Documents for individual heating in an apartment. Installation of individual heating in an apartment according to the law

In severe cold weather, comfort in an apartment building depends on the operation of the central heating system. Of course, you can use additional heaters to create a certain temperature regime, but rising prices for energy resources force you to save your family budget. But equipping radiators with thermostats will not solve the problem in this case.

The solution is to install an individual heating system, which will create a favorable microclimate and allow you to set a different temperature in each individual room. It is possible to resolve the issue legally, but only after long and painstaking work on collecting a package of documents, obtaining permission from special authorities and approving the project.

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Advantages of individual heating in an apartment

Economical energy consumption due to the installation of an automatic system, as well as reduced payment for heating the room.

An autonomous system provides uninterrupted heating.

It becomes possible for residents to regulate the heat supply themselves and change the operating mode.

Most boiler models are equipped with additional devices that provide hot water supply.

An individual heating system can be used in parallel with the central line, switching on if necessary.

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Individual heating in the apartment: features

Disconnection from centralized heating does not relieve apartment owners from servicing the pipeline. Moreover, the owners must freely allow service company workers to monitor the condition of the pipes, because the system is the property of the entire house.

An equally important point is the preliminary development of project documentation. An autonomous heating system is not allowed to be installed in all houses. The technical compliance of the room and the gas main is supported by the required number of air ducts and space for installing the boiler. The installed equipment must be safe in operation for the health of all residents of the apartment building.

The efficiency of using autonomous heating will increase if you protect the room from heat loss. Before you begin replacing the system, you need to take measures to insulate the walls, floors, window and door openings. Residents of the first floors are recommended to insulate the floor, and the last - the ceiling.

It should be noted that unauthorized disconnection from the central highway is illegal and entails legal liability.

Choosing a boiler for individual heating in an apartment

According to the developed project and technical characteristics of the gas main, a boiler is selected. Of the existing types of equipment, gas units with a closed combustion chamber are more popular. In addition to the heating function, they provide hot water supply. In terms of energy efficiency, equipment differs into the following types:

Read also: Supply ventilation in an apartment: types, principle of operation

- ordinary;

— convection:

- condensation.

Many years of experience in using condensing-type boilers in European countries has shown their efficiency. The advantageous characteristics are overshadowed only by the high cost, which is unaffordable for the majority of the population.

Experts advise not to purchase cheap units. The initial affordable cost has a reason - high fuel consumption. In conditions of the energy crisis, it is irrational to install such equipment and throw away a lot of money for heating the room.

Selecting autonomous heating elements

The functionality and effectiveness of the system largely depends on the selected elements. If the connection is carried out in accordance with the developed standards, then the apartment owners carry out the wiring themselves.

The best option for individual heat supply is polypropylene pipes. The connection of fragments is carried out by soldering. The material has proven itself well during its use in our latitudes. As for radiators, aluminum models are more suitable, since the system provides stable pressure. If there is a possibility of water hammer, then bimetallic batteries should be installed.

It is not surprising that more and more people are thinking about switching to individual heating in an apartment building. Residents of apartment buildings know firsthand how imperfect a centralized heating system can be. In many Soviet-era buildings, it has not been changed and often not repaired since the first residents moved in. However, switching to autonomous heating requires not only financial investments and time, but also the correct execution of the necessary documentation.

What are the benefits of an individual heating system?

Anyone wishing to install an individual heating system must understand that they are responsible for its safe operation. It is also worth preparing for considerable material costs at the installation stage of the system. However, do not despair, because the payback for this event comes quite soon.

Individual heating of an apartment, if carried out professionally, has a huge advantage compared to the centralized heating that many are accustomed to: it works without interruption. Thanks to this, the rooms are heated properly, regardless of the weather outside. The main condition for correct operation is the correctly selected boiler power and installation of batteries in those areas where heat loss is greatest.

