Gradate strawberries from seeds. How to grow a delicious strawberry from seeds at home? Agrotechnology strawberries from seeds

04.08.2016 30 480

Strawberry from seeds - full technology of sowing and growing!

Strawberries grown from seeds allows you to dissolve on the plot not only ordinary, but also rare valuable varieties with obtaining a guaranteed crop. Very often, the berry spread the mustache, but the quality of the purchased landing material is not always good, and it may be a completely different variety.

Seedlings of strawberries - cultivation of seeds

The time for sowing seed strawberries to seedlings - from January to March, depending on the region of cultivation and varietal features of culture. But may have some other time. Prepare containers and soil for sowing. For these purposes, the tank is taken shallow, with holes in the bottom. It may be low drawers, various plastic boxes from under cakes or cakes. Peat containers or plastic glasses are used, if in the future there will be no time to play picking. The soils should be loose and breathable, with a sufficient content of nutrient elements, which contains sand, peat and humus ground.

A couple of days before seeding seed strawberries, treat the soil of fungicidal drugs or decide with a solution Manganese and leave at room temperature. After time, crumple the earth on top and slightly compact and start sowing seeds.

in the photo - strawberries grown from seeds

How to grow strawberries from seeds if they are so small? It is necessary to take into account the several important parties to this process. It is necessary to do it very carefully, laying the seed material on the surface. Do not sprinkle their land, because of their small sizes, seedlings will not be able to go. For ease of sowing, wooden sticks, moistened in water, which perfectly stick seeds and can be transferred to the surface of the soil.

When strawberry seeds (strawberries) are completely laid out on the surface, sprinkle them with water and cover with a polyethylene film. If the container is closed, then close it, and remove the crops in a warm place. The air indoors for the germination of strawberry seeds (strawberries) varies within plus 25 ° C. The window without drafts and the close location of the heating batteries is quite suitable. At this stage, the shower is not necessary, but it is necessary to ventilate. Once a day remove the film on Two or three minutes, then close again. So do every day until the first sprouts appear.

Fundamentals of seedlings and transplanting to open ground

When complying with the temperature regime, strawberry shoots will begin to be shown a week after seeding. Now it is very important to maintain a moderately moistened state of the soil, trying not to fill the seedlings. Strawberry sprouts (strawberries) fragile, so you need to irrigate drip. Use the usual medical syringe with a needle for this to not harm small seedlings. Water a little, do not forget to ventilate. If the soil is wet and there is no need for irrigation, expand watering until the next day. Before the appearance of real leaves in the daily irrigation, there is no need for that condensate, which is formed in a closed capacity. The mooring of the soil can lead to such as the "black leg", be careful and neat.

Seedling strawberries need good lighting, especially in the first stages of development. The light day in the spring is no longer so short, so seedlings can be put on the window or windowsill. Remember, in the tightened rainy weather and cloudy days, you need to check out the seedlings, while observing the temperature regime. Install the lighting device above the seedlings at the heightfifty centimeters. Sowing faster faster and will be less pulled out.

When the real leaves are shown and grow up, gradually increase the time during which seedlings are ventilated. Experienced gardeners are not advised to drastically remove the film, as a sharp difference in humidity will deepen on the growth of strawberry seedlings. Plants may not withstand stress and die. At this stage, the growth of seedlings produce first picking strawberries and watered when the soil surface dries. The second phase of picking seedlings occurs when a socket and leaves are formed in a diameter of at least four centimeters. At the same time, the plants roll together with a wort room into a larger container.

The rooted seedlings of strawberries make it easier to transfers temperature differences, so many gardeners such seedlings are involved in colder temperatures and endure in a cool room for further growth (balcony or loggia). The grained seedlings need nutrients, which in the soil with pots are not enough. Once a week before transplanting to open ground, water strawberries with fertilizer solutions for active and good growth.

Experienced gardeners who know how to grow strawberries from seeds, are always advised to plant the opening seedlings. When transplanting strawberries, it is necessary to take into account the air temperature, which should not be descended below 0 ° C. Typically, the seedling market occurs in May month, when the air warms up and the threat of frosts will disappear. Allows you to get rid of not only by weeds, but also to protect the landing from small frosts.

