How to lubricate the front door from the screens. What to lubricate the door hinges so as not to creak? What is suitable for lubrication

The question of the means for lubrication of doors traditionally gets only at the moment when the magnitude of the symbol is already tired of everyone. To realize how to cope with it, you need to see, which is why the creak arises.

The main premise is the friction of details among themselves.

The initial lubricant in the door loops over time dries or loses its characteristics. From this iron fittings begins to publish a nasty creak.

Basic door hinge screen backgrounds:

  • The lack of lubricant, which over time spreads, thick and dries. This prevents the normal movement of parts that are erased and break by blocking the entire mechanism.
  • Perekox happens with incorrect installation or with languid structures. Then harm hinges is applied, while the box is loosened, and the contours of the door canvase change. It can be pre-need to adjust the door.

    Read how to adjust the plastic balcony door.

  • Corrosion is one of the main circumstances of the screenshot in street doors, which are affected by atmospheric actions. Rust destroys the metal.
  • Garbage and mud, entering the door hinges, absorb lubricating and clogged into hinges. As a result, foreign substances become an abrasive that is rapidly becoming a metal.
  • Wear parts - the cause of the screens that requires a complete substitution of the part or replacing the larva of the inlet door lock.

But how are Italian locks for iron doors look, and for what characteristics you can choose, indicated here.

It is necessary not only to reveal and eliminate the cause of the screen of the door loops, but also to prevent prevention to prevent the recovery of such a situation.

The sooner the failure will be solved, the larger the door design will last. The interroom handle with a lock cannot be M major prefiguration, so you should suspend your attention on the loops.

On the video, to lubricate the door loops so as not to creak:

To get rid of unpleasant sound sounds for once and forever, it is necessary to make some efforts to lubricate loops. To do this, it is necessary to find out about the most effective and long-living lubricants. To remove the doors, you will certainly need tools that can be found in at least the house and help close.

But how do the entrance doors with good sound insulation look, and how to choose the necessary doors for your own room, indicated in this article.

How to put lubricant on the loop

The skin creak is eliminated in a few seconds, it is only necessary to sprinkle or pour a "miraculous" means of WD-40 in those places where the loops come into contact. Although the action of "Wadets" is extremely short: the tool quickly seeps into the available holes and gaps, forming on the surface of the iron parts of the raid, which reduces friction.

It is a pity that the WD-40 has a taste to dry quickly, and the creaking sounds renew again, while still more thanks.

It will be necessary to most thoroughly approach the difficulty solution - remove the door and lubricate the loops with the most suitable agent.

It is impossible to use organic fats and vaseline for lubricating door loops. The alloy from their introduction rusts, and the effect of using extremely short - before the fats drying.

Perhaps you will also be able to intrigue information on how the insulation of the iron doors is happening with their own hands.

The fact is that food oils and fats contain a lot of water, therefore, from their introduction, the creak is only enhanced with time.

With the decomposition of food oils and fats, iron parts loops are covered with mold.

How to lubricate the loops on the doors right? The quality of the result depends on the competent choice of means for lubrication and the correct execution of the task to use it.

Application of lubricant in the required place will solve this with a small consumption. In this case, you can avoid the contamination of the door leaf and the lutki. Also, do not marry lubricate the brush seal for sliding doors.

On the video - how to correctly apply lubricant on the loop:

To correctly apply lubricant on any loops, you need to understand several light rules:

  • For lubrication, it is best to use a special oven, a narrow tube as a nozzle or syringe. But how can you eat lubrication for rubber plastic windows seals, you can look here.
  • If the door mechanism is disassembered, the loops are comfortable processing the tassel, with a cotton wand or a cloth moistened with lubricant.
  • Surplus lubricant It is necessary to escape with a dry cloth or a cardboard napkin.
  • More paintaking handling with lubrication must be carried out in those places where the door creates more.

    This site is determined by more erased parts of the part.

  • The inner side of each loop is obliged to be processed even better, as they are placed there are loaded parts of the mechanism.

Also for you will be curious to find out how the installation of electronic locks on the door is occurring.

Regular conduct of such a procedure in preventive purposes will protect the details of the door fittings and will significantly increase their life.

Why do doors creak

Usually a question What to lubricate the doors so that they do not creak up when the failure already exists.

To better realize its entity, you should see the main prerequisites for the appearance of creak.

It is important not only to identify the cause and eliminate it, but also prevent the reconciliation of the situation in the future.

So, why the doors can creak:

  • Lubricant deficiency. Over time, lubricants spread out, dries and can be treated extremely. With the missing number, the parts cease normally move, evenly rub it, which leads to their breakdown and blocking the mechanism as a whole.
  • Corrosion.

    One of the most wealthy troubles in street door structures. With overpriced moisture, iron elements may be corrosion. Rust not only leads to a screen and the difficulty of movement of the canvas, but evenly destroys iron.

  • Wear details. With long-term exploitation, at least some object is wearing and then it can break. If the situation is unrealistic, the item will have to be replaced completely.
  • Rubbish. From time to time in the loop, all kinds of garbage and dust are clogged. This garbage absorbs lubricant, scoring hinges and acts as an abrasive, stepping metal.
  • Skew. If the door is tomometa or the design is not completely correct, there may be overwhelms.

    This not only harms accessories, but can even more over the box itself and change the contours of the canvas.

Flashing door screen background are worn loop

The conclusion is one: if the door shaves the door, means something is obviously not in order. The sooner you decide to do, the better for the design.


In order to make the normal work of the door loops, you need to know what to lubricate them. Now there are many special compounds, the most chassis are:

  • WD 40. - This is a popular and extremely effective means that allows not only to make a better slip in detail, but also to cope with the main problem of the alloy - corrosion.

    The composition removes rust and makes a protective film on the surface, which prevents its upcoming distribution.

  • Litol. - Effective waterproof and frost-resistant lubricant. This is a good option for processing street structures, including wickets and gates.
  • Solidol. - viscous oily mass, more popular for processing moving mechanisms.
  • Cyatim - thickened butter with an antioxidant additive, which is a prolonged agent.

Varieties of special compounds used for lubrication doors

Also, in order to solve an emergency to solve a question - how to lubricate the creaking hinge of the doors of the house, you can apply available in every farm.

The first of these is so referred to. This is a machine oil that remains after its substitution for a new one.

Karov owners often have a big stock of this substance.

In addition, the needlewomen can have special oil to handle the details of the sewing machine. Plus, to apply it on the loop comfortably and it actually does not leave the purchased tracks. Dry substances are also used. The easiest accessible m is a graphite chips, harvested from a conventional pencil.

If you build the door, and there is no useful tool at hand to make it lubricate, a vegetable oil that is in each kitchen can be reserved for a short time.

Naturally, it is better to avoid such emergency measures, because the effect of similar lubricant is insignificant and enough for only a few days.

Thick funds are most preferable, as they are able to provide lubrication of parts for longer period. Watery oils spread, simply absorb and dry quickly.

The second question, which is also of great importance How to lubricate the loop on the steel or wood door? The type of final result depends on the means of applying the means.

How to lubricate the door loops without removing the door

New doors for a long time do not bother the owners of the creak, thanks to the generous factory lubricant in the loops, but over time, its resource is depleted and this nasty sound occurs when using the door.

