Characteristics of the Sagittarius man by the sign of the zodiac: windy womanizer. Love and Sagittarius

Representatives of the Sagittarius star sign are tied to their freedom, always looking for adventure, not wanting to be tied to one place. This speaks for itself, the relationship with Sagittarius will not always be easy. When you are in a relationship, you are often intrigued and excited. You love unpredictability and vivid emotions.

Sagittarius is very amorous, but windy and fickle. Being in love, he can demonstrate to the subject of his passion all his irresistible charm. The Sagittarius man is ready both literally and figuratively to carry his chosen one in his arms, but at the same time he hardly thinks about a joint future, even about the very near. The fact is that independence is an integral character trait of Sagittarius, which he is not ready to give up to the last. Feeling that his freedom is being encroached upon, he will most likely run away without hesitation. However, even after getting married, it is difficult for Sagittarius to limit himself to rigid boundaries, to the point that he can advocate an open relationship between spouses. If his life partner does not agree to this or is simply jealous, their marriage is unlikely to last too long.

Sagittarius and Love

Sagittarius is a sign of fire, therefore it is capable of a strong feeling.

However, this sign especially needs freedom, and if the partner agrees with this state of affairs, the Sagittarius will be very happy with him. People devoured by burning jealousy over a meaningless exchange of glances on a cafe terrace should refrain from having an affair with you, Sagittarius. Not because you are not too loyal and closed or do not inspire confidence: on the contrary, when it comes to marriage, you will by all means remain faithful to your spouse ... How to contain your need for freedom, which is clearly manifested in their love games calling you to other distances? You are a passionate thrill-seeker, you break hearts and collect fleeting connections.

Ephemeral love always inspires and excites you. I would like to believe this - your soul in love is so passionate and impetuous. Meanwhile, you try not to cross certain boundaries and rationally do not “cross the threshold” so as not to bind yourself. Great art available to few! Anyone who does not understand all the nuances of Sagittarius's behavior passes by a cheerful, cheerful, romantic personality with his own, very sublime idea of ​​a love union. It is impossible to dispute your attachment to family and craving for marriage, but at the same time you are afraid of tying yourself in marriage, fearing different forms family enslavement and irreversibility of the conjugal union.

Let's not forget that you, Sagittarius, are in the clouds, and your tendency to escape does not tolerate restrictions or chains. At the same time - and this sometimes confuses others - you look like a militant conformist. Don't think that you are really torn between these two extremes. You yourself feel very good and easily agree with such a combination of opposing tendencies. As for the spouse, it all depends on his character. If he or she understands that easy connections do not jeopardize your true love, the family union with you will become the strongest and happiest. V otherwise the partner will exhaust himself in useless scenes of jealousy, and selfishness and jealousy can endlessly torture an alarming, already exhausted sensuality. It's a pity - because you, Sagittarius, sometimes pluck the forbidden fruits and allow your spouse to do the same, which proves your great wisdom.

Let's not blame you for some dirty public scandals. This will affect your supposed bourgeois self, which never "sins" openly. You don't need to trust your reasoning that you don't know jealousy. After all, if you are not at all "worried" about your partner's fleeting hobbies, you will already suffer from the fact that someone who is ready to put on your slippers pushes you into the background. Then you will make a secondary attack on your favorite creature. As for your new partner, you never take the easy path. Whatever the environment, beliefs, country, you will always be able to find a creature seductive for you in these distances.

Love is something that can both give happiness and take it away. In order for your feelings to bring only positive emotions, you need to know everything about your man's preferences. This is especially true if you are in love with a man born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign.

Sagittarius are impulsive, extremely hot-tempered and restless. This is a very inspiring zodiac sign. Next to Sagittarius, you will definitely feel strong and desirable, but you should also not be too calm, since you cannot relax next to such a man.

Secret first: Sagittarius always knows what he wants. If he needs advice, he will definitely ask you to help him. These men most of all appreciate in women their unpleasantness and the ability to go into the shadows when necessary. This does not mean that your beloved does not need you, it is just that Sagittarius have moments when they need to be in the spotlight in order to amuse their pride. Take this for granted, because Streltsov is hard to change.

Second secret: for those women who are in love with Sagittarius, astrologers have good news - these men are much more mature than representatives of other Zodiac Signs. In almost a hundred percent of cases, they grow up much faster than their friends, which speaks of their individuality. They are often too serious, but this is just a mask. Summing up the second secret, I would like to note that for the harmony of the relationship, your man will need to see that you remind him of himself. Try to match it.

The third secret: these men are very persistent, very strong in spirit. They will be able to protect you from harm and from problems, but you must also maintain this Sagittarius character trait. This man will be able to get out of the most difficult situation, but only on the condition that his abilities are not criticized - otherwise you risk losing him.

