Functional and beautiful kitchen: ways of arranging furniture (25 photos). How to arrange furniture in a small kitchen: saving space Functional layout options

The kitchen is the most visited room in the apartment, so it should be comfortable and cozy. Often the question of how to arrange furniture in a small kitchen is problematic for the owners, because you need to create a practical and functional interior, while trying to visually increase the space. We will talk about how to make a small space convenient for the hostess and correctly place appliances and furniture in this article.

Major mistakes

People who are not involved in interior design in everyday life can make such basic mistakes when arranging furniture in a small kitchen:

  • Installation of bulky furniture. A large set when arranging furniture in a small kitchen is unacceptable, since it takes up a lot of space and visually reduces space. Choose compact furniture, with long top cabinets and ample storage systems.

Important! Large top cabinets can be replaced with open shelves.

  • The desire to contain everything. Attempts in a small kitchen to create a complete dining and work area lead to the fact that the small kitchen area becomes cramped and cluttered. It is better to replace the dining table with a bar counter or take it out of the kitchen, thereby leaving more space for the working area.
  • Installation of conventional doors. Standard doors that open inward take up a lot of space, which is already very small. It is better to make a stylish arch, install a sliding structure or a folding partition.

Design advice on the right arrangement of space

Important rules and advice from designers on how to arrange furniture in a small kitchen will help create a not cramped and functional space.

Choice of orientation

Having studied the layout of the kitchen, you can use one of the proposed options:

  • Linear. Furniture is installed along one wall. The arrangement should begin with the organization of the work surface, and only after that place the rest of the furniture and appliances.

Important! This layout is the best solution for a narrow kitchen.

  • L- or L-shaped. This arrangement involves the use of a corner headset, while the corner of the room is used as efficiently as possible.

Important! A corner set can accommodate a lot of kitchen utensils.

  • Double row. With this layout, furniture is installed along one wall (usually along a long one), and on the opposite side there is a bar counter or folding table.

Important! The two-row layout involves the removal of the dining area outside the kitchen, as an option - to the insulated balcony.

Placement functionality

To facilitate the cooking process and free movement around the kitchen, you need to correctly arrange furniture and household appliances. For a small kitchen, designers recommend the following options for arranging elements:

  • Triangle rule. It is no secret that the main movements of the hostess when cooking are as follows: refrigerator, sink and stove. The essence of this option is that these key elements are the vertices of the triangle, and the routes of movement between them are the sides of the triangle. The length of such a "side" should not be more than 2.7 meters. This placement option can be realized by placing these elements with the letter G.
  • Letter P. Having placed the main elements in this way, you can, without making unnecessary movements, reach the stove or get food without leaving the sink. Perhaps this arrangement is the best for a small kitchen.

Selection of furniture

How to arrange furniture in a small kitchen for a practical and cozy interior? When choosing a headset, give preference to ergonomic and multifunctional designs:

  • Corner cupboard. This item is an indispensable element for a small kitchen space. This is due to the fact that the corner of the room will be used as much as possible, and many kitchen utensils can be placed in it. And by installing such a storage system as a carousel, you can easily get the required dishes or appliance.
  • Drawers. If we talk about practicality, then in comparison with swing doors, it is better to choose drawers. They are more compact, it is convenient to store a lot of useful kitchen little things and accessories in them, having free access to them.

Important! Do not place drawers near the stove if you have a small child in your home. On them, he can climb to the stove and get burns.

  • Window sill-table top. If you equip the windowsill under a wide tabletop, you can get a place to store household appliances such as a toaster, blender, coffee maker, as well as an additional work surface. You can decorate the window with roller blinds, roman blinds, or use cafe-style curtains.
  • Bar counter. By using a stylish and compact bar counter instead of an oversized dining table, you can get a great place for breakfast or quick snacks.
  • Ceiling-high lockers. Such pieces of furniture allow you to make the most of the space of the room. Use overhead shelves to store items you rarely use.
  • Folding structures. Folding chairs, table and chairs that slide out from under the table top will help to save space. A folding table, organized at one and free walls, does not take up much space. It will be convenient to have breakfast behind it.
  • Railing systems. Kitchen utensils can be placed on horizontal and vertical rails. Such systems do not take away the work surface, and by placing on them, for example, jars of spices or baskets of herbs, the cooking process will become convenient.
  • Depth of furniture. You can save more space for moving in a small kitchen when using furniture that is not a standard depth of 60 cm, but, for example, 50 cm.This technique will not cause much damage to storage space, but it will have a positive effect on the area of ​​the room.

Important! When planning the placement of furniture, it should be borne in mind that the distance between the work surface and the eating area should be at least 90-120 cm.

