Used hydrogel. Hydrogel for colors Aquagrunt is a replacement of the Earth in a pot or irrigation of watering in the colors from the ground! all colors! Nourishing polymer at home

Modern gardening involves the use of both tested techniques and technical innovations, thanks to which horticultural labor is greatly alleviated. One of the popularity of innovations is worth noting the hydrogel.

Hydrogel (aqua gel) is a chemical, the use of which allows you to refresh the look at watering and maintaining humidity of the soil. Available in the form of a white powder or a chaotic shape granules. When interacting with water is converted in a soft gauge consistency. 1 g of dry powder is able to absorb up to 200-250 ml of water.

Aquagel is used in the cultivation of seedlings, germination of bulbous, creating the best microclimate for indoor plants. Equally useful for both vegetables and fruit, ornamental crops.

It is worth noting that the hydrogel does not have anything in common with decorative aquagrunte, the use of which is limited to the design of the interior, decoration of VAZ and other household items. The true function of the hydrogel is the nutrition of the root system of the plant, saving the moisture introduced into the soil.

Hydrogel is produced in two forms:

  • Granulated. The powdery substance is white, almost transparent. Crupins are solid to the touch. Interaction with water provokes a sharp change in volume, which is capable of multiplying from 200-300 times from the source. In the ready, clumsy state has a grainy glaculent consistency. It is used as an independent substrate for the germination of seeds and the bulbs of plants, or entered into the nutritional soil as a source of moisture compound. The root plant system feels comfortable in the neighborhood with gell particles and uses the moisture held by them in accordance with its needs. The liquid inside the hydrogel does not have a tendency to evaporate or sharpness.
  • The liquid hydrogel is an identical granular powder, but when interacting with the liquid completely dissolves with it, forming a homogeneous nutrient mixture. Its use is more common in the industrial production of seedlings, where in the substance is wetted dry seating. This process allows you to supply the seed with the useful substances in a comfortable enveloping form. Domestic germination of seeds in liquid aqua gel is inappropriate - the substance glues the shell and overlaps the tolerance of the sprout to oxygen. For seeds of most cultures, this fact is destructive and negatively affects the gentleness.

What does the size of the granules affect

In stores you can meet the hydrogel, the particle size is different from each other. The difference in the size of the fraction is not only an example of a variety, but a reasonable phenomenon. The fact is that from the particle size directly depends on the efficiency of moisture conservation and the durability of the substance in the nutrient soil.

  • A large fraction is most effective in making perennials under open soil. Such a substance is conveniently used applicable to shrubs and other large-sized garden plants.
  • The fine fraction of hydrogel has the ability of ultra-rapid accumulation of moisture. Accordingly, it is easier to give moisture to the root plant of plants.
  • The universal fraction is the mean, which is used both in the cultivation of seedlings and for the nutrition of adult room and garden crops.

Some manufacturers produce aqualel of one fraction. When choosing the appropriate option, you should give preference to firms that offer a variety of species. Basically, their product is better.

Pros and Cons Applications

Of the positive manifestations of using the hydrogel, the following can be distinguished:

  • The substance is favorably reflected on the germination of seeds. Studies show that the nutritional soil with aqualem allows you to receive a technical readiness seedliness 10-14 days earlier than usual. The dynamics of increasing the percentage of yield is revealed.
  • When soaking the planting material, shoots have a nutrient shell of a long action.
  • The introduction of pellets into the ground allows you to maintain its light structure, prevents the rigging and formation of solid peel, and helps to saturate the root system of plants with oxygen.
  • The low consumption of dry matter - on 1 l of soil, 0.5-1.5 g of powder will be required.

But not everything is so great. A number of negative moments are also noted, which must be studied by applying a substance for the first time:

  • The powder is not applicable for cultures, the sowing material of which has a solid shell, requiring stratification - beans, beans, peas.
  • Straight sunlight can provoke the development of fungal disputes on those particles that have found themselves on the surface of the Earth.
  • The average service life of the hydrogel is 2 years. After the second season of use, it requires replacement.

Method of use and required

Each method of use of hydrogel has its own characteristics.

In germination, the finished jelly-like mass is layered on the bottom of the light-cutting container, forming a smooth coating with a thickness of at least 3 cm. The seed material is laid out on the surface of the coating, slightly appropriate. The top of the tank is covered with a layer of food film, having previously done several small holes to admit oxygen. The place for germination should be fairly light, with a temperature of at least 18 degrees.

Adding granules to the soil for seedlings is made according to the following scheme - 1 part of the powder on 4 parts of the soil. The substrate is thoroughly mixed and used by the intended way. This method of using the hydrogel is aimed at maintaining the level of soil moisture.

Picking seedlings. When transferring seedlings / seedlings to the permanent place of disembarkation, as well as in any other resetting of plants (room colors, for example), the root system is dipped into the finished substance. At the same time, there is a more favorable dynamics of survival and further growth of seedlings.