The fourth secret: there are no words that a Sagittarius cannot say in person. If he doesn't tell you about your shortcomings, then you shouldn't worry. But be prepared for the fact that your beloved will always tell the truth, without covering up unpleasant moments with flattery. This can be estimated with positive side, because it speaks of honesty. The main advantage of the Sagittarius man is that he is honest with loved ones. It also strives to fulfill its promise one hundred percent of the time. But remember - he will demand the same from you.

The fifth secret: such a man will try to hide his nervousness and depression, which are extremely rare in Sagittarius, but they do happen. If you notice that your man is sad or depressed, upset, taciturn, the best way out there will be a delicate balance between the desire to help and an equal attitude. They don't like to be pitied. Just be by his side at such moments, and Sagittarius will never forget it.

Do not forget that the above secrets are not always relevant for men born under the Sign of Sagittarius. This information is suitable for special situations which will be similar to those described. In any case, men love to be believed in - regardless of belonging to one or another sign of the Zodiac. We wish you success in love, be happy and do not forget to press the buttons and

11.01.2016 00:40

Each person is unique in terms of character, however, having information about your man's Zodiac Sign, you ...

With any Signs of the Zodiac, it can be difficult to achieve harmony in family life... But if your man ...

It is simply impossible to remain indifferent and calm if a Sagittarius man meets on your life path. This person is a real perpetual motion machine, combining courage, optimism, straightforwardness and purposefulness.

It is simply impossible to remain indifferent and calm if a Sagittarius man meets on your life path. This person is a real perpetual motion machine, combining courage, optimism, straightforwardness and purposefulness.

He always strives to achieve his goals and does his best to make dreams come true.

People born in this constellation are constantly busy with business, in a hurry, do not miss a single opportunity. Such a person stops for a second only to talk about their achievements or plans for the future.

Sagittarius has a very high compatibility with representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, in his presence many ladies simply lose their minds and are ready to accompany him on new discoveries and travels.

Sagittarius man - general characteristics of the sign

The Sagittarius man, who is in constant motion, is very proud of his talents, achievements, origins, acquaintances. Anyone who will prove otherwise can immediately become his enemy. By nature, Sagittarius cannot be cruel and does not accept any cruelty towards others.

Sagittarius communicate and get to know each other very simply and quickly. But they choose people for themselves very carefully, after a long communication. Despite the fact that the representatives of this constellation love to do everything in the company, the people around him should be verified, especially if they claim to be intimate.

An open and friendly representative of the strong half loves not only to learn the world and its laws, but also to conquer it, to discover in all its manifestations.

Sagittarius can be called people of conscience, since they always try to act honestly, listening to the call of the heart and to reason. They will expect the same honesty from others. Having lied to him about something important once, you can break the acquaintance.

As a rule, a man born in the constellation Sagittarius will be in the spotlight in any company. It can be called:

  • good-natured;
  • sociable;
  • active;
  • cheerful.

Sagittarius loves to attract attention and be the soul of the company. Speaking about Sagittarius and their lives, it is worth mentioning the fact that they are real darlings of fate.

In almost all cases, they are lucky, and even when there is not even a chance left. But this does not mean at all that their life flows too easily, just in difficult situations fortune directs them in the right direction. In this regard, Sagittarius may have many envious people.

In their life, it can often happen that they fail in what they really wanted, but along the way they win even more in another. So, a person who is lost to smithereens in a casino, and then on the way finds a wallet full of cash, is probably a Sagittarius.

By the way, such luck can be associated with constant optimism, which does not dry out even after strong blows of fate. Until their last days, men of this sign will be dreamers who may not even notice what is under their feet, staring at the stars.

The Sagittarius man in love is distinguished by inconstancy: he considers relationships with the opposite sex as an exciting adventure, when blood is raging and all impressions are bright and unusual. Agree, not the most the best way for a stable relationship?

During courtship, a man in love with this sign is very persistent and often much more active and confident than other men. This is due to the fact that he does not like to lose and goes ahead to his goal. Problems can begin when he achieves the location of the fair half.

This problem is loss of interest. If a woman does not add fuel to the fire, then her beloved can go in search of new adventures. That is why many believe that Sagittarius is more suitable for the role of a lover than a husband, although he has high compatibility with many other signs.

But it very often happens that the fair half expect more from Sagittarius. Let's say she's already trying on Wedding Dress, and he has not yet decided whether this is the woman. Therefore, at first it is recommended to understand how Sagittarius treats you, whether he is in fact in love with you.

Also, remember that he likes variety. And therefore, there will be high compatibility with those ladies who can forgive him for this quality, without arranging stormy showdowns and scenes of jealousy.

Sagittarius will not be able to fully concentrate on the family, since he lives not only for himself and for his loved ones, but for the whole world as a whole. He is often interested in surrounding problems, politics, economics and tries to take part in solving them.

