Didactic Snowman game. Didactic game "Snowman

It is usually held in the month of October. Festive event Preceded Big preparatory workwhich includes thematic classes In the pre-school institution and "homework" to jointly fulfill the house with parents.

Autumn holiday in kindergarten: preparatory work

In the framework of Ossenin in a preschool institution, you can plan a number of events that are announced long before the autumn ball in children's garden.

Joint projects with parents in the fall

Autumn events - additional opportunity It is interesting to organize and with benefit the joint leisure of parents and children.

Practically in any preschool institution is held, which children bring from home. Crafts can be like using natural material: leaves, acorns, chestnuts, lime earrings and other "autumn gifts" and using conventional materials (paper, paints, markers), but on the subject of the golden pore of the year. Children, as a rule, are very proud of their small masterpieces and, for example, in our kindergarten carry their crafts very carefully and so that everyone else is seen.

Exhibition of Family Works in the Center for Development of the Child - Children's Garden No. 2336, Moscow

Other direction - organization of photo gallerycomposed of photos of children. Parents capture children against the background of autumn landscapes during walks on weekends.

In kindergarten can also be held culinary competition, to prepare dishes for which will most likely task for moms. It can be dishes both on autumn topics and decorated with vegetables: eggplants, carrots, pumpkin and other "gifts from bed".

Work of parents MBDOU "kindergarten combined view № 28 »Chistopol

Thematic classes in kindergarten

Prepare for the autumn holiday begin in essence in the summer. Children actively work on a mini-garden, grow vegetables and fruits that sleep just by autumn - and they prepare delicious dishes on master classes. In the role of cooks are the guys from senior group, and in the role of the audience and the jury - the guys of the younger preschool age.

Culinary master class in Neskuchny Children's Garden No. 183, Moscow

The autumn holiday in kindergarten is preceded by a campaign in the autumn park, where games are held on fresh air. Competitions and quiz are arranged among children: who will collect more leaves for herbarium? Who fastest fastest, from what tree is the leaf is broken?

Child Development Center № 2336 for walk, Moscow

In groups, children together with the educators make crafts: for example, appliques from berries, mushrooms are pushing and so on.

Crafts of the Group No. 5 Center for Development of the Children - Children's Garden No. 2336, Moscow

Direct autumn holiday in kindergarten

Autumn holiday in kindergarten can have several plots. Autumn is carried out as a theatrical representation for parents, in which children show a scene from folk fairy tale. Another version of the plot is a holiday in an intellectual-sports key, when the event is built from games, relay and quiz.

For the autumn holiday in kindergarten preschool institution transformed. Groups appear bouquets from multi-colored leaves collected on walk by the guys, the musical hall is decorated with reproductions of autumn landscapes, trees layouts complemented by branches with real fruits.

Changes concern I. external view Children. Kids can be adjusted in suits of vegetables and fruits. Make a similar costume is quite easy - it is enough to buy hats of vegetables and fruits and pick up the corresponding color of the T-shirt.

ON A NOTE - capped on the photo caps can be purchased in the online store of developing toys "kindergarten" - Detsad-shop.ru cap costs 390 rubles. Excellent quality, Certified Russian goods.

If the girls play the role of the leaves, they can add their image with beads and bracelets, for example, from red rowan rowan, weave in hair.

Any solemn part of the holiday in kindergarten should be diversified by the game plot.

We offer autumn games that will easily fit into the canvas of any autumn celebration scenario.

The game "Who is faster"

This is a variant of the famous game with chairs. On the floor lay out leaves. Leaves one less than children. Music turns on, children run in a circle. As soon as music subsides, children must have time to grab on the leaf. Who was not enough - dropping out of the game.

The game "Who is more useful"

Children get out of a bag of mask or hats of vegetables, put on them. An intelligent competition is arranged, in which two children, becoming a friend opposite each other, must alternately tell why it is its vegetable most useful.

Wins friendship, because all the vegetables are useful.

Game "Frightened puddles"

On the floor of the sheets of paper lay down two tracks. Children must pass along the paths, without touching other parts of the floor. Sheets one by one are cleaned, and children have to jump.

