What is needed a cutting board of wood. Cutting Board History: Appearance and Development

No kitchen - nor home, nor commercial - does not cost without cutting boards. With this simple device, it is convenient to part products, keeping the surface of the table from scratches and contaminants. Cutting can be transferred to the plate, not afraid to scatter on the road. Since ancient times, people used that were drank from different breeds of a tree. But technology development led to the fact that these kitchen attributes are now made from a wide variety of materials. Plastic, stone, glass - all this is used in production. The question, from which material there is a cutting board, every mistress is set before buying.

Variety of materials

Today, modern manufacturers offer different composition and prices. Including chopping boards. What better to choose to serve longer, were safe for health, did not stupid knives and corresponded to the cost declared on the price tag? Each material has its pros and cons. They need to be considered by choosing for the kitchen. What better is to solve the hostess.

Classic - wooden plank

Traditional and most common material - wood. Such devices are universal - suitable for cutting vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, bread and other products. When running, the board does not slide on the table, and the cuts are not chopped over the surface. This aspect reduces the risk of cuts and injuries. In addition, the wooden surface is carefully related to the knives, not blunting them sharpening. This allows for longer to serve kitchen inventory. But a lot, and what tree is better for a cutting board depends on the properties of the material. On the package it should be indicated, one or another kitchen utensil is made from what kind of variety.

Oak - the most durable and solid tree. It does not crack, not deforming, does not absorb smells. It has long been used in shipbuilding, because it is not afraid of moisture. This is one of the best options for wooden cutting boards. But this attribute in the kitchen will be pretty heavy, and the price of such products will not be low.

Acacia is solid, does not absorb odors, resistant to moisture. But it is also quite expensive.

GEVEY, or rubber tree recognized in the world material for cutting boards. They are dense, resistant to water and smells. Yes, and their price is quite democratic.

Pine and birch - common wood breeds, but for kitchen accessories they are too soft. They absorb smells, crumble under the sharp blade and deform to such an extent that they can crack. This option is inexpensive, but also short-lived.

Bamboo - Material from which they make beautiful and practical cutting boards, what better will look in the kitchen, because it is a great decorative decoration. They have a number of benefits: resistant to abrasion, practically do not scratch, do not absorb moisture and smells. But there is one substantial minus. Bamboo - the plant is herbal and does not have solid wood. Boards are made of thin strips glued together. And on the quality of the adhesive depends the suitability of material to use in the kitchen. If the formaldehyde-based composition was used, then such a product is better not even to buy, because this substance falling into the body causes severe poisoning. In addition, it can accumulate in organs and tissues. The composition of the glue on the package, unfortunately, is not specified.

Wooden boards care

Regardless of the selected material, it is necessary to care for the skid, so that it serves as long as possible. After purchase, it is advisable to lubricate it with mineral or linen oil. Repeat this procedure several times during the day. Then you need to rinse and dry. For disinfection, they can be watched with lemon juice or vinegar once a week. And also: wooden boards are better stored in air, and not in the closed box.


Plastic boards flooded stores stores. And it is not surprising. They are light, comfortable, beautiful. Manufacturers produce their various shapes and colors. But are they so good? Before buying, you need to make sure that they are made of polyethylene or propylene. These materials are suitable for contact with food and do not harm human health. If the board is from the other or not specified, it is better to refrain from buying.

The smooth surface of the plastic can slide for what is not very convenient when cutting products. They can not be placed and fermented hot dishes. Over time, cracks are formed on plastic, in which bacteria accumulate and multiply, therefore there are unpleasant odors. Such a product must be thrown away.

Now flexible plastic boards are available. They are convenient to use, inexpensive. But their service life is limited. They quickly come into disrepair.

To extend the service life of plastic, manufacturers produce multilayer boards. When the upper layer comes into disrepair, it can be posed with an acute subject and remove. The board will again be as new. The thickness of the layers is about 2 mm, while the entire plate is about 5 cm.

Wood or plastic?

Employees from the American laboratory conducted a study, which cutting board is better: wooden or plastic. As a result, it turned out that when the surface is smooth, both options are sufficiently hygienic and suitable for use. But the appearance of the smallest cracks significantly changed the picture. In wooden samples, the microbes died after processing and drying. But in the plastic, they did not pour out anything and continued to multiply. With scratches such boards are becoming dangerous to health. By the way, in American public catering establishments it is forbidden to use plastic boards regardless of the composition.

