Abstract Node Time orientation Average group. Abstract time orientation in the middle group

Software tasks:


Travel course:

I part (introductory).


And healthy will be many years.


Surprise moment.




Children: Yes.

Educator: Do not afraid of difficulties?

Children: not.


Rise on socks,

Turn twice twice

Fall in the fairy tale.

2 part:

1. And here is the first obstacle

- Guys, in front of you, the street, on which fabulous heroes live - a bear, wolf, fox, hare and mouse. The houses of our fabulous heroes need to be placed in the correct order - starting from the highest and ending with the lowest.

(Bear lives in the first house. In the second house there lives a wolf. Lisa lives in the third house. In the fourth house lives hare. In the fifth - mouse.)

Name them. (Narrow and wide)

Well done!

C) who has a gloomy look there?

What is the headache hurts?

The pain rines this - the same hour

1. Take the ball in left.

2. In the right.

5. On the left side.

6. Put the ball behind yourself.

7. Ahead of yourself.

8.Dress over your head.

1. On the grass of dew lies,

Well, we're time to get up,

To have charging to become

2. We already yawning sweetly

Shadows here and sink there

Clean the teeth for order

And get ready for sleep. (evening)

3. nothing can be seen,

As if someone's blanket

With my head clotched us.

He has rays like a thread,

Earth generously warmed

E) - Guidelines, look at the mother of the goat released his goat to walk on the lawn, and so that they all came running home, I will whistle in the whistle, you carefully read how many times I gone and show the desired figure. (Clear clear number and show the number.)

Rise on socks,

Turn twice twice

In kindergarten, find yourself.

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"SUMMARY OF CLASS FOR FAMP:" Journey to a fabulous country "(middle group)"

Software tasks:

    Summarize the knowledge gained. Secure the skills throughout the material traveled: the number and account within 5; ability to compare items largest, orientation in time and in space; Discern geometric shapes.

    Develop the perception and presentation of children through the accumulation and expansion of sensory experience. Develop a clear-effective and clear-shaped thinking through training techniques for mental actions (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, establishment of causal relationships).

    Rail interest in mathematics, and the desire to work in the team.

Equipment: Doll, Animals: Fox, Bear, Hare, Wolf, Mouse.

Travel course:

I part (introductory).

(The tutor sets the children at the beginning of the classes using psychodastics.)

Educator: Hello! You will tell a person.

Hello! He smiles in response.

And, probably, will not go to the pharmacy.

And healthy will be many years.

Educator: Let's guys wishing our guests and say, hello!

(Children lay on the carpet and close their eyes (sleep).

Surprise moment.

(The tutor in his hands holds a doll-masha.)

Educator: Let's go, Masha, in a kindergarten to the guys, you look at what and in kindergarten children are busy business, no one is idle. Because you can not easily endure and fish from the pond.

Oh, Masha, what happened? Why do children sleep when you need to do? Let's wake them up.

(The tutor touches the children, they do not wake up)

Educator: I guessed what happened, it was Baba Yaga enchanted our children. She found out that I want to invite them on a journey today.

Now we will be affectionately called them by name and they will definitely wake up.

(The tutor concerns the hand of every child and is affectionately calling him by name, children wake up, get up)

Educator: Everyone woke up? Potted! Smiled!

Guys, do you like to travel?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Do not afraid of difficulties?

Children: not.

Educator: Today I invite you on a trip to the fabulous country.

Let's take a doll Masha.

And since we go to the fabulous country, we need magic, or magic words. (Music Magic)

Rise on socks,

Turn twice twice

Fall in the fairy tale.

2 part:

Here we are with you guys and in a fabulous country, here we are waiting for a lot of interesting things.

1. And here is the first obstacle

- Guys, in front of you, the street, on which fabulous heroes live - a bear, wolf, fox, hare and mouse. The houses of our fabulous heroes need to be placed in the correct order - starting from the highest and ending with the lowest.