Place for dining area

For a single-row, double-row or L-shaped arrangement of furniture in a small kitchen, placing the dining area by the window is well suited. It can be either a separate standing table or a continuation of the window sill.

Important! In a small kitchen, you should not place the dining table in the middle, as it will be problematic to move around the kitchen.

With a linear and L-shaped arrangement of furniture, you can equip a dining place in the corner, complementing it with a small corner sofa, if, of course, space allows.

Important! By installing a sofa, you can get additional storage space for kitchen utensils, in most cases they have special niches for these purposes.

In narrow and very small kitchens, it is best to place the table under the wall, you can choose any shape, and better - a folding model.

Location of household appliances

The arrangement of furniture in a small kitchen also depends on the placement of household appliances. In a small room, you need to think over and effectively use every millimeter of space. Some ideas for interior design.


A large gas or electric stove can be replaced with a hob. At the same time, think about how often you use four burners, it may be better to choose a compact model with 2 or 3.

Important! The gas surface should be placed at least 50 cm from the balcony door or window, as there is a risk that a gust of wind could extinguish the flame.


In a small kitchen, it is better to place all tall objects at the edges so that there is no gap in the countertop space. When considering the arrangement of furniture in a small kitchen, pay attention to which side the refrigerator door opens. The best option in this case, if it will open to the nearest wall, and could open 90 degrees, so that you can easily put or remove the necessary food from the refrigerator.

Important! In modern models of the refrigerator, you can change the side of the door opening.

Before purchasing a refrigerator, carefully consider its size and shape:

  • A narrow refrigerator takes up much less space;
  • A microwave oven can be installed on a low refrigerator;
  • A built-in mini fridge can be suitable for a family of one or two.

Important! Choose the size of your refrigerator based on the number of family members and the amount of food to store.


Before looking for a place for this large-sized household appliance, consider whether there is a need for it. It may be better to replace it with a multifunctional microwave oven, and equip storage boxes in place of the oven. If, nevertheless, an oven is necessary, it is better to build it into the headset.

Important! Installation of devices on top of each other allows you to significantly save space.


It is best for a microwave oven to equip a hanging shelf or place it on brackets. Placed on a horizontal work surface, it takes up a lot of space.

You can place the microwave oven in the corner of the work surface - this part of the countertop is not very convenient to use, but it is quite suitable for household appliances.

Washing machine and dishwasher

For these large-sized appliances, it is best to choose places near the sink so that there is a possibility of unhindered connection to communications. It is best if this technique is hidden under the countertop - there you can organize the work surface.

Important! There are options for installing these devices on top of each other, in which case it is better to entrust this work to professionals.


The best option for installing a sink is its proximity to a sewer riser. The long drain pipe can be easily damaged and difficult to mask.

Important! If you nevertheless decide to move the sink from the pipe, the distance between the sewer drain and the sink should be no more than 3 meters.

It is better to separate the sink from the stove with a work surface with a width of 60 cm or more so that unwanted splashes do not accidentally fall on the hot pan.


This household appliance is a must if you are actively involved in the processes of cooking. It can be built into the upper cabinets above the stove, or it can be arranged in a traditional way.

Important! The hood should be located at a height of 65-70 cm from the hob. Increasing this distance (for tall people), you need to choose more powerful models.

Small household appliances

When planning how to arrange furniture in a small kitchen, do not forget about small household appliances - a food processor, mixer, toaster, blender, coffee maker. Analyze which ones you use regularly and which ones you use occasionally, and plan special places for them.

For example, for a food processor that you rarely use, you can allocate space in the closet, but the toaster and coffee maker can be installed on the shelves above the table top.

How to visually expand the space?

Having figured out how to arrange furniture in a small kitchen, you should start choosing the colors and finishes of the space. By choosing them correctly, you can qualitatively modify the room, allowing you to forget about small square meters of area.

Color palette

The only correct solution when arranging a modest-sized kitchen is to use light colors that fill the room with light:

  • The following colors and shades will add coziness and help expand the space: beige, pastel orange, golden, as well as sand tones interspersed with yellow, green or brown colors.
  • The interior will look stylish in pale blue or light pink colors.

Important! Dark shades will further narrow the small space.


In a small kitchen, it is better to abandon the use of contrasting combinations, since this technique contributes to the visual compression of space.

Important! The use of bright accessories as an accent is encouraged and allowed.


A large pattern can visually reduce the space. Therefore, when designing a small kitchen, choose wallpaper with a small pattern or plain one.


You can visually raise the ceiling by choosing wallpaper with a vertical pattern or stripes. And horizontal stripes can visually expand the room.

Mirror and glossy surfaces

Choosing furniture with a glossy finish, mirror or glass inserts, you can additionally fill the room with light, adding depth to the space.

