The better to see the balcony. Options for finishing balconies and its stages We make a balcony with your own hands

Most people use a balcony as a place to store old and unnecessary things that are simply sorry to throw away. The interior decoration of the balcony will significantly expand the living area, equip the greenhouse, a small office, a corner of a relaxing or gym. Below are several finishing ideas.

This is one of the simplest and cheapest ways of finishing the balconies. The following tools and consumables will be required to carry out this operation:

  • Perforator and nozzle-chisel, primer, hammer, vacuum cleaner - to prepare the surface.
  • Measuring containers, a large bucket and a drill with a nozzle mixer - to knead.
  • Roulette, marker and level - to apply markup.
  • Reinforcing grid, plaster, spatulas, rule - for basic works.

The internal decoration of the balcony begins with surface preparation. First of all, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary (furniture, things) from the working area). After that, remove the old coating: the paints are cleaned with a solvent and scrape a spatula, the plaster is knocked down by a perforator, attachments (various panels) are removed from profiles, and profiles dismantle.

Then you need to catch a wall with a hammer to identify weak fragments. If such were found, they are removed, and potholes are sealed with cement-sandy solution. After that, work surfaces are treated with sandpaper to remove irregularities and roughness. At the end, the dust is removed and the primer is applied in 2 layers.

Phased wall preparation for shuttering

Walking is carried out as follows:

  1. The first thing for the self-tapping screw is a reinforcing grid. For these purposes, you can use a special product, chain grid or a conventional welded design. It is important to pull the product well so that the plaster is subsequently unscrew along with the grid.
  2. Then prepare a solution for roughing. It is gained on a wide spatula and transferred to a decorated mesh surface, after which they are spattered with narrow spatulas.
  3. Only fresh material apply a grid from PVC and leave to stick. Next, it is applied by a pure layer along the same technology.
  4. After its drying, the surface is treated with sandpaper.

Before separating the walls on the balcony, it is important to determine what the decor will be. After plastering, you can use any options: paint, tile, stone. Also an excellent solution will be decorative plaster on the balcony. The mixture is prepared according to the manufacturer's recommendations, after which it is applied to the surface with a thin layer. While the mixture did not dry, you need to take a brush, roller, a sponge, in general, any thing that can leave a trace in fresh plaster, and treat it the coating for the receipt of the invoice.

Plasterton covering

The balcony trim plasterboard is a fairly common option. Its popularity is explained by simplicity of installation and relatively low cost of all necessary. For this operation, the following tools and materials for the interior of the balcony will be required:

  • Construction level, roulette, marker - for marking.
  • Hydro and vaporizolation, insulation.
  • Lobzik or hacksaw for trimmed plates.
  • Profiles, Fasteners, Handsman for Metal, Hammer
  • Perforator or drill, screwdriver, wood scissors.
  • Rule, plasterboard, mounting foam, putty.

Montage Karcasa

The trim of the balconies inside the HCL plates begins with the installation of metal profiles on which the whole design will be held.

The first thing from the ceiling and walls remove old coatings and purify them from contaminants. The cracks close up by mounting foam, after which the surface is treated with antiseptic primer. The ceiling must be flashed with two perpendicular lines with intersection in the center. After that, retreat 5 cm from the joint with the ceiling and apply 4 horizontal lines on the walls.

An equal 1/3 lengths of the plasterboard plate are applied to the ceiling. The profiles are then cut and installed with a perforator and dowels along the marked lines. As a result, the ceiling should turn out the frame from the profiles with a 40 cm interval.

Metal design for ceiling plaster drywall

After that, the walls are discharged by vertical lines every 60 cm. Similarly, metal profiles are installed with the ceiling on the markup, after which the roll insulation is placed.

Installation of plasterboard plates

The internal trim of balconies is plasterboard begins with the ceiling, and ends with the walls. Material Installation Guide:

  1. Crop the sheets of the necessary sizes and forms are done in them holes for luminaires, if necessary. From the slab remove the chamfer (clipped the edge) so that it was later easier to spit.
  2. The first sheet is installed at the corner, and then move to the center. Self-tapping screws with an interval of 15-20 cm, while the fasteners are combined in the surface.
  3. At the end of the sheets are covered with primer, the seams are covered with sickle and spit.

After that, further decoration of walls on the balcony with paint, wallpaper and so on.

Decoration of balconies with decorative stone

Balcony decoration with decorative stone is a rather original procedure. The owner of such a premises will be able to boast indeed modern and unusual design.

Preparatory work include the following actions:

  • Removing the old coating, cleaning of the surface, applying the primer of deep penetration.
  • Close up of choseli with cement-sand plaster.
  • Installing the reinforcing mesh on the self-tapping screw.
  • Applying a thin layer of plaster to drown a grid in it.
  • Treatment of corners with sealing mastic.

Laying stone

The balcony finishes with artificial stone begins with grouting the surface of emery paper and removing the resulting dust. Internal finish with their own hands includes the following actions:

  1. Prepare special glue for styling stone.
  2. Apply glue to a small area of \u200b\u200bthe surface near the corner.
  3. The first stone is pressed to the solution and check the correct installation of the construction level. So put the first series of material.
  4. Installation of the next row is carried out in a checker order by installing plastic crosses for the formation of seams.
  5. After installing all the decorative elements, you need to leave the wall to push for a day.
  6. At the end of the seams are treated with a special grout, and a hydrophobizer is applied to the surface. This is done to protect the material from the harmful effects of moisture.