The form matters - dry granules are often applicable in opened ground conditions, the jelly-like hydrogel is entered into the seedlings, pots, containers.

In the process of growing plants, the function of the hydrogel can be changed, which allows to save substantially. So, after the extension of the seed material, the hydrogel, used as an independent substrate, is mixed with the ground, where it will act as the moisture accumulator. When transplanting seedlings in the conditions of the open soil, the nutrient substrate with the hydrogel is transferred to the landing well, where it will continue to serve and favorably affect the receipt of a good crop.

It was noted that even in the arid summer, vegetable crops feel much more comfortable, having such an assistant next door to its root system.

Excess the finished mixture can be placed in the refrigerator, where, after some time, the gel will take its original dry and solid state and can be reused on the next season without losing physical properties.

The best time of the year is a vacation, but the bitterness of parting with plant pets can overstate the anticipation of recreation. Longing from the upcoming separation is nothing in comparison with anxiety for their health.

Well, if the relatives agree to water the flowers, and if not? Hydrogel will help - "smart" soil who takes care of the well-being of plants in your absence.

Let's talk that such a hydrogel is how to use it and why the aquagrunt Made in China is a quiet killer of pots.

To absorb and give: why do you need a hydrogel for indoor plants?

Hydrogel, it is an ecopoco, a hydrogen and aquagrunt, replenished the range of flower shops recently, although the history of its occurrence goes into the depths of centuries.

From a long time, the brilliant minds of humanity thought about how to keep moisture in the soil and prevent the crop loss from drought.

Attempts to solve this problem in the last century led to the invention of hydrogels. The initiative belonged to the UN, and Western chemical concerns were engaged in the implementation.

In essence, the hydrogel is a polymer with a high absorbent ability.

One gram of dry polymer granules can absorb up to 200-400 grams of water, increasing in size by 1000-1500%. The structure of the hydrogel is flexible and plastic.

When drying, the polymer returns to the initial crystal species, in the presence of water swelling again. What does the room flowers here?

Added to the ground, hydrogel balls Screw moisture from the soil during irrigation and create a kind of water tank, to which the roots of plants fall into the times of "drought" for quenching thirst. Brilliant - simple.

If you…

  • take care of maintaining optimal soil humidity,
  • planning to leave on vacation, leaving the plants for 2-3 weeks,
  • or just forget to regularly water their "pets",

... Give the potted flowers to the aquagrond. Thank you. As for use, the hydrogel can be used both as an additive and in the role of independent soil.

Advantages and disadvantages of aquagront

Using the polymer substrate in its pure form, remember its neutral nature. The aquagrount does not contain nutrients and cannot provide optimal conditions for growth and development.

The problem of nutritional deficiency can be solved by adding fertilizers, but to contain a plant in such an environment more than a year - still mockery of nature.

Some flowers will not live in aquagront and month. Categorically unacceptable hydrogel for orchids. A century of a wonderful flower in a glass vase with gel balls of a non-national.

Why sell? Florists pay money, "To be beautiful," and you know - orchids in the hydrogel are dying, as well as cacti, succulents and epiphytes.

You can experiment with any moisture and discharge flower of low growth with a large root system.

The high decorativeness of the soil, the non-gowning process of disembarking and convenient transportation of "soil" in the powder format from the home store - seductive arguments in favor of trying.

Advantages and disadvantages of soil with hydrogel

Hydrogel-soil mixture of contraindications and shortcomings does not have and can be used almost always.

Hydrogel in the soil:

  • when it is drying it, feeds the roots of moisture within 2-3 weeks;
  • prevents overlapping and protects roots from posting;
  • adjusts its texture - clay makes loose, sandy more dense.

Short briefing on planting plants "So and Edak" will provide right now.

Video Overview

In the ground and instead of the soil: Hydrogel instructions for use

The above found out, there are two options for exploiting hydrogels - as an additive into a soil or independent medium for plants content.

In primer

  • Before adding a substrate to the soil, in accordance with the instructions (usually gram powder on a glass of water).
  • Swipe granules mix with soil (usually a glass of gel per liter of the earth) and drop flowers into the soil with hydrogel as usual.

Is it possible to sprinkle, jumping, dry substrate in a pot? Acceptable, but undesirable. After irrigation and swelling, the granules can squeeze the plant from the pot or damage its root system.

Want to experiment? Punch the soil in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pot on the whole depth, for example, a pencil.

  1. Put powder into the wells at the calculation of grams per liter of soil.
  2. Pour. Wait.
  3. If part of the gel after time squeezes upstairs, sprinkle soil.
  4. If the flower crawls up, transfer an sufferer with honors.

Mixing Hydrogel with Earth

Pour or apply wet hydrogel over the soil does not make much sense.

Placed on the soil, the aquagroun can create an entourage and even prevent the evaporation of moisture, but fully the soil will not moisturizes.

