What is a bypass and why is it needed: we study the functional features and installation rules. Installing a circulation pump in the heating system Why install a bypass

If we try to characterize the bypass in the heating system from the point of view of the average person, then it will be a kind of jumper in the form of a piece of pipe that is installed between the direct and return wiring of the heating radiator.

The heating system of a residential building contains a list of components, and disruption of at least one of them can cause not only interruptions in operation, but also destruction. In addition, it is imperative to ensure comfortable repair and replacement of various system components. This is precisely the purpose of a bypass in a heating system. This is a section of parallel pipeline. For example, when installing a section of pipeline in parallel with the radiator, you can maintain the functionality of the entire heating system when cleaning, repairing or replacing the unit.

Bypass types

Depending on the type of bypass use system, they are divided into two groups:

  • It is usually used for circulation pumps and operates periodically when necessary. After the pump is turned on, the valve opens due to excess pressure and allows the coolant to pass through. When the pump is turned off, the valve closes automatically. But remember that if scale or rust gets here, it may fail.

  • Without valve. Such a bypass will allow repairs to be made in a certain area of ​​the system without shutting it down. It will also be possible to connect to the heating system in a room where there was no radiator before.

Bypass application examples

As an element for regulating the coolant near radiators
In this case, the bypass is in the heating system; the photo in relation to radiators can be seen below. Thus, the bypass returns excess coolant from the battery to the riser when its quantity changes using a manual or automatic thermostat. In other words, it is through the bypass that the coolant is transported in parallel to the shut-off and control valves. Without a bypass, it will be impossible to repair the radiator while the heating system is operating. This unit is also capable of speeding up the process of filling or emptying the system.

As an element for the operation of the system in the event of a power outage
Installing a bypass in the heating system is advisable when installing modern heating systems that use circulation pumps. After all, the first question when purchasing such heating will be how the system will work if the electricity suddenly goes out.

It is in such cases that it becomes necessary to install a bypass in the heating system. At the same time, it plays an important role - at the moment when the power is turned off, the user must turn off the valve supplying the coolant to the pump and open it on the central pipe.

And if you use an automatic bypass in your heating system, then this action can happen automatically. Thanks to this, the system is led to natural circulation.

Bypass installation

During the installation of the bypass, you must be guided by SNIP. This document regulates the list of components and their characteristics for installation in the heating system. Bypass installation must be done by a specialist. When selecting parts, you must check them for defects and defects. On taps, don’t skimp, as cheap options can simply leak.

Installation of those devices that will operate on the bypass must be done towards the heat carrier in the sequence: filter, valve, circulation pump. The bypass insertion into the riser near the pump must be carried out with shut-off valves. The element itself is best placed horizontally. Thus, the system will be protected from air accumulation.

The bypass is also suitable for improving a single-pipe heating system. Of course, such a system is a rather outdated option, but still it works for many, and even effectively.

When installing a bypass in such a system, several rules must be followed:

  • The bypass valve in the heating system should be placed as far as possible from the vertical section of the pipe (closer to the radiator).
  • The bypass pipe can be made immediately on site - you will need a pipe, a tee, and welding work. You can also buy it ready-made and install it on a thread.
  • The radiator inlet and bypass must be separated by a control valve or a radiator thermostat.
  • Remember that if the diameter of the bypass in the heating system is the same as the pipeline, then the supply of coolant to the batteries will be limited. That is why the bypass diameter should be one size smaller than the diameter of the liner.

Shut-off valves on the bypass

In the area of ​​the heating system where the diameter narrows, reducing the flow rate, only ball valves can be used.

Such valves have a metal ball built into the body with a hole of the required diameter. Thanks to this design, there will be no reduction in clearance in a fully open valve. But we note that such valves cannot be repaired; therefore, if they malfunction, they are replaced.

During the operation of ball valves, you should be aware that if they are not used for a long time, they can stick. That is why they need to be turned periodically, even if there is no need.


Undoubtedly, installing a bypass will have a positive effect on reducing your energy costs. For example, in comparison with the operation of a heating system with a closing section and a conventional flow-through one, the first of them will reduce the volume of coolant supplied to the batteries by approximately 30-35%. Thus, the heat transfer from the radiator can be reduced by 10%.

