Gerd sister Kaya. Illustrator Nick Golz: "Snow Queen


Gerda (dates. Gerda) - the heroine of the fairy tale X.K.andersen "Snow Queen" (1843). Normal, "Natural" girl in captivity of myth, unlike his named Brother Kai, who won evil forces. True, Kai - a victim of the troll, with whom to fight, it would seem impossible. Both heroes each in their own way, got into the myth. Perhaps this was the main incomes of the troll who broke the mirror that, as is known, inevitably brings misfortune, and since it was also an evil, curve mirror, then the world in which the heroes lived, stunned, distorted and collapsed. Two smallest fragments fell into the eyes and the heart of Kaya, and he became the prey of the snow queen, "fell out of reality," forgetting everything in the world. In this story, the boy, Kai, turned out to be a more affordable object of the experiment of evil forces. The heroine had to become a girl who decided to go to the kingdom to the snowy queen. We learn that while G. I was looking for kaya, some heroes rose (little robber), others died (forest raven), and heroes themselves, Kai and G., during that time became adults. G.- A very important heroine in the world of Andersen: She proves the possibility of fighting evil - mystical, omnipotent, ugly. At the same time acts not alone: \u200b\u200bin a semi-sufficient world, where there are quite household, even the realistic heroes (like laplandes or lamps), they are adjacent to the speaking corners and deer, everything is drawn to it, there is not a single character who would not try to help her. And it's not just in kindness, trill, despite the origin of the troll. G. has a gift to attract everything good and repel bad.

Lit.: Braude L. Creating a literary fairy tale

// Bryuda L. Scandinavian literary fairy tale. M., 1979. P. 44-98; BRAIDE L. Hans Christian Andersen and his collections "Tales, tales told" and "New Tales"

// Andersen H.K. Fairy tales taught children; New fairy tales. M., 1983. P. 279-320.


Literary heroes. - Academician. 2009 .


Watch what is "Gerda" in other dictionaries:

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  • Gerda. The story of one mongrels, Vladimir Valerevich Zemsh. The center of attention in the story is the usual shed name named Gerd. The reader gets the opportunity to look at the world around the world and, perhaps, himself, dog eyes. Will human ...

We will be very happy to meet your neighbors, friends-peers and other townspeople! \u003d)

Gerd Yuhansen and Kai Larsen - ordinary Copenhagen teenagers, dairy brother and sister. Siblings worthy, but impoverished surnames.

About seven.

A man named Hans Yuhansen, self-taught artist and the son of the bookSeller. His close friend was called Sieren Larsen, he was a technician and spent several years in England. Sieren and Hans invented a new way to print color engravings. They gained loans, and became owners of a small printing house "Larsen and Yuhansen". Published luxury gift books. Especially children's! And I must say, young people were slightly ... idealists. Did not make patents as it should. Soon their technique mastered competitors and strangled, went bankrupt. It happened fifteen years ago. Books "from Larsen and Yuhansen" are now sold under the time against the old price, the collector hunts on the book. And the children of publishers on attic eat ...
The trouble does not come alone - she died by Christina, the young wife of Hans Yuhansen. Little Gero won the wife of Seren, Camilla Larsen, who had a little earlier a boy named Kai. Misfortune only strengthened friendship between two houses. They and housing are removed next door! I had to the parents of Gerda and Kaya together to highlight to the very competitors that they ruined them - fifteen years are already delivering books on the bear corners of the cute Denmark, they spin like a squirrel in the wheel and rarely occur at home ...
Until now, "debris of imperial greatness still is kept in the situation of our housing. Parents protect old things and samples of their luxury publications. They want to accumulate money and open the case again. Dreaming children withdraw to people. Heat-wink, a penny guard, feel their latest poor people! But the Honor, Honor ...
Mother Kai - a companion at the old countess, lives in her country manor. At the Countess "Gunly Business": Holds with him twenty-eight virgins of Balzakovsky age and striving to "arrange their happiness." True, the old woman experienced failures in memory, and it rustles to marry Mother Kai for the company. Camilla will re-read, the scandal rises, "ungrateful" rolls on the attic to Kai in tears. But Mom and the Countess of each other can no longer be, everything returns to the circles. The old woman is pathologically scaper and with a difficult character, but wants to make a part of the estate of the companion, if that "proves his gratitude."
Gerdu and Kay leave Yuhansen on Magda, grandmother of Gerda. Now and Kai considers her native grandmother. Here our expensive grandmother told about himself:

Children live on neighboring attic. Between their humble dwellings - a wonderful little pink garden!
Of course, parents are virtual characters, only Gernd appears on the game. mirish ), grandmother ( glornaith. ) And Kai (I).

