What to add to the wallpaper glue against bedbugs during cosmetic repair. How to correctly treat the walls before sticking wallpaper? How much add antiseptics to wallpaper glue

The appearance of such unpleasant neighbors in the apartment, like bugs, can hardly be attributed to pleasant phenomena. They prefer to settle in secluded corners hidden from a human eye. Favorite seats of their habitat are upholstered furniture, beds, carpets, wallpaper joints and slots in the walls.

Claps can get into the apartment in various ways. Most often, they penetrate at home with random guests, pets, pass around the neighbors, either bring with luggage to the households themselves from travel or business trips. Sometimes the inhabitants of the apartment are aware of the existence of this problem, but do not take any measures to destroy insects, which can harm the rest of the residents of an apartment building.

The most likely causes of the appearance of bugs in the dwelling are.

Antisanitary state of the apartment

Despite the fact that bugs are not interested in the presence of garbage in the bucket left on the table of crumbs or dirty floor, most likely, they will prefer to settle in a home with unsanitary conditions.

Neighbors - Dirtli

You keep your apartment in perfect clean, but still notice the presence of bedbugs in it. Of course, you are asked by a reasonable question: where do they appear in your home? Perhaps it's all about yours in neighbors. If they do not differ in the cleanness, and their apartment is filled with clouds, they will certainly transfer to neighboring apartments. In this case, the fight against them is meaningless, because they will still shift to you.

Getting into the apartment together with other things and objects

With luggage from long journeys

When settling in new housing

When buying an apartment in the secondary market there is a risk to detect in it a whole colony of bugs that remained inherited from the former. After all, no one guarantees that the former tenants contained an apartment clean.

Where do the bugs usually live?

Here you know where cockroaches can appear from. Now let's tell you where most often they love to hide. Insects prefer dark and hard-to-reach places in which, usually, people do not look. First of all, they love to settle in the bedrooms. Klopov can be found in bed linen, pillows, blankets and inside mattresses.

Often, bugs are hiding under parquet coating, under laminate and, of course, under the wallpaper.

In the latter case, to get rid of bloodsuckers settled under the surface of the wallpaper, special agents will help, which are added to the wallpaper glue when the walls are saved.

What to add to glue?

On the shelves of specialized stores today there is a wide range of chemicals that provide effective disposal from bloodsowing insects. They can be added to the composition of the wallpaper glue to deliver the walls from the bugs and eliminate their further appearance. Among such drugs, several funds that are most popular can be distinguished.


Among the components of this means to destroy bugs there are very poisonous substances. In this regard, to store it, it is necessary to use the hermetic container, which is recommended to keep in an inaccessible place for children and domestic pets.

This agent is added to the wallpaper glue in a 1: 4 ratio. When applying this chemical drug, you can not forget about precautions. That is why during the repair, it is recommended to work in a gauze bandage, protective glasses, rubber gloves and special protective clothing. After the glue is completely dry, it is necessary to ventilate the room by opening for this window.


This is a means with a high degree of efficiency, but it also has some drawbacks. One of them is the presence of a very unpleasant and pronounced smell. To one liter of the wallpaper glue, you need to add 7 grams and mix everything thoroughly. Then you can move to the blending of the wallpaper.

At the end of the work, you must open the windows for 4 to 5 hours for the purpose of airing the room. From clothing and gloves, in which the work was performed, it is necessary to get rid of them by throwing them away.


This tool is intended solely for professional use. It does not harm the health of people and has low toxicity. The chemical has effective assistance in the destruction of such unpleasant insects, like bugs, cockroaches and ants. Microphos has a fairly long storage. A huge advantage of the drug is that its action continues within 6 months.

Chemical and glue from bedbugs are mixed in a ratio of 1:20. After using the drug on the wallpaper coating, there are no ugly traces, which is another indisputable advantage of the microphos.


The more carefully the processing of the room will be performed, the better the results you can achieve in the removal of bugs from your home. Starting the execution of disinfection work is recommended from the processing of the ceiling and wall surfaces. Before sticking on the wall coverage walls, you need to prepare them well.

