Interesting room design for a girl. Children's room design for girls

Pink, lilac or neutral cream shades - which color gamut to choose for a girl's room? It depends on the age, the personal preferences of the child, as well as from the overall style of the interior of the house and apartment. But there are several win-win options that can be called universal with full right.

1. Pink color in the design of a children's room for a girl

All photos in the photo: Children's room design for a girl in Zhukovka

Pink color - a recognized classic in the design of children's rooms for girls, but when it is too much, he tires. But in combination with white stucco, cream textiles and bright furniture with a silver patina, pink looks very gently.

2. Turquoise and purple accents on bright background

All photos in photo: Room design for girl

Details of purple and turquoise color look very impressive in the bright colors of the Art Deco style for a girl over 13 years old. Decorative pillows, bedspreads, curtains, gestures and bright flanges can be used as accent elements.

3. Cream and beige: "adult" color gamut in the children's interior

Cream and beige shades in the design of a children's room for a girl in a classic style look very appropriate. In the room with such a color will be comfortable child of any age. And the original lamps and accessories will help to make the interior of the room.

4. Bright accents in the design of a children's room for a girl

All photos in the photo: The design of a children's room for a girl in the style of pop art

Ultra-modern yellow sofa, a red shelf in a figured frame, a classic linen chairs with a blue print in the style of pop art - bright accents in the interior of the room for a teenage girl look very advantageous. But they should not be too much, otherwise the space will be overloaded.

5. Lilac and lilac - the best companions for pink

All photos in the photo: Design project of a children's room for a girl in a Moscow apartment

Gentle lilac color is an excellent alternative to pink. With it, you can create a surprisingly gentle interior in a nursery for a girl. And so that this color look more exquisitely, Angelica Prudnikova advises to combine him with white.

Popular finish in the design of a children's room for a girl

The choice of the interior decoration of the children's room is very important task, because it is finishing materials that are responsible for the mood in the interior and create comfort in the room.

6. 3D panels in the nursery: stylish, fashionable and beautiful

Trendy 3D panels composed of a large number of identical modules are able to give space an additional depth and complicate the interior. They can be placed simpleness, niches, ceiling or wall in the headboard, as in one of the design projects of the studio Angelica Prudnikova.

7. Background wallpapers: Interior Bestseller in the design of a children's room for a girl

Monthly wallpaper with a simple repeating pattern - a great background for a luxurious bed with a canopy and white furniture in a classic style. And so that the interior looks more complex and exquisite, you can use several types of wallpaper from one collection to finish.

8. Glossy stretch ceilings in the interior of the children's room for the girl

Pink gloss on the ceiling of a children's room for a girl looks elegant and festive. Especially, if you highlight it with LEDs. But it is better to arrange not the whole ceiling, but only its central part, where the chandelier is located.

9. Bright wallpaper with a classic pattern - fashionable "outfit" for an accent wall

All photos in the photo: Design of a children's room for a girl in Art Deco style in the Olympic Village

Bright wallpaper with a classic pattern is what is needed to design an accent wall in a bright children's room in the Art Deco style. And you can support such a spectacular finish using textiles and furniture.

Desktop Design in Children's Room For Girl

In the children's room for the girl must be a comfortable workplace, where the child will do lessons, read or draw. And so that the mini-cabinet is organically fit into space, he needs to be arranged in the stylistics of the room.

10. Corner table with a rounded countertop in the children's

All photos in the photo: The design of the children's room

An elegant corner table with a rounded countertop and drawers is made to order, taking into account the architectural features of the room and therefore perfectly fit into the interior. Such furniture is optimal for children's rooms, since it does not have sharp corners and pleases the extended functionality.

11. The design of a children's room for several children

All photos in photo: Interior design of a children's room for 4 children

A separate room for classes is the best solution when there are several children in the family and there is no shortage of useful area. Arrange the room is better in beige, blue, and pink colors, and to furnish - elegant white furniture in the classic style. So the room will seem spacious and light.

12. Working Corner with Library in the Children's Room

All photos in the photo: The design of a children's room in a classic style in Zhukovka

An elegant white table on bent legs complete with a pair of high racks is no longer just a workplace, but a real office with a library. And so that the furniture composition looks finished and did not lose space, it is better to place it in the corner, emphasize the stucco decor and decorate the built-in backlight.

13. 2 in one: toilet table-console and workplace in children's

All photos in the photo: An interior design of a children's room for a girl

Elegant console on curly silver legs is a good choice for a children's room for a girl in Art Deco style. Such furniture looks easy and elegant, but at the same time copes with its duties on "excellent."

14. Mini-Cabinet on an attached loggia

On the attached loggia, you can equip not just workplace, but a real mini-office for two sisters with one large table, two suspended racks and two comfortable seating. And so that this zone looks harmoniously, Angelica Prudnikova allocated her round columns and decorated with curtains from blue silk in the interior stylist.

Fashionable decor in children's room design for girls

How to decorate a children's room for a girl? Add interesting and fashionable decorative details and designer art objects to the interior!