Moreover, the illusion of humidity inspired by him can destroy the flowers - from the inside the soil will bake the dryness until you enjoy your ingenuity.

Instead of soil

Want to plant flowers to hydrogel without soil?

  1. Soak the granules of a large fraction (5 g per liter of water) within 2-3 hours.
  2. Get out of a pot of a flower with an earthen room, neatly rinse the roots.
  3. Pour bulk polymers on the bottom of the future vase, watering the flower, spray aquagrut to the growth line.
  4. To avoid overpowering the top layer, remove it regularly, swing and return it to the place. Or spray from the pulverizer. Or cover with polyethylene film.
  5. Water the flowers in the aquagrunte every two weeks and strictly follow the observance of the shadow regime - the hydrogel will bloom on the sunlight.

Hydrogel aquagronta not comrade: how to choose the right one?

You can purchase a hydrogel in a garden store or any DIY network hypermarket type Leroy Merllin and OBI. Whose soil is better? Ahead of the planet of all - Germany and France.

Evonik, SNF Floerger and other concerns of a similar scale "grounded" technically and ecologically. Take not looking.

If you wish to support the domestic manufacturer, pay attention to the hydrogels of Aquasin and a happy dachank. In general, remember, 90% of hydrogel on the market for healthy growing plants are not related. We are primarily about Asian aquagrunts created for designer and entertainment needs.

What is dangerous decorative soil?

Some time in colored balls or cubes, the flower is just like, but almost always, sooner or later, will die.

Decorative hydrogel is denser than agrarian and badly gives moisture, not to mention the inclusion of dyes and other toxins, the presence of which can be assumed with a high probability. International quality certificates and security sheets complete with soil from China do not go.

Proper hydrogel looks unprepacently - colorless, diverse and shapeless. But - quality control of each party, environmental safety and long life of indoor flowers.

Lifehak: how to make hydrogel at home?

100 grams of the German hydrogel of excellent quality will cost only 100 rubles. This quantity is enough to create 100 liters of the hydrogel-soil mixture.

For home crops, expenses are insignificant. Still want to make hydrogel with your own hands? Lifehackers invented a non-trivial way to obtain aquagrunte from ... diapers.

  1. Cut the diaper and remove the granules.
  2. Mix the polymer substrate with water to the formation of gel-like mass (on average gram per glass).
  3. Gel glass Connect with a liter of soil and draw a falling down.
  4. Gel will drink water from the soil, the plant is from the gel. All free and satisfied, and diapers for children are harmful.


And what then?

Water absorbents are good. The idea of \u200b\u200bmoisture saving in the conditions of global water deficit on Earth should evolve.

Hydrogels sorbitize water and provide its economical spending. The scene remains the answer to the question of the safety of polymers, which are presented as ph-neutral and environmentally friendly.

After 3-5 years, the hydrogel decomposes and, they say unofficial sources, acrylamide is released during destruction - dangerous to human and animal neurotoxin.

Official sources assure the amount of residual acrylamide is regulated and safely. Maybe. But remember the other side of the question. At least in order not to save, ordering a cheap and beautiful aquagrunt with Aliexpress.

On the hot summer season, plants are hard to carry drying heat. Most of all are suffering from plants growing on balconies for which suspended boxes, cass, baskets are used. The soil in the container dries very quickly, and the drying ground often damages the root system of plants.
A more complex situation with container colors in the country, if the owners of the country site come there only on weekends. Yes, and plants lined with open ground suffer from heat. In the absence of good rains, if we water the plants once a week, they will yellow, fade and will die as a result.
But at present, there is a modern unique tool, which is still not all dackets. - its properties and methods of application are known not to everyone. This means reduces the watering of 4-6 times. This is a real miracle of the agrarian industry.

Hydrogel characteristics for plants

Hydrogel is produced as a colorless powder or crystals. Washed in water, they absorb it, turning into a kind of water tank. If you make a hydrogel to the soil, it will swell and will supply moisture plants. Even after the soil drying, the reserve reservoir (hydrogel) remains complete, and so much liquid rolls out the root system of plants as it is necessary.

The chemical formula of the hydrogel is a polymer (cross-linked copolymer), which holds water and fertilizer in solutions in large quantities. Hydrogel has the following absorbent abilities: 1 gram of dry matter absorbs up to 0.3 liters of fluid.

Characteristics and methods for using hydrogel.

Before use, the hydrogel is entered into the soil in places where there is access to root plant systems. It is best to introduce a substance, wake-up and drinking water, but it is possible and dry (in this case it is necessary after making the hydrogel immediately pour the soil).

Roots of plants enough 2-3 weeks of time to germinate through hydrogel capsules. Then they absorb water from capsules without needing frequent watering. If we are rare, the soil between them makes everybody, but it does not harm the root system of plants. Hydrogel acts as a backup source of moisture capable of drinking plants, do not give them to start and dried with a strong drought and heat.

