Instructions for the insulation of the walls of the wooden house from the inside. The process of insulation of a wooden house from the inside than you can warm the wooden house from the inside

Constructed several decades ago, have already raised and in the winter months begin to skip cold.

Errors when insulation of a wooden house

therefore it is very important to exclude possible castswhich regularly occur with unqualified warm-up insulation with modern materials. Let's look at the most frequent of them.

Error number 1. Frying a church without inspection of wood status

As a rule, there are already "lived" log cabins. On the one hand, it is technologically convenient: the log house is already finally donkey and the design dimensions are unchanged. However, the past years could not not leave traces on biologically live material.

Therefore, before the planned insulation, which implies that there will be no access to the logs for many years, it is necessary carefully explore all the crowns and discard defective fragments. If there are devouring wood in the logs, I will express careful assumption that the house is already inappropriate to insulate. Cardinal medication for such a case, except for a weekly forty-portus frost, have not yet come up. Read more about this problem in articles: good wood follows soak fire and antiseptic composition and thoroughly dry. Perform warming over raw wood - error.

Error number 2. Inattentive attitude to pantry

Traditional cacopate is performed, strictly speaking, not for the warming of a cut, but to eliminate it, which ultimately affects the preservation of heat in the house.

Deciding to insulate the log facades, pay attention to the condition of the cacopa for all the crowns. Do not hide from this operation. Perhaps, it is thanks to 2-3 defects of this natural insulator in your house in winter and cold.

In early 2016, the reader turned to the editor with a request to help with insulation in modern. The word for the word, it turned out that the ear birds have long been upgraded by the fibers of the cachatka on their nests.

It seems, after clarifying this fact, the traction for total insulation, our respected readers weaken somewhat.

Do not plunging into the basics of building heat engineering and not understood in the meaning of a malfunctional phrase "" (which lies at the heart of the choice of location), accept the craft postulate on faith: the insulation of structures is performed from the outside. Such an installation improves the operation and wall bearing material (wood crowns), and the insulation itself. Otherwise, the insulation, and wood logs will wet from wet vapors, inevitably located in the atmosphere of human housing. Of course, we do not strive for this. You can read more about the features of the insulation of the outer walls of a wooden house in the article in the same name.

Error number 4. Immense selection of thermal insulation material

Building markets in the literal and figurative sense are risen with the most different heat insulators.

However, if you make strict systematization into this abundance, it turns out that everything dominates 3 types of materials suitable for wooden log cabins. These are insulation:

  • from
  • from glass gambled
  • - cellular and extruded.
First let's talk about the last. This is an excellent heat insulator with the best than the first and second, thermal insulation qualities. It practically does not absorb moisture and does not miss water vapors. It would seem, nothing more to dream. However, the largest "but" is that when opening with open fire, that is, the polystyrene foam does not burn, but only melted, but with the release of truly hazardous gaseous chemical compounds. Thus, the readers who will thoroughly react to these words will recommend to remember the tragedy in the Perm "Chrome Horse", which took one and a half hundreds of lives due to the fact that the combustion products of the insulation fell into the light visitors of this "Kabak".

I am not against the use of this material, but I vote with both hands for thoughtful use. There, for example, where the fire never gets - in the foundation, in the basement, in the scene. There is truly the price here.

It is harder to choose between a glass gamble and mineral analogue. Both are perfect for the insulation of a log house. What thermal insulation materials are preferable from the point of view of security, you will learn from the article.

Error number 5. Careless attitude to the transportation and storage of material

Thermal insulation materials must be dry. Only in this case they "hold" heat. And if the material wureswards, then its thermal insulation ability is reduced by a decrease.

Remember the commander "kitchen" situation: what tapting you grab for a metal knob of a hot frying pan - dry tissue or wet / wet? I am confident that after a minute thought you will choose a dry option. So the insulation must always be dry. In plants in production, it is packaged in the packaging (often in a heat shrinkable) film and is well protected from climatic moisture. But it is worth removing the film ... Therefore:

  1. Unpack insulation per day before applying and necessarily under the canopyAnd even better - in a warmed house.
  2. After fixing the insulation on the wall immediately go to his facing Plastering method or safety panels (etc.).
  3. Do not leave the insulation for a long time open, risking them out "to thread" by summer oblique rains.