15. Wall mural - bright accent in the design of a children's room for a girl

All photos in the photo: The design of a children's room for a girl in pink colors

Wall murals with a picture of a fabulous country and the Royal Castle will easily become a stylist center of a children's room for a little girl, as well as a suitable background for a white and pink sofa and a pair of sconce with crystal pendants.

16. Figure suspended ceiling structures in children's

All photos in the photo: The design of a children's room for a girl in the LCD "Garden Quarters"

The suspended ceiling design in the shape of a butterfly, highlighted by a color LED ribbon, will become the main decoration of the children's room with classic stucco, mirrors and lilac wallpaper. The main thing is to choose a chandelier of suitable design.

17. Baldahin for the princess in the interior of the children's bedroom

All photos in the photo: Children's design for a girl in bright colors

Decorative cavity in the interior colors is best emphasized by the elegant curly headboard bed of a little princess and will create in a children's room with white furniture and an elegant bench at the palace atmosphere.

18. Soft panels with LED backlit in the design of a nursery for a girl

All photos in the photo: Room design for girls in LCD "Camelot"

The soft panel of beige velor with the original eclipment is great for decoring the walls in the headboard. And the modern LED backlight, which is organically combined with blue curtains, bedspreads and decorative pillows, will add this decorative element of volume.

19. Butterflies in the decoration of the children's room

All photos in photo: Interior design of a children's room for a girl with butterflies

Volumetric and light silver butterflies, adorning the wall in the headboard, contribute to the design of a children's room for a girl with the elements of Provence. Romantic notch.

Furniture in the design of a children's room for a girl

When choosing furniture for the maiden room, you should take into account the interior stylist and pay attention to safety, functionality and product design.

20. Round bed - "Raisin" room interior for girls

All photos in the photo: Children's room design for a girl

A round bed with a beautifully curved back, decorated with a carriage tie and decorative silk brushes, perfect for the princesses and perfectly fits into the design of a children's room for a girl in Art Deco and Neoclassic. And so that she looked even more luxuriously, it can be supplemented with decorative canopy.

21. Figured rack for TV zone - a suitable art object for the children's room

All photos in the photo: Children's room design with a teddy bear

The rack decorated with mirrors with a curly design for the placement of TV is more like an art object than on the utilitarian object of the interior. He perfectly fit into the design of the children's room for the Girl in Art Deco style. And the built-in luminaires and blue LEDs will make it even more spectacular.

22. Storage system in the children's room for 2 girls

All photos in the photo: Interior design of a children's room for two girls in the Moscow apartment

A spacious storage system in a children's room for two girls is the necessary thing. And to make it the most imperceptible, Angelica Prudnikova offers to choose white furniture with facades from a fuetic mirror tile laid in diagonal.

23. Bubble Chair Chair in Room Design for Girl

All photos in the photo: The design of a children's room for a girl in the style of Art Deco in the LCD "City of Naberezhnye"

Bubble Chair's cult floor chair from light acrylic is the perfect solution for a teenage girl room. It will not take much space and perfectly complement the modern interior in the Art Deco style, modern or minimalism.

24. Sofa for communication with friends in the nursery

All photos in the photo: Interior design room for a girl in Art Deco style on pure ponds

An elegant sofa with light silk upholstery is a suitable option for a recreation area in a children's room for a Girl decorated in Art Deco style. It will look good on the background of a rich pink panel with a silver decor.

25. Bright tables and chairs in a nursery for a little girl

All photos in the photo: The design of a modurage-style design on Nosovykhinsky highway

Tables and chairs of pink, yellow and blue colors are an excellent solution for a small girl's room decorated in modern style. And you can supplement them with a funny rack folded from pink cubes, a bright yellow sofa, a fresco with a cloud image and original sconium in the form of bulk colors.

26. Curved rack in the design of a children's room with a complex geometry

All photos in the photo: The design of a children's room in bright colors in the LCD "Tricolor"

The high rack repeating the bending of the wall is the optimal solution for premises with complex geometry. In such a storage system, both open shelves and closed sections can be. And to visually facilitate this subject of the interior, it can be decorated with LED backlight.

Game zone design in children's room for girls

What should be the game zone for a little princess? Of course, in the form of a castle: with turrets, ladder and balcony, where you can wait for a beautiful prince.

27. Bunk gaming module with slide

All photos in photo: Game room design for girl

A bunk module with a curved slide, two towers and the built-in backlight perfect for a large game room. And so that such a "castle" organically fit into space, you need to choose a model in the colors of the interior.

28. Game zone with rack

All photos in the photo: Interior design of the children's room on Rublevka

The game area in the form of a pink-lilac castle with a hill tower and a high open rack for books and toys is perfect for the children's room in cream colors. And so that such a large-scale element looks organically, it can be "supported" suitable for the color of chandeliers and textiles.

29. Game zone with integrated sleeping place

All photos in the photo: Children's design for a girl in a country house in St. Petersburg

Luxurious Royal Castle with towers, a balcony, a slide and a bed with a canopy is a game area, and a comfortable sleeping place. On the shelves in the "room" on the first floor there are all toys and books, and a guest bed can be equipped on the balcony.

