Confession of an officer wife. Abandoned women

In modern society, interest in the study of small groups of speakers as social microenvironment, which has a direct impact on personality. The small group is a kind of community in which certain public relations are being implemented, and which, at the same time, are mediated by joint activities. Consideration of such communities allows you to most fully reveal the picture of everyday life, consider the life of an ordinary person.

One example of a closed community is in which the human behavior strategy is built in accordance with the ideas about the people around him. These ideas form knowledge of daily practices and their temporary distribution among the townships of the town during the day, features of work, preferences and interests, values \u200b\u200binherent in a category of people here, living here.

The limitations of space, "life in sight", close relationships in a military town leads, on the one hand, to the cohesion of residents, and on the other, to the formation of individual communities in a military environment, such as women's. In the Soviet times, women, having the opportunity to make a career on a par with men, to participate in public life, turned out to be a difficult choice between family priorities and their own needs in self-realization. The officer's wife, being a civilian face, nevertheless, experienced all the "tights and deprivation of military service", which often expressed her in the absence of growth in professional and cultural plan, as well as a common dissatisfaction with life. Since on the territory of the military town, the position of women in general initially depended on the relationship to their husbands-officers, and in the framework of the residential part of the town of Women formed a relatively independent community with their own hierarchy and livelihoods. This has determined the research interest of the authors to study and analyze this problem using the biographical method. The study was conducted in April-October 2011 (the sample was 10 women from 45 to 84 years) and made it possible to identify the peculiarities of life stories. No other male profession has such an impact on the position of a woman in society as a military profession. On the one hand, the very phrase "War of the Military" itself is just the definition of the marital status of a woman, and more about the husband here more than about the woman itself.

But on the other hand, behind this definition costs a whole reservoir of specific ideas, the military wife is an independent female status not only within the military community, but also civil. The definition of the "wife of an officer" is self-sufficiently, enshrined in the language as an independent formula, and there is a whole reservoir of ideas relating to a certain generic image. In the course of the study, we covered a fairly large period of time, due to which certain changes that have occurred in the everyday life of military towns and minds of people. All respondents who participated in the study had an education and profession, and during the survey there was such a tendency that predominantly all women had pedagogical, medical or economic education. "I was always interested to observe the pattern" The work of a husband is the work of the wife. "

I even amounted to approximate statistics. It turns out that more than 50% of officers work teachers, medical workers or chefs. Another 40% - housewives, trade workers and only 10% are engaged in completely different affairs. Sometimes, it seems that God specifically creates such pairs for a strong union "(N.V., 51 years). Pretty similar were the stories of dating. They took place on dance evenings, which were arranged in the schools and institutes, as well as in the circle of friends.

So, for example, several respondents at the time of their youth went to dances in military schools, and some on the contrary tell me how festive events were arranged in their educational institutions, which were invited to young people from military schools. The short and rare, as a result of the barren life, the meeting of the cadet, as a rule, ended with the offer of "Hands and Hearts". Issue in school, golden epaulets, wedding and departure at the place of service. Romance ended here, and harsh weekdays began. "Behind the walls of the military town was another life ... It was an army, the service may and imperceptible, without pursuit and ranks, but the same heavy, and maybe even harder than her husband. Not everyone was kept "(E.S., 47 l.). Military town correlates with the military part as a female space with male. Women are mainly engaged in the organization of life, and men are engaged in military service.

The ideas about the feasibility of occupied space in women and men living in the town are determined, in accordance with relatively different systems of values. The identity of the officer's wife is initially formed through the awareness of self-affirmation, primarily through the achievements of her husband. The service hierarchy is directly reflected on the relationship between their wives, determining the borders of communication between them. And it is clearly traced in the stories of the respondents themselves. The key moments of life of the officer's wife are considered: early (most often) getting married, the birth of children (in the first years of marriage), permanent moving from one military town to another, everyday overcoming difficulties related to the remoteness of the towns from administrative centers, inhibit work, therefore , in most cases, a lifelong profession of a housewife. Since on average, the family of the serviceman moves 3-5 times during the service of the officer. For a civilian person, moving is always an event, and turning into his personal destiny. For members of the Military Family, this is a completely predicted and inevitable fact. Within the framework of the "common destiny" a change in the place of residence, on the one hand, is the usual phenomenon, even one can say "Routine".

"Life on the suitcases", temporary housing, the absence of its own "homemade hearth" - all these are themes that are an idea of \u200b\u200bthe common fate of the military. At the same time, undoubtedly, the fact of changing the officer's service is an event in the life of the whole family, but an event that does not go beyond the usual stroke of things. Basically, the movement does not entail changes in the life environment. There are certain "knowledge" about the types of military towns, hierarchy of its inhabitants, the conditions of relationship between people, the usual types of everyday practices that are formed during the residence in the military town. Therefore, the development of events is projected in accordance with this knowledge. An important place in the life of a woman occupies how it distributes the time during the day. Military wife lives husband's life: its routine of the day is entirely focused on care / arrival of her husband.

