Interesting about nitric acid. Interesting historical facts associated with organic acids

Technology and Nature

Dirt and antigrian

The story of how acidic taricles from waste disposable and the atmospheric pollutants turned into a means of environmental protection

Candidate of Chemical Sciences A. I. Nehaev

It is rightly noticed: there are no dirt in chemistry; Dirt is a substance, most often a mixture of substances, not in its place. The history of acidic gudrones is quite mass, unfortunately, oil refining products are another confirmation. Why "unfortunately," you will understand a little later, as well as learn (who does not know), what kind of bird is such an acidic tar. By no means a blue bird of happiness, rather - black ...

Let's start our story from a substance that is incomparably more popular than all the gudron taken together. Alchemists called it vigorous oil - we call sulfuric acid.

Why the petroleum is sulfuric acid

This acid - the substance is not only extremely popular, but also extremely important. No wonder its production is one of the indicators of the country's economic potential.

Most of all sulfuric acid is now spent on the production of mineral fertilizers, but it is almost as needed by all other subproduces of the chemical industry. And not only chemical: without sulfuric acid, metalworking, textile, leather, food industries are not cost. Oil refining and petrochemistry did not exception: they consume sulfuric acid on a fairly large scale and for different purposes. Here are some examples.

The most common synthetic detergents (CMC) are aminoactive. This means that their current start is concluded in the anion - most often in the anion of HSO 3 - which came to CMC from sulfuric acid, cheap and affordable. For example, castor oil under the action of sulfuric acid from a substance leaving the spot turns into a detergent. Nowadays, to get high-quality CMC, it is usually not natural, but synthetic raw materials (alkylbenzene), and the cheapest CMC for technical needs were obtained and obtained by sulphing of kerosene and gas oil fractions.

Another example. Approximately the fifth of all petrochemistry products falls on alcohols. The most common method of obtaining alcohols, including ethyl, - sulfuric acid hydration of olefins. For which again need sulfuric acid. Another example. Modern car engine, designed for high octane gasoline. The classic anti-knock tetraethylsvinets becomes a person "non grants", because it poisoned the atmosphere. Nowadays, the octane number of gasoline strives with the help of alky-laying processes. As a result of these processes, branched hydrocarbon molecules are obtained. They are added to gasoline to increase its octane number, and the alkyl preparation catalyst is all the same sulfuric acid ... Lower the insignificance of the scale of consumption - other cases of using sulfuric acid as a catalyst for petrochemical processes. It is incomparably more used for cleaning petroleum products: fuels, oils, paraffin. Acid removes unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons from oil, resinous substances, sulfur and nitrous compounds - all that reduces the resistance of fuels and oils during storage, impairs their operational qualities, smell, color. Purification of petroleum products with sulfuric acid - the oldest and technologically easiest way. But at the same time, this is the backward way: the loss of valuable components of oil, the acid is corrosive, and the main thing is formed a lot of waste, which is combined and called acid houds. Because of this, the sulfuric acid methods of cleaning are now ousted (but not fully) more perfect, such as hydrotreating fuel or oil treatment with solvents of selective action. About 90% of world oil production is now treated. However, let us recall the huge scale of production: thousands of tons H 2 SO 4 are taken for ten remaining percentages. The purification of the most valuable oils - hydraulic, vacuum, electrical insulating - is still trusted by sulfuric acid.

Thus, the positions of sulfuric acid in oil refining and petrochemistry remain strong enough. And if so, the number of acidic receptions continues to grow.

Fate waste

A black viscous mass, which is up to 70% H 2 SO 4 plus source organic compounds, alkyl helic acids and other sulfication products, plus resin and polymers, - all this is sour tar. Their components are partly chemically connected, partly simply mixed, it is extremely difficult to divide them.