From seeds - a very exciting process. In order not to experience disappointment, it is better to purchase them with a good reputation of manufacturers. It is worth purchasing seeds that exceed 12 months at the time of landing.

The seeds of the repairing finely modulic burdens of strawberries are best rummaged, for example, strawberries of the Baron Solimaxher, as well as the Alpine, Ali Baba, and others. Seeds of these varieties in a pack of packing, the price of packing seeds is just over 10 rubles.

Large-free strawberries grow harder from seeds. But how much joy and pride you will experience if it succeeds! In a pack of seed, there is little, usually 10 pieces, and it costs it is not suiced - more than 50 rubles. It makes sense to try to grow a fine strawberry, gain experience and skills of its cultivation, and then try to grow large-scale.

For from seeds, it is better to purchase a universal soil or soil for SENPOLY. Whatever you use them, it needs to be disinfected. The easiest way to carry out the disinfection of the soil in the microwave oven. It must be placed in the container, sprinkle with water and disappear at the maximum microwave power for 5 minutes. Before sowing, the soil must be completely cooled.

The optimal time for planting strawberries to seedlings - from February to April. If you can create additional lighting, then strawberries from seed can be planted in January. If there is no such possibility, it should not be hurried at the landing, as it turns out weak elongated seedlings.

To improve strawberries, it is necessary to hold stratification. In the process of stratification, inhibitors are destroyed in the seeds, inhibitors are destroyed. Strawberries from seeds better germinate, if the ground lay a layer of snow with a thickness of about 1 cm and on top of it evenly decompose the seeds (if there is no time at the time of planting snow, you can scrape the frost from the freezer). Capacity should be placed in a plastic bag or cover with glass and put in the refrigerator for several days, about a week. In the process of melting snow, the seeds will be at a depth, optimal for germination. Sowing must be aircraft daily, removing the condensate accumulated on the glass (film).

After the expiration of the stratification period, the container with seeds should be obtained and put in a well-lit place with scattered light. Strawberry from seeds after stratification is relatively fast. The first shoots appear in a week. The remaining seeds can germinate for a month. During this period, ventilating condensate is required. If you dry up the upper layer of soil, it is necessary to pour carefully, you can use a pipette or a teaspoon, you can spray from the sprayer. The soil in which the strawberries are growing from seeds should be wet, but not overcooked.

When the sprouts will develop 3-4 real leaves, it is necessary to conduct a dive (seed young plants in separate containers). When picking, it is impossible to burst the heart of strawberries. It must be at the soil level, not higher and no lower. Considering plants, it is advisable not to disturb the earth's comed root system, then the process of suiting will be easier. Speed \u200b\u200bplants can be put into improvised greenhouse or cover with a film. They need to hold them for several days in the shading, and then put it on a bright place so that the seedlings are not pulled out.

It is possible to plant strawberry seedlings to the garden at a time when there is confidence that freezers will not be. By this time, as a rule, 5-6 real leaves have already been formed on bushes.

Among numerous varieties, I would especially like to note the grade of strawberries "Elizabeth II". This is a large-scale culture, fruitless without pause. Strawberry "Elizabeth II" forms berries, weighing up to 40 g, not only on the parent specimen, but also on the mustache. This variety can be planted in containers. Benefit double - delicious large berries and excellent decoration of the site. Under adverse weather conditions, it is easy to transfer the container to the room.

Strawberries - a tasty and useful berry, which grows almost on each subsidence. The dream of gardeners become possessors of rare varieties with a magnificent taste and good yield. Easy to grow a varietal strawberries from seeds to create a desired strawberry plantation.

In stores you can find a large assortment of strawberry seeds - large-scale, finely water, curly, repair and even yellow.

Popular varieties for seed reproduction:

  • Queen Elizabeth - very yield repairing strawberries with large berries;
  • Temptation F1 - ampel large-scale strawberry;
  • Yellow miracle - removable, with yellow fruits;
  • Regina is a large-scale repairful culture that does not give a mustache;
  • Alexandria - Small Fashionable.

The cultivation of strawberries from the seed is very profitable.

One bush of removable large-scale variety costs about 80 rubles. From the seed package you can get several bushes.

