Reinforced concrete supports for outdoor lighting. Reinforced concrete lighting supports - Proper installation

Brand stand Dimensions, mm. Mass tn. Bending moment, TS * m. Frost resistance Waterproof Question Class concrete
L. b. b. 1 h. 1 b. 2 h. 2
SV 110-5 11000 185 170 280 175 165 1,13 5,0 F 1 200-300. W6-8. B30. 18

Stand SV 110-5

Reinforced concrete products are used in the construction of various types of reinforced concrete structures, including in the field of electric power industry. Plants produce a wide range of products from reinforced concrete: elements of walls and foundations, rings, beams, other products. Reinforced concrete racks are used in the construction of power lines.

Stand brand SV 110-5 One of the most common LAP in the construction and reconstruction. R / w products have a number of advantages over wooden and metal supports. The plot 110-5 is a trapezoid reinforced concrete pole. It should be manufactured according to GOST 23613-79.

The reinforced concrete rack 110-5 was developed for laying the power line with a voltage from 0.4 to 10 square meters. Also, these supports can be used to build lightweight power grids.

Support SV 110-5 dimensions

Stand height (length) - 11,000 millimeters Detailed dimensions and drawings are presented above.

SV 110-5 characteristics

  • geometric volume - 0.5698 cubic meters;
  • estimated bending moment - 5 Tc * M (TC - ton-force or 9806.65 N in the system of SI units);
  • mass support - 1125 kilograms;
  • the volume of concrete per rack is 0.45 cubic meters.

LEP using SV 110-5 is allowed to build in various climatic conditions, including, they can withstand seismicactivity to nine points on the Richter scale, as well as temperatures up to minus 55 degrees Celsius.

SV 110-5 price

The price of SV 110-5 depends on the cost of manufacturing support (the cost of raw materials), the cost of delivery. Undoubtedly, such economic indicators are also affected by the supply and supply. Support SV 110-5, the price of which you can find in our price list is always available in the warehouse TK Norma Cable LLC. Our company works with several manufacturers from Russia and CIS countries. The price of this brand of support is indicated on our website without discounting.

SV 110-5 buy

Buy SV 110-5 You can contact our managers by phone. For employees, the norm-cable you can also consult according to the characteristics, the possibilities of applying the racks, as well as to learn the final price on SV 110-5, taking into account discounts and special offers.

Characteristics of reinforced concrete racks (supports) LAP brand

Brand stand Dimensions, mm. Mass tn. Bending moment, TS * m. Frost
Class concrete
L. B. B. 1 H. 1 B. 2 H. 2
SV 95-2. 9500 165 150 240 150 165 0,75 2,0 F 1 200-300. W6-8. B30. 27
SV 95-3S 9500 165 150 240 150 165 0,75 3,0 F 1 200-300. W6-8. B30. 27
SV 95-3. 9500 185 171 265 175 165 0,90 3,0 F 1 200-300. W6-8. B30. 22
SV 110-35 11000 185 170 280 175 165 1,13 3,5 F 1 200-300. W6-8. B30. 18
SV 110-5 11000 185 170 280 175 165 1,13 5,0 F 1 200-300. W6-8. B30. 18
SV 110-49 11000 185 170 280 175 165 1,13 5,0 F 1 200-300. W6-8. B30. 18
SV 164-12. 16400 200 210 380 - 390 3,55 12,0 F 1 200-300. W6-8. B30. -
SV 164-20. 16400 200 210 380 - 390 3,55 20,0 F 1 200-300. W6-8. B40. -

Legend: L. - rack length; h. 1 ; h. 2 - rack height at base and top; b.; b. 1 ; b. 2 - Rack width at the base and top

Supports of lighting and power lines are used since electricity and lighting appeared everywhere. And, if at first posts for mounting wiring were made mainly from wood, then more technological materials are used to produce these structures.

However, this is not surprising, since metal and reinforced concrete supports, in comparison with structures, characteristic of the first half of the last century, are becoming more stronger and more stable to substantial loads.

Consider what features of modern lighting supports and power lines, as well as what and how they are made.