When planning how to arrange furniture in a small kitchen, use the following tips:

  • Place all the items that you will need in the cooking process closer to the stove.
  • Discard bulky chandeliers. In a small kitchen, lighting should be carefully considered so that the furniture does not look bulky.
  • In principle, the information received on how to place furniture in a small kitchen may be enough to make the room comfortable and convenient. Applying the knowledge gained, you can get a visually more spacious room that will sparkle with new colors. When you get to work, you will find that it is not so easy to equip a small space, so make a plan and think carefully about each design element. Consider several options and you can surely achieve the desired result.

It will save space, make it comfortable and ergonomic. Compact technology, the backbone of rational planning. A very small kitchen must take into account the characteristics of the space, the strength of the surfaces, the resistance of the materials used to the effects of temperature and humidity.

The arrangement of furniture in a small kitchen must be correct

Functional items equipped with retractable, folding mechanisms, sliding doors will help you conveniently place your kitchen utensils.

You can arrange furniture in a small kitchen using proven design techniques:

  • custom-made furniture;
  • a cabinet for dishes and cutlery is recommended to be placed above the sink;
  • decorate the walls with open shelves, tall wall cabinets;
  • use built-in high-tech household appliances;
  • apply a linear or angular arrangement of furniture;
  • rational zoning of space;
  • high-quality lighting of the working and dining area;
  • use the window sill as a table top.

The main elements of a complete set of kitchen space

The table and chairs are harmonious as a constructor - this is a good idea so as not to cut up the space.

Thoughtful design will provide the visual effect of spaciousness and cleanliness. It is important to pay special attention to the choice of each element of the furnishings:

  1. Headset. It is recommended to reduce the headset by replacing the standard depth with custom dimensions.
  2. Working surface. It will allow you to save a few useful centimeters by placing the necessary items favorably: a hob, a sink, an oven.
  3. Dining table and chairs. Cramped spaces will require folding, sliding, or folding options. Chairs and a table in a small kitchen should not be bulky and take up a lot of space.
  4. Window sill. An increase in the usable area is achieved by using the window sill as a table top. It is available to organize an additional storage area for household items under the windowsill.
  5. Cabinets. Compact products with doors made of glass, plastic, or mirror surfaces will allow you to conveniently place your kitchen utensils. You should give preference to roomy headsets. Small cabinets visually divide the space, narrowing the small area.

Functional layout options

The correct layout of the room will help to rationally arrange furniture in the kitchen. Limited space allows linear, peninsular, or angular formats. Each solution has specific benefits that are applied based on individual preferences and kitchen layout.

The layout with the letter P is the most popular in this matter.

Linear furniture arrangement

Linear layout refers to the traditional layout options. Furniture and appliances are arranged in a line along one wall. The project provides enough free space in the center of the room for comfortable movement. It is recommended to build in high-tech devices, focusing on the basic safety rules, strictly adhering to the distances.

You should pay attention to the installation height of the wall cabinets. The distance between the table top and the upper cabinets must be at least 45 cm. Saving space is achieved by combining the table top with the window sill, allowing you to increase the work area.

A two-line layout is possible only if there is sufficient space, allowing you to put the headset and furniture along two opposite walls. The free space between the rows must be at least 120cm. The dining area is located in the corner and does not interfere with movement around the room. A compact dining table will provide the ability to install a small comfortable sofa.

The two-line version prevails in a rectangular and narrow room

With a two-line arrangement, it allows you to take the dining area into the free space by the window. It is recommended to put small household appliances into cabinets to create free space in the room. The size of the room will acquire the desired visual effect when using mirrored inserts and reflective surfaces.

Peninsular project

The peninsular version is stylish and ergonomic. An obligatory element of this setting is the visual separation of zones with the help of a protruding tabletop, furniture, or a bar counter. The play of color will help expand the space, defining bright accents and light tone of the room. A thoughtful and practical decor should carry a functional load without cluttering up the space.

Kitchen chairs for a small kitchen in a peninsular layout can be used in the form of bar models with high legs, or original plastic products. The protruding countertop as a separating element is equipped with spacious niches for storing large kitchen utensils.

Corner layout

The L-shaped layout of the space will allow you to arrange furniture in the kitchen along two adjacent walls. A table in a small kitchen for corner placement of furniture can be supplemented with a compact soft corner. The headset cabinets are placed in the corners of the room, allowing you to profitably use every centimeter of the area. Layout variations keep enough space to create a cozy and comfortable interior.


The correct choice of layout allows you to place the necessary elements of the kitchen space even in a small area. Technological innovations, high-quality finishes and color variations will give the opportunity to implement complex solutions. Original design projects will help create a unique interior, harmoniously combining functional requirements and stylistic preferences. Now you know how to arrange furniture in a small kitchen.

