The house from the foam with his own hands in one day. House made of foams with their own hands Video House from foam panels

For some people, the expression "foam house" may seem like a non-serious and meaning some allegory. In part, this expression is correct, since the house is built precisely from the foam - yes, it is subsequently enhanced by concrete, but initially it is a foam design that the conversation will go in this article. Together with the site, we will deal with the advantages of such buildings and consider the technology, thanks to which you can independently build a house of foam.

Walls houses from foam photo

House of foam: What is its advantages

By and large, this is the only technology that allows you to make durable and long-term quickly and without the help of professional builders - it is precisely the main feature of the buildings that are erected by non-removable formwork from or polystyrene. But this is not all the advantages of such buildings. By and large, there are many of them quite, and it is from their study that you need to start an acquaintance with the buildings from the foam.

  1. The most important thing is that this is a very warm home. It turns out that the insulation (in this case, this non-removable formwork) envelops the reinforced concrete frame of the house from all sides - it is not only from two sides of the walls, but even inside them.
  2. Such a house perfectly holds the temperature inside - it is not only warm in winter, but also cool in the summer.
  3. Another advantage provides a design. These are not the usual shields that need to be strengthened and exhibited - in fact, these are foam blocks with cavities inside. In some way, they can be compared with - by type they are completely identical. In the process of building a house of them, you simply fill their cavities with concrete, having previously setting the frameworks from the reinforcement.
  4. Do not want to mess with small blocks of foam? Then you can use in the form of full panels or plates. The principle is the same - install, reinforce the cavity and pour them. In general, the foam non-removable formwork can have three different types - these are mentioned above and blocks, as well as the standard version of the shield formwork, fastened with each other with special jumpers. The last option is the cheapest - work with him is not so simple. The optimal option for self-construction can be called blocks similar to the slag block.

    Foam house photo

The house of foam and concrete is not deprived of the flaws. The most important of them is the so-called thermos effect. You can only fight it in one way - through a high-quality system, which initially it seems to be a cheap project makes more expensive. Another not very pleasant factor is the environmental component of such buildings - despite the fact that the foam is subsequently closed, still this material is not clean. It should not be released from both the flammability of this material, the toxins allocated during its burning, are so serious that they force a man in convulsions. In general, not everything is so good, as it seems at first glance.

How to make a house of foam: construction technology

By and large, all at home, including foam, are built almost the same - first it is built, the walls are built, which, in turn, are covered. The difference in the construction of a warm foam house is observed only at the stage of the construction of walls - it is with her that we will get acquainted. You can read about everything else in other articles of our site. So, the technology of the construction of walls from foam blocks can be represented as the following sequence of work.

  1. As in all cases of construction of houses from blocks, the first row of foam non-removable formwork places well - in most cases, the formwork is laid in two rows in thickness.

    Construction of a house of foam photos

  2. Immediately in blocks at the base, reinforcement frames are installed - they need to be installed not in all cavities. It is necessary to quickly reinforce the angles (here the armature is laid in three neighboring cavities on both sides of the angle) and further with the interval through 3-4 cavities. In the entire height of the walls, the reinforce can immediately not do - the blocks are not very comfortable on it. Subsequently, as the walls are raised, the reinforcement frames can be added and increasing, connecting it out of parts.

    How to make a house of foam photos

  3. No one has canceled the ligation here - everything is exactly the same as when. The blocks are stacked with a shift, and each second their row lies with a tych (across everyone else). Strengths This gleaming does not add, but here the quality of insulation is improved from this moment.
  4. At the top of the walls, no less than 200mm is mandatory, it uses a shield non-removable formwork for it. In principle, it is possible to go and standard by making the Armopoyas formwork from the boards. The fittings of the walls must be associated with the reinforcement of the belt.

    House of foam and concrete photo

By and large, it is almost all the subtleties or features of the construction of walls from a non-removable formwork. The only thing you can add here is to say that the cavities should be fully filled with concrete - it needs to be seated a vibration machine or, as an option, acting on the old manner, picked up concrete to cells or a stick. It is better, of course, vibrations that can be created even the usual applied to stripping putty. By the way, there is a non-removable formwork and for overlapping. You can even say more - in a separate type of this material, a non-removable formwork is isolated for the foundation.

