GOST fire resistance building structures. Safety requirements when conducting tests

GOST 30247.0-94

Interstate standard

Construction construction
Fire test test methods

General requirements

Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission
according to standardization and technical rationing
in construction (MNTKS)


1 Developed by the State Central Research and Research and Experimental Institute of Integrated Proceedings of Building Constructions and Constructions named after V.A. Kucherenko (TsNIYSK them. Kucherenko) of the SSC RF "Construction" Ministry of Construction of Russia, together with the All-Russian Research Institute of Fire Defense (VNIIPO) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Center for Fire Research and Heat Protection in the construction of TsNIIK (CPITSS TsNIIK).

Deposited by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

2 Adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission on Standardization and Technical Registration in Construction (MNTKS) on November 17, 1994

Name of state

Name of the authority of government construction

The Republic of Azerbaijan

Gosstroy Azerbaijan Republic

Republic of Armenia

State Spiritchitectures of the Republic of Armenia

The Republic of Kazakhstan

MinStroy Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Gosstroy Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Minarkhstroy Republic of Moldova

The Russian Federation

MinStroy Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Gosstroy Republic Tajikistan

3.2 Limit of fire resistance design - according to the standard CEV 383-87.

3.3 The limit state of the structure for fire resistance is the state of the structure at which it loses the ability to keep one of its fireproof functions.

4 Essence of Test Methods

The essence of the methods is to determine the time from the beginning of the thermal impact on the design in accordance with this standard before the onset of one or sequentially several limit states on fire resistance, taking into account the functional design of the structure.

5 Bench equipment

5.1 Stand equipment includes:

Test furnaces with fuel supply and burning system (hereinafter furnace);

Devices for the installation of the sample on the furnace, ensuring compliance with the conditions for its fastening and loading;

Measurement and registration systems of parameters, including equipment for cinema, photo or video filming.

5.2 Testing furnaces

5.2.1 Testing furnaces should provide the ability to test samples of structures under the required conditions for loading, supporting, temperature and pressure specified in this standard and in standards for test methods for specific types of structures.

If the design samples of the design dimensions do not seem to be possible, their dimensions and openings of furnaces should be such to ensure the conditions of thermal effect on the sample, regulated by standards on the methods of testing for fire resistance of specific types of structures.

The depth of the fire space of the furnaces should be at least 0.8 m.

5.2.3 Construction of furnace furnaces, including its outer surface, should provide the ability to install and fasten the sample, equipment and fixtures.

5.2.4 The temperature in the furnace and its deviations during the test process must comply with the requirements of this standard.

5.2.5 The temperature regime of the furnaces should be ensured by burning liquid fuel or gas.

5.2.6 The combustion system must be adjustable.

5.2.7 The flame of the burner should not touch the surface of the test designs.

The spa imposition of the thermocouple should be installed at a distance of 100 mm from the sample surface.

The distance from the sword end of the thermocouple to the walls of the furnace should be at least 200 mm.

The method of fastening the thermocouple on a test sample design should ensure the accuracy of measuring the sample temperature within + -5%.

In addition, to determine the temperature at any point of the unheated surface of the structure, in which the highest temperature rise is expected, it is allowed to use a portable thermocouple, equipped with a holder, or other technical means.

5.4.5 It is allowed to use a thermocouple with a protective cover or with other diameters of the electrodes, provided that their sensitivity is not lower and the time constant is not higher than that of the thermocouples made in accordance with and.

5.4.6 To register the measured temperatures, apply appliances with accuracy class at least 1.

5.4.7 Devices designed to measure pressure in the furnace and registration of results must ensure the measurement accuracy of + -2.0PA.

5.4.8 Measuring instruments must provide continuous recording or discrete registration of parameters with an interval of no more than 60 s.

Sizes of the tampon must be 100´ 100 ´ 30 mm, mass from 3 to 4 g. Before using a tampon for 24 hours, withstand in the drying cabinet at a temperature of 105° C + - 5 ° C. From the drying cabinet, tampon is removed no earlier; than 30 minutes before the start of the test. The reuse of the tampon is not allowed.

5.5 Calibration of bench equipment

5.5.1 Calibration of furnaces is to control the temperature field and pressure in the volume of the furnace. At the same time, a calibration sample is placed in the opening of the furnace for testing structures.

5.5.2 The design of the calibration sample must have a limit of fire resistance of no less calibration time.

5.5.3 Calibration sample for furnaces intended for testing enclosing structures should be made of reinforced concrete plate with a thickness of at least 150 mm.

5.5.4 Calibration sample for furnaces intended for testing rod structures should be performed as a reinforced concrete column with a height of at least 2.5 m with a cross section of at least 0.04 m 2.

5.5.5 Calibration duration - at least 90 minutes.

6 Temperature mode

6.1 In the process of testing and calibration in test furnaces, a standard temperature regime characterized by a tracking dependence should be created:

T. - T O., ° FROM

Allowable deviation value N., %

When testing structures made of non-combustible materials, on separate furnace thermocouples after 10 minutes of testing, a temperature deviation from a standard temperature regime is allowed than 100° FROM.

For other designs, such deviations should not exceed 200° FROM.

7 Design Test Samples

7.1 Design test samples must have design dimensions. If samples of such dimensions are not possible, then the minimum sizes of samples are accepted according to standards for testing related types of structures.

7.2 Materials and details of samples to be tested, including butt compounds of walls, partitions, overlaps, coatings and other structures, must comply with technical documentation for their manufacture and application.

At the request of the test laboratory, the properties of structural materials, if necessary, are controlled on their standard samples manufactured specifically for this purpose from the same materials simultaneously with the manufacture of structures. Control standard samples of materials up to the moment of testing must be in the same conditions as experimental samples of structures, and their tests are manufactured in accordance with current standards.

7.3 The sample moisture must comply with the technical conditions and be dynamically balanced with the environment with relative humidity (60 + - 15)% at a temperature of 20° C + - 10 ° FROM.

The sample moisture is determined directly on the sample or its representative part.

To obtain dynamically balanced humidity, natural or artificial drying of samples is allowed at air temperature not exceeding 60 s° .

7.4 Two identical samples should be made to test the design of the same type.

The samples must be attached the necessary set of technical documentation.

7.5 When conducting certification tests, sample sample should be made in accordance with the requirements of the certification scheme adopted.

8. Testing

8.1 Tests are carried out at ambient temperature ranging from + 1 to + 40° C and at the speed of air movement is not more than 0.5 m / s, if the conditions of application of the design do not require other test conditions.

The ambient temperature and air speed are measured at a distance not closer to 1 m from the sample surface.

The temperature in the furnace and indoors should be stabilized 2 hours before the start of the test.

8.2 In the process of testing, they register:

The time of the limit states and their appearance ();

The temperature in the furnace, on the unheated surface of the structure, as well as in other pre-installed places;

Overpressure in the furnace when testing structures, the fire resistance of which is determined by the limit states specified in and;

Deformation of carrier structures;

The appearance of a flame on the unheated surface of the sample;

The time of appearance and character of cracks, holes, detacies, as well as other phenomena (for example, violation of the conditions of the content, the appearance of smoke).

The above list of measured parameters and registered phenomena can be supplemented and changed in accordance with the requirements of test methods for specific types of structures.

8.3 The test should continue before one or the possibility of consistently all the limit states normed for this design.

9 Limit states

9.1.1 The loss of entry ability due to the collapse of the structure or the emergence of limit deformations (R.).

9.1.3 Loss of thermal insulating ability due to temperature increases on a unheated design surface to the limit for this design of values \u200b\u200b( I.).

9.2 Additional limit states of structures and criteria for their occurrence, if necessary, are established in standards for testing specific structures.

10 designations of fire resistance structures

The designation limit of the fire resistance of the building structure consists of conventional designations normed for this design of the limit states (see), and the numbers corresponding to the achievement of one of these states (first in time) in minutes. For example:

R. 120 - the limit of fire resistance is 120 minutes - for loss of bearing capacity;

R. E 60 - the limit of fire resistance 60 minutes - for loss of carrier and loss of integrity, regardless of which of the two limit states will come earlier;

Rei 30 - the limit of fire resistance is 30 minutes - on the loss of carrier ability, integrity and heat-insulating capacity, regardless of which of the three limit states will come earlier.

When drawing up a test protocol and certificate design, you must specify the limit state for which the limit of fire resistance is installed.

If the design is normalized (or installed) different limits of fire resistance on various limit states, the limit designation of fire resistance consists of two or three parts separated by a sloping line. For example:

R 120 / EI 60 - Fire resistance limit 120 minutes - for loss of carrier / limit of fire resistance 60 minutes - for loss of integrity or heat-insulating capacity, regardless of which of the last two limit states, it will come earlier.

For different values \u200b\u200bof the fire resistance limits of the same design on different limit states, the designation of fire resistance limits is listed as descending.

The digital indicator in the designation limit of fire resistance must correspond to one of the following numbers: 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 180, 240, 360.