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What is the difficulty of creating a small kitchen interior? The main points that need to be considered in order to equip the room correctly and increase the area. Techniques that allow you to expand the space visually, without moving the walls in the apartment. Examples of successful kitchens from 5 to 9 sq. M.

Do you have a kitchen up to 10 sq m? Flip through:

  • Real photos of the kitchen:, and

Live examples of layouts

6 sq. m. One-row arrangement of modules frees up space for a dining table. There was no room for the oven, but the washing machine did.

With a corner arrangement of furniture of 6.5 sq. m got a lot of storage space and a separate table. There is no oven, dishwasher. In this case, the narrow part of the worktop can be increased up to 600 mm and the dishwasher can be placed. For the oven, you can use the module under the hob.

5 sq. m fit all the necessary furniture, the disadvantages are the close location of the freestanding stove and sink. It is better to move the module with the sink to the left edge, thus freeing up space for the dishwasher, and a work surface will appear between the stove and the sink.

The advantage of a one-row layout is that there is room in the room to accommodate a dining table.

But if the size of the wall does not allow you to fit a sink, refrigerator, stove and work surface of the required size in one line, use an angular layout.

Good location of all the main elements.

Indoor suite with an area of ​​7 sq. m is correctly designed and arranged. Possible disadvantage: the refrigerator will block the light from the window during the daytime. Use light fabrics to decorate the opening so that more light penetrates into the room.

The corner layout should use the room to the maximum functionally. For example, a carousel mechanism is mounted in a corner cabinet for storing various accessories.

The best option for a small headset is built-in appliances. This choice allows you to use the work surface fully.

For safety reasons, it is necessary that the sink and the stove are separated by one or more modules.

The window sill was replaced with a table top.

In the video, the hostess tells in detail how she chose the kitchen, what happened in the end, what she is happy with and what she is not. Announces prices for kitchen furniture and appliances. Design, review of technology with reviews and prices, life hacks.

How to fit everything?

1. We arrange furniture and appliances

  • In a small kitchen, an angular and linear arrangement of modules is appropriate;
  • Exclude two-row, U-shaped, peninsular and island furniture arrangement. This design is suitable for spacious rooms;
  • It is necessary to fill a small room with furniture to the maximum practicality. For example, all free walls can be used to store items (additional shelves, rails or small cabinets);
  • The refrigerator should be placed in the corner of the room, thus, the layout is formed more harmoniously.
  • The distance between the hob and the refrigerator must be 60 cm or more.
  • If a gas stove is used, it must be installed near a gas pipe;
  • Drawers with cutlery inserts and a dish drainer should be close to the sink. This approach optimizes the cleaning process;
  • The minimum distance from the slab to the wall with a window is 20 cm, especially if the opening is decorated with an elongated curtain model;
  • Instead of a window sill, you can install a tabletop, thereby increasing the working space;
  • Thanks to the capabilities of modern plumbing, the sink can be installed anywhere. A popular option is a washing device in place of the window sill.

When opening the refrigerator door, orient it towards the wall - this way you will save space for movement.

2. Replacing the interior door

In order to free up a little useful area, instead of the swing door structure, you can install a sliding mechanism, or "accordion".

If you remove the door completely, then it is better to adhere to one style when decorating neighboring rooms.

3. Additional lighting

Installation of additional sources, as well as an increase in the natural flux of light, allows you to visually expand the compact area. To do this, use mirrors, tiles with a reflective effect, glass, glossy surfaces, chrome elements, spotlights.

The mirror mosaic perfectly reflects the incident light. The effect of lightness is created.

Thanks to the local illumination of the working surface, you can use the room as intended at any time of the day.

Lighting is another zoning method. Part of the room with bright light is the cooking area; soft lighting is organized in the dining area.

Glossy materials contribute to the visual increase in area due to reflections.

An apron made of glossy tiles and fronts with glass inserts are perfect for a small area.

The work surface should be well lit, therefore more powerful lamps are installed above the headset, or the number of devices is increased.

Various lighting combinations reduce energy consumption and also zone the space to create a cozy atmosphere.

What colors should you use for a small kitchen?

A lot depends on the color scheme in the design. Experts advise to choose a neutral range of finishes (beige, sand, or light gray).
Light colors in the design of the headset.

The neutral range of furniture fronts is ideal for a small room.

Pastel shade of the headset facades.

Give preference to pastel and monochrome shades, as well as stylized patterns that look unobtrusive.

Contrasting details will add variety to the interior. Be careful using this technique - active colors can be tiring.

Matching wallpaper colors

  • Combinations of a neutral base (shades of milk, pearls, peach) with rich tones;
  • A bright accent on the wall looks good in the dining area and creates a special mood;
  • Background wallpapers should not draw all the attention to themselves;
  • For low ceilings, choose warm or pastel colors.