In his absence, she is doing homemade; Violations in a clear schedule are always associated with the officer's service, and the wife is able to "explain" any delays in her husband at work or its absence for a certain time ("urgent travel", "teachings", "barren position", in the end, " It happened at work "). This is expressed in phrases, like: "Our Service". Regardless of whether a woman works or not, its main "profession" is the responsibilities of the "War of the Military". "The regime was defined, normally, sometimes on the teachings they left, for the teachings ... Three days, in general, for a while, but the fact that you are always there, it is definitely. The only one he left at eight, from two to four break, as it should be at this time, I must feed it, to drink and sleep it, he had to relax, as it should be and all he left to eight in the evening. And you all the day one is definitely. It's home affairs, girlfriends, go, take a walk. The weekend is in the dress or somewhere else "(E.P., 48 years). The child is not an important place in the life of any woman, but in the life of a military town a child is an important condition for the involvement of a woman in a circle of communication, consisting of neighbors and other women who have children - "Mommy", which in the military town most. "They also get acquainted in the same way, everything is walking with the strollers, the neighbors of each other are keen very much, at least they lived very friendly.

The specifics of the garrison, they are rockets, they left for weeks to duty. They went for weekly duty, i.e. There is no husband a husband, as they say spinning myself "(S.S., 47 years old). In general, the characteristic feature of the population of the military town has always been complete families who consisted of her husband, wives and children. The unmarried girls in the towns are, as a rule, only the eldest daughters in officer families. There were almost no other unmarried women in the military towns, because the only opportunity to become his resident is to marry the military. As a rule, lonely women living without a husband knew everything, in this case we are talking primarily about the divorced women who most often remained in part. On the territory of the military town, they became the object of reinforced attention and evaluation.

Such household plots such as voyage and sexual relationships with married officers are connected with single women. "... My friend with each other was shared with thoughts that it is impossible to leave the husbands, because a lot of divorced and all of them as a rule remain in the same town, the husbands are leaving on the distribution. Therefore, you must be preserved, to shoot. The children gave birth and did not leave for his mother, we only together once a year we went on vacation, for two months with the children "(S.S., 47 years old). All conflicts that arose in women's society were solved with the participation of the feype. Very often, in the context of the interview, such a character arose such as the "wife of the commander" ("wife of the head") - a senior woman, which is the wife of an officer who commander in a separate unit. The fact that the wives of the Military, subordinate to the officer, recognize the seniority of his wife, calling her "wife of the commander," this indicates that women form a separate part of the community of the military town, the relationship between the members of which are built in accordance with the hierarchy According to the position of her husband.

The perception of the life of the time, the difficulties with whom had to face: Bad housing conditions, constant moving, staying in places remote from urban "benefits" - material and spiritual, are always present in the stories about the last life, but most often they overlapped by the fact of That "but was friendly and fun," there were young. Therefore, the question "How can you, today to evaluate your decision to marry an officer?" They answered positively: "But why not, love makes great wonders, you will go to him anywhere, and in a tent, the military you will not like anything. - It is definitely, in addition to its stateless salary of the left money, they do not have, ... Therefore, you have to be ready for everything. At that moment, the officer's salary was enough to keep me, their children and something else to scatter "(IV, 45 years). Thus, our study shows that the study of small groups, the disclosure of the internal specific relations for these groups, norms, attributes seems to be an important and promising direction of modern social research. Such studies allow you to look at another "world", look at a different reality through the eyes of her immediate participants.

V.N. Rakachev, Ya.V. Rakacheva

The journalist and writer Vasily Sarychev has been written by the memories of Old-timers for fifteen years, fixing the history of the Western Territ to Belarus through their fate. His new story, written specifically for TUT.BY, is devoted to the Soviet women, which in 1941 the Soviet government left for the mercy of fate. During the occupation, they were forced to survive, including with the help of the Germans.

Vasily Sarychev is working on the cycle of books "In Search of Lost Time". As the author notes, it is "the history of Europe in the mirror of the West Boalthan city, which the old men who survived the six authorities" (the Russian Empire, the German occupation of the Second World War, the period when Western Belarus was part of Poland, Soviet power, German occupation of the Second World War Wars and again Soviet power).

The collection of funds for the publication of the new book Sarychev from the cycle "In Search of Lucky Time" ends at the crowdfunding platform "Beehive". On this project, you can get acquainted with the content, explore the list of gifts and participate in the publishing book. Participants will receive a book as a gift for New Year holidays.