11 Evaluation of test results

The limit of fire resistance design (in min) is defined as the mean arithmetic results of the tests of two samples. At the same time, the maximum and minimum values \u200b\u200bof the fire resistance limits of two tested samples should not be different than 20% (from greater value). If the results differ more from each other than 20%, an additional test must be carried out, and the limit of fire resistance is defined as the arithmetic average of two smaller values.

In the designation of the fire resistance limit of the design, the average arithmetic test results is given to the nearest lesser value from a number of numbers given in.

The results obtained during the test can be used to estimate the fire resistance of the estimated metals of other similar (in form, materials, constructive execution) of structures.

12 Test Protocol

Test protocol must contain the following data:

1) the name of the organization conducted;

2) the name of the customer;

3) the date and conditions of the test, and if necessary, the date of manufacture of samples;

4) product name, information about the manufacturer, trademark and sample marking indicating the technical documentation on the design;

5) the designation of the standard for the test method of this design;

6) sketches and description of test samples, data on control measurements of the state of samples, physicomechanical properties of materials and their humidity;

7) the conditions of support and fastening of samples, information about the butt compounds;

8) for the workload structures - information about the load adopted for testing and loading scheme;

9) for asymmetric design samples - indication of the parties subjected to thermal exposure;

10) observations when tested (graphics, photographs, etc.), the start time and end of the test;

11) processing test results, their assessment indicating the type and nature of the limit state and the limit of fire resistance;

12) Protocol validity.

Appendix A.


Safety requirements when conducting tests

1 Among the staff serving the test equipment must be a person responsible for safety.

2 When performing the tests of structures, it is necessary to ensure the presence of one 50 kg of portable powder fire extinguisher, portable extender CO 2; Fire hose with a diameter of at least 25 mm under pressure.

4 When testing designs, it is necessary to: determine the hazardous zone around the furnace at least 1.5 m, in which during the test, a stranger is prohibited; Take measures to protect the health of persons conducted by testing if the test is expected to destruction, tipping or cracking the structure (for example, setting supports, protective grids, etc.). It is also necessary to take measures to protect the design of the furnace itself.

5 In the laboratory premises there should be natural or mechanical ventilation, providing in the working area for persons conducting tests, sufficient visibility and conditions of reliable operation without a breathing apparatus and heat-shielding clothing during the entire test period.

6 If necessary, the zone of the measuring and control post in the laboratory can be protected from the penetration of flue gases by creating an overpressure of air.

7 In the fuel supply system, light and / or audio alarm can be provided.

Explanatory note

to the project GOST 30247.0-94 "Construction designs. Methods of flap testing. General requirements"

Development of the Standard Project "Construction Construction. Methods of Fire Testing. General Requirements" Made jointly by CNII. Kucherenko Ministry of Instruction of the Russian Federation, VNIIPO MAVD of the Russian Federation and TsPITZS TsNIIsk commissioned by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and seemed to be finalized.

The expansion of trade and economic relations with foreign countries dictates the need to create a unified method of testing construction structures on fire resistance applicable in partner countries.

Internationally, the Technical Committee of the 92 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is engaged in the improvement and unification of the methodology for testing construction structures on fire resistance. As part of this Committee, and on the basis of broad international cooperation, a standard was developed for the method of testing construction structures for ISO 834-75 fire resistance, which is a methodological basis for conducting such tests.

The methods of testing structures on fire resistance used in the United States, Germany, France and other developed countries of the world are widely known.

In our country, the tests of building structures on fire resistance are carried out in accordance with the previously developed standard of CEV 1000-78 "Fireproof standards of construction design. The method of testing construction structures on fire resistance." With undoubted advantages of the standard for the period of its creation, at present, some of its provisions were required to clarify them in line with the international standard ISO 834-75 and the achievements of domestic and foreign science in assessing the fire resistance of building structures.

In the preparation of the final version of the draft State Standard, the main provisions of the international standard ISO 834-75, the draft ST SEV 1000-88, the current standard ST SEV 1000-78 were adopted. The provisions contained in national standards for fire tests were also taken into accountBS 476-10, CSN 730-851, DIN 4102-2, etc.

In addition, comments and proposals for the conclusions of various organizations received earlier are taken into account (the main department of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, NIIZB, TsNIIPromisda, TsNIIEP Housing and other organizations).

The developed draft standard is fundamental and includes general requirements for the construction structures on fire resistance, which are priorities with respect to the requirements of standards on the methods of fire resistance tests of specific structures (carriers, enclosing, doors and gates, air ducts, translucent structures, etc.) .

The standard is set forth in accordance with the requirements of GOST 1.5 -92 "State system of standardization of the Russian Federation. General requirements for building, presentation, design and content of standards."

In a new edition (in accordance with ISO 834-75), the requirements for controlling the heat insulating ability of structures, assessing their integrity, creating overpressure in the furnaces, the use of portable thermocouples, etc.

The standard includes a revised ST SES 506-85 "fire safety in construction. Limit of fire resistance designs. Technical requirements for furnaces."

The draft standard has been agreed with the main direction of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

GOST 30247.0-94
(ISO 834-75)

Group Ж39

Interstate standard

Construction construction

Fire test test methods

General requirements

Elements of Building Constructions. Fire-Resistance Test Methods. General Requirements.

ISS 13.220.50
OKSTA 5260.

Date of introduction 1996-01-01



1 Developed by the State Central Research and Research and Experimental Institute for Comprehensive Proceedings of Building Constructions and Constructions named after V.A. Kehenko (TsNIIK Nam. Khercherenko) Ministry of Construction of Russia, the Center for Fire Research and Heat Protection in the construction of TsNIIisk (TSPITZS TsNIIK) and the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fire Defense (VNIIPO) Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Deposited by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

2 Adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission on Standardization and Technical Registration in Construction (MNTKS) on November 17, 1994

Name of state

Name of the authority of government construction

The Republic of Azerbaijan

Gosstroy Azerbaijan Republic

Republic of Armenia

State Spiritchitectures of the Republic of Armenia

The Republic of Kazakhstan

MinStroy Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Gosstroy Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Minarkhstroy Republic of Moldova

the Russian Federation

MinStroy Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Gosstroy Republic Tajikistan

3 This standard is an authentic ISO text 834-75 * Fire Resistance Test - Elements of Building Constructions. "Fire testing. Building structures"
* Access to international and foreign documents mentioned in the text can be obtained by contacting user support. - Note database manufacturer.

4 enacted from January 1, 1996 as the State Standard of the Russian Federation by the Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated March 23, 1995 N 18-26

5 instead of st sv 1000-78

6 reprint. May 2003


This standard regulates general requirements for methods for testing construction structures and elements of engineering systems (hereinafter - structures) for fire resistance under standard conditions of thermal exposure and is used to establish fire resistance limits.

The standard is a fundamental to the standards on the methods of testing for fire resistance of concrete types.

When establishing fire resistance limits of structures in order to determine the possibility of their use in accordance with the fire requirements of regulatory documents (including certification), the methods established by this standard should be applied.

2 Regulatory references

3 Definitions

This standard uses the following terms.

3.1 fire resistance design: According to GOST 12.1.033.

3.2 fire resistance limit design: According to GOST 12.1.033.

3.3 the limit state of fire resistance design: The state of the structure at which it loses the ability to maintain carriers and / or enclosing functions in a fire.

4 Essence of Test Methods

The essence of the methods is to determine the time from the beginning of the thermal impact on the design, in accordance with this standard before the onset of one or sequentially several limit states on fire resistance, taking into account the functional design of the structure.

5 Bench equipment

5.1 Pland equipment includes:

Test furnaces with fuel supply and burning system (hereinafter - furnaces);

Devices for the installation of the sample on the furnace, ensuring compliance with the conditions for its fastening and loading;

Measurement and registration systems of parameters, including equipment for cinema, photo or video filming.

5.2 Furnaces

5.2.1 The furnaces should provide the ability to test samples of structures under the required loading conditions, painting, temperature and pressure specified in this standard and in standards on the methods of testing specific types of structures.

5.2.2 The main dimensions of the furnaces of furnaces should be such to ensure the possibility of testing sample design samples.

If the design samples of the design dimensions are not possible, their size and opening of furnaces should be such to ensure the conditions of thermal effect on the sample, regulated by standards for the methods of testing fire resistance of specific types of specific types.

The depth of the fire chamber furnaces must be at least 0.8 m.

5.2.3 Construction of furnace furnaces, including its outer surface, should provide the ability to install and fasten the sample, equipment and fixtures.

5.2.4 The temperature in the furnace and its deviations during the test process must comply with the requirements of section 6.

5.2.5 The temperature regime of the furnaces should be ensured by burning liquid fuel or gas.

5.2.6 The combustion system must be adjustable.

5.2.7 The flame of the burner should not touch the surface of the test designs.

5.2.8 When testing structures, the limit of the fire resistance is determined by the limit states specified in 9.1.2 and 9.1.3, excessive pressure in the fire space of the furnace should be ensured.

It is allowed not to control overpressure when testing for fire resistance of carrier rod structures (columns, beams, farms, etc.), as well as in cases where its effect on the limit of fire resistance is slightly (reinforced concrete, stone, etc. designs).