Of course, in practice, such changes are not such a dramatic improvement, especially if there is an excess of heat in the system. In addition, if the battery size is chosen correctly, then there is a margin of efficiency - also 10-15%.

Thus, it turns out that a fairly simple detail, even somewhat primitive, is a universal tool for creating a pleasant environment in your home, despite the fact that the bills will delight consumers with small amounts.

This seemingly insignificant detail optimizes the heat transfer of the heating unit, so a bypass in the heating system is not only desirable - it is necessary. The jumper (a piece of pipe) is mounted in the thermal route parallel to the heating radiators. Depending on the tasks assigned, this component is used either as a straight section closing the supply and return pipelines, or as a bypass line.

To understand why bypass is used and what it is in heating, you should consider the options for its use:

  • in the gravity network it is mounted parallel to the functioning circulation pump;
  • in mixing units of various types;
  • in closed and open systems based on one pipeline, the bypass is installed on heating radiators;
  • it is also used as a transition between the supply and return flows, in this case a small circulation circuit is formed that accompanies the heating of the heating unit.

When it comes to mixing units, installing a bypass in the heating system is necessary to connect the supply and return, and a three-way thermostatic valve is also used here. A piece of pipe is needed to direct liquid from both lines into the valve chamber so that water with the specified temperature parameters is formed at the outlet.

The jumper, accompanied by a three-way valve, allows the mixing principle to be used in the following network sections:

  • small circulation circuit in the case of a wood-burning boiler;
  • a collector that distributes coolant to the heating branches of the heated floor;
  • piping for heat accumulator.

In particular, a small circuit with the introduction of a bypass protects the solid fuel boiler from condensation during its heating.

The bypass unit, used in piping solid fuel units, is used as a safety element. Example: maximum heating is set, the furnace is full, and at this time the power supply stops. In such a situation, typical for domestic operating conditions, before the power supply is restored, the water in the radiators will already have cooled down. The boiler will still be hot at this time, because fuel processing continues in it. As soon as the pump turns on, the cold medium will enter the boiler jacket, as a result of which the cast iron section will burst - the resulting temperature shock will affect it. In these conditions, a pipe jumper is extremely necessary.

A similar mixing algorithm using a valve and a jumper is used in heated floors when installing a distribution comb. After reaching the temperature standard in the heating circuits, the three-way valve shuts off the supply from the boiler, the media is driven by the pump along the internal heat line through the bypass.

Heating pump with bypass

The most common scenario for inserting a pump into a water heating system is directly into the pipeline (either into the supply branch or the return branch). In this case, a bypass is not installed, since when the unit is stopped, the small diameter of the pipes will not be able to maintain independent circulation of the liquid.

A bypass is required if a gravity system is initially used. Here, the main mode of heat supply will be forced distribution of the carrier using a circulation pump. During periods of no power supply, convection will contribute to the natural gravity of the environment. This solution involves installing pumping equipment on a bypass.

The unit can be assembled in two ways:

  1. The direct line is equipped with a ball valve; shut-off valves, a strainer and a pump are mounted in the bypass branch.
  2. The line rupture is complemented by a ready-made kit in the form of a bypass with a check valve and a pump.

In the first case, the gravity mode must be activated manually. During a power outage, residents will have to open one of the taps in the boiler room themselves. Otherwise, stopping circulation will cause the medium to cool down.

In the second scenario, a power outage will cause the check valve to automatically activate, which remains closed while the pumping device is operating. But there are two potential problems that can get in the way:

  • Some modifications of ball valves cannot be disassembled. If they fail or become dirty, you will have to dismantle and replace the entire assembly (except for the filter and pump);
  • U-shaped variations serve as an additional air collector; they require periodic turning of the manual release valve.

Therefore, professionals avoid schemes based on ready-made automatic bypasses; they prefer to assemble units that include a shut-off valve. In this case, the house will become noticeably cooler only half an hour after the power is turned off, during which time the main line can be opened. Another solution is to install a bypass unit using independent components and a check valve made of brass (in which the rubber ball is not fixed by a spring).