Guys, what do you think, who lives in the first house? In the second? In third? In the fourth? Fifth? Why do you think so?

(Bear lives in the first house. In the second house there lives a wolf. Lisa lives in the third house. In the fourth house lives hare. In the fifth - mouse.)

A) -Yoo, look at us two rivers.

Name them. (Narrow and wide)

We need to go through them, bridges will help us. What bridge is a right right? And with the left? Name.

Well done!

Boys will take the river on the short bridge, girls long.

B) - Guys, look, Moms of fish lost their fry. But the fish of an unusual form, their tails are similar to geometric shapes. Name them and show them. Let's fracture foluses and refund your moms. How do we do it? (According to the same tails. Frys with triangular tails to mom with a triangular tail I.T.D)

C) who has a gloomy look there?

What is the headache hurts?

The pain rines this - the same hour

Anti-stress massage. (Everyone to distribute balls)

Our Masha is tired and wants to relax and we will help her. (The teacher sits the doll to the chair and offers children, holding a ball in his hands, sit on the carpet in an arbitrary order. The educator gives oral instructions.)

1. Take the ball in the left hand.

2. In the right.

3. Hold the ball ahead of yourself.4. On the right side of yourself.

5. On the left side.

6. Put the ball behind yourself.

7. Ahead of yourself.

8.Dress over your head.

9. Ride the ball left, right hand.

D). Kolobok wants to go on the bus, but does not know the numbers he needs to help correctly take his place on the bus.

You need to properly insert the number into the missed place. (H-p: 1.2 ... 4,5: ..., 2,3,4,5: 1,2,3, ... 5: 1,2,3,4, ...) .

Good, well done, we continue our journey further.

D) Oh, guys look, on the street day, and Masha and the Bear still sleep, they do not know the parts of the day, let them help them and wake them up. I will make up the riddles you, and you guess what time of day it happens.

1. On the grass of dew lies,

Well, we're time to get up,

To have charging to become

To start the day better. (morning)

2. We already yawning sweetly

Shadows here and sink there

Clean the teeth for order

And get ready for sleep. (evening)

3. nothing can be seen,

As if someone's blanket

With my head clotched us.

What is it during the day? (night)

4. At noon, the sun in Zenith,

He has rays like a thread,

Earth generously warmed

They are invited to dine everyone. (day)

Well done! Guess all my riddles. And now name all the days of the week in order. Name the weekend.

We coped here and helped Masha and Mishe. Go ahead!

E) - Guidelines, look at the mother of the goat released his goat to walk on the lawn, and so that they all came running home, I will whistle in the whistle, you carefully read how many times I gone and show the desired figure. (Clear clear number and show the number.)

Good, well done, that's our journey, it's time to return to kindergarten. (Fairy music)

Rise on socks,

Turn twice twice

In kindergarten, find yourself.

Here we are with you and in kindergarten, Masha really enjoyed the trip, and you?

What did you like best? What is remembered?

Masha wants to thank you and treat sweets.

Let us say Thank you and say goodbye to her. Bye!

Exercise on the FMP medium group "Parts of the day."

Software content:

    Clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bparts of the day by tying them with what children do in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night;

    Develop visual perception and visual memory, thinking, speech;

    Teach imitate action;

    Enrich the dictionary at the expense of words characterizing temporary concepts;

    Continue learning to distinguish colors;

    Continue to develop the ability to navigate in space, distinguish between left, right, bottom, top;

    Continue to learn to guess riddles;

    Fix the ability to stick;

    Educate accuracy;

    Continue to follow the posture of children.

Wordwork:purple, gray, alarm clock, breakfast, dining, dinner.

Preliminary work:reading flops about the rooster, about the sun, guessing mysteries about parts of the day, examination of the album and poster on the topic: "Parts of the day". Reading poems: L. Kwitko "Morning", "All Sleep" S. Kaputikan, "With a good morning" E. Blaginina, "Sleep time" P. Voronochko, I. Tokmakova "Where is sleeping fish."