In particular, this can happen with the entrance door, as it has more weight, and the outer environment will have a better way to hinge.

Interior doors last preserve silent, due to the fact that modern technologies are allowed to create them all the easiest and inside the houses of the loop are not subjected to such a brutal exposure.

But if there was still an interroom door creaped, because of the uncommon use, it becomes nasty enough, almost everything goes out in the middle of the submitted means than to lubricate the hinges of the doors.

For most people, the squeak of door loops is a very annoying factor, capable of dosing the convenience of staying at home.

It is difficult to leave such a "defect" in housing is difficult, although without lubrication you can use the door.

But the atmosphere in the family under the action of the door grip can be significantly spoiled. Next we will tell how to lubricate the door loops without removing the door, with the help of existing centuries and modern ways.

How to lubricate the hinges doors so as not to creak

It is possible to include oil used to solve them to quickly solve the oil, applied to the sewing machine lubrication. True, there is it in the house only in those who are fond of such a kind of needlework.

Usually everyone in the kitchen has any vegetable oil for cooking.

It can be used for a short-term solution to the difficulty, until there is a means better. Such oil has a low viscosity and huge fluidity and will help only a couple of days.

In the family with children, schoolchildren traditionally a lot of stationery for study. If in the midst of them there is an extremely textile stiffelen pencil, it is possible to consume it followed. The stylus from the pencil pushed into the loop and move the door so that he reacted to the bottom. This folk method can be noted, as one of the more efficient.

Perhaps this is the best and long-term solution to the issue of eliminating a grincling in the house.

Comfortable balonings with WD-40 marking (so called Wader) from the first introduction completely eliminate the creaking.

This option will immediately approach, to lubricate the loop for glass doors, so as not to blur the cloth.

Among the options it is necessary to mark the furniture lubricant.

Acquired in the market of modern funds to suffice forever. This is a more preferred option also, which is valid for a long time and does not take place on the canvas of the door and the jamb.

How to lubricate the loops of interroom doors

Technologies of a more effective application of lubricant is similar to at least some of those listed above methods (except for the stylist).

Stages of work, how to lubricate the door loops without removing the door.

  1. The door opens.
  2. Under the canvas on the floor, we put the stop, for example, a hammer handle or a different suitable object.

    At the same time, the cloth is lifted and the pin in the loop leaves the nest.

  3. Lubrication is entered inside the loop. You can use a syringe without a needle or a pipette for the pill. For processing from the clerk, the most narrow nozzle is used.
  4. If you think how to lubricate the loops of interroom doors and do not get dirty everything around a poorly washing substance, use the cells or dense paper. Make into the slot in the size of the loop and the customs of it.

    You can consolidate the protection of scotch.

  5. At the end of the work, remove the focus and move the door to the uniform lubrication distribution. If the creak of one hundred percent disappeared the function can be considered successfully completed.

What loops better put on interior doors

The most common look of the loops, which are equipped with interior doors, are cards. Two plates, their components, referred to as cards or in other wings.

They have holes for fasteners and are connected in each other with a rod.

These are ordinary, even ordinary devices manufactured in the Russian Federation since Russian times, having a different size and non-decorative qualities. Currently, for interior doors are practically not used.

They can be shattered on street wickets and in non-residential premises. Suitable for interior doors sizes of card loops - 4 and 5 inches, or 10 and 12.5 cm, the width of the cards 3 cm, the thickness is 2.5-3 mm. They are somewhat among the masters of the title - the "fourths" and "fives".

It can be noted that 4 holes under fasteners are manufactured in the "fourths", and in "fives" - 5.

Choosing, which loops it is better to put on interior doors, it must be borne in mind that their size should correspond to the weight of the door canvase.

The more loop, the greater weight it will be withstanding. If the door is extremely heavy, then you can install three loops of the ordinary 2-wing. In general, it will increase reliability and durability at least what door.

Among in for the production of loops are more common brass, iron alloys and stainless steel. The most stable and long-term is considered expensive brass, traditionally products from it have a protective decorative coating of the highest property. Iron loops can look not terrible, but have the lowest performance and low quality coating.

Stainless steel varies with the ability to withstand the effect of temperature drops and overpriced humidity, because the hinges are approached for use on the street.

But this one has only a grayish color of stainless steel and is not amenable to decorative processing.

If there is no ability to fall with the insertion, you can brake on such a kind of card loops, like a patch loop, or, in the people, "Butterfly". She received such a title for the similarity of one of the 2 components of the butterfly wing. This loop is folded when the door is opened to the thickness of one card, because the inserts for it on the canvas and the box is not required.

News - how to lubricate the door loops without removing the door

Nonfit creaking door loops annoy all. They can creak for various reasons. This can be both the presence of rust on their surface and the overall wear of parts.

Often to get rid of an annoying screen, it is quite easy to lubricate the loops, while this is completely unlikely to remove the door cloth.

There are methods that allow this to do without resorting to constructive methods.

If the door is embroidered in the room: what to do and why it happens

If the interroom or the front door in the apartment began to creak, means that there are my prerequisites on it.

As a rule, this happens when the door design is in motion, that is, it is revealed either closed.

Why does the door corrupt and how to eliminate these reasons:

  1. There are errors when hanging the door leaf - for example, loops are incorrectly installed. To solve this business, you must reinstall the door or call the masters who quickly and cancel this work.
  2. The door cladding concerns the loops - to eliminate this background, it is necessary to simply remove the facing and make it suitable sizes.

The better lubricate the loop of interroom door cloths:

  • Oil for sewing machines;
  • Diesel oil;

An excellent homemade method to lubricate the door is considered to use the "soft" pencil stylus. It is extremely easy to make it - pretty putting a griffel on the loop and slightly take the door to various sides.

it will turn around and fall on all the loops.

If the entrance door of the house creates, then it is better to lubricate such substances as:

If the entrance door leads to a vestibule or an entrance, where the plus temperature is consistent, then the ordinary machine oil or the WD-40 means can be used.

In the case of a plastic door it looks like this:

  • If the lubricant is touched by the gimbal of the pencil, then the door is necessary to lift a little, so that the gaps are visible in which the means falls asleep.

If the plastic door leads to the balcony, it is necessary to start lubrication specifically from its side. The door must be opened.

How to lubricate the door hinges without removing the door: Corrects in the room, what to do with interroom, house lubricant plastic

For lubrication of door hinges, you can use a syringe of sickly creaking door loops annoying all.

They can creak for various reasons. This can be both the presence of rust on their surface and the overall wear of parts.

Often to get rid of an annoying screen, it is quite easy to lubricate the loops, while this is completely unlikely to remove the door cloth. There are methods that allow this to do without resorting to constructive methods.

If the interroom or the front door in the apartment began to creak, means that there are my prerequisites on it. As a rule, this happens when the door design is in motion, that is, it is revealed either closed.

Means for lubrication door hinges can be purchased at least a construction store.

Why does the door corrupt and how to eliminate these reasons:

  1. There are errors when hanging the door leaf - for example, loops are incorrectly installed.

    To solve this business, you must reinstall the door or call the masters who quickly and cancel this work.