Installing a bypass on a radiator in single-pipe heating

High-rise buildings, inhabited since Soviet times, have single-pipe heating based on vertical risers, present in all apartments. Here, the distribution of the coolant is ensured due to high pressure and increased flow rate of the medium.

In this scenario, both connections are elements connecting the radiator to a single line, and the bypass fits between them. The jumper has a slight offset relative to the axis of the riser, due to which water enters the battery rather than flowing along an easy path. The solution works like this:

  1. The flow of hot water on approach to the first heating element is divided into two parts - the first enters the radiator, the second flows into the bypass.
  2. After the first flow has cooled by a couple of degrees, both parts are mixed, then half is sent to the main line. As a result, the resulting mixture has a temperature approximately one degree lower than it was initially.
  3. This process occurs consistently in all heating devices. All consumers of the network receive a given amount of thermal energy (ideally in equal measure), because pumps drive large volumes of water through the mains, leveling temperature differences between the first and last links.

A similar solution is usually used in two-story residential construction. Despite the fact that the vertical riser serves only a pair of radiators, it is advisable to equip the top one with a bypass. The reason is the disproportion between the performance of household and industrial circulation pumps.

If we exclude the direct bypass jumper, the full volume of the carrier, having passed through the battery, will cool down more than in the described circuit. The temperature difference will lead to the fact that each subsequent apartment will receive less and less thermal energy, the last one will practically not warm up.

This is why the bypass is so important when installing a vertical single-pipe heat supply. Two-pipe distributions are based on independent lines for cooled and hot media; a jumper is not needed here.

The low power of the circulation pump installed in a country house is compensated by the large throughput capacity and diameter of the pipeline.

Errors often encountered during self-installation

Often, home craftsmen who decide to install new aluminum radiators themselves instead of old cast iron ones make two common mistakes:

  • they equip the direct bypass section with a ball valve in an attempt to direct all the heated water into the battery;
  • assemble a mixing structure, adding a three-way valve to independently regulate heat transfer.

The second example, at a stretch, can be called acceptable if we are talking about individual heating; here the homeowner can individually control the output of the heating unit. In standard apartment buildings, neighbors can be vulnerable if one person unbalances the system by taking away more heat.

Finally, if a bypass is added to the design of a heated towel rail, it is intended only for the convenience of replacing and servicing this heater. The element in question does not affect heat transfer, since the pressure and speed of movement of the medium in the water supply here change to an insignificant extent.

Many people have probably heard that to increase the efficiency of heating systems, a bypass is installed in them. But people don't even realize what it is...

From Masterweb

31.05.2018 02:01

Many people have probably heard that in order to increase the efficiency of heating systems, a bypass is installed in them. But at the same time, people don’t even know what it is. In fact, this beautiful word refers to a pipeline parallel to the main system in one of the sections. Bypass is used in cases where the task is to constantly regulate the temperature in individual sections of the network, as well as to facilitate the process of replacing a heating radiator without the need to shut down the entire system. Such a simple engineering solution greatly facilitates the operation and repair of the heating system. Let's look at what a bypass is, what kind of mechanism it is in various sections of the pipeline.


A bypass, or bypass bypass, is a pipeline that serves to change the path of coolant flow bypassing one or another section of the heating system main line. Often such a tap is connected in parallel to the main one. Often some equipment is installed on the site. One end of the bypass pipeline is connected to the supply pipe or branch pipe. The second connects to the outlet.

Shut-off valves are installed between the bypass outlet and the inlet of the device that needs to be bypassed. This allows you to completely direct the coolant flow along an alternative route or regulate the amount of heat supplied to the device. To make it possible to completely turn off the heating devices, the outlet pipe is equipped with shut-off equipment. It is installed between the outlet and the bypass pipe.

Types of bypass solutions

Shut-off valves are mounted not only at the pipeline inlet, but also directly at the bypass. Depending on which shut-off valve is used, there are three types of bypasses in the heating system. These are non-adjustable solutions, with the possibility of manual adjustment, as well as fully automatic systems. Each type has its own characteristics.