As is known, the degree of production of production waste serves as an indicator of the development of the industry, the measure of the culture of production. Utilization of acidic receptions until recently was considered a hopeless thing. Reset these waste in the river can not even after thorough neutralization: they decompose slowly and long. The easiest way to burn a malfunctic acidic tar, pre-dissolving it, say, in the boiler fuel. But this is not an output: flue gases are formed with a significant content of SO 2, and in this case the influence of acidic receptions on the biosphere will be strongly negative.

That is why for many decades an acidic taricles merged into huge ponds-drives. It is necessary to say that these ponds themselves, and their closest neighborhood of lifeless. "It's not flying to him and the bird does not fly, and the beast will neither, only the vikhore black ..." There is far a sharp smell of sulfur gas ahead with an equally "aromatic" organic. This is gradually decomposing acidic taricles in the drivers-drives.

It was impossible to put up longer with an irrevocable loss of acid and organic mass, nor the more with the pollution of the environment. Sulfuric acid for many years has successfully cleaned many products. Now the question arose about that. To clear it, and at the same time get income from waste.

Natural move: To somehow dispose of acidic taricles, you must first divide them at least two main components - the organic and sulfuric acid. The simplest tool for such separation can be water vapor. The mixture-processed mixture is separated. The upper layer is an organic agent with traces of acid, lower black dilute acid. Acid acid can be either concentrated or used where weak acid can also cope, for example, in the production of ammonium sulfate or superphosphate, in the leather industry or for desaling salt particle soils.

The choice is relatively small, especially since each of the listed productions prefers the acid at least technically pure ... The demand is more on concentrated H 2 SO 4, but removing excess water is not easy. Performance is low, the equipment corps, and the main thing is necessary to pre-remove the residues of organic substances, which are decomposed with evaporation to 40% acid. So it turns out that the heater is not worth it.

But there is no loud without good. The thermal decomposition of dirty acid turned out to be a favorable option. Sulfuric acid is split, "To dying, embody" in the same sulfuric acid. The decomposition product is sulfur gas - needed to release pulp from wood chips, and as a preservative agent when storing fruits, and is the most important thing - SO 2 is on obtaining sulfuric acid. Strong, clean, suitable for any affairs.

But what is the second component of sour receptions - a black "viscous" organic agent? It could be burned as boiler fuel. But it will be bad fuel: there are quite a lot of sulfur in it, besides, nozzles are quickly crowed. You can, when heated, treat the organic part of the acidic humid air and thereby turn it into the bitumen. Bitumen was the first of the petroleum products in the hands of a person (another 3,800 years before our era!). It has long been in construction, medicine and under the mummification of the corpses used its waterproof, binding and antiseptic properties. Today, the colossal masses of the bitumen go for the construction of buildings and roads, to protect metal structures from corrosion. The demand for bitumen exceeds the proposal. It is useful to get it out of acidic tarbon twice: the most harmful dirt turns into the right product ...

Journal "Chemistry and Life" No. 10 for 1978.

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Nitric acid. Nitric acid - NnO3, oxygen-containing, monosular, severe acid. Solid nitric acid forms two crystalline modifications with monoclinic and rhombic lattices. Nitric acid is mixed with water in any ratios. In aqueous solutions, it almost completely dissociates to ions. Forms azeotropic mixture with water from concentrations 68.4% and TKP120 ° C with 1 atm. Two solid hydrates are known: monohydrate (HNO3 · H2O) and trihydrate (HNO3 · 3H2O).

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Properties. High-concentrated HNO3 is usually a brown color due to the decomposition process occurring in the light: 4HNO3 \u003d 4NO2 + 2H2O + O2 also disintegrates HNO3 and when heated. Nitric acid can be distilled (without decomposition) only under reduced pressure (the above T. Kip. At atmospheric pressure found extrapolation).