Construction of a house of foam: wall decoration technology

Roll out the walls with foam blocks - it is only half down if not to say that his quarter. After pouring the concrete wall, it is still necessary to stack. The technology of plaster with this situation is not so simple and it looks as follows.

Alternatively, other technologies can be used to finish a foam house - for example. Here you can use almost any panels, including. Some types of wall facade panels can be installed not in framework technology, but are stitched straight on the wall.

And at the conclusion of the topic, I will say a few words about one technology for the construction of such houses - from foam. To construct it even easier than according to the method described above. By and large, this is the usual frame structure, inside the walls of which the insulation is simply installed foam, and not traditional. Such a heater is cheaper, and at home such a design costs to a smaller amount - it is not worth it, however, forget about the ecological component of buildings insulated by foam.

In principle, all. Add more about the house of the polyfoam has nothing to do. On the one hand, it seems like a good technology, but as you think about the thermos, immediately hunting to live in such a house disappears. But, as they say, there is no taste and color, no comrades - maybe for someone, the house of the foam will seem the best solution. To discharge will not become - to solve it exclusively here.

Many embody creative ideas in a variety of crafts from various materials. Polyfoam is excellent for this suitable. From it you can create garden figures or decorate the house in the form of pictures, VAZ, etc.

Properties of foam

Before making this material, you need to know its characteristics:

  • Ease and processing will not be difficult.
  • Fontoam shapes are easy to connect.
  • For products, it needs good fixation. If in the garden, then strengthen the form of cement.
  • Polyfoam does not react with cement, plaster or asphalt.
  • Polyfoam is almost not subject to ammonia or organic (mineral) acids.
  • Carefully choose tools for staining (acetone, dichloroethane and benzene), they are able to destroy the product from foam.

Preparation for the creation of a figure

Crafts made of polyfoam may be volumetric or flat. It is necessary to prepare a piece of foam in advance, stencil or drawing for sketch. For the product, you will need a putty, as well as self-tapping screws, tools, glue and different paints.

How to make a beautiful handicraft with your own hands?

Mushrooms - excellent garden decor. It can be done in the center of the bulk fungus, and around small trees (flower beds). Foam cut out volumetric base (leg) mushroom. It is better to cut the hat separately, then the screws (toothpick) fasten on the leg. Collect acrylic paint by choosing the desired koler. Dried finished products coat with oil varnish to protect the material.

Peacock is more difficult to perform, but it looks wonderfully at the cottage. The bulk piece is needed for the body body, and for the tail of the peacock - the foam is flat. Then the embossed tail is attached to the body. Apply a putty is necessary in three layers, then pollute and coat acrylic varnish.

To create strong figures with volume, you need a foam frame. It is then covered with cement, you can apply the mounting foam.

Beautiful crafts for the house of foam

Original crafts are obtained from polyfoam, you can use boxes from under the new refrigerator, television or other household appliances. Packing material easily turns under the hand of a young master in beautiful snowflakes, colored balls, christmas trees or animals.

The bouquet can be easily made from the base-branch, which can be fixed in the pot for plants. Fill with artificial flower.

It is convenient to the foam with its softness, any detail can be pinned with pins or small skeins.

The ball is easy to do from the foam, plane it with flowers, twisted from colored paper, felt, fabric. Coffee beans can also be placed balls.


Foam figures attract young craftsmen with ease of execution. Let's spend a small master class on the crafts from foam:

  • Select a drawing and pull through a piece of foam.
  • Neatly a stationery knife cut a figur on the contour.
  • Coloring with paints, then covered with varnish to protect.
  • For decor, you can fix beautiful elements (ribbons, beads, snowflakes, flowers, etc.).

Planclosure of wishes is a popular product of kids. You can use a box of packaging for the picture, boards. You can use decoupage technique, or apply the original drawing. Paint the paint paints, the frame can be made by flavors and others.