30. Gaming module in the nursery for two girls

All photos in the photo: Interior design of children's and gaming in Tomsk

Two towers with open shelves, two balconies and two comfortable beds with translucent curtains - this royal castle is not intended for one, but for two princesses! For lifting to the second "floor" there is a safe staircase, and the LED backlight protrudes as a night light.

The arrangement of the maiden room will become a real adventure for the whole family. The main thing is to think about the concept and choose the appropriate finish and furniture. And if there was a room with a complex geometry at your disposal, take advantage of the professional

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The teenage girl room is so multifunctional space that it can be called a mini-apartment. After all, there must be here:

  • Space for sleep;
  • Recreation / reading / dresser with friends;
  • Training corner with library and place for storing school things. It is desirable that it is adapted for both creative classes: sewing, drawing, etc.;
  • Roomy wardrobe with a mirror;
  • If possible, a dressing table;
  • Optionally, if there is a place - a sports complex for charging, exercising by gymnastics, etc.

With all this, the girl's teenager room should be not only comfortable and beautiful, but also personalized and ... able to easily adapt to the changeal mood of the hostess. In this material you will find step-by-step guide, a selection of 60 photo ideas and tips that will help you create an ideal interior for a girl from 13 to 17 years.

Step 1. Make a color gamut of the interior

First of all, you need to decide on the color scheme of the future interior, to decide what color will be walls, curtains, textiles, furniture and accessories. In this question, it is advisable to consider:

  • Taste and personal preferences Girls - you can give complete freedom to choose or find a general solution, the main thing is that it is deliberate and weighted. It is best to decide on the colors and their combinations to view a large number of photos of interiors.

"On the one hand, when, as not in adolescence to decide on bold experiments?" On the other hand, the tastes of young girls are often inconsistently, so the desire of parents to come to compromise is quite justified. If the parent color chosen is the main color seems to be very risky, then use it as an accent, for example, to beat them only one wall, as shown on the right photo.

  • Desired interior style. In classical interiors, neutral and pastel shades are used, bright accents and contrasts can be used in modern.
  • The degree of illumination of the room. If there is little light in the room, the interior should be made mainly in bright and warm shades (white, beige, cream, coral, lilac). In the bedroom, the windows of which go to the south and southwest, cold shades will look harmonious: blue, turquoise, blue, green.

  • Room sizes. In a small bedroom, the walls should be built with a light shade, and the best - white.

An example of a bedroom interior for a girl 16-17 years

Do you want the interior to easily change by mood and not bored for a long time? We place the walls with a white, beige or light gray shade, pick up mostly white furniture, and everything else (textiles and decor) Select in the desired colors. Thus, to modify the room, you will need to change only curtains, pillows, bedding, rug, posters, lamp lamps and other little things.

Step 2. Select style

Here is a list of styles that in our opinion can be great to beat in the design of a teenage girl in the room:

  • Classic - in nice and relax, and learn, and receive guests. Properly decorated interior will not get bored, it will always be comfortable and beautiful.

  • Paris style is a sophisticated and relaxed, traditional and modern at the same time. The style involves the presence of contrasts, bright accents and abundance of art objects (paintings, posters, statuettes, etc.).

  • Shinazri - style involves an abundance of floral prints, beautiful textiles, furniture, elegant things and a pleasant eye color gamut. In general, all that is needed for the girl is 13-17 years old.

  • Scandinavian style - This minimalistic, but the pretty style is well suited for small rooms, as well as in the case when the interior should be issued fiscal and quickly. After all, everything you need can be bought in Ikea, and something to find something in the country. Soviet furniture items (for example, Viennese chair) will fit into a bang.

In this modern room there is a teenage girl for 14 years

  • - Classical furniture, elegant lamps, geometric prints, contrasts, decorative mirrors and brilliant accessories will like most girls.

  • - Classical, but not finished furniture, neutral gamut, cell, floral and floristic prints, natural textiles with ruffles, lace - that's why this style perfectly fit into the girl's bedroom.

  • SHESHBBY CHICH - Lost classic furniture, roses on wallpaper and textile, pastel gamut, ruffles and lace - just created for the room of a young girl.

Step 3. We draw a sleeping area

On the bed, teenage girls are not only sleeping, but also look at movies, read, chat on the phone, secretly with gosti-girlfriends. Therefore, the sleeping area in the girl bed must be super-comfortable and super-beautiful. Perhaps it is on this part of the room to make an emphasis.

Baldahin or canopy will help not only decorate the sleeping area, but also make it more secluded. Especially it is necessary in the room, which.

Step 4. We draw the working area

The ideal location of the desk is the window to be on the right if the girl is left-handed and on the left, if right-hander. The table should stand the lamp and organizer for stationery, under it - a stand, where everything you need will be stored. The cabinet can replace the wall shelf or standing near the rack. Remember that the main thing in the workplace arrangement is its convenience and compliance with growth.