Before processing the walls, it is necessary to clean them from the old layer of wallpaper and immediately remove them. Next, you need to take a suitable container and prepare a solution in it, with which the wall processing will be performed before they are salaling. For the preparation of the solution, the following components will be required:

  1. Soap household 72% - a piece;
  2. Soda - 1 teaspoon;
  3. Hot water - 1 liter.

A piece of soap must be grate on the grater, pour it with hot water, and then add soda. All ingredients need to mix well and leave at least half an hour so that the mixture has acquired a homogeneous consistency. When the solution is ready, it is necessary to carefully treat them the surface of the walls and other places where the bugs love to accumulate.


Summing up the above information, it can be concluded that the bugs prefer to hide in the cracks available in the floor surface and the walls in the soft furniture and under the wallpaper canvases. Professionals advise partially solve this problem with cosmetic repairs, paying special attention to the ceiling and walls. About what to add to the glue for wallpaper to ensure the destruction of the bugs, we told. You just have to choose that the tool that will be the most optimal solution to the problem in your case.

Using chemicals in the glue for wallpaper, do not forget about precautions. Remember that by taking timely measures, you can save yourself in the future from more serious problems.

You can decorate the walls in different ways: glue wallpaper, paint, cover ornaments, artistic painting, decorative plaster.

The most common decor method and the least troublesome - pasting wallpaper. Preparation of walls for sticking wallpaper includes several stageswhich should not be neglected.

What is it for?

So that the wallpaper did not dug, not deformed during the work, and the canvas smoothly stacked On the wall, before sticking the wallpaper it is necessary to level the walls.

Wall processing provides protection From mold, fungal disputes and bedbugs.

Many walls have a finely porous structure that allows you to accumulate in the pores of the airwhich contributes to the exploration of wallpaper seams. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to ensure the maximum clutch of wallpaper and walls.

Wallpapers glued to unprepared walls do not stay long And aesthetically unattractive.

What should be the surface?

If you correctly make preparatory work before sticking wallpaper, then you can observe necessary wallpapers for wallpaper:

Features of the processing of walls depending on their material

Before achieving the desired surface of the wall under pasting wallpaper, it is necessary to carry out a number of works that will help bring the condition of the surface in perfect. Features of the preparation of walls under wallpaper largely depend on what material of the wall.

Nuances in the processing of walls from different materials:

  1. Plasterboard It has a smooth surface, but it is porous and not enough durable. Special attention in processing should be given to equalizing the surface, taking into account the joints and self-tapping screws.
  2. Concrete walls The most durable. Since their structure has minimal porosity, it is sometimes enough to prepare only primer.
  3. Walls of bricks There is not enough durable and even, therefore, for their treatment it is necessary to pass several stages (alignment, putty, priming).
  4. Walls from chipboard They have screws and joints. It is necessary to smell them with oil paint. Next, the surface is treated in the usual way.
  5. Treatment OSB Wall The wallpaper is practically no different from the preparation of brick walls. Only the first step is the sealing of the seams with a mixture and the coverage of the wall with sickle.

Virtually any coating can be prepared under a sticking in such a way that the material of the walls is already Will Wallpaper Quality will depend on.

How to make everything right?

At first glance, the preparation of walls under the sticking of wallpapers seems quite simple. But, there are nuanceswhich nonprofessional not always know.

Removal of old coating

If the walls are covered with old wallpaper or paint, then before making the walls, it is necessary to remove the old decor.

Old wallpaper can be pasted in several layers, so before their liquidation must be first spray with water with water. Then with a spatula, remove the old layer.

Old paint is much harder to remove from the walls. Exists three ways of removal Old paint coating:

  • Mechanical. The paint is knocked down with tools (ax, electric drill, grinder, spatula, chisel).
  • Chemical. The procedure is that it is necessary to repeatedly apply the chemical composition on the wall and wait until the paint starts to bubble and peel from the wall.
  • Thermal.This method implies paint washes with a construction dryer.


Wall plasters are produced in order to level the surface and eliminating its gross defects. Modern gypsum plaster can be applied to a layer of up to 7 mm on the wall, which is very convenient when aligning.

Prepare a mixture and a spatula for work. Wpads and cracks score with putty, protrusions and bulges to bring down as much as possible, And the remaining irregularity to crate the composition.

If the wall is uneven (has a tilt), then it is possible to align it using lighthouses, levels and rules.

After full bitch Walls can be moved to the shtlocking of the surface.


Putty - one of the required stages which must be done in the preparation of walls under the stick of wallpaper. A suction solution is made of such a consistency, which easily falls on the surface.