Important! Before separating the balcony inside, it is important to determine the order of work. The floors are equipped either a few days before the start of the wall processing, or after a day after.

Casting walls

The decoration of the walls of the balcony using the plug allows them to protect them from the occurrence of malicious microorganisms, as well as insulate the room.

Balcony plotting

To stripper with cork material, the following tools will be required:

  • Plumb, level, marker and roulette.
  • Brush, roller, spatula.
  • Rubber kiyanka, scissors, rule, manual press.

Preparatory work

Before separating the cork balcony, the following operations are carried out:

  1. Remove old coatings, clean the surface.
  2. Close up of cracks by mounting foam and apply membrane vapor and waterproofers.
  3. The joints between the material canvases close up by mounting foam.
  4. Plasterboard mounted on the walls and ceiling, the installation instructions for which was given above. Plates of material are processed by primer.

Important! This finishing material requires special conditions - the installation of the cork coating should be carried out at a temperature of from 17 to 29 above zero and humidity of 65%.

Installation of cork

Cork material for finishing is first cutting into fragments of the required size and shape. Then, with a plumb and roulette, the center of the treated wall is determined. The first fragment of the material is applied to this point, after which they cut the entire wall from the center to the corners, while each new row should be started with the half of the fragment, then from the whole, imitating brickwork.

After all the walls are lined, the internal finishing of the balcony can be considered complete. No additional actions are required, although some masters prefer to additionally treat oil coating.

Wooden lining

If the question arose, the better to separate the walls on the balcony, it is recommended to pay attention to this option. The tree is used to finish the balcony from the inside for a long time ago, since it is characterized by good indicators of sound and thermal insulation, as well as aesthetic appearance.

Loggian Out Wooden Wooden

Before issuing a balcony with clapboard, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Perforator, screwdriver, jigsaw and knife.
  • Level, roulette, marker.
  • Fasteners, hammer and square.

Preparatory operations

To separate the balcony inside with your own hands, you need to spend the preparatory activities for a start:

  • Cleaning the base and, if necessary, also alignment.
  • Seeling cracks and applying primer.

After that, you can start installing the crate. On the separated surface of the loggia, markup is applied to designate the location of wooden plates. They must be 0.5 m from each other and 10 cm from the corners. After that, the rail is cut and installed on the surface placed. For mounting, the product is applied to the lines, drill holes (two along the edges and one in the center), after which wooden or plastic spikes are scored. Thus, it is necessary to separate the entire surface.


Before separating the balcony from the inside with the clapboard, it is recommended to treat the material with water so that it is a little bit and did not crack when installing. The first element should be applied to the frame in the area of \u200b\u200bthe angle and nail, the next first insert into the grooves of the previous one, and then also fix it with nails. Thus, the entire surface is squeezed. Then go to the corners. Here, most likely, you will have to work the jigsaw to cut the lining to the desired size. At the very end, anti-grab impregnation is applied to the walls.

Fragment balcony with liquid wallpaper

Pretty rarely use such a finishing material as a liquid wallpaper for the balcony. The procedure for applying this composition is quite simple.

Step-by-step instructions for finishing the balcony with their own hands includes the following steps:

On a note! The residues of the mixture do not need to be thrown away. It is better to decompose them on the film, let it dry, wrap and remove into a dry place. They can be used if the restoration of the coating is required.

Another idea for finishing the balcony: to arrange everything, except for one wall, plaster or clap, and the latter - to treat with liquid wallpaper to create an accent.

Installing various panels

Now it will be about relatively inexpensive, but at the same time less aesthetic materials: polyvinyl chloride panels, siding (plastic lining), MDF and sandwich panels.

MDF Balcony Poll

To install these materials you need to carry out such preparatory work:

  • Removing coatings, cleaning surfaces.
  • Processing of the primer, filling the crate and installation of the insulation.

Siding and PVC panels are installed using a spike-groove system and additional fixture fixtures that are included with the material. The first panel is installed as close as possible to the corner and fastened by the retainer, then they take the second product and insert it into the groove the previous one, and the free edge is also fixed. Thus, we finish the entire wall, and the material is cut in the end, arrange the corners and put the caps on the surface edges.

As for the sandwich panels, they are not equipped with a spike-groove system. The wide side is attached by the lock, and the narrow starts behind the edge of the previous element.

MDF is installed in the same way as siding, but additionally fasten the panel and the crate of joinery glue.

Bamboo in the balcony interior

The above options for finishing the balcony are the most common, but there is a fairly interesting version of the balcony finishes with their own hands - this is the use of bamboo. In this case, we can talk about individual stems, panels or canvases. The latest option is the easiest, installation includes standard preparatory procedures, after which the wallpaper is glued to carpentry glue, and the walls and ceiling can be separated.

Important! The use of bamboo-based materials requires perfectly smooth walls and good pair, hydro and thermal insulation of the room.

