Selection of gas heating boiler for home. Copper gas double wall-mounted - What is better? Convection or condensation gas boiler

Selecting the heating gas boiler for a private house, take into account several nuances associated with the installed heating system, the technical characteristics of the building, and the actual heat and DHW needs. A wide range of products offered by domestic and foreign manufacturers will allow you to choose a boiler that is optimally suitable in each case.

Types of gas boilers for private house-building

Modern gas boilers for heating and hot water supply of a private house are developed taking into account the features of operation. Internal device was modified to make gas burning as economical and increase heat efficiency.

Not every gas boiler installed in a private house will work equally efficiently and provide better heat transfer. When solving the feasibility of acquiring a heat generator, several parameters take into account:

  • Type of heating system in a private house with a gas boiler - For classic boilers, radiator heating is suitable, some modern models will effectively work only when connecting to warm floors.
  • Fuel type - economical gas burning and high heat transfer - the main criteria for choosing boiler equipment. High efficiency and heat efficiency, especially important when working on liquefied gas. If it is planned or, on the economy of boilers, pay special attention.
The manufactured boiler equipment is classified according to three working parameters: the type of placement, the configuration of the combustion chamber, the number of contours.

By type of placement

Selection of the gas boiler for a private house, start with the selection of an assembly unit. There are hinged and outdoor models. Each, have its own features and differences:
  • Wall boiler - as a rule, is volatile. To facilitate the design and reduce load on the carrier wall, designers resort to various tricks. The weight is reduced by using alloys of metals, a bietermic heat exchanger.
    In the design of the two-circuit unit, it is often embedded with a storage capacity for water heating.
    Wall single-mounted gas boilers for heating a private house do not have such a modification. Models with one contour are intended exclusively for heating, but if necessary, a remote tank is allowed to heat the DHW.
    The advantage of wall aggregates, saving space, the ability (for some models) of embedding in the kitchen cabinet, as well as simple connection to the heating system.
  • Outdoor gas boiler - Not limited to productivity as attached analogs. Available in single-mounted and double-circuit design, with a heat exchanger of steel and cast iron. Outdoor performance is not always convenient, especially if the boiler is installed in the kitchen, where and without heating equipment, not always enough space.
When solving which you choose a boiler, wall or floor, first oriented on the area of \u200b\u200bheated building. The house is over 250-300 m², it is better to pull out the heat generator of outdoor execution having the best powerful characteristics. The cost of floor boilers is less, but they occupy a lot of useful area.

By type of gas burning chamber

By design, combustion chambers distinguish three configurations of heating equipment, characterized by economy and requirements, regarding the installation:

Choosing a combustion chamber boiler, take into account the dependence of the boiler from the presence of voltage in the network, the type of heating and fuel system that is planned to be used.

By the number of contours

Despite the abundance of all sorts of modifications, the consumer, everyone also offers single-circuit or double-circuit boilers, but with the presence of certain additional functions (built-in boiler, etc.). Each solution has its own positive and negative sides:

A double-circuit boiler is chosen when, in addition to heating, there is a need to get hot water. If there is no such need, a single-mounted heat generator is installed.

How to choose a gas heating boiler for a private house

To choose from a gas boiler for the heating of a private house, in addition to the design and operating parameters, a few more factors affect:
  1. Power.
  2. Factory manufacturer.
  3. Cost.
It will not be superfluous to find out how the selected model of boiler equipment includes those who have already operated the boiler for some time, as well as to consider the opinion of consultants offering heating equipment. All of these factors will help to choose the optimal boiler that fully meets the requests.

How to calculate the power of the boiler

The calculation of the power of the gas boiler for the device heating is carried out in several ways. But, the most common calculation methods, as practice shows, are:
  • Counting with online calculators - Initially, it was designed for consultants to facilitate counting and selection of a boiler for customers. At the moment, many seats on the selection of heating equipment have accessible to all visitors. When selecting, you will need to introduce information about the area, the degree of thermal insulation, the presence of window and doorways, and much more.
  • Independent calculations - Calculate the approximate power of the boiler can be used with a simple formula 1 kW \u003d 10 m². Calculations will show inaccurate value and require power adjustments, taking into account the necessary stock in the cold winter and the needs of the DHW.

Which company choose a boiler

The best gas heating boilers for country houses, manufactures European manufacturers. The largest concerns are located in Germany, France, Italy and the Czech Republic. In the rating of boilers, not recent positions occupy domestic models of heating equipment.

Below is a list of the most popular models based on sales and search queries. For convenience, the proposed boiler brands are distributed depending on the company and the principle of operation:

  • Bosch - who began to produce boilers at the factory in Russia. Bosch Gaz atmospheric boiler and condensation Bosch Condens are available.

