What to build a cheap garage. How to build a garage at the cottage: step-by-step construction of capital buildings

Garage near the house with a facing block house

Have you decided to build a house for your car, but are constrained in the means, how to be that the garage is spacious, good-free, and finally enough? In the article we will tell, from which material it is cheaper to build a garage, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each species.

What manufacturers are offered

Building consists of the following constructs:

  • Foundation.
  • Walls.
  • Roof.
  • Goal.
  • Finish.

We will analyze every item separately, we will try to pick up for each constructive the most economical type of material.


Under the garage usually ribbon base (see).

Make it from several types of material:

  1. Precast concrete blocks.

The advantages of such a foundation in the speed of installation, strength and reliability. Of these, you can also lay out the basement in the garage or the observation pit. But the price of the blocks is quite high to bring them and mount, you will have to hire expensive techniques, specialists in working with a crane and installation of reinforced concrete.

This option is good in the case when there are blocks that used, a friend works on the crane and is ready to help for a symbolic fee, and the owner of the construction has the skill and experience of assembly work.

  1. Concrete filled into an installed formwork with mandatory reinforcement.

In this case, it will be spent only on cement and sand-gravel mixture, for formwork use any suitable material: used boards, shields, plywood, metal sheets, that is, everything that can be at hand. For reinforcement, it is also possible to find the former fittings, mesh or any metal profile, saches or trimming, which bind among themselves into a single design.

It is possible to make a concrete mixture manually or with a small (by 0.5 m3) of a solution, which will certainly have someone from the neighbors of a garage or friends. Of course, this option will take some time and strength, but, as they say, "is not considered" his work, "if you need to save on materials and work.

  1. Brick or foam, slag blocks.

For the manufacture of such a foundation, some experience and knowledge of brickwork are independently necessary, and hiring a specialist will cost a lot. In addition, the surface of blocks or brick will require mandatory multilayer waterproofing from the penetration of moisture and protection of material from destruction.

So, based on the foregoing, we conclude that the most profitable foundation for the garage is "tape" from a concrete mix, made and filled with your own hands.


The garage refers to easy buildings, and this constructive is experiencing minor loads - roofing and atmospheric precipitates, so there are no powerful, thick walls here.

If the garage is adjacent to the house, you can save on one wall, the main thing is to correctly perform the butt of two buildings. We will not develop this topic here, the instruction on the docking of the garage with the house is on any construction site.

We will tell about inexpensive materials from which you can build the walls:

The size of the structure (cottage, garage, baths, etc.)
Perimeter of walls, m
Wall height, m
Windows and doors
Entrance door, pcs.
Door width, m
Door height, m
Window, number pcs.
Width of one window, m
The height of one window, m
Choose Building Material and Masonry
Type of material
Ceramzite concrete blocks, masonry in 0.5 block, wall 20 cm.

Ceramzite concrete blocks, masonry in 1 block, wall 40 cm.

Clasp blocks, masonry in 0.5 block, wall 20 cm.

Clamps, masonry in 1 block, wall 40 cm.

Brick cladding, thickness 0.5 bricks or 12 cm.

Facing of a thickened brick, wall thickness 0.5 bricks

So, now you know how many ceramzitoblocks or slag blocks are necessary for your structure. Now with the help of simple calculations on a conventional electronic calculator, you can find out the total amount of money for all the blocks necessary for the cottage or garage.
But these materials are very hygroscopic, so you have to sow a garage outside to protect against atmospheric influence, which will require additional costs.

    • Brick (see).

    Self-sufficient material that does not require additional cladding, the construction of it is durable, durable and reliable, plus is also a small weight and compactness of the material, but the construction takes a certain time, perhaps longer than I would like. In addition, the cost of brick, probably the highest to others, and the construction will require the skill and special skills.

    • Blocks made of foam, gas and slag concrete.

    Thanks to the dimensions of the material, the construction time is reduced, the construction will be pasted light, warm, durable, the cost of blocks is available, the transportation will not be difficult. In addition, the mass of walls from foam blocks does not require a powerful basis, in this case it can be saved a little on the foundation.

    • Metal.

    Of the sheet steel, it is possible if the owner has the skills of welding, or it is possible to hire a specialist. A skeleton garage with a shearing metal will cost cheaper than brick or foam block.

    The disadvantage of the metal garage is high thermal conductivity, in other words, it will be very cold in winter, the walls will require insulation or installation of a heating device. If this factor does not matter, then the best material for the construction of the garage is leaf steel.

    • Precast concrete.

    Walls from the railway panels are quickly mounted, work is possible to finish the day. Plates or buy (used former in use, but without visible defects), or poured on their own. In this case, you will have to spend money on cement and sandy-gravel mixture), concrete is prepared with a small concrete mixer.

    The garage from the precast concrete is durable, durable, with some insulation it will be comfortable in any weather. Although the installation will require the use of the crane or manipulator, but if you effectively work, you can significantly save on payment.

    • Bar or board.

    A frame construction from a tree will cost a completely inexpensive, but the high fire hazard of such a construction makes you think about the need to build a garage from this material.

    Definitely answer the question, from which material it is better to build a garage, and in particular the walls, not easy. All offered materials can be purchased at an affordable price, they are great for the construction of the construction, it all depends on your capabilities.

    Important! If you are familiar with the work of the bricklayer, then the garage of the brick or foam concrete is what you need. If you have a familiar craneker, then it's easier to fill and mount the wall panels. And the ability to hire a welder or ability to keep the electrode will help you make a metal garage walls.


    It can be two types: Single and dual-batch, about a more complex and expensive configuration we will not speak, as our question is in the construction of a garage with minimal costs.

    The overlap is made of hollow or bars plates, the ceiling is behed with a board or plywood. For rafters take a board at least 40 mm thick, for the crate - a 25-30 mm board (in order to save it, you can use the unedged, but you will have to remove the conversion, and then the wood quickly rotates).

    Such a roof will help solve the issue with insulation, the floor in the attic can be covered with a slag, which is the most inexpensive and affordable insulation material. A stranded or ordinary asbetic slate, proven for years, inexpensive, practical and durable material, can serve as a bartal roof roofing material.

    For overlapping, take the railway plates, which are placed directly on the walls with a slight bias for the drain and snow water. Here the overlap serves simultaneously and the roof. The joints are boosted with a solution or fill in the mounting foam, a cement screed with a thickness of 50 mm is arranged on the surface for alignment.