And here are examples of jobs for two teenage girls.

Planning a teenage girl room, do not forget to allocate and place for creativity.

Step 5. We draw a recreation area

Well, if in the room of a young girl except the bed there will be a place for recreation, reading books and gatherings with girlfriends. The chair, a compact sofa, or just an otfik - become an excellent choice.

Below is an example of a modern design room for a teenage girl for 16 years with a seating area (Designer Daria Ulinova).

Other ideas of the design and arrangement of the recreation area are in the following selection of photos.

Step 6. We draw a wardrobe

Ideally, you need to use a chest of drawers and a wardrobe.

The chest is convenient not only for storing T-shirts and socks. It can replace both the bedside table, and a dressing table

If the room is small, then the furniture is worth choosing a reduced depth (38-45 cm). By the way, it is not only more compact, but also more convenient.

  • The rods in the closet need to hang at a convenient height - at eye level.
  • In the zone of the dressing room there must be a mirror in full growth.

If the room is enough space, post next to the wardrobe or by the dressing table window.

Sliste solution: a table with a folding table top with a mirror on the turn can perform the role and working, and toilet

The idea of \u200b\u200ba compact dressing table for a teenage girl is 14-17 years old

Step 7. Add the last strokes

Decor is the most important component of the coziness. How to decorate the girl's room?

  • Lamps must correspond, first of all, the style of the interior. Most often, girls like wrought chandeliers with flowers, "Crystal" chandeliers - candelabra with candles and umbrellas, cascades and "pears".

  • Win shades curtains - and classic (from one or two canvases).
  • Woolen or nylon will not only decorate the interior, but will allow the girl to engage in various things on the floor.

The room of a young girl must be not only elegant, but also personalized. Reflect the tastes, the nature and interests of the housewife of the room will help the following ideas:

  • Create a corner of achievements where letters will be stored, medals and cups. And let the counting of trophies are considered a bad admission, you can also store them and you need.
  • Photos, pictures of classics, posters of your favorite films and just cute pictures must be decorated with walls and shelves.

  • All girls from 12 to 17 years old love to make up the boards, which are attached to all that the soul - from the schedule of lessons to memorable tickets. This board can be bought, and you can make it yourself from plywood or traffic jams.
  • Decorate the room with interior letters or words, for example, the name of the hostess.

If you do not want to make repairs in the nursery every year, when choosing furniture it is necessary to take into account the fact that the children grow quickly. Therefore, the basic objects either should be "on the grow", or have the ability to transformation. The last option, of course, is more practical and convenient for the child: folding sofa takes less space than a full-fledged adult bed, to which the girl still grow and grow.

As for the storage system, remember: the refusal of childhood occurs gradually, so you have to provide for drawers, baskets or shelves, where toys will be stored. Interest in fashion is growing together with the girl, so the wardrobe must be enough free space for future acquisitions. In the meantime, the shelves and boxes are empty in anticipation of future designer collections, fill it with the themes of the toys. You should also not forget about the need for shelves for storing books and educational supplies. The presence in the desktop zone is required. It is advisable to place the shelves so that the child be able to reach them sitting at the table.

In addition to the standard set of furniture - a bed, a wardrobe, a table and a chair - purchase additional items that are characteristic of the girl's room: the chest of drawers with drawers for storing personal belongings. Above it is worth hanging the mirror. In addition, it is desirable that a few dopes attended the room, on which the girl could sit along with girlfriends.

Each child at any age dreams of his own room, equipped for personal preferences with original layout. The optimal child's repair will be attracting a child to the choice of style and furniture. Even at the age of 2-3 years, kids with great pleasure are actively involved in adults.

However, when creating the perfect design of the children's room for the girl should take into account the mass of various aspects, such as:

  • child's age;

    repair budget.

It is these questions, as well as photos of finished repair work, we will consider in this article.

Light room design for girl

Bright children's room design for girls

Design of children's room with lock

Selecting the interior of the room for a girl depending on the area

When choosing a recreation planning for a child, it is better to give the advantage, albeit not the greatest, but maximum solar and warm apartments. Depending on its quadrature, the location of furniture, colors and a single stylistics of the children's studio should be selected. Given the total area of \u200b\u200bapartments and houses, parents for children stand out a certain quadrature:

    12-14 square meters;

    20-30 square meters.

Room design should be done based on the square area

For different areas you need to do a unique design

Registration of the studio room by a metration of 12-14 sq.m.

Decoring parents such sleeping, it is required to take into account a small free quadrature. That is why the furniture here should be as functional as possible. The acquisition of a transformer furniture will be optimal, which can simultaneously execute several functions. Also, it is not necessary to overstat it with furniture elements, it is important to leave a free prayer for ordinary games.

You can also apply certain design chips that help visually change the number of spatial pattern.

    The glossy stretch canvas in the clarified flavor visually increases the height of the walls.

    Installation of mirror-mirrored canvases, in full growth on one of the doors of the bullet. It will be optimal to use such a reception in a recreation area for a teenager, because for a small child it can be unsafe.

