Atrophic colpit in postmenopausal symptoms. The danger of the atrophic collision of its symptoms and the treatment of women

Unbearable itching in the field of genitals? The burning, abundant mucous membranes, frequent urination ... These are the first signs of the appearance of the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the vagina - collision (vaginitis).

What features of the disease exist in women before and during menopause, how to correctly eliminate violations?

Atrophic colpitis in women: What does this mean, what is the treatment in young age and in postmenopausal (candles, folk remedies), what are the symptoms of the disease?

Causes of disease development

Atrophic colpit: What is it and how to treat? Why is it developing?

Atrophic colpitis is characteristic of fertile women and menopausal period, occurs in 40% of cases, proceeds in acute or chronic form.

The main reason for the appearance of atrophic collision is the lack of estrogen in the body of a woman.

This is due to the cessation of the growth of the vaginal epithelium, the thinning of the shell of the vulva and the cervix, the appearance of microcracks and damage.

Affecting factors - non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, carrying linen from synthetic materials, sex contacts without a condom, the use of low-quality hygiene, damage to the mucous membrane and much more.

The following categories of women are predisposed to atrophic colpitus:

  • with overweight;
  • after ovarodomy;
  • with early;
  • with the irradiation of small pelvis;
  • with a weak immunity;
  • HIV-infected;
  • with pathologies of the endocrine system.

Atrophic colpitus involves the growth of conditionally pathogenic bacteria, aggravates the flow of other infectious diseases of the genital tract, contributes to the attachment of different viruses and fungal pathogens.

Symptoms and treatment of atrophic collision (vaginitis) in women - in the program "Live Great!":

Classification and code on the ICD-10

The CMB-10 classification states that the code number 76.0 includes sharp and chronic, which occur during postmenopause.

The disease can take a specific nature, the causative agent of which can be tuberculosis, syphilis, hepatitis S.

The next form of collision is nonspecific, caused by the fungus of the genus Candida, an intestinal wand, staphylococcus epidermal.

And the noncommunicable type of vaginite is manifested in irritation of the mucous membrane of the vagina by latex, tampons, means for intimate hygiene, with sexual intercourse without moisture.


Atrophic (seenile) colpit is most often flowing in chronic form. This complicates the diagnosis, leads to ineffective treatment of the disease.

The disease can develop years, periodically letting themselves knowing insignificant pains at the bottom of the abdomen.

It is observed and burning in the vagina region, discomfort is enhanced when urinating, hygienic procedures.

Abundant discharge appear, cotton consistency can be both white, brown, yellowish and bloody color.

Over time, other classical signs are manifested:

  • paints when walking, in a state of rest, pain is enhanced by overcooling, intense physical exertion, inflammatory process of genital organs and bladder;
  • redness and swelling of the genital lips, while the influx of blood to the affected area increases, the vessels are expanding;
  • violation of the function of organs - the quality of sexual life is reduced.

Without treatment, the outer shells of cells of the vulva are destroyed, the symptoms of atrophic collision are increasing, drip bleeding occurs.

The cervix falls into the area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat, which aggravates the course of the disease.

Diagnostic methods

When identifying the first signs of violation, a woman is obliged to visit the gynecologist to carefully inspect and collect the necessary analyzes.

What surveys will be required

Inspection Vulva and cervical cervix with mirrors - assessment of the state of the mucous membrane for the presence of purulent sediments on its walls, microcracks and other damage.

Colposcopy. - Study of the vagina with an optical drug, if there is an inflammatory process, redness and vanity of the neck is noted, the acidity of the vagina is determined.

Study of smears under the microscope, the presence of bacteria, leukocytes, dead epithelium cells.

The method of polymerase chain reaction with great accuracy can be determined by the type of infection (causative agent).

Uzi small pelvis organs- To identify inflammatory hearth appendages.

What is dangerous, can I cure

Thanks to timely and efficient treatment, you can restore the nutrition of the vaginal epithelium, avoid relapses in the future.

The danger of the disease is that in more running stages atrophy of the mucosa applies to the muscle tissue of the bladder, it occurs.

There is a high risk of attaching any infectious disease transmitting sexually.

Disease with timely appeal to the doctor is being treated safely.

Principles of therapy

The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane is associated with a lack of female hormones - estrogen, and therefore necessarily requires a corrective course of hormone therapy.

Pharmacy preparations for the treatment of atrophic collision in women are designed for different age-related categories, as they contain an unequal amount of estrogen.

For example, Fermoston 1/10 or 1/5The dosage is calculated by the number of years after menopause, the duration of the course is several months, repeated correction - after 6 months.