  • - Heating equipment from Germany. Wall Buderus Logamax, with one or two contours, open and closed combustion chamber, and Buderus Vitopend, with an integrated boiler drive.

  • -. Releases the following modifications: Viessmann vitodens, condensation type and Viessmann Vitopend, with an atmospheric combustion chamber.

  • -. Products are represented by Navien Deluxe, with a closed combustion chamber, turbocharged type, and NaVien ATMO, with a classic combustion chamber.

  • -. Popular models are offered in the following modifications: Vaillant Turbotec - a turbocharged boiler with a closed combustion chamber, and Vaillant Atmotec, atmospheric type.

  • Baxi - who uses the special favor of the Russian consumer. Four equipment configurations are offered: turbocharged Baxi Eco and Baxi Luna, with built-in Baxi Nuvola boiler and with an atmospheric combustion chamber, Baxi Main.

  • Baltgaz is a Russian brand that produces dual-circuit Baltgaz NEVA, turbocharged Baltgaz Nevatec and atmospheric Baltgaz Therm.
  • NEVA LUX is a Russian manufacturer of one and two-circuit boilers in the outdoor and wall design.

  • The most economical boilers use the principle of condensation heating of the coolant. Condensation models produce exclusively European companies.

    Low-temperature heating mode is not suitable for heating houses located in northern latitudes. The installation of condensation boilers is suitable in medium latitudes, with a soft climate.

    Cost of the boiler for a private house

    Prices for gas boilers for heating a private house vary, depending on the manufacturer, combustion chambers, the number of contours and heat engineering characteristics. The most expensive will cost, the acquisition of the condensation heat generator offered by the leaders of the production of heating equipment, the German concerns Buderus and Viessmann, as well as the French company de Dietrich.

    For comparison, prices for dual-circuit gas boilers for heating a country house, from the Russian company NEVA LUX, is approximately 2 times cheaper than on a similar Viessmann and 1.2-1.5 to Italian Baxi. But, if we consider that gas consumption in European production heat generators is less than 15-20%, all extra costs will pay off after 3-5 heating seasons.

We will tell about the types, features of operation, but most importantly, the ranking of gas boilers for heating a private house will be presented. This information is useful to all those who are currently puzzled by the choice of heating equipment. The organization of heating at home and heating water for domestic use necessarily faces those who live or moves to a private house. Gas equipment is considered the most efficient and inexpensive to use. We are talking about it today and talk in today's article.

What type of boiler give preference

The first thing to pay attention to before buying is this issued system power. This parameter calculates taking into account the climatic belt in which the equipment will work, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises that will need to drop. The calculation is not very difficult. Since in private homes, the height of the ceilings rarely exceeds 3 m, it can be attached to the square of the rooms. This parameter is multiplied by the coefficient for the installation region, after which it is divided into 10.

Correction factors have the following values:

  1. For southern regions where there is no harsh winter, it is 07,-0,9.
  2. For the middle band, the coefficient is already growing significantly - 1-1,2.
  3. In a moderately cold climate, the calculations are focused on numbers 1,2-1,5.
  4. The most difficult to warm the house in the northern regions, there is a coefficient of 1.5 can reach up to 2.

A simple example. Take two the same in size and energy efficiency of the structure in 100 squares. We carry out the calculation for the south: 100 * 0.7 / 10 \u003d 7 kW. For the north - 100 * 2/10 \u003d 20 kW. There is nothing difficult in such calculations, and you can independently choose the boiler. However, there are many nuances who will not even be able to take into account the professionals, not knowing how your home is built and how energy is energy efficient. It is understood that if the structure is poorly insulated, the conduct of such calculations may be meaningless.

The next moment to pay attention to is the method of installing the boiler. From it will depend on the organization of space around and the safety of equipment operation. There are two types of type distinguish:

  1. Outdoor boilers - It is a powerful bulky equipment that requires a separate room (boiler room) for installation and normal operation. The power of such equipment can be simply huge, it has a very high efficiency, it is possible to instantly supply hot water to the water-based point.
  2. Wall boilers - They are used to organize individual heating in apartments and small houses. They are very compact and can be installed even inside the cabinets, without occupying a lot of space. The size of the equipment imposes some restrictions on it. In particular, all working details (pump, burner, electronics and heat exchanger) are in close proximity to each other, which creates complex operating conditions at constant elevated temperatures. Of course, the parameters of the devices are carefully calculated, but the overall service life of such systems is still much lower than that of outdoor.

Also, small sizes limit such gas boilers in power, although in the southern regions they can freely heat the houses to 200-300 m².