The circular movements of the spatula are applied to the wall on the wall in several stages, while the layer should not exceed 4 mm. Hard-to-reach places (radiator, pipes) putty need a rubber spatula.

Finnish layer of spacure applied most carefully So as little as possible irregularities.

Get rid of mold, fungi, bedbugs

Treatment of walls from fungi, mold and bugs before sticking wallpaper necessarily Even if there are no such defects on the wall and there was no.

there is several prophylactic and effective recipes For the processing of walls from mold and similar formations:

  • chlorine lime - in liter of water dissolve 200 g. Chlorine lime and applied to the wall;
  • fungicide, like lime, can also be breeding with water and use the resulting solution;
  • the chlorine solution (white) is effectively fighting with fungus and its disputes;
  • hydrogen peroxide solution perfectly copes with mold and fungus disputes;
  • the solution of copper sulfate and water (100 g. 10 liters) is also effectively affecting the foci of the development of mold, fungi and protect the walls from bugs.

If the mold has fired through the plaster, then you need to clean this piece of plaster up to the base. Treat the wall by any of the solutions. After surface treatment, it is recommended to apply primer with an antiseptic.

Important! When working with solutions, it is necessary to use protective devices: gloves, respirators, glasses.


By priming walls decreases the adhesive consumption, And the priming has a number of properties that have a positive effect at the final stage of the finish.

The result of priming:

  • the quality of gluing the wallpaper walls to the wall increases;
  • no cracking of putty;
  • moisture is ensured in the wall;
  • the formation and development of fungi is prevented;
  • the clutch of wallpaper and wall increases, thereby increasing the service life of the wallpaper coating.

In order for the priming process to be performed correctly you need to know some subtleties:

  • the primer is applied only to a fully dried putty;
  • glue wallpaper should only be finally dried primer.

Since the porosity of the wall may be heterogeneous, then apply primer on the wall in this case it is necessary unevenly. More porous surface need processing with plenty of mixture.

When properly performed all stages of wall processing, the final result of the work will be appropriate to expectations: smooth walls, perfectly laid with wallpapers, lack of problems with mold and clouds.

In the next video, see what you need to do before pasting walls by wallpaper:

It is no secret that any surface before sticking wallpaper needs to be primed, to smooth out the surface irregularities and so that the wallpaper is better to stick to the walls.
The primers are the mass, all kinds ranging from special (for example, acrylic primer) and ending with the primer from the "primed materials", these are primers from PVA glue and wall-mounted glue.

Additionally read

That is why it is convenient to use wallpaper glue as a primer, it is well absorbed into the wall, connects the particles of construction dust and significantly increases the chance of high-quality sticking (this is when the wallpaper does not disappear and are not lagging behind the edges).

In addition, glue consumption as primer and its cost is significantly less than when using special solutions.

Vivan! Not all the wallpaper adhesive is suitable for use as a primer, look for a reference to the packaging (and instructions for proportions).

If there is no mention on the package - it is better not to use this glue option.

Do I need to wait for drying?
It all depends on the composition of the adhesive, if it consists of methylcellulose - then you can not wait for drying, but the glue, which includes starch, should dry well.

How to make the grinding of walls with wallpaper glue

Sequence of work:
1. Buy glue (after checking that it can be used as a primer). We took ordinary wallpaper glue Methilana, which will then be used when sticking wallpaper.

2. We take a pack of dry glue (weight of 250 grams) and weigh it on 5-6 liters of cold water.

3. Using a mixer, mix well for a minute.

On a room of 16 m2, two packs of 250 grams of glue (primer + sticking)

4. Leaves to have 5 minutes.

5. Add water (volume of 6 liters) and mix up to a kefi-like consistency.

6. Glue fur roller to apply walls over the entire surface.

7. And leave to dry by about 4 hours.

After driving the primer you can:

Just cover with glue wallpaper without wall cover;

Either cover and wallpaper and re-wall.

That's so sufficiently light way you increase the chances of successful wallpaper pasting without their disappear and without re-gluing joints.

Video about how to properly knead the wallpaper glue

Wallpaper sticking is perhaps the most popular type of decoration of residential spaces, which is due to the ability to quickly update the interior without prejudice to the budget.

The quality of sticking wall coverage depends not only on the compliance with the technology of preparing the working surface, but also from the wallpaper glue.