    The roofing materials for a garage with a single-sided roof usually apply rolled, weed, although from the savings you can buy a runneroid, but it is rather short-lived material, which is prone to rapid destruction, crack formation, and so on. It is better not to save and buy more modern consolidated materials, for example, Teknonikol.

    So, if you choose from these two types of roof, it is clear that the single-room will cost 10-15% cheaper.


    The most cost-effective metallic swing gates will be most cost, they are reliable, strong and perfectly perform the necessary protective functions. They are enough to paint by 2 times paint for metal for outdoor work.


    Depending on which the garage is built from which material, internal and outer decoration depends. Usually no one is sophisticated, separating the garage, but still the most needed does not hurt.

    • Brick does not require a special finish, outside it, as a rule, is left in its original form, and from the inside the walls can be simply covered with water-level paint.
    • Block garage requires an outer decoration, it can be a planed board, lining, siding, or simple plaster - what you can afford, inside it will not be superfluous for one layer and also covered with water-free or lime.
    • Metal garage paint wear-resistant paint and outside, and inside.


    To find out for yourself, from which to build a garage with the lowest costs, it is necessary to pre-conduct building materials for the garage, starting with the foundation and ending with the roof and finish, and then choose the most affordable materials.

    Important! The estimate needs to include the cost of designing the construction in the relevant instances.

    We hope that the thematic photos and video provided by us will help you in solving this issue.

In the modern world, each family has its own vehicle, some families can afford to have them even a few. The most common car is. He becomes a real family member, care about him, take care and try to keep in good terms. Therefore, many street parking motorists prefer their own garage, which serves not only by the house for the car, but also the storage location of the necessary tools and the station for the repair of the Iron Horse.

Important features

Having your private house or cottage, many owners prefer to have a garage for the car. Especially since it can be built with his own hands, not even having a construction or architectural education.

It is simply necessary to study the materials to create this simple design, correctly execute the plan and all preliminary calculations.

First of all, you need to decide what kind of building it will be necessary to build. The garage can be small, standard sizes for one car, have a flat single-piece roof. It can also be turned it out of the parking space of the car into a whole range of useful premises on the household plot.

So, it can be a two-story or a bounce roof, and a small cozy attachment can be located under it, which will serve, for example, a relaxing room or guest.

It is also possible to equip a not just a viewing pit, and the most real cellar for storing blanks for the winter, too many things. In such a garage, you can organize a small hosbler, installing racks, shelves, work desk and even sink.

For owners of two cars or truck you just need to increase the parameters of the structure. You can even make separate blocks by building an additional partition. Mass garage construction options. It is necessary to simply determine the individual needs, desires and material capabilities of the owner.

Selection of material and design

This issue needs to be suitable. Based on how much funds will be allocated for construction, it will be an economy version of either a luxurious room, you can start the choice of the design and materials.

The modern construction market has a huge variety of various materials, both cheap and expensive. Among them can be allocated:

  • brick;
  • sandwich panels;
  • slag blocks;
  • gas-silicate blocks;
  • zhby Plates;
  • polycarbonate;
  • shield material.

The role of auxiliary materials can be used:

  • sleepers;
  • bars;
  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • cement.

Currently, the design of garages can be absolutely different. The most popular and simple can be called the usual rectangular structure. Today, a garage of the "penalty" or "shell" is practically gone in the past in Soviet times. They could be installed anywhere, since they were more equivalent to auto tents.

Such garages are "pencils" quickly become popular. They had a number of advantages:

  • low price and ease of installation;
  • protection of the car from bad weather and theft;
  • the ability to post next to the house;
  • additional place to store inventory.

Today you can allocate the following types of garages:

  1. From brick. This is a capital building that will serve for many years. But at the same time, it is the most difficult and expensive.
  2. From various blocks. It is warm, has a smaller weight than brick, and material for construction is cheaper.
  3. Metal.For its manufacture requires professional welding. This is a lightweight design, but such a garage is very cold and necessarily requires insulation.
  4. Frame garage. He is simple in the construction. Any available materials can be used.

There are even so car enthusiasts that build an underground garage. It is not visible to others and saves space on the plot. It is easy to bring all the communications directly from the house: both electricity, and heating, and water supply, and even sewage. In addition, it will be possible to get straight from the house.


The first and very important stage of construction is the development of the project. Before approving it is necessary to decide on the place of construction. The garage can be both separate and attached to any building on the site. The main thing is to use it comfortably and it fits into the overall design of the yard.

The detached garage is chosen if, with this location, it will be more convenient to approach. You can even build it in such a place that the gate will immediately open on the road.

A devounted garage is convenient if the main building is close to the external line of the site. With this location, even the ability to combine communications with the house appears.

As for construction costs, depending on the choice of location, it should be noted that a separate garage will cost cheaper, since in the case of an extension will have to strengthen the foundation of the already existing construction, which will inevitably incur additional costs.

When creating a project, it is not necessary to resort to the help of professionals. It is necessary to perform at least the easiest drawing with the indication of all sizes of the planned building. The main thing is that the drawing has information about:

  • Terms of construction.If the garage is designed only for the storage of the car, its area will be less than if there is planned to equip additional places to store inventory, repairing the car or rest.
  • Building sizes.They depend primarily from the dimensions and the number of cars.

Deciding with the location, drawing a project of capital structures with the planned sizes, you can begin the calculation of materials and, accordingly, the costs of them.

To this stage, it is necessary to take extremely responsible, because mistakes in the calculations can lead to a lack of materials or, on the contrary, to excessive spending.

Marking and earthworks

In order to move the finished project to the terrain, the following tools will be needed:

  • durable carsional thread;
  • roulette;
  • stakes or parts of the reinforcement;
  • big hammer.

With the help of them, it will be necessary to make the same drawing, only on the ground and in full size.

After that, you can move to earthworks. You can dig a trench or manually or with the help of a mini-excavator, if any. Immediately it is necessary to prepare a place under the observation pit if it is necessary. Its depth should be about two meters, although this figure may vary.

The main thing is to consider that the depth is optimal, 15-20 cm is greater than human growth. The widths will be enough to 1 meter. The pits length of about two meters is sufficient to repair any car.

To base the future foundation, the optimal trench depth will range from 60 to 100 cm. Although it is worth considering the type of soil and climatic conditions. If necessary, it can be increased.

Foundation: Options

Today there are a wide variety of foundations. But the most common can be called a monolithic foundation. Build it in two ways:

  • small stones are laid in the trench, then poured with concrete solution;
  • the valve is installed in the trench and is filled with a solution.