It is also important to know which type of burner is installed in your boiler. This parameter affects not only the efficiency of the system, but not on its appearance. Distinguish:

How gas boilers are arranged and working

Before you begin the review of different models, let's talk a little about the technical part of such equipment. Knowing the question will allow you to better navigate in the functions of the boiler.

Table 1.Working parts of the boiler

Detail, photoDescription
We have already told a little about her. The flame is broken from this detail. Gas is mounted with a piezoelectric element.
With the case, everything is clear - this is a metal box of the desired size with a heat insulator, which protects the inner parts from others, and those surrounding from the inner parts.
In fact, it is a radiator, inside which heated water circulates through the tubes. Under the heat exchanger burns the burner and warms the water inside it.
This device is forcibly pushing the heat carrier on the heating system. Everything is extremely clear here.
Gas combustion products must be removed from the boiler so that they do not enter the room. For this, a separate chimney highway is set, which is displayed on the street through the walls or ceiling - depends on the type of boiler.
In modern equipment, the electronics completely controls the heating. Depending on the complexity of heating equipment, the brains will be different for him.

In general, it is simplified, the operation of the system is true. By applying gas, gas is served in the boiler, which gets straight to the burner, which is lit from a piezoelectric element - before it had to be done manually. The fuel begins to burn, highlighting a lot of thermal energy, which the heat exchanger catches and transmits water inside it. So that the water does not boil, and does not break the thermal highways, it is necessary to move, constantly changing the heated heat carrier on the already cooled - this work performs pumping equipment. Also, the gas boiler system is equipped with other devices to be able to quickly manage it - valves for pressure relief, gearboxes, comb, pressure gauges and much more. Here everything depends on the specific model.

Interesting to know! A large role in the reliability of the boiler plays his security system, preventing water boiling, its freezing, blocking the pump in case of failure or a gas leakage. All these functions are implemented by special additions and sensors that cost a lot of money.

If the boiler is double-circuit, it can simultaneously engage in heat carrier in the heating and water system for hot water supply at home. The scheme of such a boiler is more complicated than that we described above.

What are the varieties of gas boilers

Table 2. Types of gas boilers

Type of gas boilerDescription

Atmospheric and other burners are installed in boilers with an open combustion chamber. As we wrote earlier, they need a natural product of air - it is closed from the room, and combustion products are removed through the chimney. You can install such a boiler only in a separate room, the volume of which will be three times higher than the hourly gas exchange of equipment.

The pluses of the design include its simplicity - sufficiently light repair and maintenance. The lack of noise while working - only pumps are engaged. Relatively low price and a large range.

Disadvantages are low efficiency, the need for chimney and a separate non-residential room.

Isolate from the residential space such a boiler there is no need, since the camera in it does not contact the surrounding air. In such boilers, coaxial chimneys are used, which are simply derived through the wall to the street. In such chimney there are two pipes - outdoor and internal. One of their bottom is suction, and the other is exhaust. The length of this pipe is small, which is very convenient in operation.

You can even use such boilers in apartments. Most often they have wall-mounted performance.

The advantages of equipment include: safety, small dimensions, lack of necessity in a separate room, the convenience of control and fast installation. From the disadvantages, we note quite high cost and high noise.

About contours, in principle, everything is clear, so we will not be very afraid of details. We only remind you that the two-circuit models simultaneously work with heating system and hot water supply. Here it will not get confused in the choice.

There is another division by gas boilers. Separately, we will not write about it, but we will mention along the transfer of models in our ranking.

List of best boilers for your home

In recent years, nothing supernatural and revolutionary on the market of boilers has not appeared, so you can pay your attention not only for the latest innovations, but also to the proven systems.

Gas boilers - the optimal solution if there is the possibility of installing them

Wall-mounted models

Let's start with wall gas boilers. They are condensation and convection types. The first are the most economical and productive, since it is used to heat the water not only thermal energy allocated during gas combustion, but also the energy of the condensing steam. The efficiency of such devices is not far from the cherished mark at 100%. Naturally, these boilers are more expensive, so the best models on the market of this class we will be listed separately. In the meantime, all about convection wall boilers.

Waisman boilers have always differed in quality and reliability. They are going on one modular platform, which largely simplifies repair and maintenance. The list includes three versions of the specified model - by 34, 30 and 24 kW. Depending on the installation region, the power of such a boiler may be enough for a house for 250 squares.

This boiler has a compact housing (400 * 340 * 725), which allows it to be installed in any rooms. The most powerful model from the indicated consumes 3.5 gas cube in the peak for an hour - this considers it a very good indicator of economy. The hydraulic block faces quick-consumption connectors, there is a heating control system, depending on the ambient temperature. Innovative coaxial chimney is protected from freezing, efficiency in the area of \u200b\u200b93%, operation mode on liquefied gas and an intelligent equipment diagnostic system. Of the minuses, you can call the absence of a remote control panel, but it is insignificant. The cost of the boiler in different online stores ranges from 42,000 to 60,000 rubles.