Applying such cloths is even easier than working with ordinary wallpaper, since possible irregularities will not be noticeable by the texture pattern. Installing panels is a bit more complicated. For these purposes, a special adhesive composition is prepared, which is applied to a small segment of the wall. They learn the panel and pressed, after which they immediately check the level. Thus, the entire wall is separated, and the edges, if any, are covered with plugs.

If stems were selected, then you need to carry out the following actions:

  1. Clean the material by sandpaper with small grain.
  2. Carefully cut along the bamboo so that there are equal halves, using a well-sharpened knife.
  3. Prepare a surface.
  4. Fill the mounting foam of the bamboo cavity.
  5. After it is frozen to cut.
  6. The resulting surface is treated with glue and press the wall.

This option allows not only to wake the wall with a bamboo stem to the stalk, but also create a relief pattern on the surface.

To fully use the useful balcony area, you need not only correctly insulate the surfaces, but also to choose the appropriate finish. It may be lining, plastic panels, decorative plaster or drywall - modern, comfortable and practical materials. Due to the small size of the room, the internal finishing of the balcony does not require much time and physical effort.

Regardless of the type of finishing material, the preparatory process includes dismantling of an old coating, sealing slots, insulation of surfaces. Each stage must be performed as carefully as possible, because it affects the quality and durability of the finish.

To work, you will need:

  • cement-sandy mortar;
  • master OK;
  • primer;
  • metal spatula;
  • polyethylene film;
  • slab or rolled insulation;
  • wooden rails 40x20 mm;
  • selflessness, screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • dowel-nails;
  • level;
  • mounting foam.

From the balcony, everything is superfluous, plinths, wallpaper, lighting devices. The peeling paint and plaster are scattered with a spatula, metal surfaces are treated with a brush for metal. Large cracks need to be sewed with the help of a grinder, remove slices of solution and concrete crumb. At the same stage, if necessary, change old windows to new ones.

All gaps, gaps, cracks close up with thick cement mortar, large holes are first filled with foam trimming. Vertical seams are blown by the mounting foam, the excess of which, after drying, is neatly cut off with a sharp knife. The slots around the perimeter of the window opening is also recommended to gate, and not to lure with the solution. When operating the window, dry solution will crack and crumble, and over time you have to get rid of the gaps again.

The draft floor is checked for the absence of defects, the minor gaps are rubbed, the seams on the perimeter of the walls are sealing. If the base is too uneven, make a new screed and suspend work to complete drying. After that, all surfaces are cleaned of dust and are ground.

Before finishing, the ceiling and the balcony wall must be inspired. For this, the foam, penplex, plates of polystyrene foam or rolled insulation with a foil surface of the foam is suitable.

Platular materials are fixed after mounting the crates from the rails, if the rolled insulation is used, the crate is stuffed over it. The thermal insulation of the balcony should be solid to do not remain the cold bridges, so the ceiling, and the walls, and the floor are insulated.

Trim Balcony Plasterton

Plasterboard is a very popular finishing material. To cover the balcony, it is recommended to acquire moisture-resistant plasterboard, even if the waterproofing of the room is the highest quality. In the process of work, the screws with flat hats will additionally need, a knife for drywall, putty and serpent.

Step 1. Fastening the crate

Wooden rails or a bar can be used as a frame for plasterboard sheets, but it is more convenient to mount the lining on a metal profile. In the corners of the balcony, the vertical racks from the profile are fixed, exposing them strictly by level. Guides are mounted simultaneously on the walls and ceiling. Between the main racks, the carrier vertical profile is fixed with a pitch of 60 cm, and then screw the horizontal jumpers at the same distance.

When the frame is ready, the wiring is laid between the racks; All wires must be in protective corrugation. The wiring is fixed on the crate with plastic clamps, while nothing should go out for the frame plane. If you plan to hang the shelves or stretch the lounge rope, determine the location of the hooks and strengthen the horizontal profiles with wooden bars.

Step 2. Cutting drywall

Since the balcony walls often have a complex configuration, plasterboard sheets have to trim hard. First, the sections with the largest area are squeezed, so the material is spent more economically. Measure the height and width of the walls, carefully tolerate measurements on the finishing material. A sharp knife cut through the top layer of vertical sheet, and then neatly bend and cut on the other side.

For tight docking edges of sheets should be as smooth. When laying sheets, the location of the lighting devices, switches and sockets, making cutouts of the corresponding diameter are taken into account.

Step 3. Surface Testing

Circled slices of drywall are applied to the wall and check the arrangement of the edges. The lower edge should not touch the floor, so it is lifted by 1-2 cm. Fasten the material with self-draws to the crate every 30 cm. The plasterboard is well bended, so it is excellent for the surfaces of the curved form.

On the perimeter of the window and the door frame of the plating edge are screwed down with 15-20 cm increments to eliminate the formation of gaps. After the walls of the walls, the ceiling is proceeded.

Step 4. Finish finish

The joints between the sheets are filled with putty, apply the sickle and replaced the spacion mixture again. The metal spatula of a small width putty is thoroughly rubbed into the reinforcing tape, straightening it along the seam. The deepening from the screws of the self-tapping screws is also filled with a small amount of solution, removing the spatula of surplus. After drying, these areas are treated with fine-grained emery paper and wipe the surface from dust.