    For visual expansion, a teenager's narrow room can be built on one of the installed walls of a niche with a special backlight.

    When selecting color tinting, the advantage should be given to light tones. It is an accent with bright color, but it is important to position it correctly.

    Use the maximum number of light sources: chandelier, sofa, flooring, table lamp, sconce.

    Easy translucent curtains should be used to design windows, and it is preferable to refuse. Here are relevant to use rolled curtains or blinds.

An example can be seen in the photo.

Glossy stretch cloth in the clarified flavor visually increases the height of the walls

There should be a lot of light in small rooms

Registration of the bedroom with an area of \u200b\u200b20 m.kv.

In a room with such a honey, you can embody any designer ideas. Parents should be divided into zones:

    sleeping place;

  • for storage of things.

A large metrah allows you to make a dressing room to parents, in which it is convenient to store all the things and the shoes of the child. The bed can be separated from the total area of \u200b\u200bshirma or gypsum partition. Style apartment and color selection, it is worth selecting on the basis of the age category of babies.

In such a room, you can equip a sports corner, which will enjoy any child and beneficially affect his physical development.

An essential nuance here is sufficient lighting space. In a large room, one ceiling chandelier will not be enough. It is required to equip additional light sources, for example, to highlight the wall with a backlight.

The room can be equipped with a sports corner.

For a large room you need a lot of light

Design Studio Room Depending on the age category

Given the age characteristics of the child, the room must perform certain functions. For newborn crumbs, as well as up to the year, the presence of a separate children's room is not mandatory. However, for a teenage girl, it is better to distinguish her a separate personal space, where the crumb will be able to keep her things, toys and relax. Of course, this does not mean that the child will spend here all his free time. However, so the baby will have their own space. Next, consider the most successful design of the children's room for the girl, depending on its age category.

Below is a table of conditions when the color of the interior affects the child.

Pink shades

soothes the nervous system;

raises the mood;

has a beneficial effect on sleep;

relaxing muscles.

Yellow shades

helps to get rid of excitement;

stimulates the nervous system;

activates logic;

useful for sight;

activates the brain segments that are responsible for mental processes and speech.

Orange shades

increases activity;

promotes the overall strengthening of the body;

reduces emotional instability.

Green shades

gives the character equilibrium;

increases vitality;

affects the concentration of attention;

increases the mental performance of the brain;

helps fight sleep disorder.

Purple shades

helps to cope with fears;

when the space is reduced, this color may cause aggression.

helps calm down;

removes internal stress;

positively affects consciousness;

it has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

Pink children will look very glamorous

Pink color likes all girls

For babes up to 3 years

During the repair of a room for a small princess, up to three years should not be selected too bright colors, as they have an exciting action. When selecting finishing materials, the advantage should be given to the fact that they have quality certificates, environmentally friendly and harmless.

Particular attention should be paid to the separation of the room to the zone. This will help to form an understanding by the child that every thing has its own place. If the child has a working table, you need to install a desk lamp on it.

Carpet, laminate or linoleum can be used as an outdoor coating of parents. If the apartment is cold, it will not be superfluous to lay a warm floor. An important nuance here is the fact that a large number of heating devices are significantly dried by air. Therefore, in such a situation, the acquisition of an air humidifier in the orphanage will be optimal.

The ceiling is better to paint white or pastel color, or use the tensioning canvas (examples in the photo).

The gaming zone can be highlighted with bright appliqués with your favorite cartoon characters as in the photo.

Room design is better to do in one style.

Game zone can be isolated by color or pattern

Design of children's room for a girl 4-7 years

There are no strict repair recommendations here, since all kids are absolutely different. The only common factor of all children of this age group is the beginning of classes. During these years, the letters begin to study the letters. It is important to create comfortable conditions for the educational process, as well as sufficiently lighting devices.

Parents need to properly zonate the room, and the design and color conclusion must be solved with the girl. It is necessary to create a comfortable pastime princess in its own square meters. For this, the furniture must be functional and practical. The baby will have many girlfriends who will come to visit. It will not be superfluous to purchase a sofa in addition to the main bedroom. Ideas in the photo.

Design of children's room for girls from 7 to 12 years

During this period, the babies show maximum independence, and after 10 years the transition period begins, in which there are not the best features of character.

The interior of the children's room for the girl is important to pick up with her. You can choose a few exemplary designer ideas, and after with my daughter, pick up the most interesting designs. Regarding furniture, then you can give preference to comfort and functionality.

It is important to pick up the table and chairs that are suitable baby in height, and the bed and the mattress should be as comfortable for sleep.

Design ideas in the photo below.

Furniture need to choose based on the growth of the child

Room design is better to choose with the child

Room project for a teenage girl from 14 years

Each parent comes with a moment when cute pink flowers on the wallpaper lose their relevance. The daughter becomes an adult, and with it the process of rethinking the design concept of a teenage girl's personal space begins. Starting from 14 years old, girls become teenagers, showing more and more independence. It is significant to maintain a hobby and starting, creating a sleeping interior in accordance with the preferences of the daughter. The key in the design of personal meters of the daughter is not to use objects, but in a creative approach to the process.

