What made glossy stretch ceilings made. What stretch ceilings are better for the kitchen - matte or glossy? similar to the care of the mirror

Today's technologies allow you to turn any room in a masterpiece. The ceiling plays a very huge role in this. The installation of stretch ceilings makes it possible to transform and visually increase any room. Also, the gloss and the mirror surface will give a dazzling and luxurious view of the room or another room. Previously, this technology of ceiling was considered a big luxury and cost quite expensive compared to other finishing materials.

The glossy stretch ceiling has a lot of advantages due to the material from which it is made. Stretch ceilings consist of PVC film by type resembling a lacquer surface. The density of this canvase provides reliability and safety. In the case of a flood, the canvas maintains up to 100 kilograms of water. Glossy ceilings have a diverse color gamut. Due to its reflective properties of stretch glossy ceilings, the effect of the mirror canvase is created, which in turn visually expands the room, makes it deeper and spacious.

Features of the canvas

The main features of the glossy stretch ceiling canvas:

  • Waterproofability due to the treatment with special solutions, the web has a property not to absorb moisture;
  • The canvas is completely safe for human health, does not cause allergic reactions;
  • Also, the canvas has good sound absorption and thermal insulation.
  • After installation, the smell will disappear within a few days.

Produce stretch ceilings in France and Germany. The domestic manufacturer makes ceilings for all international standards.

The quality of the canvases of the domestic producer is considered very high.

In the production of tension ceilings, special attention is paid to the welded seam, which must be durable and elastic. Today's installations allow you to make seams invisible.

Proper glossy ceiling installation technology

The installation of a glossy ceiling seems to be a complex procedure, in fact, everything is very simple. Stretch ceiling structures consist of a set of fastening and the most stretched canvas.

There are several fastening methods:

  • Harpoon;
  • Clip;
  • Wedge.

Basically, the installation of the harpoon fastening is used to install glossy stretch ceilings.

For installation it is necessary:

  • Aluminum or plastic profile for wall mounting with gap for harpoon (baguettes);
  • PVC canvas with harpoon around the edges.

For starters, measurements are made at the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, in order to determine the necessary dimensions of the web. The next stage is to prepare the surface of the ceiling. After around the perimeter of the room to the wall at the desired height, baguettes are attached. Then in the groove of baguettes is inserted harpoon on the film and snaps.

It turns out a very strong design that can withstand loads and serve for many years.

The canvas warms up a special heat gun and the edges of the baguettes are fixed. Installation is carried out from the center to the corners. When the canvas is fully fixed to the ceiling plinths are fastened, which hide the edges of the fixtures.

Installation of a glossy stretch ceiling (video)

How to care for stretch glossy ceilings

Caring for the glossy ceiling does not differ from the care of mirror surfaces. If everyone does to properly care for glossy ceilings will become great pleasure. To thoroughly clean the ceiling from dust, it is enough to wipe the ceiling with a dry cloth or a cloth with a short pile.

To return the shine, the ceiling must be washed with a special solution:

  • Special polyrolol;
  • Means for washing windows and glass surfaces;
  • Prededly prepared solution with water and ammonia alcohol.

After a wet wipes, the glossy ceiling must be wiped with a dry napkin. Lock the ceiling needed circular movements. Otherwise, a divorce can remain on the glossy stretch ceiling, which significantly spoils the appearance.

It is worth remembering that stretch ceilings are vulnerable to mechanical damage, for this reason it is not necessary when washing the brushes and sponges with a rigid surface.

Adhering to the rules for the care of the glossy stretch ceiling, it is possible to significantly increase its service life and without much effort to maintain a primordial view for many years.

Care of glossy stretch ceiling (video)

Pros and cons of the use of glossy ceilings

Like any finishing material, glossy ceilings have pros and cons. The huge advantage of glossy stretch ceilings is considered a variety of color much more than that of the ceilings with a matte web. And also the ceiling gloss helps to visually increase the space, the surface reflects everything that is in the room and it gives a special gloss in the interior.

Installation passes quickly and without excess costs. If you set the right light, the ceiling will play new paints.

The glossy ceiling can be made translucent and placing fluorescent lamps behind it, which will simply create a magical effect. Also with such a ceiling, you can use more powerful lamps than with a matte web. Also a huge plus of glossy ceilings can be called an affordable cost. A minus can be called this use of special means of cleaning. On the gloss ceiling, dust particles are more visible and cleaning is worth it much more often. In case of non-compliance with the rules of cleaning on the ceiling, water divorces can remain.