Further, various variants of decorative coating are possible: paint, wallpaper, artistic plaster and even ceramic tiles. Under the wallpaper, tile and plaster The surface is sufficiently 1-2 times to predict, using the waterproof composition of deep penetration. For staining such a processing is not enough, because through it will be shifted to the joints between the sheets. Therefore, if plasterboard is planned to be painted, the entire surface of the ceiling and walls must be covered with a thin layer of finishing putty. Sometimes 2 such layers are required, after which the material is grinning and brushed once again before painting.

At the end of the finish, ceiling baguettes, plinth on the floor, install sockets and switches, hang lighting devices. On the perimeter of the window, you must install the slopes, fasten the platbands on the door frame. Now it remains only to equip the balcony to your taste.

The small balcony can be separated using decorative plaster, which will save the useful area. This process is quite simple, although it requires a certain skill. The embossed plaster is convenient because it hides fine irregularities and surface defects, so it is not necessary to align the walls. If the balcony needs to be inspired, it is desirable to use slab materials that are glued to the surface. The shap in this case will only interfere.

So, the finish process includes several stages:

First you need to practice plywood or chipboard, because immediately the desired pattern may not work. Also impossible to knead a large amount of mixture, it is better to do it in small portions. For the walls, any plaster is suitable, but it is desirable for the ceiling to choose fine-fucked and more homogeneous.

With the help of plaster, you can make a wall under brickwork. It is easy to do this: the surface is covered with a smooth layer of plaster with a thickness of 5 mm and give dry. Next, the solution is mixed again and the dye of red or brown is added to it. A wide spatula is applied to the walls on the walls, carefully smash and give only a little bit. Then the horizontal stripes are stuck with a thin stick, removing the painted layer to a light base. The distance between the stripes is 7-8 cm; Horizontal lines are connected by vertical segments in a checker order.

The result is a neat colored laying with white or light gray seams. Bricks can be both the right shape and arbitrary, which makes the laying even more interesting. You can make a color bottom layer, then white bricks will be separated by dark lines.

Plastic panels are a convenient and practical type of finish. They can easily cut, strung out, have high strength. It is also easy to care for them. To seize the ceiling panels and balcony walls, you will need wooden slats and a ceiling profile. The rails are attached to a warmed surface with a step of 50-70 cm, exposing strictly vertically. The ceiling profile is mounted in length, fixing nails-dowels and 4-6 mm.

For an angular connection, the ends of the profile are cut at an angle of 45 degrees; It is more convenient to crop the ends with a special device with grooves - stusla. Stands of the crates are necessarily installed in each corner of the balcony: if this is not done, the panels will be saved in the corners, and the entire finish can be deformed.

For the inner lining of the balcony, it is recommended to use plastic panels with a width of 10 to 20 cm and 1 cm thick, as well as guide and two-man angular profiles. The guides are screwed to the crate of screws 20 mm long and with a wide hat, having them at the corners of the room and around the perimeter of the openings.

Now the panels are cut down along the length, applied with a groove up to the surface and, by arguing the arc, insert both ends into the guide profiles. Running the panel, set the following, then tightly shifted both boards and fastened with screws.

The last panel is cut into width, in the groovers of the guides, squeeze a little silicone, insert the cropped board and lift up to the stop. Holding the panel in this position, insert the missing fragment and snap the edges. Plots over and under the openings are trimmed by the latter, then attachments, ceiling baguettes, plinths are attached.


For floor decoration, you can use laminate, parquet board, ceramic tiles or linoleum. First prepare the surface:

To reduce the load on the overlap, you can install lags, to put the insulation between them, and from the top to fill the waterproof plywood. Laminate, parquet board and linoleum need to be placed on a substrate from traffic or foamed polyethylene. The tile is placed on a concrete tie, a tile glue or mastic is used as a solution.

Video - Internal finishing of the balcony with your own hands

Video - decoration of the balcony yourself

Beautiful comfortable balcony - the pride of the owners of the apartment. Maximum functionally and stylishly equip such a small area very difficult. But today there are many different technologies and designer programs that will help make a "candy" even from the old "killed" balcony.


When repairs in the apartment are fully completed, there is a queue of arrangement of a balcony territory. And here you can give the will of your fantasy.

If your balcony opens a great view of nature or attractions, it is worth thinking about his re-equipment in a gazebo or a veranda, which can later arrange interesting sites in a good company.

In the event that a building unfolded under your balcony or instead of a landscape there is a sad factory, then you should turn the balcony zone in the likeness of the Winter Garden or arrange a gym there. And you can simply place your office or dressing room there.

Previously, the balconies served people for storing things. Now, more and more people prefer to separate the loggias in such a way that its inner area is used as efficiently as possible.

Of course, if you live in Khrushchev or in Brezhnev, then you will not be able to turn on the balcony. However, small sizes should not become a barrier. Even inside a small balcony, you can create a wonderful interior.

If the balcony pleases you with an area and opening views, then turn it into a special recreation area will be solid pleasure.