Therefore, his choice can not be allowed to self-shot. The acquisition of the first product that can lead to loss of repair quality. We find out the main criteria for choosing glue for wallpaper and what to draw attention to its purchase to avoid disappointments.


In the manufacture of adhesive mixtures, a general formula consisting is used:

The difference between the adhesive mixtures is the packaging. Dry adhesives are sold in packs, and thick concentrates - in the vendors of different volumes.

Adhesives have a different percentage of basic components, which is determined by the specifics of the application:

  • As part of universal adhesives for all types of coatings, the amount of foundations from MC reaches 97%. They are produced with / without antifungal additives.
  • Special adhesives for heavy coatings consist of 75% of the base, by 25% or more of the PVA and contain 0-3% of antiseptic additives.
  • In adhesive products for decorative glass and textile bars, an approximately equal amount of the base and PVA, and the fraction of fungicides with bactericide is up to 3.4%.

Types and specifications

All mobby adhesives are distinguished by the appointment, in connection with which they can be classified by three large categories:

  • Non-specialized compositions for simplex and duplex of paper coatings.
  • Proposals with a margin "Universal" adapted for decor with all types of wall coverings.
  • Special locks for working with certain types of wallpaper materials: light, medium density, hard.

Consider various types of adhesive products:

Universal PVA

The popularity of vinyl acetate polymer emulsion is due to the versatility of its use in various fields, including repair and finishing work.

Household PVA is used to stick coatings based on vinyl and paper.

Emulsion has excellent performance:

  • Excellent adhesive ability.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Fireproofing.
  • High frost resistance.
  • Ability to increase adhesion when adding and putty mixtures in primer.

Due to the absence of toxic compounds, this product is considered environmentally friendly and safe. Low price makes it available to a wide circle of buyers. PVA-based primers with anti-grib properties prevent attacks of mold mushrooms, protecting the walls from the black mold lesion.


Adhesive bustylate and its varieties with improved properties are indispensable during repairs. Basic components of the composition - latex, chalk, kmk, water and additives to give a mixture of optimal working qualities. In accordance with Goste, any brand of bustilat does not contain harmful compounds and is environmentally friendly.

Technological properties:

  • The working solution has a grayish or white color, when frozen acquires transparency.
  • Eliminates the formation of yellowness on the canvases, regardless of their thickness.
  • Moisture-resistant.
  • Differs in economical flow - up to 200 g / m2.
  • The time of complete drying is up to one and a half days.
  • Good mobility indicators, which is convenient when adjusting the position of the canvas.
  • Fire safety.

CMC Class Drilling

Popular products for decorating paper wallpaper - CMC / CMC. These are powdered mixtures of a pinkish shade with carboxymethylcellulose.


  • Eco-friendly.
  • Prevent the development and spread of mold fungi.
  • Do not smell.
  • Exclude yellowing of light shades.
  • Have a good way out.
  • Cost cheaper glue with MC.

Vinyl adhesive

The adhesive mixtures for working with vinyl are produced with two types of bases: expensive methylcellululose and cheaper modified KMK / GPK starch.

All the most important performance indicators of adhesive mixtures with methylcellululose deserve the highest marks.

Such formulations possess:

  • Excellent adhesion properties.
  • Long-term consolidation.
  • High penetrating ability.
  • Excellent compatibility with cement, as well as surfaces treated with an exeter.
  • Multi-disconnecting clutch.
  • Perfect hygienicity, which allows them to be used even in the rooms of small children.
  • Perfect frost resistance.

Fliselin glue

It has a powdered consistency and packaged in small boxes. This material is recommended to perform only fliseline facing having a smooth substrate, and with different decorative layers - corrugated, multilayer, vinyl, in the form of silk screen.

For fiberglass and fabric coatings

These are concentrated ready-made dispersion formulations, designed for cladding with the most heavy textile fabrics. Have an increased mechanical strength of the adhesive layer, the ability to resist moisture, film formation rate during the day.

Auxiliary means

When working with wall coatings, use is often required:

  • Docking glue. The edges of the canvases are glued with this material, and restore the seams in areas of breaks. This is a quick-drying composition of white, which, when drying, acquires transparency and becomes invisible. It is designed to work with all types of coatings.
  • Acrylic border glue To fix decorative tapes to surfaces from any material. It has an increased grade and ensures the perfect slip of the decorative element when fitting. Comfortable packaging contributes to an easy application.