Features Lighting and LPP

It is no secret that power lines are cable (swallowed in soil) and air. Special reinforced concrete light supports have found widespread use in the device of air lines.

The installation of reinforced concrete supports can be performed in those regions where the estimated air temperature does not fall below -55 ° C. Such a limitation is due to the main features of production material. Concrete is characterized by the presence of multiple micropores and, as a result, a tendency to destruction during critical temperature fluctuations.

The basis of such structures is a centrifuged or vibrated rack made using dense heavy cement solutions reinforced with welded metal structures.

IMPORTANT: Special strength and durability are characterized by structures erected with the use of centrifuged racks (used for the device LPP 35-110 kV).

LEP supports, in addition to centrifuged and virgin racks, may consist of the following structural elements:

  • subposses;
  • consoles;
  • reference and anchor plates;
  • riglels;
  • anchors for fixing the delay;
  • lower concrete lid (spying);
  • a wide spectrum of metal structures, including rope-bearing, traverses of extensions, head-glands, clamps, deficing, domestic connections, fastening nodes.

Installation of reinforced concrete supports in the soil is carried out by installing the structure in a pre-drilled cauldron of a cylindrical shape, followed by a sweeping of a sandy-gravel mixture into the sinuses formed.

In order to ensure the necessary strength of the construction of the structure on weak soils, the underground part of the BL support is strengthened by the riglels seized by half-womb. Clamps or through bolts are applied for attaching mounted metal structures.

Main characteristics

Retrootone supports are made using high-quality concrete reinforced with wire-rod and reinforcement rods.

Among the main advantages of these structures, the following qualities should be noted:

  • affordable price, in comparison with all-metal analogues;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • resistance to long-term effects of chemical reagents;
  • resistance to exposure to excessive humidity;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Important: The main disadvantage of supports made using reinforced concrete is low strength in accordance with the mass of the construction as a whole.
In addition, high weight and dimensions of such products are wrapped with substantial spending during transportation.

Main varieties

In addition to the fact that reinforced concrete lighting supports are used everywhere, poles are used for power lines.

Such structures are divided into the following categories:

  • Intermediate type supports - Used when arranging direct sections of the airline lines.

In the photo - intermediate types

Such structures are not designed for the load directed along the LAM and are used exclusively for the installation of wires and fixing cables. To date, about 80% of all LPPs are mounted on.

  • Opports of anchor type Used in the arrangement of direct sections of the airlines route to provide transition through natural barriers or engineering facilities. Also, these pillars are widely used in those parts of the route, where it is necessary to change the number, brand and cross-section of the wires.

In the photo - Anchor Poles

  • Support corners - Install in those areas where the track changes its direction. On the pillars of this type there are resulting loads of gravity of wires from inter-resistant adjacent spans.

If the route is characterized by a small angle of rotation (not more than 30 °), then the load on the supports are small, and therefore the angular intermediate supports can be used. At large angles, over 30 ° are used anchor corner supports with a stronger design and anchor mounting of wires.

  • End support - This is a kind of anchor pillars.

Such structures are located predominantly at the beginning and end of the LAM. The structures of this type are designed for unilateral loads.

  • Special supports Used to perform special tasks.

Construction features

In accordance with the structural features, reinforced concrete supports VL are divided into the following categories:

  • portal with delay;
  • portal with internal connections without delay;
  • single and extinct with delay;
  • one- and extinct without detentions.

Metal reinforced concrete support technology

So, after we have decided on the technical and operational characteristics of reinforced concrete supports intended for laying air lines, consider the technology of their manufacturing on the example of the modification of SV 95.

Instructions for production phased. The first - the preparatory stage provides for the following work.

Preparation of the working mixture:

  • Preparation of Portland cement, inert materials, chemical. additives and water in accordance with the proportions given in the project documentation;
  • Dosing of components and loading in a concrete mixer;
  • Bringing the mixture to homogeneous consistency and unloading to the concrete-layer.

Preparation of reinforcing metal structures:

  • Pruning reinforcement rods of the required class on the segments of the desired size;
  • Preparation of anchor heads;
  • Forming contour spirals;
  • Formation of loops and preparation of the ground circuit rod.

