We carry out the waterproofing of the scene around the house. Skostka - for what is needed, varieties, modern soft deficiencies How to make waterproofing foundation and challenge

The scene is a protective strip of concrete, asphalt, decorative stone or rubble, which is located along the outer walls of the house. In addition to the aesthetic effect, it has an important function of removal of wax and rainwater. According to SNiP, it is located all over the perimeter of the house.

The very scene itself is made in a multi-layered structure. Its surface covers concrete and asphalt. These durable materials are capable of great efficiency. Than to process concrete break to protect it from the same groundwater, you will learn below.

Waterproofing of the scene is an important process that is capable of protecting the home, in particular, a basement from moisture penetration and provide a long life of its operation. Correctly performed waterproofing of the house of the house directly affects the quality of life in it.

Soil and melting water over time can seriously destroy the foundation of the building, thus leading to small cracks at the first stage, which will only increase over time. With this problem, you can contact the specialists of your business, but the waterproofing of the scene is also quite real.

Than to treat concrete breakfast, and with what materials it can be protected, our article will tell it in detail.

What does the right waterproofing of the scene look like

Quite often to protect the scene of the house are used. Often it is used clay or clamping brickwork. The horizontal waterproofing of the scene can provide protection for the foundation and walls of the basement, thus creating a barrier groundwater.

If the basement is not provided in the design, the installation of waterproofing is carried out at one level with the basement. On average, it is 20 centimeters above the ground level.

If, the waterproofing of the scene around the house is performed in a cascading version. That is, the material is placed in the form of protrusions, and each previous layer is obliged to implicit on the subsequent.

If there is a basement in the house ,. The first one is obliged to correspond to the level of basement. The second must be located at the ground level, slightly above the gentlestation itself.

Horizontal waterproofing of the scene can be produced using a cement screed. It all depends on the climate of the region (such criteria are important as the level of groundwater location, soil humidity, and so on).

Portland cement with sealing additives is very popular in this plan, which can perform sodium aluminate.

The good protection of the concrete slaughter is achieved with a concrete layer thick about 20-25 mm. Instead of concrete, the rubberoid is quite suitable. Any of these materials should be seized by two layers, then glued with mastic.

In rare cases, an asphalt screed applies for waterproofing. Its layer on average is 30 mm.

In addition to the primary, there is also a breakfast. It is designed to perform the role of additional protection. With this embodiment, in most cases, hydroize is used. This material when installing should be put on the walls of the house at an altitude of up to 20 centimeters. This design will additionally protect the building from the negative effects of water.

Waterproofing penetrating method

This method of waterproofing the scene is now quite popular, despite the fact that it appeared relatively recently. It is based on ensuring a significant increase in the durability and strength of the structure due to the effects of hydraulic pressure.

Such an effect is possible due to the penetration of insulating materials deep in the pores of the scene (approximately for centimeters 40). Thus, a crystal structure is formed. Water is not able to filtered through the body of concrete.

Waterproofing of the bedside house by painting method

The painting method is quite popular. How to treat concrete breakfast in that case? Good protection of concrete slats is achieved by using bitumen mastic. It is applied using a brush on a clean and dry surface on top of the primer.

If necessary, the wall is easily aligned with a solution. This method is applicable to butt walls.

Bitumen mastic should be drawn by layers. The thickness of each of them should not exceed 2 mm.

All this process should be divided into several techniques, carefully process the entire surface.

In the end, it should be solid waterproofing of the scene around the house. In no case should there be different cracks or blooming. When applying mastic on a crude or crude wall, these defects may well manifest. To get rid of defects, these areas need to be cleaned again, after which it is dried and also covered with a new layer of mastic.

Used and as an adhesive solution with horizontal cave waterproofing. This method is characteristic of the use of roofing or runneroid.

Materials for waterproofing the scene before installation must be cut into small pieces. It is necessary to make a reserve for the back of the installation itself. Before processing the concrete breakdown should be thoroughly wrapped.

It is easy to perform with a soft paddle roller. The applied mass should be at least 70 kilograms.

Mastic is used in places of seams of the adolescence. Already after the final layer, mastic is applied to the material itself. It should be applied with a solid layer. Then everything falls asleep dry sand. Seaste with insulation and waterproofing is ready!