It is necessary to take into account that the foundation should be higher than the level of the Earth. Therefore, formwork is additionally manufactured and installed. Its height will indicate the level of the foundation. Thus, the garage foundation device has the following steps:

  1. A stone layers are stacked in the trench, each poured concrete.
  2. A formwork is installed around the perimeter. It is made from the boards with a width of about 10 cm strictly in terms of level.
  3. The material for moisture insulation is stacked on top. Well for this purpose is the rubberoid.
  4. In terms of formwork, a concrete solution is poured and aligned.

It is necessary to wait for a complete drying of the structure. It will take about three weeks. Otherwise, the foundation will be short-lived.


Quickly, qualitatively and for a long time you can build a garage on your brick section of either ceramzite-concrete plates. The principle of their masonry is the same. They differ only in size.


After drying the foundation, you can move to the masonry of the walls. Be sure to pave waterproofing the width of a little more than the wall.

Laying bricks or blocks should occur according to the scheme in which the elements of the upper row overlap the seams of the lower. Construction is better to start with corners. The solidity of the walls is controlled using a level and a plumb.

It is necessary to take care of the solution for masonry walls. It must be kneaded at the calculation of the cement bucket by 4.5 sand buckets. It should not be too liquid. To achieve a plasticity of the solution, half the clay buckets can be obtained. In the future, this will prevent outlapsing.

If there are windows and doors in the project, then below them, respectively, it is left empty in the desired size of these structures.


There are 2 main types of roofs:

  • single;
  • double.

A single-piece roof has a simpler design, it is less expensive. But when it is constructed, you need to remember that it is necessary to make a slope. Its optimal value is 10-12 degrees. With this value, the precipitate do not accumulate and completely come from the roof. Probably the only minus of such a structure is the lack of a attic.

As for the duplex roof, it is more complicated in the equipment, more expensive due to the need to purchase additional material. On the other hand, it is possible to build an attic or attic.

If you still build a single roof, then you should begin with its base. Wooden beams are taken and across the structure with an approximate step in one meter. Then they need to be sewed to a wooden bar with a thickness of at least 4 cm as close as possible.

The next layer is runneroid and insulation. Next you need to equip and pour cement screed. As a final upper coat, you can use, for example, Aquiazole or Rubemaks. On the front and end sides of the roof, it is better to build visors.

Gate, windows, doors

In the leftways left, metal-plastic or wooden windows and metal doors need to be built.

The windows can be done by fetchable (swing), lifting or deaf. Although the last option is not recommended, since it will not be able to air the room, and harmful chemicals can accumulate. In addition, modern windows can choose the type of glasses. They can be:

  • patristic;
  • sunscreen;
  • anti-reflective;
  • unbreakable;
  • fire fighting;
  • multilayer.

Each type has its properties, and depending on the needs of the owner, you can choose either the original appearance, or ease of operation, or safety. Naturally, the price of such windows will be much higher.

As for the gate, there are also several options here. You can set conventional double metal gates, and you can choose the option more expensive and mount rolling shutters that can be manual or electrical. The last option, of course, is the most expensive, and the installation and setting of remote control is better to entrust professionals. On the other hand, this option is the most prestigious, easy and convenient in operation.

There are several types of garage gates depending on their design:

  • Swing. They are inexpensive and consist of two flaps of the canvas, they are easy to make them.
  • Sectional. They are a sectional canvas that when opening rises to the ceiling using a lifting mechanism.
  • Skump. Opened by shift in side.
  • Rollent.Consist of plates that, when opening, add up to a specially manufactured box.

Also, the gate must comply with the following requirements:

  1. provide an unhindered and comfortable check in and caring a car, fully comply with his dimensions;
  2. be durable and hacking;
  3. provide protection against environmental impacts.

Close up of opening

Operactions and cracks need to be used. It is best to do on 2/3 parts of the gap. As soon as the foam dries, the surplus can be cut to give an aesthetic type of construction. After that, they can be separated by plastic corners, metal or wood.


On the roof along the front and side parts it is recommended to equip parapet about 20-30 cm in height. It can be made of bricks or foam concrete.

Flooring device and insulation walls

The floor in the garage must be equipped with a closure or slightly above the base. The design should be durable and durable.

First of all, you need to align the foundation. There is about 5 cm layer on it. Then it is necessary to fill the floor with concrete solution and align it well. The layer of concrete will be impressive, he needs to give good enough.

The floor in the garage is also possible to make from concrete slabs, and the space between them lay small stones and cement.

Since the garage is used yearly, it is better to immediately insulate his walls. To do this, you can use mineral wool or foam. The insulation scheme is simple: the lamp is attached to the walls, it is better to impose waterproofing on it. Then the insulation blocks are stacked. At the end, a lifting is performed, for example, from plasterboard, siding or lining.

With this decoration of the walls, the garage will turn out to be warm, will not freeze in the winter period. And the car will be in comfortable conditions.

Waterproofing roofing

Waterproofing the roof of the garage is an important stage of construction. From its proper execution will depend on how dry the room will turn out, because the roof will not pass moisture in bad weather or in winter. In the process of waterproofing, the roof is important every stage - from the choice of materials to competent and professional installation.

To properly execute it is necessary to correctly select materials. They should be:

  • durable - the material should be resistant to the loads and environmental impacts;
  • elastic - this property should save from the destruction of the waterproofing layer for any deformations;
  • have good water repellent characteristics - the material should not miss not only the water itself, but also its pairs;
  • heat-proof is important to preserve and maintain heat indoors.

There are several types of waterproofing materials in the building materials market:

  1. Membrane systems. The membrane has good properties, can be used even with strong temperature differences. This is a very durable material. He can serve up to 50 years. It can be laid under all weather conditions.
  2. Polymer mastic.They have high strength, reliability and durability. They do not need to be repaired several decades. Such a coating retains its operational properties even with a tough climate, it is not terrible, neither frost nor the sun, it does not melt and does not crack. When applying mastic, there are no seams, which is an additional protection against external factors.
  3. Film coatings. Special guide film has microperphoration. Thanks to micro, air ventilation occurs. The underpants anti-condensate film is made of viscose, which allows it to absorb moisture well. This type of waterproofing is better used when the roofs are made of metal tile or professional flooring.

For the waterproofing of a single-table roof, liquid rubber is well suited, mastic. It is necessary to take into account that waterproofing work is best done in warm sunny weather.