Be sure to be present the following elements:

    Bed or sofa transformer for comfortable sleep;


    Place for hobbies (here it is necessary to install an easel for young artist, bookshelves for poetess, a decorative scene for a beginner dancer, musician or singers);

    Large number of lighting;

    A spacious wardrobe with a mirror in full growth;

    Make a dressing table for cosmetic accessories.

Bed must be functional

The cabinet with the mirror will be a great idea

Bedroom design Stylistics for young lady

The most popular stylistics in the apartments for Malyk-Modnitz are recognized:


  • minimalism.

Next, consider the features of each of the directions. It is not necessary to use a certain style in the design, an interesting idea can be a combination of styles, but they must be harmonized with each other.

Classic interior

This style combines luxury and style at the same time. This is the perfect solution for the young princess. An important aspect is considered sufficient free space. The classic design of the children's room for a teenage girl implies a large number of natural materials:

    natural tree;

    bulky furniture;

    heavy curtains;

    large chandeliers decorated with crystal and floor lamps.

Regarding the color solution, the advantage here is given to pastel colors. For floor, parquet or laminate use, as well as carpets. The feeling of style in the specified design of a nursery for a girl is created at the expense of accessories:



    decorative pillows;

    natural flowers.

Classic style usually use carpets

Classic design will be an excellent option for the children's room.


In such a stylistic proposal there are many free patterns in combination with minimal furniture filling. The optimal will be such an interior in the room for a teenage girl over 12 years old.

It is best to combine such a decor with other ideas, since children are meaningful not only functionality, but also comfort and originality. Based on the minimum number of furniture, you can supplement the interior with bright accessories.

High tech

Such design in the children's studio is rare. It is mainly used to create a personal space for boys. The basis of such a bedroom apartment is the clarity of lines in combination with the latest technologies. The decoration of the room is performed using modern materials.

Examples of such design are shown in the photo.

Such a design is suitable for boys.

Such a design involves the use of clear lines


This image is the most popular indoor indoors. This area for sleep is cozy and comfortable. When choosing a color can be used both bright colors and smooth transitions of lines. This design of the girl's room is filled with rounded shapes and the lack of sharp angles in combination with naturalness.

Furniture can be performed in the original form, such as a bed in the form of a flower, shelves in the shape of clouds, etc.

Examples of such design are shown in the photo.

Such a design is suitable for small fidgets.

On the wall you can portray the flower

Bedroom furniture

This question must be addressed, based on the age of the hostess of the premises. For example, for babies, a playpen and a changing table are needed, for older princesses it is necessary to choose a full-fledged bed and a spacious wardrobe for things. More regarding age, there is a mandatory minimum of things that must be present for both kids and teenagers. These things include:

    A full-fledged bed with an orthopedic mattress for the formation of posture (even for with a small area, it is not necessary to put a sofa for sleep, since the sofa mattresses are not created for the young spine, and in the future they can have an unpleasant influence on it. In a situation with a minimum space, it is better to order a bed. transformer with an orthopedic mattress);

    A written desk with a counter-adjustable tabletop and a comfortable chair;

    Spacious wardrobe for things.

Wall coating for a young mistress

More and more designers in creating their projects give preference to painting and textured plaster. A key aspect in this issue to acquire paints of proven manufacturers with a quality certificate. However, wallpapers also remain popular in the repair issue.

Wallpaper varieties that can be used in the apartments for young princess.

    Vinyl wallpaper - should be taken care, since the surface material is a foamed component, and small children can take a piece from them and taste.

    Paper wallpaper is an excellent solution for this room. They are environmentally friendly, provide good air bandwidth. The disadvantage is their briefness. However, given the fact that children grow very quickly, their preferences and wishes are changing, the replacement of the old coating on new wallpaper will not be much difficult.

    Liquid wallpapers - are absolutely harmless material for the walls. The disadvantage is the lack of a significant choice of paints.

    Wall mural - original idea for premises with young owners. They allow you to create unusual projects that like children of any age.

    Eco-wallpapers for walls do not contain harmful components, but have a very small choice of color solutions, as well as a high price.

Window design

The windows can be decorated with unusual crafts and figures in the form of animals, as well as decorate them with garlands. It ensure the feeling of the holiday for the whole year.

When buying a curtain, pay attention to the following aspects.

    Reliable fastening of the cornice. The ideal solution will be fastened to the wall in three positions, and its base is a natural tree.

    Color Gardin and Curtains Choose in bright shades, natural fabrics should be used for raw materials.

    Designing should be selected according to a single child design concept for a teenage girl.

Ceiling project in the bedroom for babes-princesses

Modeling the ceiling should be thought out at the repair plan. You can choose the following options.