To eliminate this disadvantage, it is enough to develop a cleaning system for all the rules, and the ceiling will last for more than 50 years while maintaining its special gloss and shine. Also on the market began to appear cans with an antistatic effect, which makes it easy to attract dust. Glossy ceilings cannot be installed on the balcony.

Unique design of stretch glossy ceilings

Glossy stretch ceilings allow when designing a design to show fantasy in full force. When developing design, it should be remembered that the ceiling must be harmonized with the design room and be a continuation. Therefore, it is not necessary to highlight the ceiling by a separate zone. The color gamut of glossy ceilings has a wide range of light to dark tones. For example, in the hall or living room you can choose a bright celestial color.

You can choose a blue glossy ceiling on which white clouds will be depicted.

Using point lighting on the gloss ceiling, you can portray the starry sky. For children's rooms and kitchens fit the cloth with the image of thematic drawings. Color design will always delight small eyes. A brown or coffee color is suitable in the corridor. Also palette shades is rich in bright and original colors.

Stretch ceilings for design design are divided into:

  • Single-level;
  • Multi-level.

Multi-level glossy ceilings look very beautiful in large rooms. In multi-level structures there are combinations of several glossy and matte cloths. One-level fit in the design of smaller room design.

White glossy stretch ceiling

A lot of people do not particularly bother when choosing a shade of a glossy ceiling, choosing just a white canvas.

White glossy ceiling has its advantages:

  • White color reflects the sun's rays well, preventing the heating of the canvas;
  • White color is suitable for any design;
  • Significantly increases the space due to the glossy surface;
  • Suitable for premises with poor natural lighting;
  • Low price with good quality.

Also a white glossy ceiling is a good alternative to the usual ceiling, trimmed by plaster. The glossy ceiling with ordinary lighting looks like a white smooth wall. So that the white ceiling did not look boringly worth adding color point lighting around the edges, and to the center to hang a beautiful chandelier with monograms. Careful behind the white glossy ceiling is carefully and for all the rules. It is necessary to clean the dust more often, so that the gray shade on the ceiling canvase disappears.

Reviews and opinions of consumers about glossy ceilings

Glossy stretch ceilings prefer a lot of consumers. First of all, this happens not only because glossy ceilings look elegant, and due to the available cost. The finishing materials market offers a wide selection of firms and manufacturers. Many consumers remained very satisfied with the fact that glossy ceilings can easily be replaced by another shade or texture. A lot of positive feedback on fast installation was also met.

Very often, the only negative reviews are left by consumers who apply to the company with small experience.

Bad or unfair work Very often entails defects in the ceiling canvase, which spoil appearance. According to most consumers, it is best to contact a company with extensive experience and a huge portfolio. Also, experts recommend paying attention to the quality of the canvas that the firm uses.

How to choose

Before choosing the installation company, it is necessary to carefully read the information:

  • Who is the manufacturer;
  • Confirmation of the quality of the material, with the provision of certificates;
  • Experience with the provision of work album.

Glossy stretch ceiling (video)

Weighing everything for both against, when choosing a finishing material, you can stop your choice on the glossy stretch ceiling. This finishing material has a lot of advantages. The mains are simplicity in the installation, a wide range of color, strength, a long service life. When complying with the rules for care, the glossy ceiling retains its original appearance for a long time. The price category is different, the price is formed depending on the color, level of construction, and the quality of the material. Consumers leave a lot of positive reviews about the glossy stretch ceiling.

Design of glossy stretch ceilings (photo)

When the choice is between the glossy and matte stretch ceiling, it is useless to tell about the benefits of the stretch ceiling at all. Obviously, a person has already made a decision in favor of a similar design. However, the question "Matte or glossy stretch ceiling is better?" Not entirely correct. If one of the species had obvious advantages, then, most likely, the other would leave the market for a long time. Therefore, we can only talk about the advantages of a type of ceiling coating in specific conditions.

Matte or glossy stretch ceiling: selection criteria

About tastes, as you know, to argue useless, so personal preferences for someone can be a decisive factor. However, there are both objective criteria for which it is worth relying by choosing the type of stretch ceiling.

In particular, it includes:

  • operating conditions (temperature and possible drops, humidity, risk of leaks from above, pollution - dust, soot);
  • specifications (strength, durability, transparency, safety, etc.)
  • features of size, form of room;
  • general design style, room appointment;
  • aesthetic characteristics (seams, the possibility of obtaining different color and texture);
  • the need to attach additional elements (lamps, fire alarm sensors).

