in the capacles do not swam.


When the shoots of hyacinth will grow up to 3 cm, the care is complicated. Capacity with plants should be moved to the room where the temperature is no more than +12 degrees C. To begin with, they must be in a privided place, and then they should be moved closer to the window. After that, the bulbs will begin an active growth of the leaves, and the buds will appear.

If you hurry and put on the bulbs in a leaard place earlier and arrange them good lightingThe plant will not bloom at all.

After that, the hyacinths can be placed in the place allotted for them. Here, the care is more complicated, since the place should be well covered (but not direct sunlights), not to be in a draft, be away from the heating devices. Here, the temperature should be maintained within + 16-19 degrees C. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the land in a wet state.

Growing in water

If you want to grow hyacinth in water, then care will not be difficult. It is just its bulb must be placed in a narrow tank filled with a nutrient solution consisting of water and fertilizer. The bulb in the tank should be positioned so that the fluids concern only its bottom. And all other techniques of cultivation and care will be the same as for bulbs planted in the soil.


The main care for the blooming hyacinth is regular and proper watering. It is necessary to water it with great care, trying so that the water does not get on the bulb or on the leaves.


So that the plant develops evenly and well covered, the capacity should sometimes turn. If necessary, for the plant, you should arrange a support.


From time to time, hyacinths should be picked up liquid fertilizer for flowers.

The Bulb of Hyacinth, who passed the surveillance will not bloom the second time, but it is possible to use it for reproduction purposes. It is only necessary to carefully remove it from the tank and on the autumn to plant it into open soil, where she will give "children" with great success.

When the hyacinths are flashing, you need to carefully cut the dried flowers, and be careful behind the plant, as before: water and feed until all the leaves are rejected. All this time, the bulbs will relax, and gather with the forces, and they can even form "kids."

When all the leaves dried, the bulbs need to be removed from the ground, clean them from dried leaves and dry well. On the autumn they need to land into the garden, where there is no wind and burning sun ray. Here they will safely bloom on next year, just as luxurious, as at home. The bulbs of hyacinths live for several years, and during this time they turn new bulbs, which soon will bloom.

In the winter months, the surveillance of hyacinths arrives - small bulbs with leaves and inflorescence. The sworded hyacinths should not be thrown away. They are easy to save, and then planted on the site. The following year, these hyacinths will bloom.

Hyacinth Care

Hyacinths that are sold more often in small pots, please us in winter and early spring. They quickly bloom, filling the room with a fabulous aroma. Unfortunately, the life of such a hyacinth system and full of deprivation. It suffers from lack of nutrition and thirst, a little space in a pot for a normal amount of soil. When irrigated, it is difficult not to soak the bulb, so the substrate in the pot has to moisturize through the pallet or carefully water in the very edges and corners of the pot. Hyacinth in the warm room fell apart and is easily overwhelmed. This is because his elongated bloomer with a heavy chick is inclined towards the light (windows), and it is impossible to strengthen the support in a tiny pot.

Various techniques help to keep the floweros in a vertical position. The pot from time to time has to turn, to transfer it to the night in a cooler place or strengthen with infirred means. The larch of the giacinta color, the pots with which stands in a bright and cool place (on a glazed insulated loggia, a veranda, in the winter garden, etc.). In addition, winter surveillance depletes the bulb.

I buy a flowering hyacinth in a pot not only as a temporary decoration. I use this opportunity to replenish the collection of hyacinths. If just a purchased hyacinth is quite closely, it keeps on some roots, and there are few of the substrate, it remains to immediately engage in the new flower pot. Before that, I am well moisturizing the contents of the previous pot with a trampper and gently pull the bulb with roots into the container of larger size. The main thing is not to burst the neck of the bulb. The bulb does not necessarily fall asleep the earth. You can add additional soil to it later, after flowering. Behind the blooming plant, transplanted into a more voluminous pot, it is easier to care. It looks much more interesting, and it can be fused in such a pot after the hyacinth is wondering, and the floweros will be cut.

What to do with the sworded hyacinth?

The first scenario. Many people throw out the sworded hyacinths. Sometimes they leave an empty pot, as it can be used when growing seedlings or for cacti.

Scenario second. Some existences in flower growing (including articles in newspapers and magazines) are recommended to expose the blurred hyacinth of execution: the plant is first systematically arched, the bulb is removed from the ground and disinfected, after which they are sent to storage to the autumn landing on the site. It is believed that the bulb who passed through such a test will bloom in a year. I tried many times to preserve the hyacinth bulb in this way. First of all, it is very troublesome. And most importantly, my bulbs never lived even to the end of the summer. They were so pissing that no further bloom had not even had to dream. By the time of the autumn planting from the dried onion, there was nothing left, except for the lump of the rustling scales. There was nothing to plant in the ground.

Scenario Third. This option gives one hundred percent result. In addition, it is very simple. I start with the fact that I cut off the blonde bloom. After that, I make transshipment from the old little pot into a more capacious flower pot. Of course, only if I did not transplanted hyacinth to a new flower pot immediately after purchase. Be sure to put the drainage layer on the bottom (better from the ceramisit). Spend pre-prepared garden land, mixed with peat and sand. You can take the purchase of colors. It is important that this is not a solid peat or too nutrient soil type "Living Earth". To such content packages, you must add at least sand. The bulb falls asleep the earth to the cervix. She should not be deeper!

After transshipment, the pot with hyacinth put in a bright cool place on a warmed glazed loggia. You can put it on the windowsill. Hyacinth quickly begins to grow excellent green leaves.

I care for him as a room plant during the period of growth: moderately watering the soil in the pot, trying not to dangle the bulWhi itself, and feed the complex fertilizers. The soil during irrigation can not be rejected. Hyacinth will naturally develop in a pot (on loggia or windowsill) as well as his relatives in the open soil. The whole difference lies only in time and place of growth. As soon as the possibility appears, the hyacinth must be moved to the flower garden. There, I neatly turn the earth with the roots of the pot into the hole and equalize the Earth. The bulb will not block up, because The neck must remain at the soil level all the time. Talk usually produce in (by weather).

Hyacinths that were bought in pots and before landing in the ground worked out in the house, have time and the ability to accumulate nutrientsTo grow a full-fledged bulb. They are ready to bloom the next year.

About how to care for these hyacinths (formerly interpreting) in the open soil, you can read in the articles and.

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