    One-level under painting is a standard option, can be applied in any room. In addition to paint, you can apply a decorative finish or wallpaper;

    Stretch are one of the most popular. This direction today was obtained the greatest development, and such an embodiment of the idea can afford almost any consumer. Here you can create as a monophonic canvas, and apply a 3D drawing on it, for example, the night sky. The only limitation is too low its level, because after the installation of the stretch ceiling will leave 3 to 7 centimeters of height.

    Multi-level - raisin room for small fashionistas. It can be created in absolutely any form, and also combine with the tensioning web.

Here you can additionally build sophifters around the perimeter, providing additional lighting of the studio room, or create one-piece backlight throughout the perimeter of the ceiling.

Working area lighting for young lady

The question of sufficient lighting is no wonder is considered one of the most important in the planning and during repairs, since the lack of sufficient light can negatively affect the vision of the Karapus. In addition to the standard central chandelier, you can choose and install additional lighting devices:

  • make neon backlight;

    flooring or wall brake;

    desktop lamp for writing and reading.

Simulation of such devices must harmoniously fit into the overall design of the room.

If natural light is not enough, it is worth installing additional lighting

Lighting in the room plays an important role


Stylistically correct, in the bedroom for kids will be laminate laying. This is not the most expensive and at the same time high-quality and warm coating. To create additional heat, you can install a warm floor.

Another option is carpet. It provides warmly with tiny legs, keeping them warm. The color and style of carpet should also harmoniously fit into the overall concept of repair.

Video: Girl room design

A separate corner for a child plays an important role in its development, feeling comfort. If we are talking about a newborn girl, traditionally accepted to separate the room in bright colors using neutral colors (pink, lilac, beige, green and others). These colors can be successfully combined and creating interesting accents with the help of photo wallpapers with children's characters, rugs with appliqués, patterned partitions, canopy, elegant curtains. For children from birth to 3 years old, the functionality of the children's zone is played. To do this, we will look at the options for the design of a children's room for a girl.

This is the age of active knowledge of the world, when a child is direct interest in the environment. At such a period, the baby is especially active, so it is worth paying great attention to the furniture so that the girl can use it alone. It is not necessary to overload the interior with bright shades, as studies show, their abundance in the environment negatively affects the pediatric psyche. The child will be more difficult to go to bed, he will be a capricious.

Most parents try to create a small princess room in gentle pink or lilac. But for this age, other shades are perfectly suitable: golden, olive, peach or neuropy yellow. Pay attention to zoning, thanks to this way to teach the baby to remove the toys, the clothes in place will be much easier. Also, the lighting is also played by the lighting, the ideal option is the presence of a night light over a bed, lamp over the table (if any) and good lighting zone for games.

The ceiling is better to make white, due to which the space and the room will increase and the room will be brighter. The floor should be made from an environmentally friendly material that is easy to wash (after all, 2-3 years - the time of experiments). Laminate, insulated linoleum, carpet is ideal for. Flooring is better to buy in a bright range, you can decorate it with small rugs, on which the girl will be comfortable to sit.

Bright stickers with favorite cartoon characters, posters, children's paintings will greatly decorate children's babes and will definitely come to her.

Create a design for a girl 6-7 years

If you want to create a children's room design for a girl of 6 years, it is worth considering the individual preferences of the child, age characteristics. Since at this age, the child begins training at school, it is important that in the nursery there was a convenient writing desk with drawers for training accessories. If a child has a hobby - wonderful, such preference can be beautifully beat in the interior.

The age of elementary school is the period when the girl has already has its own opinion, which cannot be neglected. Learn your favorite colors of the little princess and choose furniture, accessories, curtains. Here will also be a good idea to use zoning. The place to study should be perfectly illuminated, it is best to put a desk by the window and hang a lamp over it to combine artificial and daylight.

Place for games is also to furnish with the child. Take care of the lockers and shelves for storing books, toys, trifles. It will be convenient if the gaming place is equipped with a small sofa, a cozy chair and a rug. Please note that at this age the girl starts the first friends who will certainly become frequent guests in the house, so take care in advance about the comfort of young guests.

Features of the interior of children's for girls fiddered 10-12 years

But the design of a children's room for a girl is 11 years old requires a special approach, because this age is transitional and therefore the situation directly affects the development of the child's personality. It is impossible to prevent the child to take direct participation in the design, because the concept of freedom and independence is extremely important for the girl in this difficult period. To begin with, you should offer a teenager several possible interior options and then, based on the wishes, create a suitable interior design of a children's room for a girl.

The color solution should be based on the opinion of the girl, but the furniture should be selected not only from the principle "I want!", But also on functional qualities. Therefore, it is worth visiting the furniture store along with the child, where he will not only be able to embody his dreams, but also "try" the subject of the interior. Special attention is paid to the following subjects:

  • desktop (it must comply with growth);
  • bedroom (in the period from 10 to 12 years old, the child grows intensively);
  • cabinets and shelves (so that the child can independently get to the upper shelves).

At the age of 10-12 years, girls laid a feeling of taste and individuality, it is impossible to neglected. Additionally, you can equip a separate corner for recreation, where a child can relax in solitude, in a comfortable setting for it.