Finishing works inside and outside

The choice of options for internal and external finishing works is limited only by fantasy and finances. The finish can be both minimal, using simple and cheap materials, such as cement mixture, whitewashed or plaster, or it can be spent on it and give a garage a presentable look both outside and inside. Brick walls can be separated by clapboard or siding.

In two-storey garages, much attention can be paid to the finish of the second floor or attic. From it may turn out a full room, if I am melting and give her an original design.

The finishing of the outer surface of the garage can be performed in various ways:

  • stucco;
  • extending seams;
  • finished natural stone;
  • facing sheet materials.

The external plaster walls can be performed in various color. There are various decorative plaster, such as terrazite, stone or lime-sand. The stone is most durable, but when finishing them, you need to put a lot of strength and money. They are applied in two or four layers of a total thickness of about 10 cm.

Lime-sand plasters are applied with the addition of a small amount of cement. In the terrazite plaster you can add a mica to make the walls of an attractive shine. After drying the layer of such plaster, it must be lost. Using the seams, you can give them a different shape and color.

You can apply layers of stone crumbs on the outer walls of the garage. It must be moistened with water and apply directly on the fresh primer layer.

The garage finish can also be made by its painting. Before this, the walls must be pasted. After painting with oil paints on the walls, you can put a lacquer for giving them glitter. Varnish are applied to a dry clean surface, preferably in two layers.

You can also use nitrocracies. They are usually produced in finished form, but are applied with spray guns. They dry very quickly.

Interior decoration is also an important element. It not only protects the garage from malicious environmental factors, but also makes his appearance attractive. It must comply with the following requirements:

  • To be nonsense. Even with a small ignition, the fire can go to it, it cannot be allowed.
  • Contact chemicals resistant.
  • To be unpretentious.
  • Sustainable contamination and damage.

The plaster of the inner walls of the garage today is an economical and simple trim. It is non-combustible, easy to repair and is excellent for almost any garage designs.

Finishing inside can be performed using ceramic tiles. It is refractory, protects against moisture, mechanical damage, chemical influences, is easily clean. With such a finish, the garage becomes cozy and presentable. By the way, this kind of finish is better to perform on the walls of brick or concrete, which have enough thickness.

Another way to finish is plastic sheets. It is easy to perform and economical. PVC panels fireproof and do not let the water. They are easily mounted and give a garage well-kept look.

The garage ceiling can also be twisted or covered with plastic panels. The material of his cladding may depend on the desires and preferences of the owner.

Since there is often not enough light in the garage, it is often necessary to use power tools or electrical heaters, then at the finishing stage, it is also necessary to bring electricity to the garage in any convenient way. The garage is usually connected to power supply through a general machine.

The wiring circuit must necessarily include separate lines for 220 and 380 V. To properly equip the construction of electricity, it is necessary to make a power scheme. It takes into account all the electrical appliances that will take place in the garage, and their location. These are sockets, and lighting devices, and heaters.

It is desirable that each line is connected separately, for this you need to use circuit breakers.

After the power supply, you can install sockets and switches. Decorative lamps are installed on the walls and ceiling of the garage. If there is an observation pit, you must not forget about its lighting.

Installation of electricity can be made independently, only if there are special knowledge and skills for this, because it is a very complex and even dangerous task.

Easier and safer will trust this work by qualified specialists. Of course, their work will cost completely at all, but it will be possible not to worry for the result. Experienced electricians surely after performing the work will check the quality of all connections and will be guaranteed to work.

Selection of heating

But even when the garage is insulated, it is better to additionally equip the heating system in it, especially if it is used to repair the car. Heating can be two types - permanent and periodic.

Permanent heating is a reduced copy of the heating system at home. It is expensive and troublesome. With this type of heating, it will be necessary to install radiators in the garage and associate them with an additional pipe with the heating system of the house. You can also use gas heating in the presence of a gas pipe next to the garage.

Periodic heating is not difficult to organize. But it is not particularly comfortable and convenient. With this form of the heating system, the garages are equipped with stoves, be sure to smoke. You can turn them with any flammable material. But often to achieve uniform warming up the room with their help cannot be. Such heating devices need to be placed as far as possible from flammable items to avoid fire.

Therefore, often in the garages use the simplest methods of heating - heat pipes. They are mobile, do not cause extra hassle and well warmed the room. The heat pipe is powered by the power grid. They can be placed somewhat in different places, if the garage area is impressive.

You can also use the air option. It is necessary to build a ventilation channel, choose a heat exchanger and a fan. The most effective is the direction of hot air from the bottom up.

You can also damn the garage using infrared irradiation. For this, the heater is bought and connects to the power grid. In this case, the mode of heating the room is achieved within a few minutes. Such a heating system works even at the open gate of the garage.

When choosing heating in the garage, most often guided by the following important criteria:

  • ease of maintenance;
  • availability;
  • easy to operate;
  • reliability and efficiency.

Summing up It should be noted that the construction of the garage is not too complicated, but very responsible occupation. Before the start of work, it is necessary to determine the location of the construction, because it should be simultaneously comfortable and safe.

So, for example, the garage is not recommended to build in the depths of the yard, as this may complicate the unimpeded entrance to it. In addition, it is better to erect it on a flat surface or an elevation, but in no case in lowland. Underground waters and precipitation can accumulate there, which will lead to a reduction in its life.

It is better to put the structure away from the trees to avoid their sudden destruction and germination of roots under the foundation.

You need to think about the design of the garage in advance. From it will depend on the selection of building materials, insulation, waterproofing and even finishes, internal and external. Immediately, it is better to take into account the features of the construction, whether it is the presence of observation pit or even the cellar, the kind of roof.

On a single-sided roof you can build a terrace for recreation. When choosing a bounce, it would be nice to build a attic, attic or even a full-fledged second floor. So you can immediately "kill two hares": get a reliable dwelling for a personal car and an additional living area, for example, to accommodate guests.

It is necessary to competently compile the construction project and correctly calculate the required number of building materials in order to avoid excess spending.

When the garage is built, it is necessary to strictly observe the sequence, norms and rules for construction.Do not neglect constant measurements, controlling the level and quality of materials used.

Depending on the cost of the construction, you can choose either a more economical version of the roof, gate and finishes, or if there is such an opportunity, use innovative technologies when choosing a gate, heat and waterproofing, heating and facing of the structure.

It is also possible to partially or completely resort to the help of professionals, which can competently mount various elements of the construction.