The beige color of the walls is combined with a richly colored apron.

Wallpaper accentuates the dining area with rich color and texture. Lighting fixtures also contribute to the division of space.

Solid light wallpaper goes well with such a headset in wenge color.

Curtains as a bright accent

It is better to decorate a small room with roller blinds or roman blinds, as well as curtains made of light fabric. Curtains in this case are inappropriate.

  • When choosing curtains, be careful in using patterned textiles to make the interior comfortable to stay;
  • When decorating a window, you should not close it completely, even if you are using a light fabric;
  • Textiles must transmit sunlight well;
  • An alternative to fabric curtains is blinds.

General design style

The most successful option for a small kitchen is (modern, minimalism, hi-tech). Laconic forms and clear lines perfectly complement a small room. The use of glossy surfaces adds an effect of lightness, due to the reflection of light and glare.
Modern style.


Hi-tech style.

Often, the modern style of furniture involves the use of built-in models of equipment, and this significantly saves the consumption of square meters.

A characteristic feature of these styles is a minimum of decor during the arrangement.

Storage ideas. Fits everything!

1. Increase the height of the top drawers to 90 cm (standard 72 cm). You will have an extra shelf in each drawer.

2. Install carousel shelves in the corner drawers, and special baskets in the lower and upper modules. The disadvantage of using is the high cost of mechanisms;

A module with a basket can be of various dimensions in width and height, its capacity depends on this.

3.. Contributes to the optimization of the cooking process, since everyday items and spices for dishes are placed here.

The rails are fixed on the apron and filled with different fasteners at personal discretion. The railing can be of any length.

4. (almost at floor level) will allow you to place some food and items.

Expanding space

1. If the refrigerator completes the composition of the headset, the height of the room will increase slightly (visual effect) due to the vertical perspective;
2. To enhance the effect of lightness, use furniture made of glossy or transparent materials (plastic, glass);
3. Small items create a cluttered feel. The presence of such furniture will visually reduce the space.
It is better to equip a small room with objects of real size, despite the fact that they take up a lot of space.;
4. Folding fronts for upper cabinets will also save space during operation;
5. The table should be streamlined (oval or round);
6. Purchase an extendable dining table and slide-out cutting boards.
The round table can be sliding. When assembled, it takes up a minimum of space.

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The first thing you need to do is separate the kitchen from the rest of the room. This will make it easier to distribute the remaining space, and the room will look neat.

How can I do that?

1. Plasterboard partition... The main advantage of this method is the minimum space required. In addition, the price for them is low.

The structure looks beautiful, which descends from the ceiling and expands noticeably downward. It can be supplemented with lighting or small shelves for small items can be built into it - so it will become a functional part of the interior.

The method is simple, but, in our opinion, is devoid of practicality - in small studio kitchens, every square decimeter is in price.

2. Better to use as a baffle structure with shelves. For example, a stylish wardrobe half the height of the wall will look good.

It will not only protect the room from the kitchen, but also serve as a storage for kitchen utensils, eliminating the need to install additional containers.

3. Another way is install a bar counter. The solution is not quite usual for our apartments, but stylish and comfortable. The rack lid can serve as an additional work surface, and hidden compartments are often installed in its base for storing dishes and products with a long shelf life.

If you want to achieve the effect of a single room without partitions, separate the kitchen area from the rest of the room using stretch ceiling level transitions or floor color.

Note: This method is more suitable for fairly spacious studio apartments, so consider if you have enough space. Otherwise, the room may visually shrink.

The correct selection of the color palette, as well as thoughtful design to the smallest detail, will help you visually enlarge your small studio room with a kitchen.

How can I do that? Remember a few rules:

  • Avoid using too bright colors on large surfaces: walls, ceiling, floor. Of course, if you are crazy about bright red or orange, then focus on the decor of these colors.
  • An old but "reinforced" rule: don't use dark colors- they make the room smaller.
  • Additional lighting adds space. The desired effects can be achieved by installing a light glossy ceiling with spotlights around the perimeter. Gloss will enhance artificial lighting, which will undoubtedly add additional volume to the room.
  • Vertical stripes make the room higher and the horizontal ones narrower. Therefore, choose the appropriate wallpaper, depending on your needs. It is better to choose a pattern in a thin strip of contrasting colors - this will create additional volume.
  • Try to avoid drawings and prints. They also visually reduce the space. However, a small neat pattern on the ceiling or wall between the headset can look beautiful, neat and harmonious.

A bold technique - mirrors on the ceiling (you can read more about this in a separate article). Remember that such a decision requires meticulousness in the details and adherence to the ideal order in the kitchen.