About Gerdu.

She just turned 13. It looks like an ordinary city girl: well brought up (grandmother has tried, the politenes started), neat, modest, beauty. Merry Merry, moderately quiet, moderately delicious. Word - Exemplary will grow bride! Only with dowry trouble. And the books read a lot.
Gerda is a good girl and responsive, but knows how to insist on his if I am sure that it comes well. People stretch to her ...
Girlfriends Gernda know her excessive flight of imagination, because of what it is not all can play: it is difficult to keep up. Therefore, Gerd is increasingly saying, and plays with Kai, and with girls - inside.
Kaya loves like a brother. He considers him the smartest boy on earth and even in all Copenhagen. Recently, Gerda does not even know who is smarter, grandmother or kai. Although grandmother's authority, of course, continue.
"Fools, you have a last name with my grandmother," Gerda crushes. - Larsen cooler.
Oh, what a juicy street dictionary: "steeper, stupid" ... how good that the grandmother did not hear it - there would be a hedger!

As you can see, Gerd is a multifaceted nature.

About Kaya.

Introduced the original urban teenager of fourteen years, indefinite social status: dressed poorly, but with a claim. However, the guy is pleasant, friendly, non-pie, with a variety of hobbies. For several years I studied at school until the money was enough. It seems that imagines himself in advance. Dreaming in the future to enter the university!
It runs through libraries, reads a lot. "Many, yes all nonsense," the neighbor laughed. It was the case, Kaya caught up with Tom Voltaire in her hands.
The boy was satisfied with the printing house - she worked for a week three, then something did not work with the owner ...

Gero loves like sister. Walk together, happened! It seems, Gerd and Kai equilibrate each other. Gerda with a boy - common sense.

Another kai is playing wisdom. It happens, you don't even know - the right is this or an innocent game, and only you will wave with your grandmother, so that with their grandmother it is not to contact them: she is more visible than children can be engaged.

Hearing, Kaya has recently appeared some cockroaches ... And there was such a Pai-boy with the eyes of beads! Another kind of boy kai knows how to spit poison.

The fairy tale of the city of H. Andersen is dedicated to the very famous in the 18th century Annie Lind - Opera Actress. She possessed a phenomenal range. She applauded Berlin, Paris, London and Vienna. She was admired by her voice, and the performances were held with the fellow. Andersen conquered her beautiful voice to the depths of his soul. Dating Lind and Writer occurred in Copenhagen. Literally at first glance, he loved the singer. Whether this feeling was mutual - unknown. But his writer talent she really appreciated. Andersen could not speak beautifully about his love, so I decided to write about it and confess in my feelings. By sending a letter with the recognition of Lind, he did not wait for the answer. So, a famous fairy tale that tells about the touching love that Gernd and Kai were tested to each other. Site of heroes in a fairy tale in two years a meeting of Lind and Andersen took place. The actress suggested Andersen to become her brother. He agreed (since it is better than to be anyone), thinking that Gerd and Kai were also like a brother and sister. Perhaps in search of the present feeling Andersen spent a lot of time on traveling, trying to escape from the kingdom of the Snow Queen, who was Copenhagen for him. In life, everything is not as in a fairy tale. The image of Kaya and Gerd, invented by Andersen and personified him and Lind, was as clean. In the life of Kai, I could not fall in love with Hero and break out of the kingdom of the Snow Queen. A brief analysis of the fairy tale. H. Andersen is the first Danish writer, whose works entered world literature. The most famous are the fairy tales "Mermaid" and "Snow Queen". They are familiar with almost everyone from us. The fairy tale "The Snow Queen" tells about the good and evil, love and oblivion. It also tells about devotion and betrayal. The image of the snow queen in a fairy tale was not just like that. Andersen's father, before his death, told him that Ice Virgo had come for him. In his fairy tale, the writer personified the Snow Queen precisely with an Ice Virgin, who carried his dying father with him. The fairy tale at first glance is simple and does not contain in itself a deep meaning. Delighted into the analysis process, you realize that the plot raises one of the most important aspects of life - this is love, dedication, purposefulness, kindness, struggle with evil, religious motives. The story of Kaya and Gerda is the story of the touching friendship and love of two fabulous characters in the fairy tale Andersen. Gerd and Kai were familiar with the childhood and spent a lot of time. In a fairy tale, to prove the fortress of friendship accounts for Gerde, who went to a long and hard journey after the boy, who became the captive of the Snow Queen itself. Enchanting Kai by a piece of ice, she turned it into a worn, spoiled and arrogant boy. At the same time, Kai did not realize his change. Sumy to go through many difficulties, Gerde managed to find kay, melt his ice heart. The kindness and faith in the salvation of a friend gave the girl forces and confidence. The fairy tale teaches to be devoted to his feelings, not to leave a close person in trouble, be kind and, despite difficulties, strive to achieve the goal. Characteristic of Kaya and Gerda Tale of Andersen describes us a good, attentive and responsive kaya. But after the challenged Snow Queen, he turns into a coarse and evil boy who can hurt anyone, even Gero and grandmother, the fabulous stories of which he loved to listen. One of the tracks of Kaya ended with the fact that he was captive at the Snow Queen. In the palace, the evil queen, he became a boy with an ice heart. Kai tried all the time to lay out the word "eternity" from the layers, but he did not work. Then she promised him to give skates and all the world. Kaya's desire to suffer eternity indicates his misunderstanding that it is impossible to do without true feelings, without love, having only a cold mind ...