We draw a room for a teenage girl

At the age of 12, adolescent girls appear new hobbies that need to be considered when the room is arranged. It may be hobbies (music, drawing, modeling) or cinema, Internet, dancing. Children's for a girl in a modern style (high-tech, loft, eco-style, minimalism) in this situation is best suited. For creative natur, Provence or the unsolding classic will be suitable.

In order for the development of a teenager was harmonious, participation in creating his own place is very important, so the focus of the interior and its filling the girl should choose independently. Here is a list of what must be in the teenage girl's room:

  • Large cabinet with many sections for storing things and shoes.
  • Bed go sofa transformer.
  • Computer desk.
  • Shelves or cabinet for storing books and trifles.
  • Comfortable computer chair.
  • Mirror.
  • Soft puffs or a small sofa for guests.
  • TV, good acoustics, computer equipment.
  • Curtains.
  • Wall-mounted scaves or point ceiling lights, with which you can emphasize zoning.

There must also be a place for self-expression, whether it will be free space or a piece of a wall that can be safely wondered by posters, postcards, photos.

Choose a children's design for a girl in the area

Not everyone has the opportunity to allocate a spacious room for a children's room, but even a small attic room can be made stylish and comfortable if you follow the recommendations of designers:

  • Installing a mirror or a wardrobe with a mirror door will significantly expand the space (this option is not suitable if you need to equip the room a small child). For a teenager - the optimal solution.
  • In a narrow and long room, it is advantageous to emphasize the width of the niche along one side, underlined lighting.
  • In a small (12-14 sq. M.) A room with high ceilings (2.5 - 3m) can be installed a glossy stretch ceiling that increases visually.
  • It is worth abandoning dense, dark or multi-layer curtains.
  • Several color sources will also be positively affected by the children's space.
  • Floor and ceiling in a small childish preferably make light, however, one surface can be emphasized by a bright accent.
  • If the room has an irregular shape, try to use the space to the maximum. It is easy to do if using furniture transformer.

Naturally, you need to try to satisfy all age needs of the girl. How might look a miniature children's photo ideas photo.

In the room 20-30 square meters. M Everything is limited only to your childhood fantasy, especially when the children belongs to one child. There is a place for spacious zoning, which can be created by distinguishing with shirms or filamentous curtains. For teens, you can find a place for a musical instrument or a sports corner. It is worth focusing on lighting - it must be installed in several levels. This can be achieved not only by scattering point lamps, but also with the help of volumetric wall structures.

Children's design for two girls

Thinking up the interior for two girls is not easy. Especially when it comes to limited space. In addition, it will be necessary to take into account the individual wishes of each of the future inhabitants (and they can be contradictory). But do not be upset - there is a solution! Save space in the bedroom zone will allow a bunk bed where both children can sleep comfortably. It is worth considering the option with folding models that will leave the day space for games. Also use built-in boxes and transformer tables.

Two girls should have enough space for games. Therefore, it can be limited to one zone. Do not save on hinged shelves, if you want to teach children to order. You can do with one clothing cabinet, but it should be quite roomy. A writing table may well be one, the main thing is that it is long enough. Today, a "mirror" is popular for the children's arrangement for two, where all the furniture and design are symmetrical.

The design can be invented by itself by placing every half of the room at the request of each sisters and focusing on their hobby.

Tip: Since in the nursery for two furniture, it takes more to visually get rid of the feeling of litterness better choose furniture of light shades. The presence of mirrors and competently arranged lighting will create a picture of a spacious room.

Variety of children's interior styles for a girl

Here we will look at the five most popular styles for designing the room for any age.


For such design, smooth color transitions are characterized (regardless of the brightness of the palette) and the absence of sharp corners, which will make a room not only cozy, but also safe. This universal style is suitable for any age. Here are greater importance to bright accents that can be colored small accessories or elements of furniture decor.


This style is characterized by luxury in the best traditions of medieval castles. The focus is on decoration, drapery, assembly and sufficiently impressive furniture. This direction is great for girls aged 12 years. If the young princess is a creative person, the best option is not found.


To whom, how not to girls like the furnishings in the exquisite French style! Provence is rich in details and cute little things that always have every child. Elegant ruffles, light curtains, light furniture - such a design will have to do with every girl aged from 10 years. In principle, it is possible to implement the design of Provence and for children of earlier age, because in this case the situation will resemble the filling of a doll house.

High tech

Teenagers will appreciate the style of High-tech, which today can be called a reflection of the youth communication environment. Chrome-plated elements, modern finishing materials, many electronics - in general, everything so that the child felt "keeping up with the times." The main thing is not to overdo it with cold colors, glass and metal, otherwise the children's risks turn into a working office.

In the style of fabulous heroes

Who said that only kids wish to see the favorite characters in the room? Participants in fantasy stories, anime and favorite cartoons from a popular cable channel will also like a teenager. Here you can focus on the atmosphere of fairy tales, adding the interior of the "artifacts", for which any will immediately understand which story he got. This style is applicable to any child's size, and no princess will leave indifferent.