Non-adjustable pipe

Sometimes a very ordinary pipe is installed in pipelines as a bypass without additional devices. Not many people know that this is a bypass, only unregulated. The clearance inside the pipe does not change in any way, and the coolant fluid moves through it without the ability to somehow control it. These engineering solutions are used when connecting heating radiators in apartments and private houses.

When designing heating systems, it should be remembered that the coolant will move along the path of least hydraulic resistance. The diameter of the bypass, which is installed vertically, must be smaller than the size of the flow area in the main pipeline. If you do not take this nuance into account, then under the influence of gravity the coolant will flow into the bypass and not into the heating battery.

If the heating system has non-traditional horizontal wiring, then slightly different rules apply. The heated coolant will try in every possible way to get to the top - the specific gravity of the heated medium is lower. Therefore, the bypass device for such solutions will be different. The diameter of the inlet pipe must be close to or equal to the diameter of the main line. The outlet pipe connected to the radiator is made smaller than the main line.

The reduced size of the radiator inlet pipe helps to increase the coolant pressure. Also, the liquid is more evenly distributed along the circuit of the battery or any other device for heat transfer.

Manual device

This bypass in the heating system is nothing more than an ordinary bypass pipe with a ball valve. Such taps are best suited for heating. When open, ball valves do not reduce clearance in the pipeline. There are no serious obstacles to the circulation of the coolant fluid.

The presence of shut-off valves makes it possible to regulate the amount of liquid that will pass through the bypass path. If the tap is completely closed, the coolant flow will move along the main path.

If the working parts in the ball valve stick to each other, then such devices should not be installed in the heating system. But if it is already installed, then periodically it is necessary to operate it - turn it, even if this is not necessary.

Bypasses of this type are recommended for installation only in individual heating systems of private houses. The use of shut-off valves on bypass jumpers in high-rise buildings is strictly prohibited. Sometimes, through negligence, you can block the access of the coolant to other residents.

As for the scope of application of such adjustable outlet solutions, they are widely used when connecting radiators to single-pipe heating mains, as well as as piping for hydraulic pumping equipment.

Automatic devices

These systems are highly specialized. They are installed primarily as pump piping in gravity heating systems. The liquid can circulate through the system circuits without the need to install pumps or other units. An electric blower can be installed in the system - the device helps reduce heat loss and promotes uniform heating.

The flow of coolant liquid in the system changes direction without human intervention. During pump operation, the coolant fluid moves through the unit, and the bypass for the circulation pump is automatically closed. If the pumping equipment stops, then the coolant will go along a different path - through the bypass. The impeller will limit or make further movement of the coolant impossible.

Types of automatic devices

There are valve and injection bypasses. We'll look at what this is next. In the first option, a ball valve is installed in the bypass pipe - its feature is that it creates minimal resistance to the movement of the coolant. There are also no obstacles to the movement of fluid in the forward direction. As the pump operates, the flow rate increases. Water from the outlet section enters the pipeline and is then divided into two streams. Then movement along the circuit is carried out without any obstacles, and when an attempt is made to reverse the movement of the liquid, the bypass valve interferes.

Since the value of hydraulic resistance on the inlet side is higher than on the outlet side, the ball in the check valve is pressed more tightly against the seat. This way the cross-section of the pipeline is blocked.

The downside of the valve bypass is considered to be special sensitivity to the cleanliness of the coolant. If contamination gets into the liquid, the device will fail.

Next, we will consider the injection bypass. What it is? This is a device that operates on the principle of a hydraulic elevator. In the main pipeline it is often large. The inlet and outlet pipes continue inside.

After starting the pumping equipment, a small part of the coolant will enter the diffuser installed on the inlet pipe. The fluid will then pass through the bypass device and accelerate. The outlet pipe is slightly narrowed and resembles a nozzle in appearance. Through it, liquid under a certain pressure is released into the main line at high speed.

On the reverse side of the outlet pipe there is a vacuum zone. Under its influence, the coolant fluid is drawn out of the bypass. The jet carries the surrounding medium and transfers kinetic energy to it. So the flow moves further throughout the system. This route of movement prevents the formation of reverse flow.

When the pump is not operating, the coolant fluid moves through the bypass system in natural mode without any obstacles.