The fairy tale "The Snow Queen" is an extraordinary story about the kaa boy and Gerde's girl. They were separated by a fragment of a broken mirror. The main topic of the fairy tale Andersen "Snow Queen" - the struggle of good with evil.


So, let's start retelling the summary of the "Snow Queen". One day an evil troll created a mirror, looking at which everything was well decreased and disappeared, and evil, on the contrary, increased. But, unfortunately, the pupils of the troll in the dispute broke the mirror, and all his fragments scattered around the world. And if at least one tiny piece fell into the human heart, then it frozen and became a piece of ice. And if he got into the eye, then the man stopped seeing good, and in any act he felt only angry intent.

Kai and Gerda

The summary of the "Snow Queen" should be continued by the information that friends lived in one small town: a boy and girl, Kai and Gerd. They were each other brother and sister, but only until the boy hit the eye and the heart of the boy. After an accident, the boy stumbled, began to be sad and lost fraternal feelings for Gerde. In addition, he stopped seeing good. I began to think that no one loves him and everyone wish him evil.

And in one not very good day Kai went to ride on sledding. He closed for the sleeves passing around him. But they belonged to the Snow Queen. She kissed the boy, thereby making his heart even colder. The queen took him into his Ice Palace.

Travel Gonda

Gerda very much grown on the boy the rest of the winter and waited for his return, and, without waiting, went to search for brother, as soon as spring came.

The first-path Herde met a female sorceress. She put the girl to the girl who deprived her memory. But, seeing roses, Gerd everything remembered and escaped from her.

After that, on her way, Raven met, who told her that the prince was launched to the princess of his kingdom, very similar to Kaya. But it was not him. Princess with a prince turned out to be very kind people, they gave her clothes and a gold carriage.

The girl's path lay through a terrible and dark forest, where the robbing gang was attacked on her. Among them was a little girl. She turned out to be good and gave Gerde a deer. On him, the heroine went on and soon, having met the pigeons, he learned where her name was located.

On the way, she met two more kind women - Lapland and Finca. Each helped the girl in search of Kaya.

Owning a snow queen

And so, coming to the possessions of the Snow Queen, she collected the remnants of the forces and went through the strongest Buran and the Royal Army. Gerd prayed all the way, and angels came to the aid. They helped her reach the ice castle.

There was Kai, but the queen was not. The boy was like a statue, all frozen and cold. He did not even pay attention to Gero and continued to play the puzzle. Then the girl, without coping with emotions, cried bitterly. Tears defame the heart of Kai. He also began to cry, and the fragment fell along with a tear.

The main characters of the fairy tale "Snow Queen". Gerda

In a fairy tale, many heroes, but all of them are secondary. The main ones are only three: Gerda, Kai, Queen. But still the only truly chief hero of the fairy tale "Snow Queen" is only one - little Gerd.

Yes, she is very small, but also selfless, and dare. In a fairy tale, her whole strength focuses in good heart, which attracts to the girl with responsive people, without which she would not get to the ice castle. It was a kindness who helps Gerde to defeat the queen and defrost a named brother.

Gerd is ready for all for the sake of neighbor and confident in the decisions made. She does not doubt for a second and helps everyone who needs it, not counting on the aid. In a fairy tale, the girl is manifested only the best features of character, and it is an embodiment of justice and good.

Image of kaya.