Error number 6. Selection of flexible mats instead of rigid plates

On the construction market you can find 2 options for thermal insulation materials - flexible mats and rigid plates. At first glance, this is completely the same materials. So what to choose for facade insulation?

If you decide to stop your choice on mats, then you will be wrong, since over the years the insulation that is in a vertical position, it starts to sign in some places, forming the gaps, in which the cold air rushes, the same, deaviving the entire consumer charm of modern insulation.

Hard plates retain their dimensions unchanged during the entire life. On the plates laid on the roof design, it is quite possible to walk without losing the quality of thermal insulation.

Why are flexible mats in this case? - They are indispensable when insulating horizontal surfaces - underground space and inter-storey floors. There they will not fundamentally provide and form gaps for heat spending.

Error number 7. Invalid definition of the thickness of the heat insulating layer

To the question: "What thickness should be the heat insulating layer?" You will find an argumental response in a newly published article.

Here you can only confirm that with thermal insulation of the log house there will be enough two layers of a thickness of 50 mm thickput one on another. I will make a reservation that two layers are sufficient for the climatic conditions of Central Russia. In the north on a wooden wall, we will have to put three layers of the insulation, and in the southern regions it will be possible to restrict ourselves to one.

In conclusion, I would like to give a photo of a truly unique structure.

What is his originality? The house was built at the end of the 19th century. The house is a log, but the logs that are cooled with horizontal braids are installed vertically. In the spring of 2016, he was insulated with mineral wool insulation (100 mm) and lined with chipboard. And the input group is made of monolithic reinforced concrete. Truly on the tiny stain of the buildings, technologies of three different centuries were connected.

Our edges are characterized by a large duration of the cold season. That is why the comfort of accommodation in them largely depends on the quality of the heating of the house. However, the price for servicing the heating devices is constantly increasing, and people are looking for options for preserving the accumulated heat maximum amount of time. That is why many insulate the walls of wooden dwellings not only outside, but also from the inside. Today we will tell you about holding such works with your own hands.

The advantages and features of the warm house insulation from the inside

Wood insulation is a sufficiently difficult work that requires certain skills, time and strength. Therefore, before starting to similar work, we need to weigh all the "for" and "against."

Previously, the walls of the wooden house were not inspected, a comfortable temperature in the house was provided with wood furnaces. However, due to the low efficiency of such devices, the fuel was necessary to throw up constantly. Thus, in addition to applying substantial environmental damage, people risked to burn their home.

Among the shortcomings of the insulation of the house from the inside, professional masters, first of all, highlight the increase in the impact of moisture on the tree, as well as the displacement of the dew point inside the wooden bars. However, such a problem can be neutralized, with the help of moisture protection.

Why it is believed to be better to warm the walls inside the house:

  1. Heated dwelling is not outside, and from the inside, you can save the original wooden facade of your dwelling. Internal interior does not suffer at the same time, since the insulation layer will hide behind the face finish.
  2. Unlike the insulation of the walls outside, internal insulation can be carried out without the help of high-altage professionals. There will be a sufficiently high goat and your patience.
  3. If the vaporizolation layer is made of low permeability film, then in the form installed, it can disrupt the microclimate of wood and cause it torsion.

Thus, the insulation of a wooden building from the inside has its advantages and disadvantages. After reading them, you can determine the relevance of this repair in your case.

What to insulate the walls of a wooden house from the inside

What to insulate the walls of the housing from the inside - this question worries many of the hosts of the countryside. To do this, you can use a variety of materials. It is important to choose such a insulation so that it is safe for health and suggests you for the price and qualities.

There is an interesting way of insulating wooden walls inside the house. With it, palable, twine, special composition or glue, are applied between the seams of BRUSEV. This option is used when the facial finish in the house is not assumed.

There are a large number of insulation suitable for wall decoration. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular options. And decide on their advantages and minuses.