Holding didactic games: "When does this happen?", "What for what?", "What?".

The work of the teacher:compilation and writing of the abstract, picked up poems, riddles, fun, made a magic alarm clock, made templates and circles for children, selection of music.

Equipment and materials for the lesson:real alarm clock, toy - cockerels, alarm clock templates for children, big circles of black, gray, blue and violet flowers For the teacher, for children a smaller circle of the same colors on plates, oilcloths, cloth napkins, tassels, stands, cups with glue, music center.

Travel course:

Children are searched on chairs in a semicircle.

Good morning, guys! I am very glad to see you all! Let's smile to each other. Tell me, do you like to go to kindergarten?

(Children's responses)

Why do you like here?

(Children's responses)

And who wakes up in the morning?

(Children's responses)

And your parents themselves wake up or someone also helps them?

(Children's responses)

The educator shows the children alarm clock and demonstrates his work.

What do you think, why did the clock give such a name?

(Children's responses)

Who still wakes people in the morning?

(Children's responses)

Yes, it still wakes cock, and let's remember the flow of the cockerel:

Petushok, Petushok

Golden scallop

Oil head

Silkova Borodka!

Do you not give to bed?

Does anyone have a rooster house? (not!)

Where do the roosters live? (In the village)

The educator shows the children of the toy rooster and offers to portray how the rooster shouts how important it goes and shines wings.

Well done! And now the guys will read riddles on parts of the day.

Children read riddles:

    The sun is bright

Petushk in the garden sings

Our children wake up

At the kindergarten are going.

    Sun in the sky

Brightly shine

For a walk we go

Songs are fun!

    Sun rays

Village at home

We came from a walk

Dinner time!

    In the sky, the stars are burning

In the river ridges say

To us in the window of the moon looks

Our kids slept to sleep.

Well, we guess all parts of the day. And so continue. You woke up in the morning. What are you doing then? Just do not say, but show.

Children show actions: "clean teeth", "wash", "dress up", and the teacher guess.

After that, you go out to the street and go to kindergarten.

Remember, light or dark at this time? (children's responses)

What time of year is now? (Spring)

That's right, spring! And in the morning we have already light on the street.

What do you do when you come to kindergarten? (children's responses)

What is the name of the food in the morning? (Breakfast)

Having played, you go to the morning walk. On the street already quite light. The sun woke up and shines brightly. Comes day. And now you come back from a walk to kindergarten. What are you doing? (children's responses). Yes, and again sit down at the tables.

What is the name of the food day? (Dinner)

After lunch - a quiet hour or in a different daytime sleep. You woke up, enjoyed, played and parents came for you.

You go out and go home or walk. And the sun sits at home. Comes ... (evening). You can say the evening. At home you get sideways all your family. How to call food in the evening? (Dinner).

That's all the sun goes to sleep, and the stars are lit in the sky, and the moon shines. The day is over. Mom reads you before bedtime, and you go to bed.

The night is coming). What will happen after night (morning, day)? (children's responses)

The teacher invites children by tables, reminds about posture. Each child has a set of circles and a blank of alarm. At the tutor 4 circles big size Different colors: black, gray, blue, purple.

What do you think, what kind of circle can we, will indicate the night? (The black)

Early morning? (Gray)

Midday? (Blue)

Evening? (Violet)

To secure the educator proposes to make a magic alarm clock.

Guys! And let's make a magic alarm clock that will help us to celebrate parts of the day.

Left glue a circle gray - This is the time of day - morning.

Top - Circle of blue color - This is part of the day - day.

On the right, we glue the purple circle is part of the day - the evening.

Below we glue a circle of black color - this time of day - night.

Children start work, tranquil music. During the gloves of the circles, the teacher resembles a neat handling of glue. Excess glue by removing the napkin.