If there are contraindications to the use of medicines, neglemonal treatment of atrophic collision is prescribed: hormones are replaced by baths and medicinal herbs, which have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

The main forms of drugs for administration inward vagina:

  • vaginal candles In atrophically, the women in women are quickly absorbed into the vagina, eliminating the symptoms of the disease (metronidazole, flagil, metrovagin, nastatin, pimafucin - 1 time per day, for 6 - 14 days, the duration of treatment is individual, according to the specialist readings);
  • vaginal tablets - the active substance in the form of a powder in the form of a tablet is necessarily wetting before administration (trichopol, clotrimazole, ornisides are used once a day, from 5 to 14 days, the duration of the course and its frequency establishes a doctor);
  • vaginal capsules - Gelatin capsules with a concentrated active substance are not used to quickly remove symptoms, dissolves for a long time (Polizinaks - one piece for 10 days, Gino-Dakthanol - 1 time per day, the duration of treatment is several weeks).

Antiseptics for scripture

During the treatment of age atrophic collision, specialists are advised to use solutions for douching:

  • Furacilin is one tablet in a powder condition per 100 ml of warm water;
  • Cyteal - in a 1/10 ratio;
  • soda solution - 5 g of soda per 250 ml of fluid.

The compositions are introduced in a warm form, then you need to lie down 20 minutes so that the medicine will affect.

Only after half an hour can use other dosage forms and drugs.

Hygienic tools

The gels for the arms are used in the complex with drug and folk remedies, are used daily, most often include beneficial lactobacillics and lactic acid to stabilize the vaginal microflora (lactagel).

Intimate gels can be based on vegetable components - chamomile, calendula, hunter, yarrow.

Features of lifestyle during the treatment period

The course of treatment is important to bring to the end to avoid the repeated chronic course of the disease.

During the recovery period of the genital organs should eliminate intimate proximity, Check the partner for the presence of an inflammatory process (conduct treatment).

It is important to avoid hypoints, monitor the diet, limit the consumption of salt and sugar, eliminate or minimize bad habits. The diet should include vegetables, fruits, dairy products.

During the treatment period, multivitamin complexes are prescribed, lactobacillia for the intestine (Elevut Prontash, Laktovit Forte, calcium, magnesium), soothing means (Valerian, sedavit).

The duration of the course of treatment depends on the form of collision - acute or chronic. For the prevention of relapse, you will need a re-treatment after 5 months.

Folk remedies

What else can you treat atrophic colpit in women? Local procedures are based on conducting classic baths with solutions of medicinal herbs (Chamomile, sage, calendula, mother-and-stepmother, oak bark, dyeing).

Procedures contribute to the healing of damaged cells of the vulva mucosa.

For the procedure you need to prepare a hot water pelvis up to 40 degrees to not get burns and other injuries. Add to the container of herbal decoction. Immerse the bottom of the body into the water for 10-15 minutes.

After the folk treatment of "young" and postmenopausal atrophic collision, candles, ointments, capsules, depending on the prescriptions of the doctor, are used.

Decractions based on chamomile beams or calendula are also used. On 1 liter of water - 2 spoons of raw materials, to withstand 15 minutes in a water bath, strain through the gauze and in the warm form to use the composition for its intended purpose.


There is an opinion that atrophic colpit is not treated. But the forecast for atrophically counterpit is favorable.

Wherein possible frequent recurrences (In case of non-compliance with the prophylaxis rules), which will negatively affect the usual rhythm of life.

Prevention measures

There are specific and nonspecific prevention measures.

It is wearing linen from cotton materials, excluding unprotected sex contacts, regular hygienic procedures.

Selection of high-quality means for the arms of genitals, a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition, moderate physical exertion.

If we talk about specific prophylaxis, then it implies reception of various drugs to improve the vaginal microflora (Vaccines, serum, biodendering).

There are tablets for intake (solidin - for the prevention of estrogen-dependent disease). The duration and dosage of the drug intake determines the attending physician.

Due to the timeliness and correctness of the prevention, the development of infectious and bacterial diseases of the sexual sphere can be prevented.

Take care of your health and do not self-medicate!

Atrophic (seenile, age, senile) colpit, or atrophic vaginitis - a common disease, from which almost every second woman suffers in the menopacteric period. Although, there may also arise from very young representatives of weak gender, in the case of a hormonal failure, as well as as a result of ooforecetomy, adxectomy, or after irradiation of the ovaries.