Tut.BY has already published Vasily about the incredible fate of a simple person who has fallen in a lot of politicians, "polite people" from 1939 and about the escape of Nagishom from prison. The new story is devoted to the wives of Soviet commanders.

When Western Belarus was attached to the USSR, they came to our country as winners. But then, when their husbands retreated east with the active army, they were not needed to anyone. How did they survive with the new power?

I'm on you, as in war. Abandoned

"Let Stalin feed you feed!"

Many years ago, in the sixties, there was a case on the passing of the Brest factory. The enterprise is more feminine, after the change of avalanche workers in a hurry to hurry home, and conflicts happened in a pressure. They did not look at the faces: the editorial of Lee, the deputy was attached with the proletarian directness.

On the turnstile, as in the bath, everyone is equal, and the wife of the commander from the Brest Fortress, who headed the factory trade union is not yet old, the twenty years from the war did not pass, surviving the occupation - pushed on general grounds. Maybe, hurt whom - elbow or during distribution - and young weaves, having launched from the girlfriends, what they do not write about in the newspapers, tightly tall: "German prostitute!" - And she grabbed the breast and stuck: "Whether you have small children ..."

So in the same phrase - the whole truth about the war, with many shades, from which we thought carefully.

In conversations with people who experienced the occupation, I at first could not understand when I did the remark "it is already after the war" - and was taken to tell about the Germans. For the Brest Outdoor, hostilities flashed one morning, and then - the other power, three and a half years of deep German rear. In different categories of citizens - local, eastmen, Poles, Jews, Ukrainians, partners, who were elected due to the wire of prisoners, commander wives, Saltov, Politsaev - everyone had his own war. Some survived the trouble at home, where the neighbors, relatives, where the walls help. It was very bad for those whom Liphet was caught in someone else's edge.

They arrived in front of the war in the "liberated" the Western edge of the Barynki - yesterday's girls from the Russian depths that pulled out a happy ticket (we are talking about the events of 1939, when West Belarus was attached to the USSR. - To marry the lieutenant from a stationed shelf meant to rush in status. And here is the "liberation campaign" and in general, another world, where people at the meeting raise the edge of hats and turn "Pan", where in the store without writing bicycles with wonderfully curved rugs, and private traders are coatd by a dozen sausages, and for a penny can be taken at least five Cuts on the dress ... And all these people look at them with her husband with caution - Live ...

Nina Vasilyevna Petruchik - By the way, the cousin of Fedor Maslievich, about whose fate already in the chapter "The polite people of 1939", recalled that autumn in the town of Volcin: "Wives of the commanders were in boots, sutscent dresses in flower, black jackets under velvet and huge White scarves. In the bazaar, they began to buy embroidered night shoes and on the ignorance instead of dresses ... "

Maybe the weather was like that - I'm about boots, but they meet by clothes. So they saw the eleven-year-old girl: a very poor people came. People, laughing, sold the nightlife, but laughter with laughter, and those who arrived by the owners of life at a half preimary years.

But life calculates for random happiness. It is these women, with dislike perceived, with children in their hands, with the beginning of the war left alone in the alien world. From the privileged caste, suddenly turned into a paria ejected from queues with the words: "Let Stalin feed you feed!".

So it was not with everyone, but it was not for us to judge the ways of survival, which young women chose. It was the easiest to find a guardian that it would warm and feed the children, and somewhere will protect.

"Limousines with German officers approached the building and took away young women, the inhabitants of this house"

Stock Foto Wears illustrative

The boy's time of the occupation of Vasily Prokopuk, a schnirling with buddies in the city, recalled that on the former Moscow (speech about one of the Brest streets. - Tut.BY) could see the Molodie with soldiers walking towards the fortress. The narrator is convinced that the "spicied" under the handle is not local girls who have such a courtship to take more difficult: there were parents, neighbors, in front of which grew, the church finally. Maybe polka is greasy? - "What are you, the Hoping Honor! - answered my respondents. - there was a case, Polenka saw flirting with an invader - Xendz screwed into the sermon ... "

"The war walks in Russia, and we are so young ..." - three and a half years a long term in the short Babi Vseku. But it was not the main motive - children, their forever hungry eyes. The bad boys in subtleties were not deliberately, they were contemptuous about women from the former houses of the officer's composition: "I did it ..."

"In the center of the courtyard," the author writes, "there was a fairly exotic fluege, in which the German Major lived, our present boss, together with a beautiful young woman and her little child. Soon we learned that this is the former wife of the Soviet officer, left for the arbitrariness of the fate of the Days of June 41 for the Red Army. In the corner of the barracks, there was a three-story brick building populated by the abandoned families of Soviet officers. In the evenings, limousines with German officers approached the building and took away young women, the inhabitants of this house. "

The situation allowed options. For example, did the commander wives be reduced for example? According to Ivan Petrovich, "it was a little barracks converted to a residential building, several apartments on the floor. Here lived young women, in the majority with small children. It is possible that before the war it was a commercial house, where the families found the war: I did not see the security or some accepts compulsory content.