Beautiful glass

Comparatively recently, glass cutting boards for the kitchen appeared on the market. What better to choose options depends on the interior design. They look quite stylish and become decoration. In addition, they do not absorb smells and do not scratch. They are resistant to temperature and can be used as coasters under hot. Wash them easy. But they have more minuses than pluses. They are very stupid knives because of their hardness. In addition, the sound of metal on the glass literally "cuts" the nerves. This is a rather fragile subject that can crash when falling. Before buying, you need to see if there are rubber legs on the underside. If not, the board will slide and will be inconvenient to use.

Fake diamond

Acrylic stone boards are also a new market. They withstand high temperature, do not scratch, easy to handle. But the cutting on them is blown away any, even superostile knives. In addition, the cost of such an attribute will be not small.

What cutting boards are the best, decides everyone for yourself, because even a professional answer can not give a professional.

Cutting boards for the kitchen - what better? It also depends on what products are selected. The perfect option is somewhat different: for fish, for meat, for vegetables and for bread.

The size of the board depends on the preferences of the hostess. With too small, chopped products will crumble, and large are not very comfortable in circulation, heavy and cumbersome. What sizes must have cutting boards, what better to choose? Ideal parameters fluctuate in the range of 25x40 cm.

After use, they must be thoroughly washed and dried.

You need to regularly change the cracked specimens.

While you can not find the perfect cutting boards. What better? They should be chosen by the hostess depending on the financial capabilities and preferences.

Knife on a cutting board

Cutting board - The object of the kitchen ego intended for cutting or destroying food. It is a plate with a flat or slightly concave working surface, made of material from the material with which the kitchen knives are not blinking.

Cutting boards can have a different shape and a large range of sizes. In principle, all cutting boards can be divided into two large groups: heavy and lungs. Heavy cutting boards are boards with a mass of more than 1 kg, they motionlessly arrange on the table and can occupy the entire table top. Light cutting boards are cutting boards of a small mass and limited size, their functional difference from heavy boards is that they are used as a container to transfer products. Light cutting boards occupy a dominant position on household kitchens; While professional dominated on professional.

General requirements for cutting boards

The cutting board should provide the user with a convenient and safe base for work. It should be stable, not swing, not slide and not fade. She should not bounce when working, creating traumatic situations. It is desirable to have a cutting board of elastic legs, damping knives and providing stability. Its work surface should be sufficiently solid and wear-resistant, to effectively resist the cutting-chopping effects. But at the same time, the working surface of the cutting board should not be unnecessary solid, otherwise the knives will quickly lose sharpening.

The height of the working surface of the cutting board must correspond to the user's growth. It should be located at an altitude of 10-15 cm below than the distance from the floor to the elbow of the cutting. This height provides convenience of work and avoids quick overwork.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for cutting boards

The cutting board must correspond to sanitary and hygienic requirements for kitchen inventory. It should be easy to wash, should not be distinguished by harmful substances, to be resistant to the effects of food acids, should not change the color of the products and give them outsiders and tastes. After each use, it is necessary to clean the board from the residues of food and rinse thoroughly. Periodically, cutting boards must be disinfected.

To minimize the risks of infectious diseases due to cross-sector with bacteria, it is necessary to use different boards to work with various groups of products. What to avoid using the board is not for the purpose of Sanpine prescribes alphabetically marked cutting boards, according to the product group for which they are intended. The HACCP standard for the same goals adopted color marking.

type of product Sanpine marking HACCP marking
raw meat "CM" red
crude chicken "SK" yellow
raw fish "Wed" blue
raw vegetables "CO" green
cooked meat "VM" brown
bolar Fish "BP" brown
boiled vegetables "IN" brown
meat gastronomy "Mg" brown
gastronomy "G" brown
greens "S" green
sauer vegetables "Ko" brown
herring "Herring" brown
bread "X" brown
fish gastronomy "WG" brown
cheese "FROM" white

In the conditions of homemade kitchen, the strict separation of cutting boards can be neglected by limiting the separate boards for raw and finished products.