5.3 Furnaces for testing structures should be equipped with loading and supporting devices that provide the sample loading in accordance with its calculation scheme.

5.4 Requirements for measurement systems

5.4.1 In the process of testing, the following parameters should be measured and register:

The parameters of the medium in the fire chamber furnace - temperature and pressure (including 5.2.8);

The parameters of loading and deformation when testing supporting structures.

5.4.2 The temperature of the medium in the fire chamber of the furnace should be measured by thermoelectric transducers (thermocouples) at least five places. At the same time, for every 1.5 m, an oven designed to test enclosing structures, and for every 0.5 m length (or height) of a furnace intended for testing rod structures, an at least one thermocouple should be installed.

The well-shown end thermocouple should be installed at a distance of 100 mm from the surface of the calibration sample.

The distance from the sword end of the thermocouple to the walls of the furnace should be at least 200 mm.

5.4.3 The temperature in the furnace is measured by thermocouples with electrodes with a diameter of 0.75 to 3.2 mm. Hot spike electrodes should be free. The protective cover (cylinder) Thermocouples must be removed (cut and removed) at length (25 ± 10) mm from its soldered end.

5.4.4 To measure the temperature of the samples, including on the unheated surface of the enclosing structures, thermocouples are used with electrodes with a diameter of no more than 0.75 mm.

The method of fastening the thermocouple on a test sample design should ensure the accuracy of measuring the sample temperature within ± 5%.

In addition, to determine the temperature at any point of the unheated surface of the structure, in which the highest temperature rise is expected, it is allowed to use a portable thermocouple, equipped with a holder, or other technical means.

5.4.5 It is allowed to use a thermocouple with a protective casing or with electrodes of other diameters, provided that their sensitivity is not lower and the time constant is not higher than that of the thermocouples performed in accordance with 5.4.3 and 5.4.4.

5.4.6 To register the measured temperatures, apply accuracy class devices at least 1 should be applied.

5.4.7 Devices designed to measure pressure in the furnace and registration of results should ensure the measurement accuracy of ± 2.0 Pa.

5.4.8 Measuring instruments must provide continuous recording or discrete registration of parameters with an interval of no more than 60 s.

5.4.9 To determine the loss of the integrity of the enclosing structures, a tampon of cotton or natural wool is used.

The sizes of the tampon must be 10010030 mm, the mass - from 3 to 4 g. Before using, the tampon is kept for 24 hours in the drying cabinet at a temperature (105 ± 5) ° C. From the drying cabinet, tampon is removed no earlier than 30 minutes before the test start. The reuse of the tampon is not allowed.

5.5 Calibration of bench equipment

5.5.1 Calibration of furnaces is to control the temperature regime and pressure in the volume of the furnace. In this case, a calibration sample is placed in the opening of structures.

5.5.2 The design of the calibration sample must have a limit of fire resistance of no less calibration time.

5.5.3 Calibration sample for furnaces intended for testing enclosing structures should be made of reinforced concrete plate with a thickness of at least 150 mm.

5.5.4 Calibration sample for furnaces intended for testing rod structures should be performed as a reinforced concrete column with a height of at least 2.5 m and a cross section of at least 0.04 m.

5.5.5 Calibration duration - at least 90 minutes.

6 Temperature mode

6.1 In the process of testing and calibration in the furnaces, standard temperature regime should be created, characterized by the following dependence:

where T. - Temperature in the furnace corresponding to time t., ° C;

The temperature in the furnace prior to the start of thermal exposure (taken equal to ambient temperature), ° C;

t. - Time calculated from the beginning of the test, min.

If necessary, another temperature regime can be created, taking into account the real fire conditions.

6.2 Deviation H. The average measured temperature in the furnace (5.4.2) from the value T.calculated by formula (1) are determined as a percentage of the formula

For the average measured temperature in the furnace, the average arithmetic value of the testimony of the furnace thermocouples at the time of time t..

Temperatures corresponding to (1), as well as allowable deviations from them of the average measured temperatures are shown in Table 1.

Table 1


Allowable deviation value H., %

When testing structures made of non-combustible materials, on separate furnace thermocouples after 10 minutes of testing, a temperature deviation from the standard temperature regime is allowed not more than 100 ° C.

For other designs, such deviations should not exceed 200 ° C.

7 Design Test Samples

7.1 Design test samples must have design dimensions. If samples of such dimensions are not possible, then the minimum sizes are taken by standards for testing designs of the corresponding species, taking into account 5.2.2.

7.2 Materials and details of samples to be tested, including butt compounds of walls, partitions, overlaps, coatings and other structures, must comply with technical documentation for their manufacture and application.

At the request of the test laboratory, the property of structural materials, if necessary, is controlled on their standard samples manufactured specifically for this purpose from the same materials simultaneously with the manufacture of structures. Control standard samples of materials up to the moment of testing must be in the same conditions as experimental samples of structures, and their tests are carried out in accordance with current standards.

7.3 The sample moisture must comply with the technical conditions and be dynamically balanced with the environment with a relative humidity (60 ± 15)% at a temperature of (20 ± 10) ° C.

The sample humidity is determined directly on the sample or on its representative part.

To obtain dynamically balanced humidity, natural or artificial drying of samples is allowed at an air temperature not exceeding 60 ° C.

7.4 Two identical samples should be made to test the design of the same type.

The samples must be attached the necessary set of technical documentation.

7.5 When conducting certification tests, sample sample should be made in accordance with the requirements of the certification scheme adopted.

8 Testing

8.1 The tests are carried out at ambient temperature from 1 to 40 ° C and at the speed of air movement not more than 0.5 m / s, if the conditions of application of the design do not require other test conditions.

The ambient temperature is measured at a distance not closer than 1 m from the sample surface.

The temperature in the furnace and indoors must be stabilized 2 hours before the test.

8.2 In the process of testing, they register:

The time of the marginal states and their appearance (section 9);

The temperature in the furnace, on the unheated surface of the structure, as well as in other pre-installed places;

Overpressure in the oven when testing structures whose fire resistance is determined by the limit states specified in 9.1.2 and 9.1.3;

Deformation of carrier structures;

The appearance of a flame on the unheated surface of the sample;

The time of appearance and nature of cracks, holes, detacies, as well as other phenomena (for example, violation of the content of the opiration, the appearance of smoke).

The above list of measured parameters and registered phenomena can be supplemented and changed in accordance with the requirements of the test methods for the designs of specific types.

8.3 The test should continue before one or the possibility of consistently all the limit states normed for this design.

9 Limit states

9.1 distinguish the following main types of limiting states of fire resistance structures.

9.1.1 Loss of bearing ability due to the collapse of the structure or the emergence of limit deformations (R).

9.1.2 Loss of integrity as a result of formation in the structures of through cracks or holes through which combustion or flame (E) penetrate the surface.

9.1.3 Loss of thermal insulating ability due to temperature increases on the unheated design surface to the limit for this design of values \u200b\u200b(I).

9.2 Additional limit states of structures and criteria for their occurrence, if necessary, are established in standards for testing specific structures.

10 designations of fire resistance structures

The designation limit of fire resistance of the building structure consists of conventional designations of the limit states normalized for this design (see 9.1) and the numbers corresponding to the achievement of one of these states (first in time) in minutes.

For example:

R 120 is the limit of fire resistance 120 min - for loss of bearing capacity;

RE 60 - Fire resistance limit 60 min - on loss of bearing capacity and loss of integrity, regardless of which of the two limit states will come earlier;

Rei 30 is the limit of fire resistance 30 min - on the loss of carrier ability, integrity and heat-insulating capacity, regardless of which of the three limit states will come earlier.

When drawing up a test protocol and certificate design, you must specify the limit state for which the limit of fire resistance is installed.

If the design is normalized (or set) different limits of fire resistance on various limit states, the limit designation of fire resistance consists of two or three parts separated by a sloping line.

For example:

R 120 / EI 60 is the limit of fire resistance 120 min - for loss of bearing capacity; The limit of fire resistance is 60 min - on the loss of integrity or heat-insulating capacity, regardless of which of the last two limit states will come earlier.

With different values \u200b\u200bof the fire resistance limits of the same design, over different limit states, the limits of fire resistance are referred to descending.

The digital indicator in the designation limit of fire resistance must correspond to one of the following numbers: 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 240, 360.

11 Evaluation Test Results

The limit of fire resistance of the design (in minutes) is defined as the mean arithmetic results of the tests of two samples. At the same time, the maximum and minimum values \u200b\u200bof the fire resistance limits of two test samples should not be different than 20% (from greater value). If the results differ from each other by more than 20%, an additional test should be carried out, and the limit of fire resistance is determined as the arithmetic average of two smaller values.

In the designation limit of fire resistance design, the average arithmetic test results lead to the nearest smaller value from a number of numbers given in section 10.

The results obtained during the test can be used to estimate the fire resistance to the calculated methods of other similar (in shape, materials, constructive execution) of structures.