This boiler can be immediately recorded in the leaders of our rating. Before you, the goods from the famous German manufacturer. The average cost for such is 60,000 rubles. It also has a closed combustion chamber and a good coaxial chimney. What is convenient, the power of forced ventilation can be adjusted exactly along the length of the chimney.

The model has the highest efficiency in the classroom. Its walls are securely protected from heating, which allows you to mount the boiler without an arrogance from the side wall. Able to work on a liquefied natural gas. Very quickly heats the water in the DHW circuit - there is no need to descend it for a few minutes. The system is compatible with the WRS Board Module, which can be mounted both on the boiler and as a remote remote control module. The boiler gently starts.

You can note the entire model range - power varies from 9.4 to 24 kW. The system has 2 heat exchanger installed - one for each contour. The expansion tank has a volume of 8 liters, which allows to obtain a capacity of 11.5 liters per minute of hot water.

Fall into a more affordable price niche. Here the boiler from Italy Buckuck feels nicely. This brand is actually considered one of the most prestigious, but it is this model that is inexpensive, and perfectly shows itself in practice.

It refers to the fourth generation, which was designed specifically for Russia, and specifically, it was designed to work under reduced gas pressure at the entrance - 5 mbar. It is very convenient that a separate temperature control system in radiators and a warm floor system is provided in the boiler. The maximum power of the boiler is 24 kW. He has very modest dimensions - 299 * 400 * 730 mm.

From advantages note:

  • the system of consumption of consumed water;
  • postcirculation mode;
  • using the pump with the air vent;
  • compatibility with solar collectors;
  • separate temperature control;
  • low pressure protection system;
  • pleasant price in the area of \u200b\u200b38,000 rubles;
  • remote thermostat and remote control.

We will draw a small display to the disadvantages, on which the information is displayed as the cat is applied.

BAXI ECO FOUR 1.24 F boiler

From low-cost solutions, we also note the goods from the Korean manufacturer of Navien. These are boilers with a closed camera, which are also adapted for our conditions. At a cost in the region of 28,000 rubles. They give out excellent results. The boiler power can be 24 kW.

Pleases the presence of the following functions:

  • protection against freezing - if the temperature of the coolant falls below 10 degrees, heated and pump will automatically start;
  • remote control;
  • stable work.

In the boiler there is a stainless steel heat exchanger. On the one hand, minus, but on the other plus - the item is very strong and durable, and the effectiveness of copper heat exchangers is cooked due to turbocharging. From the disadvantages, we note a little noise and unstable heating of hot water.

Go to condensation wall boilers.

Navien Deluxe 24K boiler

German manufacturer Valiant offers its customers the highest quality heating equipment. The thermal power of this model is 24 kW - how to recount on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, you already know. The cost of such a model is an average of 55,000-60,000 rubles.

Of course, the condensation boiler will have a much smaller gas consumption at high heat transfer. The model has an option of enhanced water heating for the DHW - gives up to 24 kW. The boiler is equipped with a DIA system to collect and analyze information about the operation of the boiler. The equipment can operate both from the coaxial chimney and from the usual one. Suitable for low-temperatures heating systems.

The burner has a chamber for a preliminary mixing of gas and air, which increases the efficiency of the boiler. There is automatic combustion control and a regulation, due to the control of the consumable air. The pump is able to automatically switch from DHW to heating. The volume of the expansion tank is 10 liters.

With such a high quality, this boiler has not the greatest price. In addition to high quality, you can mark beautiful design. From disadvantages, you can only be called vulnerability to voltage jumps, so the stabilizer will be required.

Copper Vaillant Ecotec Plus VUW IV 246

This boiler in his class is the most economical. The price of it is already in the region of 100,000 rubles, but the quality, especially high, is always expensive. The main feature of this model is the presence of a burner of a cylindrical type MATRIX. It is high-tech and has many microfuntries. Such a structure minimizes heat loss. High efficiency has a steel heat exchanger of an annular type.

The efficiency of the device is 98%, two methods of heating hot water, a small housing, a do, working with liquefied gas, high-quality and smart electronics, easy repair. And this is not all the advantages of the model. The lack of one is a high price.


Video - Rating of wall gas boilers

Outdoor models

Let's go to the floor boilers now. Also first let's call the leaders of convection type, and then condensation.

Before you a single-mounted heating boiler from Weisman. It is low-temperature and has an open combustion chamber, which means it will be installed in a boiler room. Its capacity is 29 kW. They will ask you for such a thing in the store about 110,000-120,000 rubles. A very productive system of small size, which traditionally features high quality performance.