The tree is the most common material of cutting boards. Wooden cutting board can be made of a solid piece of wood or glued from separate dies. From different breeds of wood, boards with different consumer properties are manufactured. From Givea, Acacia, Gladichia, ash, the boards are resistant to cuts, well opposing moisture, poorly absorbing smells. From beech and birch, boards are very careful to sharpening knives. And oak boards have a beautiful texture, and high antibacterial properties, due to the abundance of tanning substances. Not smaller than oak, antibacterial properties have plates from larch, for them is also characterized by very high resistance to wetting.

Not less than wooden distributed plastic cutting boards. For them, various types of plastic can be used, but polypropylene is most common. Plastic cutting boards have a huge wealth of shapes and colors. From plastic you can make original boards that combine many functions. Very significant plus plastic boards in front of wooden is their exceptional resistance to water. And their main disadvantage is very frequent in the lack of information on the brands of the plastics used and the additives used in them; What causes serious concerns about their safety due to the possible allocation of toxins. This is especially characteristic of little-known manufacturers. When plastic cutting boards, it is very important to observe the washing mode specified by the manufacturer, since plastic cutting boards can be destroyed when washing in the dishwasher, or under the influence of household chemicals.

In recent years, bamboo boards have been distributed, they are made of bamboo braced lamella. Their most advantage is high resistance to water and lack of warping. In escortability to sharpening, the bamboo is significantly inferior to the tree and most plastics. The main disadvantage is not environmentally friendly: bamboo plantations are located in the wetlands of the rivers, because of the bamboo tissues, toxins and heavy metals are discarded from plants and cities located above the flow.

Silicone cutting boards will correctly call the cutting mat. Their benefits are lightness, flexibility, many colors. The main drawback is deep cuts that are obtained on them, in which bacteria multiplies in the abundance. Remove which is practically impossible without high temperature processing.

Glass, ceramics, natural stones, metal are also used to make boards, but from them knives quickly lose sharpening, so they can only be recommended as design elements of the interior or serving.

Like any professional kitchen inventory, cutting boards must be seamless in accordance with the norms of hygiene and the needs of the institution. In the online store you can buy cutting boards of various colors. But what kind of useful to your chefs and what benefit can be obtained from them - more in our article.

Choose the colors of the cutting boards correctly

According to hygienic standards, at the professional kitchen there must be at least 10 cutting boards, different from each other in colors.

Simple associative color separation is described and approved in HACCP standard:

  • White - for dairy products
  • Green - for vegetables
  • Blue - for seafood
  • Yellow - for raw birds
  • Red - for raw meat

The main goal of using multiple boards is to ensure the safety of cooking, namely:

  • prevent the spread of infection
  • eliminate contact of raw and finished products,
  • prevent mixing of smells and tastes of different products.

What to draw attention to the color of cutting boards?

Most often, cooks use professional cutting plastic boards of different colors. They are sufficiently light, while durable and comply with hygienic requirements. The thickness of the plastic can be from 12.5 mm to 40 mm. Professional inventory is more expensive than residents. And so for what is worth paying more:

  • The material that is quite durable to be quickly not covered with scratches, while quite soft, so as not to fasten the knife.
  • Property Do not absorb odors and moisture.
  • The presence of comfortable hanging holes.
  • The presence of rubber legs for convenient fixation on the table.
  • Easy cleaning.
  • Chemical stability.
  • The presence on some models of the grooves to prevent the flow of fluid when cutting on the table.

Order only professional kitchen inventory, be successful in your business!

To make it easier for the search for the ideal, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the most popular types of cutting boards used by materials, their pluses and minuses. Although, they say nothing perfect, it is quite possible to find what matches the most comply with your requirements from which we will begin.

Criterias of choice

Convenience, like beauty - the concept of relative and very individual. Therefore, you do not have to agree with the fact that a good cutting board:

  • will last for many years;
  • multifunctional - will be a tray, a cover for a plate or a stand for hot saucepan;
  • placed in a dishwasher;
  • does not tupit knives;
  • little weighs;
  • not deformed from moisture or high temperatures;
  • not beats;
  • not "moving" on the table;
  • does not make unpleasant sounds during cutting;
  • does not require special care;
  • does not absorb dyes and smells from products;
  • has antibacterial coating;
  • has large sizes;
  • it does not share with you with your microparticles;
  • distinguished by interesting design;
  • sold in every economic store or supermarket department.