12 Test Protocol

Test protocol must contain the following data:

1) the name of the organization conducted;

2) the name of the customer;

3) the date and conditions of the test, and if necessary, the date of manufacture of samples;

4) product name, information about the manufacturer, trademark and labeling of the sample with the indication of the technical documentation for the design;

5) the designation of the standard for the test method of this design;

6) sketches and description of test samples, data on control measurements of the state of samples, physicomechanical properties of materials and their humidity;

7) the conditions of support and fastening of samples, information about the butt compounds;

8) for the workload structures - information about the load adopted for testing and loading schemes;

9) for asymmetric design samples - indication of the parties subjected to thermal exposure;

10) observations when tested (graphics, photographs, etc.), the start time and end of the test;

11) processing test results, their assessment indicating the type and nature of the limit state and the limit of fire resistance;

12) Protocol validity.

Appendix A (mandatory). Safety requirements when conducting tests

Appendix A.

1 Among the staff serving the test equipment must be a person responsible for safety.

2 When performing the tests of structures, it is necessary to ensure the presence of one 50-kilogram portable powder fire extinguisher, portable CO generator; Fire hose with a diameter of at least 25 mm under pressure.

4 When testing designs, it is necessary to: determine the hazardous zone around the furnace at least 1.5 m, into which during the testing of a stranger is prohibited; Take measures to protect the health of the tests of testing if the test is expected to destruction, tipping or cracking the design (for example, setting supports, protective grids). It is necessary to take measures to protect the structures of the furnace itself.

5 In the laboratory premises there should be natural or mechanical ventilation, providing in the working area for persons conducting tests, sufficient visibility and conditions of reliable operation without a breathing apparatus and heat-shielding clothing during the entire test period.

6 If necessary, the zone of the measuring and control post in the laboratory can be protected from the penetration of flue gases by creating an overpressure of air.

7 In the fuel supply system, light and / or audio alarm can be provided.

UDC 624.001.4: 006.354

ISS 13.220.50

OKSTA 5260.

Keywords: fire resistance, fire resistance limit, building structures, general requirements

Electronic document text
prepared Codex JSC and drilled by:
official edition
M.: IPK Publishing Standards, 2003

GOST 30247.0-94 (ISO 834-75)

Interstate standard

Construction construction

Fire test test methods


Official edition

Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Registration in Construction (MNTKS)


1 Developed by the State Central Research and Research and Experimental Institute of Comprehensive Proceedings of Building Constructions and Facility named in A. Kucherenko (TsNIIisk them. Kucherenko) Ministry of Construction of Russia, the Center for Fire Research and Heat Protection in the construction of TsNIIisk (CPITSS TsNIIK) and All-Russian Research Institute of Fire Defense (VNIIPO) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Deposited by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

2 Adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission on Standardization and Technical Registration in Construction (MNTKS) on November 17, 1994

3 This standard is an authentic text ISO 834-75 Fire Resistance Test. Elements of Building Constructions. "Fire tests. Building construction"

4 was put into effect from January 1, 1996 as the State Standard of the Russian Federation by the Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of March 23, 1995 No. 18-26

5 instead of st sv 1000-78

6 reprint. May 2003

© IPK Publishing standards, 1996 © IPC Publishing standards, 2003

This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, is replicated and distributed as an official publication in the Russian Federation without permission of the Ministry of Internal

1 area of \u200b\u200buse............................................... ........ one

3 Definitions ................................................ ............. one

4 Essence of test methods .............................................. . one

5 Bench equipment ............................................... ..... 2.

6 Temperature regime ............................................................. ...... 3.

7 Samples for testing structures ......................................... 4

8 conducting tests ................................................. ..... four

9 limit states ................................................... ...... five

10 designations of the limits of fire resistance of structures .............................. 5

11 Assessment of test results .............................................. 6.

12 Test Protocol ............................................... ...... 6.

Appendixa and safety requirements when conducting tests ........... 7

GOST 30247.0-94 (ISO 834-75)

Interstate standard

Construction construction testing methods for fire resistance General requirements

Elements of Building Constructions. Fire-Resistance Test Methods. General Requirements.

Date of introduction 1996-01-01


This standard regulates general requirements for methods for testing construction structures and elements of engineering systems (hereinafter - structures) for fire resistance under standard conditions of thermal exposure and is used to establish fire resistance limits.

The standard is a fundamental to the standards on the methods of testing for fire resistance of concrete types.

When establishing fire resistance limits of structures in order to determine the possibility of their use in accordance with the fire requirements of regulatory documents (including certification), the methods established by this standard should be applied.

2 Regulatory references

3 Definitions

This standard uses the following terms:

3.1 Fire resistance design: according to GOST 12.1.033.

3.2 Limit of fire resistance design: according to GOST 12.1.033.

3.3 The limit state of the fire resistance: the status of the structure at which it loses the ability to maintain carriers and / or enclosing functions in a fire.

4 Essence of Test Methods

The essence of the methods is to determine the time from the beginning of the thermal impact on the design in accordance with this standard before the onset of one or sequentially several limit states on fire resistance, taking into account the functional design of the structure.

Official edition

5 Bench equipment

5.1 Stand equipment includes:

Test furnaces with fuel supply and burning system (hereinafter - furnaces);

Devices for the installation of the sample on the furnace, ensuring compliance with the conditions for its fastening and loading;

Measurement and registration systems of parameters, including equipment for cinema, photo or video filming.

5.2 Furnaces

5.2.1 The furnaces should provide the ability to test samples of structures under the required loading conditions, painting, temperature and pressure specified in this standard and in standards on the methods of testing specific types of structures.

5.2.2 The main dimensions of the furnaces of furnaces should be such to ensure the possibility of testing sample design samples.

If the design samples of the design dimensions are not possible, their size and opening of furnaces should be such to ensure the conditions of thermal effect on the sample, regulated by standards for the methods of testing fire resistance of specific types of specific types.

The depth of the fire chamber furnaces should be at least 0.8 m.

5.2.3 Construction of furnace furnaces, including its outer surface, should provide the ability to install and fasten the sample, equipment and fixtures.

5.2.4 The temperature in the furnace and its deviations during the test process must comply with the requirements of section 6.

5.2.5 The temperature regime of the furnaces should be ensured by burning liquid fuel or gas.

5.2.6 The combustion system must be adjustable.

5.2.7 The flame of the burner should not touch the surface of the subjects of the designs.

5.2.8 When testing structures, the limit of the fire resistance is determined by the limit states specified in 9.1.2 and 9.1.3, excessive pressure in the fire space of the furnace should be ensured.

It is allowed not to control overpressure when testing for fire resistance of carrier rod structures (columns, beams, farms, etc.), as well as in cases where its effect on the limit of fire resistance is slightly (reinforced concrete, stone, etc. designs).

5.3 Furnaces for testing structures should be equipped with loading and supporting devices that provide the sample loading in accordance with its calculation scheme.

5.4 Requirements for measurement systems

5.4.1 In the process of testing, measure and register:

The parameters of the medium in the fire chamber furnace - temperature and pressure (including 5.2.8);

The parameters of loading and deformation when testing supporting structures.

5.4.2 The temperature of the medium in the fire chamber of the furnace should be measured by thermoelectric transducers (thermocouples) at least five places. In this case, for every 1.5 m 2 opening of the furnace, intended for testing enclosing structures, and for every 0.5 m length (or height) of the oven designed to test the rod structures, an at least one thermocouple should be installed.

The well-shown end thermocouple should be installed at a distance of 100 mm from the surface of the calibration sample.

The distance from the sword end of the thermocouple to the walls of the furnace should be at least 200 mm.

5.4.3 The temperature in the furnace is measured by thermocouples with electrodes with a diameter of 0.75 to 3.2 mm. Hot spike electrodes should be free. The protective cover (cylinder) Thermocouples must be removed (cut and removed) at length (25 + 10) mm from its soldered end.

5.4.4 To measure the temperature of the samples, including on the unheated surface of the enclosing structures, thermocouples are used with electrodes with a diameter of no more than 0.75 mm.

The method of fastening the thermocouple on the test sample design should ensure the accuracy of measuring the temperature of the sample within +5%.

In addition, to determine the temperature at any point of the unheated surface of the con

the structure in which the highest temperature increase is expected, it is allowed to use a portable thermocouple, equipped with a holder, or other technical means.

5.4.5 It is allowed to use a thermocouple with a protective casing or with electrodes of other diameters, provided that their sensitivity is not lower and the time constant is not higher than that of the thermocouples performed in accordance with 5.4.3 and 5.4.4.

5.4.6 To register the measured temperatures, apply accuracy class devices at least 1 should be applied.

5.4.7 Devices designed to measure pressure in the furnace and registration of results should ensure the measurement accuracy of +2.0 Pa.

5.4.8 Measuring instruments must provide continuous recording or discrete registration of parameters with an interval of no more than 60 s.

5.4.9 To determine the loss of the integrity of the enclosing structures, a tampon of cotton or natural wool is used.

The dimensions of the tamp should be 100x100x30 mm, the mass - from 3 to 4 g. To the use of the Tampon for 24 hours, it is kept in the drying cabinet at a temperature (105 ± 5) ° C. From the drying cabinet, tampon is removed no earlier than 30 minutes before the test start. The reuse of the tampon is not allowed.