In addition, switching to individual heating in an apartment in a multi-storey building allows:

  1. Independently arrange the indoor microclimate. This feature helps reduce heating costs. If you are away from home for a long time, you can set the system to minimum to save money. There are remote controlled systems that can be adjusted via SMS messages.
  2. Reduce operating costs. This is achieved by installing gas individual heating in the apartment. In this case, preference should be given to modern condensing gas boilers or a unit with a modular burner. This way you will reduce energy consumption to an optimal level.
  3. Organize hot water supply (DHW). Modern individual heating systems in an apartment building are equipped with a boiler with a second circuit for domestic hot water. As a rule, the latter functions autonomously. You can heat water even in the warm season.

In addition to large material investments, the owner of an apartment who decides to install an individual heating system must prepare all the documents correctly.

Otherwise, he may face trials and subsequent punishment.

Procedure for disconnecting from the centralized heating system

When preparing all the necessary documents for the transition to individual heating of housing, it is necessary to study the relevant legislation:

  • Federal Law No. 190 of July 27, 2010;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 of April 16, 2012;
  • Art. 25, 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The simplest solution would be to install an electric boiler. You just need to make an application and submit it to the district electrical network. If the technical conditions are appropriate, the permit will be issued quickly. But the heat generated in this case may exceed the cost of thermal energy from centralized heating.

Therefore, installing a gas boiler is more profitable in terms of cost savings, since the cost of natural gas is relatively low. But when carrying out individual gas heating, you will have to comply with many formalities:

  1. You must obtain the appropriate technical specifications from the city gas service.
  2. Check the chimney for serviceability and obtain a conclusion about this from the All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society (VDPO).
  3. Obtain the consent of the remaining residents of the house (this point is specified in Part 3 of Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). This is very important, because if one apartment refuses centralized heating, malfunctions in the operation of the entire system may occur. In addition, it is necessary to obtain relevant documents and find out who owns system elements such as batteries and piping. If they are in common property, it is also necessary to obtain special permission from the neighbors. If the heating components are not common property, permission to disconnect must be obtained from the management company.
  4. In city heating networks, obtain the right to dismantle the heating system in your apartment.

For those residents who have gas water heaters installed in their apartments, it will be easier to obtain permission for individual heating, since such buildings have a chimney, and the pressure in the gas pipeline is suitable for the operation of a gas boiler.

Having received preliminary permission for a gas heating project, you should prepare the following documents:

  1. A statement in which you must indicate that the owner of the apartment plans to make individual heating and disconnect from the centralized system.
  2. The original registration certificate of the apartment, which should indicate the location of the batteries and pipes.
  3. Permission from the residents of the house (if the system components are common property) or from the management company.
  4. Decision on possible redevelopment of the apartment. It is issued by the housing office or management company.

The period for obtaining permission to dismantle the centralized system and install an individual one can last from 3 months to six months. Once permission has been received from representatives of the utility service, you can proceed to dismantling the heating elements in the apartment.

How to arrange individual heating in an apartment building

In order to correctly register autonomous heating, the apartment owner must decide not only on the boiler model, but also on the type of energy carrier. Let's consider the option of installing a gas boiler.

First of all, a gas heating project is drawn up. For this purpose, you need to contact the gas supply company. Its specialists are engaged in determining autonomous heating schemes for residential buildings with specific technical conditions. One of the most important issues is the required level of pressure in the gas pipeline. If it is not able to ensure the operation of the boiler, the company will most likely refuse to install gas heating.

Then you will have to choose a system with a different coolant. This could be an electric boiler or, alternatively, heated floors in the apartment.

Before going to the gas company, you need to make sure you have the following documentation:

  • registration certificate for the apartment indicating the fact of disconnection from the centralized heating system;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, TIN;
  • a copy of the boiler passport with detailed instructions for its installation;
  • confirmation of payment for the services provided by the gas company for drawing up a project for an individual apartment heating system.

Only after receiving permission to switch to individual gas heating in an apartment building can you begin the direct installation of all components of the system. The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly regulates the arrangement of autonomous heating in an apartment: a gas boiler must be equipped with a closed combustion chamber and well-functioning carbon monoxide removal routes. If this condition is not met, the installation of individual heating will be prohibited.

Expert advice on choosing heating system components

The further operation of the entire system depends on the choice of optimal heating elements (boiler, pipes and radiators).

