Abyssinian needle. Arrangement of the well needle do it yourself

Comfortable accommodation without clean water is simply impossible. Regularly buy drinking water is expensive and unprofitable. A limited family budget does not allow you to use the services of companies involved in drilling wells? There is always a way out. The time came to remember the technical structure, accessible to all, and install the Abyssinian Well houses with their own hands. The Americans invented this design, and in a different way it is called a well-needle.

At first, the Abyssinian Wells called the well of a small depth with a pure water with a manual pump with a water-bearing sandy layer. Special design allows you to get water without spores, stocks and pollution.

Before drilling, you need to carefully examine the geology of the area. You can learn from the neighbors who have already provided their water section, or from a geological study conducted during the construction of the site. The construction of the well-needle is possible when the first aquifer is not deeper than 8 meters. For a lower layer, you need to drill a wide well and lower the pump into it.

The Abyssinian Well works perfectly on an aquifer from a mixture of sand and crushed stone or medium sand. It will not be possible to install a well-needle on the site if the geological map shows the deposits of stone solid rocks, pebbles, boulders. To get water flowing under such layers, you will need special equipment.

Benefits of using a well-needle

  1. Easy design and low price level.
  2. The possibility of installation without a disturbance of the land landscape.
  3. Large equipment is not used.
  4. The ability to install the pump indoors or right on the site.
  5. For drilling, you need a maximum of 10 hours of working time.
  6. Installing a high-quality filter prevents the well tooling.
  7. The closed system does not allow to fall into the well pollution.
  8. High quality produced water.
  9. The ability to ensure constant water supply in the right volumes.
  10. If necessary, the well can be dismantled and installed elsewhere.
Note! Because of the small depth of the device of the Abyssinian wells, dissolved iron practically does not fall into the water.

Whole drilling

Buy special equipment to drill just one well or call specialists in the pocket not everyone. You can with the help of not too complex and expensive tools to make an Abyssinian well.

Tools required for work:

  • Several pieces of gas keys.
  • Bulgarian and drill.
  • For the bottom of the pipe, you need pancakes from the rod weighing at 20 or 40 kg.
  • Sledge hammer and hammer.
  • Welding machine, pumping station.
  • Inch tube cut on meter slices with short threads at the ends.
  • One meter pipe in ¾ inches.
  • Ten meters pipe in ½ inches.
  • Garden Bur, check valve.
  • Bolts and nuts for 10.
  • Automobile clamps.
  • A piece of mesh 16 per 100 cm of galoon weaving stainless steel.
  • Cast iron couplings for connecting and cutting pipes.
  • Wire with a cross section of 0.2-0.3 mm - 2 m.
  • Coupling and PND pipes.

Filter manufacturing

  1. On an inch tube length in 1.1 m to weld the cone-shaped tip. If you failed to buy such a tip, you can sleep the end of the pipe with the help of sledgehamps.
  2. On two sides of the pipe with a grinder neatly every 2 cm cut the slot to 2.5 cm long. It is necessary to do everything without hurry, trying not to disturb the strength of the pipe.
  3. Hold the wire on the pipe and applay the grid on top, fixing the clamps every 10 cm. If it is possible, the grid is preferably soldered.
Note! You can not use the solder with lead to avoid water poisoning. It is necessary to work with a tin solder and a special flux.

Drilling technology

Garden brown Start the drilling of the soil, gradually increasing it with prepared pipes. For this purpose, the pipes ½ inches are used, which are connected from ¾ inch pipes with couplings and bolts to 10 through pre-drilled holes.

Drilling. Continue while from the surface of the borah will not begin to drain the wet sand. Next, it makes no sense further, the wet sand simply flows back to the well.

Installing a pipe with a filter

Using coupling, connect the filter with pipe sections. MANDATORY MANDATORY WATCH FUND FUND. Finished design lower in a well to sand. At the top of the pipe turn the cast-iron clutch and put it prepared by the prepared pancakes from the bar. The axis must be skipped through the center of pancakes, it is necessary for their slip when driving a pipe. For the axis, use ½ inches pipe with a length of 1.5 m. At the end of the pipe there must be a bolt.

After each impact, the pipe is immersed in the ground for several centimeters. The tip with the filter should enter the sand reservoir by 50 cm. After that, it is necessary to pour a small amount of water into the pipe.

Pumping water

First, it is necessary to install the check valve, and then the pumping station.

Note! The whole design should be hermetic.

Fill water into the pumping station and connect the hose to exit. Run the pump. At first, air can go out of the well, and after it is dirty water. After a certain period of time, good clean water will appear. To verify the quality of water, take it into a sanitary-index for analysis.

Around the Abyssinian Well, it is better to make a concrete platform to ensure the outflow of atmospheric precipitation. Now it will always be clean water on your site, and you can grow your vegetables and flowers.

The well of the needle (Abyssinian well) in recent years has become very popular. Her structure costs cheaper than digging the well. The rise of water from the well needle is carried out using surface electrical pumps or special hand "rocking faces". Therefore, many owners of country sites are considering a well needle or Abyssinian well as a good solution for autonomous water supply. In this article, we want to analyze the needle well wellness issue from the point of view of durability and maintainability.

What should be understood under the durability of the Abyssinian well?
First of all, when considering the issue of durability, we are talking about how long the water in the dacha well a needle can give. To answer this question, it is necessary to understand how water appears at depths of up to 8 meters, which are put by Abyssinian wells.

What should be understood under the reproduction of the wellbore needle?
The well needle consists of two main elements. First of all, it is a well itself, which is installed with a pipe with a filter site. Secondly, this device, with which the water lift to the surface is performed. Thus, under the repairability of the well, the needles should be understood as the maintainability of both these components.

Needle well - durability aspects
Water reserves to which you can access with the well needle well can be different types.

First of all, the depths of up to 8 meters can occur reserves. The ridder is water that fell under the ground from the surface (rain, a melting snow) and delayed on local "clay lenses." In the event that the needle's well is put on the "Ripper" of its durability depends on two factors:

  • Water reserves on the lens;
  • Dynamics of water replenishment.

Give a forecast for each of these factors there is practically no possibility. The lens can be local (at level 1 - 2 sections of the Earth), and may occupy more space. The forecast for precipitation even at the "Hydromet Center" does not always coincide with reality. Practice of the last 10 - 15 years shows that precipitation has a tendency to reduce. On the territory of the Vladimir region, this trend leads to the fact that in certain areas there is a drying of wells and other sources of water supply delivered to small depths.

The second type of water, which may occur at depths of up to 8 meters - these are groundwater. When operating this type of water with a well well, the well durability becomes more projected. The level of groundwater in a specific territory is stable for 10 years. True, you need to take into account the "good neighbor" factor. The fact is that if any of the neighbors decide to spend drainage work on its plot, it can take groundwater with a drainage well to a deeper tier. In this case, the well needle will stop working.

On the maintainability of the wellbore needle
From the point of view of maintainability, the well needle is comfortable in their pumping part. Since the needle's well pump is located on the surface, then it can be easily accessible for inspection and repair.

But in case the problems arose in the wellness itself, then certain difficulties arise with repair. In the case of the formation of sludge deposits in the well, it is problematic with the help of available funds. In the event of the destruction of the filter on the well, it is almost no possibilities.

What we understand under the well needle
The well well is an autonomous source of water supply, in which groundwater extraction is performed using surface self-priming devices. A self-priming pumps or manual devices can be used as water lifting devices.

The Abyssinian Well is also called a well-needle due to a small diameter, 25-40 mm.

This drilling technology began to use Americans in the early 19th century. But on the whole world, she became known in the middle of a last century, when the British were carried out military operation in desert Ethiopia. Having obtaining water, they learned to dig shallow narrow wells using the Norton drill projectile. Ethiopia was then called Abyssinian, so the wells began to refer to Abyssinian. Consider more the advantages of this type of wells.

Mini well in the well

And the Bissinskoye well is scored both on the surface and inside the old well. That is why the owners of private houses and cottages choose a well-needle:

It is possible to make it yourself. And if you invite masters, it will cost cheaper than digging a new well or deepen it with wells with a casing.

Abyssinian Well, scored in compliance with all rules, will provide you with clean water. It will not fall into it and raindrops (although, of course, a filter is installed inside the well).

The average service life of Abyssinian wells is 30-40 years. By the way, there are still current wells in Ethiopia since the "Abyssinian operation" of the British!

Disadvantages of Abyssinian wells

  • It is demanding on the aquifer - a layer of soil, where water is contained. The well-needle makes sense to pierce only in the ground, consisting of coarse sand or rubble. It is much more difficult to drill the Abyssinian Well if the soil is stony. In this case, you will need help professional drillers and special equipment.
  • Restrictions on the selection of pumps. Due to the small diameter in the Abyssinian well, the submersible pump does not fit. Therefore, surface pumps, manual or electric, but they are less productive.
  • Abyssinian well need to be used constantly, otherwise it is styled. This problem is eliminated by a well-cleaning zhonek.

Install the filters of deep and fine water purification

Place for drilling a well-needle

  1. First of all, it is necessary to find out how deeply in your site is aquifer. Abyssinian technology allows you to bury the shallow wells, 10-15 meters. Therefore, if water in your area lies below than 15 meters, choose a different kind of well.
  2. Learn about the depth of the waterproof, it is possible to study geodesic cards. Communication with neighbors, well owners and wells will help.
  3. Then evaluate the soil, and depending on its composition, decide whether to make a well or resort to the services of the workshops of the drillers.

  • On the hills and slopes (due to the risk of landslides)
  • Closer than 1 kilometer from cemeteries, cattleochilits ITP
  • Closer than 15 meters from the residential building, barn and other buildings, (the soil can give shrinkage)
  • Closer than 30 meters from the cesspool
  • Closer than 3 km from plants, settling and chemical production

If your old well is in a dangerous zone, it is better to throw it and drill another source of water.

Drilling of Abyssinian Wells in the Well

We will eat more in more detail on the technology of drilling a well-needle. In general, it is a shock drilling drilling drilling in the Earth.

The drilling of the well in the well occurs on the same principle as the drilling of the "Abyssinki" from the surface. The only difference is that the drilling column for the scoring well in the well.

Important detail: The casing during the drilling of the Abyssinian well is not used.

Borehole-needle drilling tools

The drill tool for the Abyssinian Well consists of the following details:

  • Norton Drilling Tool, which is a pipe with a filter and a sharp tip
  • Drilling column of pipes
  • Nizhny Homut
  • Cast iron or concrete woman
  • Rope
  • Upper Homut

The process itself takes place in several stages.


B level of Norton's projectile is installed strictly vertically into the place at the bottom of the well, where you decide to make a well. If the well is silent, pre-dig a small pit.


T Ruba is clogged into the ground most often with the help of women. To do this, the first segment of the pipe is inserted into the scored drilling projectile. Publishes put on it, then the woman and the clamp. The cable is done in the pulleys, with its help the woman lift and sharply lower down, gradually deepen the drilling column into the ground.

Drilling column

P is amedly increasing the drilling column with new pipe segments. It is recommended to cut them with a length of 1-2 meters. They rearranged the recharge, the Babo and the Homut, continuing to scoring. Watch that the connections between the pipes were hermetic. Sealing can be achieved using threaded compounds with seals or fastening pipes with couplings.

Remote site of the house, then practically mention the dig of a well or a conventional well.

Indeed, wells for sand or wells are the simplest and most reliable ways to get water on the plot. They are durable, functional and pretty comfortable. However, the labor intensity during their installation or service can also be ignored.

Meanwhile, there is another way - drilling Abyssinian well. And you can do this process completely with your own hands.

1 Technology for creating an Abyssinian well

Abyssinian well was invented during the colonization of Africa. Then the English troops were able to push the natives thanks to this excellent invention. After all, for drilling such a well, it is enough to have metal pipes and make a primitive scoring boring.

Everything else is going in the process of work. And the process itself is performed completely with your own hands and for a rather short period of time.

If you take into account feedback from users of Abyssinian wells, the creation of such a source takes from 3 to 10 hours, depending on the type of soil, the characteristics of the aquifer, etc.

The Abyssinian Well itself is a small-sized source of water, which produces it in the upper ground layers. For the equipment of the Abyssinian well or well, as it is called in the people, it is necessary to make sure that the soil water layers are at a depth of 8 meters.

If they are located deeper, you can also start work, but without special equipment you will most likely not do.

To work use sweater tools. You do not need direct access to water or something like that. This is the feature of Abyssinian wells. They are very mobile and autonomous.

You just need to score specially assembled pipes into the ground to a depth of 8-10 meters. Pipes are collected by sections using threaded fittings. The lower section of the pipe will be a special filter cut with a needle.

The needle is a cone-shaped tip on the pipe. It is very durable and intended directly to clog the body of the well in the ground. Since sand and other soft breeds are mainly located in the upper layers of the soil, then you should not have problems for the scoring.

After the needle there is a filter pipe. This section of a 1-1.5 m tube is cut, in which a plurality of holes are cut. As a rule, they make one hole for each side of the pipe in a step of 3-4 cm.

The pipe is wedged with wire and grid, creating a special filter. The filter is quite realistic to make it yourself and in just a few dozen minutes.

The principle of work of Abyssinian wells is very simple. The riser scored on the desired level falls on the aquifer of sand. They, as a rule, are located at 6-8 meters under the ground.

What means that the aquifer will go out exactly to the filter. Since the sand perfectly spends water, after a few minutes the pipe will begin to fill it.

When the fluid appears in the well, work can be terminated and proceed to it. In most cases, after high-quality flushing of pipes, it remains only to wait during the day until the water is independently cleaned and the well will not begin to give clean water.

At this time, you can make a special pump or concrete a plot around the well exit. Then it remains only to attach a puming mechanism and use this miracle of technology in their pleasure.

1.1 What are the benefits of Abyssinian wells?

As you already understand, Abyssinian wells have a lot of advantages over more traditional sources. All of them are very difficult to list, but the main mention should still be.

Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of such sources.

The main advantages:

  • Well can be made with your own hands;
  • Work occupies a little time;
  • Lack of tough need to use special tools;
  • Practicality;
  • Mobility;
  • The ability to work in any conditions;
  • Good debit;
  • Lack of problems with flowing fluid, casing, etc.
  • Simplicity in service;
  • Takes up little space.

As you can see, no wonder these wells are so popular in our area. They are very easy to collect. Make all the tools and driving a hole with your own hands. And to work will leave for less day.

If you suddenly stumbled on a large cobblestone or a layer of pebbles - not trouble. After all, at any time, the needle can be removed and trying happiness somewhere else.

In the finished form, the Abyssinian Well takes very little space. At the same time, it can be connected to it both the usual pump and any pump. Moreover, surface pumps here will also be useful here, since the depth of the bombing of the aquifer is rarely below 8 meters.

Main cons:

The minuses in the Abyssinian wells are much smaller, but they are. However, they consider them minuses, those who do not understand the very purpose of the work performed. Of course, with the water supply of a large family and their domestic needs, such a well is unlikely to cope, but it is not required of it.

It is worth understanding that the Abyssinian Well is rather auxiliary element of the water supply system. He will give you drinking and domestic water in sufficient quantities. But for the full supply of large objects is not intended.

Andrei, 38 years, Kostroma:

At one time, it became very interested in this technology. I needed to make water supply for cottages and with minimal costs. Bribed the opportunity to complete the work with your own hands. I did everything according to the technology and coped with each other in 11 hours. The result is completely satisfied.

Valentine, 27 years old, Altai:

I have two Abyssinian wells on the plot. And both I scored my own hands. Very useful thing, I tell you. With minimal labor issues a decent debit, high-quality water, and even no need to service. Perfect choice for cottage water supply.

Konstantin, 58 years old, Astrakhan:

A couple of years ago ordered the guys such a well. I listened to feedback from the neighbors and realized that I needed her. I had to sweat in my site, since the soil is heterogeneous. Twice stumbled on a large cobblestone. The second time I even got a pipe. Fortunately, you can make a new one with your own hands and just a couple of dozen minutes. Therefore, with the work, they coped with even the dohy. The well has never let me down since then.

2 Selection of pipes for wells and installation stages

Before starting to work directly, you need to choose the pipes that they will make the body of the scoring needle. It is worth understanding that this needle remains in the hole constantly, and performs the functions of the casing. Therefore, it should be not only durable and reliable, but also suitable for permanent contact with liquid.

From modern pipes most often use old good metal and polymers. Metal can be galvanized, it is better than the corrosion, well withstands the influence of microorganisms. However, over time, everything will lose its properties.

Plus, the metal is very durable and damage such a pipe is extremely difficult. Needle tips are almost always made metal.

Polymer materials for pipes are best suited for reinforced thick-walled polypropylene and low pressure polyethylene. And the other material is strong enough, and also has excellent anti-corrosion characteristics.

As for the specific parameters of the pipe, in the paper use inch samples. The thickness of the walls in metal products can be any, but the plastic pipes are used only with thick-walled, with a thickness of 5 mm.

As you already understood, the lower section of the pipe will be filtered. It is treated with a drill, then wedged with wire. Then there is a membrane, a mesh filter or something like that. Then all this is still tightly tied with wire.

The pipe itself is connected using threaded fittings. It is possible to use and welding, but it adds certain inconveniences. The quality of the compounds, of course, will be very high, but you will not cut the pipes every time something goes wrong.

Now consider the work algorithm directly by which Abyssinian wells are mounted.

2.1 How do Buryat Abyssinian well tools? (video)