Special attention should be paid to the inner and external trim of the garage. They can combine and attractive appearance, and protection against indulgent environmental factors, and ease of installation and even security in operation.

Be sure to take into account the presence of communications in the room - electricity, water supply and heating. They can be combined with general amen, and make autonomous.

Thus, the construction of the garage is an unprecedented process, quite laborious and requiring great care and responsibility. But if you observe all the standards, rules and norms, take into account all sorts of factors, the final result will be qualitative, durable and convenient. Such a garage will not only be a cozy home for a car, comfortable for repair work and storing all sorts of instruments, but will also be a reason for pride and decoration of the household site.

The car needs a landscaped garage providing security. The construction of the garage premises for the storage of the vehicle is a serious task, to the solution of which it is necessary to carefully prepare. Construction is not limited to obtaining permission, the development of the structure of the structure, the choice of building materials. It is important to figure out where to start construction, calculate the need to know how to build a garage.

How to build a garage do it yourself

Construction provides for the following steps:

  • Development of a structure of the structure.
  • Selection of the site.

Selecting a garage site - a difficult task

  • Purchase of materials.
  • Preparation of the necessary tools.
  • Marking of the site.
  • Building foundation.
  • Construction of the frame or walls (depending on the design features).
  • Setting the gate.
  • Arrangement of the roof of the structure.
  • Concreting floor of the garage room.
  • Finish.
  • Ventilation device.

Let us dwell on the features of the work.

How to start building a room for cars? Select the type of structure, determine the design features, sizes and develop a plan. From careful study of the nuances depends on how quickly it will be built, the walls are built and the roof is installed. At the design stage, it is important to choose the design option:

  • frame. Represents a simple design, which is trimmed by a professional flooring, metal profile, boards, sandwich panels or metal. Going for limited time, does not require foundation and significant expenses;

Standing separately. This option is chosen if the house has already been built and / or the form of the site is such that access roads take too much space

  • capital. Building from concrete blocks or bricks can have the second floor, equip the basement or represent a large garage for two cars. Represents a reliable structure on the foundation;
  • underground. Located below the building base, needs reliable waterproofing, installation of ventilation communications, allows you to rationally use the area.

It is important to choose the location of the site. Pay attention to the following points:

  • the location should not make it difficult to move at the open gate;
  • the distance to the buildings should be more than 9 m;
  • distance from windows of buildings should be more than 10 m;
  • the location of the site on the slope will make it difficult to enter the garage room;
  • driving ways should provide the possibility of free arrival.

Materials must be purchased in an amount corresponding to the project requirements. To build, you will need:

  • Concrete for filling the foundation.
  • The reinforcement frame for enhancing the foundation.

First you need to decide for what purposes the garage will be used

  • Material for walls.
  • Metal profiles and wooden bars for the frame, construction of the rafting roof construction.
  • Ready gates or blanks for their manufacture.
  • Wood for erection of formwork and performing the roof crate.
  • Fastening elements.

Attention! Depending on the design features, the list requires clarification.

To perform work, you will need tools and equipment:

  • welding machine;
  • concrete mixer;
  • shovels, buckets;
  • electric tool;
  • construction level, roulette;
  • a hammer;

The preparation of the site provides for marking and extraction of the soil for the foundation.

The foundation for the garage without a pit can be any, although tape, even pile

Options are different:

  • ribbon. Poured into the pit. A trench is preparing, a rubbed pillow is formed, a formwork is assembled, an armature frame is installed, the foundation is concreted. An inexpensive belt base provides stability on problem soils;
  • monolithic. The bay foundation is an expensive option of the base applied on bunched soils. Guarantees the integrity of capital buildings. It is shut-off by digging a pit, filling the pit of sand, laying waterproofing, reinforcement and fill with concrete solution;
  • columnar. Reliable base on sites with soil, prone to bent. It is made by pouring concrete supports with an interval of 1.5-3 m. The design is calculated depending on the mass of the structure.

Attention! When we build a garage, you need to perform a study of the soil on the site, calculate the mass of structures, choose the right structure of the foundation. Remember that the erection of walls are started after the hardening of concrete, the acquisition of strength. On the surface of the foundation should be placed rubberoid for waterproofing walls.

When building a building, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The block laying begins with an angle.
  2. Blocks must be thoroughly missed with a solution.
  3. Mix blocks when laying.
  4. Reinforcement is made through 3-4 rows.
  5. Armopois on the contour of the walls is required to distribute loads from the roof.
  6. The height of the walls should provide a comfortable movement along the garage room and be 2.5-3 m.

The bowl of the whole wall in the garage is made from building blocks

Attention! Brick laying must be made in 1-1.5 brick thickness to ensure strength.

There are various options for the design of the gate:

  • swing;
  • rather
  • lifting-swivels;
  • sectional.

Attention! Carefully consider the design of the gate, ensuring the convenience of entry, pre-apply primer to the surface of the metal. The mortgage elements attached to the gate will ensure their fixation when laying.

You can cheap the following types of roofs:

  1. Single. Budget version of the roof design, allowing you to use any materials.
  2. Flat. The basis of the roof is the overlap panels.
  3. Double. Installed on rafters with crate.

Filling the floor is made on the rammed base with a sandily cement pillow with a thickness of 10 cm. Observe the following requirements:

  • pour the screed with a thickness of 10-15 cm for waterproofing;

It is easier to make a monolithic reinforced plate immediately and not to do the foundation first, and then the floor

  • provide a bias of 3-4 degrees towards entry;
  • use for reinforcing the reinforcement;
  • use the M300 concrete solution.

Attention! The tile applied to the concrete base will prevent the formation of dust, it makes it difficult for cracking.

Finishing is made depending on the available building materials and financial capabilities. It is important to ensure reliable protection of the walls from the penetration of moisture and create the transportation of the construction.

Attention! Installation of supply and exhaust ventilation will allow you to maintain a comfortable level of humidity.

Where to start building a garage

Start building a garage better with design. The developed project will avoid unforeseen errors, since the document contains the necessary information:

  • type of garage room (individual or attached to the building);
  • target and number of vehicles indoors;
  • dimensions;
  • characteristics of the ceiling - Features of the roof design, bias, area, erection nuances;
  • base design - solid, ribbon or columnar;
  • construction features and box material - concrete blocks, brick, wood, metal, straightened;
  • the circuit with a breakdown on the functional zones, including the basement, the observation pit.