Hydrogel's granules are not only drinking with simple water, but also use fertilizer solutions. This makes it possible not only to drink plants with life-wishing moisture in the absence of owners, but also to receive them the necessary minerals and nutrients.

The ability to adsorb moisture adds the hydrogel to another useful property: not all the flowers positively relate to their pouring. And the hydrogel prevents this. It occurs the hydrogel of all extra moisture flowing through the drainage holes, after which the plants absorb moisture from it when they need.

There is a Chinese hydrogel (the so-called "aquagrunt"), but this is a completely different material, the polymer nature of which is similar to that hydrogel, which we consider:

Agricultural hydrogel - This is the source of additional moisture for plants, and the aquagrunt is designed to create a decorative effect.

Applications of hydrogel

The use of agricultural hydrogel is convenient for open (og) and protected soils (these are pots, containers, and other containers). Often it is applied in bedroom flowering. Hydrogel is a great help for the arrangement of lawn and. Trees, shrubs, flower beds are planted with the use of hydrogel.

The effect of water conservation in the hydrogel capsules is excellent, when it is brought into containers located on balconies and streets. In these cases, the plants are watered for no more than 2 times a week, and the flower compositions remain beautiful and decorative.

Use of hydrogel to grow seedlings.

Used hydrogel for growing seedlings on an industrial scale. The soil, which is filled with seating capacities, quickly dries, and due to the hydrogel the final loss of moisture occurs much later.

An interesting option is to germinating seeds in the hydrogel whose granules swell by representing an excellent moisturizing environment that stimulates the development of sprouts.

For which plants can be used hydrogel

Many flower flowers consider hydrogel in an excellent way, which helps grow almost any plants, except for drought-resistant, which include succulents (desert cactis) and epiphytes (orchids, some aroid and other plants), the roots of which do not tolerate the permanent presence near them wet slices of gel.

To proper use of hydrogel, it is mixed with soil - it is recommended to lay the hydrogel before the plants are planted - in the preparation of the soil for growing plants in a pot, in a garden, in a flower bed.

How to make hydrogel in flower pots and containers

Correctly enter the hydrogel into flower pots and containers during the landing. This is performed as follows: the hydrogel is brought into the soil at the rate of 1 gram (dry hydrogel is taken in the approximate amount of ¼ of the teaspoon) to 1 meter of soil. If a swollen gel is used, the ratios of the hydrogel and soil 1 to 5.

This norm is applicable to room and garden plants that are planted in the container to grow seedlings.

After swelling the hydrogel, you need to mix it with soil. Slices of gel are evenly distributed, otherwise no backup capsule with a liquid will not be in some parts of the soil, which hurts plants.

The use of hydrogel for indoor plants.

After such preparation of the soil, plants can be planted in it. After a couple of weeks, the roots of the plants germinate in the hydrogel capsules. After that, it is possible to reduce the frequency of irrigation 2-6 times (this affects the temperature and place of plant content).

You can make hydrogel under the already planted plants. It is easy to do it. On the surface of the earth, with a stick or pencil, you need to make punctures, falling asleep into the resulting holes dry hydrogel. After that, it should be abundantly pouring the soil. When squeezing to the surface of the Earth of the hydrogel, it is satisted with a soil for a couple of centimeters.

How to make hydrogel into outdoor ground

During the landing. Preparing the soil to break the beds, flower beds or lawns, bring dry hydrogel, performing a subsequent abundant watering. It is enough 25-100 grams of dry hydrogel per square meter of soil. This is performed as follows: the soil is drunk, dry hydrogel is made and stirred with soil.

If you need to plant plants having a surface root system, the hydrogel should be made to a depth of 10 cm. With a bellulated root plant of plants, the depth of the hydrogel increases to 25 cm. Then it is necessary to hide the soil abundantly. Since, absorbing liquid, the hydrogel is able to increase its volume strongly, after watering the soil raises.

Use hydrogel for soil.

Some dackets make hydrogel into the landing wells with the calculation of 1 to 5. Dry hydrogel is pre-filled with water. While he swells, you need to dig up the landing wells, on the bottom of which then the swollen gel is stacked. Then you need to mix with the soil.

Effectively layered mixing gel and soil. From above, you need to install the roots of the plant, and fall asleep their soil, mixing it with the hydrogel.

When plants are already planted. In such cases, in the middle of the crowns of trees or bushes is made by forceps, reinforcement or other tools in the depth of the soil by 15-20 cm. In the wells, dry hydrogel falls asleep and the earth is satisted. Then everything should be well pouring water. After about 40 minutes, you will fly again.

There is another way in which the hydrogel is mixed after swelling to the upper layers of the soil around the plants. To do this, first need to soak the hydrogel in water and mix with the ground to the depth, which will allow the raised roots of the plant. This work should be done manually and very carefully, in order not to damage the root system.