Heater for walls:

  1. Mineral wool is the most eco-friendly and safe version of the insulation of the house from the inside. However, this method has shortcomings, these include: the impossibility of insulation of the house without the construction of the crate and good absorbency absorbency.
  2. Polyfoam is also used as a heater due to low thermal conductivity and low price. However, such a insulation can allocate dangerous substances and is simply beautiful.
  3. Polyurethane foam is a relatively new way. For its application you need special equipment and help professional.

For the insulation of the walls of the house, these options are choosing most often. Each of them is attractive in its own way. However, it is best to choose from mineral wool.

Before insulation at home from the inside, we offer to see a few tips that will allow it to make the most qualitatively. These instructions are based on the experience of professionals.

Wooden house can not be insulated in the first year after its construction. This time is enough to build a duty and accepted a permanent size.

Wall insulation has some nuances. You will have to spend a little time for their study, but as a reward you get a qualitatively insulated building.

Tips for insulation at home with their own hands:

  1. Wall structures from wood, warmed on both sides, can be lit and danced. A competently composed ventilation system will help to prevent such a problem.
  2. Even if it seems to you that the wall freezes only in one place, everything is too early to warm up all the walls in the house at once.
  3. Battery seats need to be insulated with foil material. This will ensure the receipt of more heat into the room.
  4. Between the insulation and the wall need to leave some space. So the thermal insulation of the walls will not affect their humidity.
  5. Before starting insulation, treat the walls with a moisture-repellent composition. So you can avoid side effects of internal insulation.

Warming the walls of the building from the inside need correctly. Otherwise, you will not only be able to ensure the preservation of heat, but also provoke it a faster loss.

Warming Wall insulation from within

The insulation of the building made of wood occurs in several stages. Work with different insulation will look different. Since the mineral wool is considered the most common insulation at the moment, we will tell you how to make the insulation of the walls of the house with their own hands.

Stages of insulation of house walls do it yourself:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to clean the wooden walls from pollution. The old layer of finishing, if any, is removed. Naked and clean wall is processed by antiseptics.
  2. Next you need to careen walls. If this is a new home, then the cacopate occurs a year after the construction, if it lived, then through three. Konopka implies stuffing the material, for example, jute, in the slot between the logs. Work is made with a thin chisel.
  3. The installation of moisture insulation is made. To do this, the vapor insulating canvas is taken, and is applied with a rough side to the logs, after which it is nailed with a construction stapler. The joints between the segments of such a canvase should be a 15 cm bracket, nor skill with scotch.
  4. Now time to make a crate. To do this, you need to take a wooden timber 5x5 cm, and make a crate from it, placing elements in 50-60 centimeters increments.
  5. The resulting crate is inserted layers of mineral wool. They are attached with the help of a construction stapler. Ambassador installation of mineral wool, it must be closed with a layer of waterproofing material.
  6. In the last stage, the design is sewn with plasterboard. After that, there is a facial finish.

By the same principle, insulation of the year. Of course, we presented a brief scheme of insulation of the house, but in principle it can be done all the necessary stages.

Wall insulation from the inside in wooden houses allows you to make them more comfortable and economical. In addition, good wall indicators for heat engineering can save on heating. It is necessary to come to the question seriously, since the result will fully depend on the selected material and compliance with technology.

Warming from the inside

The heat insulation of the house from the inside allows you to avoid the need for exterior decoration. With this approach, you can preserve the attractive appearance of the building from a bar or a rounded log. But technology has a number of shortcomings to which it is worth being prepared:

  • from the destructive effects of cold, indoor rooms are protected, but not walls;
  • reduced the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe building;
  • certain restrictions appear on the materials used.

What a heater to choose

What is better to insulate the house? Stripping from the material of the walls. The tree received well-deserved popularity due to the fact that it can "breathe". Wood skips well by providing excellent ventilation in rooms.

To maintain useful properties fully when working from the inside, you need to use materials that are used in breathable ability to be used. To insulate the house better abandon such thermal insulators as:

  • styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam (or easier "penoplex");
  • penosole.

They are characterized by high tightness, so they can create a greenhouse effect in the building. This requires a device for expensive forced ventilation or installation of air conditioners.

Mineral wool will become the best material for thermal insulation.