Only comparing all the conditions and characteristics, you can choose the optimal version of the mounted ceiling for the room, the apartment. Sometimes even within one apartment in different premises use different mounted ceilings. It does not interfere with the selection and advice of the designer, as well as the recommendations of the specialist in hinged ceilings. Perhaps there are some factors that you did not take into account.

PVC stretch ceiling - glossy and matte

Ceilings from PVC film can be both matte and glossy. Imitation of any texture - leather, velvet, fabric, marble is possible. Absolutely any colors - more than a hundred different shades - will satisfy the most refined taste. It is from PVC that the Star Sky shelves loved by many shelves.

The technical characteristics of the tension ceiling of PVC, the knowledge of which is required to take a weighted solution is, first of all, the width of the canvas. It is 2 m. If you want to close b aboutwe have an area, then the canvas are welded with a special device. In place of the connection, the seam is formed with a thickness of about 0.2 mm - quite thin, but it may be a noticeable attentive look, especially on the glossy surface.

The rest of the vinyl film is almost the perfect material: durable, non-combustible (thanks to special impregnations). Another advantage - it is absolutely not absorbed neither water nor water vapors. This property allows you to install ceilings in bathrooms where high humidity may adversely affect other materials. Moreover, the PVC film is completely waterproof, so the leakage from the neighbors from above or from the roof will not spoil the appearance of the room.

Prices for stretch ceilings

stretch ceiling

On a note! The density of the film is such that it will cut the weight of water to 100 liters by 10 square meters without any problems. Even the real flood from the top floor will not affect your apartment!

But there are restrictions. Vinyl films are poorly tolerated both the temperature rise and its decrease.. Therefore, when designing stretch ceilings, even the power of the installed lighting devices should be taken into account. Some of the lamps can be heated with long-term operation, and the high temperature is able to deform the tension ceiling film. PVC ceilings and in unheated premises are not installed: balconies, loggias, garages, terraces. At temperatures below zero, the film can change its physical properties, becoming less elastic.

Another serious trouble, which threatens the owners of the PVC ceilings - mechanical damage. With all its strength, the film is easily sainted with sharp objects. Any scratch during repair, even during cleaning - and on the surface of the ceiling remains an ugly gap. At the same time, it is impossible to renovate the web. We will have to completely replace it.

If the price is concerned you, then PVC film will cost somewhat more expensive than fabric stretch ceiling. Therefore, a cheaper polyester is often chosen for the matte ceiling for savings.

Polyester stretch ceiling - only matte

Another common variant of the material for the manufacture of the stretch ceiling is polyester. It has a matte surface. From the point of view of technical characteristics, this is no less durable canvas than PVC. Polyester does not differ in such moisture resistance, so in the bathrooms, for example, it is not worth using it. Yes, and the leaks on the ceiling will not protect. May even deform.

But the polyester is lowered to the temperature drops. Easy to endure short-term freezing. Therefore, it can be used to decorate the ceiling on the unheated terrace, in the summer house (unless, of course, frosts are not threatened under 30 degrees).

Prices for glossy stretch ceilings

glossy stretch ceiling

Dust-repellent impregnation contributes to long preservation of purity, and coloring options are much wider than the PVC film. You can use any photocomposition, landscapes, painting works. Do you want a ceiling painted as sequestinskaya chapel? No problem! And the width of the starting material allows not to make joints and seams even in wide rooms. The Nnakonets, the stretch ceiling made of polyester - not as expensive, so you can save on the matte ceiling.

Video - the advantages and disadvantages of stretch ceilings

How matte or glossy ceiling affects the aesthetics of the room?

The first thing we pay attention to, choosing a room decoration is, of course, appearance. What ceiling is more beautiful: matte or glossy?

Matte ceiling has a more traditional appearance. If you make it white or choose a light pastel shade, it is practically no different from plaster. It is suitable for those who want to get the usual effect and black to designer experiments. I will like the elderly. It is believed that it creates the effect of comfort, contributes to the spiritual comfort, a calm family atmosphere. As for the stylistics, the matte ceiling is applicable in almost all styles close to the classic. It is perfectly combined with the stucco and its imitation, columns and semi-colonunas, arches, etc. It can be used both in huge halls and in small rooms.

Glossy ceiling Reflects what is downstairs, so it seems to add volume, increasing the space by adding air. Especially good in large low rooms. Gloss creates interesting light effects. Reflections of windows, lighting devices are added to the light room, make the color spots of the interior are forced to play. Sometimes the glossy ceiling is made translucent, placing the lighting devices behind it - and then the light is powdered soft, scattered.