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Nitric acid is a strong oxidizing agent, concentrated nitric acid oxidizes sulfur to sulfur, and phosphorus to phosphoric acids, some organic compounds (for example, amines and hydrazines, turpentine) are self-proposal when contact with concentrated nitric acid. Gold, some platinum group metals and tantalum inertia in relation to nitric acid throughout the concentration range, the remaining metals react with it, the reaction course is determined by its conditions. Thus, concentrated nitric acid reacts with copper to form nitrogen dioxide, and diluted - nitrogen oxide (II): Cu + 4HnO3 → Cu (NO3) 2 + 2NO2 + 2H2O 3CU + 8HNO3 → 3CU (NO3) 2 + 2NO + 4H2O

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Most metals are reacting with nitric acid with the release of nitrogen oxides in various degrees of oxidation or mixtures thereof, diluted nitric acid during reaction with active metals can react with hydrogen release and reduction of nitrate ion to ammonia. Some metals (iron, chromium, aluminum) reacting with dilute nitric acid are passivated by concentrated nitric acid and is resistant to its effect. A mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids is called "Melange". Nitric acid is widely used to obtain nitro compounds. A mixture of three volumes of hydrochloric acid and one volume of nitrogen is called "tsarist vodka", which dissolves most of the metals, including gold. Its strong oxidative abilities are due to the generated chlorine: 3HCl + HNO3 \u003d NOCL + CL2 + 2H2O

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Nitric acid salts - nitrate nitrate forms nitrates - nitrates. Since ancient times, these salts called the Selitors. Such a name of the salts has been preserved to the present. In stores for dacrooms, you can meet mineral fertilizers with the names of "sodium, or the Chilean Selith" (this is NaNo3 Sodium Nitrate), "Potash, or Indian Selith" (Potassium Nitrate KNO3). These salts are good fertilizers. Nitrates are obtained by various ways from nitric acid. For example, in the interaction of nitric acid with metals, with metal oxides with a basic nature, with bases.

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HNO3 - severe acid. Its salts are nitrates - are obtained by the effect of HNO3 on metals, oxides, hydroxides or carbonates. All nitrates are well soluble in water. Their solutions have minor oxidative properties. When heated, nitrates are decomposed, alkali metal nitrates are converted into nitrites: 2knO3 \u003d 2KnO2 + O2 Salts of other metals form oxides: 2cd (NO3) 3 \u003d 2CDO + 4NO2 + O2 with decomposition of metal nitrates, whose oxides are unstable, free metal is distinguished: 2AGNO3 \u003d 2AG + 2NO2 + O2

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Zinc and aluminum in an alkaline solution restore nitrates to NH3: 3KnO3 + 8Al + 5Cone + 18H2O \u003d 3NH3 + 8K [AL (OH) 4] nitric acid salts - nitrates - widely used as fertilizers. At the same time, almost all nitrates are well soluble in water. Therefore, in the form of minerals, their nature is extremely small; The exception is the Chilean (sodium) Seliver and Indian Selitra (Potassium Nitrate). Most nitrates get artificially. With nitric acid do not react glass, fluoroplast-4.

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Historical information The method of obtaining dilute nitric acid by dry distillery Selitra with alum and copper vitrios was apparently described by the Treatises of Jab (Gebra in Latinized translations) in the VIII century. This method with those or other modifications, the most significant of which was the replacement of the copper municipal of iron, was used in the European and Arabic alchemy until the XVII century. In the XVII century, Glauber proposed a method for obtaining volatile acids by the reaction of their salts with concentrated sulfuric acid, including nitric acid from potash nitality, which made it possible to introduce concentrated nitric acid into chemical practice and learn its properties. The glauble method was applied until the beginning of the 20th century, and its only substantial modification was the replacement of potash nitrate to the cheaper sodium (Chilean) Selitra.