5.5 Calibration of bench equipment

5.5.1 Calibration of furnaces is to control the temperature regime and pressure in the volume of the furnace. In this case, a calibration sample is placed in the opening of structures.

5.5.2 The design of the calibration sample must have a limit of fire resistance of no less calibration time.

5.5.3 Calibration sample for furnaces intended for testing enclosing structures should be made of reinforced concrete plate with a thickness of at least 150 mm.

5.5.4 Calibration sample for furnaces intended for testing rod structures should be performed as a reinforced concrete column with a height of at least 2.5 m and a cross section of at least 0.04 m 2.

5.5.5 Calibration duration - at least 90 minutes.

6 Temperature mode

6.1 In the process of testing and calibration in the furnaces, standard temperature regime should be created, characterized by the following dependence:

T - T 0 \u003d 345 LG (81 + 1), (1)

where T is the temperature in the furnace, the corresponding time T, ° C;

T 0 - the temperature in the furnace prior to the start of thermal exposure (taken equal to ambient temperature), ° C;

t - time calculated from the beginning of the test, min.

If necessary, another temperature regime can be created, taking into account the real fire conditions.

6.2 Deviation H Mid-Measured Temperature in the furnace T CV (5.4.2) from the value of T computed by formula (1) is determined as a percentage of the formula

h \u003d TCV T T 100.

For the average measured temperature T cf, the ovens take the average arithmetic value of the stylish thermocouple testimony at time t.

Temperatures corresponding to (1), as well as allowable deviations from them of the average measured temperatures are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

When testing structures made of non-combustible materials, on separate furnace thermocouples after 10 minutes of testing, a temperature deviation from the standard temperature regime is allowed not more than 100 ° C.

For other designs, such deviations should not exceed 200 ° C.

7 Design Test Samples

7.1 Design test samples must have design dimensions. If samples of such dimensions are not possible, then the minimum sizes are taken by standards for testing designs of the corresponding species, taking into account 5.2.2.

7.2 Materials and details of samples to be tested, including butt compounds of walls, partitions, overlaps, coatings and other structures, must comply with technical documentation for their manufacture and application.

At the request of the test laboratory, the property of structural materials, if necessary, is controlled on their standard samples manufactured specifically for this purpose from the same materials simultaneously with the manufacture of structures. Control standard samples of materials up to the moment of testing must be in the same conditions as experimental samples of structures, and their tests are carried out in accordance with current standards.

7.3 The sample moisture must comply with the technical conditions and be dynamically balanced with the environment with a relative humidity (60 ± 15)% at a temperature of (20 ± 10) ° C.

The sample humidity is determined directly on the sample or on its representative part.

To obtain dynamically balanced humidity, natural or artificial drying of samples is allowed at an air temperature not exceeding 60 ° C.

7.4 Two identical samples should be made to test the design of the same type.

The samples must be attached the necessary set of technical documentation.

7.5 When conducting certification tests, sample sample should be made in accordance with the requirements of the certification scheme adopted.

8 Testing

8.1 The tests are carried out at ambient temperature from 1 to 40 ° C and at the speed of air movement not more than 0.5 m / s, if the conditions of application of the design do not require other test conditions.

The ambient temperature is measured at a distance not closer than 1 m from the sample surface.

The temperature in the furnace and indoors must be stabilized 2 hours before the test.

8.2 In the process of testing, they register:

The time of the marginal states and their appearance (section 9);

The temperature in the furnace, on the unheated surface of the structure, as well as in other pre-installed places;

Overpressure in the oven when testing structures, the fire resistance of which is determined by the limit states specified in9.1.2 and 9.1.3;

Deformation of carrier structures;

The appearance of a flame on the unheated surface of the sample;

The time of appearance and character of cracks, holes, detacies, as well as other phenomena (for example, violation of the conditions of the content, the appearance of smoke).

The above list of measured parameters and registered phenomena can be supplemented and changed in accordance with the requirements of the test methods for the designs of specific types.

8.3 The test should continue before one or the possibility of consistently all the limit states normed for this design.

9 Limit states

9.1 distinguish the following main types of limiting states of fire resistance structures.

9.1.1 Loss of bearing ability due to the collapse of the structure or the emergence of limit deformations (R).

9.1.2 Loss of integrity as a result of formation in the structures of through cracks or holes through which combustion or flame (E) penetrate the surface surface.

9.1.3 Loss of thermal insulating ability due to temperature increases on the unheated design surface to the limit for this design of values \u200b\u200b(I).

9.2 Additional limit states of structures and criteria for their occurrence, if necessary, are established in standards for testing specific structures.

10 designations of fire resistance structures

The designation limit of fire resistance of the building structure consists of conventional designations of the limit states normalized for this design (see 9.1) and the numbers corresponding to the achievement of one of these states (first in time) in minutes.

For example:

R 120 is the limit of fire resistance 120 min - for loss of bearing capacity;

RE 60 - Fire resistance limit 60 min - on loss of bearing capacity and loss of integrity, regardless of which of the two limit states will come earlier;

Rei 30 is the limit of fire resistance 30 min - on the loss of carrier ability, integrity and heat-insulating capacity, regardless of which of the three limit states will come earlier.

When drawing up a test protocol and certificate design, you must specify the limit state for which the limit of fire resistance is installed.

If the design is normalized (or set) different limits of fire resistance on various limit states, the limit designation of fire resistance consists of two or three parts separated by a sloping line.

For example:

R 120 / EI 60 is the limit of fire resistance 120 min - for loss of bearing capacity; The limit of fire resistance is 60 min - on the loss of integrity or heat-insulating capacity, regardless of which of the last two limit states will come earlier.

With different values \u200b\u200bof the fire resistance limits of the same design, over different limit states, the limits of fire resistance are referred to descending.

The digital indicator in the designation limit of fire resistance must correspond to one of the following numbers: 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 240, 360.

11 Evaluation of test results

The limit of fire resistance of the design (in minutes) is defined as the mean arithmetic results of the tests of two samples. At the same time, the maximum and minimum values \u200b\u200bof the fire resistance limits of two test samples should not be different than 20% (from greater value). If the results differ from each other by more than 20%, an additional test must be carried out, and the limit of fire resistance is determined as the arithmetic average of two smaller values.

In the designation limit of fire resistance design, the average arithmetic test results lead to the nearest smaller value from a number of numbers given in section 10.

The results obtained during the test can be used to estimate the fire resistance to the calculated methods of other similar (in shape, materials, constructive execution) of structures.

12 Test Protocol

Test protocol must contain the following data:

1) the name of the organization conducted;

2) the name of the customer;

3) the date and conditions of the test, and if necessary, the date of manufacture of samples;

4) product name, information about the manufacturer, trademark and labeling of the sample with the indication of the technical documentation for the design;

5) the designation of the standard for the test method of this design;

6) sketches and description of test samples, data on control measurements of the state of samples, physicomechanical properties of materials and their humidity;

7) the conditions of support and fastening of samples, information about the butt compounds;

8) for the workload structures - information about the load adopted for testing and loading schemes;

9) for asymmetric design samples - indication of the parties subjected to thermal exposure;

10) observations when tested (graphics, photographs, etc.), the start time and end of the test;

11) processing test results, their assessment indicating the type and nature of the limit state and the limit of fire resistance;

12) Protocol validity.

Appendix A.


Safety Requirements during


1 Among the staff serving the test equipment must be a person responsible for safety.

2 When performing tests of structures, it is necessary to ensure the presence of one 50-kilogram portable powder fire extinguisher, a portable CO2 generator; Fire hose with a diameter of at least 25 mm under pressure.

4 When testing designs, it is necessary to: determine the hazardous zone around the furnace at least 1.5 m, into which during the testing of a stranger is prohibited; Take measures to protect the health of testing persons if the test is expected to destruction, tipping or cracking the design (for example, setting supports, protective grids). It is necessary to take measures to protect the structures of the furnace itself.

5 In the laboratory premises there should be natural or mechanical ventilation, providing in the working area for persons conducting tests, sufficient visibility and conditions of reliable operation without a breathing apparatus and heat-shielding clothing during the entire test period.

6 If necessary, the zone of the measuring and control post in the laboratory can be protected from the penetration of flue gases by creating an overpressure of air.

7 In the fuel supply system, light and / or audio alarm can be provided.

UDC 624.001.4: 006.354 μs 13.220.50 Ж39 OKSTA 5260

Keywords: fire resistance, fire resistance limit, building structures, general requirements

Editor V.P. Cucumbers technical editor V.N. Prussakova Corrector VI. Kanurkina Computer Layout E.N. Maremayanova

Ed. Persons. № 02354 of 07/14/2000. Rent in the set 09.06.2003. Signed in print 04.07.2003. Hood. Pechs. l. 1.40. Ud. l. 0.83. Circulation 146 copies. From 11195. Zack. 552.