Other nuances of waterproofing

  1. To create a breakfast, it is better to use solutions that are manufactured using waterproof cements. In this case, the protection of the scene will be an order of magnitude higher.
  2. How to protect the breakfast with excessive accumulation of groundwater and in the case of their bad stack? Be sure to make the groove along the perimeter of the scene. This uncomplicated device of waterproofing of the scene, in turn, will ensure the removal of water.
  3. Before filling the ditches for the scene, you must first be made with waterproofing. In this case, there must be a surveillance on the walls of the foundation. The best materials for this purpose are those that are based on polypropylene. Polyvinyl chloride films are suitable. Ruberoid and polyethylene film for these purposes are practically not suitable.
  4. Before covering concrete blindfold materials with a pronounced porous structure, they must first pass. Without processing, artificial stone is good for such purposes.
  5. Drainage profiled membranes when installing the scene will be very by the way. They thus pose an analogue of concrete flashes. Thus, the membrane, located on the ground, will fallinate with rubble and sand.

Following this, the waterproofing of the scene around the house can be produced from any coating. Here the owner of the owner on this issue is completely unleashed.
The scene is a design that surrounds the house continuously around the perimeter and closely adjoins the base. The main function of the game is the protection of the building from moisture from entering ...

  • The main function of the scene to prevent the impact of external factors on the foundation of the house. This protective design, which should prevent any moisture from entering the building, and for this she ...

  • The scene is an architectural element of a building that performs many functions. It prevents moisture penetration into the foundation, basement and technical premises of the house. Even a slight amount of moisture ...
  • A year after the construction of the foundation of the house, it is necessary to prepare a breakfast, which will divert the rain and melting water from the fundamental basis. In the manufacture of such a design, a variety of materials and technologies are used, but it is necessary to take into account the fact that the mainstream is also required to protect against moisture. Globe with waterproofing will provide dryness in the basement and will retain the foundation for a long time.

    To properly make a waterproofing layer, first of all it is worth deciding with the material for it.

    Materials for the Gamesost

    The waterproofing of the scene consists of a tight layer with a height of 20 cm and coatings from a bulk material, which resists the penetration of water inside the design. Sometimes the insulation material is additionally stacked between these layers.

    Important! If you use raw materials with a porous structure, then each reservoir must be treated with water-repellent drugs.

    Today, the following materials are used for waterproofing the scene:

    1. Hot gudron or bitumen mastics. These compositions are used during the coating of the foundation.
    2. Ruberoid, hydrokhotloizol, geotextile.
    3. PVC films.
    4. PVP membranes (profiled).
    5. Geotextile, Rubext.

    If you plan to make a solid slab, it is best to use hydropoter or asphalt concrete. There are also specialized compositions with waterproofing properties, such as "Xypex", "MasterSeal" and other polymeric preparations. They penetrate into concrete and reliably protect it from the harmful effects of moisture.

    For waterproofing, soft-type malfunction uses rolled materials, but rubberoid and polyethylene cannot fully protect the foundation from moisture. Therefore, it is better to give preference to polyvinyl chloride films.

    In addition, rolled materials have the following disadvantages:

    • The surface of the basement is needed to align, clean and dry carefully.
    • Materials of this type have very low strength and disadvantage.
    • The process of laying such materials requires a lot of time and effort.
    • The waterproofing layer must be protected from mechanical damage.

    Useful! If you are using rolled materials, it is recommended to produce additional vertical waterproofing. For this, the material must be wrapped on the wall of the house, high by 150-200 mm high.

    How to produce waterproofing scene

    Depending on the presence of the basement, one-level and two-level scene is performed:

    • If a basement is not provided in the house, the waterproofing reservoir is placed at the base level, that is, above the ground for 200 mm. Since the base is mandatory is made under the slope of 2-5 degrees, the protective layer is stacked on special protrusions. Due to this, each subsequent reservoir will perform on a certain distance.
    • If there is a basement in the structure, then you need to perform two-level waterproofing. The first reservoir is placed at the floor level of the basement, and the second is at the level of the base, above the scene.

    To make the foundation, follow these steps:

    1. Remove the top layer of the Earth, after having calculated the width of the scene (usually it ranges from 60 to 120 cm).
    2. Place a layer of clay on the bottom of the trench with a height of 10 cm.
    3. Place the waterproofing material, bending its edge on the wall of the house.
    4. Put the sand with a height of 10 cm and confuse it.
    5. Place geotextile and pour it with a thin layer of sand (about 5 cm).
    6. Pour rubble, pebbles or gravel with a thickness of 15 cm.
    7. Place another layer of geotextile and spray it again (if the scene is soft, then this stage can be skipped).
    8. Fill the base of the cement and put a paving slave on it. If you are preparing a soft base, you can immediately lay out the paving slabs, closing it with a rubber hammer.