If you dream of tying the knot with a Sagittarius, then not only your compatibility plays an important role here, standard female tricks will not work here. He will make his choice himself. He decides to marry only when he is completely ready for this, and this will happen only in adulthood.

But even in this case, it will not be completely the property of the spouse. We need to give him freedom so that he does not want to change his life. By limiting freedom and forcing something, you can bring the matter to a complete rupture.

If you're looking for someone to rush home all the time, then Sagittarius is not your option. He considers the house to be a transit point in a series of his discoveries, a place where you can spend the night, take a shower, and relax before further achievements.

Sagittarius man in sex

In sex, Sagittarius is extremely active and is often the person who has several mistresses at once. And if he tells one of them that he is crazy about her, then it's true. This is what he feels at the moment.

At another moment, he may feel love for another lady. He has nothing against meeting for one night, but he may feel cheated if a woman after such a night claims her rights to him.

He will choose a permanent partner for a long time, carefully and thoroughly, since sex plays very much for him. important role... Sagittarius loves not only to have fun himself, but also to deliver it to his partner.

Conquering a Sagittarius is much more difficult than any other man. And here an important role is played not only by compatibility with him, but by the fact that he is not looking for a serious and permanent relationship. If he decides on such a relationship, then the companion will choose an inquisitive, funny and interesting one.

In addition, a woman should not be jealous, because otherwise, such a relationship will not last long. If a lady loves travel, experimentation and discovery, then compatibility with the representative of this sign will be high.

In addition to beauty, Sagittarius pay attention to a woman's outlook and intelligence. And it is also worth knowing that Sagittarius is one of those who believe in love at first sight.

Sagittarius - general characteristics of the sign

The Sagittarius man is a model of energy and optimism. It attracts the attention of any woman at first sight. From the second, he is already able to conquer her. Has an unusual friendliness and lightness of character. In love, he is romantic and strives for variety. At the same time, his chosen one must correspond to the idea of ​​Sagittarius about what a companion should be.

The nature of the representative of the mark

The man of this sign is cheerful and carefree.... He tries to look at the world through rose-colored glasses and notices only the good in people. He does not pay attention to trifles and does not lose heart.

This is a male traveler. He is attracted by adventures, riddles, everything unknown. He seeks to learn everything and unravel the secrets.

He communicates very easily with people, is always open to new acquaintances, is an eloquent and interesting interlocutor. He has versatile life views and knowledge from various fields of science and culture. He will gladly reflect on both the secrets of the universe and the psychology of relationships.

I'm ready to spend hours discussing different life situations, considering them from all possible positions, noticing subtleties and nuances. Likes to philosophize and read a lot.

to romance, to everything refined and sublime. Does not recognize boundaries and boundaries. He is constantly in search of food for the mind and topics for thought.

He prefers to communicate with people without strictness and adherence to principles, without bothering himself with the rules of communication. Always friendly and cheerful. Basically notices only the good, turning a blind eye to the bad qualities of the object of attraction. Sometimes he is too trusting, naive and good-natured.

In behavior, he can make serious mistakes. It is not difficult for him to inadvertently offend a person with a direct statement or an offensive word. He regularly makes the same mistakes without drawing the necessary conclusions.

Relationships in which he does not see the meaning and which cannot arouse his interest, prefers to end. Moreover, if not connecting link or something in common between him and the people he encounters.

  • Hot temper.
  • Haste.
  • Naivety.
  • Impulsiveness.
  • Lightheadedness.
  • Recklessness.

It is Sagittarius who most often come up with a variety of ideas and incite others to adventures. They want to satisfy their constant curiosity.

When performing any tasks, or implementing his own ideas, he is guided by intuition. He constantly feels like an experimenter. Always busy with something. The end result of his activities often differs from the original plans and ideas. This sign is distinguished by a combination of human intelligence with animal endurance and increased sexuality.

Sagittarius is a very dual nature... This is confirmed in the astrosymbol of the Centaur: a mythical hero who has different parts of the body of both a man and a horse.

The two sides of Sagittarius:

  • One kind is the creative, committed idealists. They serve other people, help, support, save.
  • Another species chooses the Don Juan road. They are constantly falling in love, looking for new goals, can have several sexual partners at the same time and are happy with each new "victory". For this type, love is a kind of sports adventure.

A Sagittarius man can be imagined as a restless, intelligent, confident traveler with naive eyes.

The woman of this sign is very similar in character to the male representative. Differs in a calmer behavior, but periodic strong impulsivity and irascibility.

The love of a Sagittarius man

His relaxedness and loving behavior directly depends on the love experience. He is able to fall in love at first sight and seduce, mindlessly surrendering to the impulse of passionate love and romance.

When a Sagittarius man falls in love and wants to gain attention and keep a woman, he demonstrates the following qualities:

  • Eloquence.
  • Enthusiasm.
  • Wit.
  • Energy.
  • Inspiration.