  1. Having decided to switch to individual heating in the apartment, the apartment owner insures himself against pressure drops in the pipes, so you can safely install aluminum batteries. Installation of bimetallic radiators is preferable when there is a high probability of water hammer.
  2. Most autonomous heating systems use polypropylene piping. They are easy to install yourself.
  3. Remote control. In order to take the most rational approach to heating residential premises, the heating circuit must be equipped with a programmer and several temperature sensors. If configured correctly, the system will automatically control the heating power of the apartment.

To minimize heat loss in an apartment on the ground floor of individual houses, you can insulate the floor. For this purpose, polystyrene foam or mineral wool are successfully used.

A person who decides to change central heating to individual heating will have to tinker a lot. But by observing all the formalities, collecting all the necessary documentation, and carrying out the correct installation of all components of autonomous heating, the owner of the apartment will receive a well-functioning, perfectly working system that saves him money.

Tired of huge utility bills, untimely shutdowns of heat and sudden temperature changes, many are wondering: how to install individual heating in an apartment? It is quite possible to install a personal heating and hot water supply system. You just need to know some subtleties and aspects, without which nothing will work.

The real installation of individual heating in an apartment building begins not with calling specialists, but with collecting all the necessary permits. Many services do not want to sign papers of their own free will. You can understand them, because they are losing money. But the law is on the side of apartment owners. If it is technically possible to disconnect from the general heating, and the location of the pipes in the house provides for such a possibility, each time you visit the office, you can refer to the Federal Law “On Heat Supply” No. 190, as well as to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 dated April 16, 2012, which talks about the procedure for installing and connecting heat supply systems.

The legislator does not prohibit the use of modern boilers and systems that meet the requirements and standards. You can read more about a variety of modern heating systems. Today, there are many examples where the owners of living space won the courts and installed the desired engineering systems for themselves, which save money on utility bills by 3-5 times.

The documents with which the installation of individual heating in an apartment begins are usually an impressively sized folder, for the registration of which you will have to go through many authorities. But it's worth it. After all, comfort, economy and convenience are the decisive factors in this matter.

List of required documents:

All of the above only partially answers the question of how to install individual heating in an apartment building; the success of the planned enterprise also depends on the choice of equipment.

Choosing a boiler for individual heating

Traditionally, boilers for individual apartment heating are chosen based on their power and reliability. For those residents of apartment complexes where gas is installed in the premises, the choice of boilers leans towards gas equipment. Although owners of apartments with electrical equipment can also install a gas boiler.

A gas boiler

To establish a comfortable temperature regime in the apartment, the required boiler power is calculated. Competent calculations can only be made by specialists who can assess the climatic conditions of the region, correctly measure the heated area, and select the equipment of the apartment according to all the necessary aspects.

When installing the system, you will have to choose not only boilers, radiators and the pipes themselves. It will be necessary to determine in advance whether single-pipe or two-pipe wiring is best done in this particular area. Single-pipe wiring is suitable for one-room apartments and a small number of radiators. But large areas require an increase in the number of pipes.

Modern individual gas heating in an apartment building is carried out with the participation of the main element of the system - a gas boiler.

On the market you can find products of both foreign and domestic production. Only those who live in Russia should pay attention to the fact that spare parts for repairing European versions are more difficult to find, and not every master will understand the structure of an imported unit. And domestic boilers are repaired without any problems.

Gas is one of the cheapest types of fuel. A gas-fired boiler will cost less to operate than its electric “brother.”

The advantages of a gas boiler include the following aspects:

With all the advantages, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the boiler will need a chimney to operate, and constant monitoring of the tightness of the equipment. According to norms and standards, a gas boiler is placed in an individual residential building in the kitchen or bathroom. To install it, the room must have wide doors, a window on the window, and a tap from which water can be turned on at any time.

Electric boiler

Today, individual heating electric boilers are considered the easiest to use devices for autonomous heating in an apartment. They are divided into floor and wall devices. They are much easier to install than all other systems, and their maintenance does not take much time.

Also, electric boilers for individual heating, the price of which is slightly higher than gas boilers, are considered safer and quieter devices. When heating with electricity, you can set different modes for each room. Among heating boilers there are devices that operate on different types of fuel. They belong to the combined type of boilers, and can operate in different modes as efficiently as boilers operating on a single fuel option.

