Advantages and advantages of metal-plastic windows. Plastic windows - advantages, disadvantages and repair of advantages and disadvantages of plastic and metal-plastic windows

Metal-plastic or as they say more often - plastic windows - one of the most popular types of window structures at the modern consumer. Such an increased demand is explained by the optimal value for money, excellent operational characteristics of plastic windows.

The structural device of plastic windows is as follows: they consist of a frame made from PVC profile, double-glazed and additionally equipped with special mechanisms for opening-closing the sash. Constructions are always produced by individual measurements.

For details on the device of plastic windows, their properties and characteristics, let's talk below and also find out all the pros and cons of the designs that it is important to know, going to buy a PVC window for your home or apartment.

Materials for the manufacture of plastic windows

The main material for the production of plastic windows is polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - a special kind of thermoplastic. In pure form, thermoplastic is a powder in which various stabilizing, modifying agents, coloring pigments and other necessary additives are added in the manufacture of windows. Additional components are needed to purchase a ready-made window profile of a number of technical specifications. In particular, on which additives will be used in the production process, the following qualities of the finished PVC profile will depend on:

  • Resistance to ultraviolet and the action of aggressive factors of the external environment;
  • Color;
  • Surface quality;
  • Indicators of weldability, resistance to mechanical damage, wear resistance.

Traditionally, leaders are used as a stabilizing substance, but the safest and environmentally friendly designs in which stabilizing properties are provided with zinc compound and calcium are considered.

Modifiers and other additives are used in the production of PVC profile in a minimum amount (no more than 1 mg per 1 kg of profile) and therefore they are not released into the surrounding space in any form of processing the profile material. In the finished form of polyvinyl chloride - a fooling material, resistant to external factors and aggressive environments, and at the same time - harmless to human health.

To ensure the safety and ecology of the PVC profile offered by a specific manufacturer - always aware of the representatives of the company on the presence of a hygienic certificate for products.

There are no restrictions on the installation of plastic windows: they can be used in residential and commercial premises.

Ventilation as an important aspect

Metal-plastic structures are absolutely sealed and on the one hand, this is a significant advantage, since such a window will not miss the cold or dampness or draft. On the other hand, the tightness of the design negatively affects the process of a full-fledged air exchange indoor. The lack of fresh air tributary creates a slope, may cause condensate formation on the glass and walls, which is fraught with the appearance of fungus or mold. Therefore, the issue of ensuring normal ventilation when installing plastic windows, it is necessary to pay maximum attention.

Of course - the simplest solution will constantly open the design of the design to microbrow, but it is impossible to call it convenient. Therefore, you can initially select the window version with the already arranged ventilation system. The main options will be:

  1. Design with a window. An option is simple, efficient, but not budget. The PVC window with the window will cost more due to the complication of the design. In addition, the presence of additional elements in the frame has a negative impact on the receipt of light in the room.
  2. Self-detention windows. This type of structures involves the use of profiles, with the velocked airborne holes. The holes are done in the upper and lower outer part of the frame.
  3. PVC windows with combs. In the data of the variety of structures, the regulator is initially embedded, which allows you to open a window in different modes.

Another modern version of the plastic windows with ventilation is the design with a ventilator valve. If the high-quality valve - air ventilation will occur in constantly, which will ensure a full-fledged air exchange in it.

Heat and sound insulation properties

Heat - and sound insulation are essential characteristics for high-quality plastic windows. If these indicators are at the proper level - there will always be warmth and calmly in the house. The sound and thermal insulation properties of metal-plastic window structures depend on a number of factors that should be described in more detail.

The thermal insulation characteristics of the window design will affect the following indicators:

  • Type of glass package. For outdoor designs, it is recommended to select windows with a double double-glazed window consisting of three glasses and an airbag. To increase heat-insulating properties, the argon filling can sometimes be used.

Want to reduce heat charges? Order a double-glazed glass with energy-saving windows. They are more expensive than usual, but costs will quickly pay off due to the general reduction of energy consumption.