IPK Publisher standards, 107076 Moscow, Well per., 14. E-mail:

Recruited in publishing on PEVM

Branch of IPK Publishing standards - type. "Moscow Printer", 105062 Moscow, Lyalin Per., 6.

Elements of Building Construction Fire-Resistance Test Methods. General Requlrements.

Instead of ST SEV 1000-78

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard regulates general requirements for methods for testing construction structures and elements of engineering systems (hereinafter - structures) for fire resistance under standard conditions of thermal exposure and is used to establish fire resistance limits.

The standard is a fundamental to the standards on the methods of testing for fire resistance of concrete types.

When establishing fire resistance limits of structures in order to determine the possibility of their use in accordance with the fire requirements of regulatory documents (including certification), the methods established by this standard should be applied.

3. Definitions

This standard uses the following terms.

Fire resistance design - according to ST SEV 383.

Fire resistance limit design - according to ST SEV 383.

Limit state of fire resistance - Structure of the structure at which it loses the ability to maintain carriers and / or enclosing functions in a fire.

4. Essence of test methods

The essence of test methods is to determine the time from the beginning of the thermal impact on the design in accordance with this standard before the onset of one or sequentially several limit states on fire resistance, taking into account the functional design of the structure.

5. Stand equipment

5.1. Standing equipment includes:

Test furnaces with fuel supply and burning system (hereinafter - furnaces);

Devices for the installation of the sample on the furnace, ensuring compliance with the conditions for its fastening and loading;

Measurement and registration systems of parameters, including equipment for cinema, photo or video filming.

5.2.1. The furnaces should provide the ability to test samples of structures under the required loading conditions, painting, temperature and pressure specified in this standard and in standards for test methods of specific types of designs.

5.2.2. The main dimensions of the ovens of furnaces should be such to ensure the possibility of testing sample design samples.

If the design samples of the design dimensions are not possible, their size and opening of furnaces should be such to ensure the conditions of thermal effect on the sample, regulated by standards for the methods of testing fire resistance of specific types of specific types.

The depth of the fire chamber furnaces should be at least 0.8 m.

5.2.3. The design of the masonry furnaces, including its outer surface, should provide the ability to install and fasten the sample, equipment and fixtures.

5.2.4. The temperature in the furnace and its deviations during the test process must comply with the requirements of section 6.

5.2.5. The temperature regime of the furnaces should be ensured by burning liquid fuel or gas.

5.2.6. The combustion system must be adjustable.

5.2.7. The flame of the burner should not touch the surface of the test designs.

5.2.8. When testing structures, the limit of fire resistance of which is determined by the limit states specified in 9.1.2 and 9.1.3, an overpressure in the fire space of the furnace should be provided.

It is allowed not to control overpressure when testing on fire resistance of carrier rod structures (columns, beams, farms, etc.), as well as in cases where its effect on the limit of fire resistance is slightly (reinforced concrete, etc. constructions).

5.3. Stoves for testing structures should be equipped with loading and supporting devices that provide the sample loading in accordance with its calculation scheme.

5.4. Requirements for measurement systems

5.4.1. In the process of testing, the following parameters should be measured and registering:

Media in the fire chamber furnace - temperature and pressure (taking into account 5.2.8);

Loading and deformation when testing supporting structures.

5.4.2. The temperature of the medium in the fire chamber of the furnace should be measured by thermoelectric transducers (thermocouples) at least five places. At the same time, for every 1.5 opening of the furnace, intended for testing enclosing structures, and for every 0.5 m length (or height) of the oven designed to test the rod structures, an at least one thermocouple should be installed.

The well-shown end thermocouple should be installed at a distance of 100 mm from the surface of the calibration sample.

The distance from the sword end of the thermocouple to the walls of the furnace should be at least 200 mm.

5.4.3. The temperature in the furnace is measured by thermocouples with electrodes with a diameter of 0.75 to 3.2 mm. Hot spike electrodes should be free. The protective cover (cylinder) thermocouples must be removed (cut off and removed) at length () mm from its soldered end.

5.4.4. To measure the temperature of the samples, including on the unheated surface of the enclosing structures, thermocouples are used with electrodes with a diameter of no more than 0.75 mm.

The method of fastening the thermocouple on a test sample design should ensure accuracy of measuring the temperature of the sample within%.

In addition, to determine the temperature at any point of the unheated surface of the structure, in which the highest temperature rise is expected, it is allowed to use a portable thermocouple, equipped with a holder, or other technical means.

5.4.5. It is allowed to use a thermocouple with a protective casing or with electrodes of other diameters, provided that their sensitivity is not lower and the time constant is not higher than that of the thermocouples performed in accordance with 5.4.3 and 5.4.4.

5.4.6. To register the measured temperatures, apply accuracy class devices at least 1 should be applied.

5.4.7. Devices designed to measure pressure in the furnace and registration of results should ensure the accuracy of the measurement of PA.

5.4.8. Measuring instruments must provide continuous recording or discrete registration of parameters with an interval of no more than 60 s.

5.4.9. To determine the loss of the integrity of the enclosing structures, a tampon of cotton or natural wool is used.

The size of the tampon should be 100x100x30 mm, mass - from 3 to 4 g. Prior to the use of tampon for 24 hours, it is kept in the drying cabinet at a temperature () ° C. From the drying cabinet, tampon is removed no earlier than 30 minutes before the test start. The reuse of the tampon is not allowed.

5.5. Calibration of bench equipment

5.5.1. Calibration of furnaces is to control the temperature regime and pressure in the volume of the furnace. In this case, a calibration sample is placed in the opening of structures.

5.5.2. The design of the calibration sample must have a limit of fire resistance of no less calibration time.

5.5.3. The calibration sample for furnaces intended for testing enclosing structures should be made of reinforced concrete slabs with a thickness of at least 150 mm.

5.5.4. The calibration sample for furnaces intended for testing rod structures should be performed as a reinforced concrete column with a height of at least 2.5 m and a cross section of at least 0.04.

5.5.5. Calibration duration - at least 90 minutes.

6. Temperature mode

6.1. In the process of testing and calibration in the furnaces, standard temperature regime should be created, characterized by the following dependence:

, (1)

where T is the temperature in the furnace, the corresponding time T, ° C;

The temperature in the furnace prior to the start of thermal exposure (taken equal to ambient temperature), ° C;

t - time calculated from the beginning of the test, min.

If necessary, another temperature regime can be created, taking into account the real fire conditions.

6.2. Deviation of H average measured temperature in the furnace (5.4.2) from the value of T, calculated by formula (1), is determined as a percentage of the formula

. (2)

For the average measured temperature in the furnace, the average arithmetic value of the testimony of the stove thermocouple at time t is taken.

Temperatures, corresponding dependencies, as well as allowable deviations from them of the average measured temperatures are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

t, Min. T - T_0, ° C Valid value
deviations H,%



When testing structures made of non-combustible materials, on separate furnace thermocouples after 10 minutes of test, the temperature is allowed from the standard temperature mode for no more than 100 ° C.

For other designs, such deviations should not exceed 200 ° C.

7. Samples for testing structures

7.1. Samples for testing structures should have design dimensions. If samples of such dimensions are not possible, then the minimum sizes are taken by standards for testing designs of the corresponding species, taking into account 5.2.2.

7.2. Materials and details of samples to be tested, including butt compounds of walls, partitions, overlaps, coatings and other structures, must comply with technical documentation for their manufacture and application.

At the request of the test laboratory, the property of structural materials, if necessary, is controlled on their standard samples manufactured specifically for this purpose from the same materials simultaneously with the manufacture of structures. Control standard samples of materials up to the moment of testing must be in the same conditions as experimental samples of structures, and their tests are carried out in accordance with current standards.

7.3. The sample moisture must comply with the technical conditions and be dynamically balanced with the environment with a relative humidity ()% at a temperature () ° C.

The sample humidity is determined directly on the sample or on its representative part.

To obtain dynamically balanced humidity, natural or artificial drying of samples is allowed at an air temperature not exceeding 60 ° C.

7.4. For testing of the design of the same type, two identical samples must be made.

The samples must be attached the necessary set of technical documentation.

7.5. When conducting certification tests, sample sample should be made in accordance with the requirements of the certification scheme adopted.

8. Testing

8.1. Tests are carried out at ambient temperature from 1 to 40 ° C and at air velocity not more than 0.5 m / s, if the conditions of application of the design do not require other testing conditions.

The ambient temperature is measured at a distance not closer than 1 m from the sample surface.

The temperature in the furnace and indoors must be stabilized 2 hours before the test.

8.2. In the process of testing register:

The time of the marginal states and their appearance (section 9);

The temperature in the furnace, on the unheated surface of the structure, as well as in other pre-installed places;

Overpressure in the oven when testing structures whose fire resistance is determined by the limit states specified in 9.1.2 and 9.1.3;

Deformation of carrier structures;

The appearance of a flame on the unheated surface of the sample;

The time of appearance and character of cracks, holes, detacies, as well as other phenomena (for example, violation of the conditions of the content, the appearance of smoke).