The heat exchange parts of the boiler are made of gray cast iron and scaly graphite. The burner has a chamber of pre-mixing fuel. Weather-dependent automation is very energy efficient. The ignition system is implemented so that the start of the boiler happens silently and efficiently. Such a boiler can easily combine with drives, to provide hot water. The high price for such reliability and coherence of all components does not want to be considered a disadvantage, but it is exactly that it stops from such acquiring many users.

Yes, and also, such a boiler when connecting to the DHW system cannot in the flow mode, ensure long warming of water - you dial quickly bathroom, and its temperature drops sharply. So that this is not, it is necessary to spend the water with a small pressure.

Boiler Viessmann Vitogas 100-F GS1D870

From the budget line of boilers of this type, we highlight the model from the Slovak Company of the company. It is about 60,000 rubles. The boiler is also one-connecting and has an open combustion chamber. Useful power is at the level of 26 kW, so it is enough for a small house.

Of the advantages, let's call:

  • summer-winter mode;
  • smooth power adjustment;
  • informative display;
  • heat exchanger protected from condensate and the possibility of replacing its middle section;
  • small size and cooling circuit.

Du to such a boiler can only be purchased separately, that somewhat lubricates a good impression.

Copper Prothrem Bear 30 Klom

From the condensation single-circuit boilers, we will again note the model from Valiant. Power 34 kW for only some 180,000 rubles. It is very effective and reliable, like all the real German technique. The DHW is implemented by connecting an external cumulative boiler, as in previous cases. Alternatively, you can take a two-round boiler from the Eco series.

  • Efficiency of the device in the area of \u200b\u200b99%;
  • the burner of the modulating type;
  • economical gas consumption;
  • sensory control panel;
  • dia system;
  • flame control and ignition.

The disadvantage of the boiler is still the same - the voltage stabilizer needs, but at such a price it is already small.

Copper Vaillant EcoVit VKK INT 366

So, we hosted with the most common models in our country from different price segments. We hope that the material will be useful to you in business.

Video - which boiler to choose: outdoor or wall

Tell in the variety of gas boilers. What to ask for the seller first? And what will he try to "lie"? From which the owners of private houses are better to refuse, but why strive for?

The choice of boiler for the house will start with the examination of the building of the building. What is available has a significantly affects the choice or should be changed.

That sellers sell, and buyers should not take

Having bought "a little bit of such" a gas boiler, household owners are then expressed as follows.

  • Most of all complaints subsequently causes savings on brand reliability. Although the breakdown of gas boilers are not often, however, before buying it is worth dealing with what manufacturers on the market for a long time, and what they represent. What can I buy in a particular store? The reliability leaders the products of Concern of Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Japan and Korea.
  • The most significant complaints cause savings when creating a GVS based on a gas boiler. After all, it will have to use hot water all the time. "It was necessary to pay a little bit and take this .... with this…." It turned out not so comfortable, as I would like, and it is impossible to remake.
  • There are misunderstandings about saving on power when buying. It does not happen often, but the complaints are the most key ...
  • Recently, the owners of gas boilers complain about the overpayments to the "super-new" technologies that were not profitable. Although it is not too fundamentally ...
  • Errors occur and in a fundamental choice, - the best would not be at all the gas boiler, however, for some reason ....

When the gas boiler is not the best

Is there a base in the house for economical heating

Gas is becoming more expensive and will go up as all other energy. His waste will directly depend on the insulation of the house, which is also not cheap.

The better insulation - the more expensive it is. The worse insulation - the more expensive heating will cost. Where is the Golden Middle? - What is the degree of insulation required, and what power of heating does it have to be warm in the house?
The balance of this is determined by the project of the building, in which measures are prescribed for insulation, and from here - the power of the gas boiler.

How to spend self-counting

In a rough approximation, it is believed that the energy flow of a residential private house should not be more than 100 W from a square-heated square meter in the coldest month. This means that the building must be "not bad" insulated, and there are no frank drafts, i.e. Ventilation under control.

And also this means that gas boiler with a capacity at the rate of 1kW / 10 m. It should warm the house so that it has heat in it, and if this does not happen, it means that you need to look for and eliminate heat leaks, which will eventually be cheaper than to buy boilers and radiators, and then burn a lot of gas.

Before you go to the store for a gas boiler, it is desirable to bring the building to the proper look.

What power to pick up

Gas boilers should not be much higher than heat loss. Otherwise, the powerful burner will too quickly overheating the coolant and the boiler will be constantly disconnected, it is working in frequent ignition mode. Yes, and overpayment for powerful equipment for nothing. It is assumed that the capacity of the equipment should be reduced by 15% of heat loss. But as a rule, hot water is prepared from the gas boiler. Then the power supply should be increased to 25%. Then at the area of \u200b\u200bthe house 250 m. And the possible heat loss of 25 kW, the house should drop a 32 kW boiler, which needs to be applied.