  • Number of cameras in the PVC profile. This element of the window design may consist of a different number of cameras - from one to six. Profiles with one or two cameras are appropriately installed indoors, it is better to use products with a number of three cameras and more.

Indicators of noise insulation in plastic windows depend on the same factors as the thermal insulation of window structures, but there is an additional parameter that improves the quality of sound insulation is the thickness of the glass. The thicker there will be glass in double-glazed windows, the less noise will penetrate through them.

Ecology and security

Ecology and safety are key quality for designs that are supposed to be used in residential premises. Despite the fact that windows are made of plastic - material of synthetic origin, they meet all the requirements of environmental and safety for human health.

The polyvinyl chloride used in the production of high-quality window profile is also used by many food industry enterprises and is necessarily a state certification procedure.

Plastic, though fuel, but refers to the category of difficult-scale materials, it does not release toxic and allergenic substances into the air, and therefore the designs can be installed in rooms intended for accommodation and permanent residence of people.

Pros and Cons: Let's sum up

Having learned that there are metal-plastic windows, from which they are produced and what indicators for designs are of fundamental importance, you can sum up and make certain conclusions about the pluses and minuses of plastic windows.

The advantages of window structures from PVC include the following qualities:

  • Durability, reliability and strength. However, a small note should be made here: these characteristics will be almost 100% dependent on the quality of the profile, and therefore it is important to choose to manufacture the structures of the conscientious manufacturer;
  • The tightness of the windows of plastic will not allow you to penetrate your home or cold, nor a draft or dust. The design reliably protect the dwelling and on the penetration of street noise;
  • You can order the windows of almost any configuration - vertical, horizontal, with a window, solid, of two or more sash;
  • Constructions have significantly smaller weight than analogs of wood and metal. Low weight - an indicator that is of fundamental importance with a large area of \u200b\u200bglazing;
  • Plastic does not require specific care - any contamination with it is easily washed off by a conventional soap solution or special household chemicals for caring for plastic windows.

Plastic windows have much higher fire safety in comparison with wood structures. Polyvinyl chloride in the production of profile adds special substances of antipiretic action, as well as plastic frames are not afraid of moisture actions, resistant to deformation processes and mechanical damage.

With a significant number of advantages, minuses in the windows from PVC are still available. Among them, you can specify:

  • Increased plastic expansion coefficient at temperature fluctuations, which leads to a sufficiently rapid wear of sealing elements;
  • Absolute tightness, which prevents the full-fledged air exchange indoor, but this minus can be eliminated, originally ordered the design with ventilation.

Also, the disadvantages of windows from plastic can be attributed to the impossibility of their restoration and repair. If cracks appear on the frame, chips, or scratches - it will be impossible to eliminate them, you will have to order a new profile.

By comparing the number of minuses with the number of advantages, it can be noted that the advantages of the window structures are much more. The advantages of choosing windows from metal plastic can also be written their aesthetic modern appearance and the ability to choose a product for any stylistic and color interior solution.

When choosing a high-quality manufacturer and, accordingly, a high-quality profile of a plastic window in the finished form will be a reliable and durable design that can be able to perfectly serve you for many years. Aesthetics, durability, convenience in operation, affordable cost - here are the arguments in favor of choosing for your house of plastic windows.

When the choice rises between plastic and wooden windows, the victory remains for modern technologies.

Most consumers appreciated the convenience and beauty of PVC products. They have a lot of advantages, but there are also their drawbacks.

Before buying the windows, you need to familiarize yourself with their characteristics. Comparison gets up with traditional wooden structures.

Pluses of plastic windows

Plastic windows are distinguished by durability: unlike wooden analogs, they do not lose the appearance of several decades.

If you select a high-quality profile and correctly install the product, then for the entire service life of the properties of them will not change. Thanks to double glazing, they will provide good noise insulation and protection against dust and dirt.

Plastic windows, in contrast to wooden, sealed. Accordingly, they allow better maintaining heat in the house. In hot weather, on the contrary, such products provide a comfortable microclimate and temperature.