Since his element is fire, he quickly lights up from love and he constantly needs active action. In relationships, he cannot do without development, new impressions, changes. When relationships stop developing and monotony sets in, then for Sagittarius they lose their meaning and become uninteresting.

In his chosen one, Sagittarius values ​​the ability to understand, support the topics of conversation that he offers and, most importantly, listen carefully to him. To become his woman, one must be bright, outstanding, capable of being carried away by a personality.

He likes temperamental women with brilliant smiles.... A bit naive, but versatile. He wants to constantly discover something new in his girlfriend and hear not banal remarks, but logical, his own judgments about various events, historical facts and the surrounding world.

Love with Sagittarius is always romantic and varied, but very difficult. His independence often leads to a difficult life for a woman. It will take a lot of patience from his partner to calm his partner's periodic irritations. If there is any crisis or trouble, then Sagittarius will transform into annoying grumblers.

Behavior in bed

As a lover, Sagittarius is conscientious and considerate.... He is romantic, passionate, quite outspoken. The representative of this Sign refers to sex as a high art. Able to appreciate innovation, diversity and experimentation.

He is not interested simply as a process - he needs emotions and sincere feelings. Sex for him is a continuation of a friendly casual conversation, so he is interested in uninhibited women who do not hesitate to talk about their desires in bed. The initiative is not completely transferred to the partner, but it is very welcome.

He is excited by sincere words in moments of intimacy: it does not matter if it is swearing or tender confessions. The main thing is that they are appropriate in a particular situation.

Sagittarius men are wayward in bed, but sincere.

For creating good relationship with a representative of the mark you need to know its features:

Sagittarius is very interesting sign Zodiac... Next to such a man, a woman feels desirable and safe. But she will never completely relax, because she will have to adjust to the man all the time.

Those born under this sign are sure that they were born with a shirt on. He is in a long search for a wise beauty. He is trying to find a person in whom he would see both a friend and a mistress, a teacher and a student.

According to the horoscope, the representative of this sign is compatible with women born under the sign of Leo, Libra, Aquarius or Aries. Gemini is only suitable for passionate games. It is difficult for Sagittarius to adapt to Scorpions, Cancers, Pisces. Rarely pays attention to Virgos, Capricorns, Taurus.

The female representative of this sign knows how to look at the world under different angles... Differs in a penchant for reflection and the ability to see the very essence of things.

She is very attractive to men and looks younger than her age.

Sincere and open, which sometimes causes difficulties. At the moment when you need to keep silent, she can say too much. But he has the ability to be real and direct.

A Sagittarius woman in love manifests herself as an idealist, expects feats from the chosen one and believes that she has the best man. She is ready to spend a lot of time to find the perfect companion, so girls get married later than their peers, but for sure for love.

Sagittarius girl loves new romantic relationships, therefore, the chosen one who wants to stay with her forever should try very hard to diversify the relationship, fill them with feelings and emotions. Often everything is not enough for this girl, she wants more and more. She will constantly increase the store of knowledge, not stopping at what has been achieved.

She's curious. This is what makes her look for new acquaintances, update her social circles. When she has a family, she can provide reasons for her husband to be jealous. But he always appreciates trust, love and will not specifically torment a loved one. Best of all, if her work differs from that of her life partner, then for interest in each other, you can tell something new every evening.

No need to ask her about secret desires, to think about how to win. A Sagittarius woman is sought after by those who are her mirror image, have the same tastes and habits.

Bed preferences

Born under the sign of Sagittarius- in sex, fire and passion, liberated and frank. Does not accept any restrictions and conventions. She wants to enjoy, to feel the tenderness and versatility of caresses.

The Sagittarius woman quickly flares up with fire, which is not recommended to be contained, otherwise it may also instantly disappear. For her, bed is an extension of life. She is interested in She wants to learn and discover new facets.

Loves long gentle foreplay, touching, gentle hugs, romantic conversations.

She does not tolerate the restriction of freedom, and even more so when something is done against her will.

How to get attention

The easiest way to get close to a Sagittarius woman, if a man is sincerely interested in her thoughts and desires, he will live by her interests.

But at the same time, you should be sociable and have your own preferences that may interest a friend. She is always ready to meet and develop relationships. The main thing is that this relationship is real.

She needs to be offered romantic trips, short walks, long entertaining conversations.

If you manage to captivate and interest the one born under the sign of Sagittarius, then both partners will have an interesting and rich life together.

Anyone who wants to be close to the representative of the sign, must accept his way of thinking, attitude to marriage and household issues. Very often you have to sacrifice something and give something in favor of your soulmate.

Provided that he is kept free, Sagittarius will be attached and loyal. If you understand and accept it life principles, then sincere gratitude and tender love will always accompany the couple in love.

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