Adaptation of plants to the conditions of tropical forests. Plant adaptation mechanisms for adverse environmental conditions

Task 1. Adaptation of plants to the spread of seeds

Set the plants adaptation to the spread of seeds at the expense of insects, birds, mammals and humans. Fill the table.

Adaptation of plants to the spread of seeds

p / P.

Types of plants












What properties have seeds listed in the table of plants that contribute to the spread of seeds with the ways you? Give specific examples.

The interaction of two populations theoretically can be represented in the form of paired combinations of characters "+", "-", "0", where "+" means the benefit for the population, "-" - the deterioration of the state of the population, that is, harm, and "0" - meaningful changes in interaction. Using the proposed symbolism, give a definition of interaction types, give examples of relationships and make a table in the notebook.

Biotic relationship


Symbolic designation





this type

1. Using distributing didactic material, make the food network of the lake ecosystem.

2. Under what conditions the lake will not change for a long time?

3. What are the actions of people can lead to rapid destruction of the lake ecosystem?

Individual task in the module "From the ecology of organisms to ecology ecosystems" option 6

Task 1. Adaptation of living organisms to extreme living conditions

Many organisms during life periodically experiencing the influence of factors that are very different from the optimum. They have to carry and severe heat, frost, and summer droughts, and the dryness of water bodies, and the lack of food. How do they adapt to such extreme conditions when normal life is very difficult? Give examples of the basic ways to adapt to the transfer of unfavorable living conditions.

Task 2. Biotic relationships.

Determine on schedules to which consequences can the relationship between two close, together with the types of organisms in one ecological niche? What is the name of this relationship? Reply explain the answer.

Fig.11. The increase in the number of two types of infusories-shoes (1 - Tufwell taper, 2 - Golden shoes):

A - when growing in pure cultures with plenty of food (bacteria); B - in mixed culture, with the same food

Task 3. Natural Ecosystems of the Southern Urals

1. Make a river ecosystem food network.

2. Under what conditions the river will not change for a long time?

3. What are the actions of people can lead to rapid destruction of the river ecosystem?

4. Describe the trophic structure of the ecosystem using ecological pyramids of numbers, biomass, energy.

Sunlight is one of the most important plants of environmental indicators. It is absorbed by chlorophyll and is used when constructing primary organic matter. Almost all indoor plants are light-sounded, i.e. It is better to develop with full coverage, but differ by shadowability. Taking into account the attitude of plants to light, they are customary to divide into three main groups: light-minded, shadowish, tenenidiffent.

There are plants, quite easily adaptable to sufficient or redundant light, but are also found that well develop only with strictly defined illumination parameters. As a result of the adaptation of the plant to reduced illumination, its appearance changes. The leaves become dark green and slightly increase in size (linear leaves are lengthened and become already), the stretching of the stem begins, which thus loses its strength. Then the growth gradually decreases, because dramatically decreases the production of photosynthesis products going on the posterior body of the plant. With a lack of light, many plants cease to bloom. With an excess of light, chlorophyll is partially destroyed, and the color of the leaves becomes yellow-green. In the strong light, the growth of plants slows down, they are obtained more squat with short interstices and wide short leaves. The appearance of bronze-yellow color of the leaves indicates a significant excess of light that is harmful to plants. If you urgently do not take appropriate measures, it may occur.

The effect of ionizing radiation is manifested in the effects of radiation on plant organism at different levels of the organization of living matter. Direct effect consists in the radiation-chemical ionization of molecules together absorbing the energy of radiation, i.e. Transfers molecules to an excited state. An indirect effect is accompanied by damage to molecules, membranes, organoids, cells as a result of the effects of water radiolization products, the number of which as a result of irradiation increases sharply. The effectiveness of radiation damage is essential depending on the oxygen content in the medium. The lower the oxygen concentration, the smaller the effect of the lesion. In practice, it is believed that the limit of lethal doses of oxygen characterizes the radoustability of organisms. In the urban environment, the location of buildings also affects the life of plants. From this we can conclude that the light is needed by plants, but each plant is light-friendly in its own way.

3. Research part

The development of plants is closely related to environmental conditions. Temperatures characteristic of this area, the amount of precipitation, soil character, biotic parameters and the state of the atmosphere - all these conditions interact with each other, determine the nature of the landscape and plant type.