An important nuance: The design of the kitchen should be in harmony with the general style of the apartment. It doesn't matter if your studio apartment is redesigned from the Khrushchev, or it's a new building - this recommendation will help you create a beautiful interior.

We select the perfect furniture

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of a kitchen set. It not only acts as the main workspace, but is also a full-fledged part of the interior, largely influencing the style of the room.

It is necessary to consider: In the studio apartment, the kitchen set will also be visible from the recreation area. Therefore, you need to choose it so that it is combined with its design. If the living room is made in a classic style, it is better to avoid high-tech elements.

A direct option for a small kitchen will not work- it requires a sufficiently long wall.

Better to install L-shaped headset with the maximum number of shelves, compartments and other storage places. So you will be able to effectively use the usable area of ​​the room. Believe me, there is never a lot of space in the kitchen.

Try to optimize the space: create special compartments for different types of dishes, food storage, and so on. The headset may have to be made to order, but the result is worth it.

As for choosing the color of kitchen furniture, then there is no need to be afraid of bright colors. On the contrary, they can divert attention from the interior elements that constrain the space.

For example, order a stylish set with facades of such rich colors as light green, orange or blue. It will look especially good with pastel decoration of the walls and ceiling of the room.

An important nuance: The smaller the area of ​​the room, the more carefully you need to keep order - any negligence will be striking. Read our tips for simple cleaning methods in a separate article.

Choosing a comfortable table

It is very difficult to do without a dining table. What are the options?

For example:

  • You can put a small table directly in the room. Its size depends on the number of family members, as well as the space you have allocated for it.
  • Use the bar counter in this role. This is a modern, but more youthful move. It is convenient to have a bite to eat, arrange gatherings, etc. Do not forget that you still have to buy high bar stools.

If, for some reason, these options do not appeal to you, here are some worthy alternatives:

  • You are in luck and the apartment has wide window sills? Convert them into a dining table! So you do not need to allocate a separate place for it, and all horizontal planes in the kitchen will be fully utilized - agree, a rational solution for small rooms?
  • If you decide to abandon the clear zoning of the room, use a folding table. The beautifully designed decorative panel on the wall can be turned into a comfortable table for several people using a lever. If not needed, it again becomes an element of the interior (you can read more about such tables).
  • By the way, the table can also act as a zoning partition. But in this case, you run the risk of constantly removing various things from it, as there will be a temptation to use it as an additional shelf.
  • If the kitchen is small and the room is spacious, it is better to bring the dining area into it. You can highlight it by the rise, the color of the floor and ceiling ... A small round or square table, two or three chairs - and you are the owner of a real dining room in miniature.

Either way, you have to give up massive furniture with a lot of decor - visually it looks bigger than it really is. It is better to opt for simple models with a laconic design.

Choosing the right home appliances

Modern household appliances in the kitchen, even the smallest, are indispensable.

First of all, think about what you really need:

  • If you have used the oven every six months, perhaps it is better to abandon it and get a hob?
  • And do you need a food processor that comes out every six months?
  • Maybe a compact blender will replace it?

A small room is already practically devoid of space, and therefore you should not clutter it up with unnecessary equipment.

Nuance: About dishes. If you live alone or together, do you need three dozen plates? Get rid of unnecessary things and you yourself will not notice how much more space will become.

Analyze what you need and only then start planning the space.

Built-in home appliances are your everything! Firstly, the kitchen will look solid and stylish. Secondly, the absence of protrusions makes the space visually wider and more comfortable. It will cost, however, this venture is not cheap, but you will be happy with the final picture.

The best solution would be devices that combine several functions. How about a microwave with grill and coffee maker? It will take up space not much more than the usual model, and its functionality is much wider.

Lighting features

When designing lighting for a studio kitchen, several recommendations should be followed:

  • The more light in the room, the more spacious it seems.
  • If you want to visually make the room taller, use LED strip lighting around the perimeter.
  • Feel free to experiment with side lighting: an illuminated range hood or kitchen unit shelves are not only comfortable, but also add a sense of spaciousness.
  • It is better to choose lamps of a cold color segment - it also plays in favor of increasing the space.
  • Give up massive figured chandeliers with an abundance of decorative elements - spotlights and modern high-tech lamps look better in small kitchens.

Please note that lighting in the kitchen should be in harmony with those in the room.

As you can see, the design of a small kitchen in a studio apartment is not as difficult a problem as it might seem at first glance. It is enough just to learn how to work with space and you will decorate your apartment beautifully, functionally and comfortably.

Unfortunately, not every family has the opportunity to purchase expensive and spacious housing. Owners of small spaces try to create an individual interior in it that reflects their taste and interests. To translate this into reality, you need to answer the question - how to arrange furniture in a small room? The task is not easy, but it can be solved. To do this, you need to use some of the recommendations of experts, experiment a little and dream up.