System installation: selection of batteries and components

When the documents are completed and the choice of equipment is made, the next question arises: how to properly install heating in an apartment, the answer to which only a qualified technician can give in full. But at the initial stage, the home owner begins to develop a heating project, so we will consider heating batteries for the apartment and all the components for them.

The most suitable option for heating an apartment is considered to be batteries consisting of sections. The power of the radiator and the amount of heat that it can give off for heating depend on the number of sections. The material from which the section is made may have different thermal conductivity.

Let's take a closer look at the thermal conductivity of one section depending on the material:

Thus, thin heating radiators will give off more heat than, for example, cast iron ones, but not all radiators meet quality standards. The number of sections can be calculated by taking into account the following operating conditions:

In many apartments, the loggia plays the role of a separate living space. How to install heating on a loggia? To do this, it must be insulated by installing windows there and laying insulation on the walls, floor and ceiling. Then pipes are stretched from the nearest radiator to the loggia, to which the battery sections are connected.

The standard connection of bimetallic heating radiators includes the installation of an installation complex with brackets and two taps to completely shut off the water. With a small number of sections, bimetallic batteries are connected according to the proven “supply and return” circuit. For radiators with a large number of sections, the wiring is done “diagonally”.

Starting the heating system

If all the previous conditions are met, how to turn on the heating in the apartment and at the same time avoid serious mistakes? The most common method is a test water supply. Of course, if a leak occurs somewhere, you will have to change some parts of the system. But overall, the method is worth the risks.

To successfully test a set of equipment, you need to know how a heating battery works and on what principle heat exchange is carried out. The water heated by the boiler moves through the pipes, entering the battery, giving off heat to the radiator. The radiator material, heated by hot water, radiates heat into the surrounding space.

So how to turn on the heating battery in an apartment?

It is necessary to open all the taps in stages, making sure in practice that there are no leaks anywhere and the entire complex is homogeneous. It is convenient to divide the system with several limiters, by turning which you can let water flow into the radiators of a separate room, or completely disconnect the selected room from the rest of the complex.

Also, specialized stores sell fluid for heating batteries, the price of which varies depending on the brand. This antifreeze is used to protect the system from corrosion and to ensure good pump operation. More details about coolants can be found in our article. When using the liquid in a room that is periodically cooled to low temperatures, draining the antifreeze is not required. If a leak occurs, the liquid vapor can be harmful to the human body. However, it is not flammable and is quite safe when used correctly.

Having examined individual heating in an apartment from all sides, we can come to the conclusion that it has a huge number of advantages.
It’s quite nice to wake up in the fall and spring in a warm room, and not put your feet out of bed on an icy floor, as happens when using central heating. You don’t have to depend on your neighbors for repairs when they change pipes and turn off all residents for the whole day. When a person uses his own boilers and components, the cost of servicing an apartment is greatly reduced, and the equipment itself pays for itself in several years.

The whole house lives according to the laws of the heating season, but the lucky ones in whose apartments it is installed individual heating, decide for themselves when to turn it on or off, raise the temperature or cool the room. And most importantly, they pay according to the meter - only for the gas or electricity they use.

The city heating system was developed back in Soviet times, when no one thought about personal comfort - heat was divided equally, the heating season began not with cold weather, but by order and ended with accidents on the heating main. Soviet times have passed, but the system remains.

Ukrainians are freezing in anticipation of the start of the heating season, warming themselves with electric heaters in the winter, and in the spring they suffer from hot radiators until the heating is turned off “upstairs”. Enduring the cold for a week or two was commonplace until a new economical miracle appeared - individual heating. It turns out that you can turn a cold apartment into an oasis of warmth.


Independence season with individual heating

The autonomous system is or, connected to and. It heats the water to the desired temperature and promotes its circulation. Such a boiler can work only for heating (single-circuit boiler) or heat water for the bath and kitchen (double-circuit).

To install this system, it is enough to disconnect the apartment from the central heating supply and purchase and install your own heat source. The choice of boiler depends on the area of ​​the room and technical conditions, so it is better to entrust it to a specialist. However, you can make preliminary calculations yourself.