Selection of planting material and seed preparation for landing

Special preparation for planting seeds of strawberries do not require - if they are fresh, then we will go up in favorable conditions a few days after sowing.

Removable strawberry varieties, when sowing seeds in March, will have time to give the first harvest in late summer. If the varieties are not removable, the berries will appear only for the second year after landing.

Dates of planting strawberries seeds for seedlings

Strawberries are advised to sow seeds in January or early February to get the first berries per year of planting.

Difficulty may occur with the need to illumination, since in the winter a short light day. If there are no possibilities for backlight, sowing is carried out in March.

Sowing strawberries in the garden can be done right into the open ground.

  1. To do this, in May prepare a bed, align it and plunder the compost or the purchase of land.
  2. Seeds are poured superficially, not blunting, watering the bed before sowing.
  3. From above, seed seeds are covered with a film or a plastic food box, which is pressed by stones so that the wind is not taken.

In the open soil, seedlings always grow strong, as the abundance of the sun and heat is obtained.

Preparation of soil and capacity for growing

For such small seeds, like strawberries, the soil should be very high quality.

You can buy "Terra Vita Living Earth" - a soil that is well penetrated for air and water.

The container for sowing seed strawberries is needed low. You can use plastic with a lid from under food products. At the bottom of the landing capacity it is necessary to make holes for draining excess water.

Rules Sowing Seeds in Container and Peat Tablets

Falling up the ground into the container, it is watered with water or a solution of "phytoosporin" for disinfection. Strawberry seeds are poured from the package on a white sheet of paper, and neatly with the toothpicks are distributed in the planting capacity.

It is not necessary to plunge and pour out the seeds.

An interesting way to sow seeds in the snow, allows you to consider at what distance they fell into the ground. For such a sowing in a container, top of the prepared soil, snow puffs up, align it and sow seeds. When the snow melts, the seeds are drawn into the soil. They will not be postponed and go well.

Surrounding seeds are covered with a transparent lid and put in a warm place on the windowsill. When the first sprouts appear, they should immediately receive light. At a temperature of + 25 ° C, the seeds board at about a week.

Landing strawberries Seeds in peat pills is also very convenient.

  1. To do this, buy tablets with a diameter of 24 to 33 mm and soaked in water with "phytoosporin" so that they are swollen. Moisture residues are drained.
  2. The seeds of strawberries lay out in the deepening of the tablets, not sprinkling on top. You can do this with a toothpick.
  3. The container is covered with film to create greenhouse conditions, and put it in a warm, bright place.
  4. Regularly spray sowing from the spray gun and ventilate so that condensate does not accumulate.

How to care for seedlings and seedlings

When the seedlings will be processed, they need good lighting for growth. If bad weather, shoots highlighting daylight lamps.

In addition to light, seedlings need watering. They are sprayed from a spray temperature pulverizer.

Picking seedlings

After the appearance of two leaves, seedlings with two toothpicks are transferred to a separate container. Picking occurs when the sprouts are still very small, it allows you to bring a minimum of damage.

With the early transplant of seedlings into separate small containers, they will not compete in the struggle for light and living space, will be able to develop normally.

With good lighting of seedlings, strawberries will grow strong and healthy. Seedlings need to be fed after the appearance of the third real leaflet. For feeding, you can use humic fertilizers or "firth plus".

Landing strawberries in open ground

When the seeds planted seeds, it will not be very large. In May, upon the occurrence of steadily warm weather, small seedlings can be transplanted into the ground. By this time, 2-3 pairs of real leaves should appear on them.

For landing on the garden allocate a well-lit place.

He is liberated from weeds and leveled. Swim in the soil overwhelmed compost or purchase land Terra Vita.

On the prepared, political bed is planting seedlings, observing this procedure:

  1. The garden is planned in a shallow groove of the rows with the help of a stretched cord. The distance between adjacent rows make about 40 cm.
  2. At the resulting rows make small wells at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other.
  3. Saplings are placed in the wells, without destroying the earthen kits around the roots.
  4. Neatly fall asleep the hole of the earth, watching the point of growing strawberries remains above the ground.
  5. Slightly seal the soil, and watered with an accumulated water from the watering can, trying so that the water does not fall on the leaves and did not blur the soil.