Not once and not two I turned out to be a witness, as the Germans approached here: our camp was through the places from this house. Sometimes looked at the commandant, another time straight. It was not a trip to the brothel - they drove to the ladies. Those on the visit knew, smiled like a good acquaintance. Usually, the Germans arrived in the evening, climbed upstairs or women themselves went out, and Calevians took them away, can be assumed to the theater or restaurant. I did not have to catch the return, with whom there were children, I can not know. But about the fact that this is the wives of commanders, everyone knew in the camp. They understood that for women it was a means of survival. "

That's how it happened. In recent days, in front of the war of commanders and partners who wanted to take out a family from the city, accused of panic and excluded from the party - and now left women for the use of Wehrmacht officers.

The son was called Albert, the Germans came - became Adolf

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It will incorrect to argue that the women left the magnificently looking for such a support, it was just one of the ways of survival. Non-absorbing, with a crossing of the feature, behind which - gossip and stuck glances.

Women who came to Western Belarus from the East, more often lived two, three, so easier to survive. We went through the far (in the near no longer allowed) to the villages, but one alms would not live, woven wagons, barracks, soldier's hostels. The political worker's wife from the artpol a German once gave a big greeting card, and she, to decorate the room, hung on the wall. Many years after the war passed, and Babonki was remembered - Zorko in the war, after his boyfriend, glanced.

The wife of the combat of the Rowed Regiment, who stood before the war in the fortress, at the beginning of the occupation rewrote the little son from Albert to Adolf, such a move was invented, and after liberation he again made Albert. Other widows moved away from her, turned away, but for the mother, the main thing was not that.

Someone will be closer to her truth, someone - the heroic faith of the temper, insistent to go to the occupied Vitebsk at the head of the underground group, leaving a baby in Moscow and a small daughter.

Life is multifaceted, and the survived occupation was remembered. And a romantically tuned person who came from the terrible building of the SD clearly not after torture, and the love of the German to the Jewish girl, who was hiding to the last and went for her in the penalty kick, and a worker of urban plantations, Naskoroly the wilking soldier of the Wehrmacht near the park until her Shot a client, picked up a bad disease. In each case, it was: where the proximity, where physiology, and somewhere - a feeling, love.

Outside the service, the Germans became gallant secured males. Brightly in my youth beauty N. told: at least do not come out for the threshold - they glued as ticks.

Statistics will not answer how many red babies appeared in the war and after the expulsion of the Germans from the temporarily occupied territory, as, however, with Slavic appearance in Germany at the beginning of the 46th ... Delicate this topic to take deeply, and we left To the side ...

Maybe in vain in general about the commander's wives - there was enough non-good women of all the status and categories, and everything was different in different ways. Someone tried to hide her beauty, and someone, on the contrary, was beneficial. Anastasia Kudinov, the wife of the Interoffal Commander, aged older, shared her shelter with young nail polishers, who also lost her husbands in the fortress. All three with children - such garden-nursery. It was worth seeing the Germans, smeared the girlfriends in the soot and kept away from the window. I was not afraid for myself, the girlfriends were joked, the old our Virgo ... pulled their label and survived without the enemy shoulder, then joined the fight.

They are not alone, many remained true, waited for her husbands all the war and later. However, opposition - those who arrived, the local - not quite correct. Everywhere there are people cultural and not very, with principles and sharpening, clean and vicious. And there is a depth in any man, where it is better not to look, the nature of all-different, and what will manifest themselves with greater force - largely depends on the circumstances. It happened that from June 22, 1941, the most disadvantaged, east of the stunned circumstances.

Would not miss the other - the reason. How did it happen that to Smolensk and then it was necessary to run, leaving weapons, warehouses, the whole personnel army, and in border areas - also wives for the joy of Wehrmacht officers?

Then there was a rage noble, the science of hatred in journalistic performance and the real, rated forces in battle. This hatred helped to carry out combat missions, but wonderfully did not shift in direct perpetrators of many suffering.

You probably will not argue that we, military sailors, and civilians, too, the most vulnerable part of society in terms of the preservation of family relations. Once I read about Norwegian, the conqueror of the Arctic, the last name I do not remember who said an interesting phrase. The meaning of her came down to the fact that she conquered the north, but could never be a sailor's wife, because not every woman would be able to withstand a long separation, nature would take his own, well, it is impossible to be a young woman to be in the world of the monk. I don't know how to love a man to stay true to him when a bunch of hefty stallions with peaks. But it happens that the woman remains at the height, and man is shit.