We know how this engineering solution looks and works, but we do not know what the bypass is for. Let's look at its purpose.

The main task that the bypass element solves is to maintain the possibility of movement of the coolant liquid in the circuits and lines of the heating system if pumps or other pumping units are out of order and do not work.

Any devices that are connected in this way can be easily disconnected from the general system by turning off the taps in the inlet and outlet pipes. Next, the entire flow will move through the bypass pipe. A device disconnected from the heating system lines can be serviced or repaired. It is even possible to completely dismantle a particular device and install new equipment in its place. In this case, there is no need to stop the heating system, and there is also no need to drain the coolant.

Installing a bypass in individual heating circuits can be carried out in several cases. But more often bypasses are installed due to the advantages that this solution has. A bypass is indispensable if you need to embed a radiator into a heating main with one pipe. Also, bypass pipes are required for the operation of circulation pumps. When connecting the distribution manifold in a heated floor, you should also organize such workarounds. A bypass will be very useful if you need to organize a small circuit for the operation of a solid fuel boiler.

Naturally, connecting a bypass in different cases has certain features. This should always be taken into account.

Bypass on the heating battery

Heating radiators through bypass pipelines will only be connected in the case of single-pipe lines. In two-pipe systems and in the case of manifold wiring, it makes no sense to embed bypass pipes into the system. In such heating systems, radiators are connected in parallel, and each battery receives coolant of the same temperature from the supply line. If any one of the system circuits fails, if there are shut-off valves, this will not affect the operation of the entire system.

In systems with one pipe, due to the connection of heat transfer equipment, the temperature of the coolant drops as it moves along the circuit. The greater the heat transfer rate of the radiator, the colder the liquid will be at the outlet. If a heating bypass is not provided here, then the first battery will take the maximum heat and will be very hot, and only slightly warm liquid will pass through the last radiator.

By connecting the supply and return with a jumper pipe near each battery, the coolant flow is divided into two. One part moves to the radiator, giving off heat, and the second part, maintaining the temperature, goes along the circuit and at the outlet connects with the flow from the battery. This makes it possible to deliver enough thermal energy, even to the last battery in the system. The bypass to the heated towel rail works and is connected according to this scheme.

Bypass and circulation pump

Circulation devices are connected via a bypass if the system is adapted for gravity flow of coolant. The system must be equipped with a special accelerating manifold, and the slopes must be strictly observed. The diameter of the pipes must also be sufficient. A pump is installed in the main line to increase the efficiency of the system.

If the heating system was conceived as forced, then in the event of a power outage or a pump failure, it will not be able to work. The coolant will not be able to move without a pump or other unit. In such lines, pumps are installed without bypasses.

The peculiarity of connecting pumping equipment through a bypass is that a counterflow appears and a closed circulation loop arises in a circle from the bypass to the pump. Shut-off devices - a valve or ball valve - are installed in the bypass pipe. If the pump is operating normally, the shut-off valves completely block the cross-section of the bypass pipe. If the element stops for any reason, then the bypass opens. The coolant begins to move.

Bypass and heated floor

The so-called bypass line when installing “warm floor” systems is part of the mixing unit. It is used constantly and without it the system will not be able to work normally. The water moving through the supply part of the pipeline has a temperature of 80 degrees and above. The water temperature in the circuit should not be higher than 45 degrees.

To prepare the coolant, a mixing unit with a special three-way valve is used. It is capable of passing only the required amount of water. The rest of the coolant will move through the bypass. There it will mix with the water coming out of the collector and go to the boiler.


Now it’s clear why bypass is used in most private heating systems. This is a useful technical solution that makes operating heating equipment easier. With a bypass, you can easily clean or replace the heating radiator, and the rooms will warm up more evenly.

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Surely each of us has come across the above term. In this article we will answer the following questions:

  • "What is bypass"?
  • “What is a bypass for?”
  • “How is a bypass installed?”
  • “Automatic bypass - what is it?”

The general meaning of the word is very vague and imprecise, so when you use this term in your speech, it is necessary to clarify the scope and principle of operation.