Prices for matte stretch ceilings

matt stretch ceiling

On a note! Often you can hear the opinion that the glossy ceiling should not be used in the bedroom. However, for fans of the "raisin" in relations, the glossy ceiling can replace the mirror over the bed, reflecting everything that happens and very reviving the married (and not only) life.

Using glossy ceilings in design, keep in mind that their perceived color may vary depending on the illumination. Therefore, the shade you chose may not exactly coincide with the color of the walls. Doubt? Better to build an interior on contrasting solutions. Then small inaccuracies and light glare will not be so critical.

By the way, about the glare. Reflected light from the brain, television, monitor can interfere, irritate vision. Knowing such an effect, it is better not to plan a glossy ceiling where several light sources will be used. Or counting all possible lighting effects as accurately as possible (it may be necessary to help a specialist).

Glossy or matte - psychology of perception

If we are talking about the design of the residential premises, it is important not only to create a beautiful interior, but also think about the well-being of a person who will live in this room. From the point of view of the feeling of security, comfort, of course, wins the traditional matte ceiling. It is perceived as more reliable. That is why this option is recommended in children's rooms, personal rooms of family members.

The glossy ceiling is perceived as a call. It impresses the parade, sophistication, solemnity. More suitable for the hall, living room. In the official setting to the glossy ceiling, too, it is worth going with caution. For example, during the negotiations, the reflection on the ceiling can show what the interlocutors would like to hide. Yes, and looks like a matte ceiling more solid. On the other hand, if the company's image requires emphasize modernity, creativity - a glossy ceiling can cope with it.

Choosing a glossy or matte mounted ceiling with extreme images, be it the Starry Sky, Madonna Lick or Exotic Patterns, take into account the high cost and service life within several decades. Are you sure you want every day for ten, twenty, thirty years old to admire such beauty? What do your tastes do not change during this time?

Prices for fabric stretch ceilings

fabric stretch ceiling

How to wash it? Cleaning difficulties

Cleaning questions, maintain cleanliness, first of all, women. And indeed, the usual whitewashed ceiling we can only fool the dry brush from the web. But the whols are updated at least once a few years. The stretch the ceiling is usually sculpting for decades. Therefore, the question arises: Is it possible to somehow clean it? If we are talking about residential rooms and the usual mode of operation, it will be rare in cleaning the ceiling. You can wipe it slightly wet cloth every six months.

Any chemical detergent should be avoided so as not to damage the canvas or film. Especially it is impossible to use sharp objects.

Matte or glossy? From this point of view, of course, the matte is easier. It will not remain divorces. It's more difficult to care for glossy. A rag can leave stripes, remove which long and difficult. Especially if access to the ceiling is limited to standing furniture or ceiling too high - not even with a stepladder. In such a situation, it is better to turn to professional washers.

On a note! Using the stretch ceiling in the kitchen, take care of a good powerful hood over the stove. Remove the soot, flax stains, sticking fatty dust will be very problematic regardless of the glossy ceiling or matte.

Why glossy or matte? Compatible?

Larger large rooms, where there is the possibility of mounting a multi-level ceiling, allow the harmonious connection of matte and glossy parts. The effect is unexpected and interesting. For example, you can make a three-tier ceiling. In the center of the highest matte part, perhaps with exquisite painting. Further, slightly lower - glossy insert with lighting devices that are beautifully reflected, enhanced illumination. And around - a matte ceiling with stucco. The original solution for the front hall.

Prices for stretch ceilings "Starry Sky"

stretch ceiling "Starry Sky"

The room is allowed a small glossy insert in the center, where the chandelier is located. Glare, shine, crystal game is significantly enhanced by reflection. At the same time, the rest of the ceiling is traditionally matte, so there will be no feeling of aquarium, the comfort of a small living room will not break.

Glossy or matte: final choice

Now for convenience, we will reduce all the above facts in the table.

Table. Comparative characteristics of glossy and matte stretch ceilings.

IndicatorGlossy PVCMatte PVCMatte polyester
DurabilityWarranty 10-15 years.
Warranty 10-15 years.
Warranty 10-15 years.
Moisture resistanceDoes not let water.Does not let water.Absent.
Temphient resistanceLow.Low.Can be used in cold rooms.
The possibility of creating different texturesYes. Imitation of the skin, velvet, stone, etc.Not.
Creating drawings, paintingsMonophonic canvas.Monophonic canvas.Any.
TransparencyCan be made translucent.Not.Not.
Glare, reflectionYes.Not.Not.
Visual expansion of spaceYes.Not.Not.
Feeling comfort, calmProbably not.Yes.Yes.
Ease of cleaning with homemadeDivorces are possible.Without problems, it is wiping with a wet cloth.Does not absorb dust, you can wipe every six months.