So here. We had an absolutely positive lieutenant on the ship, now these are called "nerds". I did not smoke, I didn't even drink beer, I studied English and, perhaps, knew him perfectly, in any case, I read English literature in the original, I myself saw it. On vacation with my wife traveled to the tour baz, where they went hiking and climbed the mountains. In general, not a single spubby was on his "Moral Moral".

Here on this "botana" and put our eyes in the eye. What else do you need? The CPSU and the Soviet government and the Soviet government, as well as we, are devoted, but, unlike us, does not drink, it does not smoke, no financially noticed. Hooray! And the dog recommended him with his office as a future employee. And Vova-Botan was gathered for knowledge to the city of Novosibirsk, for neophytes to the Great Caste were introduced there. But, before changing the vocational guidance, went to the next vacation, as usual, on the tour bar. With his wife.

Fucked holidays and gaining the required amount of health, the family was launched to a new place of service. Vova and tells his wife: "Dear, come immediately to Novosibirsk, and I will send a container from home myself. There is no sense to drag on the Far East, and the outstanding to Novosibirsk. " Wife said: "Again. I listen and obey".

But not in vain it says that in the still waters, you know who is working. Once Vova, being a cadet of the first or second year of Naval Burst, met with one girl, and she simply threw him when a pent-worship was scored on the horizon. Also reasonably. I do not talk to me - on horseradish she's a joy of the first second year, which for a few more years need to raise and clothe, and here a ready-made lieutenant with a salary, like a miner with experience! And the new family went to the Far East.

Vova married a very interesting girl, they had a daughter. On the distribution of Vova, I got there, where for several years a woman lived, which rushed him. With family, of course. Our town is small, they could not meet. In general, the feelings flashed again, and from feelings, with people can do a lot of nonsense. In short: "If you are drown, Il to P ... stick up, it is first difficult, and then you get used to it." Vova and adhesive, and used to.

The Bloododie decided that they would go to Novosibirsk together, and he would present it as his wife, and there, you look, everything stalls. Husband Vyovina Passia was on combat service. Children remained, her had two. But then the wines of officers always cut down each other. And this time the woman came to his girlfriend and asked her to look after the children, she would leave for a day or two. At the request there was nothing unusual, and the girlfriend agreed. In general, the wife runs off with a lieuer, as in sentimental novels. Children stayed with a neighbor. Mother was not going to return. Why she did so, still remains a mystery. And Vova, you yourself understand, adhesive to the female sexual body and therefore did not understand anything.

But he was a man noble and big fool. Before leaving writes a letter to his legitimate wife. Also, as in sentimental novels: Say, I'm sorry, all my life loved only her, and he married you from hopelessness and despair. Any woman to hear Syo at least unpleasantly, and the wife of Vova was a woman not just outwardly interesting, but, unlike his passion, she had something in her head. A letter received from a legitimate husband, she did not break in the annoyance, as it would make a less intelligent woman, but carefully retained. And immediately returned back to the place of residence. There she appeared in a special department and, presenting a letter, caught up to the rustle: "How did Felix Edmundovich taught you? Pure Hands !!! The man threw the family and went with a whore to your holy saints !!! How did you make it?! ".

To the honor of individuals, they reacted promptly and adequately. They were not afraid to make the honor of the uniform. Although the order for the enrollment of Vova in their Stan was signed by the biggest boss, however, in a matter of days it was canceled, and Vova was expelled for low moral qualities. He returned to the ship, but at his staff was already another person. Therefore, the Vova was accepted back, but brought out the state, that is, he received money only for his small title. From the party it was excluded for the same moral qualities. At the party meeting, the Makeup was turned virtuosically and completely, and this story became publicity, for only our party bodies and Catholic inquisitors could turn them into universal visits. Or am I wrong?

Neighbor, sitting with children a few days, raised the alarm. The husband was pulled out from the ship in the Indian Ocean and urgently delivered to the place of residence. They also called other relatives ... In general, the family was connected again. The lady returned to her husband. Who would dare throw a stone into her? He accepted it. And now they live, but are happy - I do not know.

And we were settled into my cabin, and after some time we began to communicate, but the past events did not touch at all. He is closed, and I do not like to climb a man into the soul. And only once Vova asked:

- What do you think, if I try to return to the family, I will succeed?

- I do not know. - honestly I said. - Women tend to forgive, you need to try at least.

In Vova, nothing happened. Subsequently, he went to another ship, but he served, in my opinion, only before Cap-leu *. His wife lived lonely, according to the information of her neighbors and friends, did not meet with anyone and he left his daughter in two or three to his homeland.