That's all ready! And now that our magic alarm clock earned, let's get it. Get out of the table and repeat after me.

Tick-so, tick-like

And then like this

And then like this

Tick-so, tick-like.

Put the arrow of the alarm on the gray circle, now part of the day - morning. On this, our work is completed. You all worked fine: I read the fun about the cockerel, guess the riddles, called parts of the day, denoted them different colorsMade a magic alarm clock.

And we often remembered about the sun, and it gives you my particle.

Go to the carpet, become a circle.

(The teacher distributes the sun template to children).

- The type of assessment is chosen depending on the aspect of the study of the object, for example: a person - an impact on physical, spiritual or social culture; Society is an impact on the environment, social or technical progress; Nature - influence on the vegetable or animal world; The scales for selected estimates are then specified, for example: useful or harmful importance, zero, average and maximum significance, etc.;

- The results of the assessment stage of the studied knowledge are the development of the third basic ability of students and the development of valuation activities, strengthening the fixation of the knowledge under study and prepare for the study of such as ecology, human self-determination, etc.

Given this approach to the formation of temporary representations in preschoolers, the following stages of this process can be distinguished:

Familiarity of a child with a term and concept (morning, day, evening, night, day, week, month, year);

Removal of the "formula" of the object being studied;

Consolidation of knowledge gained in various activities with a variety of learning tools;

Determining the importance of the knowledge gained;

Summing up, familiarization with the temporal sequence, the transition to a new concept.

The sequence of stages may vary depending on the plot of classes. In everyday home domestic use and in kindergarten in children, more or less defined ideas about the real duration of such time intervals, as morning, day, evening, night. Consequently, the teacher has the ability to clarify and specify the knowledge of children of the seats of the day, form recognition skills and the ability to name the ethics of the day in the younger group. IN medium group It is necessary to deepen and expand these knowledge and give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe sequence of parts of the day. In the senior groups, give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe days and introduce the calendar with a week, months, year. In parallel, it is necessary to develop a sense of time in children, start to get acquainted with the duration of such time measures, like 1 minute, 3, 5, 10 minutes, half an hour. All of these time needs to be formed during training in classes.

3. Methods of work on the formation of temporary ideas in the classes on mathematical development

Children's time orientation junior Group.

In the younger group clarify the presentation of children about such intervals, as morning, day, evening and night. Parts of the kids are distinguished by changing the content of their activities, as well as the activities of the surrounding adults in these segments of time. Accurate routine of the day, strictly set time Lifting children, morning gymnastics, breakfast, classes, etc. Create real conditions for the formation of the representation of parts of the day. The teacher calls the segment of time and lists the activities of the children's activities corresponding to it: "Now morning. We made gymnastics, washed and now we will have breakfast. " Or: "We have already breakfast, worked out. Now day. We will soon dine. " The child is asked, for example: "Now morning. What are you doing in the morning? When you get up?" Etc.

With children view pictures, photos depicting the activities of children and adults in different segments of time. Illustrations should be such that signs characteristic of this period of time are clearly visible. The teacher finds out what children (adults) are drawn in the picture when they do it. Offers questions: "What did you do in the morning? In the afternoon? " Or: "Do you play? Walk? Skay? " Then the children pick pictures on which children or adults are drawn, for example, in the morning, afternoon or in the evening.

Gradually the words morning, day, evening, night is filled with specific content, acquire emotional color. Children begin to use them in their speech.

Time orientation in the middle group.

As in the younger group, time orientation develops in children mainly in everyday life. It is important that it is based on a solid sensual basis.

The teacher clarifies the representation of children about parts of the day, tying their names with what children and adults close to them in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night.

There is a conversation with children in order to clarify their ideas about the days. The conversation can be built approximately: first the teacher asks for children to tell what they did before they came to kindergarten, which in the morning they did in kindergarten, what they are doing in the kindergarten day, etc. He clarifies and summarizes that children do in each of the periods of day. And in conclusion, says that morning, day, evening and night are parts of the day.