It can be attributed to its advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • the ability to skip air without preventing natural ventilation;
  • safety for human health and the environment;
  • nonseasing;
  • ease of installation;
  • availability;
  • low cost.

But when using wool it is worth remembering its shortcomings. The material absorbs moisture well, while having ceased to perform its basic function. To avoid wetting, it is also worth acquiring vapor barrier and windproofing.

Scheme of layers for insulation of minvata

There are several varieties of mineral wool. The best option will be basalt (stone) insulation in the stoves. You can also choose glass gambler, which is produced in the form of mats twisted into the roll. The second option may cause difficulties when installing. The material is strongly ourselves, and the particles falling into the lungs or on the skin, cause itching. To avoid unpleasant consequences, all work with glass cotton is performed in special clothing and masks.

The most undesirable, but inexpensive option will be slag wool. But, insteading your home, it is better not to save. Vata is made of industry waste. Manufacturers are responsible for security, but not always can be checked from which slags the insulation is produced. You can easily come across a poor-quality material or a fake with which the Wooden House insulation from the inside will be dangerous to health and life.

Preparatory stage

Before insulationing the wooden house from the inside, you will need to prepare the walls. This is especially true if you need to insulate the old wooden house. In this case, the material that was used for the cacopa, managed to track. The main task at this stage will be the elimination of slots - sources of drafts, cold and moisture.

Work starts with cleaning grounds. You will need to remove dust and dirt that managed to accumulate on the walls. Before heating the old house, it is worth checking the strength of wood. It should not be damaged by various pests. Otherwise, the wall is better to strengthen.

To prevent problems with insects and microorganisms in the future, the surface is treated with antiseptic compositions. It is also possible to perform treatment with antipirens, they increase the stability of the material to fire.

Antiseptic processing will protect wood from rotting

Wood with time gives shrinkage. Because of this, cracks may appear in the walls. Before starting work on insulation, it is worth performing. Currently, jute is most often used for these purposes. For large slots, it will be reasonable to purchase a ribbon passage. The material is clogged between logs or bar using the chisel.

Canopate protects the walls from purge and become an additional heat insulator

It is necessary to perform work until the material stops putting into space and will not hang out. High-quality cacopat is a pledge of a warm house.

Wind-waterproofing of walls

Mineral wool is afraid of moisture. Before insulateting the walls in a wooden house, it is worth taking care of the protection of the insulation. From the outdoor side of the minvati fix the layer of wind-waterproofing. It prevents weathering and penetration of atmospheric moisture. There are several types of suitable materials, but the best option will be the parodiffusion membrane.

This modern material reliably protects from water, but does not prevent air movement and steam. This allows you to keep the ability of the walls to breathe, as well as ensure the removal of moisture from the insulation.

Waterproofing is attached to the walls using a construction stapler. The joints of the canvases are performed with an overlap at least 10 cm and are sampled by a scotch or special tape.

Installation of insulation

Internal wall insulation is performed on a frame. It can be made of wood from a metal profile. The easiest way is to insulate the building from the tree to use a tree and for the frame. It is important to competently select the geometric sizes of the frame:

  • Step step is selected taking into account the width of the insulation. It should be about 2 cm less than the width of mats or plates. This is necessary for a dense fit of the material. For minvati, it is most often used such a step of racks so that the distance between them remains 58 cm.
  • The carcass departure should take into account the thickness of the insulation and the necessary ventilation gap. It is needed to remove condensate from the surface and allows you to save the material in a dry state. The thickness of the vantzazor is usually taken equal to 3-5 cm.

Installation of plates in the walls should be performed with a tension - then it will not start crawling over time

Minvatu is laid between the cutting racks. With a competent selection of the latter, the heat insulator will be kept due to friction. For additional consolidation, you can use special plastic dowels, usually they are sold along with the insulation.


How to warm the walls of a wooden house from the inside? It is important not only to choose the correct insulation, but also protect it from all types of moisture. Interior premises are characterized by quite high humidity, steam water can easily reach mineral wool and reduce its effectiveness.

Parosolation - Mandatory layer when using Minvati

Internal insulation of walls implies mandatory availability. It is mounted on top of the insulation. A good option for protection is vapor insulation membranes.