At first, it is advisable to protect seedlings from direct sunlight until they come down in a new place.

Care for garden strawberries

When careing with a young strawberry, timely watering, feeding, protection against pests and diseases, weeding and regulation of the growth of the mustache. The soil around bushes is loose and mulched with sawdust or straw to prevent moisture evaporation.

  1. Before the onset of winter cold, the autumn of strawberries are cut off all damaged, dry leaves and newly formed mustache, leaving only a few healthy leaves.
  2. The next year, when snow comes down, the plantation is cleared. Remove the dried leaves and last year's mustache with the help of secators. For the prevention, a spraying of borobo liquid is performed.
  3. In May, the strawberries throws a lot of mustache. To increase the crop, they are desirable to cut, because they consume a large amount of nutrients. If the strawberry is grown to seedlings, the blooms are removed on which berries are tied. The mustache will grow strong and better root.
  4. Strawberry varieties that continue to be froning in the summer, it is advisable to pronounce that of hot summer sun. For this, there are tall plants next to the strawberry or stretch the grid on top.

Watering and fertilizer

In the spring, when snow comes down, the soil is jumped and dip the storms of strawberries, rapting the earth under the plants. Watering a garden, adding urea to water, ammonium nitrate or a complex fertilizer intended for strawberries. 10 liters of water are breeding a matchbox of urea.

Often in the May Days are very hot, and strawberries require watering. It is necessary to water it after harvesting, otherwise the fruits will get watery and tasteless.

Before the start of flowering, in the spring, three feeders are made with an interval of 2 weeks. Dilute fertilizers with water must be strictly according to the instructions for the drug, so as not to burn the roots of the plant. Fertilize strawberries only on wet soil, after watering.

Diseases and pests, methods to combat them

The first processing of strawberries from fungal diseases is carried out immediately after the snow. To do this, spray bushes by bordeaux liquid or a solution of fungicide.

In early May, they make the last treatment against pest insects, in order for the beginning of flowering and fruiting, for 2 or 3 weeks, the chemical preparations decomposed on harmless components. Early strawberries begin to be fron in the third decade of May.

After fruiting, at the end of June, all sick leaves are cut off, the remains of fruits and extra mustache. During this period, you can re-process from pests and diseases if the variety is not removable.

Methods of breeding strawberries

Strawberries spread out seeds and seedlings. Saplings are bought in the store, receive the division of adult strawberry bushes with an autumn transplant or grown from the mustache. At the end of the spring, the strawberries begins to actively produce them, and at the end of each rosette of the leaves grow. With their help, you can multiply all the varieties except for oblivion.

On one mustache, there may be several sockets growing sequentially one after another. The first to the parent kit is called a first-level outlet. In order to get a strong seedlings, only the first-level outlet is left, cutting the mustache after it. While the socket is not rooted, it is not separated from the mother plant, pressed to the ground and fix. Two weeks later, it will grow good roots, it can be cut off and put a new bush for a permanent place.

Basic problems in growing

In the spring on the strawberry you can see the wrinkled and deformed leaves - these are signs of defeat with a tick, which wakes up in April. It is impossible to notice the insect insect itself. Affected strawberry bushes need to be treated with "phytodeterm", "accutelle" or other acaricide.

Special care requires a repair strawberry. The feeding should be made regularly, pouring, loosening the earth, water and remove the extra mustache on time. It is advisable to make a raised bed - it will be warmer, compared with the main level of land in the cold autumn days, when strawberries are still fruit.

For homemade strawberries, you can use a mustache with well-developed outlets, purchased seedlings or seeds. We want to tell in detail about the latest version. The advantages of self-cultivation of the seedlings are obvious: first, it is not always possible to find on sale the finished seedlings of the desired variety, secondly, seedlings may not be enough high quality, thirdly, often unscrupulous sellers sell in fact not what declared.

In the case of independent cultivation of seedlings, the whole process will flow under your sensitive control. After reading the information below, you will know all the secrets and tricks of this craft.

Seeding seedlings from seeds are proceeding between the last weeks of February and the first weeks of March. This will allow you to have time to transplant the young seedlings in the soil before the onset of strong heat.