In the modern world there are many different finishing materials. The choice remains beyond the owner of the apartment: what he wants to see at his balcony and how it will be combined with the interior of the apartment as a whole.


Most often in the decoration of the balcony, the lining is used. It is different. The usual lining is wooden slats or skimming to smoothness processed. This material received its name for a long time when they were finally separated by rail cars. The lining in the form of associates is usually done with a ledge or a tongue lock. Reiki simply laid an online jack.

The advantage of decoration by wood in its naturalness. Wood does not evaporate harmful substances, in contrast to many plastic analogs, it is rather durable and less susceptible to mechanical damage.

Plastic lining is similar to plastic PVC panels. However, its size, profile and lock exactly corresponds to the wooden lining. Lining can choose any color, even textured under the tree.

The eurvagon is the boards of standard parameters with an asymmetrical tipped lock. From the back, there are 2 longitudinal grooves for the flow of excess moisture or condensate. Eurovantia is a different profile - with straight corners and rounded chamfer. In the work on the convenience of laying it does not affect, but it looks ready for the finished cladding is very stylish.

MDF panels

It is very popular to sow a balcony from the inside panels of MDF. Partly from the fact that this is the most economical finish option and, moreover, it is easy to make it yourself. What also reduces the cost of repair, because the payment of experts is now not suiced.

MDF panels are durable and moisture resistant, resistant to temperature drops, but minus is that they may contain in the composition of the glue poisonous resins. Their content within the established norm, however, it makes many think before deciding to use this material.


Contrary to the problem that siding is the material for the exterior decoration, it is quite suitable for finishing the inner. This material is very durable and practical, resistant to temperatures. But if your balcony is on the sunny side, then the likelihood is that the color of the material will burn in the sun, will swell. Therefore, most often when the balcony is siding from the inside, the white material is chosen.

Decorative rock

If you are subject to romance and you like locks, knights and other attributes of romanticism, you can place a balcony with a decorative stone. This finish will look stylish and original.

Decorative stone is a special type of tile, in which the facial surface is made in the form of a natural stone. After decoration, this material creates the impression that your balcony is made of masonry. And it can be absolutely different. From the paints and textures of wild natural cobblestones to neat and even walls lined with tiles under the brick.

Such a tile is usually made of cement for special technology with the addition of various technical mixtures. In composition and ecology, it is very close to natural material, and therefore such a cladding is becoming increasingly popular.

In addition, artificial stone is at times cheaper and easier natural. It is uniformly textured and scratched inside, and therefore, even if you accidentally deliver a part or cut in the right place for you, the tile will look natural on the slice.

Laying this material is identical to laying ordinary tiles and is made using conventional tile glue.

Wall decoration

Starting repairs on the balcony, first of all, you need to glall it. Previously, fledged themselves using wooden frames and ordinary glass. Nowadays, specialized firms are engaged in glazing, which make it quickly and efficiently.

After glazing, it is necessary to carefully chop up all the slots. Typically, large holes are filled with mounting foam, and for small enough ordinary sealant.

Then warm the walls. If you want to save on this part of the repair, choose a foam as insulation. He keeps warm and inexpensive very well. However, it is fire hazardous and in combustion allocates a lot of toxic smoke.

Mineral wool insulation is a bit more expensive. It refers to the zero championship of fire hazard. However, in other characteristics it is more capricious: it also requires waterproofing.

The most popular under-generation insulation is a penplex. It has low vapor permeability and thermal conductivity, very durable and durable.

Insulated the balcony, you can start performing the final finishing works for the walls. Featuring in advance the material, we begin to design. You can perform walls in one material, you can make combination. For example, a decorative stone is perfectly combined with conventional tiles or decorative plaster.

Finishing the ceiling

Options for finishing the ceiling on the balcony - weight. Now the choice of materials and technologies is very large.

But first you need to take the ceiling surface and make waterproofing. After all, probably you will lay the wiring, and therefore everything should be moisture insulated.

Then, in most cases, the framework for the insulation is mounted, insulate and stuffed the crate.

The wiring is better to entrust the professional, because this is a serious thing. It is necessary to make the cable as safe as possible and connect all sources.

After that, proceed to the final stage of the finish. You can make a ceiling of plasterboard. This is the easiest and most multifunctional option. Plasterboard you can paint, go with wallpaper, polystyol tile or any other finish coating.

It looks great and very practiced ceiling upholstered with plastic panels or siding. But this is appropriate only if the walls are made of the same material from the same or combined with it.

Very popular recently, the ceiling Armstrong. Its essence is that the tile is laid out on the aluminum frame. The tile can be made of different material, for every taste and wallet: from pressed cardboard to stained glass.

Well, the most common option in our days is the installation of the stretch ceiling. It is necessary for the balcony area of \u200b\u200bthe canvas. Therefore, this option will also get very budget and will fulfill him directly professionals. In the market of stretch ceilings is now big competition. To attract customers, they carry out all sorts of stocks. Therefore, such a ceiling will cost you quite inexpensive.


Outdoor coating on a glazed and insulated balcony is mounted from materials that are combined with wall decoration. It can be any coating that is used for the floor in any residential room. You can store the floor with linoleum, put the tile, laminate, carpet, make it wooden. There are a lot of options.