Temporary concepts "Today", "Tomorrow", "Yesterday" are relative; Children are difficult to learn them. Therefore, it is necessary to use the words today as often as possible, tomorrow, yesterday and encourage children to this. The teacher is constantly referring to children with questions: "When did we draw? What have we seen today (yesterday)? Where to go tomorrow?"

The meaning of words is fast - slowly disclosed on specific examples. The educator draws the attention of children to the degree of speed of their movements in the games ("the train goes slowly, then faster and faster"). During the dressing, he praises those who are faster, blames slow; For walks, it compares the speed of the pedestrian and cyclist, car and trains, caterpillars and beetles.

Time orientation in senior group.

At the beginning of the school year, children have a senior group and deepen an idea of \u200b\u200bsuch temporary segments, as morning, day, evening and night. The names of parts of the day are associated not only with the specific content of the activities of children and their surrounding adults, but also with more objective indicators of the time - the phenomena of nature (the morning - the sun rises, it becomes all lighter and lighter, etc.). The educator talks with children that when and in what sequence they and their surrounding adults do during the day, about the impressions of the early morning, noon, evenings. He reads the poems and stories of the appropriate content.

As a visual material, use pictures or photos where children are depicted in the process. different species Activity throughout the day: cleaning bed, morning gymnastics, wash, breakfast, etc. To clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bparts of the day allowed didactic games, such as the game "Our Day".

The variability and relativity of such designations of time, as "yesterday", "today", "Tomorrow" makes it difficult to assimilate them. Five-year children confuse these words. The semantic value of the word data of the teacher reveals, asking children questions: "Where are we with you yesterday? When did we go to the park? What kind of occupation today? When will we have drawing a drawing? "

For the exercise of children in the use of temporary terms in the senior group, verbal didactic games and game exercises are widely used, for example, "go on!". This exercise can be carried out in the form of a game with a ball. Children get up in a circle. The tutor utters a short phrase and throws the ball. The one who hit the ball calls the corresponding time. For example: The tutor throws the ball and says: "We went to the post office ..." "... yesterday," the child ends with the phrase, caught the ball. "We had an occupation in mathematics ..." "... today. "We will draw ..." "... tomorrow", etc.

Love the children the game "On the contrary". The educator says the word, the meaning of which is associated with the presentation of the time, and the children pick up the word denoting another time of the day, usually in a contrasting value. For example, the morning - the evening, tomorrow - yesterday, quickly - slowly, early - late, etc.

At one of the classes, the children learn that the day, which in conversation people usually call the Word of the day, are replaced by some others. Seven such days make up a week. Every day of the week has its name. The sequence of the week of the week is always the same: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ... The names of the week's days are associated with the specific content of children's activities ("on Wednesdays we have classes in mathematics and physical education, on Thursdays - ..."). Now children are called daily in the morning the current day of the week, and also say what day the week was yesterday, what will happen tomorrow. Periodically, in classes in mathematics, children are offered to call the days of the week in order. Say, what day goes before or after the named. Teacher alternate questions like: "For what days do we have drawing classes? And musical? Where did we go to Wednesday? "

To secure knowledge of the sequence of the week of the week, a verbal didactic game "Days of the Week" can be used. The observation of the change of the days of the week allows children to understand the periodicity, the changeability of time, to reveal the idea of \u200b\u200bhis movement: go days over the day, weeks for weeks.

Time orientation Preparatory group.

Starting with the younger group, children developed orientation in time. In the preparatory for school, the group consolidates knowledge of such time periods as morning, day, evening, night, week, give an idea of \u200b\u200bmonths, the guys remember their names. Knowledge of standards of time, the ability to establish temporary relations contribute to the awareness of children of the sequence of occurring events, causal relations between them. Time orientation should be based on a strong sensual basis, i.e. The experience of time duration due to the implementation of a variety of activities, differently emotionally painted, as well as observations of nature phenomena, events of public life.

Of great importance is how often children are used in the speech of time periods of time periods, time measures. Continue to fix knowledge about parts of the day and their duration. At the beginning of the school year, it is necessary to clarify that when and in what sequence the children and their surrounding adults do during the day. Pedagogue offers to play the game "Our Day".

Abstract FMP classes in the preparatory school group

Theme "Repetition" Orientation in time, account.

Purpose: help consolidate children's knowledge about months of the year, about parts of the day, sequence of the week.

Tasks: Exercise in the definition of time in parts, in direct and countdown. Develop logical thinking. Training in the ability to see various geometric shapes in the items image, determine the spatial location of the items. Bring up friendly relationships.

Material: Toys (vinti-down, tiger, rabbit, donkey, Piglet Piglet,). Audio recording of the song of vini-fluff, the dance of small ducklings; Cardboard layout dial with arrows; picture with the image of the stars; tapes; 2 cards with logical tasks; Figure Composed of geometric figures; 3 magnetic boards With numbers.

Children enter the group room. A fragment of audio recordings of the Winnie Pooh song sounds.

Educator: - Guys, who sang this cheerful song? (children's responses). Why does he have so much fun in the world? (children's responses). Winnie - Pooh There is another cheerful song: "Who goes to visit in the morning, he comes wisely ..." As we already know, Vini -Puhu loved to visit her friends in the morning. And what is our part of the day? (children's responses).

Educator: Following in the morning comes ...? (children's responses).

Educator: Often from the guests come back home when it comes ...? (children's responses).

Educator Or maybe we also go to visit the heroes of this wonderful fairy tale? Come on the bus. For now we will go. You will help me tell one story about vini-fluff. To do this, you need to listen carefully and correctly answer questions.

Once Winnie -Puch invited his friends to visit: Piglet, donkey IA, rabbit and tiger. How many friends he invited to visit? (children's responses).

Educator: He invited friends on Saturday and asked to come to visit the next day. What day of the week came the guests to Winnie - Puhu? (children's responses).

Educator: Winnie -Puhs appointed guests time. Look at the clock. When should guests come? (Clock arrows show 9:00) (children's responses).

Educator: They agreed to meet on the edge of the forest, when the clock is ... (The clock is shown 9:30) (children's responses).

Educator: Guys, Winnie -Puch Birthday in March, and at the Oscrah IA next month. When is the donkey birthday? (children's responses).

Educator: When Winnie -Puch met with friends, they dreamed about how summer comes and they will walk on their favorite lawn, lie on the grass and look at the night sky. Do you think you can see in the night sky? (children's responses).

Educator: So we will look at the sky and consider the stars (one child considers the stars in direct order, the other in the opposite).

Educator: That's what we learned about Winnie -Puch and his friends. Our bus reached the place. Now let's go to visit friends. And in order not to get tired on the way, we will take a funny song with you! Get out in the circle. (Children perform the dance of small ducklings).

Educator: Guys, now we have not a simple way. See, here on the lawn the path in which we will go. The path is not simple. It will meet the question marks. This means that you will need to answer any question or perform the task. Only after your correct answers you will come to some of the fabulous heroes. Ready for such a test? Then forward! (Children and educators pass along the route and reach the 1st task).

Educator: Consider the task. What figure should stand instead of a sign? Why? (children's responses).

Educator: Well done, so we reached the first of our friend. Go ahead.

Look at the picture. What figure is superfluous? Why? (children's responses).

What geometric figures is the drawing? (children's responses).

On the sheet there are small toys. Describe their location. (children's responses).

Put in a number of numbers. Perform the following actions:

Remove the neighbors numbers 5;

Remove a number that is more than 3 to 2;

Here is the number 10, remove two numbers in front of it.

Well done! So we helped Winnie -Puhu Meet friends. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's invite all friends to visit and show our group. Our bus is waiting for us, go to our places. Guys, see how many obstacles we had to go to go to our friends. What tasks did you perform? (considered twins; determined which figure is superfluous; worked with numbers)

So we returned to kindergarten. Show guests their favorite toys. (Music and children go to play)

Abstract ODO in mathematics in the middle group "Orientation in time"


Clarification of the knowledge gained, ideas, the skills they received in mathematics classes:

Consolidate ideas about the year: autumn, winter, spring, summer;

Fasten the ability to distinguish and correctly call part of the day: morning, evening, day, night, their signs, sequence; Completely enjoy the words;

Learn to guess riddles on the days of the year;

Develop auditory perception, attention and memory.

Demonstration material: illustrations with the image of the seasons and pieces of day, two houses, toys: cat, bunny, dog, mouse.

Travel course:

Children along with the educator approach the window and tell that they see on the street, what the weather (clear and blue sky; the sun is shining in the sky; light on the street).

Guys, let's play? Guess when it happens:

Over the river Zarya gets up

In the yard rooster sings.

Wash kittens,

Wake up guys.


The tutor shows the picture "Morning"

When the night ends, the morning comes. Rights the sun. And everything around wakes up: both trees, flowers, and insects, and animals.

What do you do in the morning? (Answer the child: - I wake up, I get up, I wash it, I go to kindergarten, I do a charging, breakfast).

Sun in the sky high

Before sunset

The mouse is in mink dragging the mouse.

Learn the baby's alphabet.


Tracking in the morning the day comes. The sun is high. Children in kindergarten play, walk, dinner.

The tutor shows the picture "Day"

What do you do during the day? (Children's responses).

The sun has gone.

Protein hides in the hollow.

Drame goes to visit us

He behaves with him a fairy tale.


The evening comes when the day ends and on the street begins to darken. Sun hides. And the guys are returned from kindergarten.

What do you do in the evening? (The answer of the child: - I return home from kindergarten, walk, watch TV, getting ready for sleep).

The tutor shows the picture "Evening"

In the sky, the stars are burning.

Birds sleep and fish sleep.

Sleep flowers in the garden on the beds,

Well, and we are in their cribs.


When does it happen? (children answer at night)

That's right night. At night comes night. Night dark. The moon comes to replace the sun. And what do you do at night? (Answer children: - SPEA).

Let's consider how many parts are in the days? (Morning-1, day-2,

evening-3, night-4).

How many parts in the days? (four).

Guys, we will play the game "Finish Proposal".

Didactic game

We breakfast in the morning, we dine (in the afternoon, and dinner (in the evening).

The sun shines during the day, and the moon (at night).

Guys, let's go out of the riddles:

Maja snowball, a meadow came to life.

Day arrives. When does it happen?


In the sky - rainbow arc.

On the garden - nougat berry,

Sun lake Sogreto:

All calls to swim.

(In summer)

Days became shorter

Long night steel

Who will say who knows

When does it happen?


Called the tracks,

Decreased windows.

Joy to children gave

And on sledding rode.


The educator fastens pictures with the time of the year on the board.

Guys, help me arrange pictures in order. What was before, and what - then.

Children rearrange pictures in the right order.

Well done guys, all my riddles guess, and probably tired? Then we have physical attacks:

1 lift hands up

2 pull hands forward and make cotton

3 right hand reach the left knee, and left hand to right

Guys Want to play? Let's play the game "not mistaken": call the items that are on the right of you, to the left of you, before you, for you, over you and under you. (Children take turns participate in the game.)

Look, brutality came to visit us and they also want to play with us. They hid in houses, and you guess in which house who is located. (The tutor accommodates two houses in which the toy animals live, children need to answer, in which house you live animals (right or left)

Responses of children.

Well done guys, and beasts are also happy, they thank you for cheerful game And say goodbye to us. And we say them: Goodbye, come back to us!