Seeds can be bought in specialized stores and via the Internet - do how it is more convenient for you. As for concrete varieties, a hybrid large-scale berry is very popular - gives healthy plants, in many respects superior to even vegetative reproduction seedlings. Own seeds of strawberries are also a pretty good option. Otherwise, with basic information about choosing a good variety, strawberries can be found in the table.

Table. Popular Strawberries for Homemade Growing


She is alpine. One of the most widely available varieties. Seeds are relatively cheap - an excellent choice for a novice gardener and gardener.

Option for more experienced. If possible, collect seeds precisely from varieties - hybrids often do not give offspring.

Also known as pineapple. It is very popular, first of all, thanks to large and delicious fruits. Seeds are quite expensive, but the final result is worth invested funds.

What soil is needed for seed landing?

Available 2 main options.

If you wish, you can purchase the ingredients individually and mix them in the specified proportions or buy a ready-made mixture - as it is more convenient.

Approximately 2-3 days before the disembarkation, soak the seeds in the rain or melt snowy water - simply put them in the container and pour so much fluid so that the seeds are covered.

Water change twice a day. Such preliminary preparation contributes to the destruction of germination inhibitors, which will benefit at the growth rate of the embryos. Seeds, while, somewhat swell.

We are waiting until our seeds proceed. After that, we deal with the design (seeds themselves, while carefully we take a tweezers either by a moistened toothpick / sharpened match) and go to further stages.

Grow seedlings in the container

One of the most popular and widespread ways implies the cultivation of seedlings in the container. As such, a plastic or wooden drawer is perfect (depending on the amount of seedlings grown) sizes. Keep the sequence shown in the table.

Table. Instructions for growing seedlings strawberries in the container

Stage of workInstructions and explanations

Pour the selected soil mixture into the box. Running the earth, we compact it with the help of a plank or other suitable fixture, after which they make grooves in a depth of several millimeters.

Assess the optimal parameters of the grooves and the distance between them can be in the photo.

Armed with tweezers or moistened toothpick, fill out the grooves with seeds, withsting a 20-millimeter step between them.

For personal convenience, we will sign the grooves - this will allow us to not get confused, where what kind of grade is sown, if there are several varieties.

Abundant moisturizing crops. In order not to blur them, do it with the help of a spray gun.

We cover the box with seeds with glass or polyethylene film - it will reduce the rate of water evaporation. We carry out every day and water your future seedlings.

Caring for seedlings

The developing seedlings of strawberries need a lot of light.

Important note for hosts that grow seedlings in the room! Remember the next pattern: the warmer in the room, the more abundant the lighting should be.

Water regularly and moderately. As a rule, it is enough to water once a day. Otherwise, focus on the state of the soil - its upper layer should not be either susceptible, nor too wet.

After waiting for the appearance of 2 real leaves, proceed to the dive. At this stage, we will remove the final part of the rod roots of our seedlings (this will benefitly affect the processes of the root system branching) and transplant the seedlings into individual containers.

As much as possible, each sighter is capable, after which they gently pinch long roots, as shown in the figure. You can join with just nails or any suitable device suitable for such an operation, for example, special tweezers.

Seedlings "Replace" in individual pots or boxes. Recommended dimensions of individual containers - 90x90 mm. There is an approximately 80-millimeter distance between seedlings.

Carefully water the transplanted seedlings of a weak jet of water. Otherwise, the recommendation for watering is similar to those previously.

Grow seedlings strawberries in peat pills

This option is also considered fairly simple and popular among gardeners.

First step. We decay the seeds with a thin layer between the pair of cotton disks. We place the resulting structure into a container for eating or other suitable dishes. The convenience of the container is that in most cases it goes immediately with the lid. We close the container.

Important! Pre-make several small holes for air circulation in the lid.

We leave the seeds for a couple of days indoors with a temperature of order + 15-19 degrees and good lighting. Next, send a container with clumsy seeds to the refrigerator and keep there a couple of weeks.

After the specified time, we get a container with seeds from the refrigerator and send it to a well-lit place with an air temperature of + 18-20 degrees. Every 1-2 days we look at the state of the seed. We are waiting until they germinate.