But some of these parameters, agree, have importance to you and help determine the choice of material and shape of a cutting board.

We have not specifically indicated such a factor as the cost.

Everything is obvious here: it will have to fork out for a good thing, but not always a high price speaks of the same quality. In order not to make a mistake, use the experience of friends, acquaintances, listen to the "Sarafan Radio", reviews and our recommendations.

There is safety in numbers

Another point: It is believed that it is impossible to use one board for cutting all types of products. This is nonhygienic, even if it has an antibacterial coating.

First, it is difficult to check, because you will not see dead microbes. And secondly, even a simple rinsing of the board after cutting each type of products will take time and complicate the cooking process. It turns out, it is also impractical.

An ideal amount will be 4 cutting boards:

  • for raw meat;
  • for fish;
  • for bread;
  • for vegetables, fruits and boiled products.

Causes are quite substantiated. Meat and fish to heat treatment may contain pathogenic microorganisms that are not worth the seasoning salad. Specific smell of seafood will easily be in another dish. A separate board for bread is not at all necessary to wash.

If you do not eat meat - Congratulations, the required minimum boils down to three, but they can be more. And here is a small spoiler-board - they do not have to be made of the same materials.

Does the size of value

Why is the size of the board? It affects the quality, convenience and time of cutting. When something falls out from a cutting board, you need to spend time to pick up. Plus, it should fully fit the largest chopped or separated object - for example, turkey.
From this point of view, there are convenient boards folding into smaller elements.

Let's look at what the cutting boards do now.


Most often for the manufacture of boards, glass, wood, bamboo, plastic, less often - stone, metal alloys and combinations mentioned.

As for super-modern technologies and materials - they are too young to report about their durability and please you with your value.


Glass-ceramic or glass boards are quite popular with our owners. Are they so good?

Pros :

  • wealth colors, drawings;
  • resistance to moisture and high temperatures;
  • rubber legs, thanks to which the board is tightly on the table.

Minuses :

  • high hardness glass quickly tups knives;
  • on this board, it is impossible to cut ceramic knives;
  • as a rule, small dimensions;
  • urony - disassemble;
  • specific creak (not for nervous) when cutting.

Summary: In our opinion, it is better to choose this cutting board for a beautiful supply of cheese or fruit, and not for cutting and shopping products.

A rock

Boards from marble, granite, other natural or artificial stone look expensive and possess the same positive qualities as glass.

Yes, and their disadvantages coincide, except for the sizes. Well, there is another nuance here - a large stone board will be too heavy and uncomfortable. But small junctions are very comfortable to wash.


Wood boards are used in the farm from ancient times.

Today they are made of soft or solid woody breeds, which, accordingly, quickly or slowly shy.


Pros :

  • low price;
  • do not tupit knives.

Minuses :

  • the material is easily "singing";
  • exposure to deformations - cracks and twisting from water;
  • lack of protective processing;
  • instant absorption of dyes and smells.

It is better to use such a boards for cutting bread. But for meat it is definitely not suitable.


Solid wood boards - walnut or oak look beautifully and inspire more confidence.

Pros :

  • will last long;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • does not absorb dyes, moisture;
  • do not tupit knives.

Minuses :

  • higher price;
  • it is afraid of a long stay in water and high temperatures - you need to wipe dry and keep away from the stove;
  • requires care - oil lubrication and waxed 1 time in 2 months.

From moisture or drying the board can be twisted and twitch when cutting, but even in this form it is suitable for the supply of raw or meat cutting.

Here is a list of tree breedswhich are perfectly suitable as a cutting board material:

  • american black walnut
  • brazilian cherry
  • olive.

Walnut boards can be called antibacterial, as this tree contains natural repellents and phytoncides.

The structure of Pavlovnia resembles very solid rubber and does not cut through, but if it would be limited from a knife, from which it is more convenient to cut. And you guess what is its only drawback.

Facial board

This is not a board in the generally accepted understanding, and not the compound of horizontal layers of wood, but a monolith from small glued bars with vertical fibers.