Who will last longer, he won.

Game "Collect mushrooms"

On the floor scattered toy mushrooms. Children with tied eyes should pick them up and put in baskets. Who will have more mushrooms in a basket as soon as the "Stop" signal sounds, he won.

Game "Guess to taste"

Children blindfolded should guess what kind of vegetable or fruit give them a sample. He who guessed, gets a whole fruit as a prize.

This master class is designed for preschool children.

Purpose of the master class: Interior design of a kindergarten group.

purpose: Development of the artistic and creative abilities of children.


Consolidate the ability of children to work with plasticine,

Develop small motor hands, creative thinking,

Relieve a sense of love for nature.

Material: Plasticine, white cardboard sheet, frame.

If on trees

leaves wishes

If in the edge of the far

birds flew away

If the sky is gloomy,

if the rain is poured

This is the time of year

autumn is called.

(M. Khodakova)


Step 1. From the plasticine of brown, we make a trunk of a tree. To do this, roll off a piece of plasticine into a long flagery, which on one side we twist, imitating the roots of the tree.

Step 2. Put the tree trunk on a cardboard sheet. If you do this work with junior preschoolersYou can draw a silhouette of a tree with a simple pencil to facilitate work.

Step 3. The circuit is defined. We begin to execute the trunk of a tree, we do it with the same flain flagems, add various curls, twists the plasticine by the type "snail", we have in any sequence, imitating the bark of the tree.

Step 4. Tree crown perform from flagella different colortwisted "snail"

Step 5. Minding small pieces of plasticine in the cardboard, make autumn carpet from leaves.

Step 6. Our work is ready.

Step 7. Insert work into the frame.

Didactic material for consolidation by lexical theme: "Autumn".

Meshcheryakova Svetlana Gennadyevna, teacher - speech therapist MKOU W-№ 8, G. Gremyachinsk, Perm region.
Purpose: Generalization of knowledge of students about the time of the year - Autumn.
Tasks: Develop connected speech, communicative skills, auditory and visual attention, thinking;
Improve grammatical Stroy speech;
Relieve curiosity.
It is known that good speech possession plays a significant role not only in everyday lifebut in professional activity man. A more pleasant impression on the surrounding produces one who is an interesting interlocutor may effectively and intend their thoughts.
Good possession of the native language, speech is the art to learn.
What needs to be developed oral speech?
- be able to communicate with different people in various situations
- express your thoughts and feelings
- Speak beautifully, right and nice for listeners.
It is a source of knowledge about the world around the world, a means of communication and mutual understanding. In this regard, the ability of children to use the speech is important.
Each child is needed by communication. The need for communication is one of the most important in human life. When entering into relations with the world around us, we inform information about yourself, in return to receive information you are interested in, analyze them and plan their activities based on this analysis. And, of course, the children want to understand them. Children often experience difficulties in describing people, objects, phenomena. Even despite the sufficient vocabularyMost children do not know how to speak correctly, it is difficult for them to formulate their thoughts, they cannot fully participate in conversation, to conduct a dialogue.
The formation of a connected speech is the main task of speech education. Good speech - important condition Development of the child's personality.
Didactic game - A wonderful learning and development tool used by learning any software material. Specially selected games and exercises make it possible to favorably affect all speech components. In the game, the child gets the opportunity to enrich and fix the dictionary, form grammatical categories, develop a coherent speech, expand knowledge of the world around the world, develop verbal creativity, develop communication skills. The proposed tasks are aimed at securing the material on a lexical topic: "Autumn". This is peculiar homeworkwhich is interesting to perform with children after speech therapy classes Houses, for a walk.
Material will be useful to teachers, teachers elementary school, parents, speech therapists.

The task:

"Read, add, offers from".

The task:

"Place the words in order, make a right sentence."

Boots, rubber boots, shoes. (Rubber boots are shoes)

The task:

"Favorite poems"

Listen to the poem. Find offers. Read expressive.
To give children to feel the beauty of the poetic word, an adult himself must feel it and be able to convey in his execution. It is impossible to read the work of monotonously, inexpressively.