The disadvantage stems from the same dignity. Due to good tightness in the apartment can be stuffy, if you do not provide a system of ventilation.

Mainly dignity

The most important dignity of plastic is fireproof. It consists of substances that do not support combustion. Also, products are not deformed, do not rot and do not twist under the influence of moisture and temperature drops. By weight, PVC windows are easier wooden, which is extremely important when glazing balconies.

Cons of plastic windows

The disadvantages include the fact that the plastic windows from the heat are more expanding, and they are compressed from the cold than wooden. Accordingly, there is a need to change the sealing elements over time.

Also, the minuses include the impossibility of repairs: the emerging scratches or cracks on plastic can not be eliminated. However, in general, the whole advantages in the windows from PVC are much more than flaws. This causes their popularity.

What kind of PVC profile is better? Secrets of selecting and installing plastic windows. Glazing of balconies and loggias.

You need to decide which to put comfortably and economically. Many are familiar with this question, because now there are quite a lot of windows varieties. Wide-known from them, these are metal-plastic and wooden windows.

Most often put plastic windows, they are convenient for use, their structure is persistent and reliable. She is also protected from noise, and perfectly retain heat in the house. These structures were used for office space and personal homes. The advantage of plastic frames is a pleasant appearance and the fact that they are very comfortable in cleaning. In winter, we usually glue windows from cold, but plastic warmly warms the house without more effort. In this case, it is better to give preference to double windows, it retains the temperature well. With such a luggage of advantages, plastic windows also have their drawbacks. Since they are hermetically arranged, in winter it is a big plus, in the summer, they serve as protection against dust, but when the window is invariably in a closed position, then the air in the room is sharp. You need to follow this and let fresh air. Another minus is dry room. Also, plastic on the technology of its production is made in an artificial way. That is, when plastic is under the influence of sun rays, its chemical materials are distributed over the air. The main disadvantage - the windows repair is impossible, due to its complex and holistic design, damage on plastic and glass can not be removed, you can only replace them that you can not say about the wood.

Wooden windows and reasons for their breakdowns

Wooden material that is used in the creation of windows remains popular since past centuries. Such a structure of the window is quite coordinated "fits" in any interior of the house. Wood windows are a joiner and European sample. The first option is much more profitable because it is cheaper. These are the same windows of wooden frames, as before, only a little improved. Such a window is easy to use, windows autonomous, a special insulation will remove from the clamp for the winter. By virtue of its natural properties, the tree "breathes" and at the same time contributes to the transfer of air with closed sash, in the results of any dryness. As for the negative sides in the use of wooden structures, with windy weather, it is better not to turn out. The wind will shut them, while there is a possibility of broken glass. Repair of such damage expensive. Of course, wood is an environmentally friendly, but with bad processing, the tree can crack and even form a lumen. Cleaning windows will take a lot of time, as you need to wash not one sash and from all sides, plus there is a place of cluster of dirt, which is also not bypass.

Wooden Euro-window. Pros and cons

Negative sides are little in the use of European windows from wood. Their composition has organic properties, durable glass and excellent accessories. You can open them on both sides, easy to air the room. With closed ladies, the stuff is not observed. If you compare with plastic, the repair of windows of this type is possible. The damaged sections of the tree can be removed, with the help of putty, in this way we remove the following scratches. This is the disadvantage, because you need to constantly update paint. But if there is a serious breakage of the window, for example, with a replacement of accessories, then without expensive repair it is not to do and, of course, without skillful hands.

In planning the replacement of windows, you need to take into account some nuances. First, to determine which windows will be more profitable and practical, and then select in quality and other properties. And remember that the repair of the windows is a disposable process, so it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Member's contribution:

The article was prepared by the employee of the company Moroz Vasily

Residents of modern cities are already quite spoiled by all sorts of amenities.

Double-glazed windows

Many are accustomed to pleasant trifles that greatly facilitate life: household appliances and comfortable furniture have long been perceived as due. To one of these invisible, but at the same time of an indispensable inventions, plastic windows can be attributed.