  2. The door facing concerns the loops - to eliminate the prerequisites, you just need to remove the cladding and make it suitable sizes.
  3. In the door hinges, there are not enough balls - in this case they must be investigated in the right places.
  4. The loops are simply poorly fixed - it is good to twist them.
  5. Scheduled web began - such a problem may touch, before that, the plastic door.

    To remove it, it is necessary to adjust the upper either the bottom loop, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe sag.

  6. The ends of the door canvases relate to the platbands - in this case, the mounting grooves should be deepened.
  7. Fastening the door design has long been not lubricated - it's quite simple to perform this action;
  8. A rust appeared - this is a problem, mainly concerns the steel door. Here you need to clean the loops from the plaque and only bypassing it to lubricate them. If corrosion managed to deeply enthusiastically be replaced by the loops.
  9. Incorrectly selected lubricating composition - in this case, it is necessary to remove an old agent and apply new.
  10. The loops have already been strongly loosened and their term approached the end - it remains here to simply replace them.

So look at the main background of a terrible tube tube.

But basically the whole thing is the absence of lubricant on the loop. Therefore, it should be understood, the better to lubricate them.

Tips: What to lubricate the door loops, so as not to creak

If the squeak of the door is due to the non-shy loops - it will be solved by the deliberate lubricant.

An excellent cheap solution is a lubricant loops with the deposit WD-40

The better lubricate the loop of interroom door cloths:

  • Oil for sewing machines;
  • Machine oil, which is used for the car's motor;
  • Diesel oil;
  • Cyatima - unrivantly removes not only creak, but also protects parts from corrosion and the actions of the brutal components;
  • Special tool WD-40 - besides ordinary lubrication, this substance is fighting perfectly with rust, and you can buy it in at least a car market of spare parts.

It is impossible to lubricate the creaked door with vegetable or olive oil.

This gives, in-1-x - short-term effect, and in 2nd - it causes the formation of an unnecessary plaque on the fittings, and in the end it will have to be changed.

An excellent homemade method to lubricate the door is considered to use the "soft" pencil stylus. Make it extremely easy - pretty putting the stylus on the loop and little to take the door to various sides. It will turn around and fall on all the loops.

If the entrance door of the house creates, then it is better to lubricate such substances as:

  • Litol - This lubricant is not afraid of frost and can withstand the temperature spectrum from -40 to +120 degrees;
  • Solidol is a fairly affordable means capable of acting in temperature criteria from -35 to +65 degrees.

If the entrance door leads to a vestibule or an entrance, where the plus temperature is consistently supported, then ordinary machine oil or WD-40 means can be used.

Recommendation: how to lubricate the loop of a plastic door

So that the loops do not creak, they must be covered with a special lubricant.

At the same time, from time to time it must be done, without removing the door leaf with the loops.

Before you begin lubricating plastic doors loops, you should look at the learning video

In the case of a plastic door it looks like this:

  • The syringe is taken, which is filled with oil for lubrication and the substance is applied to the accessories;
  • If the lubricant is touched by a pencil's griffel, then the door must be slightly lifted, so that the gaps are visible in which the means falls asleep.

If the plastic door leads to the balcony, it is necessary to start lubrication specifically from its side.

The door must be opened.

Instructions: how to lubricate the hinges of the steel door

Scripping metal or iron door need to be lubricated. If the details of the door design are unspeborified, then you have to do it without a design.

The metal door is lubricated like this:

  • The door leaf is revealed by the lap;
  • Next, it is slightly lifted (for these purposes, something should be put under the end of the door, for example, a fat file);
  • After that, an ancient lubricant and cluffed dirt are removed from the accessories;
  • Then with a cotton wand, a tassel, a syringe or with the help of a oiling with a nozzle, a lubricant can be applied;
  • After performing all the procedures, the door is removed from the "lever" and moves several times to different sides, so that the tool is moderately distributed on the hinges;
  • Excess substances need to be removed with a dry cloth.

Before lubricating the loops of steel doors, they must be painstakingly clean from garbage and old lubrication

The door can inadvertently shut and drive injury. In general, you can additionally in the lumen insert wedge - it will prevent the door closure.

During lubrication, more substance should be applied to the upper loops, since the main overload during the operation of the door lies specifically on them.

If the loops are a hidden mechanism, then it is necessary to find all its swivel parts and lubricate. From time to time there are special holes for filling the oil.

Tips: how to lubricate the door loops without removing the door (video)

The main prerequisite of the door screen in the room is the lack of lubricant on the door hinges.

Naturally, to remove this business, you need to lubricate them. So as not to remove the cloth, you can use the most common method and make all the necessary acts using auxiliary devices. Main, do not forget about safety measures.

How and how to lubricate the entrance door, if it creaks?

The door that makes the creaking causes inconvenience, especially if it increases with time. Nasty sounds from the door arise due to the fact that the loops are poorly blurred or the initial position of the installed door has changed. Such difficulties can be solved without difficulty.

Causes of the occurrence of violin

Unpleasant grinding is heard when the entrance doors turn out to be opened or closed.

From time to time, the creak occurs when the canvas comes into contact with the floor surface or the door frame. To find more accurate where the creak comes from, move the sash. There are four backgrounds of the screens that highlight professionals.

  1. When executing the design, errors are made: loops are incorrectly attached. This problem is solved by rearrangement of loops. But without the help of others, it is better not to be accepted for this job, since the functioning of the flaps in the future depends on its results.
  2. Facing canvases in contact with hinges.

    To remove the creaking, the facing is taken carefully and customized under the desired dimensions.

  3. There are no balls in the design of the loops. To correct the position from the door leaf remove the loops and put the missing items - special balls.
  4. There is not enough lubricant, or the selected lubricant will not approach the properties.

What to lubricate loops?

To eliminate the screenshot, professionals are advised to lubricate the hinges for the entrance doors. Optional options:

  • oil for sewing machines;
  • oil for auto engines;
  • cyatim;
  • solidol;
  • special substance WD-40;
  • soft graphite rod.

To apply the extreme option, the doors are lifted and in the loop put small pieces of graphite.

When the doors become in place, this substance will turn into powder. Graphite is a reliable means in the fight against "musical" sash.

Some owners try to eliminate sounds using vegetable oil.

But as the masters say, it is not worth doing.

At first, it will remove the creak, but after some time the lubricant will become black, tough, which will lead to a bad outdoor view of the accessories, and it will have to be changed.

How to perform lubricant

If you do this function without the help of others, you need the doors with hidden loops at first open. For this prepare a pre-dry rags, an ax and a grease agent. Under the bottom of the open flap, an ax is installed, so that, acting as a lever, lift the cloth.

Preparing loops for lubrication

If you do this process correctly, the door with the loops to remove it is not difficult.

Then painstakingly inspect the canopies. The rods must be tightly attached to the canvas, and the excavations are on the box. The lubricant substance is applied specifically on the rods, but will not excessively be a small amount to add to the recess.

Crane lubrication

After that, using the ax again, the flap is installed on the loop. If the excess of the lubricant was performed on the canopies, they were wiped with a dry cloth. After a first sample, the door design ceases to publish a creak, if everything is made correctly.

If the door is strongly embroidered, and it happens for a long time, then one procedure is not to do.