They cost more than films, but do not interfere with the air movement through the walls. Membranes will become a more modern and efficient option.
The insulation of the wooden wall from the inside with their help is performed according to the manufacturer's instructions. The mounting method may vary for different types.


The insulation of the walls of a wooden house is completed by finishing. For these purposes, you can apply a variety of options. But when choosing a material it is worth remembering the ventilation. The finishing layer should not prevent the air movement, otherwise the entire previous choice of materials is useless.

Lining for internal sheat - simple, inexpensive and eco-friendly option

The thickness of the insulation

Wall insulation in wooden houses from the inside should begin with the calculation of the thickness of the heat insulator. Perform detailed calculations can only professional. With independent construction, you can use special programs. For example, the Teremok program. It is quite simple and available in free access. There is both online version and a PC application.

On average, mineral wool is used for the walls with a thickness of 80-100 mm. But it all depends on the climatic area.
Before insulationing its own wooden house from the inside, it is worth carefully studying information on the topic.

And do not forget that from the point of view of heat engineering, more correct is.

Competent work is a pledge of durability and comfort.

Does your wooden house require insulation? But you do not know how to do it right? Then the following information will be useful for you. It will be about. Although I would like to note that this method is not used as often as the outer installation of the insulation. Why is this method considered less popular?

Modern thermal insulation materials have high technical characteristics: light weight, flexibility, excellent ability to keep the microclimate indoor.

There are several good reasons: firstly, the internal version of insulation reduces the living area slightly; Secondly, performing the installation of the insulation on its own, by virtue of inexperience, it is possible to obtain a disruption of a microclimate due to high humidity. That is why it is best if the insulation of a wooden house from the inside will occur after consulting with specialists or professional builders. They will prompt how to insulate the wooden house inside competently, quickly and right.

Please note that the method of internal warming is radically different from the installation of the insulation outside the house.

Causes of cooling in the house and the order of work on thermal insulation

Usually at home, erected from wood, are distinguished by special comfort: they are cool in summer and warm in winter. Most often, cooling in a wooden house can cause 2 main reasons. It:

  • poor-quality or incorrectly mounted outer thermal insulation layer;
  • the appearance of slots in the walls of the house as a result of incorrect laying, or a drying.

After the causes of the cold in a wooden house became clear, it is possible to get acquainted with the list of upcoming works aimed at its internal insulation.

This process will occur in several stages:

  1. First you need to prepare the surface.
  2. Then the laws of all available slots.
  3. To equip a layer of vaporizolation.
  4. Mount the crate.
  5. Lay a layer of heat insulation.
  6. To equip the ventilation system.
  7. Next comes the turn of finishing works.

And now about all these stages in more detail.

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Work on the preparation of the surface to insulation

The first stage of insulation works provides for preliminary training of surfaces.

When working on laying thermal insulation material, it is necessary to protect organs of breathing and vision from entering small dust and other substances.

To begin with, clean all the surfaces of the walls from dirt and dust. And then you can proceed to careful treatment of wooden walls with the help of a special composition that protects the tree from insect reproduction. Very well, if the composition you selected will additionally perform a function that prevents the process of rotting wooden surfaces, and protect it not only from moisture, but also from the danger of fire.

And yet, at the same stage, it is necessary to take care of the safety of electrical wiring. If there is a variant of its superficial location, then it is necessarily separated from the wall. Close up gap

Having done all the procedures above, you can start by the second stage of insulation. It provides for the execution of works to eliminate existing cracks. They must be carefully done. Many people know that after the bar is built, it is necessary to carry out an additional procedure for eliminating the slots, approximately after 1 year.

Naturally, this is done if the house remained non-residential. When operating the room, the repeated constant of the slots can be carried out later, after about 3 years. What is best to legish a gap? Usually for these purposes, such material is used as a jute fiber.

From the tools you need a chisel, preferably wide and quite thin. For cracks, a particular large size is used with a ribbon pass, which is used in the form of a roller before placing in the gap. Flore the slots are necessary until the material used will not be placed in them.

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Vapor insulation layer: nuances

Cork insulation very well maintains heat and is well processing.