To heat 10 m2 with a ceiling height of up to 3 m, you will need 1 kW of boiler power. We divide the total area by 10 and select a boiler with a small power reserve. There are gas, electric, diesel and even combination boilers.

The most common gas and electric boilers. The latter are cheaper and safer. Gas boilers are an order of magnitude more expensive than electric ones, do not corrode, are almost not overgrown with soot and last much longer than other types. Boilers are also distinguished by type of installation - wall-mounted and floor-mounted. Wall-mounted ones are cheaper, take up less space, and are easier to install. Floor-standing boilers last longer, have no power limitations, and are insensitive to the quality of tap water.

Needless to say, the equipment must be purchased in specialized stores and with a guarantee, and installation should be trusted only to companies with a license. When choosing a specific brand, ask the seller:

  • how quickly can the boiler be repaired if it breaks, and how much does it cost;
  • when the warranty expires;
  • Is the boiler adapted to local operating conditions, low gas pressure, unstable voltage.

Permits for connecting individual heating

Switching to individual heating is not so easy. Officially this is not prohibited. However, the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services (HCP) requires that the entire entrance, or even the house, be connected to the boilers, which is tantamount to a ban. The final decision rests with the city executive committee. Today, local authorities can either refuse to install an autonomous gas boiler in an apartment building or allow it - it all depends on both the specific case and the official.

The city gas service may prohibit individual heating in a house where it is not technically possible to supply gas directly to the boilers. For example, the house has low gas supply capacity even for the stoves, and if a domestic boiler is lit on the first floor, then the burners on the fifth floor will go out.

Are you planning to install an electric boiler?

The city gas service does not object. However, problems arise with the city state administration - after all, if the house is old and the plugs are knocked out by any overvoltage, then the electric boiler will completely cut off the power to the entire house. On the other hand, there is a list of “problem” houses in which it is difficult to establish normal centralized heating, but it is easy to resolve problems with the supply of gas and electricity. In such cases, utility companies themselves offer residents to install individual heating. This immediately solves the problems of repairing heating mains and uninterrupted water supply.

Ideally, the house whose tenant is going to provide “personal heat” should be private, or at most, 2-4 storeys. But in practice, everything is different, and even in an apartment building you can install an autonomous boiler if certain conditions are met.

  • The heating installation cannot interfere with air exchange and ventilation in the room.
  • Designers are required to develop a clear chimney design.
  • The house was originally designed for a large volume of gas consumption, and in the kitchen there is a free corner for installing a heater. In other words, the chances are slim if you have a tiny apartment in an old Khrushchev building. However, if officials categorically refuse to install autonomous heating for you, this problem can be successfully resolved through the courts.

What are we saving on?

First of all, individual heating protects your health and nerves. Most Ukrainians install boilers only to avoid freezing from autumn to spring, and to avoid heating water in pots in the summer while the heating network is turned off for maintenance work. People buy a heating boiler, first of all, for the sake of comfort, and only then for the sake of savings. Which one?

Now let's do the math. If you install a gas boiler and compare the meter readings, on average, from 20 to 40 m3 of gas are consumed in summer, and from 100 to 150 m3 in winter. We take into account not only home heating, but also cooking for the whole family and heating water for personal needs. For heating alone in winter and autumn, 60-100 m3 of gas is consumed, which amounts to 220-360 UAH.

We pay the city heating networks approximately 500-800 UAH per month for heating. Savings average 280-440 UAH per month. Over six months of the heating season, you will save approximately 2,500 UAH. If we consider that installing the system costs at least 10,000 UAH, then its cost will pay off in 4 years. And this will be a time of comfort, warmth and tranquility.

Package of documents

Installing individual heating is the same as redevelopment; the process is long and labor-intensive. Installation of the boiler and piping system can take a week, and going to authorities and collecting documents will take three to five months. If you decide to switch to autonomous heating this winter, you need to prepare the documents now. First of all, collect a standard set of title documents for the apartment:

  • a certificate of state registration or an agreement on the transfer of ownership of an apartment or a certificate of inheritance rights (a photocopy certified by a notary);
  • copies of title documents for each apartment owner, if there are several of them;
  • written consent of all family members living in the apartment, as well as residents living in the house;
  • photocopy of the technical passport of the premises.