Thanks to the manufacturing technology, end cutting boards are often believed to professional cooking equipment.

Benefits :

  • does not tupit knives;
  • almost eternal;
  • eco-friendly *;
  • suitable sizes.

Disadvantages :

  • cost;
  • special care: The board can not be left for a long time in water, washing in the dishwasher, it is also necessary to periodically lubricate the mineral oil and beeswax.

On the other hand, it is not difficult to care for the end board. All that is needed is the attentiveness of households and a 5-minute ritual wiping once every two months, which, by the way, creates an antibacterial coating.

Rather, the lack of this boards is a massiveness that, in combination with the dimensions of our cuisines, will make her head on its placement.

* We want to warn you from a popular illusion. You did not notice how often the people pay attention to the environmental purity of the details, but does not check the harmlessness of the glue, which they are connected? Be sequential, ask the manufacturer that it used as a binder.


Compared with soft wood bamboo board:

  • more durable;
  • tight and tougher;
  • worse absorbs moisture;
  • do not deform from high temperatures and humidity;
  • slowly covered with scratches;

But there are still minuses, because she:

  • cost more;
  • tupits knives;
  • most often represented by small and medium sizes;
  • refers to glued boards, which brings us back to the question of the form of used glue.

Summary: Bamboo cutting boards are in demand due to compromise value ratio and quality. They are better than analogs of glass and soft wood, but worse than solid boards and polypropylene.


As in the case of a tree, plastic plastic mint, because there are cheap and very expensive models. Let's start with the first, more accessible.

Thin plastic

Pros :

  • pleasant price;
  • does not absorb smells;
  • can be washed in the dishwasher;
  • diverse in terms of colors and forms;
  • durable.

Minuses :

  • no big sizes;
  • it is on the table;
  • quickly tupping knives;
  • nuts, not suitable as a tray;
  • unstable to high temperatures.

Nevertheless, the plastic folding plastic is very convenient for washing fruits, vegetables and sliced \u200b\u200bchopped into the pan.

This cutting board is better than analogs of thick plastic in that due to its compactness, it is convenient for use in campaigns, because it can be compactly folded on bending.

There are plastic boards with antibacterial coating, but, again, how do you check if it works?

Important: Before buying, pay attention, from which plastic is made a cutting board, and read the characteristics of the material. For example, polyurethane does not withstand temperatures over 80 degrees, and, accordingly, the role of a tray for hot dishes will not play.

Fat plastic

Such boards are made from polypropylene, viniplast, polyamide, polyethylene and other types of super-plastic.

Especially good great professional boards used by cooks in restaurants.

Benefits :

  • spacious;
  • rough (do not slide);
  • eternal;
  • do not stupid knives;
  • do not absorb smells;
  • well wash away;
  • not afraid of high temperatures;
  • do not deform.

Disadvantages :

  • heavy;
  • it is difficult to find in the usual store;
  • expensive.


A soft rubber rug is called the board conditionally for the functions performed. The benefits are that such a board does not mess around the table, turns into a roll and does not tupit knives.

True, it cannot be used as a tray or as a stand. But in the campaign it is useful.

Modern cutting boards are often made combined, combining positive qualities of natural wood and mesh polyethylene. There are both boards with silver nanoparticles, destroying bacteria and not needed in careful laundering.

What board is better?

Doubt what board is wooden or plastic? Take the one and the other. The first is more natural, the second is more hygienic and durable.

If once - for you only in joy, and the volume of cooking will not call large - then you are also suitable bamboo, plastic, and wooden, and in the case of resistance to unpleasant sounds - and glass boards.

Do you value a set of expensive knives and want them to serve as longer as possible? Then you certainly choose solid and thick, and better - professional plastic.

And if you cook a lot and get used to things, then the key factors protrude size and durability - stop your choice on the end wooden board.

Are you able to cut the foods of plastic particles, glass or ceramic knives? From this point of view, the tree seems more edible.

It is possible that the decisive factor will suddenly be the original design and functionality. It is always better to have a spare option, and the losers in the convenience (or other qualities) of the cutting board always there is another use. After all, she, as they say, does not ask to eat.

Whatever choice you do - let him please you!