Each room has its own characteristics. Incorrectly placed furniture will depress the owners of a small space. In order not to make mistakes, it is advisable to adhere to generally accepted rules for arranging furniture in small rooms.

There are several standard options for placing furniture in a small room:

  • Symmetrical - an easy way to arrange furniture suits rectangular rooms. In it, furniture elements are placed on both sides of the dining table, identical bedside tables are placed by the sofa, and an armchair is placed in front of the TV. But for small rooms this is not entirely convenient;
  • Asymmetrical ─ It works well in small spaces. A corner sofa with one armchair will harmoniously fit here. The TV can be hung on the wall, and a compact slide wall is suitable for storing small items. In an asymmetrical bedroom, the wide bed is not placed in the center of the wall. It is shifted to one of the corners, freeing up space for the passage. Opposite it, you can put a chest of drawers with a mirror;
  • Concentric ─ you need to determine the visual center of the room and place interior items around it.

No matter how the furniture stands, we must not forget that free space is needed for movement. The distance between furniture items must be at least 60 cm.




A few tricks for a small room:

  1. If there is a closet in the room, it should be narrow and high. This visually enlarges the space;
  2. It is better to replace a standard bed with a folding sofa;
  3. The computer desk should be narrow, with many shelves, drawers and a pull-out keyboard console;
  4. For small items, souvenirs and books, it is better to use hinged shelves;
  5. In order not to clutter up the area of ​​the room with a TV bedside table, it is better to choose a model that is mounted on the wall;
  6. A wide window sill will serve as a full-fledged workplace and a flower stand;
  7. An interior swing door can be replaced with a sliding structure.
  • You can use Internet programs, where it is easy to choose options for arranging objects, with the dimensions of your furniture;
  • Before arranging furniture, you need to decide on the "central element" around which the entire furniture ensemble will be located. They can be different for each person: some have a TV set, others have a desk. And the rest of the furniture around them will create a harmonious composition;
  • Do not clutter up a small area of ​​the room with overall furniture. The transformable model saves space.

How to place depending on the room

Every time after renovation or moving into a new apartment, you have to think about how to compactly arrange furniture in a small room. Many turn to professionals for help, and some rely on their design skills. The main thing is not to buy furniture at the moment of a momentary impulse, but to sensibly approach the design of rooms, even small ones.

Living room

In arranging the living room, the following criteria must be taken into account: how many people will be in it and the type of their leisure time.

  • There should be more free space for young and childless families. In the living room, there will be a bar counter with appropriate lighting, which creates the right atmosphere during gatherings with friends;
  • For a married couple with children, it is better to install a small coffee table in the center of the room, around which to place a sofa, armchairs and chairs;
  • A large family cannot do without built-in and transformable furniture. It should not be bulky, as this clutters the room;
  • In a narrow living room, avoid placing furniture along long, parallel walls. It is enough to install the necessary furniture along one wall ─ a transforming sofa and a cabinet structure. And on a short wall, you can mount open shelves for books, souvenirs, office supplies and documents;
  • There must be a window in the room. But in a small room, it is better to leave this area free;
  • If in the living room you cannot do without a large wardrobe, then it is better that it have mirrored facades. This will significantly save space and increase the visual perception of the room.


The third part of human life is spent in the bedroom. Therefore, creating a design project, you need to pay special attention to comfort, coziness and a favorable atmosphere in this room. For the bedroom, it is better to choose light furniture and wallpaper in warm colors:

  • In the room, the central place is given to the bed. The furniture industry offers a large selection of low head beds for small apartments. When the room is long and narrow, then we put the bed along the short wall;
  • If the bedroom has a square geometry, then it is better to put the bed with the headboard against the wall. Install bedside tables on both sides of the bed. An armchair with a dressing table will take place by the window;
  • For a narrow and long bedroom, it is better to order a wardrobe to the ceiling according to an individual project, and install it along the short side of the wall. Thus, the room will visually take on a square look.
  • In a rectangular bedroom, it is advisable to place the bed with the long side along the wall;
  • An ottoman with a lifting mechanism is the best option for small apartments. There are no backrests, armrests and a body frame for the mattress in the design. The sofa bed has a deep niche for bedding;
  • A wardrobe and a chest of drawers are essential attributes of a bedroom. The cabinet can be built-in or modular. It depends on the area of ​​the room. If there is no room for a chest of drawers, then for bedding you can do with pull-out cabinets in the closet or open shelves.

If there is a study in the bedroom, then a work area with a small computer desk is located by the window. A screen can be installed between the sleeping area and the working area.