Technological indicators

When choosing a wallpaper glue, it will be necessary to evaluate the following technological properties:

  • Primary adhesion - hitch with a base that depends on the viscosity of the mixture.
  • The final adhesion, determined by the strength of the adhesive adhesion to the base after the adhesive layer is completely dry.
  • Hydrogen pH. Mixtures with acidity in the range of 6-7, which indicates a normal acid-alkaline balance, exclude the formation of yellowness on the coatings of a light shade.
  • Mobility, which is important for adjusting the position of sheets on the working surface when docking and fitting in the figure.
  • The hygiene indicator due to the volume of antifungal additives in the adhesive mass.
  • Environmental safety.

Compositions with a minimum of artificial additives and the absence of characteristic smells of synthetics are considered more harmless.

  • Moisture resistance, which is determined by the ability of the adhesive layer to maintain strength in the conditions of an increased humidity regime.
  • Compatibility, which is expressed in the adhesive mixture reaction when interacting with various materials: plaster, chipboard / DVP, wood, concrete and brick surface.
  • Coupling restores with a reusable softening / drying of the adhesive layer due to contact with the liquid.
  • Long-term combination of cloths with a base, that is, how long the salaled surfaces will remain immaculate.
  • Product spending - ratio of a dissolved adhesive mixture to the amount of working solution with the desired viscosity when using a dry-line packaging.

For what wallpapers?

Wallpaper products offered by construction shops are represented by various types of coatings that are characterized by manufacturing material:

  • Paper. These are high-layer density trellis and a two-layer structure. Compared to simplex wallpaper, duplex coatings have higher light resistance and resistance to moisture. The classic paper canvases have the easiest weight and low thickness, which eliminates the problems with the choice of adhesive composition. You can use a hubber, drilling melting class CMC, a common PVA.
  • From Vinyl.Vinyl coatings are characterized by durability, reliability, moisture resistance. They can be ordinary and embossed. Hot embossing is used in the production of compact vinyl, heavy vinyl, silk-screen printing and inhibited wallpapers with chemical embossed.

The technology of sticking vinyl wallpapers is no different from the gloveting of paper coatings. The diluted mixture is applied to the canvas and are used to process the wall, wallpaper is withstanding about 20 minutes and glue. Bad vinyl air permeability significantly reduces the drying rate of the adhesive layer. Therefore, homemade ceases use unprofitable, unlike special glue, which dries much faster. As for the universal adhesive, if it is used, a working solution of maximum concentration is required.

  • On a fibrous basis. The manufacture of phlizelin (nonwoven) coatings are cellulose fiber. These are waterproof coatings with good air permeability. Flizelin is an excellent basis for painting. Here you need a special glue for Flizelin.

It differs from other formulations of the use technology: the finished means is applied solely on the working surface, and the canvas themselves do not need to be labeled and withstand for some time (as paper analogs) too.

  • For textile coatings and glasses.Luxury fabric coatings have a multi-layered structure, where various types of fabrics are used as a decorative layer, and the substrate is used. This group of goods includes fiberglass materials in which the base is covered with special yarn. To get a thread used molten glass. Such trellis glue with high-strength dispersion adhesives in the form of a finished solution or dry mixtures for glass decorations.

  • For ceiling photo wallpaper.Flizelin, paper, fabric, PVC are performed as the basis of such cloths. The glue is selected, depending on the type of wallpaper: coatings with a 3D effect, washing textiles, washing paper or in the form of a panel of polyvinyl chloride. For the first three species, it is recommended to use adhesives with indicators, depending on the material of the basis of the base, and the PVC cannon is glued to liquid nails. Adhesive components have already been added to the composition of self-adhesive photo wallpapers.
  • From natural materials. Natural wallpapers are vegetable with a large content of cellulosic fibers, cork with a paper base, bamboo with a tissue substrate and from a veneer with a flieslinic or paper substrate. Glue for them is needed only special, high viscosity marked "for traffic jam", "for bamboo and traffic jams", and it will also suit the glue "Spec vinyl".

  • Monochrome wallpaper.Before sticking white wallpaper and black coatings, it is necessary to carefully prepare a working surface. It is equally important to choose adhesive with drying, taking into account the material manufacturing material.
  • Liquid. Wallpapers are also liquid in the form of a powder intended for dilution in water, followed by applying the surface. This type of coatings does not require the use of glue.