The above list of measured parameters and registered phenomena can be supplemented and changed in accordance with the requirements of the test methods for the designs of specific types.

8.3. The test should continue before one or the possibility of sequentially all limit states normed for this design.

9. Limit states

9.1. The following main types of limiting states of building structures on fire resistance are distinguished.

9.1.1. Loss of bearing ability due to the collapse of the structure or the occurrence of limit deformations (R).

9.1.2. The loss of integrity as a result of formation in the structures of through cracks or holes through which combustion or flames (E) penetrate into the unheated surface.

9.1.3. Loss of heat-insulating ability due to an increase in temperature on a preheated design surface to the limit for this design of values \u200b\u200b(I).

9.2. Additional limit states of structures and criteria for their occurrence, if necessary, are established in standards for testing specific structures.

10. Designation of fire resistance designs

The designation limit of fire resistance of the building structure consists of conventional designations of the limit states normalized for this design (see 9.1) and the numbers corresponding to the achievement of one of these states (first in time) in minutes.

For example:

R 120 is the limit of fire resistance 120 min on the loss of bearing capacity;

RE 60 - Fire resistance limit 60 min on loss of bearing capacity and loss of integrity, regardless of which of the two limit states will come earlier;

Rei 30 is the limit of fire resistance 30 minutes on the loss of bearing ability, integrity and heat-insulating capacity, regardless of which of the three limit states will come earlier.

When drawing up a test protocol and certificate design, you must specify the limit state for which the limit of fire resistance is installed.

If the design is normalized (or set) different limits of fire resistance on various limit states, the limit designation of fire resistance consists of two or three parts separated by a sloping line.

For example:

R 120 / EI 60 is the limit of fire resistance 120 minutes for loss of bearing capacity; The limit of fire resistance is 60 minutes for loss of integrity and heat-insulating capacity, regardless of which of the last two limit states will come earlier.

With different values \u200b\u200bof the fire resistance limits of the same design, over different limit states, the limits of fire resistance are referred to descending.

The digital indicator in the designation limit of fire resistance must correspond to one of the following numbers: 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 240, 360.

11. Evaluation of test results

The limit of fire resistance of the design in minutes is defined as the mean arithmetic results of the tests of two samples. At the same time, the maximum and minimum values \u200b\u200bof the fire resistance limits of two test samples should not be different than 20% (from greater value). If the results differ from each other by more than 20%, an additional test should be carried out, and the limit of fire resistance is determined as the arithmetic average of two smaller values.

In the designation limit of fire resistance design, the average arithmetic test results lead to the nearest smaller value from a number of numbers given in section 10.

The results obtained during the test can be used to estimate the fire resistance to the calculated methods of other similar (in shape, materials, constructive execution) of structures.

12. Test Protocol

Test protocol must contain the following data:

1) the name of the organization conducted;

2) the name of the customer;

3) the date and conditions of the test, and if necessary, the date of manufacture of samples;

4) product name, information about the manufacturer, trademark and labeling of the sample with the indication of the technical documentation for the design;

5) the designation of the standard for the test method of this design;

6) sketches and description of test samples, data on control measurements of the state of samples, physicomechanical properties of materials and their humidity;

7) the conditions of support and fastening of samples, information about the butt compounds;

8) for the workload structures - information about the load adopted for testing and loading schemes;

9) for asymmetric design samples - indication of the parties subjected to thermal exposure;

10) observations when tested (graphics, photographs, etc.), the start time and end of the test;

11) processing test results and their assessment indicating the type and nature of the limit state and the limit of fire resistance;

12) Protocol validity.

GOST 30247.0-94

(ISO 834-75)

Group Ж39

Interstate standard

Construction construction

Fire test test methods

General requirements

ElementsOfBuildingConstructionS.Fire-ResistanceTestMethods.general Requirements

ISS 13.220.50

OKSTA 5260.

Date of introduction 1996-01-01


1 Developed by the State Central Research and Research and Experimental Institute of Comprehensive Proceedings of Construction Designs and Constructions named after V.A. Kucherenko (TsNIIK them. Kucherenko) Minor of Russia, the Center for Fire Research and Heat Protection in the construction of TsNIIK (CPITZS TsNII) and the All-Russian Research Institute of Fire Defense (VNIIPO) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Deposited by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

2 Adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission on Standardization and Technical Registration in Construction (MNTKS) on November 17, 1994

State Name Name of the Public Administration Authority

The Republic of Azerbaijan

Republic of Armenia

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

The Republic of Moldova

the Russian Federation

Republic of Tajikistan State Azerbaijan Republic

State State University Armenia

MinStroy Republic of Kazakhstan

Gosstroy Kyrgyz Republic

Minarkhstroy Republic of Moldova

MinStroy Russia

Gosstroy Republic Tajikistan

3 This standard is an authentic ISO text 834- 75 Fire Resistance Test - Elements of Building Constructions. "Fire tests. Building construction"

Entered into force on January 1, 1996 as the State Standard of the Russian Federation by the Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of March 23, 1995 No. 18-26

Instead of ST SEV 1000-78

Reprint. May 2003


This standard regulates general requirements for methods for testing construction structures and elements of engineering systems (hereinafter). NaogrystavityPreast-standard transfer facilities and is used to establish fire resistance limits.

The standard is a fundamental to the standards on the methods of testing for fire resistance of concrete types.

When establishing fire resistance limits of structures in order to determine the possibility of their use in accordance with the fire requirements of regulatory documents (including certification), the methods established by this standard should be applied.


This standard uses the following terms.

Fire resistance design: according to GOST 12.1.033.

Limit of fire resistance design: according to GOST 12.1.033.

3 The limit state of the fire resistance: the state of the structure at which it loses the ability to maintain carriers and / or enclosing functions in a fire.

Essence of test methods

The essence of the methods is to determine the time from the beginning of the thermal impact on the design, in accordance with this standard before the onset of one or sequentially several limit states on fire resistance, taking into account the functional design of the structure.

Bench equipment

Standing equipment includes:

Test furnaces with fuel supply and burning system (hereinafter - furnaces);

Devices for the installation of the sample on the furnace, ensuring compliance with the conditions for its fastening and loading;

Measurement and registration systems of parameters, including equipment for cinema, photo or video filming.

The furnaces should provide the ability to test samples of structures under the required loading conditions, painting, temperature and pressure specified in this standard and in standards for test methods of specific types of designs.

The main dimensions of the ovens of furnaces should be such to ensure the possibility of testing sample design samples.

If the design samples of the design dimensions are not possible, their size and opening of furnaces should be such to ensure the conditions of thermal effect on the sample, regulated by standards for the methods of testing fire resistance of specific types of specific types.

The depth of the fire chamber furnaces must be at least 0.8 m.

The design of the masonry furnaces, including its outer surface, should provide the ability to install and fasten the sample, equipment and fixtures.

The temperature in the furnace and its deviations during the test process must comply with the requirements of section 6.

The temperature regime of the furnaces should be ensured by burning liquid fuel or gas.

The combustion system must be adjustable.

The flame of the burner should not touch the surface of the test designs.

When testing structures, the limit of fire resistance of which is determined by the limit states specified in 9.1.2 and 9.1.3, an overpressure in the fire space of the furnace should be provided.

It is allowed not to control overpressure when testing for fire resistance of carrier rod structures (columns, beams, farms, etc.), as well as in cases where its effect on the limit of fire resistance is slightly (reinforced concrete, stone, etc. designs).

5.3 Furnaces for testing structures should be equipped with loading and supporting devices that provide the sample loading in accordance with its calculation scheme.

Requirements for measurement systems

In the process of testing, the following parameters should be measured and registering:

The parameters of the medium in the fire chamber furnace - temperature and pressure (including 5.2.8);

The parameters of loading and deformation when testing supporting structures.

The temperature of the medium in the fire chamber of the furnace should be measured by thermoelectric transducers (thermocouples) at least five

Places. At the same time, for every 1.5 m, the opening of a furnace, intended for testing enclosing structures, and for every 0.5 m length (or height) of a furnace intended for testing rod structures should be

Installed at least one thermocouple.

The well-shown end thermocouple should be installed at a distance of 100 mm from the surface of the calibration sample.

The distance from the sword end of the thermocouple to the walls of the furnace should be at least 200 mm.

The temperature in the furnace is measured by thermocouples with electrodes with a diameter of 0.75 to 3.2 mm. Hot spike electrodes should be free. The protective cover (cylinder) Thermocouples must be removed (cut and removed) at length (25 ± 10) mm from its soldered end.

To measure the temperature of the samples, including on the unheated surface of the enclosing structures, thermocouples are used with electrodes with a diameter of no more than 0.75 mm.

The method of fastening the thermocouple on a test sample design should ensure the accuracy of measuring the temperature of the sample within

In addition, to determine the temperature at any point of the unheated surface of the structure, in which the highest temperature rise is expected, it is allowed to use a portable thermocouple, equipped with a holder, or other technical means.

It is allowed to use a thermocouple with a protective casing or with electrodes of other diameters, provided that their sensitivity is not lower and the time constant is not higher than that of the thermocouples performed in accordance with 5.4.3 and 5.4.4.