    You can also perform horizontal waterproofing with:

    • Cement screed from PC and seals with a thickness of 20-25 mm.
    • Ruberoid or Tolya, which is placed in two layers and is glued with mastic.
    • Asphalt screed with a thickness of 25-30 mm, which places in terms of the base of the building.

    When working it is worth paying attention to some features of waterproofing.

    Features of the waterproofing of the village

    Performing waterproofing of the scene, it is necessary to take into account the following recommendations:

    1. In the manufacture of protective "ribbon" around the building, it is best to use solutions that include waterproofing substances.
    2. Rolled materials can be used only if the height differences are not exceeded 2 mm.
    3. If strong rains often come in your region, then after the construction of the base, proceed along its perimeter of the chute, which will divert water.
    4. It is not recommended to use as a filler for the base, since this material will be narrowed and expanding when the temperature regime drops.
    5. The depth of the breakfast may differ depending on the level of groundwater, the amount of precipitation and climatically conditions, the presence of sewage systems.

    There is also a painting waterproofing of the scene, which is performed by applying bitumen mastic.

    Painting waterproofing

    Protection against moisture of the base of the scene with painting waterproofing is characterized by the cheap and simplicity of installation. Before treating the surface of the base, it must be primed up with bitumen mastic. After that, a bitumen-polymer, cement-polymer, bituminous or polymer paint composition is applied to the primer layer using the brush.

    Useful! If the composition is applied to the butt walls, they must be pre-dissolved.

    Bituminous mastic is applied 2-3 thin layers with a thickness of no more than 2 mm. After processing, the surface is checked for cracks, swirling and other defects. If such are detected, the surface is cleaned and re-coated with its waterproofing composition.

    It should be borne in mind that when working with hot materials, you need to adhere to the following precautions:

    1. The boiler for cooking bitumen must be installed at a low angle so that the molten fluid does not get into the fire. Also near need to prepare sand and fire extinguisher.
    2. When using multiple bitumen brands - a lower brand is melted first, and then high. If you add a low brand bitumen in a hot concrete, it will lead to rapid foaming, because of which the composition may result.
    3. The amount of bitumen in the boiler should not exceed 2/3 of the volume of the container.
    4. To avoid hot splashes, slowly lower the pieces of bitumen on board the boiler.
    5. It is possible to work with molten mastic only in protective clothing.

    In custody

    During the construction of the scene, it is possible not to lay a waterproofing reservoir, but this will lead to the fact that the base will last long and over time it collapses under the influence of water. It is best to use rolled materials or bitumen mastic, thanks to which the "ribbon" around the house will last twice as long.


    The waterproof waterproofing will increase the strength of the structure, speaking the main element of reliable protection of the foundation and walls from the destructive impact of moisture. The correct choice of materials and the phased implementation of the laying technology will provide a comfortable microclimate and increase the service life of the housing.

    Scene in the construction of houses

    Waterproofing of the scene around the house will help to remove groundwater and atmospheric precipitation from the base, will ensure the dryness of the basement. It is recommended to produce the necessary work on the creation of waterproofs in the contact area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation and soil plane, immediately after the construction of the structure.

    High-quality waterproofing of the scene will prevent the wetting of the foundation and walls, the appearance of mold, fungus. Frequent moisture getting into the zone of the underlying soil can change the bearing ability of the base, cause drawdown. Bunched soils can be shifted under the influence of water inflows and lead to the destruction of the structure.

    Protective role of Gamestock

    Waterproofing of the scene and the base will ensure reliable protection against wetting. A robust waterproof design in the form of a strip around the entire building should be made with a slope that is directed from the house to the soil zone.

    Protective features of the scene are aimed:

    • ensure the removal of water;
    • prevent the soil under the structure;
    • to protect against the penetration of the root systems of plants and trees.

    Regulatory requirements for construction work during the construction of the house, provide for the implementation of the scene in accordance with the rules of the laying technology. The structural element is constantly susceptible to external atmospheric effects, therefore requires the creation of durable and reliable waterproofing.

    Varieties of ottostok

    The choice of the form of the scene is determined by the indicators of the amount of atmospheric precipitation. It is also important to provide for the design of the drain from the roof of the structure, otherwise the surface will be exposed to direct exposure to water flows. The structure of the protective tape of the scene consists of a fitting base and coating.