From this they are tormented by the most iron structures, which are on the street. In this case, first cleaned with the loops formed oxide or rust.

The cooked rag is wetted in a cooked agent: machine oil or WD-40 and laid on canopies that are coated with rust. It should be done carefully so that the substance has not spread and did not fall on the canvas. Remove the resulting rust will not work in a few minutes. Impregnated vehicle let it lie in this position not least 5 hours. Then inspection of the state of canopies.

From time to time allocated time is enough to eliminate the background.

But if this did not happen, the function is repeated.

If the door that makes a creak, armed with a tvovetna, you must initially drill through a small slide hole and make a thread. Then, in the well-done hole, we screw the tvaotnitsa to supply a lubricant through it, which will remove the creaking.

It is clear that when the doors began to creak, the professionals can not necessarily cope with their own.

How to adjust the sash so as not to creak

The task with the door adjustment has to be solved and immediately bypassing the installation, and during the period of the upcoming operation.

Adjusting the newest door

In the first case, it is fundamentally installing the design smoothly, and in the second case - to find the cause of the sample and eliminate it.

Probable backgrounds of the occurrence of the symbol with time:

  • the door sacing;
  • loops clogged;
  • it is an uneven or very dense seal;
  • the lock is fixed unevenly.

If the prerequisite was the sediment of the loops due to the huge weight of the door design, then high-quality adjustment will help in this.

Adjusting the proposed door

To do this, weaken the upper loop and attract the lower, to raise them up, if you need to omit, then the action is done on the contrary.

To loosen the loop, manufacturers predict insignificant gaps that allow it to move towards.

The screws on the loop weaken, and then one of them perfectly tighten and try to move the door, opening it and closing it.

When it turns out to find an impeccable position, the sash will move without effort and screens, tighten other bolts.

Lubrication oil

Important! Regardless of whether the creak appears in the door or not, at times you should lubricate the loop for the prevention.

If the prerequisite of the screap was uneven or inappropriate to the thickness of the seal, installed by another manufacturer, then the door will be without tearing tight.

Only the installed cloth leave for some time to send the opportunity to seal slightly. But if the door judges for a long time, then the sealing element is better to change to a new one.

The problem of the unevenly installed castle is found in low-quality and cheaper designs. So that the lock is perfectly closed, it is necessary to open the hole where the tongue comes, to cut little. In some models there is a special plate, regulating the density of the GRAI.

It is located in the exhaust to enter the tongue.

The main thing is to adjust the adjustment, since the badly attached sash will cause the lock either a knuckle.

How to eliminate the door creak, shown on the video:

They did the most 0 times, the average estimate

The apartment question: what to lubricate the door loops

With such a question, as and how to lubricate the door hinges, so as not to creak, you have to consult the owners of houses, apartments, garages and other street buildings.

Especially acute is the failure of a violep before employees of utilities. They have time to decide how to eliminate door crossing in the entrances, attics, basements and utility rooms at home.

This phenomenon not only acts on the nerves: the creaking loops indicates violations in this mechanism. If not to make measures to maintain a creaking door, then it can be extremely soon.

The canvas will not fall out completely either sorted it.

To prevent such a situation, you need to know how to truly serve the loops, it is often using only high-quality funds.

Causes of the occurrence

Rusty loops

Butterfly loops, whole and in-disposable, factory and independent production, creak for such reasons:

  1. No lubricant. Over time, the lubricant is squeezed out of the grooves, partly evaporates, flows down, leaving the alloy with bare.

    The friction force grows repeatedly, the result of which are sharp and nasty sounds when opening and closing doors.

  2. Getting garbage. This incredibility is characteristic of both street and inland doors. Little dust, concrete and brick suspension, resulting in repairs fall into the hinge. The garbage makes it difficult to move the movement of iron parts, acting as an abrasive crumb, causes the stratification of the inner parts of the mechanism and the output of it.
  3. Rust.

    As a rule, loops are made from iron. This alloy is subject to corrosion. It arises when the alloy visited the rain, in the snow either because of condensate. Rust is unsafe in that it changes the geometry of the details so that they are bent and break. To prevent this, the loops must be lubricated often, especially in the winter season and in the fall.

  4. Mechanical damage. Details of the loops can be brought from the blows of the volume item. The deformation occurs during a powerful wind when the canvas swing wider than it is predained with its design.
  5. Wear parts. Even if to lubricate them often, the steel is abriding friction over a couple of years.

    Lesuft arises, which further worsens the situation. Oldly worn loops are targeted to replace, since because of them, expensive canvas can be deformed.

  6. Violation of the installation rules of the door group. If incorrectness was admitted during installation, additional friction will certainly arise.
  7. Define door mounting to the jamb. This is observed when the tree construction served several 10 years, the tree was shuddered and lost to former strength.

All options need to get rid of the screens. The usual solution is the elimination of friction. Let's focus on the better lubricate the loop.

Assortment of lubricants B.

Vegetable oil

As a rule, in at least some house there is a sufficient amount in which you can lubricate the creaking loops.

It is better to use thick money, so they are better to hold on the alloy, do not flow and do not evaporate.

As for the primary B, then you can use the following:

With the first ability, lubricated with such a loop, it is necessary to completely clean and process specifically for this purpose.

To do this, it is better to use:

  • WD 40 is a liquid that removes rust, perfectly lubricates and protects the alloy from corrosion;
  • litol is a thick car lubricant intended for processing driving parts, operation in the heat and in the criteria of extreme cold weather;
  • cyatim - thick mixture oil with anti-corrosive additives, for a long time protecting alloy from rust;
  • machine oil comes complete with sewing machines, eliminates all screens for several days.

Today, manufacturers of lubricants in give consumers with silicone database.

This firmly holds on the alloy, not stacking and evaporating.

An important dignity is that Silicon does not collect dust, while remaining clean.

Door Lubrication Technology

Lubrication loops

Before starting the processing of loops, you need to examine their condition for damage and fastening strength. If there are cracks and deformation, then such details are better replaced.

Screws must be tightened until it stops. If they are scrolling, it is necessary to strengthen the holes for hardware. The loop is unscrewed, matches moistened in the PVE glue into the holes. After a few hours, the details can be returned to the place - they will be stuck fix and firmly.

When carrying out the lubricant of the door devices, follow these rules:

  1. It is not necessary to impose or pour a lot of money in them - its excess will remain outside.

    Stack and falling down, the lubricant can spoil the door and flooring, paint and wallpaper on the walls. Apart from this, the overestimated lubrication consumption will lead to the fact that it will end quickly.

  2. Before applying oil, all iron parts must be painfully cleaned from the mud and an old oil. To do this, you can use a sponge or gauze. The cavity is comfortable to clean with ear chopsticks. An indicator of the excellent work done will be the purity of the snow-white matter used for extreme wiping.
  3. Liquid remedy is more convenient to apply with a special butter or honey syringe for injection. When working with such devices, the hands remain unwitted, comfortably control the flow rate of the liquid.
  4. When using springs with lubricants, you need to use glasses and grooves to protect organs of vision and respiration.

    Under the loop, it is necessary to put the plywood either cardboard to prevent water from entering the floor and walls. Excess oil is necessary to assemble with a rag and degrease the surface of the metal.