Proper sowing of plant seeds in hydrogel

Polymer capsules can be successfully applied in during seeds. This method does not share manufacturers of funds, but gardeners are actively used.

Initially, you need to twist the hydrogel, drain the excess fluid, and the remaining mass is pulled through the sieve or grinding in a blender. It turns out something like a homogeneous "jelly", which is evenly distributed along the bottom of a shallow and wide vessel. The hydrogel layer should be 1-2 cm.

Seeds are laid out on it that need to be pressed using toothpick or match. Putting all seeds, the container should be covered with a film, and wait for them to go. After germination of seeds, when the first leaves appear, sprouts and sides of the hydrogel are transferred to the soil.

What advantages has hydrogel for plants

To solve many problems that create the cultivation of indoor and garden plants, sometimes the use of hydrogel, which has a lot of positive characteristics.

The most basic positive effects from the use of hydrogel are the following:

  1. Plants whose cultivation uses hydrogel, never scary drought.
  2. The frequency of irrigation is reduced by increasing the intervals between them in 2-6 times.
  3. Garden plants growing in containers located on the streets or balconies will not need to irrigate during the week, and room plants - up to three weeks (the frequency of irrigation affect the season and air temperature in the room).
  4. The hydrogel holds a decent amount of nutrients (fertilizers), which are not flushed out of the soil.
  5. Excessive moisture in the soil is absorbed by the hydrogel, and at the same time the pores of aeration are released.
  6. The roots of the plants are easily and freely breathe, there are no stolev fluid in the soil.
  7. The use of hydrogel favorably affects the existence of plants, accelerates their growth, promotes good blossoms and increases fruiting.
  8. Hydrogel increases the stability of plants to stressful situations and helps to cope with infectious diseases.

Questions and Answers regarding hydrogel and its use

It remains to answer only the most popular questions regarding the properties and use of hydrogel.

At what period of time there is enough actions of the hydrogel made into the soil?

The average service life of the hydrogel, which is in the soil is 3-5 years, it depends on which microbiological soil activity. The hydrogel is perfectly transferred freezing and the period of soil thawing, complete soil drying. Even after the above hydrogel, its properties do not change. When the shelf life of the hydrogel ends, its decomposition is occurring on the following components: carbon dioxide, ammonium and water.

How long is the sweeping hydrogel, keeping its qualities?

For the preservation of the finished hydrogel, it is placed in a capacity for a couple of months. Capacity should be closed tightly with a lid and stored in a dark place. If the container is left open, the hydrogel drying occurs. It is not scary, because before using it you can simply get a new liquid to swelling.

Whether watering plants is needed, in the pots of which the soil is mixed with the hydrogel?

When the upper layer of soil is dry, it is still difficult to determine the need for watering. If the soil managed to dry even a few centimeters, the hydrogel capsules can still have liquid reserves. Therefore, this problem is suitable experimentally - oriented on the state of plants.

When the leaves are losing a bright green color, wilting starts, it's time for watering. The irrigation interval is time from the last watering before the start of withering. It is better to cut this period slightly, not to bring the plants before the start of withering.

It is easier to calculate the frequency of irrigation in this way: if without hydrogel, the plants were crowded with you once in three days, then after making a hydrogel, the interval is stretched no less than twice.

If the hydrogel lies on the surface of the soil in the flower pot, does it increase the humidity around the plant?

It will not increase, because, being outdoors, the substance begins to lose moisture quickly, dry. It can not be a long-playing humidifier. For this purpose, it is better to use wet moss-sfagnum.

Where can I get a hydrogel?

Hydrogel will be offered to buy in any flower shop, garden shopping center or online store. It has a different packaging: starting from 10 grams and ending with several kilograms.

On the shelves of gardened and flower shops you can find transparent containers with multi-colored balls. They look beautiful in the interior and provide favorable conditions for many plant species. This is a relatively new material that is used for growing room colors, seedlings, etc.

It is a polymer with special properties. It provides sufficient moisturizing, while preventing root rotting. Bright hydrogel balls today can be found in almost any horticultural store. Learn how to use it, specialist advice will help.

general characteristics

To understand how to use hydrogel for plants It should be considered the main properties of this substance. This material is available in the form of small granules or even powder. Their color may be different. The color of the material color does not affect.

Bright balls that are formed after watering the hydrogel will allow you to decorate any window sill, where transparent vases with indoor plants are arranged. However, it is more correct to apply such material in combination with the soil.

The polymer from which the granules are made are capable of absorbing a large amount of fluid. One such ball can absorb up to 200 g of water. It remains within a long time. Plants are allowed to granules their roots. From here they draw the vital moisture for them. In this case, you can not water the soil up to 2-3 weeks. After another watering, the balls again absorb moisture. The roots will not be installed.


Next stage in the study of the issue how to use hydrogel for plantsis the choice of the correct variety of polymer. On various types of plants, it has an unequal action. It all depends on the root system and painting features.