Interior arrangement of the garage, wall decoration, gender, the availability of lighting, heating depends on the desire of the owner

It is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • the results of the studies of the soil necessary to determine the type of foundation are the nature of the soil, the level of groundwater, the depth of the freezer;
  • the proximity of power supply lines and plumbing networks allowing you to quickly connect to the necessary engineering highways;
  • the location of the structure on the plot, remoteness from the entrance gate to the territory, which determines the convenience of the entrance;
  • the amount of estimates of the construction expenditures, allowing to implement conceived plans.

Attention! It is not necessary to order a project in a specialized organization. You can independently design or use a typical drawing.

Garage Construction Calculator - Material Calculation

Using an online calculator, it is easy to calculate the need for building materials, to determine the total volume of construction estimates. For the construction of the building, the program performs calculation based on the following data:

  • dimensions;
  • depths, widths, type of foundation;
  • wall material;
  • the size of the entrance gate;
  • roof designs.

When developing a project, you can use two options: Order from specialists technical documentation, make a plan on your own

The management of the previously developed project is easy to calculate the number of necessary materials. To calculate, determine:

  1. The length of the walls.
  2. Height of the garage room.
  3. Thickness of walls.
  4. Dimensions of openings.
  5. The dimensions of the material used.

The method of self-calculation does not cause difficulties:

  1. Calculate the number of building materials for the construction of one square meter of the surface of the walls.
  2. Calculate the walls of the walls without taking into account the openings.
  3. Multiply consumption on the surface area.
  4. Multiply the result obtained on the reserve coefficient equal to 1.1.

Attention! Knowing the roofing need for one square meter of the roof, determined with the design, it is possible to quickly calculate the consumption of building materials for the manufacture of roofs.

Obtaining a garage construction permit

According to current regulatory documents, the stationary garage refers to capital buildings whose owners pay taxes in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. Therefore, for the construction, necessarily, you need to get an official document - a special permit for construction.

What material to choose is your personal desire

These requirements refer to all types of facilities intended for storing vehicles that are located:

  • in the territories of country sites;
  • on the laragers of garage cooperatives.

Attention! The list of submitted documents is different in different regions. It is important to clarify the procedure for issuing documents in local authorities.

It is unlikely that the construction of the construction set on its plot will be carried out, but it is quite possible that the issue of paying the fine is quite possible. In any case, the need for sale will be needed.

The procedure for issuing documents for the construction of a garage on the site

According to the procedure for design and general rules, you need to submit the following documents:

  • application request to resolve construction;
  • documents confirming land ownership;
  • photocopy of a pre-developed project;
  • the license of the company that carried out the design and developed the plan;
  • an extract from the cadastre confirming the dilution of the land plot and containing information about the location of the location.

To begin with, you must apply to your local architecture branch.

results Vote

Where would you prefer to live: in a private house, or apartment?


Where would you prefer to live: in a private house, or apartment?


Attention! To learn how to get permits for the construction of a garage on its plot of land, you can in local authorities, a garage or country cooperative, where you can familiarize yourself with the regulatory documents.

To obtain permission, you must additionally place:

  • documents for the examination of the construction site;
  • passport for the erected structure.

Important! Coordination of the plan of construction with fire supervision authorities will avoid unforeseen situations. By deciding where to build, it is important to comply with fireproof norms, to secure the indentation of the neighboring area of \u200b\u200bat least 3 m. The existing norms do not prohibit build a building close to the street. This allows you to rationally use the designated area in the site.

There are situations where documents are not required:

  • when erecting temporary (not capital) build;
  • if the garage building is equal to the building of the auxiliary.

Attention! Professional consultation of a specialist who will provide complete information about the mechanism for obtaining permission will avoid problematic situations with documents.

Even in case of refusal, you will be written justification. And if you eliminate the shortcomings, then you can calmly serve and for the second time

What to build a garage inexpensively - the choice of material

The choice of material for the construction of the garage is a serious task. Wanting to reduce the level of costs, it is necessary to decide how inexpensively and efficiently can be built. Used building materials can be divided into types:

  • concrete blocks, plates, brick. Require the construction of a massive foundation. Used for capital buildings;
  • profile sheets, metal profile, boards. They are in demand when building light frameworks;
  • sandwich panels, concrete with thermal insulation characteristics. Warm material allows you to provide a comfortable temperature.

Important! Carefully examine the features of various building materials. Then decide which is better and more profitable to build.

Construction of the garage room from metal

Using a metal profile sheet, you can quickly fasten the walls and roof on the frame metal structures.

Metal garage - a comfortable design for at least the fact that it can be easily transported from place to place

The construction of metal has a number of advantages:

  • easily transported;
  • has high strength;
  • operated for a long time.

Weak sides:

  • the formation of condensate inside the garage room when the temperature changes;
  • exposure of corrosion metal in the absence of a protective coating;
  • sharp fluctuations in the room inside the room during the day.

Important! The use of thermal insulation fixed from the inside of the walls allows to stabilize the temperature differences, reduce the formation of condensation.

We use blocks

For construction, various types of concrete blocks are applied:

  1. Ceramzit concrete.
  2. Gasosilicate.
  3. Slag.
  4. Foam concrete.

Gas silicate blocks an order of magnitude more than ordinary bricks, so it will take a little time to build a garage

Applying blocks can be independently, for a short time, to build. Due to the increased size of concrete blocks, the masonry is performed quickly, with minimal costs of the binding composition.

The advantages of concrete blocks:

  • affordable price;
  • increased volume;
  • low weight;
  • high strength;
  • simplicity of masonry;
  • noise insulation;
  • frost resistance;
  • preservation of heat.

Attention! In need to ensure air circulation. The supply and exhaust ventilation will reduce the concentration of moisture, will prevent the formation of condensate.

We erect wooden garage

Using wood you can quickly build a garage. The advantages of the structure:

  • low weight;
  • short-range installation;

Build a wooden garage with your own hands just and not long

  • the possibility of disassembly;
  • low cost levels;
  • environmental purity.

The weaknesses of the tree are the ambit of fungus, insect damage, the possibility of fire in an abnormal situation.

Important! The use of protective compositions for wood processing ensures reliable protection against destruction, increases fire resistance and resource of operation.

Construction from Bruus

The construction of the garage room from the bar is popular. It represents a set of fitted and dried boards impregnated with protective compositions. The advantages of the structure:

  1. Increased thermal insulation characteristics.
  2. The ability to skip pairs, neutralize odors.
  3. Harmonious combination with the exterior of the plot.