For the picture you can cut a round sun, paint yellow paint. Clouds, boat cut out separately, paints and krepim to the board.

Decorative plate of foam

We will analyze an interesting idea and instructions for making crafts. For example, for the design of a beautiful plate need:

  • scissors;
  • pVA glue,
  • varnish with a tassel;
  • beautiful napkin with a pattern (drawing);
  • acrylic paints;
  • plate of foam.

Stages of work:

  • From the selected napkin cut drawing. In order not to be deformed the drawing, the glue pva apply to the napkin, and not on the plate. Then glue the pattern to the plate.
  • Acrylic paints paint a wide tassel towers. When the paints are dry, you can cover the plate with a transparent varnish.
  • The product is ready, you can decorate the veranda in a country house or put on a shelf in a nursery to demonstrate the talent of the child.

Knowing what foam plastic is needed for crafts, when buying any technique, you do not need to throw away the packaging. It is better to leave it until your child illuminates a brilliant idea on the incarnation of toys or other crafts.

Photo Crafts from foam

Recently, you can still hear conversations about the so-called thermoem. It may seem that this is an invented term from some kind of sci-fiction ecto novel, but in reality everything is much easier. The thermoem is a house built from foam. This construction technology is also called a non-removable formwork.

This article we will talk about how to buildpolyfoam's house do it yourself.

These blocks are hollow boxes. Their sizes are standard (95x25x25 cm), but for the construction of the inner walls, products are used slightly smaller width - 95x13x25 cm.

Note! The polystyrene foam blocks are manufactured using industrial conveyor technology. During the work shift, the production line produces about a hundred and twenty blocks.

The advantages of building materials can be attributed:

  • ease of processing and editing;
  • resistance to permanent exposure to moisture;
  • minor weight;
  • excellent noise insulation characteristics;
  • qualitative thermal insulation due to the multilayer structure;
  • resistance to rotting and fungus.

It is also worth noting that the foam refers to the "breathable" materials, that is, to those that pass the air.

But there are disadvantages that need to be taken into account before the construction of construction.

  1. Foam blocks do not withstand the temperature above 90 ° C.
  2. The strength of the foam is only an illusion, in fact it can be easily thrown by a finger. In this regard, the walls will have to put off.
  3. The material is easily flammable.

The cost of one such unit is approximately 300 rubles., Which is relatively inexpensive. Consider the cost of building a polystyrene foam house in comparison with brick. Thus, the thermoem is already ready for the final finish design that can be covered both plaster or paint and siding. At the same time, the brick house needs putting and thermal insulation (the same foam), which, of course, increases the costs of construction.

In a word, thermoem is inexpensive pleasure, since it also includes finishing, and insulation. Moreover, according to GOST, the height of such a house can reach 15 m, which is equal to 5-6 floors.

On environmental friendliness material

Most of the people are confident that the foam, as well as any other "chemistry", is unsafe or even harmful to health. While this fact is not confirmed, but also not refute. It is worth noting that there are a number of requirements, in particular sanitary and the GOST, which produced products are fully consistent.

But some people are difficult to convince even in obvious things, which is most likely a psychological factor. And even the fact that the foam is widely used in isolation and interior decoration, as well as in the manufacture of one-time dishes, for some reason it is not in this case a weighty argument.

Foam house: construction instructions

Having understood with the strengths and weak sides of the material, you can start on the installation. But at first you need to cook everything you need.

Stage 1. Tools, Materials

The paper will require:

  • foam blocks;
  • finishing material;
  • sand;
  • wires, pipes;
  • metal fittings Ø12 mm;
  • steel wire for a ligament;
  • cement "Six hundred" brand;
  • water;
  • crushed stone;
  • concrete mixer.

Stage 2. Fundam

Construction of the house begins with the foundation. The optimal option is an ordinary belt foundation, although it all depends on the characteristics of the soil in the selected region.