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Historical information. The method of obtaining dilute nitric acid by dry distillery of nashelters with alum and copper vitrios was apparently described by the Treatises of Jing (Gebra in Latinized Translations) in the VIII century. This method with those or other modifications, the most significant of which was the replacement of the copper municipal of iron, was used in the European and Arabic alchemy until the XVII century. In the XVII century, Glauber proposed a method for obtaining volatile acids by the reaction of their salts with concentrated sulfuric acid, including nitric acid from potash nitality, which made it possible to introduce concentrated nitric acid into chemical practice and learn its properties. The glauble method was applied until the beginning of the 20th century, and its only substantial modification was the replacement of potash nitrate to the cheaper sodium (Chilean) Selitra.

It belongs to the monotonous drugs of weak action. It is characterized by a lack of color and a sharp smell. The drug is hygroscopic, is distinguished by the ability to react with many types of solvents and is well connected to organic substances and gases. When interacting with active metals, salt forms, and with a decrease in temperature to -16 ° C, it turns into a crystalline mass.

Methods and methods of obtaining

The industrial method of creating acetic acid is the use of catalysts with oxygen oxidation of acetic aldehyde. The process occurs at high pressure and temperature values. Depending on the technology, manganese, rhodium or cobalt catalysts can be used. For the food industry in the production of acetic acid, a biocatalytic method is used using the enzymes of acetic acid bacteria and liquids with ethanol content.

The substance was opened in ancient times due to violation of winemaking technology. The use of in everyday life was found in everyday life, and the acid began to use as seasoning to food, the drug and an organic solvent.

Interesting historical facts associated with organic acids: in 1714, by the decree of Peter I, a pharmacist garden was laid in St. Petersburg. There they grown medicinal plants, providing them with pharmacies or processing them on drugs. So, the leaves of one of these plants placed in the milk prevent him from a dishes. Fresh meat and fish, shifted by this plant, are preserved longer. From its roots you can get a yellow dye. From the fibers you can make networks that are not rotting in water. Leaves are an inexhaustible basis for the fantasy of the hostess for cooking healthy and useful food. We know this plant on the fairy tale Andersen. Personal experience with this plant is able to bring to tears. Finally, this plant is even blind. It is ... Call this plant!

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Carboxylic acids

"Chemical properties of carboxylic acids" - the name of carboxylic acids. The structure of the carboxyl group. Formulas of carboxylic acids. A task. Chemical properties of carboxylic acids. Functional group. Carboxylic acids. Salicylic acid. Chemical properties. Trivial name carboxylic acids. General properties of carboxylic acids. Road to know.

"Examples of carboxylic acids" - formic acid. Acetic acid. Valeric acid. Chemical properties of carboxylic acids. Stearinic acid. Explore the structure. Forming ethers. Lemon acid. Carboxylic acids. Acids. Indicator. These are organic substances. Classification of carboxylic acids. Oxalic acid.

"Carboxylic acids and their properties" are interesting historical facts associated with organic acids. Classification. Algorithm for recording carboxylic acid formulas. Methyl-2bentic acid. The structural formula of the carboxyl group. Which of the acids is stronger. Names of acid. Carboxylic acids. Equity or acetic acid. Physical properties of carboxylic acids.

"Limit monasone carboxylic acids" are single-axis carboxylic acids. Physical properties. The structure and the nomenclature of limit carboxylic acids. Carboxylic acids. Carbon atom. Limit monasone carboxylic acids. Gaseous substances. Types of isomeria. Opening history. Formic acid. Name carboxylic acids. Trivial names.

"Limit carboxylic acids" - repeat the determination of carboxylic acids. Nomenclature of esters. Copper acetate. Isobutyl acetate. Choose a carboxylic acid formula. Carbon atom. Crossword for carboxylic acids. Trivial names. Chemical properties of carboxylic acids. Ethane. Obtaining carboxylic acids. Task for self-control.

"Classes of carboxylic acids" - homologous row of acids. Apple acid. Classification of carboxylic acids by the nature of the hydrocarbon radical. Functional group. Obtaining carboxylic acids. The use of carboxylic acids. Male carboxylic acids. Classification of carboxylic acids. Representatives of single-axis carboxylic acids.