There are two types of hydrogel. This is a soft and tight material. In the first case, the granules are practically no color.

The roots are easily penetrated into the balls, feeding the moisture accumulated by them. This type of material is ideally suited to those flowers that cannot provide regular watering by the moisture-loving varieties of plants. Also, soft granules are applied to gardeners in the germination of cuttings and seedlings.

The dense material is also called aquagront. Such a hydrogel may have the form not only balls, but also cubes, triangles. This is a decorative polymer that is used for seeding. In vases for flowers bouquets, it looks particularly effectively.


And colorless granules for the substrate have a different scope. Their properties are also different. Decorative varieties are used as a separate material for various plant species. It is put in vases with flowers. When making water aromatic substances, the hydrogel can serve as an air freshener.

Transparent hydrogel does not have decorative qualities. It can be mixed with the soil. If adding fertilizers, the granules will absorb this mixture and become a double function. Plants will receive not only moisture, but also necessary for their development components.

The polymer granules presented today on the market are distinguished by a low cost. According to manufacturers, such material is fully safe for human health and the environment. This is an environmentally friendly polymer. After 2-3 years of his service, he loses his aesthetic qualities. At the same time, the moisture it will absorb as well as before. The balls can be taken out on the street and bury on the garden. Special disposal material does not require.

Application area

Hydrogel balls may differ not only by color, size and shape. They are used for various purposes. If you need to germinate seeds, you should select the material with the smallest granules. Large varieties are used to prepare a soil mixture.

The polymer, absorbing moisture, prevents its excessive arrival to the root system. This is relevant for those flower products that love to pour their plants. Also presented material is used in pots, which is difficult to access. Watering can be done much less often.

If the gardener wishes to grow with the presented stalem material or seedlings, it can get them with water with fertilizers. It is very convenient. Also, the hydrogel is suitable for the extension of seeds of various crops.

Analog materials

In modern flower growing, there are several materials similar in their properties to the hydrogel. True, their moisture-absorption characteristics are somewhat inferior to the polymer. However, the substances presented below have several additional features.

In search of a response, how to replace the hydrogel for plantsMany flowers stop at such substances as vermiculous, coconut chips and chips. They are also able to absorb the excess moisture, gradually giving it the roots of the plant. These are natural materials.

The vermiculitis is able to loosen the land. This is especially important for plants whose root system needs oxygen into it.

In the rooting of cuttings, one of the best fillers for the soil is coconut chips and a substrate. They are also able to choose an excessive moisture. Coconut chips can be used as a separate primer for orchids and other similar plants.

What plants are suitable for?

Hydrogel is used in the cultivation of many plant species. However, for some of them, the polymer is not suitable. First of all, it concerns succulents. Such plants themselves can accumulate moisture. Therefore, the additional moisture content components simply have nothing to do.

Most often applied hydrogel for orchids. In this case, even aquagrund consisting of colored balls is suitable. Incomposeable beauty flower will look even more spectacular in a transparent pot with a similar filler.

For most flowering, firm-decorative plants, hydrogel can freely apply hydrogel. It is able to give the necessary consistency of the soil. The clay land will become more loose, and the sandy soil, on the contrary, will be less crumbly.

Today is widely used by various gardeners and flowers. However, when choosing plants that will grow in such a soil, it is necessary to take into account a number of recommendations of specialists. This will avoid mistakes, harming the flower.

The plant grown in such conditions should not be greater. Under its weight, it will fall in different directions. Balls are not able to provide a good support.

Hydrogel is suitable for flowers with long, well-developed roots. Such plants will not need to transplant every year. For plants preferring to grow in close capacity (for example, euharicis), the polymer will not suit.

It is also not used in the cultivation of light-chapter colors. If the plant has leathery, dense leaves, the hydrogel should also not be applied. Excess moisture can negatively affect its development and well-being.

Preparation for application

Complex preparation before use does not require such a substance as hydrogel. Instruction Manufacturers will help perform all actions correctly. First you need to soak the granules in the water. They will swell, will increase in size. The volume of 3 liters of the finished polymer is obtained from 2 tablespoons of dry matter.

After the granules eat liquid, they need to be poured onto a colander. Surplus fluid glass. If it turns out that the volume of granules exceeds the spaciousness of the flower pot or container, the surplus can be shifted into the sealed package. It is left in the refrigerator. At the same time, the balls will not lose moisture and crystallize.

If aqua gel is used, it can be divided into color or apply balls in the mixture. It sometimes it turns out that the water was not enough in the container. In this case, it can be added. Balls do not absorb more fluid than installed by the manufacturer. After 9-11 hours, they can be used to transplantation plants. The soft polymer will be ready for use after soaking after an hour after soaking.

Hydrogel for seedlings

Initially intended for the needs of the agricultural industry. It was used in the germination of seeds, cuttings. Today, this technique remains relevant. To grow different crops, a clean hydrogel with water is applied. In this case, you can not add soil.