The disadvantages of the tree is that it will easily light up in the case of an abnormal situation, it is affected by fungus, spoil insects

Attention! The use of preparations for wood processing makes it possible to increase the stability of the boards to the effects of fire.

Application of professional flooring

The use of a professional leaf recorded to the carrying frame from Profiterba allows you to quickly build a light laptop design, which allows you to quickly solve the problem of parking. The rate of construction, low costs contribute to the popularity of construction from the professionalist. Metal structures from proftruba reliably fixes the trim from the professionalist.

Using bricks

The brick option is a classic genre with many advantages:

  1. Strength.
  2. Durability.
  3. Fire safety.


  • increased cost level;
  • the complexity of masonry.

The brick garage looks special, it will not like one century while compliance with the laying technology, he is not afraid of fire and pests

Building from plates

Concrete slabs are widely used in garage cooperatives, allow you to quickly build a building from monolithic elements. The increased mass of concrete slabs requires a strengthened foundation and the construction of Armopoyas around the perimeter of the walls.

Option from sandwich panels

The sandwich panels represent a multilayer design consisting of a sheat and insulation. The panels allow you to promptly build a modern factories, characterized:

  1. Increased thermal insulation.
  2. Strength.
  3. A variety of color solutions.
  4. Speed \u200b\u200bassembly.

This material refers to the category of prefabricated, which makes the material attractive to purchase

Structure from aerated concrete

The use of aerated concrete blocks is common.


  • Preservation of heat.
  • Light weight with enhanced dimensions.
  • Stability of concrete blocks to fire.
  • Ecology.
  • Simple laying of concrete blocks.
  • Easy workability.

Disadvantages of concrete blocks:

  • hygroscopic;
  • reduced bearing capacity;
  • shrinking material.

Important! The enhancement belt device increases the strength of the structure.

Construction of sleepers

Rarely used used sleepers that differ:

  • durability;

The garage is an important construction object that performs a considerable number of functions. In addition to direct purposes, i.e. Places where you can leave a car for reliable walls, the garage can be a kind of repository of various reserves and products with cottages: products, building materials, winter stocks. Therefore, it is worth thinking about its construction not only by car owners, which is acceptable, but also to other people.

In addition to its obvious economic benefit, the construction of the garage will be beneficial and from a financial point of view. The fact is that constantly paying the paid parking is difficult, and these spending themselves are incompatible with the price that you pay for the construction of the garage.

What to build a garage?

Today, the construction of the following types of material is justified:

  • brick;
  • foam block designs;
  • slag blocks;
  • wood;
  • sandwich panels.

It is worth noting that these materials may be different, i.e. Be temporal and permanent. This difference is to easily disassemble the design to move it to another place.
General similarity is that the foundation is needed for their construction, but it serves a different function. In the case of the capital structure, the foundation is needed to transfer the load from the walls to the Earth, and in temporary buildings - to level the Earth, so that technical modules can be installed.

Pros and cons of materials of different types

  • Brick. When building a garage, not only the financial component is important, but also the purpose of this building. If you use the garage only in the warm season, then the walls are inappropriate. With year-round use, you need to make a selection of material that meets these requirements. Brick garages, if they are not pre-insulated, will not be the best option for applying the garage all year round. In addition, the brick garage is established in cooperatives, which will save from the possible penetration of intruders. The garages of bricks are erected on free territory, but in this case they will have to take care of the sufficiently thick walls of the structure (at least one brick wide). Construction of a brick garage is a difficult matter, because at least minimal knowledge is needed in masonry methods.

  • Foam concrete. This type of material is quite popular, gradually displacing the usual structures from the brick. This is achieved at the expense of a simple and convenient way to build data of objects, deep energy saving and masonry speed. Blocks made of foam concrete or a large-size aerated concrete, while have a light weight, which makes the process of building a garage in a simple matter. Upon completion of construction, the external surface of the primer blocks (modular, acrylic) is processed. It is necessary to protect the garage from the effects of moisture and other aggressive environments.

  • Wooden timber. A little more time ago, this type of material was unsuitable for the construction of garage structures, in view of the fact that the tree was considered a fire-hazardous material. Today, due to the emergence of effective refractory impregnations, wooden garages became familiar and ordinary business. The main advantage of this material is the appearance, due to which it is easy to complete all buildings on its plot in one style. In addition to external processing of timber, inside the objects of the basalt wool plates, which will improve fire resistance and integrity of the construction. When installing the floor, you need to think over the insulation in advance. To do this, use a clamping tie, which is crushed by the floor. This procedure is needed for a comfortable stay in the garage, and to maintain the vehicle body.

  • Sandwich panels. This material refers to the category of prefabricated, which makes the material attractive to purchase. The basis is based on a metal frame, which in the future is chosen by a professional flooring. To build a warmed design, a certain gap between the frame racks is left, which places the duct plate. Sandwich panels are divided into 2 types:
  1. an ordinary sandwich with various insulation (foam, and duct, etc.);
  2. OSB sheets with foam.

For the construction, the skills of working with a welding machine and a screwdriver will be required, so the self-assembly is complex. When buying, the installation is ordered and the installation of the structure is ordered, so there will be no problems with this. When constructing the construction, the main point is correctly filled concrete floor. Errors in this work can be covered with difficulties when installing the walls of the garage, so you need to be attentive.

What to build a garage cheaper

Materials have advantages over competitors. Some cheap prices like slag blocks, others are distinguished by reliability like foam concrete or brick designs. But it is important to remember that the choice of material should be based not on the momentum calculations of the value of the garage building, and on a relatively large time segment, equal to months.
Wooden garages for the consumer will become an economical option, but there is one nuance here.

Over time, the boards have a prognal property, so the restoration and stuck new boards can be very expensive. Based on this, the most preferred option that takes into account an acceptable price and quality is a garage of foam concrete. In addition to the small cost of buying a material, the construction of this garage is considered the least difficult than when working with other materials.

Calculation of expenses

If we consider foam blocks as a variant of a material suitable for building a garage, it is easy to calculate the necessary estimates required for the construction of this design.
The first stage of costs - buying foam blocks:

  • Wall blocks - the average cost of about 3 thousand rubles per M3 (block dimensions - 60/30 / 20cm). Price per unit - 100 rubles.
  • Spass blocks - the average cost in the range of 2,800 erubles for 1 m3.