The presence in the wooden house of vaporizolation is very important, since as a result of insulation, the wall is blocked between 2 thermal insulation layers. In this case, the degree of moisture of the room rises, as the walls are not capable of breathing in this way. What to do in this case? Saves a high-quality ventilation system, only with its help is possible to effectively combat moisture. If you do not allow the walls on the walls, then avoid the occurrence of the process of rotting the tree.

Simply put, you need to equip high-quality vaporizolation. It is performed using a special film, which is placed on the surface of the wall with its rough side towards the wooden surface.

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Diselet and layer of thermal insulation

Mount the shared layer on the walls with a wooden bar. The use of a metal profile is also allowed, but only in the case of subsequent sheathing with moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets.

Wall insulation scheme: 1 - exterior lining (lining); 2 - polyethylene; 3 - OSB stove; 4, 6 - layer of vaporizolation; 5 - thermal insulation reservoir (mineral wool); 7 - ventilation clearance; 8 - Internal sheath.

To the corners of the crates were even and correct, it is necessary to take care of the preparation of angular racks in advance. To do this, measure the height of the room and in accordance with this value they cut a bar. The cross section of a bar used for these purposes should be 50 × 100 mm.

As a result of these manipulations, you should have a rack that resembles the letter "g" with its outlook. Each of the corners of the room must be equipped with such a rack. By mounting, do not forget to check the verticality of their location.

Now you can start the mounting of vertical bars in about 0.5 m. The bar must have a cross section of 50 × 50 mm. Do not forget that all wooden parts of the crate must be previously treated with a protective composition against rotting and fire.

After the lamp is made, you can begin the installation of the heat insulating layer. For these purposes, such material is well suited as mineral wool. After you promoted a roll with the material, it is necessary to trim it in accordance with the desired height value. And the width of the thermal insulation layer should be 2 cm exceeded the distance existing between two vertical vertical bruises.

Having placing a strip of the heat insulating layer between the bars, it is necessary to fix it on the wall using anchors. Please note that anchor with large round hats are used. On the surface of bars, the second layer of insulation is fixed. Parosolation, more precisely, the film used for its device will help to avoid dampness, and will not give small particles of mineral wool to get into the air. The mounting layer of vaporizolation to the bars is carried out with the help of a construction stapler.

The insulation of the house has always been considered a mandatory stage of construction, and if not initially, additional work provided for in the future. After all, consider such factors such as heat, the level of humidity and ventilation should be necessary.

But the method and technology of thermal insulation houses are noticeably different from the methods of insulation of the urban apartment, and if the structure is composed of logs, then there are its secrets. Therefore, in order to properly warm the wooden house from the inside, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly.

Where to begin?

Initially, it is necessary to determine the tree of the tree, from which the house is folded, because there are heat-insulating rocks, and therefore costs may decrease. The main thing is to determine the shortcomings and eliminate them, usually this appearance of the gaps, incorrect labeling of the insulation, cracking the logs.

After identifying the shortcomings and the determination of the spectrum of work, it is proceeded to the insulation of the walls. In front of the hosts in this case, it is worth choosing which way to insulate: inner or outdoor. Internal insulation is easier, although the outdoor option has its advantages, sometimes the best way out of this situation is the combination of two ways.

The key to success is to properly comply with the material fastening technology and protect it from moisture. You can work with your own hands, because the process itself is not technically difficult.

Heat insulating materials

The inner warming of a wooden house can be carried out with modern synthetic and natural materials. The basic requirements for insulation materials are resistance to the ignition and the presence of high thermal insulation properties.
Manufacturers offer a wide selection of heat insulating materials, most popular of which are:

  • equata;
  • mineral and stone wools;
  • polyfoam, polystyrene foam;
  • plasterboard;
  • warm paints and plaster.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity

It should be noted that all insulation differ in thermal conductivity. Thus, the thermal conductivity coefficient of most mineral and stone watments, as well as soft materials from natural fibers and conventional polystyrene varies in the range of 0.038 - 0.045 W / M⃰ ° C.

The layer thickness can be from 50 to 200 mm depending on the climatic parameters of the region and the main material of the walls.