By the way, independent counting heat loss is an empty spending time. It is unlikely to take into account the real humidity of plaster, real damage to the insulation in the attic of rodents (for example) and the actual area of \u200b\u200bshading by the tree of the front window, with normal wind rose ... So it is not recommended to engage in inventiveness.

What do you pay attention to when choosing a boiler

In addition to the brand and capacity there are also a couple of important nuances when choosing a gas boiler for home. First, already at the design stage, a boiler will be solved with an open or closed burner. This is fundamentally important, since for aggregates with different burners, completely different requirements for installation and operation places are also presented.

Secondly, how many contours of heating should be in the boiler. In the second circuit, water is heated for household needs. And you need to decide how it will be prepared how much it will be necessary, and where the equipment will be placed. Further details ...

Does the open burner be useful

The burner of a closed type (forced ventilation) works under the influence of the fan. The air is sued outside the room along the same pipe that gases are distinguished. It is heated. Such a system is equipped with wall-mounted compact units that can be installed in any subsidiary not wet room, and the pipe is outwarded through the wall. This is a universal cheap and most common option. But such a burner is supplied and floor boilers, with more advanced functionality ...

Open-type burner (atmospheric) are equipped with more powerful floor boilers. They should be installed only in a separate furnace, made according to the rules equipped with air appointment for air supply to the boiler. Smoke is discharged at high atmospheric chimney. Such boilers, do not have capacity limitations and are recommended for large houses. Extremely reliable, supplied with a cast iron heat exchanger, etc. ...

Does the second heating circuit need

One contour of the movement of fluid through the heat exchanger in the gas boiler is always available - it is heated in it for heating.
But maybe the second contour - water will be warm for hot water supply at home (DHW). In practice, it turns out that the second circuit reduces the final price of the equipment for the DHW. But reduces and comfort.

From the second circuit, water can act directly into the crane. This is inconvenient, since every discovery will turn on the boiler, you need to wait until it gets warm and it will reach hot water ... Also water can act in an intermediate electrical meler, where it gradually cools, and it's a little and more expensive.

Features one-connecting

A single-mounted boiler is designed to work with an indirect heating boiler, in which energy from heating coolant is used for constant heating of household water. With this option, there is always a lot of cheap water, as it can warm the boiler constantly, and the capacity of the boiler is not small. The recirculation system makes it possible to get hot water from the crane immediately when opening it. It is possible to fill the bath very quickly (dropping boiler), even if the boiler itself is not high. It is possible to get hotter water ...
But the price for the equipment is more.

With one or two contours to choose

The practical recommendation is reduced to a single-mounted boiler.
The price of an indirect heating boiler with a capacity of 150 - 200 liters is not small. It contains a spiral pipeline for heating from heating and this tank has a special coating. Also installed an additional pump, the expansion tank of recycling pipe .... But subsequent comfort is more important.

With a double-circuit boiler, you can immediately get hot water in the crane, enough to connect a pipe from the tap to the output of the second circuit. It will be possible to dial more or less comfortable bath, unless of course the boiler power from 20 kW. A little surcharge for an electric equipment up to 50 liters to get an order of magnitude greater comfort. And yet - is it worth saving and abandoning the avalanche of hot water always?

As a rule, a double-circuit boiler - economy option, injected certain inconveniences.

How the condensing gas boiler works

In hot gases, which are formed when combustion of fuel, a lot of water vapor. This water can be seen dripping from the chimney. In condensation boilers, steam passes into the water on a secondary cold heat exchanger, which is then merged into the sewer. To work the system, it is necessary that the heating reverse is as cold as possible, literally 30 degrees.

Condensation boilers are designed primarily for low-temperature heating, to work with warm floors and with radiators (in-country convectors) to 55 degrees. Then they develop their "monstrous" efficiency in 110 (!) Percent.
But they can work in the usual high-temperature mode, when the heat carrier is heated to 70 - 80 degrees.

Does the condensation boiler be useful

In Europe, laws adopted, obliging to install condensing boilers - heat generators using the energy of the phase transition of water. It increases energy saving up to 15% and significantly improves ecology.

But ordinary our homes, in most cases, are not ready for such a turn of events. First, the house should be heat saving - not only insulated, but also equipped with modern ventilation, heat heat recuperators and a ventilation jet. Then low-temperature heating will not be bad to cope with our cold.

Also, the heating system itself should consist of a warm floor (desirable), and the area of \u200b\u200bradiators should be more percent for 20-30.