Kai is a very ambiguous hero. On the one hand, he is kind and a bit, but on the other, frivolous and stubborn. Even before the fragments in the eye and the heart. After the incident Kai fully turns out to be influenced by the Snow Queen and fulfills its orders, not to say a word against. But after Herd is released, everything is fine again.

Yes, on the one hand, Kai is a positive character, but his inaction and passivity do not give the reader to love him.

The image of the snow queen

Snow Queen - the embodiment of winter, cold. Her house is endless ice space. As well as ice, it is very beautiful outwardly, and also smart. But her heart does not know feelings. That is why it is the prototype of evil in the fairy tale of Andersen.

History of creation

It's time to tell the story of creating a fairy tale Andersen "Snow Queen". It was first published in 1844. The fairy tale is the author's longest in the author's bibliography, besides, Andersen argued that it was connected with the history of his life.

Andersen said that the "Snow Queen", the brief content of which is contained in the article, appeared in his head even when he was small and played with his girlfriend-neighbor Belogol Lisbet. For him, she was practically sister. The girl was always next to Hans, supported in all the games and listened to his first fairy tales. Many researchers argue that she became the prototype of Gerda.

But not only the Gerda had a prototype. Singer Jenny Lind became a living embodiment of the queen. The author was in love with her, but the girl did not divide his feelings, and Andersen made her cold heart to the embodiment of the beauty and silence of the Snow Queen.

In addition, Andersen was passionate about the Scandinavian myths, and there death was called an ice virgin. Before his death, his father said that Virgo came after him. Perhaps the snow queen has the same prototype as the Scandinavian winter and death. She also has no feelings, and the death kiss is able to freeze forever.

The image of the girl from ice attracted a storyteller, and in his heritage there is another fairy tale of the Snow Queen, who led the beloved of his bride.

Andersen wrote a fairy tale in a very difficult time, when religion and science configured. Therefore, it is the opinion that the confrontation of Gernd and Queen describes the events that happened.

In the USSR, the fairy tale was redone, as censorship did not allow the mention of Christ and reading the Gospel for the night.

"Snow Queen": analysis of the work

Andersen in his fairy tales creates an opposition - confrontation of good and evil, summer and winter, external and internal, death and life.

So, the snow queen has become a classic character of folklore. Dark and cold vendor of winter and death. She is opposed to warm and good gerd, the embodiment of life and summer.

Kai and Gerda on the natural philosophy of Schelling - Androgynes, that is, the opposition of death and life, summer and winter. Children together in the summer, but in the winter they suffer separation.

In the first half of the fairy tale, the creation of a magic mirror, capable of distorting good, turning it into evil. A man injured by his fragment acts as an opponent of culture. On the one hand, this is a myth that amazes culture and breaks the connection of man and nature. So Kai becomes soulless and rejects love for the summer and beauty of nature. But he begins to love the creations of the mind with all his heart.

A fragment, which was in the eye of a boy, gives him to think intelligently, cynically, to show interest in the geometric structure of snowflakes.

In a fairy tale, as you know, there can be no bad end, so Andersen opposed the Christian values \u200b\u200bto the world of technology. That is why children in a fairy tale sing Psalms Rose. Although rose and swept, but the memory of it remains. So the memory is an intermediary between the world of living and dead. That is how Gerda, hitting the sorcerer of the sorcerer, forgets Kaya, and then the memory comes back to it, and she escapes. It is roses that help her.

Very symbolic scene in the castle with a false prince and princess. At this dark moment, the Gerde helps the crows, symbolizing the forces of the night and wisdom. Climbing the stairs Tribute to Platonovsky myth about the cave, in which non-existent shadows create an idea of \u200b\u200bfalse reality. Gerde takes a lot of strength in order to distinguish where a lie, and where the truth is.

The further the fairy tale of the "Snow Queen" is promoted, the brief content of which you already know, the more often the peasant symbolism is found. Gerd with the help of prayer copes with a storm and falls into the ownership of the queen. The atmosphere of the castle was created by the author independently. It emphasizes all complexes and failures of the poor writer. According to the statements of biographers, the nature of Andresienov had some mental deviations.

So the strength of the queen can symbolize the actions that are able to drive crazy. The lock is fixed and cold, crystal.

So injury kaya leads to its seriousness and intellectual development, and attitude towards close is changing sharply. Soon he remains altogether in ice draws. These signs characterize schizophrenia.

Kai meditates ice, showing this her loneliness. The arrival of Gerda to Kai involves his salvation from the world of dead, from the world of madness. He returns to the world of love and good, eternal summer. The pair is reunited again, and the person acquires integrity due to the challenge and overcoming itself.