* Captain Lieutenant (Captain)


It happens anything.
I had a friend - Morpekh officer somewhere under Vladik.
You know - marines on large ships dodged. They went to the hike, months later returns - on the table a note, there is no wife.
The second time married. After another campaign - the same picture.
He did not marry anymore.

Gregory, it is not only in the sailors.
Here is an episode characteristic.
Grozny. Second Chechen. Northern airport negotiation point. Only opened, two booths, satellite communication, expensive. On the porch - the crowd, whom only is not: special forces, riot police, colour, intelligence ... chat, flakes in a circle, smoke pillar.
One of the officers got through home.
- Hello! Hello! Son you?
Mom Call!
- Moms do not. And who are you?
- Like who? I am your dad!
- non-e. Dad - in the bathroom is washes.
And you are uncle.

I do not know with what heart he came home.


Here it is, female happiness ...

Registration number 0089599 issued for the work:

The young, beautiful, young wife of the officer, only graduated from the Peden Institute, I barely hit twenty-two years. We arrived on the border, to the part of the husband. The circle of forest, the nature of generous and beautiful, "air is clean and fresh, like a kiss of a child," but the wilderness is terrible! I will go to teach in a garrison school, be sure to try myself, it's not a meal with longing! My spouse is a pretty cute, kind and reliable man. Some softly, girlfriends called his "mattress", but I wanted to spit on their characteristics - I live life behind him, as the stone wall. You look, I will also become a general!

The first day in the garrison began violently and good. We were accepted warm, welcoming. As I remember: there is a preparation for the holiday, and we, throwing things to the room allotted to us in an officer's house, gladly turn on in a funny korter. Among the new comrades there is one young officer, he immediately strides: young, but already burdened with life experience, tall, beautiful brunette with breathtaking blue eyes. Rare combination! He also looks at me furtively, but very often, I stumble on his eyes all the time. In huge aquamarine eyes - admiration and badly hidden passion. We are not talking to each other a word, he laughs a lot, with a jokes of jokes and seems to be excited without a cause.

I suddenly seizes incomprehensible excitement. Finally, everyone is sitting at the table, many people, having fun. There is a strange married couple on the holiday: a highly diffused general and his coquetty young wife, lightly shooting through his eyes, as in a dash, throughout the abundance of local young officers. Look, tired of the husband's rooted with gray! They are honored guests. Here aboutrOVO! Music, youth! Maybe here is not so boring, how did I think? "I'll try to test the place of the teacher!" - I ordered myself.

Dancing starts, and my husband suddenly invites you to young general. Why, of all the variety of young interesting men, she chose him, so far remains a mystery. The brunette officer immediately comes to me and silently drops his head on the chest. Speaking with a modest eye, I go with him, and the heart begins to send Charleston. We have such a conversation.

He: "Maybe let's immediately on" you "?"

I (coquettishly): "Yes, we kind of bruershaft did not drink ..."

He (smiling): "The hint is clear."

We are very close, his hot hand is slightly trembling on my waist.

He: "Let's meet! Can you come when your husband falls ash? I will wait at least until the morning at the very place where the merger of two rivers."

I know the place with this name. His husband and us showed us as the only garrison sight.

I: "Good! - I am spoiling. - However, no! Why do I need to run on your first call?"

He: "You see, the life of a fleet. You can not spend time on all nonsense, if I am convinced of the correctness of the decision, as I am now!"

In his words - a hint of a dangerous service, and I feel - he does not draw at all, simply explains the reason for his incontinence.

I: "For such frivolity, you need very good reason, agree!"

He: "Yes, of course! I really liked you, moreover, I'm in love with you, in love with hell ... I immediately understood, I barely saw you! What do you think love at first sight is a sufficient reasonable reason?"

I: "I don't know ... for such an experienced heart, like you, a new officer's wife - a tight piece ... For one night. I do not want to!"

He: "Very bad hint, Katyusha, but, perhaps, fair. Nevertheless, believe me, believe in your own risk, I have something to compare! Your face, and smile, and light tenderness of words ... everything in you - Life, it's hard for me to explain ... "Laccom Slice" - not about you, rather, about the general. And you are the only woman who I need, for your eyelashes - mystery! But while I can offer only a date on the background of raging Waters, while only night under the stars. The day will come, and I will win you, we will open my head, I will guide my husband! You are my and draw more, and you will not stay with this kind guy, and know! "

I (tremble): "You are romantic ..."

He: "In relation to you - yes ... So will you come?"

The whisper of it is trembling, breathing - roast. The mouth of the officer almost relate to my ear, which is why it flammifies and becomes crimson and hot. I barely restrain, so as not to crush his neck and do not stick to the harsh hard line of the handsome lip with its plump, painted by Ala Marilyn Monroe, lips.