Often, people have to solve a question, how to lubricate the door loops without removing the door. This is done simply - the canvas is lifted with the help of a nail, after which the backup is installed. The resulting clearance between the details is cleaned from the mud and oil, rubbing dry. After this, lubrication is added to the clearance.

The main backgrounds of the appearance of the screens

Before lubricating the creaking loops, let's try to figure out for the reasons for which this creak may appear.

For it is not a fact that in your case it will help specifically lubricant, because the reason may be, for example, in the wrong installation, and just a lubricant here is no longer separated.

  1. Sheds and door facing come into contact: in this case, it will have to be right to fit the size of the cladding.
  2. Improper installation of loops: here, the faster, it will be necessary to reinstall.
  3. In the loops themselves there are no special balls that give the smoothness of rotation: they will have to remove the door leaf together with the canopies and supplement their design by these balls by purchasing them in the market, or drove out of the unfortunate bearing.
  4. A long lack of lubrication and carport care, a consequence of what their pollution and rust can serve, and it creates the door.

    This is just our option that will be most carefully described here.

Of all the circumstances listed above, the 1st three will actually show themselves in actually going to the installation. But the need for lubricant traditionally manifests itself quite a long time, so it will not find this moment of special work.

Suitable loop lubrication

There are many funds that will be allowed to get rid of the screenshots for you. And there are specially designed tools, and there are folk. With them and start.

Folk remedies

  • Pencil graphite rod.

    If there was nothing from lubricating accessories at home, it would be temporarily saved by the situation of the ordinary stylus from the pencil. Without removing the door, slightly raise it and throw a few finely broken pieces of textile graphite into the gap formed. Now you'll twist there, open and closing. The griffel will open and create a lubrication effect.

  • Vegetable oil. Add a few drops of vegetable oil with a syringe without removing the needles from it. Close and open several times so that the oil is moderately distributed.

    Although the method is so for yourself, and only helps for a while.

  • Melted wax. Lubricate the door hinges can also be molten wax or paraffin. Melts and swell it inward, you can right from the flaming candle, and then do the above-described manipulations.

Special means

"Dedovsky methods" can be from time to time and are useful, but only when there is no most reliable funds under the hand, and the largest economic market is quite distant.

Usefulness from those cm (lubricants), like plant and other food fats, extremely short-lived, to first drying, and very unreliable. In addition, using folk remedies, your canopies can be subjected to additional pollution.

So it is better to smear them, so as not to creak the doors specifically designed for this by means. To do this, slightly lift the door cloth and put something under it, for example, a book or a plank to fix the position.

Select you enter using a syringe.

All these methods can be used for both iron entrance doors and interior wood or plastic doors.

  • Door hinges can be lubricated without removing them for a hundred percent, but if you remove them will not greatly make it harder, then the lubricant will turn out to be the most high-quality.

    In this case, it will be most painful, separately, to deceive each of its structural element - the loop itself and the rod, and the remaining parts, if there are those available. For removal, you can use at least a tool suitable as a lever - scrap or mount, for example.

  • If your sheds are so rusty that they have become problematic, use special rust solvents. Apply them on the loop and wait a few hours, from 3 to 6, while rust is not quite a jam, and only later use lubricant.
  • In no case do not knock the rusty canopies with a hammer or other inherent tools, so that they do not completely spoil them.
  • If the hinges are hidden (as a rule, such canopies are worn), then a feeling may appear that it will not get to them.

    But here everything is simple. Using scrap or other lever, slightly lift the door leaf and small gaps between hinges are found on the loop. That's where to pour oil, using all the same old good syringe. But even better to use the sprayed aerosol in this situation.

  • At all, not necessarily wait when your door hinges creak. Quite at least once a year to lubricate their "WD-40", machine oil or other cm for prevention, and this problem will not have a long time.

We hope that reading all our advice, you can apply them true and with the brain in practice.

And now one headache you will have less, since no creak will not be annoyed for a long time. Not bad for you sentiment and home comfort.

Video to help:

Everyone knows how unpleasant the sound of a creaking door can be. He creates inconvenience to households and the day, and at night. How to get rid of the screen of door loops? It turns out that this is easy if you follow ordinary tips.

Why do the doors begin to creak?

  • Slow lubricant in loops. After some time, the door lubricant thick and dries. From this point on, a slight embaring begins, which is important to notice in time. Without a sufficient amount of lubrication, the details begin to wear and break.
  • Doors have shied up. It happens that the door is installed unevenly. And how many loops do not lubricate - still a few days later they begin to creak. In this case, reinstall the door so as not to spoil the accessories.
  • Craised dust. The garbage that falls into the loop absorbs almost all lubricant and leads to the appearance of a screens. Before "docile" loops, you need to clean them.
  • A rust appeared. Due to severe humidity, the metal is subject to corrosion, which quickly damages the details. It is easier to prevent rust with special means than spending money to replace accessories.
  • The loops were worn out. Any details have its own service life. Mechanisms are inevitably "aging", coming into disrepair. Here the lubricant will help for a short time. The loop will still have to replace.

Door Lubrication Means

Let's start with special means that provide reliable lubrication and metal care. Here are some of the most popular:

  • WD 40.- Leader among the means for door loops. Due to its composition improves sliding, prevents rust and fights with the one that has already been formed.
  • Litol.- Indispensable for street doors and wickets. This tool not only lubricates loops, but also creates a waterproof and frost-resistant layer.
  • Cyatim- Universal thick oil tool, designed in the last century. It is used in a variety of mechanisms to prevent friction. Also has frost-resistant properties.
  • Solidol. - This is a means of hearing everyone. They lubricate a variety of details - from door loops, but also car hinges.

It happens that at hand there are no above lubricants, and the door creak is already unbearably acting on the nerves.

Even more unpleasant, if the creak starts to produce loops installed on interconformate doors in the bedroom or children's room. Such a sound can easily wake up a child or even an adult.

Applying toast will come to the rescue:

  • Vegetable oil.This thing is at home for everyone. You can not guarantee that from the screenshot of the loops you get rid of for a long time, but it is quite possible to apply it until you get a special solution.
  • Exhausted machine oil. According to the reviews of those who tried this tool, it serves as a loop lubricant longer than the previous one. The only drawback is the smell.
  • Oil for sewing machine.Many hostesses know that this tool is great for processing door loops.
  • Petrolatum. It is enough for a short time, but due to its properties, it perfectly performs the necessary function.
  • Pencil trap or simple soap. It is necessary to make a chips and handle loops, closing several times and opening the door.

How to lubricate the hinges of the doors?

This question is worried about everyone who has encountered the problem of the door screen for the first time. There are several basic steps:

  1. Clean loops from pollution. To do this, you can use an old toothbrush or rush with a rigid pile.
  2. Prepare a grease and tool tool - a special oil tank (thin tube) or a syringe. You can also use cotton wands, soft brushes, sponges for makeup and fabric.
  3. Determine the corrosion sites - processing you need to start with them.
  4. Lubricate the loop with the selected tool, and the excess is wrapped out the napkin.

  • You can lubricate and unmocumented loops, without removing the door. In this case, pay more time to the process so that the tool is better impregnated.
  • The wider the door is open, the better the loop to handle. Only pre-fix the position so as not to damage your fingers.
  • Apply more oil on the top of the door loops, because most often this part is worn before.