For extruded polystyrene foam and polyurethane, this indicator does not exceed 0.03 W / M⃰ ° C, so with comparable efficiency, the thickness of their layer is one and a half times less. But such materials absolutely not "breathe", which involves a device of a powerful system forced ventilation.

Contemporary materials are attributed to Eco. This material forms a one-piece thermal insulation layer, adjacent to the log, bruus, it fills all the slots, emptiness and completely prevents purging.

In this case, it is possible to avoid an additional cutting of the cut. EcoWhat makes it possible to internal moisture to pass on the capillars inside the fibers. At the same time, the deterioration of thermal insulation properties is not observed. Pores between the fibers remain dry, the condensation of water vapor does not appear on the design of the house.

The lack of moisture in the eco-house and the presence of mineral antiseptics exclude the appearance of mold, fungi in the insulation. EcoWhat can be used when insulation from the inside and outside of wooden walls along with pairsproof materials. But the main thing is that the ability of the house "breathe" is preserved.

Mineral wool

The insulation of the Minvata allows to achieve high thermal insulation indicators, but its installation has increased requirements, the main thing is to prevent moisture from entering inside the insulation, which significantly reduces the thermal insulation properties of the material.

Therefore, it is additionally paired by a layer of vapor insulation and waterproofing film, provide internal ventilation to remove excess moisture.

Warming with foam plates, extruded expanded polystyrene obtained less distribution. There are several reasons, the main thing is the increased fire safety requirements.

Among the advantages you can select the elasticity of the material, its lightness, good heat and soundproof properties, a small thickness of the plates, which makes it slightly reduced space space during internal insulation. The main thing is that the technology of insulation foam is constantly improved, the characteristics of the material change.

Creating a carcass

When working with any kind of soft material, including with the Minvata, it is necessary to pre-create a framework for the entire perimeter of the walls, which will reliably hold the insulation. To create the crates, the wood is most often used, but metal guides can be applied, if it is used by a heavy material, such as plasterboard.

The case is the guides located vertically from the floor to the ceiling at a distance of 40 - 60 cm. Such ribs are allowed not only to secure the insulation, but also to close it with a clapboard or any other material.

First, the angular elements are mounted. To do this, bruster the rib, the cross section of which is most often 50x100 mm, the strap is attached at right angles. Such elements after manufacture are sewn to the corner of the wall after checking the level. All frames are already placed on them, and the ribs ribs are attached.

Taking into account the possibility of moisture appearance, all frame elements should be treated with antiseptics, like the walls themselves.

Protecting insulation

An important element of the frame with insulation is special films that prevent moisture from the moisture. After mounting the frame around the perimeter of the walls, the film of waterproofing is stretched. Usually laying it in a horizontal plane, protecting the joints with a special waterproofing tape. Such a film will serve as effective protection for the insulation, because the wetting of the material significantly increases its thermal conductivity.

It is equally important to protect the heat insulator and from the inner moisture. A similar lifting of the walls is almost completely removing natural ventilation, so condensate can be formed on the insulation border capable of harming the material. In order to avoid the negative impact of inner humidity, the insulation is closed with steam barrier, additionally protecting and from the parties of the Ministry of Service of all residents of the house.

Warm Plastering Technology

The most affordable way of insulation of the house do it yourself. Work is performed on the technology below.

The surface is initially prepared - the old layer of plaster is removed, and the reinforcement frame is fixed on the walls, which will serve as the basis for the new layer. The metal grid is additionally attached to the frame to the frame of 50 × 50 mm. Now you can start shuttering the surface, which is carried out in three stages.

The first is a spray when the solution is thrown on the surface of the walls, it is important to fill them with all the slots, emptiness. Next, the surface is ground, lines the walls. The final layer is the coverage that is as follows: a finishing finish is sifted through the sieve of sand.

Internal insulation

Wooden walls insulate not only from the inside, but also by intrauterine insulation. The inner insulation of the house is then carried out by special technology. To do this, use the moisture-resistant insulation, well withstanding deformations: flanutin, hemp and linen panel.

The method is applicable only at the initial stage of construction, when the insulation is placed in an intra-willed gap, or rather, between two walls.