    There are several options for making a breakfast:

    • simple bulk (clay and crushed stone);
    • a bulk view, with the addition of waterproofing under the breakfast;
    • concrete (fill with reinforcement, or without);
    • finished plates from reinforced concrete.

    Bulk scene from rubble

    Waterproofing the scene around the house will help strengthen the design, making it stronger and resistant to moisture. It is not recommended to combine bulk options based on the use of clay and laying concrete.

    Filling of concrete flats

    Materials for waterproofing

    Selecting the type of waterproofing of the scene around the house, the material for work should take into account the design features of the element. Sealing plane can be achieved by applying:

    1. Bitumen mastic. It is optimally suitable for creating a protective surface on the foundation of the structure, applied to filling the bulk scene.
    2. Rolled materials. The film for waterproofing the scene should be superimposed when mounting on the wall. It is recommended to combine roll materials with applying mastic to the surface to enhance the tightness of the coating.
    3. Hydrocerement (asphalt concrete). Solid slabs of the scene will create a reliable hydrobarrier from water flows.
    4. Penetrating compositions (polymers). Apply for surfaces with a porous structure, providing deep impregnation with protective compositions. Different resistance to ultraviolet, sharp temperature differences. The properties of vapor permeability protect the surface of the material from the formation of mold, fungus.

    The process of working with bitumen materials requires special caution. Preheat the composition follows in a deep boiler, avoiding fluid from entering the fire in special protective clothing. It is categorically impossible to ignore the rules of personal and fire safety. Initially melted a low bitumen brand, completing the process higher. Violation of the rules will lead to severe foaming.

    Painting variants of liquid waterproofing are distinguished by the availability of material and simplicity of installation. The primer layer can be performed using bitumen mastic. Next is applied polymer, bituminous, or a mixed type of composition. If necessary, it is recommended to align the surface and clean the surface to ensure the necessary degree of adhesion surfaces.

    Processing involves applying 2-3 layers of painting waterproofing. After the work, the surface is checked for defects. Cracks and sweatplaces of the layer are cleaned and reused with the composition.

    Waterproofing of the slaughterhouse with rolled materials is advisable to perform when the design of a soft type. The optimal coating will perform polyvinyl chloride films. The processing of the area of \u200b\u200bthe basement of the foundation to the base can be produced by applying bitumen, or polymer materials.

    Waterproofing technology with their own hands

    The execution of the scene is produced in stages, strictly adhering to the sequence and rules of work. Initially, it will be necessary to remove the soil layer around the structure at a distance of 130 cm. The variant of the clay from clay should be carried out by providing a dense adjoining to the foundation of the structure, having completed a thoroughly tambew.

    Waterproofing the base of the clay scene, or rubble produced by bitumen compositions. The structure of the design of structures is recommended to cover the strip of the rolled material. It is important to create a slope of the surface at least 10%. Strengthen the waterproofing properties of the bulkstock can be using a layer of waterproof. Sprupping with hot bitumen composition will strengthen the clutch of materials. At the end, the surface is covered with rubble.

    The film for waterproofing of the scene is used in the process of creating a formwork when filling with concrete. The use of reinforced grid will strengthen the strength of the structure. The concrete surface will perform as an additional protection against moisture. Waterproofing of the adjoining of the scene to the base when using ready-made concrete blocks, is performed using bitumen composition. On the base of rubble and sand, plates are stacked after the fill.

    Laying the waterproofing film in the base of the scene

    Features of the technology of waterproofing of the scene:

    1. It is recommended to use solutions with moisture protection properties at the design of the construction.
    2. Rolled materials are used in indicators of the base drops of not more than 2 mm.
    3. In regions subject to abundant precipitation, it is advisable to supplement the gutter with a gutter for removing water.
    4. Scrap should not be used as a filler due to the probability of expansion and narrowing the material under the influence of temperature differences.
    5. The depth of the scene is selected individually, given the climatic conditions, the level of groundwater location, the sewage system.
    6. The use of a profiled membrane can become an alternative to the execution of concrete breakfast. Available to the design of the surface by any type of finish coating.

    Decorative Brick Finish Coating

    Properly executed gear must combine protective and decorative properties. The design of the surface will increase the strength of the structure and give the completion of the architectural intent of the structure.

    Effective protection against moisture of underground structures - Rolled waterproofing for the foundation and scene!