If you follow the advice, you can simply and quickly get rid of annoying screens. Clean the door loops correctly, and they will serve you for many years!

Permanent tubes of door loops are annoying all living in the apartment. An unpleasant sound appears with each opening and closing of doors or even during a small draft. If the loops are completely rusty, it does not cause any surprise. But with improper operation or installation, even new mechanisms can begin to creak. The easiest way to get rid of the unpleasant sound is lubricating loops.

Causes of the appearance of a tube at door loops

There are several reasons because of which the creak of the door loops may appear:

  1. Errors in the production process. When during the manufacture, the design of the loops was broken, for example, they were incorrectly welded, with time the script will certainly appear (speech about the metal door).

    To eliminate the violin in the wrong welding loop, you will need to digest it.

  2. No or insufficient lubrication. If there is excessive friction between the hinge elements, they will creak.

    If the loops were sold not lubricated, you will have to apply a lubricant material on your own that the door does not creak

  3. Inappropriate lubrication composition can also lead to the appearance of irritant sounds. Such a problem often appears when solidol is used. This grease may be thick with time. In this case, the solidol will need to be removed and lubricating the loop to another.
  4. There are no balls in the design (in garage loops). The door will need to remove and place the balls in the canopies. Then, the door canvas is installed in place.

    Without a ball, friction will increase, and the canopy will not be able to fully function

  5. Wearing canopies. In this situation there is only one solution - replacement.

    Wares of loops - the main reason for the occurrence of a violep in old private houses

  6. Wrong installation. If the hinges are not fixed enough for the doors or on the box, then this will most often lead to the appearance of a syrip. To eliminate unpleasant sounds it will be necessary to change the screws or the location of the loop fixation.

    Incorrectly installed door loop can not only make a creak, but also not to give the doors to close tightly

How to lubricate the creaking door loops

There are many options for lubricating door loops. It is best to apply machine oil.

You can go to the economic shop where the machine oil is sold in small jars or plastic tubes. It is intended for household needs, such as lubricants of locks, bicycles and other mechanisms. Such material is perfectly suitable for door loops. One tube should be enough for several years.

The cost of one machine oil tube usually does not exceed 100 rubles

If there is no machine oil at hand, other options can be used. You can solve the problem of a violep with such means:

  1. WD-40. This agent is great for lubricating loops. With it, you can get rid of the screenshot for a long time. If this is not, it is better to purchase it, since the WD-40 is suitable for a variety of life situations, and not just to lubricate the door mechanisms. For example, the remedy can quickly clean rust, glue, paint, etc. It is convenient for them to use, since the WD-40 is produced in canopy, in the form of spray.

    Usually complete with WD-40 there is an extension cord with which you can lubricate hard-to-reach places

  2. Graphite lubricant. This is probably the best lubricant for loops, since it can be eliminated from unpleasant sounds for many years. Graphite lubricant practically does not lose its properties over time.

    Even the small jar of graphite lubricant is enough for many years.

  3. Silicone lubrication is also a rather durable solution. It can be used as an alternative to graphite material. It is excellent for treating outdoor doors, because silicone is not exposed to high and low temperatures.

    Silicone lubricant is originally designed for motorists, but for lubrication of door loops, it also fits perfectly

  4. Solidol or Litol. These are popular funds, but they are not so comfortable to use them. It is necessary to remove the doors to handle the loops. If this is not done, then lubrication will help for a short time.

    Solidol when contamination can acquire the properties of Abrasive

  5. Graphite pencil. It can only be used when there are no other lubricants. The graphite chips have high sliding properties, but graphite is quite quickly poured.

    Graphite pencil has graphite lubrication properties, but it is only a temporary solution to the problem

It is important to remember that any vegetable or animal oils cannot be used to lubricate the door mechanisms. This is especially true of sunflower. Temporarily such a tool will help solve the problem. But then the loops will begin to quickly be covered with rust. It only greatly aggravates the problem.

Sunflower oil harms hard mechanisms

Once my uncle sunflower oil smeared the loop on the front door. At the same time, I decided to pour into the castle for the prevention. About a week later, the castle began to clutch, constantly dine, and then completely broke. The key is stuck so that I had to change the castle. The loop over time also began to creak. I had to make a complete dismantling. Rust for 3 months has accumulated as much as for several years. As a result, we believed it with WD-40.

Video: WD-40 Universal Means

How to lubricate creaking loops

For different types of doors, their types of loops are applied. Lubrication in each case has its own nuances.

How to lubricate a wooden door loop

The most popular view for wooden doors are universal loops. They can be collapsible and unintended. To perfectly lubricate the door loops and solve the problem with a creak for a long time, you need to remove the door cloth and clear all the elements from rust. Then the doors are installed in place. The procedure for performing work for collapsible loops:

  1. First you need to purchase a suitable lubricant. It is desirable that the packaging has "nose". So it will be much easier to work.

    Liquid lubricant is easiest to perform work

  2. The loop rod should be found. It is performed from two elements and a rod that connects them. To make lubrication effectively, it must be removed.

    The door loop rod connects elements together

  3. You need to open the door to the maximum and get it. In some cases, it can be done with your fingers, but it will often have to use pliers.

    Sometimes the rod is very tightly sits, so it will have to gently knock out

  4. Apply lubricant. It is necessary to lubricate the rod itself and the inner surfaces of the hinge elements.

    If the rod is dirty or rusty, it must be cleaned

  5. Return the rod into place.
  6. Check the door. If unpleasant sounds remained, it is necessary to re-produce the entire procedure, only add more lubricant material. It must be done until the creak is completely wondering.
  7. Wipe the loop with a paper napkin or cotton cloth. It is necessary to wipe all the remains of oil and dust.

    Pollution can lead to the return of creak

If you try to make an operation without removal, you can bend metal elements. For example, when the rod is stretched out of the top design, the force will increase, and the entire door can lead to the side.

Inspection cannons will be lubricating only with liquid material. There is no need to remove the door.

There are also conventional (interconnected) canopies that are slightly different from the loops with the rod (universal). They are applied more and less. This design is made according to the principle of "spike-groove". The rod is welded directly to one hinge element and is inserted into another.

Doors with connector door hinges can be removed by simply raising them up

To lubricate such a canopy, it is not necessary to completely remove the doors. There is a way simpler, but for it we need liquid lubricant. Lubrication is performed in several steps:

  1. Most open the door.
  2. With the help of some lever raise it. For this, it will be suitable, for example, a file. It is necessary to insert it under the end of the canvas and pull up.

    The lever significantly reduces the required amount of effort

  3. Lubricate all elements that rub, with a tube with a nose or a conventional syringe.

    It is desirable that the "Nose" cross section is minimal to crawl even into the most narrow slits.

  4. Fix the lever until the canvas returns to its original position.
  5. Several times you need to open and close the door. This is necessary in order for the lubricant completely covered all the elements.

This method is great for lubricating the loops of ordinary wooden interior doors. They always use repeated or universal canopies.

There are hidden hinges that are often used for entrance doors. It should be found all the rubber elements and carefully treat them with a liquid lubricant. Now most models have holes where you need to pour lubricants. On different types of design, they are in different places, so you just need to carefully examine the fastener element.