After filling, the base is complemented by support. For this, wooden bars in size in 50x60 mm are laid around the perimeter of the foundation. The rest of the remaining area must be paved with similar thickness boards.

Note! After laying, the tree is processed by the flame and antiseptic.

Stage 3. Build construction

The construction of the thermodoma is similar to the assembly of the designer - the blocks are joined the groove in the groove, shifted by reinforcement and are collected in the walls.

Step 1. Foam blocks are prepared for installation: cleaned, aligned and carefully dry.

Step 3. A concrete solution is prepared. For this purpose, cement, crushed stone and sand fall asleep in the concrete mixture in the ratio of 1: 3: 3 and flooded with so much water so that the liquid mixture turns out.

Step 4. After the rank of five rows in the emptiness between the layers of the blocks is poured. When pouring it is desirable to tapping along the side surface of each block - so the shrinkage of concrete will be more dense.

Step 5. A part of the wall of the next five rows of blocks is assembled and is again flooded with a solution. The procedure is repeated until the construction is completed.

Step 6. The sewage, wiring and other communications are laid directly into the walls of the house, after which it is covered in the roof and the final wall decoration is carried out. It is characteristic that the pipeline is recommended to lay the hollow walls, while the electrical wiring is supplied according to previously done strokers (there should be no problems with the foaming of foam).

There are no restrictions in the choice of roofing material. In fact, the foam house is a monolithic design that can withstand any load, so even natural tile can be used for the coating.

Note! The construction of the thermodom is better to start in the warm season at a temperature not lower than -10 ° C.

Foam blocks retain their initial properties for a long time. There is even the opinion that the house built from these blocks, under the appropriate conditions, can last up to 100 years.

Stage 4. Finish

As already mentioned, with the inner / external finishing of the walls of the thermodom, there are practically no restrictions. In terms of financial, it is more profitable to use decorative plaster or ordinary paint, and from the inside, make a plasterboard cover.

The thermoem may look different. Below is the instruction manual for the construction of an arched building of standard sizes: the height of the wall is 3 m, the total area is about 10 m². Of course, as permanent housing, such a design cannot be used.

What will be required in work

Before starting construction, you need to take care of everything you need. Below is a list of materials:

  • foam blocks;
  • building level;
  • concrete solution;
  • mounting foam;
  • knife;
  • dowels, selflessness;
  • line;
  • marker.

Construction technology

Step 1. The foundation is first erected. In this case, there are no differences from the previous version.

Step 2. On the entire perimeter of the base, the bar 50x60 mm is laid, the mount is performed by anchors. In this case, the design is periodically verified by the level.

Note! To optimize the mount, you can use any mounting foam, except for extra-class. This is simply explained: this type of foam expands greatly.

Step 3. The lateral walls of the base protruding over the ground are separated by a decorative stone. The stone falls on the usual concrete solution and slightly wakes up with a hammer.

Step 4. The foundation is covered by waterproofing M layer (a polyethylene film is suitable). On top of the film, you can put a brick to increase the strength of the foundation and protection against seed.

Step 5. Next, foam blocks are prepared. They are cut and glued in accordance with previous measurements. For the frame of the arch, you need to use only curly blocks, and conventional thick sheets can be taken to fill the walls. A mounting foam is used for gluing.

Note! For fixing, a special adhesive for foam can be used, but the mounting foam is consumed economically. The only disadvantage of foam is that it is necessary to constantly monitor its expansion, otherwise the carcass can be broken.

Step 6. Finished arches from foam plastic are attached to the base with self-draws and dowels. To do this, all over the perimeter of the foundation are done by holes (with equal pitch), which are installed high screws. Then at the bottom of each arch do holes in the appropriate places, after which the arches are planted on the self-tapping screw.

Note! For convenience, the dowel can be inserted in advance in the holes in the arches.

Step 7. Arches are additionally fixed. If a mounting foam is used, then it is filled with a gap between the frame and the base by means of a thin tube. If glue is used, then they lubricate all work surfaces before planning the arches.