Speakers a lingonberry.
Became colder days
And bird scream
In the heart is only sad.
Flocks of birds fly away
Away for the blue sea.
All trees shine
In a multi-colored dress.
The sun is less likely laughing
No in the colors of the glory.
Soon autumn wakes up
And pay asking.

Crooks Lone Golden
Wet land in the forest ...
Boldly Topchka I foot
Outer forest to the beauty.
With cold cheeks are burning:
Look in the forest to me run
Hear like a bitch crack

Leaves to lake up! ..
(A. N. Maikov)

The task:
Read the poem. Invent the name.

The task:

"Specify the signs"

Tell me what is characteristic of every autumn month? What is the difference between autumn from summer?

Coordination of adjective with nouns:
The task: Pick up epithets to the words: sun, Sky, Day, Weather, Trees, Grass, Animals, Birds, Insects.

The task:
Pick out antonyms to the words: Heat - cold, cloudy day - a sunny day, dry - wet, long - short.

The task:

"Sign up to the patter."

First, talk to the patter with loud slowly twice. Now about myself several times - at first slowly, then everything is faster. Learn to quickly pronounce pators out loud.

"All maples became red
And none teases:
Once all the same redhead
Who cares!"

The task:

"We learn to answer questions"

Depending on what kind of task you put in front of the child, such and demand the answer: Full or brief. After reading the text, the answers may be complete meaningful. The question must be built competently, clearly so that the child is not distracted by foreign details.
Listen to the story. Tell me about what time is we talking about?
Conside the pictures, which one matches the story?
It is important that the text readable by adults was a model of the right literary proposal construction, was bright, expressive.Autumn comes after summer. Gradually, the days are becoming overworkable, the sun shines more and less. The sky is covered with gray clouds. Often it rains - long, drizzling. The leaves on the trees are yellow and fall. Cold wind breaks down the leaves from the branches of trees, and they fall on the ground, covering it with a gold carpet. The grass is faded. Outside dullness and slush. Birds no longer sing. They hide from rain, gather in flocks and fly away far into the warm edges. You will not get out without an umbrella to the street, promoted. Yes, and cold without a jacket and boots.

Multicolored boats.

I came to the pond. How many multi-colored boats today on the pond: yellow, red, orange! They all flew here through the air. Fill the boat, go down to the water and immediately floats. Many still arrive today, and tomorrow, and and the day after tomorrow. And then ships run out. And the pond will frown.
(D. N. Kaigorodov)
Tell me that the boats swim on the pond. What time of year there are such boats?
Pick up this picture, make up the story.

Share Your impressions about the autumn. Ask, how do you feel about autumn? Story Start with such words:
I I love autumn because ...
To me I do not like autumn, because ...

Make an plan for a story: "Knowledge Day!"

The task: "That autumn presented to us."
Words - helpers: garden, fruit, vegetables, vegetable garden, cleaning, harvest, mushrooms, baskets, forest, collect, ripe, harvest.

The game:"What grows in the garden?"
Remember what grows in the garden. And what grows in the garden? Look at the drawings, first call all the vegetables, then all the berries and finally all the fruits.
Answer questions and explain why one and the same question can be given a few correct answers.

The game:"I am preparing myself"
Show and name vegetables, of which borsch soup are boiled, and fruits for a compote.
We are welding borsch out ...
We welcome compote from ...

The game: "I'm inventing color"
The names of some colors originate from the names of words - items. Let's come up with the name of the colors together.
Salad (what color?) - Salad.
Lingonberry (what color?) - lingonberry.
Beet (what color?) - Beet.
Walnut (what color?) - Nut.
Carrots (what color?) - carrot.
Plum (what color?) - plum.
The game: "What are juices"
How are these juices called?
Apple juice - apple.
Grape juice - grape.
Carrot juice - carrot.
Tomato juice - tomato juice.
Juice from cucumbers - cucumber juice.
Juice from the drain - plum juice.
Cabbage juice - cabbage juice.
Potato juice - potato juice.
Cranberry juice - ...
Pear juice - ...