Hidden loop is not visible when the door is closed

Video: Lubrication of different types of loops

How to lubricate the hinges of the plastic door

Plastic doors have their own distinctive features. PVC material is practically no heat. Also, plastic doors are very tightly adjacent to the frame due to seals.

The creak can appear not only because of the loops, but also due to other accessories (handles, closer, clamping elements).

Most people start handling with lubricant immediately loops. Other items are simply ignored. So it is impossible to do, because the creak may not disappear. It is necessary to pay attention to the accessories.

It should also be lubricated. Work is performed in such a sequence:

  1. Removed and cleaned lining with loops from all sorts of contaminants.

    The pad is removed when the door is closed

  2. Then the silicone lubricant is sprayed.
  3. After applying, it is necessary that the lubricant gets inside the loops. To do this, the door must be revealed several times.
  4. Next, you need to open the closer housing (it is fixed on the screws) and lubricate all the rubbing items.

    Before lubricating clamping elements, it is necessary to remove all visible pollution

If the door still creaks, then the problem may come in something else, and not in the loop. In this case, it will have to re-install or replace completely.

How to smear the loop of the glass door

Loops for glass doors have a more neat and delicate design. Often they are intimidrate or difficult to collapsible, so liquid means should be used for lubrication.

Lubrication loops for glass doors usually happens without disassembling

It is best to use WD-40. It is necessary to pour lubricant in each placed grease from the canopy. Then, check for the presence of a syringe. If he stayed, add lubricants and more.

How to lubricate the hinges of the metal door

Before installation, metal doors are carefully lubricated. But over time, the lubricant is generated. When it becomes little, creak appears.

In winter, it is possible to use solidol. It will not allow loops to drag. But it is better to use a specialized agent - graphite lubricant.

There are hinges, inside which is not a ball, but bearings

Metal door loops can be treated with lubricant and without removal. But this is only if they are not hidden under overlays. If the lining is present, you will have to remove the entire design. They are welded to the door frame and overlap access to hinges. Lubrication work is performed according to the standard principle:

If the metal doors hinges are strongly covered with rust, you must first process their WD-40. Only after complete cleaning can be searched for lubrication. In the summer period, WD-40 can also be applied as a lubricant.

How to lubricate the folding door

Such a door does not have a loop, but the creak may appear in the wheels or due to the dirty guide. With the guide, everything is simple - you only need to clean it carefully.

You need to lubricate the rollers in a timely manner so that the bearings do not rust

The wheels will have to lubricate. For this you need:

You should not lubricate guides, as the dirt will begin to pour even more.

How to grease the loops of the double-sided door

Also there are two-way doors. They can open in any direction.

Double-sided doors are very comfortable, but with severe drafts can start twit

Such loops need to be lubricated with machine oil. For this you need:

Often the doors with such loops are installed in public places. Therefore, the lubricant must be carried out every 6 months. If a lot of people passes through the door, then preventive lubrication should be done every 3 months.

It doesn't matter, dear or cheap door, but before or later, when performing direct duties, it begins to make scary unpleasant sounds: a buzz, creak, grinding. In the afternoon, it is little careful, but at night becomes a real test, forcing once again not to enter the room.

The question than to lubricate the loop doors so as not to creak, at home is relevant to anyone who has already encountered this problem or does not see any of its existence.

Causes of violin

Before selecting the method of effective getting rid of unpleasant annoying and frightening sounds published by the door, it is necessary to find the source of the problem. The reason can be:

  1. Insufficient fitting fasteners to the jamb, which happens due to the violation of the installation rules or the use of unsuitable elements of low quality.
  2. Facing concerns the loops that, when driving, rub about the material, deforming it.
  3. Lack of balls in the canopy.
  4. Disadvantage or complete abrasion of lubricants in loops.

Sometimes in the articulation of moving parts, dust is clogged and small litter falls. All this absorbs lubricant and acts as an abrasive that is rapidly. The only way out will be a complete analysis of the elements, cleaning and lubrication.

Methods for eliminating violin

Solving Options:

  1. If the reason lies in incorrectly selected accessories, only disassembling the canvas will be released and the purchase of good parts of the required configuration, sizes.
  2. Sharing fasteners just twist the screwdriver of the desired type. The main thing is not to clamp a lot, otherwise the sash will be bad to move, which will destructively affect the duration of the operation of the door.
  3. Facing that is incorrectly installed. It must be removed and adjusted under the size of the canvas.
  4. Some loops models determine the presence of balls that can be lost or do not go complete. To solve the problem, you will have to remove the loops and insert the missing items inside.
  5. The absence or critical amount of means warning friction is solved the easiest.

If the question arose than to lubricate the door so that it does not creak, know: There are a lot of substances that will help solve this problem.


Special fluid is used by motorists who are not bent themselves to sort out the mechanisms of the machine, perfectly suitable for economic needs.


Viscous and oily - popular household material for lubricating moving door fittings.


The waterproof, efficient and frost-resistant means is suitable for both interior and street flaps. He is not afraid of even just winter.


The substance of a thickened structure with an antioxidant effect. Refers to universal kinematic lubricants and can be used to eliminate defects in the canopy.

Sewing machine oil

Surely there is every hostess, which is engaged in sewing. Lubricant for these mechanisms is almost universal.

Automotive oil

New machine or "working out", which remained after replacement in the engine. It is convenient to apply it, and the drills on the door almost remains.

Folk ways

If there is no special tool, but it is necessary to eliminate the problem urgently, you can use something from the existing in the house:

  • vaseline is present in each second first aid kit, but in the case of creaking loops, it will help for a short time;
  • wax - is often used as an independent lubricant;
  • paraffin - applies more often for the prevention of the screens, than for "treatment";
  • pencil griffel is one of the most reliable primary means, because it contains oils and wax.

Important: thick lubricants are preferable to liquid, as they serve as longer, do not spread and leave marks.

Decisive home problems with the help of improvised drugs are interested, is it possible to lubricate the hinges with vegetable oil. It seems that this is a very common practice. But it is not recommended to do so. For several days, the opposite sound will really disappear, but then sunflower oil thickens, it will become solid and will darken. We will have to fully change accessories.

Features of lubrication of various types of doors

Deciding than to lubricate the loop doors, it remains to do it correctly. The method of performing work is influenced by many factors: material, location, design.

Iron door

Usually begins to "sing", saving due to heavy cloth and corrosion. Iron doors, as a rule, entrance street, preferably it is all-welded unintellular structures. They will have to handle in place without removing. One should only choose a strong focus to raise the sash.

First you need to clean the accessories from the mud and rust, and lubricate in those places where the metal is running - between moving elements.

Luxury residues are definitely wiping, and then open and close the door several times to distribute the substance by internal hinges.


Preferably intricate, but are balcony. In the latter case, first handle the sash from the street, and then from the side of the room.

The open door needs to be slightly lifted using the stop. Oil applied in small quantities and closed closet.

Important: On white plastic, stains are very noticeable from lubrication, which is not immediately visible immediately, and some time after the procedure. Preferably, before "treating" the door to make a sample at an inconspicuous place and observe the reaction of the material to the substance.


