Homemade cheese made from cow's milk recipe. The best recipes for homemade cow's milk cheese

Homemade cow's milk cheese is an unusual cheese recipe that you can prepare without much effort and expense. This type of cheese has a wide range of uses. You can make any appetizer, salad or even meat dishes with cheese. National Bulgarian cheese has long ago become recognized in European and Asian countries. You can make cheese not only from cow's milk, but also from goat or sheep. Homemade cow's milk cheese will be a great addition to your kitchen and will please the whole family. To prepare feta cheese, you need to use good, undiluted natural cow's milk, it is better that it is as natural as possible, without preservatives and additional odors. To understand how good the milk is, smell it, taste it, it should have a pleasant taste and smell. You can also use a small test. Place a drop of milk on the unpainted thumbnail; if it drips right away, the milk is diluted.

Taste Info Various snacks


  • Milk 3 l;
  • Table vinegar 3 tbsp;
  • Salt 30 g;
  • For the brine:
  • Serum 500 ml;
  • Salt 1 tbsp.

How to make natural homemade cheese from cow's milk

Pour the prepared milk into a cooking pot. Place on the fire and cook until the milk boils. If a film appears on the milk, it is advisable to remove it with a slotted spoon or other devices convenient for you. If you use homemade full-fat milk, the yield of the finished product will be much greater.

After the milk boils, add the required amount of salt. Continue cooking the mixture over low heat and stirring with a spoon.

Immediately pour in the vinegar liquid in a slow stream and have time to stir at the same time. The rudiments of the future cheese should form in the milk - small white flakes. Leave on the kitchen counter for 5 minutes until the cheese flakes are completely formed.

You should end up with large curds of cheese. The whey should be slightly separated from the cheese lumps.

Tip the curd mixture from the pan into a colander or strainer lined with cheesecloth to separate the cheese from the whey. Fold the gauze into 3-4 layers. At this stage, you can add chopped herbs or other spices to the cheese to add flavor. The resulting whey must be left behind, since we will use it to pickle our future cheese.

If you want to speed up the process of separating the whey from the cheese, you can wrap the gauze in the form of a bun and hang it on an accessible hook. The whey drains much faster and better. You can leave it to drain for 20-25 minutes.

Separate the cheese from the cheesecloth and shape it into the desired shape. This can be a plastic square box or a special mold for forming cheese. They come in different shapes and volumes. The form should have holes at the bottom for better drainage of whey. I used a mesh that you can buy at the pharmacy.

Now you need a press. If using a box, place the cheese in the mold and place a weight on top. In our case, I placed a ball of cheese between two boards. I placed a jar of water on top. Leave in this position for 5-6 hours, possibly overnight, in a cool place.

During this time, the cheese is well compressed and ready for salting.

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For pickling, use the remaining whey. Add a tablespoon of salt to half a liter of liquid and stir. Pour the salted whey over the cheese and refrigerate for 12-24 hours, depending on the desired taste. The longer you keep the cheese in brine, the saltier it will be.

Cow's milk cheese is ready at home. Bon appetit!

Use feta cheese at your discretion; it goes well with salads, sandwiches, and is also good as a cold appetizer. It is better to store it in brine in the refrigerator in an airtight container.

Fermented milk products are an important component of a healthy and balanced diet. Eating cheese, a high-protein product, is mandatory because it is free of harmful additives and contains many vitamins and macroelements. Those who love fatty cheese buy brands such as “Russian”, “Gollandsky”, and choose feta cheese from less fatty varieties. If hard cheese is yellow, then feta cheese is white, this is how buyers distinguish between cheeses, although this is only one minor difference between them. What other differences are there between cheese and feta cheese?

What is cheese?

Cheese is dairy product high in protein and calcium. In addition, it contains vitamins such as C, E, PP, A and D. It contains many macro and microelements such as iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium and sodium. Cheeses have a high fat content, so it is recommended to eat them several times a week, not exceeding the norm of 100 g.

Cheeses made from cow's milk are made by curdling it and then fermenting it with the addition of a starter culture. Thanks to a special production technique, the product retains all the benefits of milk.

What is feta cheese?

Cheese cheese, while retaining all the beneficial properties of cheese, is considered a dietary product, as it contains little fat (30 - 40%, sometimes 50%) and, accordingly, contains a small amount of calories. Brynza is considered a pickled type of cheese; its base is not only cow's milk, but also sheep's and goat's.

After adding enzymes, the cheese is placed in brine, where it spends from 3 weeks to 3 months. It is very salty, so before eating it is recommended to soak the cheese to remove some of the salt. Bryndza contains all the vitamin and mineral composition inherent in cheeses, in addition, it contains such essential amino acids as methionine and tryptophan.

General properties of cheese and feta cheese

Fermented milk products have a lot in common, since they are made from milk. Both feta cheese and cheese are sources of protein and calcium, so they should be included in the diet as often as possible. The two products contain almost equal quantities of sodium, phosphorus, vitamins C, A and B. The two types of cheese are good for digestion; thanks to their composition, they maintain the health of the skeletal system and teeth; the products also suppress the development of putrefactive bacteria in the intestines and strengthen the immune system.

Cheese and cheese have general contraindications, so if you have diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach or pancreas, you should not eat these products or you need to reduce their consumption.

Differences between feta cheese and cheese

Although both products are made from milk and have a similar vitamin and mineral composition, there are still many differences between them.


It is very easy to distinguish feta cheese from cheese; the latter is yellow in color and the greater the mass of fat in it, the richer its color. Some types of cheeses have other shades; cheeses with mold, which can have blue and green shades, are very popular. There is orange cheese. The product is also distinguished by a characteristic hard crust, which feta cheese does not have. Bryndza is white in color, its surface is smooth, it breaks easily, but does not crumble. Its structure is non-porous, homogeneous, while the cheese can have a pattern - holes, which can be both large and small (Maasdam, Dutch cheese).


Since feta cheese is considered a pickled cheese, it has salty taste. The product is infused for 20 to 60 days. Hard cheese has several types and each of them has its own taste. So there are cheeses with a sharp taste, a fruity and nutty taste, a sweet creamy taste, a taste of baked milk, and the like. Smoked cheeses are produced as a snack for beer.

Fat content

Cheeses have different fat content, so there are products whose mass fraction of fat ranges from 30% (Edamian cheese) to 55% (Russian). Cheese cheese is considered a dietary fermented milk product; its fat content is usually no more than 30 - 40%. There is also 50% feta cheese, which is considered the most delicious and healthy.

Production technology

Regular classic cheese is made from cow's milk, but other types can also be made from milk. Each type of cheese has its own production technology, since the pressing time for hard cheeses is longer than for soft cheeses, which is why they have a different consistency. Soft cheeses cannot be stored for a long time; they are best eaten immediately. Some types of cheeses take up to three years to mature; usually the ripening time lasts up to one year.

Cheese cheese can be made from sheep or goat milk. It is soaked in a salty solution and the cheese stays there for anywhere from 20 to 60 days. Bryndza is made from milk using sourdough and rennet. To prevent the product from disappearing after preparation, it is placed in its own brine and there it can be stored for 2-3 weeks. Instead of brine, you can use baking paper or foil.


You can prepare a lot of dishes using hard cheese. In addition to the fact that grated cheese is added to pizza and various casseroles, it is an invariable component of many salads. Blue cheeses, cream cheeses and sweet cheeses such as Mascarpone and Ricotta are often used in desserts. Cheese cheese is not suitable for baking, as it has a soft consistency, so most often it is an ingredient in vegetable salads, among which Greek salad is especially popular.

When faced with a choice between store-bought and home-cooked, we dare say that hardly anyone will choose the former. The fact is that beautiful labels do not always hide truly healthy and natural products. Today we will prepare cheese cheese; fortunately, this task is quite simple.

We are sure that there is no need to explain what feta cheese is, because this soft, salty cheese is ideal for sandwiches with morning coffee, and is also considered an excellent ingredient for snacks. But feta cheese is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy - the cheese contains essential microelements, minerals, and vitamins.

A few secrets for creating delicious cheese

  • The classic ingredient of feta cheese is considered to be full-fat goat's milk, but if you couldn't get it, cow's milk will do;
  • It is advisable to use homemade milk, but if necessary, you can replace it with pasteurized milk;
  • To prevent the cheese from peroxidizing under pressure, it should be kept in the refrigerator during the hot season;
  • To create feta cheese, in addition to the classic ingredients (milk, salt and sour cream), you can use spices (red and/or black pepper), mushrooms and herbs;
  • For cooking, it is advisable to take glass or enamel dishes.

Cheese cheese at home. Classic recipe

You will need:

  • full fat milk – 1 l,
  • sour cream (20%) – 3 tbsp. l.,
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.,
  • salt – 1 tsp,
  • water – 1 glass.

Cooking method

  • Pour the indicated volume of milk into the pan. Place on high heat.
  • Add sour cream. Mix.
  • As soon as the milk begins to curdle, add lemon juice. Mix. Warm up for a minute.
  • Cover the colander with gauze. Pour in the resulting milk mass. After the whey has drained (you can use it for care), wrap the cheese in gauze, put it under pressure and leave for an hour.
  • Cut the cheese and fill it with brine prepared from the amount of salt and water indicated in the list of ingredients. After 30 minutes you can try. recommended in an airtight container in brine.

Another simple feta cheese recipe. You can take a sample within an hour

You will need:

  • milk – 3 l,
  • vinegar (9%) – 3 tbsp. l.,
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • Bring the milk to a boil. Add vinegar and salt. Mix. Boil for 2-3 minutes.
  • Place the curd mixture in a colander lined with gauze.
  • After the curd mass is freed from excess moisture, wrap it in gauze and place under a press. Leave for 1 hour.
  • Cut the finished cheese into pieces and taste. If after testing you still have some curd, it is advisable to store it in the brine left over after preparing the curd mass.

Original recipe for homemade cheese

You will need:

  • milk – 2 l,
  • sour cream – 400 g,
  • kefir – 200 g,
  • chicken eggs – 6 pcs.,
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • Add salt to milk. We put it on fire. We are waiting for it to boil.
  • Beat eggs with sour cream and kefir. Add the resulting mixture to the milk. Stirring constantly, bring the milk to a boil again. In just 5 minutes you will get curd mass and whey.
  • Line a colander with several layers of clean gauze and pour in the milk-egg mixture.
  • After the whey has drained, wrap the cheese in cheesecloth and place under a press. Attention: the heavier the load, the denser the cheese will end up.
  • After 4-5 hours, without removing the cheesecloth, place it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Done, you can try!

Cheese cheese with herbs

You will need:

  • milk – 3 l,
  • sour cream – 600 g,
  • kefir – 300 ml,
  • eggs – 9 pcs.,
  • salt – 3 tbsp. l.,
  • fresh dill - 1 small bunch.

Cooking method

  • Pour milk into a saucepan suitable for making cheese. Salt. We put it on fire.
  • Add the eggs, beaten into foam, into the boiling milk.
  • Add sour cream and kefir to the milk-egg mixture. Mix.
  • Wash the greens. Let's dry. Finely chop.
  • Pour into a saucepan with milk. Cook for another 5 minutes, during which time the milk will curdle and the whey will separate.
  • Drain the mixture into a colander lined with several layers of gauze.
  • As soon as all the liquid has drained, put the cheese under the press. Leave for a couple of hours. Then we put the homemade cheese in the refrigerator, and in the morning you can taste it with a cup of coffee!

Diet cheese with spices

You will need:

  • kefir – 1 l,
  • milk – 1 l,
  • eggs – 6 pcs.,
  • salt - to taste,
  • red pepper - a small pinch,
  • cumin - on the tip of a knife,
  • garlic – 1 clove,
  • greens - 1 bunch.

Cooking method

  • Pour milk and kefir into a saucepan and put on fire.
  • Beat the eggs with salt and pour into the kefir without waiting for it to boil.
  • Bring the kefir-egg mixture to a boil, stirring occasionally.
  • As soon as the curd mass is formed, remove the pan from the heat.
  • Add the indicated spices, garlic passed through a press and chopped herbs to the cooled mixture.
  • Place the mixture in a colander (don’t forget to line it with gauze first) and wait for the excess liquid to drain.
  • Wrap the cheese in gauze. We put it under pressure at night, and in the morning we treat ourselves to delicious homemade cheese.

How to cook feta cheese with pepsin

Pepsin is the main digestive enzyme of gastric juice. It is he who is responsible for the digestion of proteins by breaking them down into individual peptones. Today pepsin is also sold in supermarkets. This will help you prepare delicious cheese, since this product contains milk-clotting enzymes.

Brynza– a type of cheese widespread in Eastern European countries. The birthplace of feta cheese is considered to be Transylvania (the southern Carpathians, today the territory of Romania), from where the recipe spread to Slovakia, where this cheese is mentioned in written sources back in the 15th century. The recipe for feta cheese was brought to Russia and Ukraine by people from Romania. Nowadays, Russian enterprises produce very little classic cheese; on the shelves there is mainly an imported product or various alternative options such as suluguni and Ossetian cheese.

Raw materials for making cheese
The main raw material for the production of feta cheese is milk, according to the classic recipe - sheep's milk. However, in modern industrial cheese production, cow's milk is more often used. It produces a denser cheese that crumbles less. The technology for making cheese, in addition to whole and skim milk, involves the addition of salt, the fermentation of mesophilic lactic acid bacteria, and a milk-clotting enzyme. In this case, the origin of the enzyme is important: it must necessarily be of microbial origin. Only in this case is it possible to obtain high-quality cheese with the usual characteristic taste and aroma. If the origin of the enzyme is not indicated on the label, it is better to refrain from purchasing such cheese.

Composition and calorie content of cheese
The fat content in feta cheese varies between 40-50% in dry weight, but the higher the fat content, the tastier the cheese. The salinity of this type of cheese is quite high - from 3 to 7%. The sufficiently high salt content in feta cheese itself has a preservative effect; the addition of other preservatives is not required. Depending on the quality of the raw materials and the batch, the calorie content of cheese made from cow's milk varies approximately between 260-290 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of sheep cheese is much higher.

What does feta cheese look like?

Brynza is easy to distinguish from any other type of cheese. The most typical color is white, but a slight yellowish tint is acceptable. Brynza, like most other brine cheeses, has a high moisture content. This cheese consists of 50-55% water. The cheese dough does not have a characteristic pattern; sometimes there may be a small number of slit-like eyes. There should be no crust on the surface of the head. If a crust is present, it means that the storage conditions or terms were violated. Instead, there are often marks on the surface from the whey separating mesh. The consistency of the cheese is moderately dense, brittle, but it should not crumble much.

When purchasing cheese, be sure to ensure that the packaging is not bloated. This indicates the proliferation of foreign microflora (bacteria, often from the E. coli group).

How to use cheese
Bryndza is rarely used as a separate dish. A more acceptable use is in various dishes: salads, baked goods, etc.

If feta cheese seems too salty to you, or you have medical contraindications for salty foods (hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases), then there is a simple way to reduce the salt content in the product. To do this, just soak the cheese for several hours in milk or water.

Recipes for dishes with cheese

Lavash with feta cheese

  • tandoori lavash – 1 package (2 sheets)
  • feta cheese – 300 g
  • dill – 1 bunch
  • sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Cooking technology:
  • To prepare the filling, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add finely chopped dill and mix. Cut the pita bread into small squares 12 by 12. Heat the frying pan and add sunflower oil. Place a small amount of filling on each square and roll up. Then place the rolls in a heated frying pan and brown on both sides (1 minute on each side) until the cheese has melted. Place on a platter and serve. They can be eaten both cold and hot.
  • Advice:
  • Instead of feta cheese, you can take any other hard cheese, and replace the dill with parsley or other herbs.

Tomato salad with cheese

  • tomatoes – 500 g
  • bell pepper – 100 g
  • feta cheese – 200 g
  • parsley – 1 bunch
  • olive oil – 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • Cooking technology:
  • Tomatoes are cut into slices. Peppers are cut into strips. The cheese is ground on a coarse grater. All ingredients are mixed, salted (to taste), sprinkled with parsley and seasoned with olive oil.

Home-made cheese made from cow's milk from our own production is an excellent snack, filling for baked goods, salads, and simply a tasty and nutritious addition to your morning breakfast.

Moreover, feta cheese is not only an appetizing delicacy, but also a healthy food rich in vitamins, proteins and microelements.

Brynza is a soft cheese made from goat, cow or sheep milk.

This delicious product is loved by many, but not everyone knows how to prepare it at home.

So, it’s very simple and easy to please yourself and eat homemade cheese on weekdays and holidays. The main thing is to have a recipe on hand, follow the sequence and proportions of preparing this dish.

Bryndza at home from cow's milk and general principles of its preparation

To prepare a tasty and high-quality product such as feta cheese, it is necessary to select homemade ingredients that will give this dish a special taste, nutritional value, and bring incredible benefits to its consumer.

For making cheese, you need to use only fresh milk.

Of course, to make feta cheese, you can use a pasteurized product (meaning milk), but in this case the nutritional value of the future feta cheese will decrease and it can safely be classified as a dietary low-fat food.

The starter for feta cheese can be vinegar or pepsin (which can be purchased at any pharmacy).

The composition of feta cheese should include the main components, such as milk, salt and sourdough.

The color of the cheese should be white, and the consistency should be soft and slightly brittle.

The fewer holes and voids in the cheese, the better and healthier this tender and appetizing dish, prepared according to all the rules, will be considered.

Recipes and features of making feta cheese at home from cow's milk

Recipe 1. Homemade cheese from cow's milk (Classic version)

Milk (fresh cow) – 3 liters.

Vinegar (9%) – 3 tbsp. spoons.

Salt – 30 mg.

You need to pour the milk into the pan and put it on the fire until the product boils. While the milk is boiling, pour vinegar (or lemon juice) into the glass.

When the milk boils, you need to pour vinegar into it, add salt and stir for a few more minutes for the best curdling result.

As a result, the milk will turn out to be a kind of curd ingredient, consisting of whey and curd mass.

Now you need to put gauze on top of the prepared colander and strain the contents of the pan.

The future cheese will remain in a colander on gauze, and the strained whey will remain in a saucepan. Then the gauze with its contents must be collected and twisted into a kind of bundle and left in a colander.

The cheese must be left under pressure for several hours. The longer the cheese is under pressure, the saltier, spicier it is, and the better it cuts in the future.

Recipe 2. Homemade cheese made from cow's milk (sharp and salty taste)

Milk – 2 l.

Pepsin (small amount).

To prepare feta cheese, you need to take pepsin (at the tip of a knife) and dissolve it in water.

Important! Do not overdo it with pepsin to avoid the appearance of a certain taste in the cheese in the future.

This cheese can be served with herbs and tomatoes.

Recipe 3. Homemade cheese from cow's milk (Homemade version)

Milk – 2 l.

Eggs – 6 pcs.

Salt – 70 gr.

Sour cream – 0.5 kg.

The milk must be brought to a boil. Beat eggs and sour cream with a mixer. The resulting mixture of eggs and sour cream must be mixed with boiled milk and salt.

After folding, the resulting curdled mass must be separated from the whey and left to drain for several hours.

After the curdled mass has been freed from excess liquid, the gauze in which it was placed must be tightly wrapped and, with a pressure placed on top, left overnight.

Important. In order for the cheese to cut better and not crumble, the cutting knife must be heated over fire.

Recipe 4. Homemade cheese from cow's milk with herbs

Milk – 3 l.

Sour cream – 0.5 l.

Kefir – 400 ml.

Eggs – 9 pcs.

Salt – 80 gr.

Dill (fresh) – a bunch.

Pour fresh cow's milk into the pan, add salt and put on fire. Then, when it boils, you need to pour the eggs beaten with a mixer or blender into the milk, add kefir and sour cream.

Then all components must be thoroughly mixed.

After a few hours, the most delicious and nutritious product is ready.

Recipe 5. Homemade cheese from cow’s milk “Dietary”

Milk – 1 liter.

Kefir – 1 liter.

Eggs – 6 pcs.

Salt is not for everyone.

Spices (black and red pepper, cumin, garlic).

Greens (dill, parsley).

To prepare dietary cheese, you need to combine milk and kefir, pour them into a saucepan and put on low heat to boil.

Afterwards, all ingredients must be brought to a boil, stirring constantly.

Then, when whey appears, remove the pan from the heat, cool the mass and add finely chopped herbs, salt and spices to it.

The cheese should be sharp, piquant and aromatic.

Recipe 6. Homemade cheese from cow's milk (Bulgarian version)

Milk – 5 l.

Sourdough (Pepsin).

Milk must be poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil and put out the fire. Next, you need to add pepsin to the milk and close the pan with a lid.

Important. The pan must not be touched, turned or shaken. In addition, the saucepan must be wrapped in a blanket to gradually cool the contents.

As soon as the mixture has cooled and thickened, it should be placed on a gauze base folded in several layers, twisted and hung overnight for the whey to drain out.

The cheese remaining in the gauze base must be placed under pressure and left there for another seven hours.

Afterwards, the cheese must be removed from the cheesecloth and placed in a saline solution prepared from water (whey) and salt.

It is in this brine that feta cheese can be stored for quite a long time.

Recipe 7. Homemade cheese from cow's milk (pasteurized)

Milk (pasteurized) - 2.5 l.

Sour cream (20% fat) – 0.5 kg.

Salt – 75 gr.

In one third of the milk, poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil, you need to dissolve salt.

As soon as the milk boils, you need to pour the remaining product into it and bring it to a boil again.

Separately, using a mixer or blender, you need to beat the eggs with sour cream until smooth and pour it into the milk.

Whipped sour cream and eggs should be poured into the milk in portions with thorough mixing.

Afterwards, put all the ingredients collected in a saucepan on low heat and bring the mixture to a boil again.

As soon as the whey is separated from the curd, gauze is placed in a colander and the contents of the saucepan are poured onto it.

When the whey drains through cheesecloth and a colander into a special vessel, the fabric needs to be thoroughly twisted, and the cheese should be squeezed out and put in a cold place, for example, in the refrigerator for half a day.

In order for the cheese to come out smooth and elastic, you need to put a plate on top of it, press it to the prepared cheese and put pressure on top.

After 12 hours, the delicious food will be ready to eat.

Recipe 8. Homemade cheese from cow's milk (using sourdough)

Milk – 2 l.

Sourdough – 10 drops.

Yogurt – 60 gr.

Place yogurt in milk heated to 30 degrees and mix both components thoroughly. Then add the starter to the milk and yogurt and mix all the products again.

The mixture needs to be stirred a couple of times.

Then the product in gauze needs to be twisted, tied and left overnight. After this time, the cheese will need to be transferred to a brine solution prepared from water, whey and salt.

In a day the cheese will be ready.

Homemade cheese from cow's milk - cooking tricks and useful tips

In order for the cheese not to turn out sour when under pressure, in the summer and when it’s hot, it must be put in the refrigerator.

To make cheese, it is better to choose glassware or enamel containers.

The best way to store cheese is in your own brine.

To prepare the brine, add a glass of salt to a liter of water and whey. It is recommended to keep the cheese in this brine for at least 10 days. But in such a brine, the cheese will turn out to be salty and spicy, and this is not an acquired taste.

To prevent the cheese from spoiling and becoming too salty, you can put it in the refrigerator without soaking and brining and sprinkle it with salt.

You can prepare the starter yourself - clean and rinse the lamb's stomach, dry it, cut it into thin slices. If you use this ingredient correctly, the sourdough will turn out great.

To make the cheese spicy and piquant, additional components can be added to the main ingredients, such as red and black peppers, mushrooms, herbs, paprika, garlic, etc.