    125,00 r. / M2 101.60 r. / M2

    327.60 r. / M2
    0.00 r. / M2
    274.10 r. / M2 785.40 r. / M2 69.10 r. / M2 104.40 r. / M2 113.70 r. / M2 175.70 r. / M2 1 525.30 r. / PC . 1 555.40 r. / PC 1 587.90 r. / PC. 1 539,20 r. / PC. 2 624.80 r. / PC. 5 665,00 r. / PC. 213.79 r. / M2 226.93 r. / M2

    1. Why waterproofing foundation is a prerequisite?
    2. Types of rolled waterproofing for foundation: Which one do you need?
    3. Table: Properties and Application of sales leaders among rolled waterproofing materials of this month
    4. Features of mounting rolled waterproofing on different surfaces
    5. Video: Waterproofing of the foundation by rolled materials

    Looking for reliable waterproofing for the foundation? Do not want to pay more, but at the same time do you plan to make a profitable investment in the system of waterproofs? Waterproofing the foundation by roll materials - this is what you need! Learn right now why the rolled waterproofing for the foundation and the scene does not have competition in the current market for arranging the protection against groundwater protection!

    Among the huge range of different types of rolled waterproofing is easy to choose the optimal for its foundation.

    Why waterproofing foundation is a prerequisite?

    Why do I need a waterproofing of the foundation, the price of which is available to each developer? This question excites the consciousness of each homeowner. Let's start with the fact that the concrete itself, from which the foundation is made is a material that is well absorbed moisture, therefore condensate may appear in the room. In addition, the fittings inside any foundation structure suffers - whether it is monolithic or block, after the appearance of corrosion processes in the reinforcement, cracks may occur in its structure. Increased humidity in residential areas provokes the appearance of mold and fungus, as well as premature finishing repair.

    Waterproofing of the foundation by rolled materials TechnoNIKOL successfully solves all of the above problems!

    With the help of waterproofing the foundation with rolled materials, the price of which we helps save, you can extend the life of the building and reduce the risk of destruction of the supporting structures. The presence of a garage or basement indicates compulsory work on waterproofing. It is possible to refuse them only if there is a low level of groundwater in the terrain, and there is planned to build a non-residential premises.

    Types of rolled waterproofing for foundation: Which one do you need?

    • Waterproofing. These are waterproofing materials for the foundation with a bitumen-polymer layer - when laying the lower layer of the polyethylene film heats up and welds with a special burner. This method of application is distinguished by a strong clutch with a base, forming a monolithic waterproofing coating on it.
    • Equal waterproofing. Bright representatives of this species are rubberoid, glassizol and parchment - the lower part of the coatings contains the meal of small fractions. Such rolled waterproofing for the foundation, to buy for the price of the official dealer you can in our company, is glued on the pre-prepared basis. To do this, use a special glue composition or mastic sticking technoNonikol №27.
    • Membrane waterproofing. It helps not only protect the foundation from devastating contact with groundwater, but also to ensure efficient removal of steam out of the room. Such a feature is a guarantee of the stable strength of the foundation and its durability. To the rolled waterproofing for the foundation, the price of which can be accessible if you order it with us include diffusion film membranes.

    The first two options for waterproofing the foundation by rolled materials, the cost of which in our company is also available to the buyer with a limited budget, are combined into inlet waterproofing - due to the fastening method. There is also a separate look - self-adhesive rolled waterproofing for the foundation, but it has not yet gained large-scale popularity.

    Attention! Typically, the installation of rolled waterproofing technology for the foundation, the price of which we declined specifically for our buyers, is performed in one layer, but if you choose an inexpensive option, the laying of two or more layers of material is not excluded.

    The required number of waterproofing layers depends on the location of groundwater and their pressure.

    Table: Properties and Application of sales leaders among rolled waterproofing materials of this month