In the whole evening, the officer does not drive his eyes off me, no one else dances with anyone, watching I walvating my husband clumsily. Before leaving, whispers imperceptibly: "I'm waiting for you, Katyusha!" I know His name - Petrov Yuri, and he is single. However, I don't care, let alone, and mine, and there at least twenty years of longing - all one! The ticking excitement owns my being, it shakes me like in a fever. There is no doubt - in love! I thought I would never lose my head! Here it was accomplished!

My husband and I come home, and he begins awkwardly to appreciate me. The spouse is pretty drunk, breathe in the face of live vodka. I firmly answer his caress, trying not to call suspicion, but he falls asleep right on me, so without making anything. Carefully turn the softening guy on the back, wait ten more minutes. I go out of the house, on me a summer dress, top of a cochet, the hair is dissolved and disassembled from the lightweight breeze, the wet grass turns along the legs. Quickly run through the field to the river. Here it is, the very place where there are two streams, current in different directions, but towards each other. Shocked water forms a turbulent funnel here, right above which the bridge was built. Watch from above on the whirlpool and tempting, and terribly.

The officer is waiting on the bridge, in his hands - a bottle of champagne (we did not drink on Brucershaft) and a bouquet of wildflowers. I approach slowly, we look into each other, go, and he hugs me. His strong beautiful hands are busy, but the whole body seeks to meet me ... no one has never been silent and eloquent me to understand about his thirst, no one has ever seduced so fiercely and frankly! I taja, losing control, and flowers, and champagne fly to the puchin of water; A man picks me up and carries on the other side. There, in the Xena Copper, under the star sky we spend the first night of love. Fly all to hell! His kisses are driven crazy, his dive is shook, his hot confessions fascinate! I rush, as in agony, whispering insane words, laugh and sob at the same time ... Let never come in the morning !!!

I come home at dawn shocked, tired, exhausted and driving up the muffle of her husband bitterly crying until complete notework. I can not believe: He loved me, possessed me, I don't want to believe: no longer happens in my life !!! I fall asleep, sobbing ... Morning wakes up sunlight and knocking on the door. Spouse, grinding from a cushion, goes off, but I don't want to open my eyes, I don't want to confuse the last remains of happiness.

"Katyusha, collect things, I'm yours!" - Suddenly I hear to the pain of your native voice. He, Petrov Yuri! Do not remember yourself, jumping, mumbling: "Yes, yes, yes!" Skay rushing to his neck.

"I decided not to wait for a convenient case, not to look for prudent solutions, do not lie! I don't want you to live with me!" - my beloved exclaims and interrupt himself: "My girl, will marry me?"

" Yes Yes Yes!" - Like the warmer I am. I collect things under a confused look of one who was still considered my husband yesterday. But I know who my real narrowed!

The censure, condemnation, accusations of immorality, human gossip and we carried out and survived, not staggering. The former husband began to drink with grief. Under the New Year, when my favorite returned from a business trip, he again led me to our place. We threw a bottle of champagne into the whirlpool, driving down the throat. Berently shook my hips with sheepskinen Tulup, Yuri mastered me right on the bridge, and we conceived our boys, Volodya and Yaroslav. He said then: "How not to frozen with these rapid waters, so never run out of love with you, my Katyusha!" Yuri was again sent out of the part in a closed garrison, lost in a deaf taiga. After sending it, the regimental authorities hoped to reconcile me with his spouse. But I knew who my real and the only husband!

Continued to live in the Petrov officer's room, teach at the local school (achieved his own) and burn from love. It's time to go to the decree, and we finally got permission to marry. Attempting to separate us, prevent "Amoral" and "Save the Society Cell" failed. Only when my navel I climbed onto the nose, the commanders understood: we all seriously! Yura hurriedly returned from long-distance travel, fearing, no matter how I gave birth to a straw wid. They say, the decisive word in our defense said the very aforementioned general, probably also hung up, risking marrying his young bird.

Petrova I did not see five months and when he returned, learned with difficulty. The native face cut a thick scar, and the hair was completely sad! But his harbor appearance did not become less beautiful. How I loved him then! Yuri said as if he had sacrificed for me for me and our child, but I did not believe him. Snow in the hair - where it was not going, but the scar ... baked all night.

Soon we had twins, Vovka and Slavik. The event solemnly celebrated the whole part. Even a former husband forgave me and brought gifts for boys.

Garrisons, long and close. Borders, northern and southern. Service and teacher. Children and friends-colleagues. Such is our life in a few words. Sometimes it was not easy, but I don't regret a second for a second! We are still thank you for a great place, the merger of two rivers, it leads us in life ... The whirlpool, where boils and foams the water, a bridge and a stack of hay on the opposite shore ... The dream has come true, the fairy tale in reality!