It turns out that all this together, at the current prices of gas is not profitable economically. Dear condensation boiler, along with his heating system will not pay off. In Europe, where the climate is much softer, and the price of gas is more - it is extremely profitable.
Therefore, we do not use such boilers very popular.

What to choose for home

According to the degree of automation, the presence of protection, the boilers line for the private house of one power in different leading manufacturers are similar to. Therefore, "picking in prubing" is reduced to choosing in favor of a brand or design.

Gas heating is often used to provide a comfortable microclimate in modern.

Such an option in Russia chooses more than half of all buyers.

Make the right choice of a gas boiler for a private house is not so difficult, it is enough to understand the main features of the device.

In fact, any gas boiler becomes the main node in the heating system.

Without it, the coolant does not heat up.

And it is not capable of circulating along the contour constituting.

Gas devices today are made in a wide range.

There are the following signs for which devices are divided into several groups:

  • A number of features inherent in constructions
  • In which method moving heat carrier
  • Where the device is mounted
  • What power they possess

These features are interdependent. Therefore, you can separately consider each of the items.

Power indicator

Domestic belongs to any boiler used in a country house system. Power is usually within 5-500 kW. Most models have enough 10-35 kW.

How to find out how much power you need a one or another buyer? There is a concept of averaged standard that is suitable for most situations. About 1 kW of the device power is spent to warm up 10 square meters of square in standard rooms.

Power increases with ceilings height from 3 meters and more. Therefore, adaptations are purchased with a margin.

But in practice, the indicators often become smaller. This is due to the technical features that the device possesses. Power distribution in this case is alternate.

The design of the house, climatic features - the factors that pay no less attention. Power required more if the device is operated in the northern regions.

Or in homes that have very thin walls. Should not deliver special hassle selection of a gas boiler for a private house 70 sq.m.

How to be with the location

On this basis, gas boilers are:

  • Nasty
  • Outdoor

Outdoor - those that are mounted only on the floor. It is advisable to place them in the vestibule or in another separate room.

Such devices have a number of advantages:

  • Wide range.
  • Long offline work. Usually the device can work smoothly for 2 days - 1 month.
  • Simple maintenance.
  • Universality. You can use any available fuels available.
  • Efficiency.
  • Performance, high power at 0.5 MW.

The efficiency of modern devices comes to 90 percent. Most devices are non-volatile. This means that they work without.

There are systems with a function of long burning. They have only two main elements: equipment for automation of fuel supply plus the boiler itself.

But outdoor models are not deprived of their minuses:

  • Possess large dimensions.
  • Require a separate place to install.
  • Do not work without a chimney, which consistently performs its functions.

Outdoor boilers require a durable base made of iron or. But this is the optimal solution for those whom the boiler is not required in the residential premises.

A little about wall boilers

It is they who make up about half at all of all gas devices that are actually working in homes. The classic option is when the device is placed on the wall, in the hallway or in the kitchen.

Among the advantages:

  • The system has no chimney in its classical understanding. Mounted compact, coaxial variety of this device.
  • The work is absolutely silent.
  • High efficiency.
  • Simple operation. It's not difficult to choose the desired temperature mode.
  • Almost complete automation.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Small weight with size.

But it was not without their drawbacks.

  • The boiler cannot immediately work on the heating of the premises, and to bring water to the desired temperature.
  • There are some restrictions on the maximum power and area of \u200b\u200bpremises, which are heated in this way.
  • Devices impose hard requirements for the quality of coolants.
  • Most models are energy-dependent

Wall-mounted devices will become a good solution in small houses. They will not require a lot of location for mounting. Through coaxial chimney, combustion products will be given. It is carried out directly into the wall.

How can the coolant

The type of heating contour is of great importance for those who choose a suitable boiler. To be more accurate - an important role is played by how the circulation of the coolant is organized. Water usually moves one of two ways:

  • Forced strengthening of the process. For which they use circulating pumps. In most of the boilers, such pumps are already built inward. If they are not, the designs are easy to mount separately - into the lower part of the heating circuit.
  • Sometimes heating is responsible for circulating motion. The fluid moves along the contour up when it is heated to a certain temperature. Her place occupies another liquid that did not have time to warm up. The cycles are repeated infinitely until the device turns off.

Features of constructive character

First, water turns out to be in the heating circuit.

And then goes to the heat exchanger.

The latter is heated due to the combustion of the gas.

With the help of burners, gas begins to shrink.

In total, each of the structures provides for the presence of two burners - one is posted, the other is the main one.

The main is needed to maintain a normal working mode.

The second helps the basic problem after the device stops working, and includes the "Expectations" mode.

The boilers are "ignited" in different ways - automatically, manually. Either using electricity. There is another option "Piezo".

Gas boilers can be:

  • With two contours.
  • One-mounted.