    Composition of the system / material


    Method of installation

    Villadrein Profiled material from high density polyethylene. To protect against mechanical damage to waterproofing the foundations of underground structures and for an additional drainage device. Free laying with seam sealing, or gluing on a flat surface with bitumen mastic / butyl glue. To enhance drainage properties together with geotextiles.
    Nonodyel system Calling materials neodymal of different widths (330, 500 and 660mm) and rubber harness cordon For the device of deformation seams in blunt engineering and underground structures, as well as on non-exploit and operated roofs, including green. Tape neodymal is welded on the prepared base. Harness Cordon - free laying in deformation seams.
    Elastobit p 3.0 The base of fiberglass, polyester or glass cholester with impregnation from the bituminous binder. The sides of the material are reliably protected by film For a foundation or swallowed design. In the device of any flat roof. Pressure on the purified surface.
    Bandage tape Ikopal The tape is 0.02 m. Based on the polyester cloth, which is covered with a modified bitumen mixture from two sides. To increase the tightness of the seams of the main waterproofing carpet, in the designs of the interface and deformation seams. Bandage tape is filmed by welds of waterproofing carpet The waterproofing canvas is welded in places of welds of the main material.
    Teranap Bitumen-polymeric material on a nonwoven polyester reinforcing basis, a sprinkler was made from the front side, from the bottom of the film. For a device for waterproofing channels, reservoirs, tanks, firefighters, as well as buildings foundations of any type. Free Laying or Mechanical Fastening
    Ultradrive The material on a nonwoven based polyester canvas. The bottom side is processed with a sprinkling, and the upper coated with anti -adhemesion film. It is used as a waterproofing carpet in non-exploited and operated roofs (including green), as well as for waterproofing of parking and swallowed structures. Stacked on the basis of the method of smearing or free
    Ultranap On a nonwoven based polyester with impregnation from bitumen-polymer binder. From above the sprinkle, from below the anti-adhesive film. Predicted service life at least 60 years. For finishing foundations and foundations of different types of buildings, structural elements of buildings. To insulate the walls of artificial water bodies, tanks, industrial dams and reservoirs, for the roofing device with landscaping, operated and non-exploited roofing coatings. Mounted by methods of catching, free styling or using mechanical mounting (on vertical surfaces).
    Technoelast On fiberglass, glass cholester or polyester base from two sides, a bitumen-polymer binder is applied In the arrangement of roofing carpet, to protect against moisture of foundations, in waterproofing of buildings and structures, which are under constant attack of groundwater. Pressing on the prepared foundation

    Features of mounting rolled waterproofing on different surfaces

    Waterproofing the foundation by the Tekhnonikol rolled materials, the price of which in our company is reduced, is performed on horizontal and vertical surfaces.

    Horizontal waterproofing foundation with rolled materials. In this case, the installation of the material is carried out on the pre-prepared pillow of gravel and sand, sprinkled for the alignment with a small amount of concrete mixture. With the help of a roller on the finished base, bituminous mastic is applied and waterproofing the foundation by rolled materials is performed. Moscow has already been convinced of the high quality of the services on the installation of waterproofing of the scene and the foundation - we know each nuance technology! If the waterproofing is placed in several layers, then the mastic must be missed each of them. After the waterproofing of the foundation by roll materials is completed, the price for the installation of which we will sound with an individual discount, on top of the material you need to lay a layer of concrete - to protect waterproofing from mechanical damage.

    Tip: When installing in Moscow rolled waterproofing of the foundation on a horizontal or vertical surface, it is necessary to lay the material with an adhesive of 10-15 cm.

    Vertical waterproofing foundation by rolled materials. After careful preparation of the foundation, the entire surface of the base, which will be covered with the earth, is well urged by bitumen mastic. Then it is necessary to carefully press the rolled waterproofing for the foundation - rubberoid, hydrohoteloisol, tol, glassizol or hydroizol. Upon completion of the glue, it is enough just to press the material with your hand or roll a roller for reliability.

    In the case of the filtered materials, it is still easier - the bottom of the material is heated with a burner and is glued to a pre-prepared surface. Special attention is paid to the edges of waterproofing - these sites are very careful.

    Video: Waterproofing of the foundation by rolled materials

    Want to buy rolled waterproofing for the foundation, the price of M2 which will be available for you? Or are you planning to order waterproofing the foundation by rolled materials? The cost of work in our company will pleasantly surprise you - hurry to make your order, just by calling our manager!

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    In order to protect the building from unwanted moisture and melting snow, the waterproofing of the scene becomes important. We'll figure it out how to correct this type of work.

    What it is?

    To begin with, it is necessary to understand what is "scene". Dictionaries represent this word as an asphalt or concrete band, intended for the drainage of rain and floods from the foundation of the building. In addition, she:

    • eliminates excessive moistening of the foundation and adjacent to her groundwater capable of blurring the design and give an excessive shrinkage;
    • protects the building from the scorched roots of trees near the house.

    Scene is always a strip around the perimeter of the building with an angle of inclination from the house. Such angle allows water to roll down, without lingering at the base. The scene consists of:

    • underlining layer;
    • outer layer.