First, the transparent hydrogel is soaked in water with fertilizers. The choice of bait depends on the type of culture you want to grow. After the material is powered by liquid, the excess moisture is drained.

If the seeds are too small, the hydrogel is passed through the sieve. This allows you to get a mass with almost homogeneous consistency. You can also grind a polymer with a blender. For large seeds, you can not grind the presented material. Seeds are brought into the prepared mass, pressing them slightly into the polymer. If they are strongly deepened, the oxygen access will be impossible. The container is covered with film.

Hydrogel with soil for seeds

Soil with hydrogel Also used when growing seeds. This avoids the transfers of plants in the phase of the appearance of seedy leaves, as happens when the polymer is used with water without soil.

Experienced gardeners prefer after preparation of the hydrogel mix it with one part with four parts of the soil. In this case, the hydrogel should also contain water with properly selected fertilizers.

The mixture fill the containers. From above, it is recommended to lay a thin layer of crushed pure hydrogel without soil. Seeds are brought into its top layer with toothpicks. They should also be strongly shuffled into the polymer. Next, the capacity is closed by a film. This is a convenient way to ensure proper moisturizing and looseness.

Even in the last century, domestic scientists have created a unique material that was called "Hydrogel" for the needs of the agricultural industry. This environmentally friendly substance is able to absorb and retain liquid as possible, allowing the desired level of humidity for various plant crops. Great popularity was in flower growing. The use of hydrogel for garden and garden plants can also be very effective with a competent approach.

Hydrogel consists of granules, packaged in hermetic bags. The material of the shallow fraction is used to germinate seeds, more larger - added to the ground. Color and caliber do not affect properties. You can find several types of plants gel on sale:

  • Balls that become soft when contact with liquid. They do not damage the roots of plants, allow you to reduce the frequency of irrigation, are optimal for the germination and rooting of the cuttings.
  • Rough colored fractions of various shapes. Designed for decorating.
  • Fully soluble in water. Used to process seeds before sowing.

The use of hydrogel for plants is safe, since the material is a sterile polymer that is disintegrating water, carbon dioxide and ammonium.

The valuable property of this substance is the ability to maximize moisture and gradually allocate it into the environment. Thus, 1 g of dry hydrographs can absorb up to 300 ml of liquid.

What crops fit?

The use of hydrogel is possible when growing all moisture-loving plants. The polymer will create comfortable conditions for room colors: chlorophytum, softening, ivy, calangean, crack. Many inhabitants of the garden and the garden will delight active growth and flowering while maintaining the optimal humidity of the soil with gel balls. It is not recommended to use hydrographs for cacti, orchids and class of aroid.

Advantages and disadvantages

The polymer has positive qualities for agriculture and flower growing:

  1. maximum absorption of moisture and economical consumption of a substance (for 1 l of soil required 1.5 g of gel);
  2. gradual moisturization provides long-term moisturizing and feeding cultures;
  3. mixing with the soil, makes it breathable and easy.

To understand how to properly use hydrogel for plants, you need to consider the disadvantages of the material:

  • it can not be reused, it loses its characteristics;
  • it does not germinate seeds of legumes;
  • when contacting sunlight, mold may appear.

Main ways to use hydrogel

The polymer is useful on the outdoor and closed soil, effective for room colors. Several methods of using hydrogel for plants are practiced:

  1. as a substrate for germination and processing of seed material and cuttings;
  2. as an additive to the soil to maintain humidity;
  3. introduced into the hole when planting seedlings into unprotected soil;
  4. added to the pits when landing garden trees and shrubs;
  5. for equipment of landscape design elements.

How to make - in a dry or swollen form?

Depending on whether the hydrogel is needed, it is used dry or moistened. For plants in pots and containers, a dumped polymer is optimal, a dry matter is used for the garden and the garden. After watering or rain, the granules will damage the water and the plants will nourish it for a long time. The dose of the entered gel depends on the quality of the soil, planting conditions and irrigation frequency.

How to use for indoor plants?

The most productive hydrogel for indoor plants. This tool will become an excellent solution in the absence of opportunity to often water home flowers. Granules are put in the wells or stirred with soil. Before the introduction, the polymer is soaked at an hour of estimated water, after the remaining liquid it is necessary to drain, and make finished balls from the ground and fill the pot in front of the disembarkation. The amount of gel take 1 g per 200 ml.

If the flower is already planted in the soil

It is possible to introduce hydrogel into peas with already planted flowers. A stick should be carefully made a groove in the ground that reach the roots. In them, pour dry granules and pour. By drinking water, the gel will increase in size and can be supplied on the surface. Excess you need to remove, and pour the holes to the soil.

Application of hydrogel for flowers without adding soil

Some plants can be grown directly in hydrographic. Here is how it is necessary to use hydrogel for flowers without connecting to the ground:

  • for irrigation, it is necessary to take outstanding water with nutritional feeders;
  • the pot should not be under the right sunlight, otherwise there will be a plaque and mold;
  • tosses to water as needed better distilled so that harmful microorganisms do not develop.