Cooking forms:

  • Cleaning the internal volume of the form;
  • Lubrication of internal volume by means preventing adhesive concrete;
  • Distribution of spirals;
  • Carrying out isothermal heating of rods;
  • The distribution of heated rods on pre-laid out stops;
  • Production spirals between rods with subsequent mounting to rods at three points;
  • Distribution of liners in the end of the form;
  • Installation of tubes and technological loops with mandatory fixation to the inner surface of the formwork.

The second stage is production. At this stage, the filling of the working mixture is performed and the formation of the finished product.

The following works are performed during the process:

  • Concrete-stage conveyor is installed in the working position and the prepared form is filled with a solution. Filling the form concrete is carried out by the movement of the stacker along.
  • By means of a deep vibrator, a mixture seal is performed to prevent the formation of voids.
  • Workers with their own hands through the rule or workshop equalize the surface of the laid material in the form.

In the third stage, the product is exposed to isothermal processing.

This is done as follows:

  • The heat insulating material is placed on top of the filled formwork.
  • The system of heating the internal formwork is activated. The system automatically controls temperature parameters, time, etc. Therefore, the influence of the human factor on the quality of the product is minimal.
  • Purpose material is removed.

At the final stage, dismantling shape, trimming of reinforcement, quality check and shipment of the finished product to the warehouse.


So, we considered the general information about how the production of reinforced concrete supports is performed. We also found out that these facilities represent their technical and operational characteristics.

Have any questions requiring explanations? You can find more useful information, looking at the video in this article.

Reinforced concrete light supports Help support various lighting devices. In the preparation of construction work, it is first necessary to provide a construction site. These works include selecting a variety of devices for lighting and installation method. Several types of building materials are used as a support, including reinforced concrete. The latter is most stable, however, has certain disadvantages. Zb-design for external lighting It is very dependent on weather conditions and temperature drops, but have a high service life.

Reinforced concrete light supports have several important advantages allocating them among all other types of supporting structures:

  • protection against rust, decomposition and impact of chemicals;
  • long service life. If you carry out high-quality installation and transportation, expenses will be small;
  • high-level protection against fire;
  • convenience of manufacture, convenient repairs;
  • lack of high costs for any work.

In addition, reinforced concrete racks for lighting have certain disadvantages, due to which they may not be suitable for the construction of certain varieties of objects:

  • significant reference weight makes loading, installation and transportation of elements more complex and, accordingly, more expensive;
  • it is impossible to remove the LB-Pole without special transport;
  • processing and removal of the pillar are very complex and cost;
  • lighting supports are very poorly reacting to the temperature and any weather changes;
  • ZB-supports for lighting are vulnerable to the appearance of chips and cracks.

Reinforced concrete supports of St. Used for external illuminations of streets, sidewalks, industrial areas and roads. They can also be used to illuminate parks and space next to residential buildings.

There are several varieties of light racks from reinforced concrete:

  • end
  • corner
  • intermediate
  • anchor.

When developing light racks for industrial use, tension or frame fittings are used.

Light Zb-rackand marked depending on the structural mass, the method of reinforcement and sizes. In addition, they differ in temperature mode, the level of cold resistance, the possibilities of moisture absorption, load and voltage drops of electricity.

All information on reinforced concrete supports of street lighting is kindly provided by the LLC "Samara Plant of Reinforced concrete products". Here you can buy reinforced concrete products at competitive prices.

Light supports are reinforced concrete poles for air lines and outdoor lighting. Poles have a cross section in the form of a trapezoid. Apply to the installation of power lines with a voltage of 0.38-10kV. They are manufactured according to the drawings of TU 5863-007-00113557-94 traits. Arch. NO20.0182 (LEP00.10), RESEP AOOT 2002. When purchasing a factory quality passport is issued. You can buy the supports of St. Nizhny Novgorod in the company "City".


For the manufacture, a heavy concrete brand B30 (M400) is applied with frost resistance F200 and W6 water resistance. Racks differ in length, thickness and calculation load. For grounding, the upper and lower grounding rods made from a steel rod with a diameter of 10 mm are provided. Conductors are welded to one of the working rods. SV support are installed in the ground to a depth of 2-2.5m. More sizes are indicated in the drawings below.