    The form of the scene is determined by the type of material of the outer layer. It can be made of clay and rubble, concrete, asphalt and paving slabs.

    The scene must necessarily have waterproofing for its own protection against water, as well as to prevent the foundation from changing the formation of cracks and gaps. The waterproofing of the scene also allows you to leave the basements dry even during heavy rains and with abundant groundwater.


    It is considered standard that the scene must be at least one meter from all sides around the building. Its accurate dimensions depend on the width of the roof, from the overhangs of its cornice and from the output of wastewater. That is, the width should be 20-30 centimeters more than the removal of the roof.


    Skostka can be:

    • fastener of clay, covered on top of a crushed stone;
    • from clay and rubble, with additional waterproofing;
    • from concrete (with or without reinforcement), which is poured on the spot;
    • from finished reinforced concrete plates.

    For waterproofing, the scene is used different isolation variations.

    Insulation can be: rolled, penetrating, you can use mastic, PVC films, membranes.

    • Rolled (Ruberoid, Hydrokhotloizol) Isolation should be used only when the height difference is minimal around the foundation.
    • Rolled used for roofs - geotextiles, polypropylene, ruble.
    • Bituminous mastic. Each layer of 2-3 millimeters is applied to each other. It is necessary to prevent bloom and cracks.
    • Modern technologies allowed to invent another type of insulation - penetrating. This substance, which penetrates into the material of the scene (be it asphalt or concrete), and clogs the pores and fills microcracks.
    • Hydrocements and asphalt concrete.

    Types of waterproofing of Gamesost

    There are several types of waterproofing of the scene, depending on the material.


    This option of waterproofing is considered the most budget and convenient for independent work. It should be started with the removal of the upper layer of soil and falling asleep with its rammed clay, passing the tilt away from the house. Places of contact with bitumen.

    For complete waterproofing, you can stick to the vertical surface of the strip from the roll material, and then to fall asleep with rubble.


    Most often used for buildings equipped with basements. First, the clay is also tumped, then the pieces of the roll of the wall are stacked. You can lay a few layers of roll, each missing mastic. The layers are rolled with a roller, whose weight should be more than 70 kg. Upper the ground or crushed stone.


    Performed by applying primer. It is necessary to wait for her complete drying. From above, the mastic is flawed to 2 mm layer, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times.


    It is necessary to dug the groove, build a formwork there. Plot fill over with concrete solution, you can make reinforcement for greater strength. Just like everywhere when the fill is formed a bias, and the decorative tile is fitted on top.


    Another important point when performing a waterproofing breakfast - its insulation. The insulation allows you to maintain heat in the basement and on the ground floor, increases the operation time of the scene, and also saves on materials, since the height becomes less than the depth of the soil.

    Warming can be performed in several ways.

    • The polystyrene foam is rather durable, one can say, eternal material with additional water-repellent properties. His weight is so small that its laying is not difficult. This material is enough for only one layer with a sheet thickness of 10 centimeters. It is only necessary to take care of the protection of docking places with a special film with a waterproofing effect.
    • Polyurethane foam is very frost-resistant. It is able to withstand up to -60 degrees without changing his qualities. It is environmentally friendly and has excellent thermal insulation.
    • Polyfoam is characterized by high sound and thermal insulation. This is possible due to its foam structure and abundance of air inside. Material has low water absorption, and also has a waterproofing capacity and low weight. Polyfoam is resistant to temperatures and mold.

    There is no need for insulation if your home is built on piles or has a huge foundation without basement. In such cases, the insulation is an empty waste of funds.

    The tips of professionals will help correctly establish the waterproofing of the scene.

    • Do not leave the waterproofing "for later." The breakfast must be done immediately during the construction of the building.
    • Observe a slope. Try to be the same all over the perimeter. To do this, you can use the construction level.
    • Do not interfere with concrete and clay.
    • In order for the insulation to not be deformed under the weight of the scene, it is recommended to choose a material with high density.
    • Remember, the scene is not eternal, it requires care and repair.
    • When repairing the scene, various sealants and mastic are used. The destroyed surface is designed to prevent further deformation.