In addition to the acquisition of blocks, it will take a standard set of building materials for construction:

  • Cement. The price for 50 kg (M300) is within 250 rubles.
  • Sand. Price per cubic meter - within 200 rubles.
  • Crushed stone - 1700 rubles per 1 m3.
  • Gravel - 1200 rubles per 1 m3.
  • Insulation - within 1,300 per 1 m2.
  • Waterproofing - from 40 rubles per 1 m2.

As we see, the construction of the garage, even considering the small cost of foam blocks, will cost the amount of money. There are methods that will help save on construction costs:

  1. The floor in the garage falls asleep with rubbing, and do not make the monolithic layer of cement. It is only necessary to pre-compact the soil before filling.
  2. Production of the foundation on the pillars, which will help to save on cement mortar.
  3. Purchase of materials can do cheaper if you purchase them in winter.

Watch the video on how to build a garage from foam blocks with your own hands


The construction of the garage is justified for car owners. Initially, it can scare the costs of the cost of this building, but considering that the car left in the open sky will be the goal of each hijacker, then these costs will seem to you in trifle.

If you want to build a garage quickly, inexpensively and without using heavy equipment, then a wooden garage with your own hands - your choice. The material has an affordable cost, has a mass gain and is able to serve a rather long service. But for this you need to adhere to construction technology. The tree is obligatory undergoing protective equipment.

What's next? Details you will learn from this article. We will tell you how to independently make a wooden building as a garage. You will see the scheme, photos and videos that will help you with work.

We choose the construction method

There are two main technologies for the construction of a tree garage. They are highly different from each other. What is this technology?

  1. Building a garage from a rounded log.
  2. Construction of a frame construction from OSB or plywood plates.

What are the differences in these technologies? If you speak briefly, then rounded logs will be more expensive to you, but the garage from the tree will slow longer. As for the skeletal option, it is faster and cheaper, but not so reliable. Nevertheless, most often choose the second option. Framework designs perfectly cope with their task, and you can separate the construction of any material. In terms of practicality, the framework of construction technology is more profitable. You can see frame wooden garages in the photos that are attached.

Building a garage from a tree - a great option. A tree is 100% environmentally friendly, able to "breathe", has excellent thermal characteristics, and also can last for a long time. We are no longer talking about the availability and simplicity of working with him. Since the construction of a frame design is a popular option, let's find out how to build a wooden garage, the size of which will be 6 × 4 m.

Building garage 6 × 4

So, we will look at the technology of the standard garage device, the size of which will be 6 × 4 m, and the height is 3 m. Wooden gates for the garage will be made in size for 2.8 × 2.5 m. As for the foundation, it will be monolithic, in the form of Reinforced plate. The construction frame is made of 100 × 100 mm bars. The sheath is made of OSB plates. Now we will analyze all the stages of construction.

Prepare the base for the garage

When you have all the necessary drawings, construction plan and materials for its device, you can begin preparation for construction. To begin with, you should know where your garage will be located on the plot. Then, it is important to pay special attention to this place:

  • remove all the garbage;
  • clean the space from bushes, trees and outsiders;
  • remove the fertile layer of soil.

After all actions are made, you can begin to engage in the foundation for your wooden garage.

Fundament device

The advantage of wooden structures is that they are light. So it turns out that for their construction, it is not necessary to deepen the foundation and make it particularly stable. You need to make a monolithic slab foundation of small shock. The algorithm of action is as follows:

It remains to wait until the base dry. It will take no less than a month.

Note! To reduce the construction and make construction much faster, you can use a column foundation. Since the design of the garage is 6 × 4 is not heavy, it will quite cope with the task.

Construct carcass garage

We mentioned that the wooden garage frame will be made of bars, a cross section of 100 × 100 mm. This is quite enough for the reliability of the construction. What will make a ready framework from?

Here are the basic elements that you need to know:

  • lower strapping (crowns);
  • vertical racks;
  • trucks to strengthen the frame;
  • upper strapping.

The first thing for the foundation laid bars acting as the bottom strapping.

Tip! Before they are styling, it is necessary to perform waterproofing the foundation by rubberoid or other material.

To concrete, the lower strapping is fixed by anchors. Bursts are also bonded among themselves. When the lower strapping is ready, proceed to the installation of vertical racks on the corners.

Fixing vertical racks occurs through metal corners on both sides. And in order to predict the design additional rigidity and reliability, the angular covers are mounted, as shown in the figure.

Please note that angular covers are stirred on the inner part of the frame. This is done in order to remain free space for the plating of our wooden garage with OSB plates.

When all angular supports are installed, you can make an upper strapping. It is done on the same principle as the bottom. Everything is securely fastened with metal corners and bodies. When you built the basic design, additional racks are installed around the perimeter for the stiffness of the structure. After all, the size of the garage is 6 × 4 m, so without them can not do. The photo shows how to attach additional supports.

Tip! If you want to give the design even greater stiffness, you can make transverse stiffeners. Then the fixation of the OSB will be even easier and more reliable.

We are wearing a framework of OSB

Now it remains to have a finished design with OSB plates. This is the optimal option. From the outside, they are protected from wind and weather membrane and finishing material. To make a warm garage, you can use the insulation. Then the walls will resemble a sandwich. After the trim of the garage around the perimeter, OSB, foam plates, minivata or other insulation laid into the space between the racks. Everything is squeezed by a vapor insulation film, after which it is sewn or the same OSB plates, or other finishing materials.

How exactly the framework of the framework of the framework is happening using OSB plates, you can see from this video.

However, OSB is not the only option of the trim. For this purpose, you can use other materials such as lining, wooden boards, siding, professional flooring, etc. Here, no one limits you, decide.

Roofing device

As for the roof, it can be two types: a duplex or single one. For its device, a rafter system and material for the plating will be required. Everything comes down to the fact that in the strapping that appropriate grooves are made to which rafters will be mounted. Bruks can be used as a rafter, a cross section of 40 × 100 mm. In the photo you can see a flat roof option.

Next, a doom is made and the roofing material is stacked. For the garage, bituminous tiles, professional flooring, metal tile, slate or Ondulin are most often used. What material to give preference is purely personal.

Let's summarize

With confidence it can be said that your garage from wood is almost ready. It remains only to do a floor that can be done in different ways. Since you have a foundation from a monolithic slab, then concrete is better to protect. It can be painted or covered with tiles. In the end, it remains to make a wooden gate, install them in your place and check closing and opening. So that your garage is not hacked by attackers, take care of high-quality locks. From so fast and easy, you can build a garage from the tree on your own site. He will serve a long service, fully fulfilling all the tasks.