Bypass Application Areas

  • In the first case, the device is used in a water supply system. As a rule, this device is used either when installing a circulation pump, the purpose of the latter is to increase the pressure in the system (in this case, installing the device yourself is mandatory), or when installing all kinds of meters and other metering devices. The valve performs only one function - it is a bypass line.
  • Bypass in a water heating system – this is a special device, which allows you to adjust the water supply to the radiator batteries with very high accuracy. A lot depends on this detail. Each of us hates to be in a room where it is either too cold or too hot. The valve, in turn, solves this significant problem, making your stay in the room comfortable and pleasant. The device creates a pleasant microclimate and avoids sudden temperature changes.

Bypass device and principle of its operation

The simplest part of this structural system is a small piece of pipe in the form of a jumper. However, a full-fledged valve must have at least three taps for water supply, since if at least one of them is missing, the device will not be able to work as intended. This device is installed between the direct and return wiring of a conventional heating radiator.

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This tube with shut-off valves is located parallel to the main branch and, thus, liquid flows through it without affecting the main plumbing fixture. The valve has only two main tasks. The first of them is, as mentioned above, control of the supply of hot water, and the second is ensuring the continuous operation of the pipeline at the time of repair of the main device.

The transverse diameter of the control device must be one caliber less than the diameter of the pipes, which are used for eyeliner. Typically, a half-inch pipe is used to make a bypass.

Bypass types

So, it should immediately be noted that all models of this device, according to their characteristics, can be divided into two large groups. Each of them has its own characteristics, which will significantly affect the operating principle of radiator batteries or water supply system.

  • The first group includes devices with a check valve. As a rule, such devices are used for circulation pumps. This bypass does not work all the time, but when necessary. The operation occurs as follows: after turning on the pump, the valve automatically opens due to excess pressure, and then begins to let in hot water. water or other heat carrier. After the pump has finished operating, the bypass also automatically stops working. However, you should be careful: if rust gets in, the device may fail.
  • The second type includes devices without a valve. This type will ensure reconstruction or repair without shutting down the entire heating system.

Do-it-yourself bypass installation

Do-it-yourself installation of such a device as a bypass is a very simple process; it does not require much experience from you and a wide range of tools - it is enough to have only a basic kit.

Heating and ventilation

Bypass in a heating system - what is it and what is it for?

From the author: Hello, dear friends! If you are new to arranging heating and have started looking for information on this matter, you have already become convinced that there are many previously unknown nuances that need to be taken into account. For example, some people cannot immediately figure out which structural elements need to be installed.

Source: https://kermi.center

Of course, everything is clear with the main components: pipes, radiators - all this is familiar to you to one degree or another. But questions may arise about other elements. For example, what is a bypass in a heating system? Why install it and how to do it? You will find answers to these questions in today's article.

What is bypass

The bypass bypass is an element of the heating system that greatly facilitates the operation and maintenance of the pipeline. It is a piece of pipe that is fixed in such a way that the coolant has an additional route for current.

As a rule, bypasses are placed in places where any equipment is connected: radiators, boilers, pumps, and so on. In this case, shut-off valves are installed on the separated product. When they are blocked, the coolant will be forced to follow an alternative path - through the bypass circuit.

Why is an additional route needed? Here it is worth saying right away that such workarounds are provided for a single-pipe heating system. The operating principle of this circuit is that radiators are connected to the circuit in series, one after another. The coolant, leaving the boiler, must pass through each of them to reach the very last one, and from there return to the heating tank.

But imagine that a problem occurs on some section of such a pipeline. For example, the connection between one of the radiators and the supply pipe leaked. It is clear that the most natural action in such a situation is to disconnect the failed equipment from the system and repair it.

But the problem is that when sequentially shutting off the water supply to one of them, it automatically turns off all the others located further along the circuit. And it’s also good if it happens in a relatively warm season.

But in the middle of winter, such situations are fraught with not only slight discomfort for the people living in the house. The coolant in a stopped heating system in conditions of negative ambient temperatures will first cool down and then freeze.

As you all know, water expands when it turns into ice. Since this will happen inside the pipes, these system elements may become deformed, especially at the joints. As a result, when you restart the heating, you may get a pipeline break and a complete disruption of the heating system.