    • If there is a large crack or bulk on the surface, it is necessary to break a hole in the form of a wedge and pour a mixture of concrete. After that, cover the film to prevent premature drying.
    • The outer layer performs not only a decorative function, but also protective. The finish can be performed using paving slabs. Of course, no one forbids you to leave ordinary concrete or crushed stone, but, from the point of view of aesthetics and design, it is better to use the decor.
    • Numerous reviews on the Internet say that a membrane or rolled materials will fit for waterproofing, they are most often used during self-use.
    • You can resort to the Council of Finns and make a soft gentle.
    • For special occasions, when the whole garden around the house is a solid designer fiction, you can use colored crushed stone.

    For horticultural lovers, the outer layer can be filled with soil and plant grass or flowers, the main thing is that "inside".

    Due to the fact that the function of the scene is to take moisture from the foundation part of the house, it is extremely desirable to produce its waterproofing.

    We will talk about the waterproofing of the scene around the houses, as it is the key to dry basements that will extend the life of the house as a whole. The scene allows you to preserve the foundation and basement (if it is) from the ingress of groundwater and atmospheric precipitation in the form of any moisture factors that are constantly affecting it.

    In rare cases, an application of a protective layer is used for the clay or brick masonry masonry. With a horizontal orientation of the waterproofing layer, we protect the foundation and the outer surfaces of the basement from the impact of groundwater.

    Helpful information:

    When the construction does not have a basement room, the Obp is carried out on the surface of the base part of the construction of twenty centimeters above the level of the soil or the approximate surface of the processing.

    Types of waterproofing

    Provided that the scene is made with a bias around the perimeter of the construction, lay out with a margin, with each subsequent segment overlaps the previous one.

    When calculating the protrusions should take into account technology: each layer overlaps the previous distance equal to four-time retrieval between the segments by their height. If we are talking about the construction with the basement, then the procedure must be done at two heights: the first height is in the body of the basement, and the second mark opposite the base of the house, slightly higher than the scene.

    Cement strainer

    The replacement of concrete can be rubberoid or only, they need to be laid in two layers, gluing among themselves any mastic. Sometimes sometimes resorted to the asphalt protection of the scene, then its layer must have up to thirty millimeters in thickness. In this case, its laying is produced at the foundation or walls of the basement.

    Bituminous mastics

    Waterproofing by staining the scene is carried out mainly with the help of bitumen mastics. They apply them with the help of a brush on the prepared surface (the basement wall should be dry and pre-trunk, and if there are large flaws, in the form of coarse irregularities (most often it relates to boob madges and walls), they are aligned with solution.

    Processing should pass in the form of applying layers of mastic thickness no more than 2-3 millimeters. The whole process must be divided into steps, giving each layer to dry and form a high-quality surface. The result of the work carried out is a monolithic, a solid assistant surface without cracks of any nature.

    Worse, if there are swollen areas formed due to poorly prepared or wet surface-processed surface. In any case, damaged places are cleaned of the protective layer, dried, and again covered with mastic of the same thickness at the same time intervals.

    When we choose the runneroid or tol, as the material for the waterproofing waterproofing of the scene during the horizontal orientation, you can take advantage of the same bitumen-based mastic. When the slope of the treated horizontal surface has up to twenty-five degrees, roll materials are glued with a certain type - parts that will be in the region of 1.2-1.5 meters with their standard width.

    Stages of waterproofing grounds

    Before starting to install, we need to cook pieces, having previously cutting the roll in such a way as to take into account the bounded above (the distance equal to four-time retrieval between the segments at their height) of the layers.

    After processing, immediately needs to be inserted or tooling the surface of the roofing to the foundation and with each other using the roller with a soft surface. The effort attached to the rich should be at least seventy kilograms.

    When the so-called "nasty" is formed when installing a waterproofing material, the seam place must be missed by mastic, so that the mastic appears outside when the mastic rolling. After successful pasting and sealing, the entire surface is covered with mastic and fall asleep with dry sand.

    Important aspects in waterproofing work

    make storm sewer.

  • Before pouring the concrete forces for the scene, you need to lay a layer of waterproofing material. IMPORTANT BEFORE MATERIALS AT THE WALLS OF THE FOUNDATION. For these purposes, it is best to use materials based on polypropylene, and also polyvinyl chloride films. Polyethylene film and rubberoid out of competition compared to the above.
  • If the foundation includes materials with a porous structure (for example, artificial stone), they should be treated with means that do not let moisture inside.
  • When filling gallery, it is best to organize drainage profiled membranes. With this procedure, the membrane is applied to the ground and is sprinkled with a sandy-stone mixture. After the data of manipulations, the surface can be covered with any material that you choose to waterproofing the scene.
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