Our boys are completely different, like those two streams over which we conceived them. And yet, Vladimir and Yaroslav, although they float in the opposite directions, but towards each other. I believe, someday life reconciles them. They have difficult relationships, different characters and addictions, but the beginning of one thing is the bridge over stormy waters! "

A few years later, a new entry appears in the diary: "We have long been wandering around the garrisons, settled inN. , in the homeland of her husband. The boys became completely adults, looking for their ways in life! And and Yuri, we all also love each other, everyone also dreams to escape there, to our place. Take a look at the whirlpool, remember yourself with young and in love. Maybe then our young happiness will return again ... "

Enot, charming non-renewed, illogical hope ... There is no word more in the diary. Apparently, since then she has nothing to write. Everything here, love and life.

Here it is, female happiness ...

In terms of the case, it turned out to be our first and last with Ira at night. The next day, Kostik threw his passion and returned to the family. After I often went to visit them, but, of course, I, and Irina kept our mystery.

P.S. Four years have passed since that night. We moved to another area of \u200b\u200bthe city and did not see the bones and Ira for three years. Let's literally accidentally jumped to us "at the light", and now, when everyone has already been confused, Ira issued a phrase: "In the fact that Kostik threw me, was his big plus - I found out what a real man." And all this time she looked straight into my eyes. Thank God that our second half perceived it as a drunk trio, in order to remove the bone.

Officer's wife

Name: Officer Wife

The withdrawal of our troops from Mongolia became the hardest period of my service. We threw a huggy martial town and left unknown where, well, at least I was allocated to Vogon-Tawing, because I commanded the invoice at the headquarters of the regiment. True, it was difficult to call the department - only four people: three demobels (Carasev, Pay and Zhmerin) and one samp (starks). And in this composition, plus me and my wife Tanya, with all government equipment and personal property, we had to travel through all Siberia to the new location of the deployment in Urals.

Loading was done together, I brought all my skarb with ordinary stark on the cart on the car, where the three other soldiers under the guidance of my wife were loaded all inside. And here is the rolling truck because of the turn, I stopped to stay and wait for Stark, who ran back behind me cried in confusion. From here, I was opened with a beautiful view of the platform, where my wife told three demobs how carefully immerses the cabinet with a glass door, and they listened lazyly to her, from time to time putting her body-covered trico.

Well, let's boys, took! And you take Valera!

Carasev jumped into the wagon, preparing to accept the cargo, and the production and jersee became clumsy raising the closet.

Oh, careful! - Tanya shouted, rushing to hold the unexpectedly opened glass door. - Well, you are so!

After most of the cabinet was raised into the car, the soldiers relaxed and bravely overturned my wife.

Allow it, we will raise from here, "said Zhmerin, as if by chance, approaching the back and grabbing my spouse for the chest, while the payout was at the same manner behind the buttocks.

Well, let me! - Strictly shrinkled Tatiana knocking the Zhmerin hand.

The soldiers immediately moved away from her, while trying.

You're impassing your hands! I have not been thinking for a long time, I can complain about you, or even threaten something!

"Well, it seems to begins," I flashed in my head, although you think about what starts, I did not have time. Stark came and we shown the cart to the car.

I remembered about this case on the road when I exhausting the screen from the swirles of the fighters, my wife and I went to bed on the mattress prepared for this.

"And what if you leave it alone, alone with them? They rape her or afraid?" I thought, that, however, he climbs into the ball! It is probably not a long-standing love. "

I tried to kiss my wife on the lips, but she turned away.

Lesha, do not! Near your soldiers are sleeping.

Yes, they will not hear anything, they dry without the rear legs. Washing around very much per day. - I have come.

I am also tired. - Decisively stopped by my excuses Tatiana.

But the case to leave his wife with the soldiers did not make himself wait long. Arriving on the territory of the Union we stopped at the location of one part of the railway troops for an indefinite period. There was no place there, so everyone continued to live in the wagons. And like that, in one of the resurrection, I was to be on duty at the headquarters that were at the railway workers. I mean, I went there, not without a feet, leaving my wife on the care of the soldier, but everything seemed to be fine, besides, I promised there for a short time. The railroad officer came from whom there were some paper things there and offered to be at the headquarters instead of me, especially since it is unlikely to unwind the headquarters at the weekend, after moving. I willingly took advantage of his proposal and hurried home, but not reaching his car, standing apart in one of the impasses, I suddenly discovered an empty bottle of vodka laying on Earth. This, and even the fact that the door of the turbulent was tightly deployed, I was alerted. I wanted to break there, but defeats the excitement, went around the car on the other hand, where there was a gap, through which you can see what happens inside, while remaining unnoticed. In front of me, the following picture appeared: Karasev and Zhmerin kept stressful Starkov, and the pay tried to remove his pants from him. My wife rushed around them.