It is installed mainly in apartments and between rooms. The procedure is performed according to the generally accepted scheme, but it is simplified by the fact that some models are easily disassembled by providing access to accessories. Otherwise, the lubricant is introduced into the gaps on the loop.

Important: Natural wood is better to take care of contact with chemicals, since deformation may occur or the spot will remain.


Despite visible airiness, such a door is very heavy, therefore special loops are used in the design - with rubber seals. During installation work, this place is processed by glue to increase the reliability and extension of the service life.

This feature does not exclude the grinding and creaking, does not interfere with the lubrication, but it is better to know about it, going to carry out processing.

Important: The oil is not washed away from the glass, therefore it is recommended to use WD-40.

Room harmonica

Easily understandable, but requires a solid approach:

  • cleaning grooves and wheels from what adhered during the door of the door;
  • lubrication of all moving elements.

But the latter is performed solely by a special silicone agent. Only to it will not pour litter.

Sliding door

Most often, there is no noise due to bad lubricant, but due to garbage, which accumulates in all possible places. Some hardened sediments are allowed to be cleaned with a metal brush, and other sorces are a vacuum cleaner.

Important: To make the wheels easier move, silicone lubricant is applied after cleaning.

How to apply the composition

Accessories are different, depending on its type and approach is needed specific. Strip away from what exactly rushing. The video will help correctly perform the procedure.

On detachable loops or canopies

Consist usually from two parts, because the canvas can be removed without unscrewing them completely. With abundant lesions, rust is recommended to apply a few hours moistened in engine oil - the oxide will easily be cleaned. After applying the lubricant, the sash hangs immediately into place.

On propagate loops or hinges

You can dismantle only removing all the fasteners - screws. Due to the significant number of elements, they begin to make noise quickly, especially with frequent use. Despite the complexity in maintenance, very popular, because universal, thanks to which they are suitable for both left and right doors. We need systematic lubrication.

On guides

Before processing requires mandatory cleaning with the separation of all parts of the fitness of stages. Only with the complete absence of garbage can be applied special silicone.

To avoid screenshots and other noise that can make the door, it is enough to regularly carry out preventive measures, getting rid of garbage and lubricating problem areas.

Surely, everyone at least once came across the situation when the door in the house began to creak, disturbing the calm of his tenants. Not only heavy inlet and interior doors, but also the usual cabinet sash are subject to such a problem.

It is quite simple to get rid of the unpleasant screenshot of the loops, but to prevent his appearance again, it is better to find out the possible reason for the occurrence of a disturbing sound.

The main reasons for the mode of doors have long been known.

  1. Corrosion loops is one of the most particular causes of the door squeak. Especially, it concerns the street input structures from the metal. Dampness and adverse weather conditions, with time, can lead to rust loops. That, in turn, gradually destroys the iron, makes it difficult to move the movement of elements and, as a result, leads to a screen.
  2. Insufficient amount of special lubricant is another common cause of the door screen. To move the canvas to be easy, you must additionally lubricate the hinges of the doors. However, over time, the lubricant has the property to thicken. It can also spread or just dry out. As a result - the appearance of friction between the elements of the loop during the movement and the creaking mechanism. Over time, the problem can be further aggravated: a long strengthening of parts can lead to blocking the mechanism, and even at all to its breakdown.
  3. Use of incorrect lubricant. If the loops are processed with a lubricant, not suitable for its intended purpose, then it is likely that its action will not be effective and cannot provide the necessary ease of operation of the mechanism. The consequence becomes the same outcome described by the item earlier.
  4. Wearing details. Usually, the looping mechanism is faithfully for many years. However, over time and it can break. Especially if during operation, the rules for the prevention of wear are not respected. In this case, the problem in the operation of the mechanism is eliminated by replacing the mechanism itself.
  5. Loop clogging is also not such a rare cause of the occurrence. Dust, rust and other trash - all this can score a mechanism or absorb lubricant, and, as a result, a creaking door.
  6. The loops are not equipped with a special ball. When installing inlets of metal doors or gates, conventional loops are used, the bulb of the required diameter is placed inside. The absence of this element may cause the appearance of the screens. To eliminate it, it is enough to complete the mechanism of the missing part, after removing the door with the loops, and then install it back.
  7. Structures or errors made when installing the doorway - the problem is the most time-consuming solution. Usually, the consequences of improper installation are manifested immediately or make themselves to know from the first days of operation. The most common errors in the installation, entailing unpleasant consequences, are described below:
  • dissolio design - may occur if the door is very heavy (the outcome of this situation is not only damage to the loops and the creaking door, but also a discharged door frame);
  • incorrectly or weakly installed loops;
  • contact the canvas with a trim, door box and a platband.

What to lubricate the door so that it does not creak

As previously said, often the reason for the appearance of the screen of door loops lies in the lubricant shortage. You can fill it with special lubricants, the benefit of the stores in the stores.

The most efficient can be called the following lubricants.

  1. WD-40 - universal lubrication, produced in the form of spray and oil. It perfectly copes with the task: it provides ease in the movement of elements, cleans the mechanism from contamination and prevents corrosion formation.
  2. Solidal - high-density fatty lubrication. Very popular for processing any moving mechanisms.
  3. Litol is a lubricant known for its frost resistance and waterproof quality. Often used in outdoor work.
  4. Ciathim is another effective means in the form of a multipurpose lubricant that will help if the house has a creaking door.

What else can you lubricate the door loops so that they creak

In addition to special industrial lubricants, other methods of processing hinges are known using healthy homemade products.

Among them:

  • vegetable oils;
  • petrolatum;
  • wax, paraffin;
  • pencil griffel.

However, it is worth noting that these funds are ineffective. Usually, after a few days, the creak returns again. In addition, food fats, such as Vaseline, attract dust and contaminate the blurred mechanism than contribute to the formation of rust.

The processing process of the loop mechanism with a lubricant is very simple. Although a newcomer may still be useful for several tips on how to lubricate the door loops.

  1. It is most convenient to lubricate the door hinges with a special nozzle with a tube, like a spray WD-40, we are talking about above. If there is no one, the task will cope with a simple syringe.
  2. Surplus lubricants need to be removed with a dry napkin.
  3. Details on which there are abrasion requires increased attention. They should be cleaned of contamination and carefully handle lubricant.
  4. The main mechanism of the loop is inside, so this part must be missed particularly well.

How to lubricate the loops of interroom doors and not only

It should be said that the process of applying lubricants on the loop is the same for any door, whether it is intercomed, metal or balcony. The processing course can be varied only depending on the type of loops installed.

Processing detachable loops

Helping processing will be most effective if the door is removed. To do this, the door must be lifted, for example, by scrap. Then apply lubricant to all elements of the looping mechanism, both on the canvase and on the door frame.

After that, the door is hung back. To make the remedy in the mechanism evenly, the door must be opened several times and close. Surplus lubricant wipe the dry cloth.

Treatment of deline loops

If the door is installed on all-in-block loops (they are still called universal), then the lubricating composition is applied in the slot between the hinges.

Care for accessories

The occurrence of the screen of the door hinges can be avoided if they periodically clean them from pollution and carry out processing. This will prevent abrasion of parts and the appearance of corrosion. If the loops are already subject to corrosion, they should be cleaned with a special corrosive rust.