The main advantage of plastic windows, which allowed them to become a mandatory detail of any modern apartment, can be described in one word - it is convenience. It is achieved thanks to practical materials and thoughtful design.

Features and design of plastic windows

Despite the fact that these windows have been developed in the fifties of the last century, they fell into our country relatively recently. The main material for the production of plastic windows is polyvinyl chloride, which is abbreviated called PVC.

This material is one of the types of synthetic polymer and has a number of useful consumer qualities: it is not corrosion, resistant to environmental factors, plastic.

The most common structures of plastic windows in our country is three-chamber and double double glazing. This feature is explained simply: the cold Russian winters dictate increased requirements for thermal insulation.

Double-glazed windows

In addition, the two-chamber glass can be equipped with glasses of different thickness at the request of the buyer. Such an unusual design allows you to achieve a maximum noise insulating effect: high-frequency sounds inside your apartment will not be imbued, and low-frequency power will decrease several times.

Also for residents of apartments, windows in which go outside, the developers came up with additional protection against noise: split system.

Such a ventilation system makes it possible to airport, without opening the windows: air circulation passes even with a closed frame. However, on this, the wonderful properties of such windows do not end.

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Causes for which plastic windows are worth installing

The convenience of plastic windows is indisputable

Change the old wooden frame on the plastic glass is needed not only for the considerations of aesthetics and reduce the noise level.

The advantages of plastic windows are really impressive:

Despite the numerous advantages of plastic windows, there are still deficiencies in such designs: two-chamber and three-chamber windows have a significant weight, which makes it difficult to install.

Even a minor error during installation can cause ventilation problems. However, these possible troubles only confirm the already known rule: to reveal for many years, to trust work on the installation of plastic windows is still better than professionals.

Thus, it can be said that the benefits of plastic windows are almost indisputable.

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Installing plastic windows

Now there remained no less scrupulous question of installing the window. Here you can go on two ways:

  1. Use the services of a qualified worker;
  2. Install the plastic window on your own.

We will talk about installing a window of plastic in more detail. In addition to the window itself, we will need some tools and consumables. Such materials are:

  • Perforator;
  • Dowel;
  • Self-tapping screw (silver color, length - 40 mm and 30 mm);
  • Special mounting plates;
  • A hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • Level and plumb.

To begin with, remove the double-glazed windows from the frames. This may require Sneasting, because The glass in the frame is held by four guides (strokes). As soon as we removed the glass, carefully put it on a specially prepared, clean surface to not damage it.

Now our frame, due to the fact that we removed the glass from it and removed the stem, it became very easy. Now we are kreparated to the frame with a special coaching profile that comes with a window.

This profile is designed to further install the windowsill (if the frame immediately install on the parapet, there will be no place for the window sill).

It has time for installing fastening for plastic windows. One of the standard mounting options is the following option: Install the locking plates at a distance of fifteen centimeters from the edge of our frame.

In order for purchasing the plates to determine with their amount, it is necessary to measure the distance between the two plates along the edges and divide this value by 40.

The value must lie within the forty centimeters. To attach fixing plates, we need self-tapping screws (30mm). Too hard not to screw the screws in order to eliminate the pressure of the plate.

For the further installation of the frame, we will need a stepladder, hammer, perforator, dowel, selflessness (40mm), as well as for greater safety when installing, we will need several assistants.

Now the plastic window is directly installed in the window opening, on both sides the window sticks with different people.

With the help of the level, a vertical deviation is pretending, after which they fix the first fastener, twisting the screws into the dowel. Similarly, fix the rest of the attachments.

After the frame is already installed in the window opening, we close the gaps, install the flows, put the glass windows and frames. When installing the glass package in the frame, the top stack is installed in the frame, so that the glass does not fall.

Installing windows in winter

Not always the time replacing windows falls on warm pores of the year.

You do not need to be afraid that you can "freeze" your home that the heating pipes will not stand such a drop of temperatures, and the walls will cover the walls - it's just a delusion. Because When installing one window, all the work takes an hour and a half, of which the window opening will be empty no more than thirty minutes.