Everything that surrounds the child helps to form his worldview, aesthetic taste and personal characteristics. Children's furniture should be:

  • Functional;
  • Eco-friendly;
  • Safe.

The room should be comfortable and age-appropriate. To achieve this, you need to look at the room with "children's" eyes:

  • The main item for a small child is a bed with high sides. The trade network sells transforming beds that "grow up" with the baby;
  • A bunk bed will be appropriate if two children live in a small room. It is better to install beds away from the window and along the wall. This will make the child feel protected;
  • For a small child, a low table with drawers is suitable, in which he will store stationery and small items;
  • In the student's room, you need to install a small student table with many boxes for notebooks, textbooks and other necessary items;
  • If you need a computer desk, then it should also be small, with a pull-out keyboard shelf and drawers. Tables are best placed by the window.

Practical, functional and outwardly attractive modular furniture will create a unique children's interior. The furniture designer will equip the room, create a comfortable seating area and add brightness to the interior.


In every home, the kitchen belongs to the most popular zone. I would like it to be comfortable, functional and as spacious as possible. The designers have collected all the recommendations for arranging furniture in a small room into a single list. The arrangement of furniture can be carried out in several ways :

  • Linear ─ first, the place for the desktop is determined, and then the kitchen structure is placed on one side of the wall. This option is suitable for narrow kitchens;
  • L-shaped or L-shaped ─ for these options use a corner set;
  • Two-row ─ the furniture structure is installed on one side of the room, and on the other side a bar counter or folding table completes the whole composition.



Double row

What kind of furniture you need to choose so that it is 100% ergonomic and multifunctional in the kitchen:

  • Corner wardrobe is an indispensable element for a small room. It accommodates the maximum amount of kitchen utensils, and with the installed "carousel" system it will be easier to get the necessary utensils;
  • Drawers ─ the more compact drawers, the more you can hold small kitchen items;
  • A worktop-sill ─ it is good to use a wide window sill in a small kitchen, which can replace a work table and a worktop. It can also store small household appliances;
  • The bar counter ─ can replace any kitchen surface for breakfast and snacks;
  • Wall cabinets. A standard set includes 4-5 cabinets, but 2-3 is enough for a small kitchen.

The distance from the work surface to the eating area should be between 90 and 120 cm. Do not install the dining table in the center of a small kitchen.

For a small kitchen, it is better to choose a folding table. And choose the countertop depending on the height of the hostess of the kitchen. The standard height is considered to be from 85 to 100 cm.

Common mistakes

How to arrange furniture correctly in a small room? Wanting to fill the room with the necessary furniture, the owners make mistakes:

  • Before arranging furniture in a room, you need to decide on its purpose. For example, there should be no bulky and unsafe items in the children's room;
  • Do not place furniture close to heating systems;
  • Bulky structures should be avoided. Modern manufacturers offer multifunctional elegant models in a large assortment;
  • There is no need to install large furniture structures in the center of the room. They "steal" free space.

Don't forget about artificial and natural lighting. Poor lighting with dark furniture makes the space heavier, darker, and even smaller. The situation will improve if furniture items are selected in light colors with mirrored facades and colored glass inserts.

How to zone a space

How to zoning a small room? Many owners of modest areas are interested in this question. How to accommodate all the necessary furniture structures, without which life would be uncomfortable? The task is not easy, but it can be solved. Small zoning tricks will help here:

  • Use a light color scheme indoors. The colors should be in harmony with each other. This will create visual volume and lightness;
  • Equip the ceiling with plenty of light. Better use spot lighting or built-in lighting. If desired, you can make a multi-level ceiling, which will divide the room into conditional zones;
  • Separate the living room from the bedroom with blackout curtains, which will give the room an elegant look;
  • Use different building structures ─ podium, arches, screens, shelving and sliding partitions. For example, the nursery can be separated from the parental area by a partition that does not take up useful space;
  • Separate the living and sleeping area with mirrors and reflective objects;
  • Zone the room with furniture. A sofa can be used to separate the work area from the living room. It is also convenient to use end-to-end shelving cabinets, on the shelves of which you can place photos and decor items;
  • Protect the student's area from the parental territory with a podium. You will get a clear delineation of zones. A sleeping place can also be hidden under the podium. At the right time, it will go out on wheels and perform its function. And on the podium there will be a spacious place for school and sports activities;
  • If the room has a high ceiling, then a sleeping place for children can be arranged on a strong frame under the ceiling at a distance of 1-1.5 m from it. And arrange a work area under the berth. The child will receive the personal space that he needs so much at this age;
  • Zoning can be done with indoor plants, which will turn a small room into a piece of paradise.

Setting up a small room is a daunting task. It consists of sequential actions that have their own restrictions and rules. Only a responsible approach will provide the premises with a comfortable and functional state.