To register the measured temperatures, apply accuracy class devices at least 1 should be applied.

Instruments designed to measure pressure in the furnace and registration of results should ensure the measurement accuracy of ± 2.0 Pa.

Measuring instruments must provide continuous recording or discrete registration of parameters with an interval of no more than 60 s.

To determine the loss of the integrity of the enclosing structures, a tampon of cotton or natural wool is used.

The sizes of the tampon must be 10010030 mm, the mass - from 3 to 4 g. Before using, the tampon is kept for 24 hours in the drying cabinet at a temperature (105 ± 5) ° C. From the drying cabinet, tampon is removed no earlier than 30 minutes before the test start. The reuse of the tampon is not allowed.

Calibration of bench equipment

Calibration of furnaces is to control the temperature regime and pressure in the volume of the furnace. In this case, a calibration sample is placed in the opening of structures.

The design of the calibration sample must have a limit of fire resistance no less calibration time.

The calibration sample for furnaces intended for testing enclosing structures should be made of reinforced concrete slabs with a thickness of at least 150 mm.

The calibration sample for furnaces intended for testing rod structures should be carried out in the form of reinforced concrete colonse with a height of at least 2.5 m and a cross section of at least 0.04 m.

Calibration duration - at least 90 minutes.

Temperature mode

In the process of testing and calibration in the furnaces, standard temperature regime should be created, characterized by the following dependence:

Where T is the temperature in the furnace, the corresponding time T, ° C;

The temperature in the furnace prior to the start of thermal exposure (taken equal to ambient temperature), ° C;

T - time calculated from the beginning of the test, min.

If necessary, another temperature regime can be created, taking into account the real fire conditions.

Deviation of H average measured temperature in the furnace (5.4.2) from the value of T, calculated by formula (1), is determined as a percentage of the formula

For the average measured temperature in the furnace, the average arithmetic value of the testimony of the stove thermocouple at time t is taken.

Temperatures corresponding to (1), as well as allowable deviations from them of the average measured temperatures are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

T, min, ° C Adjusting the deviation H,%

10 659 15 718 ± 10

30 821 45 875 ± 5

60 925 90 986 120 10,029,150,160,160,193 When testing structures made of non-combustible materials, a temperature deviation from the standard temperature mode is allowed to deviate the temperature from the standard temperature mode on separate stoves thermocouples after 10 minutes.

For other designs, such deviations should not exceed 200 ° C.

Design Test Samples

Samples for testing structures should have design dimensions. If samples of such dimensions are not possible, then the minimum sizes are taken by standards for testing designs of the corresponding species, taking into account 5.2.2.

Materials and details of samples to be tested, including butt compounds of walls, partitions, overlaps, coatings and other structures, must comply with technical documentation for their manufacture and application.

At the request of the test laboratory, the property of structural materials, if necessary, is controlled on their standard samples manufactured specifically for this purpose from the same materials simultaneously with the manufacture of structures. Control standard samples of materials up to the moment of testing must be in the same conditions as experimental samples of structures, and their tests are carried out in accordance with current standards.

The sample humidity must comply with the technical conditions and be dynamically balanced with the environment with a relative humidity (60 ± 15)% at a temperature of (20 ± 10) ° C.

The sample humidity is determined directly on the sample or on its representative part.

To obtain dynamically balanced humidity, natural or artificial drying of samples is allowed at an air temperature not exceeding 60 ° C.

For testing of the design of the same type, two identical samples must be made.

The samples must be attached the necessary set of technical documentation.

When conducting certification tests, sample sample should be made in accordance with the requirements of the certification scheme adopted.


Tests are carried out at ambient temperature from 1 to 40 ° C and at a speed of air movement not more than 0.5 m / s, if the conditions of application of the design do not require other test conditions.

The ambient temperature is measured at a distance not closer than 1 m from the sample surface.

The temperature in the furnace and indoors must be stabilized 2 hours before the test.

In the process of testing register:

The time of the marginal states and their appearance (section 9);

The temperature in the furnace, on the unheated surface of the structure, as well as in other pre-installed places;

Overpressure in the oven when testing structures whose fire resistance is determined by the limit states specified in 9.1.2 and 9.1.3;

Deformation of carrier structures;

The appearance of a flame on the unheated surface of the sample;

The time of appearance and nature of cracks, holes, detacies, as well as other phenomena (for example, violation of the content of the opiration, the appearance of smoke).

The above list of measured parameters and registered phenomena can be supplemented and changed in accordance with the requirements of the test methods for the designs of specific types.

The test should continue before one or the possibility of sequentially all limit states normed for this design.

Limit states

The following main types of limiting states of building structures on fire resistance are distinguished.

Loss of bearing ability due to the collapse of the structure or the occurrence of limit deformations (R).

Loss of integrity As a result of formation in the structures of through cracks or holes, through which combustion or flame (E) penetrate the surface surface.

Loss of heat-insulating ability due to an increase in temperature on a preheated design surface to the limit for this design of values \u200b\u200b(I).

9.2 Additional limit states of structures and criteria for their occurrence, if necessary, are established in standards for testing specific structures.

Designation of fire resistance designs

The designation limit of fire resistance of the building structure consists of conventional designations of the limit states normalized for this design (see 9.1) and the numbers corresponding to the achievement of one of these states (first in time) in minutes.

For example:

R 120 is the limit of fire resistance 120 min - for loss of bearing capacity;

RE 60 - Fire resistance limit 60 min - on loss of bearing capacity and loss of integrity, regardless of which of the two limit states will come earlier;

Rei 30 is the limit of fire resistance 30 min - on the loss of carrier ability, integrity and heat-insulating capacity, regardless of which of the three limit states will come earlier.

When drawing up a test protocol and certificate design, you must specify the limit state for which the limit of fire resistance is installed.

If the design is normalized (or set) different limits of fire resistance on various limit states, the limit designation of fire resistance consists of two or three parts separated by a sloping line.

For example:

R 120 / EI 60 is the limit of fire resistance 120 min - for loss of bearing capacity; The limit of fire resistance is 60 min - on the loss of integrity or heat-insulating capacity, regardless of which of the last two limit states will come earlier.

With different values \u200b\u200bof the fire resistance limits of the same design, over different limit states, the limits of fire resistance are referred to descending.

The digital indicator in the designation limit of fire resistance should correspond to one of the following number: 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120,

150, 180, 240, 360.

Assessment of test results

The limit of fire resistance of the design (in minutes) is defined as the mean arithmetic results of the tests of two samples. At the same time, the maximum and minimum values \u200b\u200bof the fire resistance limits of two test samples should not be different than 20% (from greater value). If the results differ from each other by more than 20%, an additional test should be carried out, and the limit of fire resistance is determined as the arithmetic average of two smaller values.

In the designation limit of fire resistance design, the average arithmetic test results lead to the nearest smaller value from a number of numbers given in section 10.

The results obtained during the test can be used to estimate the fire resistance to the calculated methods of other similar (in shape, materials, constructive execution) of structures.


Test protocol must contain the following data:

Name of the organization conducted;

Name of the customer;

The date and conditions of the test, and if necessary, the date of manufacture of samples;

Product name, information about the manufacturer, trademark and sample marking indicating the technical documentation for the design;

Standard designation on the test method of this design;

Sketches and descriptions of tested samples, data on control measurements of the state of samples, physicomechanical properties of materials and their humidity;

Conditions of support and fastening of samples, information about butt connections;

For the designs tried under load - information about the load adopted for testing and loading schemes;

For asymmetric design samples - indication of the parties subjected to thermal exposure;

Observations when testing (graphics, photographs, etc.), the start time and end of the test;

11) processing test results, their assessment indicating the type and nature of the limit state and the limit of fire resistance;

12) Protocol validity.

Appendix A (mandatory). Safety requirements when conducting tests

Appendix A (mandatory)

1 Among the staff serving the test equipment must be a person responsible for safety.

When performing tests of structures, it is necessary to ensure the presence of one 50-kilogram portable powder fire extinguisher, portable CO generator; Fire hose with a diameter of at least 25 mm under pressure.

It is forbidden to pour water lining of the fire space of the furnace.

When testing designs, it is necessary to: determine the hazardous zone around the furnace at least 1.5 m, into which during the testing of a stranger is prohibited; Take measures to protect the health of the tests of testing if the test is expected to destruction, tipping or cracking the design (for example, setting supports, protective grids). It is necessary to take measures to protect the structures of the furnace itself.

In the laboratory, there should be natural or mechanical ventilation, providing in the working area for persons conducting tests, sufficient visibility and conditions of reliable operation without a breathing apparatus and heat-shielding clothing during the entire test period.

If necessary, the zone of the measuring and control post in the laboratory can be protected from the penetration of flue gases by creating overpressure air pressure.

In the fuel supply system, light and / or audio alarm systems must be provided.

UDC 624.001.4: 006.354μs 13.220.50Zh39Ost 5260

Keywords: fire resistance, fire resistance limit, building structures, general requirements