It is clear that it is better to prevent such situations than to correct them. And this is where the bypass comes into play, which can be a real salvation. When one of the radiators is turned off, the coolant will simply flow through the bypass circuit. Thus, the flow of water in the system will not be stopped. This means that you don’t have to be afraid of the consequences described above.

However, the workaround can be useful not only during forced repairs. Sometimes it happens that radiators are excessively hot. This is a common situation in apartment buildings, since the centralized system cannot adapt to every thaw. As a result, the apartment becomes very hot.

This is where the ability to shut off one of the radiators comes in handy. Firstly, when using a bypass, as mentioned above, there will be no damage to other batteries. Secondly, there will be no factors increasing the pressure inside the system, since the coolant flow will not be disrupted.

In general, there are a lot of advantages to installing a bypass. But it is important to know in detail what types of this element there are, and how they are installed in the heating system.

Types of bypasses

According to their functionality, all bypass circuits are divided into three types:

  • unregulated;
  • adjustable by manual control;
  • automatically adjustable.

All types differ from each other both in design and principle of operation.

Unregulated bypass

The simplest option is an unregulated bypass bypass. It is simply a piece of pipe mounted into a pipeline, without any additional control elements. The passage of coolant through this section is not controlled in any way. As a rule, this method of arranging a bypass route is used in conjunction with connecting radiators to the heating system.

The bypass can be installed in both vertical and horizontal positions. During installation, it is very important to take into account the hydraulic resistance factor. In which way it is lower, the liquid will flow along that route. The following rules follow from this:

  • if the bypass circuit is installed vertically, then its diameter should be smaller than that of the main pipe. Otherwise, the coolant will always circulate through the bypass, ignoring the heating radiator;
  • if the bypass circuit is horizontal, then the diameter of this section of pipe should be the same as that of the main line. But at the same time, the pipe that goes to the heating battery must have a smaller diameter. This is due to the fact that the hot coolant stubbornly strives to go up, in accordance with the laws of physics.

Adjustable manual bypass

The manually adjustable bypass circuit is the same pipe, but in this case it has a shut-off ball valve installed on it. In open mode, such a bypass does not affect the diameter of the internal lumen of the line. Consequently, excessive hydraulic resistance to the coolant current is not created. Therefore, this version of the bypass route is optimal.

In addition, the use of a ball valve makes it possible to regulate the volume of heated water passing along the bypass path. The valve can be closed either completely or partially. When the ball valve is completely closed, the entire coolant flow flows into the radiator, and vice versa.

When deciding whether to install a manual bypass bypass, there are two things to consider:

  • Installation of such an element can only be done in an autonomous, that is, in a private house. The fact is that such a system can cut off the coolant flow not only in a specific room, but also among neighbors, if we are talking about an apartment building with centralized heating. Therefore, residents simply should not have the opportunity to do this, that is, installing a ball valve on the bypass circuit in this case is prohibited;
  • Ball valves tend to become clogged with scale and various deposits. This occurs when the equipment is not used for a long time. The result will be a malfunction of the product - at the moment when you need to turn off or open the coolant flow, you simply will not be able to do it. To prevent such a situation from arising, the ball valve must be moved periodically - that is, closed and opened. This will help maintain the performance of the equipment at the proper level.

A manually controlled bypass circuit can be installed either next to radiators or as a piping element for a circulation pump. But do not forget that both options are permissible only when used in a private home.

Automatically regulated bypass

An automatic bypass circuit is installed as a piping element of the circulation pump. Here we should immediately clarify one point. The circulation of coolant in the heating system can be carried out using two methods:

  • natural. The movement of coolant from the boiler along the main line is carried out due to gravitational forces, as well as the difference in the density of hot and cold water. The operating principle is as follows: the pipeline is mounted at a slight slope towards the radiators. This helps the coolant reach its target using normal gravity. Next, the liquid cools down in the radiators, goes back into the boiler and, due to its higher density, displaces from there a portion of heated water of the corresponding volume. This system has several disadvantages. For example, the flow rate of the coolant is not too high, since the pressure in the system is low. Therefore, the liquid, reaching the last heating radiator, has time to cool down considerably. This leads to uneven heating of the rooms in the house - the farther the room is from the boiler, the colder the radiators will be in it. In addition, the length of the heating circuit in this case is limited to approximately thirty meters, and the number of batteries installed on it is limited to five pieces. This limitation is caused by the same low speed. In the case of a longer circuit length, the coolant will reach the extreme point of the route, having already completely cooled down. This drawback makes the natural circulation system not the best option for arranging a heating system;
  • forced. In this case, a circulation pump is responsible for the movement of the coolant, which drives the heated liquid into the main line under a certain pressure. Naturally, this approach gives a much better effect than in the case of the natural method. The flow rate is at a high level, thanks to which the coolant manages to bypass the entire circuit without much heat loss. Therefore, all rooms in the house are heated absolutely equally, especially with a radial wiring diagram - you can learn more about it from other articles on our construction portal. In addition, due to the high level of pressure in the line, the length of the circuit and the number of radiators are unlimited. If, for example, a system with natural circulation can cope only with a very small house, then the forced method helps to heat buildings of any size. It all depends only on the power of the circulation pump.

As you understand, the forced circulation system is optimal. But there's a catch. An uninterrupted power supply is required for the circulation pump to operate. If the electricity in the house suddenly goes out - and this, you see, happens not so rarely, especially in small villages - then the equipment simply stops working. Accordingly, the operation of the entire heating system stops.

Of course, to quickly resolve such situations, you can purchase and connect a backup generator in advance. But we all know about the laws of meanness - equipment may not work at the most crucial moment. And its power may not be enough for a long time, but who knows how long it will take to repair the power line.

It is in such cases that it is necessary to provide a bypass route for the coolant so that the circulation system automatically switches from forced to natural. This is precisely the purpose of this type of bypass.

When the pump is running, the bypass circuit is closed, so the coolant flows through the circulation equipment. In the event of a power outage, the supply device stops and the liquid flows into the heating main along a bypass route.

The role of bypass in a heated floor system

If you decide to install a water heated floor system in your house, then you cannot do without a bypass circuit. it is a mandatory element of the mixing unit.

The fact is that the coolant in the heating tank is heated until the temperature reaches about 80 degrees. If such a hot liquid goes into the floor, you simply will not be able to walk on it, as it will burn. Accordingly, it is necessary to somehow regulate the temperature indicator.

This is where the three-way valve comes to the rescue. It separates the amount of coolant required to warm the floor heating system to 45 degrees, no more. The rest of the liquid leaves through the bypass outlet. At the same time, already cooled water is mixed into it, and the whole thing is returned to the boiler for further heating.

Installation of bypass circuit

From a purely technical point of view, installing a bypass is carried out in the same way as connecting any other section of pipe. It depends on what material the pipeline is made of. For example, in the case of metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes, installation is carried out using fittings - in the first case they are either twisted together or pressed, in the second they are soldered. If we are talking about steel pipes, then the work is carried out using a welding machine.

Several requirements must be met during installation. Each of them has already been mentioned above, but it is better to bring everything into one system:

  • the bypass diameter must be smaller than the diameter of the main heating line;
  • the bypass circuit is installed as close as possible to the heating radiator;
  • In apartment buildings, it is strictly prohibited to install shut-off valves on the bypass; in this situation, only an unregulated bypass can be installed.

For the installation procedure, you will need tee fittings, pipes and shut-off valves (if their installation is provided). Either a ball valve, a valve, or a combination of a ball and automatic device is installed on the inlet pipe. A shut-off device - a faucet or valve - is mounted on the outlet pipe.

During the assembly process, it is important to completely eliminate the possibility of leakage. Full control over the sealing of joints is required. If installation is carried out using threaded connections, then seal them using FUM tape. To do this, it is better to use the dry twisting method.

First, connect the parts of the fitting, while counting how many turns you can make. Then unscrew the connection, wrap two layers of FUM tape around the thread and twist it back. In this case, the number of revolutions should be exactly the same as during “trying on”. Of course, the winding will be tighter, but that's what you want. This approach will help ensure the tightness of the joint.

Dear friends, now you know exactly what a bypass is and whether it is needed in your specific situation. Good luck in installing your heating system and keeping your home warm! See you again!