  • Preparation for coating begins with heat and waterproofing of the future floor. For these purposes, such a material is perfect as a foam. You need to simply cut the plot of the form of your balcony and put it with a foil side up.
  • Wooden lags are installed on this material at about 50 cm each other. Between them is possible to lay an additional heat insulating material.
  • Then the layer of thick plywood is stuffed and the selected flooring is directly laid.
  • If your balcony is a continuation of the residential room appropriate to make an electric warm floor. It is not so easy to mount it, and therefore it is better to contact the specialists.

Finishing work with your own hands

The finish and design of the balcony can take a lot of time. It depends on what ideas you want to implement. Step-by-step instructions will help you decide on the procedure for action.

  • First of all, you need to glall your balcony. You can do it yourself by purchasing ready-made glass-paste suitable size and install them with mounting foam. But it is best to order glazing in a specialized firm.
  • Then make detailed measurements of the entire room in order to calculate the number of materials that will be required for repair on a given area.
  • After that, you should spend thorough insulation using the same foam or special sealant. Then you pave heat and waterproofing around the perimeter of the balcony room, make electrification and solve the installation of a warm floor or installing an additional heat element on the balcony.
  • Well, finally, it is necessary to sew walls with the selected material.

How to make the renovation of the balcony with your own hands, see the next video.

Decor ideas

Depending on the purpose of the balcony room, it is possible to arrange it as much as possible, cozy, stylish and functionally. To do this, use different decor elements that will be well combined with a balcony finish.

It looks very stylish by a balcony, decorated in a classic style. Small premises visually increase due to the use of a large number of light tones. French floor tiles are perfectly combined with light wallpaper painted in soft cream color. Heavy satin curtains will serve as a reliable barrier to penetrate the sun rays in the summer. Best of all classic style is suitable wicker furniture from rattan.

For needlewomen you can equip the workshop on the balcony. Walls and ceiling decorated with light PVC panels will serve as an excellent reflector, and the workplace will be highlighted as possible. To do not have discomfort in hot, you need to install the air conditioning system. Pockets and small shelves for trifles will be excellent compact storage helpers.

Cabinet on the balcony is also a wonderful option. The walls can be seen in conventional plasterboard and paint into light tones. One of the walls to do under the color of dark office furniture to make a touch of contrast in the interior. Paul borrow with abstract tiles, window openings pick up dark blinds. This style is suitable for both the student and the leader.

Since the balcony is the solar place in your apartment, you can turn it into a greenhouse. In this case, it is appropriate to salast the walls with photographic windows, the window blocks pick up the Roman curtains, to attach caspo with alive plants on the walls. In large vases and pots, put exotic flowers and shrubs, add interior with comfortable seating.

If your balcony opens beautiful views of the city, you can turn it into a stylish mini bar. The windowsill should be expanded in the form of a bar counter, and elegant chairs perfectly complement the interior.

The final stage of repair is the balcony trim inside. Our article presents photos of design with different facing options. A selection of implemented projects proves a variety of building materials market on specific examples.

PVC panels and lining in wall decoration.

Lining and Eurovanda

Flooring floor and parapet by wood.

Walls, floor and ceiling in the home office on the loggia are lined with wooden clapboard.

Eurovantia is a dry strand board, and the lining has a natural humidity. Due to the main difference, the eclipsed by Eurovantia is considered a better option.

The spacious loggia is covered with a wooden bar, plastic panels on the ceiling.

The room is fully covered with wood. The cabinet is made of LDSP.

A combination of decorative brick and a painted tree in the design of the room.

In modern design, loggia often combine natural textures: stone and painted wooden lining.

The main advantages of lining and Eurovantia:

  • Environmental friendliness (harmless to operate in residential premises);
  • Long service life, subject to proper care (about 15-20 years);
  • Good heat and sound insulators;
  • Installation work with the use of lining does not create special difficulties.

A large format board, a concise form of furniture and neutral shades - all this allows you to place a room in the Scandinavian style.

Wooden board in the room interior. Boards on the floor are impregnated with a special protective composition.

Painted tree and light shade wallpaper in the interior.

Scandinavian style in interior design. Straight strict shapes, light tones and natural textures.

Wooden lining. As a protective layer applied varnish.

Block house

The effect of the rounded timber allows you to create a soul corner in the balcony indoor.

The appearance of the block house imitates a rounded timber. Moreover, its operational qualities experts rate better than a natural analogue. The main distinguishing feature is a maximum of a smooth surface, without a single defect. That is why this type of facing is so attractive.

When lining a loggia, a block house is better to choose a blackboard with a small diameter to avoid the visual effect of reducing space.


Facing with decorative brick and PVC panels of light tone.

The room is decorated with plastic panels in the beige gamma.

PVC panels in interior design.

Consider the advantages of PVC panels:

  • The PVC panels simply just take care and maintain the initial look. Most often the panels are cleaned with a soft sponge moistened in water;
  • A large selection of shades allows you to find exactly the option you need to create an interior;
  • The duration of operation is greater than the clapboard. PVC does not affect moisture, air temperature changes and exposure to light;
  • Is one of the most economical ways of repair;
  • The panels are fireproof.