The second type of models is provided with only one contour, which moves the coolant. It has heating heating.

In the second type of contour two - the second for water used in domestic needs. It is suitable for those who want to make a choice of a gas boiler for a private house 200 sq.m.

It is the second outline that the DHW circuit is called. Inside the design is the heat exchanger, one or two.

Boilers are divided into groups and, depending on which materials are manufactured by heat exchangers:

  • With copper at the heart.
  • Stainless steel.
  • Silutic.
  • Of steel.
  • On a cast-iron basis.

Cast iron and steel got the most widespread. The first material remains warm for a long time, but remain fragile. Steel is short-lived, although the warmth is also doing well. High characteristics have stainless items on a synthetic basis. But they cost quite expensive.

In the boilers of a condensation type, preference is more often given by silhouette heat exchangers. They differ from others in that the coolant is moving with a lower temperature.

The difference in comparison with ordinary models comes to 10-20 degrees. For water heating, gas combustion products are used. Thanks to this mode of operation on the heat exchanger, less condensate appears.

There are classic varieties where moisture condenses due to the difference appearing between the exhaust and incoming fluid temperature. Such models are best used in conjunction with warm, radiators with a large number of sections.

Then the low temperature of the ramp carrier ceases to be a serious problem. Compensation devices have high efficiency up to 90-95 percent.

Many systems have elements responsible for operational safety, automation. Such elements usually consist of:

  • Sensors thrust in chimneys.
  • By work with fans.
  • Valve mechanisms for discharge, danger protection.
  • Control blocks with the indication of the appropriate operation mode. Used electricity, or work on the principle of automation.

Most of the place inside the design is given by gas reinforcement. The same applies to the circulating pump, the exhaust manifold with a fan, a burner with a heat exchanger. Thanks to modern technologies, it is easy to choose that fully complies with the requirements of a particular buyer.

There is also division by category, depending on where gas burns. They are supplied with closed or open cameras. In closed cameras, tightness is ensured, they are isolated from external volume in all rooms. Only through coaxial chimney, a sufficient amount of air flows inside.

Ignition method, burner and power

In the main highways of our country, gas pressure is far from ideal indicators.

This is especially true. Sometimes it descends to the minimum 13 mbar.

What leads to a decrease in flame inside.

Then, according to this reason, there is a root.

Although the cost increases markedly, and the work does not do without outsiders.

Gas boilers produce not only domestic, but also foreign manufacturers. Such models are designed for operation at a stable nominal pressure of 18-20 mbar.

When using imported equipment, the likelihood that buyers will remain without heat in harsh frosts.

As for the type of ignition, everything is resting here in the desire for the owner to save on electrical energy. One of the most convenient options is the so-called piezoelectric element. This means that the scent of a small on a permanent basis is installed in the burner.

Calculations for heating

These calculations are engaged when only the house is design. Among the factors that have a serious impact on the choice of the heating system: walls with their thickness, roofing and roofs with structural features, the quality on which thermal insulation is carried out. These indicators determine what will be:

  • Plumbing and household appliances with their total quantity.
  • That, using which scheme is moving the coolant.
  • What kind of layout refers.
  • Footage of highways.
  • The number of radiators in pipes.
  • The boiler itself.

The rules of choice remain approximately the same for all boilers, not only gas. Electrical models are considered a more profitable acquisition. In this case, it is not necessary to constantly press the button to turn on the device.

The main thing is to purchase a voltage stabilizer in order not to suffer from his jumps. It is best to acquire devices with all the necessary sensors in the kit.

Among the main functions:

  • Sensor controlling cravings.
  • To block the supply of gas, if the flame fades.
  • Blocks that stop operation when the supply of gas and water, voltage drops.
  • Blocking thermostat preventing gas supply when the water reaches certain temperatures.

Right boiler

Savings are unacceptable when choosing an automatic part of the burner. With any gas interruptions, the valves must be triggered perfectly. Otherwise, there will be more serious problems. 500 euros can reach annual losses for those who acquire cheap boilers with a low efficiency.

It is necessary to look at the materials from which the boilers are made. Cast iron and copper - more durable than thincase steel.

Adjustment equipment is one of the most important aspects on which it is impossible to save. It depends on how efficiently the heat regulator works.

Installing gas boilers - not such a simple occupation, as it seems to many. It is necessary to comply with all requirements. And the installation is impossible without obtaining a special permission. It is best to contact the specialists who provide relevant services.

Possible leakage and open flame are the main reasons why buyers consider dangerous to acquire exactly gas boilers. Such cautions are only partly justified.

Costs pay off and heat supply precisely in those moments when it is truly necessary. The main thing is to closely monitor pressure indicators. Many buyers appreciated the benefits of devices.

How to choose a gas boiler, you can look at the video: