Questions during repair and. The hottest repairs

During its work, we are constantly faced with the fact that many of our customers, before ordering our apartment repairs, as a rule, ask the same questions. To save your and our time, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the heading "Question answer"in which we tried to tell about everything that may interest you in the first place.

If we did not affect the topic of interest to you, you can always ask the question of interest in online mode.

Ask a Question

What is the repairs of the apartment, questions and problems arising in the first place?

Initially, it is necessary to decide on the upcoming types of work and their volumes. You do not need to do it yourself. According to your first requirement, our specialist will leave (a surcharge), which will remove all the necessary sizes and together with you will be a complete list of upcoming work.

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Is it possible to calculate the approximate cost of repair?

You argue that your prices are the best, but there are proposals with a lower cost of repair.

Ordering our apartment repairs The questions related to the unsatisfactory quality of work performed at customers do not arise. But the professional repair cannot cost a penny. At the same time, we do not drive for fabulous profits, but only in good faith carry out our work, so our prices Have an optimal price ratio with quality provided.

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You only make apartment repairs, and questions related to procurement and delivery of the material to me to solve yourself?

Not necessarily. With your desire, we will buy all the necessary building materials and deliver them to the object. At the same time, you significantly save, as we work with permanent suppliers who provide us with significant discounts that apply to you.

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How can I find out that building materials purchased by you have high quality and durability?

We provide a guarantee for all work performed. As a rule, the apartment repairs puts quite complex questions that require a responsible approach. When using low-quality materials, all the finishes will begin to collapse. We are not interested, after half a year, it is necessary to repaid at the expense of our financial resources, so we also choose suppliers very carefully, and the construction materials offered by them, and we are fully responsible for their quality. But this concerns only those materials that we buy.

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I know that some firms refuse to repair in the houses of the old building, what should I do if my apartment is located in such a building?

Do not worry. In anyone, in anyone the same high quality, we carry out the apartment repairs, questions may arise only if the living space is cluttered with various furniture objects, but they are completely solved.

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And what exactly do I do with furniture, if I can not remove it on your own?

We ourselves will bring furniture from the apartment at the time of repair, and bring it back after the end of work. All that cannot be taken will be carefully closed with a durable film to protect against contamination. Such services are also included in our area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

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I have nowhere to move while the apartment is repaired, the questions of the phased performance do you are solved?

We are always ready to go to the meeting, so we can carry out repair work alternately in each room. But you should be prepared for some inconveniences in the form of noise, dust and various odors that are inherent in building materials.

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And if I need repair of one room, not the whole apartment, can I contact you?

Sure. We carry out both a comprehensive repair and repair of a single room, such as baths, kitchens, a corridor, etc.

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Do you have separate types of work, such as painting, laying tiles, pasting wallpaper and others?

Yes, carry out. But by doing such an apartment repairs, questions related to the preparation of the surface fully fall on you. That is, we are not responsible for the fastened base under wallpaper, paint or tile after finishing works. Therefore, it is still better to order comprehensive repairs.

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How long will your specialists need to make a final estimate?

As a rule, after leaving the specialist, the analysis of the data obtained and all calculations requires 1-2 days. After that you will be notified to harmonize the cost and signing of the contract.

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And where can I first get acquainted with the points of the contract?

I want to order a repair, but I would like to see examples of your work "live", is it possible?

Of course, ordering the apartment repairs with us, the questions of this kind sometimes arise, so we provide such an opportunity. To do this, you need to contact our consultants in any way convenient for you.

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How is the quality control of repair work?

The object is constantly there a foreman. This is a widespread profile master that controls the process, and is also fully responsible for the quality of the repair.

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Can there be a cost of work during the repair?

Maybe, but only at your request. That is, carrying out the repair of the apartment, the questions of increasing or reducing its value we decide on the basis of your additional requirements arising directly in the process. You can refuse any work or on the contrary, order additional volumes. In any case, the slightest value change is pre-agreed with you.

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How to avoid changing the cost of repair after starting work?

For this we recommend, carrying out apartment repairs, questions that are connected with it, entrust our highly qualified specialists. We are ready to work with you, ranging from the development of the design of the future interior and until the complete completion of the work. In this case, we can take into account all your wishes and as accurately calculate the cost of repair.

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And what includes a design project?

All that you would like to see at the end of work. It takes into account all to the slightest details, ranging from the number and location of the sockets and to the overall aesthetic species of the renewed housing. In addition, the design project makes it possible to thoroughly calculate the consumption of the material, and therefore you can find out the entire amount that will be required to be repaired.

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Does your repair brigade have all the necessary tools to perform repair and finishing works?

We perfectly understand that without a professional tool it is impossible at the appropriate level to conduct a renovation. That is why our brigade is equipped with the most modern tool and equipment that allows you to perform any types of work.

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What is a renovation?

ERROROREMON is an exceptionally high-quality apartment repairs, whose questions are solved at a high professional level. Only the most modern building materials apply here and fulfill its real masters of their case. Our specialists carry out the repair of any complexity regardless of the volumes.

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Can you order repair of a small apartment?

Sure you may. We have no restrictions on the area of \u200b\u200bthe repaired premises.

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Through what period of time after creating the estimate, can you start work?

Immediately as soon as we subscribe a contract. In addition, the beginning, and the end of the work is fixed in the contract.

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How is the payment for work?

Types of work we divide into three specific stages. The 1st stage is "dismantling." Advance payment of 30 percent of the estimated estimates and only after signing all the necessary documents. The 2nd stage is the "rough finish". Payment in the amount of 40 percent on the entire amount, payment is carried out after the completion of all draft works in the apartment. The 3rd stage is "finishing work." Payment only, after all the work on the repair of the apartment has been completed, and all the issues of accepting the object are agreed, you calculate with us finally.

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I myself started doing apartment repairs, but I can't finish it in any way, can you help me?

Of course we can! By carrying out such repairs of apartments, the questions are solved by two ways. You can order from us services of a homemade masterwho will professionally help you complete work. In another case, we fully undertake the repair process.

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Calculations for repairs occur in national currency?

How many people will work with me on the facility?

With a standard set of services, as a rule, up to five finishing specialists. In the case of sanitary or electrical work, specialists are attracted by narrow qualifications.

How much time and money will save design project? What details to pay attention to when accepting? That's what came of it.

Often the repair begins suddenly, like a natural disaster. Yesterday, a person enjoyed the evening in his beloved chair, and today he already wants to change the upholstery, at the same time pick up new wallpapers and shifting the parquet. Or the family receives the keys, she does not wait to enter, and in this impulse, without a detailed plan, it starts looking for a brigade.

How to find a good brigade

The question is quickly solved when familiar has a proven contractor. If we recommend no one, we go online. We advise you to select multiple companies and in turn to invite to the object. By comparing different offers, conditions and prices, it is easier to choose the appropriate option.

What should alert? A competent contractor first finds out whether there is. This is a technical task for the brigade, plus, on its basis, consider estimates. If there is no clear outcome painting, and the organization calls the specific cost of work and pushes to the conclusion of the contract, think about it.

Have doubts? Feel free to ask questions and check information. Ask the company's details, find it on the Internet and see what activity it can lead, read the reviews. Ask, if there are other objects at work at the contractor if you can visit them. Do not miss the chance to see and understand how the process is built, whether cleanliness and order are respected than the brigade works.

You have decided on the brigade and are ready to conclude a contract. What is important to discuss on the shore?

  • The contract must be attached by the estimate. All information about expenses is made there;
  • Specify and write in advance in the contract, which tools (not expendable, namely, to carry out repair and construction work), it undertakes to provide a brigade. Unpleasantly after the conclusion of the transaction, find out that the workers have no stove or puncher;
  • Discuss a warranty period. As a rule, the warranty for repairs in secondary housing is two or three years. During this time, the system fully checks out itself. With new buildings more difficult because of the natural shrinkage. Usually give a warranty year or two. If during this time the disadvantages are found, the Contractor is obliged to eliminate them.

Repair with design project and without

Repair, like Motherland, begins with a picture. Only not in the letter, but in the head. Ideally transfer it to paper should architectural and design bureau.

Evrodwok in Loft style. designer site Darya Ustimenko

A competent project will save you nerves, time and money, and builders will simplify work. When there are drawings, the brigade clearly understands what and in what order to do. You are calmly engaged in business instead of riding an object and coordinate each stage. It is also a guarantee that alteration will be at least. Alterations \u003d Additional costs + extra time. As a result, the design project is not delayed, and we save about 20-30% of the cost of work.

Each type of work has its subtleties, so at the final stage you can invite an independent expert to help. Better if it is the project author itself. Who, as not he, will say how well the idea is embodied in life. If the repair is received, the main thing is to pay attention to - how exactly and carefully it is made.

Check the walls will help a telephone flashlight. Turn it on and attach it to the wall to see if there is irregularities, waves and so on. Come to the entire perimeter of the floor, turn on and turn off the light, water, check the sockets. It is important to be attentive to small things. The overall picture may look beautiful, but remember: the devil lies in the details.

Repair is a process that begins quickly, but slowly ends (if ends at all). Despite this, it is better not to hurry: think over the action plan in advance, find professionals who trust, arme yourself with a project or at least drawings, ask questions, check the information and closely treat trifles. Such a recipe even if not perfect, but the most painless repair

If you are just looking for reliable allies, deal with the site: we will help create a full, prepare drawings or just choose a proven brigade. But the main thing - we will try to make the picture of the perfect home in the head become a reality.

It may even be more complicated by the alteration of a large private house. Changing the wall design requires professional knowledge, even if it is a simple balcony and kitchen or balcony and a residential room. Most likely, you can save both time and money, if you prepare a refreshing project in advance with a professional designer or with a special program (today there are such online services).

2. What are the usual things for you are important? What do you need to do in a new apartment so that they stay?

Often a person gets used to waking up in the room, which in the morning is illuminated by the sun, breakfast, watching the dawn, or go to breathe on an open balcony. Such little things are important, often the lack of familiar and pleasant things does not allow themselves to be at home, so we recommend to ask yourself about it before the start of repair and redevelopment, in particular, take into account the location of the windows.

3. How many individual rooms do your family need?

Today, when people began to get used to the disappearance and free spaces, it is thorough to think about how many individual rooms need your family and can you combine, for example, a kitchen with a living room, creating a spacious room for receiving guests and family gatherings.

If you have the opportunity to organize a storage room or, it is better to do, since the problem of storage of things is always relevant in the family and climb the space of high cabinets is not always a good solution.

You should not try to do all this in the apartment of 50 m 2, it is worth considering the possibilities and then make a decision.

Design: Christine Sheldon Design

4. What are the delays in terms Are you ready to allow?

Often delayed. It is unpleasant, but almost inevitable, since in the process often many circumstances occur, ranging from human factors and ending with a banal lack of budget.

To roughly understand how long it takes a repair, use the simple formula:

T \u003d 10 + S (if the apartment is up to 35 square meters. M)

T \u003d 10 + 0.9S (if the apartment is more than 35 sq. M),

where T - Time, 10 - Days, and S - Area.

Of course, the calculation conditional, as not only the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is affected by the duration of the alteration, but also the planning feature, the original state of the apartment, the number of toilets, windows, doors and much more. But approximately you can define temporary costs.

5. How do you plan to live in 5 years?

No, this is not a philosophical question, but quite practical. Repair is an investment in the future. Of course, we cannot know exactly what will happen to us even a year later, but if a young family plans a child or an adult married couple going to invite live elderly parents, additional space and furniture will be required. Thinking up these nuances need now, since the repair is not done for a short time.

Design: Vanessa Antonelli Designs

6. How much do you interfere with neighbors?

And again not a celebrating question. The point is not even in courtesy, although in it too. There is such a concept as a schedule of noisy work, and its non-compliance can lead you to the district office. Why do you need problems?

Similar graphics are different for different cities. In Moscow, work is allowed from 9 to 19 hours from Monday to Saturday, in the suburbs - from 8 to 21 hours from Monday to Friday and from 10 to 22 hours on weekends. By the way, on new buildings, the prohibitions may not be distributed over 1.5 years from the date of commissioning. It is better to explore this question in your city, for example by calling the management company.

7. Is everything ready for the start?

The famous saying about "Seven times will die - once a rejection" in repair is very relevant. After start, any adjustments extend the process. Of course, you will not avoid it, but try to cut to a minimum of a mini recheck before starting work.

Design: Jo Cowen Architects

Questions to ask a building brigade

1. How many objects have already done from the construction team?

It is no secret that success depends on the experience and professionalism of repairmen, as well as on what guarantees they provide. The qualification of the brigade is no less important, there are specialists among them from different profiles: tile, plumbing, electricians.

2. How will the work be paid?

Find out this question in detail. For the customer, it is advantageous to pay for the repair in stages or smash the payment: 60-65% of the amount before repair and 40-35% after the work. Not the end, namely acceptance, since after full payment the brigade is unlikely to redo something.

The budget may increase, it happens and you need to be ready to be ready, but it is worth checking the cost of work per square meter, then you will be more difficult to deceive.

3. Who will buy draft materials for repair?

If the procurement will be engaged in a brigade (and it happens more often, because they have more experience in choosing finishing or), determine how they will report to you.

4. Who is responsible for the safety of chisty materials?

It is important to clarify this moment, since cases of damage or theft, alas, not uncommon. Find out who will calculate the number of finishing materials and how they should be bought in the event of a shortage.

5. Is it possible to see another draft brigade at the final stage of repair?

Nothing will tell better about the brigade and quality of her work than real results. Ask, if you can live live a result of their actions, so you can objectively evaluate the ability of the masters.

Photo: Capital Building Apartment - Renovations

6. Will employees live in the apartment?

Whether it will be necessary to live in an apartment in which the repair passes, and how it will affect the term of work, it is important for you and your neighbors, because you cannot control every action of builders. However, often a brigade that lives in a repaired room makes work faster.

Design: RES4.

The cost of repair work and materials strongly depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe object and the complexity of the project. With approximate prices, you can find a page with a description of prices or in the price list.

How to estimate the cost of repair before the conclusion of the contract for the design project?

For a preliminary estimate, you can use the repair calculator or fill out the indoor repair questionnaire and send it to managers for parsing and preliminary calculation.

How much is the check-out of the measurer for drawing up the estimate?

We do not go to the object to compile the estimate, because The estimator will not be able to describe all the work in detail in detail in detail, as a result of which additional works usually appear during the repair process, the repair and cost increases. We comprise a detailed estimate for all works and materials only on a detailed design project.

Is it possible to order repair on credit or installments?

We are not a financial organization and issue consumer loans can not, however, you can take a loan in any can of you.

Also, when ordering repair, you can use interest-free installments, because When concluding a contract for repair, we do not take a prepayment for work. This means that at the initial stage of repair it is not necessary to immediately have a large amount of money, payment is made gradually, on the fact of the fulfilled and accepted work, during the entire repair period. So The amount of work can be paid gradually, for a period of 6 months without any bank interest.

What are the timing of repair work?

Terms also depend on the area of \u200b\u200bthe object and the complexity of the design project. Usually completely all the repair of the apartment is 100-150 sq.m. Performed in 5-7 months. Apartments 40-60 sq.m. - 4-5 months.

How much time is the estimate calculated?

Complete estimates on all works and materials are usually compiled 2-5 business days depending on the complexity of the project.

How many people will work on the facility?

There are several brigades on the facility: these are workers of general construction specialties, and highly specialized workers: Tileniki, Malariers, electricians, plumbing, parquetrs, etc.

In addition to the workers, the object is present at the facility and manages the repair of the foreman (the manufacturer of works), and also leads the work of the technical supervision operated works.

Do you have a technical supervision?

Yes, engineer of technical supervision takes the work performed and controls the work of pro-workers.

How often does the foreman appear on the object?

Usually, the foreman controls the work directly on the object every other day, but closer to the objective of the object - every day.

What are the payment methods?

We accept payment in various ways: in cash in the office, cashless payment on account or bank card through the terminal in the office or via the Internet.

What is the order of payment?

When concluding a contract for repairs, a prepayment of 150,000 - 200,000 rubles is made. For the primary procurement of rough material and the organization of the process. Works are paid in stages on the fact of their implementation and after their adoption by the customer, usually 1-2 times a month.

What discount is possible with a phased and 100% payment?

The discount in phasing payments is discussed individually and depends on the volume and value of the contract. With a complete prepaid, we provide a guaranteed 10% discount.

What work do you perform or do not perform?

We carry out all the works that are necessary to implement the project.

What is the warranty for repair work?

We provide a full guarantee of 5 years on all works, materials and equipment purchased through our company.

Do you have SRO and insurance?

Yes of course.

Do you provide acts of hidden work?

Yes, we provide on mandatory.

Is it possible to change some work during the repair?

Yes, you can change the composition of the work. In this case, the estimate is recalculated and an additional agreement is signed to the contract for repairs.

Lifting materials and garbage removal is included in the repair contract?

Yes, included.

Will the cost change in the repair process?

After the conclusion of the contract, the cost specified in it cannot change. An increase or decrease in cost is possible only if the customer is desired to change some of the works or materials.

What engineering projects are needed when repairing?

It depends on the complexity of the project and the requirements of the management company.

Is it possible to make part of the repair through your contractors?

Yes, it is discussed at the conclusion of a repair contract, but in this case you will lose a comprehensive warranty on "all", i.e. Some of the responsibility will be on other contractors. This is usually not profitable for customers, incl. and in cost.

Cutting materials and furniture you have cheaper than others?

Cheaper to acquire materials and furniture in our company, because We work for direct with manufacturers, without dealers and other stores. But at the same time, we do not limit you by buying materials and furniture through our company, you can purchase as yourself if you have such a desire and free time.

Can I conclude a contract for repairs with my design project?

Yes, you can provide us with your design project and we will make a detailed estimate and execute high-quality repairs.

Can I order repair without a design project?

Is it possible to enter into a contract separately on a rough or finishing finish?

Yes, it is discussed at the conclusion of the contract for repairs, however, it is necessary to understand that the cost of the contract is only on the draft work plus the cost of the contract only on the final work will be higher than the cost of integrated turnkey repair, i.e. It is more profitable to order everything at once.

Do you install the kitchen and kitchen appliances?

If you ordered the kitchen in our company, then everything connected with it: delivery, lift, assembly and connection of technology, is performed by our specialists with a comprehensive warranty 3 years.

You can enjoy both the kitchen of any Italian factory and the kitchen of our own production of the Fundam.

Where can I see the kitchen of our own production of the "Fundam" GK?

See several samples (about 8) kitchens in our salon in Moscow, on ul. UAT 7 (at the address of the office).

Repair and do you insulate balconies?

Yes, but only within the framework of complete repair of the entire apartment. We do not engage in the repair of individual premises.

Is it possible to make repairs in the house or townhouse?

Yes, of course, we carry out repairs both in urban apartments and in country houses.

What houses do you work with?

We work with any houses in Moscow and the Moscow region: panel, monolithic, block, bricks. And also with houses with wooden floors, which are often found in the historical center of Moscow.

Is it possible to make repair only in one room - for example, in the bathroom or in the kitchen?

Not. We only perform integrated repair of the entire apartment or the entire country house entirely.

Why do other companies call the price for repairs lower than yours?

In practice, prices in all companies are approximately the same. Many of the sake of competition are reported at first very low cost, in order to constantly improve additional work and additional accounts during the repair. Upon completion of the repair, in these cases, the final cost of repair grows several times.