Plastic panels in the space of the loggia.



For design home hookah used PVC elements in light green gamma.


MDF plates are reminded by DVP, however, it is processed differently thanks to modern technologies.

Glossy MDF plates with marble texture. For repair, two shades in the pastel column were applied.

Pros MDF:

  • High strength (not inferior to ordinary wood);
  • Elasticity of plates. Thanks to this feature, the slabs allow you to disguise the differences in the design of the crate (up to 50-70 mm);
  • Practicality (long service life);
  • Affordable price;
  • For installation, no time and effort will be required;
  • Wide size row;
  • Large selection of textures and colors of MDF panels. In collections of different manufacturers, natural textures are marble, wood, etc.;
  • There are several options for coating - MDF can be matte, glossy or textured.

Plates of MDF wooden texture.


  • MDF plates are fires;
  • Affected by moisture.

Sheets of plasterboard

Walls are trimmed by G Clac, top layer - wallpaper.

Wallpaper in the design of the room.

Wallpapers for painting. Walls are aligned with sheetwall sheets.

Interior in light green shades. Painted plasterboard sheets in the space of the loggia.

G Clac is often used in repairing loggias, despite the fact that the material is fragile, and the sheets without finishing facing quickly lose their initial species.

The finishing layer of finishing is the wallpaper of two types (light gray and with the imitation of the stone).

Painted surface of the walls (based on plasterboard plaster).

The reason for popularity explains a number of the following features:

  • Plasterboard sheets just simply mount;
  • Due to the properties of the material, it is possible to implement various ideas in the interior of the loggia;
  • Low price G Clac.

Rooms indoors are made using drywall, upper layer - paint.

Plasterboard sheets are used as the basis for creating a flat surface - then the surface is drawn up with wallpaper or painted.

Gypsum windowed wallpaper under painting.

Mini-bedroom. Facing the room G Clac, the finishing layer - paint.

To mount the G CLEM, it is necessary to first organize high-quality hydro and thermal insulation. Thus, fragility will not deliver trouble during operation.

The walls of small children are aligned with G Clac. Finish layer - paper wallpapers.

Decorative plaster

Finishing with this material occurs quite often in the repair of balconies.

Surfaces covered with decorative plaster, perfectly complement the Scandinavian style in the interior.

Loggia walls are covered with decorative plaster.

Little living room on the balcony. Plastering used for facing.

Pluses of decorative plaster:

  • Such a finish will serve for a long time (does not rot during operation), resistant to chemicals, mechanical damage, increased humidity and sharp change in ambient temperature;
  • The surface is not destroyed;
  • Due to the special structure, with the help of plaster create a different relief, the pattern on the surface and the texture of natural materials;
  • The material is absolutely harmless and fireproof, has a high degree of vapor permeability.
  • Allows you to create a comfortable atmosphere, provides good sound and thermal insulation;
  • The base for applying can be any: brick, concrete, gas and foam blocks, drywall;
  • The material can be applied in such a way that the surface will be the maximum evenly or performed inactively, in another case the plaster will look up. It all depends on your preferences.

Terrace on the balcony. A special atmosphere sets the texture of plaster and non-accurant material application.

Fake diamond

The combination of decorative stone and plaster.

Balcony design with artificial material imitating natural stone.

The effect of brick masonry in modern design.

The advantages that the decorative stone possesses:

  • Affordable price;
  • Manifold textures, colors and sizes;
  • There are straight and angular elements, so the laying process is extremely simple (for installation does not need special experience);
  • Good resistance to rotting processes;
  • Prevents the emergence and spread of fire;
  • Not subject to corrosion;
  • High wear resistance;
  • Service life is comparable with brick and concrete;
  • Does not accumulate radiation, harmless to humans;
  • Environmental;
  • Minor weight allows you to mount the stone immediately, without prior enhancement of the walls.

Artificial slate in the decoration finish.

Decorative brick in a modern interior.

Artificial brick is perfectly combined with the texture of the tree and modern furniture objects.

Ceramic tile, mosaic

The tile and mosaic are resistant to mechanical effects, moisture, sunlight and fire. Ceramics does not absorb dirt, retains the appearance for a long time. Elements are easy to install.

Orangery on an open balcony. White mosaic in wall decoration and floor part.


Balcony space can be used for various purposes. There you can equip the storage system for things, make a full room or choose another functional purpose. A specific choice depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe balcony, but in any case, finishing works will be required. How the balcony finish is performed with their own hands the step-by-step instruction will explain in detail.

Fig. 1 How to repair the loggia inside with your own hands

To make a balcony convenient and comfortable, space should be shielded from precipitation and wind. For this design is glazed. Maintain all year round comfortable temperature will help high-quality insulation. Thus, before performing a decorative finish of surfaces, it is required to perform work on glazing and insulation. You should know how to repair the balcony and the loggia with your own hands.

Before starting the main work, it is necessary to prepare. Loggia or balcony free from things, shoot an old finish. Carefully examine design elements. Often repair requires a balcony stove, which in time begins to crack and collapse. To strengthen it, make a new screed.

No less carefully examine the fence. Evaluate its reliability and ability to withstand the load. It is on the fence that the glazing frame will be relying. In some cases, the strengthening is required.