Hydrogel to protect the open root system when landing, transplanting and transporting

In the garden, the gel is practiced to root the cuttings: the container is filled with swollen hydrogel and have a sprout in the middle. When planting seedlings into the ground, moisturized granules are mixed with the ground in proportion 1: 5. Local moisture, they will provide air access to the root system, as the soil becomes more loose. You can make holes around the transplanted young trees and fall asleep dry substance, sprinkled with a soil from above.

If we pour a solution with a fertilizer, then the tree will receive additional power.

How to make a gel under already planted trees, bushes, other cultures?

You can add hydrographs for planted crops like this:

  • In the area of \u200b\u200bthe priority circle of wood or bush make punctures by 20 cm deep into. Dry gel pour into the holes and fall asleep the earth. It is plentiful to pour twice with an interval per hour.
  • Disposable granules close in the surface of the soil around the perimeter of the plant. It is better to do this manually to not damage the roots.

Features of growing in the hydrogel

Some nuances should be taken into account when working with gel:

  • it is necessary to pump the granules only with distilled or distilled water in a ratio of 1 gram of a dry polymer by 300 ml;
  • when planning in the hydrogel, the roots are pre-washed. Place the sprout in the substrate you need strictly vertically,
  • watering is carried out 6 times less often, the need to add liquid is easily determined by a slightly tempered gel.

Potting, Containers

You can add hydrogel when transplanting room and garden plants to the pot or other containers. Dry crystals are stirred from the ground at the rate of 1 grams per liter of soil. The operated gel is connected to the soil in the ratio of 1 to 5. The roots will germinate in the granules after 2 weeks, then watering is reduced.

You can also add a polymer into a potted ground to planted colors, pouring it into dry form in the holes.

Making a hydrogel to open ground

Hydrogel is effective for the vegetable garden when growing potatoes, tomatoes, greenery, carrots, beets, radish, cabbage and cucumbers. You can add a polymer when sowing, picking and transplanting seedlings on the bed. It is necessary to make dry granules at a peroxide in 25 g per square, followed by irrigating or into the wells, stirring the operated gel with the ground in proportion 1 to 5.

The depth of the seal depends on the root system: with surface - 10 cm, with a bewitled - 25 cm.

Sowing seeds in hydrogel

To germinate the seed material, the hydrographs are soaked in the fertilizer solution, after wiping through a sieve or broken by a blender. At the bottom of the container you need to lay out 3 cm substrate, over to place seeds, slightly pressing in the gel. The container is pulled by a film by making several holes for drainage in it. It can be seeded in a mixture of wet hydrogel and soil at the rate of 1 to 3.

How to plant a plant in a soil with a hydrogel - step-by-step instruction

When planting plants in the hydrogel, you need to get acquainted with the instructions for use. To properly plant a culture, you should follow the following algorithm:

  1. Dry granules Soak in water and wait for swelling, after draining the liquid.
  2. Mix balls with soil in a glass ratio to liter.
  3. Sprinkle a plant into the substrate.

It is possible to mix dry substance to mix with the ground 3 g per liter, and after pouring.

Calendar of garden work with the use of hydrogel for the middle strip of Russia

The difference between hydrogel and aquagger

Hydrogel and aquagrunt belong to moisture-hold polymers. Initially, hydrogel was created as an additive to the soil to reduce the frequency of irrigation. Externally, the substance has the form of colorless granules or balls, which during swelling are deformed due to less density. The waterfront is made on the basis of hydrogel for decorative use, is produced in the form of multi-colored figures. Thirdly consistency allows you to keep the form after soaking.

The aquagrunt is not used for sowing seedlings and additives to the soil, as its moisture product is much lower than that of the hydrogel.

Designer application

It is possible to effectively decorate the interior with aquagronta for plants. Colored granules of various shapes fill various transparent containers in which room flowers or bouquets can be placed. The size and type of vase depends on the root system and the height of the plant. The aquagrount can be used as a material for pastures of bulbous colors. Beautiful swollen balls poured into a tall glass and will prevent the tulip bulb. After the appearance of the bud, this composition is suitable for the present. It should be remembered that the polymer does not contain beneficial substances, because the plants living in it need fake.

Storage conditions

In a dry form, the hydrogel is stored in a tightly closed packaging. The unused swollen gel is placed in a capacitance with a lid and put in the refrigerator for 2 months. Also, the granules can be dried and dunk before use.

Where can I get a hydrogel?

Polymer is sold in flower shops, garden centers, as well as online gardening stores. Packaging may differ different packaging from 10 grams to a few kilograms.

Knowing how to use the hydrogel, you can save time on watering, optimize the level of humidity in the soil and provide the plant long-term nutrition with useful elements.