Where can I use?

Many wallpaper adhesives containing polyvinyl acetate are suitable for use as a soil, allowing you to save on the acquisition of primer. About this feature, manufacturers write on a pack. Adhesive mixtures for heavy and dense wallpaper are well used for sticking the substrate under the finish coating.

Universal PVA can be glued with a vituoy rope - a decorative cord for masking a wall of a wall with ceiling construction, plastic corners and borders.

Bustylate is suitable for the linings of the joints and gluing the seams, since it becomes transparent when drying.

How to cook?

The adhesive mix can be made with their own hands at home. Wheat flour or starch is used as the bracket. To calculate the desired glue volume, repel from the fact that the liter of the stubble is enough for a sticking of 2-3 rolls.


  • Boil water.
  • Take a big bowl, given the required product volume.
  • Flour in the container of flour 150 g, add water and thoroughly stirred. It is necessary to dilute to the consistency of the source of medium density.
  • Slowly pour a diluted mixture into a saucepan with boiling water, stirring continuously.
  • They give the mixtures boiling, after which they leave to cool.

The finished hill must be without lumps and constitute a homogeneous mass. Acting in the same way, you can bring paper glue from starch with the addition of dry joinery glue to improve the stickiness. Diluted adhesives should not be stored for more than 24 hours. Overdue product loses adhesive ability.

You can also make houses of PVA from gelatin, glycerin, flour, ethyl alcohol. The gelatin (5 g) is allowed to fool in water (1 l) during the day. Then they are mixed with flour and placed on a water bath. Under the end, 4 g of glycerin and 20 ml of alcohol are added.

About how to make a hobster with your own hands, see the next video.

How much to store?

When choosing an adhesive mixture, you need to consider how long the diluted glue can be stored. If these are powdered adhesives, then this indicator is affected by the raw material base - MC / CMC / KMK / GPK. Usually adhesives with such basics in liquid form can stand up to a maximum of 10 days. The duration of the storage of any finished glue depends on the preservatives and their quality. The more preservatives, the longer the product does not dry.


A huge selection of wobble adhesives of domestic and imported grades allows you to choose a mixture for stickers of any type of wall coating. Throw out which of the options it is better to choose for crafts from different materials.

The leading positions in the glue products market occupy:

  • French brands: Quelyd, Semin Sem Murale, Bostik, Axton from Leroy Merlin.

Each of these brands is perfectly known for the Russian buyer in a solid assortment of high-quality products for sticking of various types of coatings.

  • German brands: "Moment", Metylan, Ekon, representing all kinds of adhesives, Knauf (for Fliselina).

  • Russian brands: Quality, which produces all varieties of adhesive mixtures from universal to special, Oscar and Decoro - professional compositions for glasses and heavy coatings. "Lacra", Titan with an indicator for coating from fliesline, vinyl and universal destination.
  • EXCLUSIVE (England)- high-quality mixtures with increased coupling and water resistance for decoration vinyl, metallized, velor wallpaper.

  • "Amil" (Ukraine) For heavy coatings from fliesline, vinyl, textiles.
  • AFM (Italy)- Universal and specialized adhesive compositions features a low content of volatile compounds.
  • Adhesions "CMC class chips" From different manufacturers - the high demand for these compositions is due to the cheapest, efficiency of consumption and environmental safety.

Judging by the reviews, among foreign brands, the "moment" adhesives use special love of buyers. Under this brand there is a huge amount of high-quality species of adhesive mixtures and, most importantly available at a price. Exclusive mixtures are popular from expensive products, the cost of which compensate for excellent performance.

From Russian brands, users prefer repeatedly proven quality of adhesive products Quality and a relatively young Titan brand. According to the finishers, Titan products justify their name and perfectly keep heavy coatings.

The reinforced formula of the composition eliminates the peeling of the canvas even on particularly difficult areas - in places of docking the canvas, next to the radiators.

Examples of the use of wallpaper in the interior

The wallpaper glue is given by one of the leading roles in the finishing decoration of residential spaces. We suggest to make sure examples:

Decorating the premises of natural wallpaper from traffic jam, jute, cane, bamboo - expensive pleasure, although the final result is worth the money spent. Creating an exclusive interior is impossible without good glue.