Fig. 2 Warming and decoration of balconies and loggias - scheme

When the preparation is completed, it can be passed to the next stage of arrangement and repair the balcony with their own hands in stages.

Features of glazing balcony design

To repair the loggia with your own hands in stages, you should start with glazing. Depending on the technology used, glazing is warm and cold. In the first case, the frame and double-glazed windows reliably protect the balcony space from temperature drops outside. Cold glazing is characterized by a low level of heat insulation. It protects against rain and snow, wind and dust, but in winter, the temperature on the balcony will be only a few degrees above the street.

Warm glazing is usually performed using PVC and double-glazed windows. It is not bad to protect the cold and wooden frames with the penetration of cold and wooden frames, but you need to thoroughly close all the slots and install double glasses or double-glazed windows. The disadvantage of wooden structures is the need for annual prophylactic care: antiseptic treatments and coloring.

Fig. 3 What looks like glazing from the inside

There are insulated aluminum profiles. They are relatively rare, but they have a significant plus - a small weight. Choosing how to make repairs on the balcony with your own hands, you should consider this option.

Cold glazing is carried out using an aluminum profile and frameless structures.

In addition to the character of glazing, it is necessary to choose the design by the type of opening. Swing and folding flaps are less convenient in a balcony. To open them, free space is required. But when closing are tightly pressed and securely protect against drafts.

Sliding flaps are more convenient when operating. But they are less sealed. Where there are moving parts and locations of sash connectors, there are small gaps.

Installing window frames on the balcony is better to entrust professionals. The process is simple, but requires knowledge of many details.

The process of insulation balcony

So that the balcony space was comfortable all year round, it must be carefully insulated. To do this, you need to know how to insulate the balcony with your own hands. It is not enough to fasten the insulation only on one of the surfaces. The cold will penetrate through the disgraced parts. Only the complex heat insulation of the floor, walls and the ceiling will provide the desired effect. It should be considered, planning how to make repairs on the loggia.

Fig. 4 Warm balcony

Floor insulation

The thermal insulation of the balcony floor is an important and necessary stage of work. The quality of such insulation will depend on how comfortable the space will be. The insulation is most often used extruded polystyrene foam. The material is low weight, so it will not create an additional load on the design. It is quite dense, not to collapse at pressure. Thermal conductivity of the material is very low.

The polystyrene foam plates are placed on the aligned surface of the floor. Fasten them with special glue and plastic dowels. The mounting mesh is stolen, which is poured by a self-leveling mixture.

You can warm the floor glass wool, mineral wool or foam. In this case, wooden lags are placed on the floor. Between them are insulation. And on top of the fastening sheet material and put the floor covering.

Wall insulation

The walls of the balcony can be insulated with mineral wool or foam. To install thermal insulation set the crate. The walls are pre-prepared, aligned and treated with antifungal agents, laid a layer of waterproofing.

Between the elements of the crates are plates of the heat insulating material. They should be placed tightly, but not frighten too much. From above, the material is closed by another layer of waterproofing so that water vapors do not penetrate into the insulation. Penophol can be used as a waterproofing material. He not only misses moisture, but additionally hesitates, and the foil side reflects heat.

On top of the insulation fastening facing materials. They are installed on the surface of the crate. If the walls are plastered, it is better to use polystyrene plates. They are fixed on the walls, set the reinforcing grid and covered with plaster.

Heat ceiling

The thermal insulation of the ceiling surface is required in any case. Even if there are neighbors from above, their balcony can be displeasted. In this case, the cold will penetrate from above.

For insulation, the ceiling make a frame of a wooden bar. Pre-surface waterproof. Between the elements of the crates are placed by polystyrene foam. The surface is closed with foam or any other waterproofing material. Folding the facing material on top.

Finish finish

The character of the finish finish depends on the selected finishing material. Most often, the inner decoration of the balcony is done with its own hands with wooden or plastic lining. Elements are attached to the crate of nails or self-drawing. Between themselves, they are connected by the lock way. Walls can also be finished with plaster, MDF with stoves, cork slabs and other materials.

Fig. 5 Renovated loggia - trigteen finish

Linoleum and laminate apply for floor decoration. Beautifully looks ceramic and porcelain tiles. In some cases, the floor balcony is covered with parquet and carpet.

Fig. 6 decoration of walls cheap - plasterboard and paint

The ceiling on the balcony can be plastered or painted. These are the simplest options, but not the most common. Much more often use suspended ceilings.

Fig. 7 Plastic panels - cheap and convenient

Not always the apartment has a balcony. The absence of such a comfortable design leads to questions how to make a balcony with your own hands. It is especially convenient to do if you repair residential space. At the same time, it becomes possible to build a balcony cheaper.

The manufacture of balconies begins with the creation of drawings. The process is pretty simple if the installation of the balcony is required in your own hands on the first floor. The foundation or supports are placed on which the framework of the balcony design is located. If you want to make a balcony on the second floor and above, you must install supports. Fastening to the wall will not be enough. So that you can use the balcony made, you should find a detailed guide to the construction of a balcony design and coordinate the construction in the relevant instances.