This package of documents is required by each authority, so make sure that copies are always at hand.

We arrange individual heating step by step

  1. First, you must obtain permission from the city heating network to disconnect your apartment from central heating. If turning off the radiators does not disrupt the operation of the engineering equipment of neighboring apartments or houses, there is no reason for failure. Otherwise, you can appeal the ban in court.
  2. Then contact the district housing office for a letter for the city gas service, which will indicate the technical conditions (TU) for the installation of a gas heating apparatus.
  3. With permission from the heating networks and a letter from the housing department, you need to go to the district administration and submit an application requesting approval for the installation of individual heating at your address. Now, having in hand the two above documents and a copy of the application to the district administration, you can go to the gas service reception for a document with the specified technical conditions.
  4. In order to coordinate an individual heating project, you will need to collect specifications not only for connecting gas networks, but also for disconnecting the internal heating distribution from the central system, as well as specifications for ventilation ducts.
  5. When all the papers have been collected, you need to contact the design organization for a plan for redevelopment of the premises. It must contain technical solutions with all the necessary calculations, a description of thermal insulation, the heat transfer value of transit risers and pipelines passing through the apartment, and at the same time the calculated thermal loads of the apartment.
  6. The redevelopment project must be agreed upon with the SES authorities, the fire service and all authorities that issued the technical specifications.
  7. The collected documents must be submitted to the interdepartmental commission on the use of housing stock. Within the specified period (a month and a half), she reviews your application. If the commission gives the go-ahead, you can buy and install the boiler, but if you receive a refusal, you can appeal it in court.
  8. After completing all construction and repair work, contact the city department of architecture and urban planning for an acceptance certificate. When the act is ready, take it to the organization for real estate registration. From this moment, the installation of individual heating in the apartment can be considered officially formalized.

All that remains is to renew the heat supply contract on new terms and enjoy autonomous heat. However, you can do it much simpler - entrust all documents and approvals to the design organization for a fee. In some cities, the city gas service takes care of all documentation.

Settlements or cities at the location of the residential premises, the corresponding list of documents for the reconstruction or redevelopment of residential premises (). It includes: an application, the form of which was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2005 No. 266; certificate of state registration of property rights, gift agreement, agreement for the transfer of ownership of an apartment, certificate of inheritance rights (photocopy, notarized). In the case where the apartment is registered as shared ownership for several people, provide certified copies for all owners, as well as a statement that must be signed by all owners of this apartment.

Provide a photocopy of the technical passport of the premises. In the case where the apartment being converted is municipal, the consent in writing of all members of the tenant's family and the consent of all residents living in this house is required, i.e. minutes of the general meeting of owners of residential premises.

Take and attach the conclusion of the body that is responsible for monuments of architecture, cultural and historical value, if the house or premises in which the housing is located is a monument of history, architecture or. Provide a correctly completed project for reconstruction or redevelopment when installing individual gas heating. It includes two parts: the first is gasification, the second is the reconstruction of the central system. If a decision is made to install an electric boiler with a power of up to 3 kW, you must attach a copy of the boiler’s passport, technical conditions or energy supply agreement, where a maximum power greater than the boiler’s power is allowed.

Collect permits and technical conditions for the possibility of installing individual heating in your home. These include: technical conditions for disconnecting the indoor heating distribution from the central heating system; technical ventilation conditions in this room; technical conditions for connecting gas networks in your apartment for an individual heating system; if the owner wants to install an individual heating system on the loggia, then a project for reconstructing the loggia should be prepared.

Apply for permission to install autonomous heating with the above package of documents to the interdepartmental commission, which is responsible for the use of the housing stock. It is located in the administration of the corresponding settlement. The answer will be given within 45 days. Based on a positive decision, the relevant services will carry out work on the reconstruction of utility networks for the home owner. After this, contact the settlement administration again to issue an acceptance certificate. Then take it to the real estate registration organization.