Step 8. It remains only to close the cracks between the blocks of concrete solution and shook the walls of the house. For further finishes, as already mentioned, any material can be used - it all depends on financial capabilities and personal preferences.

As we see, the construction of a foam house is not such a difficult procedure. The main thing is to correctly calculate the consumption of building materials and securely fix blocks on the foundation. By the way, not only blocks can be used.

Finally. Perforated polystyrene foam panels

For a non-removable formwork, you can use not only blocks of foam, but also large perforated panels, which are connected by a frame of fittings. The panels are attached to the reinforcement through mushroom-shaped nuts at perforation points (such nuts produce from polyethylene at high pressure).

The size of each panel on average is 100x300 cm. The gap between the outer and the inner slabs (5 cm is 5 cm thick) in it is 15 cm, which is enough to build a house in two to three floors. Products are delivered to the construction site alternately or already in the finished form.

Video - Construction of a house of foam blocks

A private house of foam only at first glance seems an impracticable solution. In fact, technology is known for a long time, but in Russia began to be used not more than 15-20 years ago. She has its pros and cons, but in general, it belongs to contemporary, energy-saving ways of construction And it becomes increasingly popular.

The house of foam is really built from polystyrene foam, i.e. foam blocks. Such elements are available with the cavity inside, into which it is flooded.

In essence, this is a non-removable formwork, which ensures the formation of reinforced concrete walls, because Steel fittings are inserted inside the polymer before filling. Thus, it turns out wall, which from the outer and inside is covered with insulation.

Construction foam blocks can be of different types and size - blocks, size and laying similar to slagoblocks; uncine panels and large collapsible spitswhich are collected from 2 foam sheets fastened by special tie.

With any type of these products, the construction principle of the house is similar - the wall with the inner cavity for the fill of concrete is collected. At the final stage, wall surfaces plastering or trimmed with facing materials.

There is another option of foam houses. They are assembled from structural-insulating (SIP) panels, which is a combination and (polystyrene foam). In contrast to the previous case, polymer turns out to be inside the reinforced concrete constructionbecause Fall in the cavity in the factory conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The sip panels are not much different from the hollow panels of the OSB.

They are simple the air in the cavities is displaced by foam, which significantly increases thermal insulation characteristics, even when exposed to moisture.

Use them requires load-lifting mechanisms, and therefore they are used in the construction of apartment buildings.

When erecting a private house can be used foam hollow blocks and panels.

You can select the following pros Such technology:

  1. Even 2x1.5 m panels have low weight, which allows them to be used in without the use of lifting mechanisms, completely relying on manual labor. All wall mounting can be done with your own hands.
  2. Panels have all the advantages of the foam, as insulation. Excellent thermal insulation is provided on both sides of the wall, with good moisture resistance.
  3. A sufficiently high mechanical strength is ensured by the fill of concrete. At the same time, there is no need for the construction of formwork, which significantly reduces the duration of construction.
  4. Simplicity of technology and the low cost of foam plastic helps to save on construction.

It is impossible not to mark certain limitations:

  1. Polyfoam creates a thermal effect. The walls do not breathe, do not miss steam and reliably retain the temperature that is installed indoors. This circumstance requires the arrangement of a reliable ventilation system.
  2. Polystyrene foam does not have the perfect environmental purity. When heated, it highlights substances hazardous to human health. Especially dangerous is the allocation during fire.
  3. The material is considered a flammable material, so its application should be coordinated with fire requirements.


Polyfoam has low compressive strength, impact and resistance to surface mechanical effects. The protective layer must be superimposed on top of it.

Required tool

Important. It should be noted that the fastening of profiles should be made not to the polymer, but to the inner concrete layer. Using the trim, you can provide ventilated facade.

Japanese dome houses in the photo

A private house of foam is not a fantasy, but a completely real design. For its manufacture, special blocks and panels are used. Building technology is so simple that all work can be held with their own hands. Very seriously, it is necessary to take on the external decoration of foam walls to eliminate the negative properties of the material.

Often after buying large household appliances there are many pieces of foam, which most people just throw out.