This pathology arises due to the lack of hormone estrogen. It develops for a long time, over the course of several years there is a thinning of the multilayer epithelium of the vagina. Often women do not pay attention to negative symptoms accompanying the disease, and in vain. If atrophic colpit does not treat, urine incontinence can develop. Therefore, you need to contact a doctor.

How does women have atrophic colpit menopausal period and the treatment of this disease, what? How can you help yourself with the help of folk remedies? We will talk about it today with you:

Symptoms of pathology

As we said, the disease develops slowly, gradually. Therefore, the first symptoms arise, as a rule, about five years old, from the moment of the onset of the last menstruation. At the first stage, the flow of sluggish, with a poorly pronounced symptom.

Strengthening symptoms is usually associated with the development of an infectious process, an increase in conditionally pathogenic microflora. This contributes to the appearance of microtrams of the mucous membrane (gynecological examination, douching, too stormy sex, etc.).

The main symptoms are:

Moderate, mucous or watery discharge from the vagina (blenced). In the case of infection attachment, it is typical, for this type of bacteria, the appearance - foam, curls, yellowish or greenish, with an unpleasant smell.

Also in the postmenopause period there may be minor or abundant bleeding. In this case, immediately consult a doctor.

The sensation of the discomfort of the vagina region: dryness, depth, painful sensations during sex (ditarenia). When attaching an infection, a strong itching and burning occurs.

Frequent urination, due to thinning of the bladder shell and weakening the muscular tone of the pelvic bottom. Frequent urges for urination are not accompanied by an increase or decrease in urine allocated.

Urinary incontinence develops against the background of a weakening of muscle tone. A small amount can be released with a laugh, cough or sneezing.

Varieties of pathology

Two forms of atrophic collision are separated - acute and chronic. Also, the disease is specific and nonspecific.

Specific colpitus may occur due to the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, for example, after unprotected sexual contact.

Nonspecific - arises against the background of active reproduction of a conditional pathogenic microflora, which is always present in the vagina of a healthy woman.

Treatment of women from illness

The main direction of therapy of uncomplicated atrophic collision infections is to reduce the intensity of negative symptoms, the restoration of the mucous membrane. In the presence of infection, appropriate treatment are prescribed.

Typically, hormonal preparations are used in treatment (containing estrogen). This is especially true for patients, over 60 years old. Hormonal therapy helps to restore the normal state of the mucous membrane, eliminates its inflammation, and in addition, normalizes the general condition of the body of a woman.

Preparations containing estrogen are always prescribed individually, depending on the state of health of the patient, its age and the presence of concomitant diseases.

The dosage is usually determined by the calculation of the number of years that have passed since the onset of menopause.

Hormonal preparations used in treatment:

Tablets for internal use: Davina, Klogaist or Climodie.
Suppositories: Overestin and estriol.
Vaginal tablets, for example, Ginoflor E.
Vaginal Tablets, Suppositories or Cream - Orto Ginest.

Popular treatment

It must be said that atrophic colpitus in women of the menopausal period is well treating hormonal drugs. It is possible to add it to folk remedies that contribute to the decline in the activity of the symptoms of this disease.

With their help, redness, itching, dryness of the vagina, is better and faster in the process of healing of microcracks of mucous membranes. Here are some recipes:

Collect fresh thick leaves of many years of aloe. Before use, hold them for several days in the refrigerator. Then imprete Aloe juice hygienic tampon, insert into the vagina, at night. You can insert and segregate sheets, having pre-cutting with it solid skin with spines. Treatment spend daily to reduce symptoms.

It is useful to take baths with decoction of juniper: 2 glasses of crushed plant on 3 liters of water. Tomit in a saucepan of half an hour, after which they break through the gauze into the bath filled with warm water. Tell in water, relaxing, half an hour.

You can make seating baths with healing plants - Rhodiola pink, sage, turn, chamomile or calendula.

It is important not to endure the manifestations of atrophic collision, but to seek help to a doctor. The timely started treatment will help to quickly restore the normal state of the vaginal epithelial, avoid possible relapses in the future and will prevent the development of urinary incontinence. Be healthy!

Atrophic colpit is inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the wrapnel shell tissues. Most often, such deformations are associated with the physiological onset of menopause, however, the disease can also be diagnosed with female representatives of the female age.

Most often, the development of such a form is associated with the onset of physiological, but there is quite a lot of reasons why inflammation in the vagina develops in women of a young age category.

For the ailment, a vivid expression of specific features is characterized, among which dryness of the mucous membrane, the appearance of itching and burning in the problem area, as well as bloody sections from the genital tract.

To identify the disease, first of all, consultation of the gynecologist, the conduct of a gynecological examination and a number of specific instrumental and laboratory diagnostic procedures are necessary.

Pathology therapy does not imply surgical intervention, which is why it is possible to treat it with conservative methods, among which the use of local drugs and folk remedies.

The international classification of diseases allocates a separate value for such a disease, why the code for the ICD-10 will be N 95.2.


In the overwhelming majority of cases, the development of the inflammatory process in the tissues of the vagina is determined by the changes are completely normal for the female organism, namely the development of menopause.

In the postmenopausal period, there is a decrease in the allocation of female sex hormones (hypooestrogenation) - the deficiency of estrogen leads to the termination of the division of the cells of the vaginal epithelium, the decrease in the secretion of glands, the thinning of the mucous membrane, increase vulnerability and dryness.

Representatives of a weak half of humanity of childbearing age will lead to hypoestrogen and, as a result, atrophy may be such predisposing factors:

  • the birth of a child - for the postpartum period is characterized by the gradual restoration of the hormonal balance. A slower such a process proceeds from those women who prefer to feed the baby to the breast. The combination of such prerequisites not only leads to a violation of the extraction of estrogen hormone, but also is often fraught with the formation of inflammation into the vagina;
  • violation of the functioning of the ovaries;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system organs, in particular the thyroid gland;
  • the previously transferred surgical intervention, aimed at removing the ovaries, synthesizing estrogens, therefore, in their absence, the secretion of female hormones ceases at an automatic level;
  • the exposure of the organs of the region of the small pelvis is often the cause of hormonal disorders;
  • carrying.

An early appearance of inflammatory-destructive changes in the tissues of the vagina can also be due to:

  • strong or long psycho-emotional experiences;
  • flowing;
  • incorrect exercise or complete absence of intimate hygiene;
  • frequent sexual contacts, in particular unprotected or with different sexual partners;
  • the presence of any chronic inflammatory processes in the body;
  • irregular nutrition, namely the inadequate consumption of fermented products, and the use of unwashed vegetables and fruits, as well as the use of poor-quality water;
  • pathologies of adrenal glands;
  • wearing close or synthetic underwear;
  • frequent hygienic manipulations using flavored gels or soap;
  • frequent and unreasonable douching;
  • excess body weight or.

As mentioned above, during postmanopause, a sharp decrease in estrogen production occurs, but this is not the only change resulting in the appearance of inflammation in the tissues of the vagina. Among other violations are to highlight:

  • complete cessation of the formation of new epithelial cells;
  • thinning of the mucous membrane;
  • reducing the development of secular glands;
  • reducing the number of lactobacilli;
  • disorder microflora and acid-alkaline balance;
  • dryness of the vagina;
  • activation of the internal optional flora;
  • hitting pathogeful microorganisms from the external environment.


The first clinical manifestations of atrophic colup are manifested on average five years after the onset of natural menopause, however, in cases of illness, against the background of other etiological factors, the time of the appearance of symptoms will be individual.

Often the disease is characterized by the sluggish flow and weak severity of symptoms. The intensity of the clinical picture is affected by the accession of the secondary infectious process or the activation of conditionally pathogenic bacteria against the background of the influence of adverse factors.

The basis of the symptomatic picture is considered:

  • dryness and burning in the vagina;
  • pain, cutting and itching in the process of emptying the bladder;
  • the irritation of the casing of the vagina and its redness - it is for these signs that the clinician draws attention during the gynecological inspection;
  • the formation of microcracks on the mucous membrane of the vagina layer;
  • soreness and discomfort during sexual contact - such a disorder is also called;
  • the discharge from the vagina - with such pathology, they have a moderate character, and in consistency of mucous membranes or watery. The attachment of the infection indicates a change in the consistency (curls or foam) and the shade (greenish or yellowish), and also accompanied by an unpleasant odor. In addition, for atrophic collision, women have the appearance of bloody discharge. They can be both insignificant and strong. In any case, in postmenopausal period, this is a reason to consult a doctor;
  • frequent urins for the emission of urin, which is a consequence of the weakening or insolvency of the muscles of the pelvic bottom;
  • urinary incontinence is an extremely rare symptom.

It is worth noting that each female representative of the above symptoms can manifest itself completely individually - both one sign, and all at once.


To diagnose atrophic colpit, a whole complex of laboratory and instrumental examinations of the patient, which is preceded by primary diagnostic measures. It should be attributed to them:

  • familiarization of the clinician with the history of the disease - to establish the fact of the presence of the etiological factor of pathological nature;
  • collecting and analyzing the life history of the patient - it is necessary in cases where the causes of the disease are associated with physiological sources;
  • careful gynecological examination with the use of special tools, including mirrors - to assess the state of the vaginal epithelium;
  • detailed patient survey - to clarify the first time of the appearance and degree of severity of clinical signs.

Laboratory and instrumental diagnostic activities suggest:

  • microscopy and cytology smear from the vagina;
  • tests, for studying the pH of the vagina;
  • PCR study of vaginal scrapings;
  • schiller samples;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • extended colposcopy;
  • biopsy - to eliminate the presence of cancer cells;
  • Ultrasound abdominal cavity;
  • bacterial sowing of the vaginal discharge.

In some situations, an additional consultation of the endocrinologist and a venereologist may need, in particular when identifying diseases during diagnostics requiring the assistance of relevant clinicians.


With atrophically, the female representatives of both postmenopausal and reproductive age-related category, treatment is primarily aimed at implementing substitution hormone therapy.

It is the use of hormonal substances to mislead the mucous membrane, forcing her epithelium cyclically updated. It improves the power of the shell, lowers the level of its atrophy and does not allow the appearance of microtrams during sexual contact.

Replacement hormonal treatment is performed in several ways:

  • oral reception of tablets;
  • injecting drug injection;
  • the use of hormonal plasters;
  • the use of local medicines, such as suppositories, ointments and creams.

The duration of hormonal treatment should be at least 1.5 years and no more than a three-year period, but a positive effect is observed in approximately six months after the start of therapy. However, the cessation of the reception of hormones leads to a relapse of the ailment, and the currently complicated flow, i.e., simultaneously with the secondary infectious process.

Among the most efficient local medicines are to highlight:

  • "Estor" - such candles are eliminated from dryness and burning, as well as unpleasant sensations during sex and violations of the process of urination;
  • "Ovrestin" - the medicine has a cream, suppositories and tablets. Possesses similar properties as the previous substance;
  • "Estrocery" - produced in the form of candles and ointments;
  • "Ginoflor E" is a pill for intravaginal administration, which are aimed at maintaining the growth and development of their own lactic acid bacteria into the vagina;
  • "Estrojagin";
  • "Orto Gience" - cream, candles or pills;
  • "Elvagin" - exists in the form of suppositories and cream;
  • Ovipol Clio.

Medicines for systemic therapy are presented:

  • "Climodieth";
  • "Clothing";
  • "Activities";
  • "Pausewood";
  • "Eviana";
  • "Climadinon";
  • "Rezelid";
  • "Klimaxan";
  • "Bonisan";
  • "Feminal";
  • "Resens";
  • "Inoklim" and other medicines.

In addition, the treatment of atrophic collision by folk remedies is allowed, but in no case as the sole method of therapy. Cuts and infusions from healing plants can be taken inside, perform seating baths or use for douching. Among them should be allocated:

  • chamomile and fruit juniper;
  • calendula and sage;
  • pink radiol and aloe juice;
  • mint and nettle;
  • dormon and Rosehip;
  • leaves willow and raspberries;
  • celest and licorice;
  • boring oak and rose petals;
  • st. John's wort and peony flowers.

It is also worth noting that for the entire period of treatment, patients are shown by sexual rest.

Prevention and forecast

To avoid problems with the formation of such a disease, as atrophic colpit, it is recommended to adhere to the following simple preventive measures:

  • refusal of destructive addictions;
  • minimizing smokers;
  • rational execution of personal hygiene rules;
  • normalization of body weight;
  • wearing underwear made of natural fabrics;
  • maintaining the level of estrogen with replacement therapy - first of all, it concerns women in postmenopausal period;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • elimination of stressful situations and erratic sexual contacts;
  • at least twice a year to visit the gynecologist.

Atrophic colpit is a favorable forecast for life. However, it is necessary to take into account that the disease is inclined to relapses, which significantly reduce the quality of life of women.

Ignoring symptoms and untimely started therapy can lead to the spread of infection or inflammation on the tissue of nearby internal organs.

Colpit is one of the most common female diseases. The basis of pathology is inflammation of the walls of the vagina, arising against the background of injuries, hormonal disorders and the actions of other adverse factors. Atrophic colpit occurs more often in women with a fussing reproductive function. It accounts for up to 40% of the total inflammation of the vagina.

Is the atrophic colpit?

So this is atrophic colpit and how to treat the disease? Does it threaten female health? These questions appear in women who learn about their diagnosis. It should be immediately noted that the disease is not accompanied by an oncogenic risk (if there are no concomitant diseases, for example, uterine hyperplasia) and by and large does not threaten women's health.

But chronic atrophic colpitus significantly reduces the quality of life of the patient. In any case, modern diagnostics allows you to control the condition of the genital organs and timely detect the neoplasms or other pathological changes in the tissues.

If a woman is still worried about his health, you can spend cytology and more often visiting the gynecologist during menopause and climax, passing the analysis is a cytogram. This study identifies cancer cells in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cervical canal.

The main reasons for atrophic collision

Signs of atrophic collision are associated with age-related changes and a decrease in hormonal activity against the background of the Climacteric period. Inflammation of the walls of the vagina can also occur with the artificially created estrogenodeformation.

It is the absence of estrogen that is the main cause of the development of the disease. Against the background of hypoestrogencies, the degree of moisture of the vagina is noticeably reduced due to the decrease in the secretion of the glands. The mucous herself begins to drop, becomes sensitive to the slightest injury and damage, easily inflates.

Atrophic process is based on a violation of the nutrition of the vaginal tissue, a decrease in collagen generation, a change in the inner vaginal environment, in particular, a decrease in the number of lactobacilli, which suppress infectious inflammatory processes and maintain a normal microflora.

Symptoms of atrophic collision

The main manifestations of the disease are:

  • uncomfortable sensations during intimate contacts;
  • the appearance of poor white sections;
  • pain and discomfort in the field of vulva;
  • itching and redness of the genitals.

The symptoms of the colusion are enhanced after intimate proximity and hygienic procedures using low-quality personal hygiene products containing flavors, fragrances, a lot of alkali. The mucous membrane of the outer genital organs and the vagina becomes during the disease, especially sensitive to allergens and traumatic influences.

Since atrophic colpitus develops against the background of the overall aging of the body and reducing estrogen levels, such signs such as frequent urination, urine leakage can be added to the general uncomfortable sensations. These symptoms talk about the development of atrophic changes not only in the field of vagina and vulva, but also in the muscles and ligaments of the organs of a small pelvis.

Features of the treatment of atrophic collision

Begin to treat diseases needed when the initial symptoms of the disease appears. Rather, visit the gynecologist so that the doctor keep inspected, prescribed research, according to the results of which it will be possible to establish the exact causes of the development of atrophic collision. They may not be hormonal who are not related to the manifestations of Klimaks.

The main method of treating the disease - Return therapy hormones. Such serious drugs should be selected only by qualified professionals. Hormonal treatment without relevant knowledge and without compliance with the dosage can harm health. In most cases, specialists prescribe drugs with estrogen. Take them must be long.

Estrogen deficiency adversely affects not only the vaginal microflora and the state of genitals. Women's hormones support the health of many internal organs, including the cardiovascular system, bones and joints. Against the background of hypoestrogenation, the volume of bone mass decreases, pathological changes arise in the joints, the risk of developing heart disease and vessels is significantly increasing. Therefore, with the approach of Klimaks, experts recommend long-term courses to use replacement hormone therapy, which will protect the female organism from atrophic collision, including.

Local therapy with Colpitus includes Use of dumping, antiseptic baths with rags of plantswhich are distinguished by antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. A good therapeutic effect possesses preparation of Ovrestin (cream, candles). It fills the lack of estrogen, reduces the manifestations of the atrophy of the mucous membrane, relieves unpleasant sensations. To prevent the addition of secondary infection, you can use methyluracyl. This ointment struggles with inflammation, itching, the edema of the genitals. Methyluracyl is cheap and well perceived even sensitive mucous membranes.

  • Use high-quality hygiene tools with natural composition;
  • Do not use the usual soap that heavily dries the skin of genitals;
  • To reduce disking sensations during sexual proximity, use special lubricants, but make sure that there are no fragrances and dyes in their composition;
  • With an increased tendency to irritating the vulva, take boiled water to the array of boiled water into which the chamomile decoction can be added.

Popular treatment

Folk remedies with age colpite are quite popular. Natural treatment has fewer contraindications and can be applied by long-term courses. But specialists are not recommended to be limited to folk techniques, because the basis of the collision with signs of the atrophy of the mucous membrane lies the lack of estrogen, and they must be filled with special hormonal means.

Folk medicine is an additional treatment method. Be sure to visit the doctor and consult with him before applying medications.

Well remove inflammation, itching, healing small cracks such plants like calendula, plantain, St. John's wort, chamomile. They must be used to prepare info and decoction, which can be applied to the top to reduce the signs of age collision.

In proven way to combat itching during inflammation of the vagina are sitting baths with soda. They quickly get rid of itching, facilitate the state of a woman in a chronic inflammatory process. As an antiseptic, you can taste the tea tree oil. It is mixed with water and spend daily sinking. Tea tree Reduces inflammation and heals small cracks.

Folk techniques in combination with competently selected hormonal means completely eliminate the woman from the symptoms of collision. Treatment Long - estrogens are prescribed for several months, during the period of the climax, they are recommended to be applied and longer courses.


Atrophic or sedenie colpit is a specific inflammation of the vaginal shell. Pathology appears in women during menopause and is found to one degree or another in 75 percent of women who oversail a fifty-year-old frontier.

The main reason provoking atrophic colpit is to reduce the production of female sex hormones. It is they who are decisive factors affecting the state of the vagina's epithelium. Stability in the vagina estrogen is most active, because they determine the acidity of the vaginal environment, which is the norm for women. In such a medium, only useful bacteria live in the vagina, and the growth of other microorganisms, capable of disrupting the equilibrium. Estrogens also provide stable blood circulation in the epithelial layer.

Age changes, and the onset of the menopausal period - the main markers of the fact that the vaginal environment will undergo certain changes. But if at first, even after the end of menstruation, the hormone levels can still provide minimal norms for the vagina by acidity, then in postmenopausal women begin to experience all the "charms" of the lack of female sex hormones.

The lack of estrogen leads to the thinning of the vaginal epithelium and the narrowing of its lumen. And microbes, which previously restrained by the acid medium, receive favorable conditions for development. Most often, the microbes provoke chronic course of the disease, and with weak symptoms, a woman may not suspect the presence of pathology.

Another important reason is the impact of the external factor. In some cases, atrophic colpit is caused by a reception for a long time of hormonal drugs. And the course of the disease under the influence of a stressful factor is aggravated: supercooling, previously suffered sexual infections, transferred radiation therapy, the removal of ovaries, weakened immunity. Risk factors are overweight, thyroid disease and diabetes mellitus.

Subjective signs of Colport

Appearing from most women during menopause, atrophic colpitus gives pretty obvious symptoms. And only a small category of women may not feel a single symptom of atrophic collision.

Among the subjective signs of Coligation, we note the most common complaints of patients:

  • selection of white, minor by volume;
  • feeling of itching;
  • dryness in the vagina;
  • soreness with sexual contact;
  • burning in urination;
  • the appearance of bleeding after proximity;
  • in the launched case - the isolation of pus with blood admixture.

It is the subjective feelings that in the sexual sphere is not all right, lead a woman to the gynecological chair.

Collect through the eyes of a specialist

An unpleasant sensation in a woman is supported by the data of the gynecological inspection. The doctor states the following changes in the vagina:

  1. pronounced dryness of the vagina and the sophistication of its surface;
  2. atrophy of the mucous, pallor, the presence of local hyperemic zones;
  3. sometimes it is possible to detect areas without epithelium or loose adhesions;
  4. bloodfaction Even when taking a smear for research;
  5. weak severity of the vaginal arch, the absence of folding on the walls;
  6. with the rapid development of pathogenic microorganisms, areas that exude purulent content may be noticeable.

After the doctor collects anamnesis, he will visual inspection and receive data from the laboratory analyzes of the smear from the vagina, he will be able to assess the state of the vaginal cover and put the woman the accurate diagnosis of atrophic collision during postmanopause.

The first symptoms of Colport

Atrophic colpitus appears not so much in the climax, as many time after it. Usually, pathological changes occur in five to six years after the end of stable menstruation, but the subjective symptoms is felt a little later.

  • The initial stage of development of pathology proceeds almost without symptoms. Only occasionally women can notice white discharge from the vagina, which, after amplifying hygienic care, pass for a while. A little later, there are such signs as burning in the vagina and itchy sensations, soreness. All the time, women cannot get rid of the feeling of irritation in the field of genitals. Especially unpleasant are hygienic procedures with soap, which further enhances burning and itching.
  • Urination becomes no less uncomfortable. If the muscles of Kegel had a greater tone, then with their weakening of the urge to urinate become more frequent. Urine, falling into the genitals of a woman, also brings unpleasant sensations.
  • Often women during the period of Clemakse avoid sexual acts. Unfortunately, this is quite explained causes - atrophic colpit. The lack of genital hormones so strongly affects the mucous membrane of the female genital organs, that sexual contact brings more unpleasant sensations than joyful. And even if the woman, enhancing intimate proximity, does not feel clear discomfort at that moment, after some time there may be bleeding from the microscopic injuries obtained on underwear.
  • They, in turn, become an entrance gate for penetrating deep into pathological microorganisms inhabiting the vagina. If infection, an inflammatory process begins, which significantly aggravates women's health. If the first symptoms of atrophic collision appear, you should not wait for the infectious process.

The disease must begin to be treated at an early stage until the mucous membrane of the vagina has not been irreversible change.

Complications of the disease

The atrophic colpitom began to bring no little problems if the pathology does not start treated on time. Among complications and threatening conditions should pay attention to the following:

  1. the inclination of the disease to chronic flow, which is difficult to treat;
  2. recurrences of chronic atrophic collision flowing with sharp unpleasant symptoms;
  3. the possibility of transition of infection to other organs, including in the urinary system, and the emergence of such complications as urethritis and cystitis;
  4. the danger of the emergence of new gynecological diseases and exacerbation of old (such as endometritis, parameters, peritonitis, etc.).

A avoiding complications of the disease can be unnecessary by the right method in early circulation to the clinic and the timely diagnosis and treatment of pathology. The presence of collision with the symptoms of whose symptoms appeared in a woman should not be ignored by the doctor.

Diagnosis of pathology

The first thing to do with the appearance of unpleasant symptoms is to visit the doctor. For the diagnosis of the patient will be assigned and carried out the following procedures:

  • standard gynecological examination;
  • colposcopy (inspection of the vagina using the camcorder with the removal of the image to the monitor screen);
  • measuring the level of acidity in the vagina;
  • smear for infections;
  • cytological smear (test papanicola on cell changes provoking cancer);
  • ultrasonic diagnosis of small pelvis organs.

Usually the picture is already clarified on the gynecological examination, when the doctor sees a thinned, smoothed, as if stretched, the surface of the vagina. It can be diagnosed with erosion, hyperemia, small hemorrhages and purulent foci. Most often, the mucous membrane of the edema, has a serous flare and can bleed even with a slight touch. The chronic stage of the disease does not give such bright symptoms, but they are all slightly present.

After receiving the results of laboratory tests and additional studies of doubt in the diagnosis remains. The doctor begins to form a non-deputation treatment strategy.

Treatment of the disease

By no means no attention to the pathology, so the treatment of alert is a key point for each patient. It is very important not to get from a doctor from a doctor, but in rigor all its requirements, without hoping that pathological changes can magically disappear. Competent treatment for collecting and compliance with all the requirements of the doctor is the key to a successful and rapid deliverance from atrophic collision.

The unceasing therapy is based on the appointment of replacement hormone therapy. After increasing the level of hormones, the mucous membrane of the vagina will begin to be updated the same way as it was before menopause.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets or in the form of candles. Take drugs need enough long term - from year to three years, but the first positive changes become noticeable after three months. It is impossible to interrupt the treatment of the disease, since this will lead not only to the recurrence of the illness, but also the possible accession of the secondary infection.

Most often with atrophic colpite, candles are prescribed Estivity and Ovestin. The main active substance of these drugs is an estrogen component, which effectively eliminates the vaginal itching, dryness of the genitals, pain and frequent urge to urination.

To restore microflora, a good effect has a drug Ginoflor E.which is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in a tablet form for introducing into the vagina. With the help of acidophilic lactobacilli, the vaginal microflora is normalized, the blood supply to the vaginal epithelium is improved, the formation of new cells is stimulated, the normal acidity of the vagina is maintained due to the development of lactic acid bacteria in the vagina of a woman.

Among other, no less effective drugs are prescribed Elvagin, Ortoginest, Estrocard, Estrojagin, Ovipol Klio..

For reinforcement of local treatment, systemic drugs are prescribed - Klimodiene, Kloguet., Divine, Pause. Preparations are prescribed with early signs of atrophic collision, but after the complete end of menstruation, and Kloguet. It can be used as prevention of pathology. Also, doctors recommend to continue the reception of standard drugs that are shown in the climax - Agel, Kliofita, Eviana, Climadinone, and others.


In some case, women do not prescribe hormonal drugs. It is impossible to use replacement hormone therapy in those patients who suffer from breast cancer, endometrial cancer, bleeding, vessel thromboembolism. Not recommended appointment and those who have problems with the liver, who has the pathology of the cardiovascular system (myocardial infarction, angina).

In this case, therapy is replaced by other drugs that do not have hormonal components. It can be douching and baths with decoction and inferior grasses, vaginal candles with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Atrophic colpit, to great regret, is a familiar phrase for many women who joined the menopausal period. However, such changes in the body should not be taken with a negative tint. The natural process of aging does not postpone, but it is possible to slow down degenerative changes. This will not only extend a woman safe for health period, but also will help to maximize the changes occurring with its body in menopause.

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