Each of the contamination affects plants in a special way, but all pollution affect some of the main processes. First of all, systems regulating the flow of pollutants, as well as chemical reactions responsible for the processes of photosynthesis, respiration and production of energy, are exposed to exposure. In the course of the work done by me, I realized that the plants that grow near the roads differ significantly from plants that grow in parks. Dust, which settles on plants, clogs the pores, and interferes with respiratory processes, and carbon oxide leads to yellowing, or discoloration of plants and dwarfs.

I conducted my research on the example of aspen's leaves. In order to see how much dust remains on the plant, I needed a sticky tape, which I was glued to the outer side of the sheet. A sheet from the park is polluted little, which means that all its processes function normally. [cm. Appendix, photo №1, 3]. A leaflet that was in close proximity to the road is very polluted. It is less than 2 cm less than his normal sizes, he has a different color (darker than it should be), and, therefore, it has undergone atmospheric pollutants and dust. [cm. Appendix, photo №2,4].

Another environmental pollution indicator is the lack of lichens on plants. During his research, I found out that lichens rude on plants only in environmentally friendly places, for example: in the forest. [cm. Appendix, photo №5]. It is difficult to imagine a forest without lichens. Lichenicians will settle on trunks, and sometimes on the branches of trees. Especially good lichens grow in our northern coniferous forests. This testifies to clean air in these areas.

Thus, it can be concluded that in the parks of large cities, lichens do not grow at all, the trunks of the trees and the branches are completely clean, and outside the city, in the forest, the lichens are satisfied with a lot. The fact is that lichens are very sensitive to air pollution. And in industrial cities, he is far from purity. Factories and plants throw many different harmful gases into the atmosphere, these are these gases and lickers.

In order to stabilize the situation with pollution, we, first of all, you need to limit the emission of poisoning substances. After all, plants, like us, for normal functioning, need clean air.


Based on the research and sources used by me, I concluded that the environment of plants, has the environmental problems with which it must be struggling. And the plants themselves take part in this struggle, they actively purify the air. But there are climatic factors that do not so adversely affect the life of plants, and cause plants to adapt and grow in suitable climatic conditions for them. I found out that the environment and plants interact, and without this interaction, the plants would have died, since all the components needed for their livelihoods, the plants draw from their habitat. Plants can help us cope with our environmental issues. In the course of this work, it became more clear to me why different plants grow in different climatic conditions and how they interact with the environment, as well as plants adapt to life directly in the urban environment.


The genotype is the genetic structure of a separate organism, a specific set of genes, which he carries.

Denaturation is characteristic of protein substances a change in the structure of their structure and natural properties when changing the physical and chemical conditions of the medium: with increasing temperature, a change in the acidity of the solution, etc. The reverse process is called renaturation.

Metabolism is the exchange of substances, the chemical transformations flowing from the moment of the intake of nutrients into a living organism until the final products of these transformations are allocated to the external environment.

Osorlagulation is a combination of physicochemical and physiological processes that ensure the relative constancy of osmotic pressure (OD) of the interior fluid fluids.

Protoplasm - the contents of the living cell, including its core and cytoplasm; Material substrate life, a living agent, from which organisms are.

Tylacoids are limited membrane compartments inside chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. In tylacoids, light-independent reactions of photosynthesis occur.

Hydice is a sliding hole (the tiled gap) in the epidermis of the above-ground organs of plants and two limiting it (closing) cells.

Phytophages - vegetative animals, which include thousands of types of insects and other invertebrates as well as large and small vertebrates.

Fitoncides are biologically active substances that kill or the overwhelming and development of bacteria, microscopic mushrooms, simplest.

Photosynthesis - the formation of organic substances with green plants and some bacteria using the energy of sunlight. During the photosynthesis, absorption is absorbed from the carbon dioxide atmosphere and the release of oxygen.

Used information resources when performing training work

1. Achiyarova G.R., Veselov D. S.: "Hormonal regulation of growth and water exchange during salinization" // Theses of the participants of the 6th Pushchinskaya school - conference of young scientists "Biology - Science of the XXI century", 2002.

2. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Large Russian Encyclopedia, 1998. - 1456 C.: IL. The editorial office of Prokhorov A.M. GL Editor Gorkin A.P.

3. Vavilov P.P. Crop production - 5th ed. - M.: Agropromizdat, - 1986

4. Vernadsky V.I., Biosphere, T.1-2, L., 1926

5. Volodhko I.K.: "Microelements and stability of plants to adverse conditions", Minsk, Science and Technology, 1983.

6. Danilov-Danilian V. I: "Ecology, environmental protection and environmental safety" M.: MNPE, 1997

7. Drobkov A. a.: "Microelements and natural radioactive elements in the life of plants and animals", M., 1958.

8. Wikipedia: Information portal: [electron. Resource] // Habitat [Site] Access mode: http: // RU. (02/10/10)

9. All about Earth: Information portal: [electron. Resource] // Water shell [Site] Access mode: (03/23/10)

10.Sbio. Info First Bio Community: Information Portal: [Electron. Resource] // Biotic environmental factors and the types of relationships of organisms [Site] Access mode: http: //www.sbio. info / page. php? id \u003d 159 (04/02/10)


Picture number 1. Sheet of aspen from the park.

Photo №2. Leaf, located near the roadway.

Photo number 3. Dust on sticky tape with leaf from the park.

Photo number 4. Dust on sticky ribbon with a sheet located next to the roadway.

Photo number 5. Lichen on a tree trunk in a forest park.

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The creation of the most favorable growth conditions for each vegetable culture is more available in greenhouses, but it is not always. In the open soil, such conditions may or alternate in the growth rates (months and weeks), or to be combined in the random optimal coincidence of several conditions of the environment and receptions.

And, nevertheless, despite the obvious adverse attitude for individuals, the plants still produce yields annually, in general satisfying the owners of the gardens.

The ability of cultures to give yields in almost any combination of climatic factors and any drawbacks in their biological adaptability to cultivation conditions.

As examples of such devices (adaptation abilities), it is possible to indicate a rapid growth (strength), very deep or widely branched closer to the surface of the soil root system, numerous fruit barriers, a mutually beneficial community of roots with microorganisms and others.

In addition to these, there are a lot of other mechanisms for fixing plants to emerging external conditions and confrontation with them.

About them and will be discussed.

overheat protection

Thirty years ago Moldovan scientists, examining 200 species of plants (including most vegetables), came to the conclusion of the presence of peculiar physiological "refrigerators" in the intercellular spaces.

Up to 20-40% of the moisture in the form of a pair formed inside the sheet, and part of the steam absorbed by the leaf of the outer air is condensed (settling) on \u200b\u200bthe cells of the inner tissues and protects them from excessive overheating at high outer temperatures.

With a sharp increase in air temperature and with a decrease in moisture supply (insufficient or delayed irrigation), plant coolers activate their activities, due to which carbon dioxide absorbed by the sheet is involved in the process, the leaf temperature decreases and the water consumption for evaporation (transpiration) decreases.

With a short heat action, the plant will successfully cope with such an unfavorable factor.

Overheating of the sheet can occur when it is absorbed by the excess of thermal solar radiation, called in the spectrum of sunlight of the near infrared. To regulate such absorption and prevent its excess plant helps sufficient content in potassium leaves, which is achieved by timely periodic feeding with this element.

Sleeping kidneys - protection against frost

In the case of the death of plants from freezing with a strong root system, sleeping kidneys awaken, which in normal conditions did not show themselves.

Developing new shoots often allow us to receive yields no worse than without such stress.

Sleeping kidneys help plants to recover also in poisoning of part of the sheet mass (ammonium et al.) To protect against toxic ammonia, the plant produces an additional amount of organic acids and complex nitrogen compounds that help restore life.

With any sudden changes in the medium (stressful situations), systems and mechanisms enhanced in plants that allow them to more rationally use the available biological resources.

They allow them to hold out, as they say, until better times.

Some radiation goes benefit

Plants turned out to be adapted even to small doses of radioactive emissions.

Moreover, they absorb them with benefit for themselves. Radiation enhance a number of biochemical processes, which contributes to the growth and development of plants. And an important role in this plays, by the way, ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

Plants adapt to environmental rhythms

The change of light time is dark, alternation during the day of the intensity of light and its spectral characteristics (due to clouds, dusty of air, the height of the sun) forced the plants to adapt their physiological activities to these conditions.

They change the activity of photosynthesis, the formation of proteins and carbohydrates, create a certain daily and day rhythm of internal processes.

The plants are "accustomed" to the fact that with a decrease in light, the temperature is reduced, to alternate the temperature of the air during the day and at night while maintaining a more stable temperature of the soil to various rhythms of absorption and evaporation of water.

With a temporary disadvantage of a number of elements of nutrition, a mechanism of redistribution of them from old leaves to young, growing and tops of shoots.

The same happens with the natural elimination of leaves. Thus, there is saving food with their recycling.

Plants adapted to give crops in greenhouses

In greenhouses, where the conditions of illumination are often worse than in the open ground (due to the shading of the coating, the lack of individual parts of the spectrum), photosynthesis as a whole proceeds less intensively than in the open soil.

But the greenhouse plants adapted to compensate it at the expense of a more developed sheet surface and large content in chlorophyll leaves.

In normal conditions of growth to increase the vegetable mass and the formation of a crop in cultures, everything is consistently and is adapted to ensure that the substances from photosynthesis have more than their respiratory consumption.

Plants also want to live

All adaptive systems and reactions of plants to one or another conditions of existence are one goal - to preserve a permanent domestic state (biological self-regulation), without which no living organism cannot do.

And the proof of the best adaptability of any culture is obtained from her harvest at an acceptable level in the most unfavorable year.

E. Feofilov, Honored by agronomist of Russia

Other articles section "Interesting Facts":

  1. How plants adapt to adverse conditions
  2. Plants weather predictors and disasters
  3. Flowers from cold porcelain.

    Unfading miracle

  4. 8 vegetable aphrodisiacs to improve sexual life
  5. Magic properties of plants
  6. Unusual application of banana peel
  7. Interesting facts about colors 2
  8. Orchid - Ghost. Interesting Facts
  9. About cacti. You do not have to flip the encyclopedia
  10. Plants that help to cope with stress


Studying methods and methods of adaptations of various plants to environmental impacts that allow them to spread and survive in various environmental conditions.

Genetic inheritance of organisms to adaptation.

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Adaptation of a person to environmental conditions.

Scientific basis of hygienic rationing of environmental factors

Characteristics of human adaptation processes to environmental conditions.

Study of the main adaptation mechanisms. Study of general measures to increase the sustainability of the body. Laws and laws of hygiene. Descriptions of the principles of hygienic rationing.

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Entry of organisms to the environment

Types of adaptation of living organisms to the environment.

Masking, patronizing and warning color. Features of the behavior and structure of the body of animals to adapt to the lifestyle. Mimicry and care for offspring. Physiological adaptation.

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Indicator role of plants and animals

Plants indicators - plants for which there is a sharply pronounced adaptation to certain environmental conditions.

Environmental fixture

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The use of the specific properties of the body to life in difficult climatic conditions.

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Microorganisms as environmental pollution indicators

Priority environmental pollutants and their impact on soil biota. The effect of pesticides on microorganisms. Bioindication: concept, methods and features. Determination of soil moisture. Accounting microorganisms on various environments.

Wednesday of Ashbi and Getchinson.

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Problems of using genetically modified organisms

Storage and transfer of genetic information in living organisms. Ways to change the genome, genetic engineering. Risks for human health and the environment associated with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), possible adverse effects.

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Morphometry sheet plate as an indicator of environmental pollution (for example.

Types of trees used in landscaping, introduced plants. Features of woody plants. Features of the use of plants as bioindicators. Biological indexes and coefficients used in indicative studies.

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Adaptation of organisms to the water factor

Adaptation of plants to maintaining water balance.

Type of branching various root systems. Environmental groups of plants in relation to water: (guidato, hydro, gigro, meso, xero-, sclerophytes and succulents). Regulation of water exchange in terrestrial animals.

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Adaptability of plants to the environment

The tougher and harder habitat, the brilliance of the plants to the vagints of the environment. Often, the device comes so far that the external environment begins to fully determine the form of the plant. And then plants relating to various families, but inhabiting in the same harsh conditions, often become externally similar to each other that it can mislead about the truth of their related links -

For example, in desert areas for many species, and, above all, for cacti, the shape of a ball was the most rational. However, not all that has a spherical shape and covered with spikes-spiny, - cacti. Such a suitable design that allows you to survive in the most severe conditions of deserts and semi-deserts, originated in other systematic groups of plants that do not belong to the cactus family.

Conversely, cactis do not always acquire the shape of the ball or columns destroyed by barns. One of the most famous Cacket Backeberg Cactus in the world in his book "Wonderful Cactus World" talks about how these plants may look in those or other habitats. That's what he writes:

"The night in Cuba is full of mysterious rustling and sounds. Large bats, as if shadows, silently rush past us in full darkness, only the space around the old, dying trees, in which the Miriad of the Fireflies perform their fiery dance.

The impenetrable tropical night with its gulp sticks tightly shrouded the earth. The long path that we did the ride took away our last forces, and now we, climbing mosquito nets, try to relax at least a little bit. The ultimate goal of our expedition is the edge of amazingly beautiful green cacti of the Ripzaliyev group. But the hour came to saddle horses. And although we are doing this simple operation early in the morning, the sweat literally fills our eyes.

Soon our small caravan again goes down. After several hours of the road, the greenish darkness of the virgin forest begins to dissipate gradually.

To our eyes to the very horizon opens the complete sun, the terrain is completely covered with shrubs. Only in some way over it takes up the vertices of low-speed trees, and sometimes you can see single powerful trunks crowned with huge crowns.

However, it is strange to look the branches of trees!

They are like a double veil: swaying from the blows of a warm surface breeze, a long thread-stems of one of the types of Bromelievy (Tillandsia usneoides) are hanging from the branches, something similar to the long, tale beard with silver silent.

Between them hangs the mass of thin, flying rope plants: this is the habitat of the colonies of light-free epiphytes, cacti, relative ripzaliev. Accurately escaped by the flight from the bright ground vegetation, they seek to climb higher into the crowns of trees, closer to sunlight. What a variety of forms! Here are thin filamental stems or bulky powdered meaty grows covered with a gentle fluff, there are badly increasing shoots that resemble the ribbed chains.

Complex interlacing of curly plants of the most bizarre forms: spiral, serrated, twisted, wavy - seems like a bizarre piece of art. During the flowering period, all this green mass is carried by graceful wreaths or is unwinding the smallest specks. Later, the plants put on the motley necklaces from bright white, cherry, golden yellow and dark blue berries. "

Cacti, which adapted to live in the crowns of forest giants and the stems of which, like Lianam, hang to the ground, are widespread in the rainforest of Central and South America.

Some of them live even in Madagascar and Ceylon.

Love cacti - is it not a striking example of the ability of plants to adapt to new living conditions? But he is not the only one of the hundreds of others. The usual inhabitants of the tropical jungle are curly and liable plants, as well as plants-epiphytes that are in crowns of wood plants.

All of them seek to get out of the eternal twilight of the thick undergrowth of virgin rainforests as soon as possible. They find the way upstairs, without creating powerful trunks and reference systems that require huge costs of building material. They calmly climb up, using the "services" of other plants acting in the role of supports -

In order to successfully cope with this new task, the plants invented a variety of and fairly perfect organic authorities: clinging roots and leaves of leaves with increments on them, spikes on the branches, clinging axles of inflorescences, etc.

At the disposal of plants there are hinge arcanes; Special disks with which one plant is attached to another; Movable shepherd hooks, initially entering the plant-owner, and then swelling in it; Miscellaneous squeezing devices and, finally, a very sophisticated absorption device.

We have already given a description of the structure of the leaf of a banana, given

Haberlandt. It does not less colorfully describes the rattan - one of the varieties of false palm trees:

"If you get away from the pedestrian walkway of the Botanical Garden in Bogora (Java Island) and in the thickets in the thickets, then after a few steps you can stay without a head. Dozens of hooks scattered everywhere will cling to our clothes and numerous scratches on the face and hands will call for greater caution and attention. Looking around and looking at the plant "grabbing" plants, in the zone of which we turned out to be, we found that the cutters of graceful and very complex Rattan leaves have long, up to one or two meters, exceptionally flexible and elastic processes, destroyed by numerous solid and to The same semi-propelled spikes, each of which is a bent and tilted back hook-hook.

Any palm leaf is supplied with such a hook-like spike fear, not so, just parting with what closed for it. The limit of the elasticity of the "hook" consisting almost entirely of durable luban fibers, extremely high.

Adaptability of plants to the environment

"You can hang a whole bull to him," my companion noticed jokingly, turning attention to my attempts at least approximately to define the weight that is able to withstand such a "fishing line". Many related rats have palm trees in such tip guns have become the elongated axis of inflorescences.

The wind easily throws flexible inflorescences from the side to the side until the trunk of the tree is on their paths. Numerous hooks hooks allow them to quickly and reliably cling to the bark of the tree.

Firmly entrusted with the resulting leaves on several people standing next to each other (often additional retention means serve spikes in the lower part of the sheet of sheet or even in the sheet vagina), a completely smooth, snipe-like rattan barrel, like a bind, climbs up, dying through numerous branches Sometimes throwing it on the crowns of neighboring trees, so that in the end, it is to break through young leaves to the light and climb over the crown of the tree-support.

Next to him there is no road: in vain, his shoots will look for support in the air. Older leaves gradually die away, and palm gets rid of them. Lained "hooks", the shoots of palm trees under the weight of their own weight slide down until the upper left leaves again do not boil for any backup.

At the foot of the trees it is often possible to see the numerous shoots of palm trees, retained in the loop, completely naked, without leaves, often thick with the hand of an adult. It seems that shoots, like snakes, spread around the sides in search of a new support. In the Bogor's Bogor Garden, the largest length of the Rattan trunk reaches 67 meters. In the difficult fingers of wet rainforests there are Rotanges with a length of 180 meters, and sometimes even up to 300 meters! "


1. Habitat and environmental factors

1.1 Air Wednesday

1.2 Water environment

1.3 Environmental factors

2. Adaptation

2.1 Adaptation of plants to the contamination of the atmosphere

2.2 Adaptation of plants to soil salinations

2.2.1 Plants and Heavy Metals

2.3 Adaptation of plants to biotic factors

2.4 Adaptation of plants for abiotic factors

2.4.1 Temperature effect

2.4.2 Effect of Light on Plants

3. Research part


Used information resources when performing training work

10.Sbio. Info First Bio Community: Information Portal: [Electron. Resource] // Biotic environmental factors and the types of relationships of organisms [Site] Access mode: www.sbio. info / page. php? id \u003d 159 (04/02/10)


Picture number 1. Sheet of aspen from the park.

Photo №2. Leaf, located near the roadway.

Photo number 3. Dust on sticky tape with leaf from the park.

Photo number 4. Dust on sticky ribbon with a sheet located next to the roadway.

Photo number 5. Lichen on a tree trunk in a forest park.

The spread of plants throughout the planet is a process that is constantly being improved by nature. All plant crops that occur on Earth have some kind of breeding methods in which other plants, animals, natural phenomena, etc. can participate. Some plants spread methods with fruits and seeds are particularly interesting. Such methods may seem almost miraculously even the most resistant skeptics. Let's talk about the possibilities of nature in such a matter of a little more detailed.

After that, the culture form seeds or fruit on the culture, they ripen and separated from the parent plant. Botany argue that the farther there is such a landing material, the less likely to competition from the parental individual will be. In addition, with a wide distribution, plants appear a chance to colonize new territories and an increase in the population size.

The spread of fruits and seeds of plants

Distribution of animals

It is believed that the spread of fruits and seeds by animals is quite reliable, since different animals actively attend areas with high fertility, on which the seeds will grow perfectly. Many fruits have spines or special hooks that cling to the skin or on animal wool, which are near, which contributes to their transfer to a considerable distance, after which they "sooner or later" fall into the ground either will be soda, but still fall into His.

Bright examples of such plants can be called a burdock, a tamnnik tenacious, carrot, a series, buttercup, gravel, as well as rebel.

Thus, the gravel has special hooks on the column, and the fruits of the burdock are surrounded by hook-like wrappers, also there are small enough hard hairs that can penetrate into the skin and provoke irritation (this leads to combing and subsequent fetus disappearance). Podmarnik, carrots and buttercups possess pericarphen, surrounded by rigs similar to tracing. A series has a feud in the fruit, like a dandelion, however, with sufficiently durable spikes.

This group of plants can also be attributed to culture with juicy fruits, for example, blackberry, plum, tomato, apple and strawberries. After their animals eat them, the seeds pass through the digestive tract and get out with feces. After falling on the fertile soil, this planting material is easily germinated.

Distribution of wind

In those plants, the fruits and seeds of which are transferred to the wind, there are special devices that facilitate this process. This can be attributed to the pavements, they can be seen on the seeds of Willow, Cyprus, dandelion, cotton. In addition, such a device is typical for maple, grab, ash, etc.

In certain crops, the fruit is similar to a box, which is located on the leg and pegs the wind, which leads to the scattering of numerous small seeds. Such plants are represented by poppies, inkushku, in a strain, etc.

Some representatives of the flora seeds are so small and easy to deal with wind, without any additional devices for this. This group includes orchids. In such plants, the seeds fall out after cracking the seam between the structures. At the same time, the planting material is thrown out of them a sufficiently strong impetus. Additionally, some plants may have on their seeds to carry the wind to carry, as an example, can be cited.

Water distribution

Slightly some plants have fruits or seeds that specifically adapted for water distribution. Such planting material contains small air cavities that hold it on the surface of the water branch. As an example, coconut walnut can be brought, which is a fibrous cover and a significant amount of air cavities. This group of plants belongs to the water lily, whose seed has a spongy shell, which comes from the legs of the sick.

Random distribution

Botany do not strictly divide the seeds and fruits by category depending on the method of their distribution. Many cultures can spread in several above-mentioned methods, or even by them. The most important factor of accidental distribution is a person, because the seeds can easily be transferred to clothes, cling to loads and thus fall into a significant distance from the parent plant. Many grain crops are clogged by weed seeds. In addition, the planting material may be accidentally spread by hurricanes, floods, etc.

The most interesting ways of spreading plant seeds

One of the curious examples of such a propagation can be called the process of scattering seeds with an amazing plant. Mad cucumber. Its fruit is similar to sight with a conventional cucumber, and after reaching the full maturity, its fleshy fabrics surrounding seeds become a mucous mass. After the fruit is separated from the frozen, the pressure occurs on its contents, comparable to the principle of reactive thrust, due to which the seeds are spreading to a significant area. It happens like a gun shot. A similar method of spreading seeds also has ordinary acid.

Bean cultures are able to push the seeds on a sufficiently long distance, and the Eshcholce is leaving all the fruit along with ripe seeds.

So, there are quite a few ways to reproduce and spread plants in our planet.

Covered compared to other higher plants are currently dominated in the vegetation cover of the Earth. They turned out to be "winners in the struggle for existence," because Could adapt to various living conditions due to the following features:

The seed is protected by the fruit that is formed from the flower;

Plants are pollinated not only with the help of wind, but also with the help of insects and other animals, which attracts nectar flowers;

Fruits have a variety of devices for seed resettlement by wind, water, animals;

Conductive system connecting the above-ground and underground part is developed better than all other plant departments;

Vegetative organs (roots, stems, leaves) are very diverse in structure, depending on habitat;

Covered bridges are represented by a variety of life forms: trees, shrubs, herbs;

Along with seed reproduction, vegetative is widespread;

Thus, the dominance of coated in modern flora is associated with the advent of a new generative body (flower), a variety of vegetative organs, the emergence of various methods of nutrition and reproduction.

What is AIDS and what is the danger of this disease?

Envunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is an infectious disease that affects the human immune system. The causative agent is the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which is settled in T-lymphocytes and destroys them, violating the immune response of the body to penetrate the infection and the occurrence of tumor cells. As a result of such an impact of HIV, any infection (for example, staphylococcus) can lead to a fatal outcome.

The special danger of AIDS is in a long asymptomatic incubation period, when even the patient himself does not know that it is a source of infection.

Not yet found a vaccine or a drug from AIDS, medical care is to relieve the symptoms of the disease. Mortality for today is 100% of the number of infected.

Ways of transmission of the virus: Sex, from mother to the fruit, through blood.

The prevention of the disease is the interruption of transmission paths.

Sex can be interrupted:

abstaining from sexual relationship;

responsible selection of a partner;

using a condom.

The way to transmit HIV through blood from the mother to the fetus is extremely difficult to interrupt (permanent medical control is needed since the conception).

HIV can get into the blood:

1) when using non-sterile medical instruments (injections, teeth treatment);

2) as a result of violation of hygienic requirements for cosmetic procedures (manicure, pedicure).

HIV is distributed among drug addicts, because For intravenous injections, they use a common syringe.

Thus, to prevent AIDS may be compliance with the norms of personal and social hygiene.

Ticket number 3.
1. Describe the features of the skeleton of a person who have arisen in connection with straightening and employment.
3. What are the main ways to enter the human organism of radionuclides, what are the measures of warning?

1. Describe the features of the skeleton of a person who have arisen in connection with straightening and employment.

I. Similarity in the structure of human skeletons and mammal animals:

1. Skeletons consist of the same departments: skull, torso (chest and spine), upper and lower limbs, belts of limbs.

2. These departments are formed by the same sequence of bone compound.

For example:

chest - ribs, chest, breast spine;

upper limb:

1) shoulder (shoulder bone);

2) forearm (elbow and radial bone);

3) brush (wrist, plucked and phalange of fingers);

belt of the upper limbs - blades, clavicle;

lower limb:

1) thigh (femoral bone);

2) the shin (big and small ber);

3) Stop (replous, plus, phalanges of fingers);

belt lower limbs - pelvic bones.

II. Differences in the structure of human and animal skeletons:

1. The brain department of the skull is greater than the facial. This is due to the development of the brain as a result of work.

2. The bone of the lower jaw has a chin protrusion, which is associated with the development of speech.

3. The spine has four smooth bends: cervical, chest, lumbar, sacral, which absorb shocks when walking, run, jumps.

4. Due to the vertical position of the body, the chest person is expanded to the parties.

5. The pelvis has a form of a bowl and is a support for internal organs.

6. A vaulted foot amortizes the shocks when walking, running, jumps.

7. All bones of the brush and their connection with the wrist are very movable, the thumb is opposed to the rest. Hand is a labor body. The development of the thumb and its opposition to everyone else, thanks to which the brush is capable of performing a variety of and extremely thin labor operations. This is associated with labor activities.

Thus, the similarity in the structure of skeletons is associated with a single origin, and differences with straightening, labor activity and the development of speech.

2. How do organisms interact with each other in the environment? Give examples of organisms coexistence forms.

The following types of influences of some organisms on the other are possible:

Positive - one organism is beneficial by another.

Negative - the body is harm due to the other.

Neutral - the other does not affect the organism.

Methods of coexistence organisms

Mutualism - mutually beneficial relationship between organisms. Mutualism can be "harsh" or "soft." In the first case, cooperation is vital for both partners, in the second relationship more or less optional.

Leech, living on the lobster abdomen and exterminating only the dead and

drinking eggs that lobster wears attached to the abdomen;

Fish clown lives near the actinium, in the event of a threat, the fish finds a refuge in

actinium tentacles, while the clown fish drive out other fish that love

to enjoy the acts.

Commminasalism - Relationship between individuals or groups of different species that exist without conflict and without mutual assistance. Options for commensalism:

· The commemmose is limited by the use of the organism of another species (in the twist of the shell's shell, a ring, fed by the residues of cancer food);

· The commensal is attached to the body of another species, which becomes the "owner" (for example, the fish-adhesive finished with a shark and other fish, moving with their help);

· The commensal settles in the internal bodies of the owner (for example, some flagendrians live in the intestine of mammals).

Amenzalism - The type of interspecific relationship, in which one species referred to as amenasal is undergoing inhibition of growth and development, and the second, referred to as inhibitor, is not subject to such tests.

The effect of dominant trees on the types of moss and herbal tiers: under the canopy

trees decreases light, air humidity increases.

Predation - Trophic relationship between organisms, in which one of them (predator) attacks the other (sacrifice) and feeds on parts of his body. For example, lions eat buffaloes; Bears catch fish.