Total in the subject of 19 presentations

Modern chemistry is a science that operates in a large number of reagents. It may be salts, reagents, alkali. But the most numerous group is acids. These are complex compounds based on hydrogen. At the same time, third-party atoms here can be replaced by metal atoms. Acids are used in various branches of human life. For example, in medicine, food industry, in the production of household goods. That is why it should be especially carefully studying this group of reagents.

Basic information about nitric acid

This is a strong reagent, which refers to the discharge of single-maintain acids. It looks like an ordinary transparent liquid. Sometimes there is a yellowish tint. This is due to the fact that with a warm temperature on the surface, nitrogen oxide accumulates. Nitrogen dioxide can also manifest itself in the form of a brown sediment. But it happens under the sunny rays. With any contact with air, the acid begins to smoke. In addition, normally enters the reaction with metals. It is perfectly soluble in water, but in the case of ether there are a number of restrictions.

What form of release exist? Total separated by two - ordinary (concentration 65-68%) and smoky (at least 85%). At the same time, the color of smoke can vary greatly. If the concentration is 86-95%, then it is white. Percentage above? Then you will see a red.

Process of receipt

Today it does not differ both in the case of a strong and weak concentration. It can be divided into several stages.

Crystalline oxidation of ammonia synthetics occurs.
It is necessary to wait when nitrous gases are formed.
All water that was in the composition is absorbed.
At the final stage, it is necessary to wait until the acid reaches the necessary concentration.

How is storage and transportation?

This reagent does not relate to the category of particularly aggressive. Therefore, the requirements for storage and transportation are not so much. Keep the acid is required in sealed tanks made of aluminum or chrome steel. Laboratory glass is also suitable. As for the tanks, they must be a mark "DANGER". The same applies to the small Tar.

Precautions when using

This chemical reagent refers to strong acids. It has the III class of danger. Those persons who are allowed to work with this substance must pass the appropriate instruction. Indoors must be in special clothing. It includes jumpsuit, mittens, respirators, glasses. Individual means of protecting respiratory and vision organs are needed. The consequences in non-compliance with safety requirements may be serious. If the acid falls on the skin, it will lead to the formation of burns and ulcers. Inspiration her? Then you will choose or even get the swelling of the lungs. So in laboratories, it is necessary to organize constant control, ask for employees to go on safety instructions.

Where is nitric acid applied?

Due to its chemical properties, this acid is used in many industries. Separately select several. First of all it is the industry. With the help of it, it is possible to easily synthesize artificial fiber. In addition, often nitric acid is the main component in the manufacture of engine oil. Surely you know that it is used in metallurgy. With the help of it you can dissolve and stretch metals. There is a special industrial nitrogen acid, which is better coping with the solution of the tasks described.

Application in everyday life

It makes money from it that make it possible to effectively clean jewelry at home. But you need to be extremely careful, prevent your skin contacts with skin. With drip watering, nitric acid can be applied as a cleaner. Concentrations of 60% will be enough to get rid of salts or dissolve the precipitate in the drip system.

What is the use of medicine?

If you look at the composition of some medical products, you will see that nitric acid is contained. For example, 30% is used to combat warts. Also, this component is also added to the means of combating ulceated diseases. This is an excellent antiseptic with knitting properties.

Usage in agriculture

The agronomas need mineral fertilizers in order to make a harvest richer. As part of some of them, nitric acid can be found. But it is necessary to clearly count the dose so that the obtained vegetables and fruits make any harm to health. If the acids are too much, nitrates will accumulate in cultures. Several types of acid-based fertilizers can be distinguished: amide, ammonia, nitrate.

But this reagent has salts that are used even more often in agriculture. They are added to some drugs that give animals.

What can be said in conclusion?

As you can see, nitric acid is a very important component used in a huge amount of industries. Without it, it would be impossible to present modern life. And chemists on a regular basis are invented where you can still use this reagent.

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