During this short period of time, the room is cooled, but the temperature is quickly recovered to comfortable, after installing the window.

The replacement of windows in the premises is not performed simultaneously, but consistently - this eliminates the appearance of drafts. It is when installing plastic windows in winter it is easier to identify those shortcomings that may not be seen in the summer, namely:

  • Looseness in the fit of the window frame;
  • Fogging;
  • Areas of low-quality marks.

When installing windows from plastic in winter, additional attention is required, since PVC on the frost becomes very fragile.

It should also be borne by the fact that the mounting foam used for marking at temperatures below ten degrees loses the ability to expand.

For such temperatures, in the building materials market, there are assembly foams specifically for installation of windows at low temperatures. By the way, such foams are universal and can be used both in the winter and summer.

Helpful information

Window into the courtyard

The energy-saving properties of double-glazed windows strongly depend on the size of the air chamber, so in a single-chamber windshield, the formation of condensate occurs when eight degrees occurs, in a two-chamber windshield it occurs with a minus eighteen degrees.

To lower the heat loss very often, the air chamber is filled with argon or crypton. In such a glass-paste, the formation of condensate is recorded for minus twenty nine degrees.

When glazing an apartment or a private house, a question is sharply about what kind of windows it is worth choosing. Products made of aluminum, plastics, metal plastic and other materials are available, and each of the systems has its own positive and negative sides.

Rehau Blitz Profile with Metal Reinforcement

In this article we will try to give you a maximum of information about the choice between plastic and metal-plastic windows and present useful recommendations for buying a specific option for your home.

Plastic windows and their features

PVC is used for the manufacture of plastic windows. The material is able to provide a high level of protection against heat loss and the penetration of noise from the street. They are universal for the reason that they can be installed in private houses, apartments and office buildings.

Buyers choose plastic windows, focusing on strength, durability and mentioned advantages. This is a good option in the average price category.

Metal-plastic windows and their features

The reinforcing framework is the main distinguishing feature of metal-plastic windows. It is made of metal and embedded in profile - from the side the design is practically not distinguishable from PVC glazing.

The metal profile is characterized by the maximum level of safety, as it is created from galvanized steel protected from corrosion. The windows are stronger and serve longer, but at the same time their weight increases, and consequently the load on the facade of the building.

Comparative analysis

The table below examines in detail than the differ windows from the plastic.

Evaluation Criteria Plastic windows Metal-plastic windows
Application area Plastic windows are universal - it is possible to use them for glazing office buildings, residential premises, apartments, private houses Metal-plastic windows are suitable for use in the glazing of residential premises, office buildings and industrial buildings. The main difference is the possibility of using in buildings with extreme conditions, for example, on the upper floors of high-rise buildings
Term of use Plastic windows will serve from 20 to 30 years, depending on the type of profile and manufacturer Metal-plastic windows are designed for more than 50 years
The form Traditional option is a rectangle. Non-standard form is also possible, provided that the angle between rams is at least 30 ° The reinforcing profile allows you to realize various alternative forms of windows - from the rigged to round
Price Middle price segment windows The price is higher than that of plastic windows

For ease of decision making, you can formulate a number of recommendations for the selection of windows:

  • If you are faced with the task of installing plastic windows in an opening experiencing a strong wind load, it is better to make a choice in favor of metal-plastic windows.
  • Those buyers who are constrained in funds, the best option will be the purchase of plastic windows, as they are less.
  • If you want to implement a non-standard version of glazing in your home, pay attention to metal-plastic windows - there are much more species of figure windows of this type.
  • If you want to bet on the durability of the structure, which is especially true in the field of private construction, the windows on the metal frame - a solution that confidently serves her half a century.
  • For glazing premises in old high-rise buildings, the high load on the facade is undesirable, and in some cases it is unacceptable, the choice is definitely for PVC systems.

Free check-out of the marker will finally dispel your doubts: the specialist will appreciate the state of the building, will give a competent recommendation for choosing the optimal solution and profile and calculates the cost of the window.