The second step. We proceed directly to the sowing "proceeding" strawberry seeds. At this stage, we will need peat tablets, pre-acquired in a specialized store for gardeners and gardeners.

Tablets lay out in our container and pour water. We give tablets to grow to the state of "columns". We continue to gradually pour liquid while the tablets absorb it. Excess water merge.

Seeds lay out in the available recesses in tablets. Use for this tweezers or moisturized toothpick. The ground is not a rash seed - the better the lighting, the faster the seedlings.

Third step. So that our seeds do not dry, cover the container suitable in size with a transparent lid. We send a container with sowing to warm (up to + 18-20 degrees) and the illuminated place.

Every day we wipe the cover from condensate and carefully carry out a container with seeds, otherwise the mold will appear.

Important! If you have not followed and allowed the appearance of mold, with the first detection it is discovered from the pest using the toothpicks and gently treat the affected areas of the fungicide, for example, with a drug called Maxim.

Fourth step. Having waited for the first leaflets, remove the shelter. If there are bare roots, we sprinkle them with a small amount of land to the root neck.

Important! If the "columns" began to settle, fray water. Give her time to absorption. Carefully eliminate the surplus.

Rules of feeding Sazedans

Every 10-14 days, the water intake must be carried out in the complex with feeding. For feeding such home seedlings, solutions of mineral fertilizers are perfectly suitable. Sale in specialized stores for gardeners.

If there is warm enough on the street, from the first days of May you can start a gradual quenching of seedlings on a glazed loggia. At first, the seedlings should be protected from wind and sunlight. Control so that at night the temperature does not decrease more than + 5-6 degrees. If at night is still colder, the hardening should be postponed to more favorable weather conditions.

Space seedlings in the soil

As a rule, this stage is embarked after 1.5-2 months after the emergence of the first shoots of strawberries. Most of the owners carry out a landing after June 10th. For landing fit and fertile soil fit.

First step. Pre-introduce into the soil overwhelmed compost, it is also well suited. Components are brought into account the initial state of the bed. For example, in the case of an aluminated bed, half a bucket of the hovering and the same number of peat per each meter square. When landing in clay soil, the volume of the ingredients mentioned in the previous offer should double and additionally add half of the sand bucket to them.

It is additionally introduced mineral fertilizer in an amount of about 40 grams for each square meter. Before disembarking, dripped the soil to the depth of the bayonet shovel and thoroughly grow up the earth to eliminate the slopes.

The second step. We preliminarily indicate the future row by a small groove. For more flat rows, stretch the cord in bed.

Third step. Making wells with a 30-centimeter step. They carry seedlings from individual containers or a tablet with a seedler, depending on the chosen method of growing home seedlings.

Fourth step. Fill out the free space in each well of the pre-loosened land. We do it so that the so-called. Heart (i.e. growth point) and the level of the soil surface was located on the same line. Carefully seal the soil.

Fifth Step. Gently water the seedlings, trying to prevent the erosion of the earth around the bushes.

Useful note! For homemade grown strawberries of fine variety, narrow beds are better suited. The maximum number of rows, while limited to two. Circums are equipped with a distance of about 40 cm. With a greater number of rows, you will simply be more difficult to collect berries and process plants after a fertility period.

Why does not make seedlings?

Sometimes the seedlings do not completely completely, sometimes they do not attend in general - both options are equally hindered. The situation can be so unfavorable due to several reasons. Home - errors during care. To reduce risks, remember a few simple rules.

First, as noted earlier, boxes with young strawberry crops need to cover with glass or film, regularly moisturizing the top of the earth. Until the first shoots appear, keep prepared boxes in a dark place. In the more warm and illuminated place to carry the boxes only after the "punishing" shoots.

Secondly, at the stage of seed germination withstand the temperature indoor at the level of +18 degrees. Excess this indicator will lead to a worsening of the final result.

Thirdly, do not hide in panic if shoots make your way at different speeds. Some of them you will be observed in a couple of weeks, others - a month later, and others will not appear at all.

Following the above instructions and observing useful recommendations, you will get healthy and high-quality seedlings of strawberries.

Video - How to grow strawberry seedlings at home