Plugs with bending torque 3.5 It is recommended to use in the ⅰ-ⅲ wind areas and in the ⅰ-ⅱ areas of ice. In other climatic areas, it is recommended to take products with bending torque 5. For use in aggressive gas and ground media, it is necessary to apply a protective coating (3 meters from Komel) according to SNiP 2.03.11-85 and OST 34-72-645-83.

Drawings and sizes

The most often used racks with a height of 9 or 11 meters. Below are the overall dimensions depending on the value of the calculated load.

Marking light supports

Like other reinforced concrete products, products have a special labeling according to the standard standard. Consider an example of alphanumeric designation:

SV 110 -3.5

SV denotes product name - "Vibrated Rack"

110 is the height of the product in decimeters. Accordingly, the height of the product with such marking is 11 meters.

3.5 - the maximum allowable estimated bending moment is largely plane of rigidity. Measured in TS * M or KN * m


Production of light supports of the SB is performed in accordance with the specifications. They are made of heavy concrete by filling in forms with subsequent vibropressing. The strength of the product is gained in passing chambers.

Sale in Nizhny Novgorod

You can buy Light Supports in Nizhny Novgorod in the company "City". The site shows the current prices only today. When calculating calculations, take into account the possible seasonal price change (5-10%) and a change in raw materials (cement and reinforcement).


You can pay for products by non-cash. Call us or send an email request and we will prepare a commercial offer for you to make a contract, we calculate the cost of delivery.

Supplies support

Delivery of reinforced concrete products on Lower Novgorod and region are carried out by various types of transport. Supports are usually delivered by on-board cargo machines. Also, there is a small manipulator carrying 7 racks of 9.5 meters long.

Buy zhb supports LEP SV110-35 kV, SV-110-5 10-50 kV, SV-95 0.4 kV, 5kv, 6kv, 10 kV, 20 square price in Moscow with delivery in Russia

Reinforced concrete lighting supports are used in megalopolis, as well as in small settlements. With their help, parks, squares, roads, areas of industrial buildings and warehouse complexes, cafes, restaurants, etc. also can also be used when suspension of air lines with a low voltage level.

Want to buy concrete structures from reinforced concrete? Our online store offers a large selection of reinforced concrete supports for outdoor lighting. We independently engage in the production of products, so we guarantee its full compliance with the established standards of guests and that.

Each client can familiarize themselves with the proposed goods through the catalog, as well as receive advice from managers. To do this, contact us through the feedback form or call the specified phone.

Specificity of production of structures

Reinforced concrete lighting supports are manufactured in several stages. First, the fittings of the desired size and class are selected. Next, it is chicted by means of a special machine, carry out the contour spirals and conduct other manipulations. The concrete mixture is prepared using cement, various inert and chemical components and water. After a thorough mixing of the composition and obtaining the desired consistency, the mass is poured into the concrete-layer.

Production of supports for outdoor lighting is carried out in special forms. They are stacked by metal spirals on a certain technology. After that, the container is fastened with a prepared concrete mixture and aligned with tools. Drying structures is carried out in the workpiece warp system.

Pluses of reinforced concrete products

The use of concrete products for organizing street lighting is high demand. This is due to a large number of advantages that are characterized by supports:

  • resistance to corrosion and various negative environmental impacts;
  • fire resistance and seismic resistance;
  • long service life. Subject to the rules of transportation and installation of ZBB supports are capable of listening to more than half a century;
  • low price of structures;
  • manufacturability of production.

Installation of reinforced concrete supports for external lighting is carried out according to a predetermined scheme. It is important to take into account the specifics of the soil, the climatic features of the terrain to pick up the most durable installation option. The height of the support is taken into account, since in such cases its weight is much larger. In connection with the presence of some difficulties in the installation, it is recommended to trust exclusively to competent specialists.

Our online store sells reinforced concrete racks for LPP supports and other products of their own production. We offer exclusively verified and reliable goods, which allows you to be confident in its quality and compliance with all regulatory requirements. Our managers, if necessary, will advise you about the available range, the price and conditions of delivery will be announced.