But, if a little to dream and make efforts, these faceless white pieces can turn into a real work of art. So what can be made of foam? This will be discussed in this article.

Decorations for the nursery

At the dacha, it is impossible to look better by various figures of animals or birds from foam, which decorate the household plot. They can be performed both in bulk and flat. Anyone will raise the mood of the heroes of cartoons or just flowers to be installed in the garden or near the house as an ornament.

If the site is equipped with an artificial reservoir, then water lilies, or cute frogs at the edge of the water, will define the right tone of the entire composition.

Bird for dacha decoration

To decorate trees in the garden, you can make birds from this material. To do this, you will need a flat piece of foam, on which the stencil is drawn the outline of birds and is cut out with a sharp stationery knife. The billet of the decoration made of foam is covered by several layers of the finish putty from all sides and is carefully dried after each application.

After the figure dried, all irregularities are processed by sandpaper. Next, you can begin to decorate the decoration of the facade paint, which is focused on the desired shades.

Important! The paint will protect the foam from the effects of varnish and does not get off at the very first sediments.

The dried bird is covered by a layer of varnish. Thus, it turns out a unique decoration from the foam, which will delight not only the owners, but also the guests of the nuclear area.

Crafts "Mushrooms" for garden decoration

This type of design is of great popularity among dachens. Perform mushrooms from foams can be large and bulky with eyes or small handhelds. Any vengery of foam decoration will look winning.

In any case, the billet from the foam is done in this way:

  • A hat and leg cut separately.
  • Parts are fixed with glue, putty or self-drawing.
  • Mushrooms are covered with acrylic paint suitable shade.
  • A layer of varnish is applied to protect foam from the surrounding effects.

In a similar way, you can create any figurine, if you work slightly and think about it in advance how it will look like. Finished decorations are installed on Earth, branches of trees, stump and anywhere where the owner wishes.

Foam interior decoration

Not only crafts for the street can be created from foam. The material is suitable for home interior design. Often such details are installed in children's rooms, creating whole panels with cartoons or favorite scenes of a child. We will not be able to decorate the house for the holidays, for example, by the New Year with the help of a foam Christmas tree or christmas figurines.

Carved lamp

This subject of the interior is easy to make, but looks like a foam decoration amazing. They can be supplemented both living room and public space. For work, there will be 4 foam sheets, a stationery knife, a ruler and marker, silicone glue, a cutter for foam, New Year's garland.

Decoration algorithm:

Decorations on the wall

Of the foam plastic, there are incredible beauty of the panel for the walls, which will look advantageously in any room. The hall and dining room can be decorated with floral ornaments, children's fabulous heroes, and the bedroom with packed carved figures from the foam.

Make it all is easy, you need to cut out of a piece of polyfoam in advance drawn items, paint them as it requires a fantasy and basic design and attach to the wall in the correct sequence.

In the nursery, they often make a panel on the wall with the name of the baby as a decoration. To do this, it is necessary to cut every letter or the name completely in the format that has been conceived earlier and arrange at your discretion.

Interior details

Icybana looks perfectly from this material and plastic bottle. The cost of such creativity is practically no, but the effect of decoration is storm. To create a plastic bottle of green and cut from it, the neck so that this item can be put on a flat surface. The whole part of the bottle is cut to thin straws and the small pieces of foams are cut to each other. It is better to take the material that consists of big grains to use them for this purpose. The bottom is inserted into the part that was cut off and the interior decoration is placed in the desired place.

For the New Year or Valentine's Day, you can please be loved by pleasant souvenirs made by your own hands. For this, the crushed item is cut out of raw materials, decorated, covered with sparkles. In the upper part of it, a hole is made so that it was possible to turn a golden ribbon to decorate, which will give solemnity.


The foam is such a pliable material, which, if desired, can be turned into a unique decoration with different functional load. If you set a goal, then something really valuable and beautiful can be created from unnecessary pieces of material in the shortest possible time.

Such products will be introduced into the landscape of the site or the interior of the house notching the originality and will store the heat of the master who performed them.