From the table it is clear that the choice will relate not only to the appearance of the stretch ceiling, but also to the material of the manufacture. Moreover, choosing a matte ceiling, you can already then determine which material is better suitable for your conditions - PVC or polyester. If from the point of view of design you stopped on the glossy ceiling - in any case you will have to use vinyl film.

Video - Advantages of vinyl stretch ceilings

Glossy stretch ceilings are an excellent option for those who want to visually expand the room, make it lighter and stylish. The mirror surface transforms the room, creates its unique appearance. If earlier this decoration method was unusual and inaccessible to many, now almost everyone can allow it.

Fig. 1 glossy stretch ceiling

Glossy or varnish ceiling

The glossy and varnish stretch ceiling is the same variety of stretch products. They received their name at the expense of reflective ability. Such an effect is obtained due to the installation of the PVC film, which can be performed in any design.

The advantage of such design is their versatility, which makes it possible to install in any room. It can be a kitchen, a bedroom and even a bathroom. Such a film does not accumulate dust, dirt, and also not destroyed under the influence of water and fire.

What is the advantage of a glossy ceiling

When choosing stretch structures, the most important, their quality. The advantage of stretch structures in the following:

There are shortcomings

Any finishing material will have a number of shortcomings. All flaws of glossy designs flow out of the wrong installation. Therefore, the shortcomings of stretch ceilings are as follows:

  1. Sometimes gloss reflects the light of the lanterns from the street, which can interfere with a full-fledged night rest.
  2. Do not use in rooms, low ceilings.
  3. As lighting, ordinary lamps will not fit, as they are very hot and can lead to the destruction of the integrity of the film.
  4. If the room is too big, the standard size of the stretch ceiling will be not enough, you need to make levelwall levels.
  5. After wet cleaning, there may be divorces, which will be visible to the naked eye. Therefore, cleaning products need to choose high-quality, which are suitable for this type of cleaning.

Fig. 3 One of the disadvantages - Reflection

Varieties of glossy ceilkov

Glossy ceilings are the following types:

  • With photo printing. The image may be the sky, and palm trees, and animals, and much more. This allows you to choose a picture under the design of the room.
  • Multi-level. This method allows you to zonail the room, hide inside the wire and other attributes.

Fig. 4 Unusual forms of the ceiling make it even more attractive

Tip! To raise a multi-level ceiling, each stage should be placed.

  • Sleeping. This decision will definitely like children and teenagers, because it will create a feeling of the room in the attic.
  • Glowing ceiling. The part of the design is made in a transparent film where the backlight is built. This creates a light sensation. If you add a photo printing there, you can create the effect of the sky or water.

Fig. 5 Exterior Lightweight Ceiling
  • Star. This is the most expensive, but no less popular type of design. Such material can also be used in the bedroom, and in the nursery.

Fig. 6 The most popular design option - Starry Sky

Features of glossy canvases

Installation of tension structures of this type should be carried out strictly according to the rules, otherwise it will be in disrepair very quickly. Therefore, specialists are needed for the installation of attached structures.

Fig. 7 Make a glossy ceiling with your own hands is very difficult, it is best to trust professionals

The peculiarity of such decoration of the room is as follows:

  • a large selection of colors makes it possible to emphasize the advantages or hide the disadvantages of the room;
  • basically, glossy coatings are used for public buildings, but for apartments and frequent houses it is also suitable;
  • gloss can be combined with other types of materials, matte, satin;
  • fast, easy installation.

How not to be mistaken in choosing

The durability of the design depends on its quality, therefore, when buying should be paid to the following characteristics:

  1. Purchasing goods need from well-known brands.
  2. On the surface of the material there should be no irregularities, roughness and other things.
  3. The standard length of the canvas is usually 2 meters.
  4. The minimum warranty on the ceiling must be 10 years.

Proper care for stretch ceiling

So that the stretching structure served for a long time, you need to carefully care for it. Wash glossy ceilings are very easy. To do this, it is best to use any abrasive remedy, with the exception of those whose composition includes a solvent. If the ceiling stopped glistening, to start it should be wiped with a soft cloth, and after, soapy. This will help remove dirt and dust.

Fig. 8 due to their smoothness behind them is easy and easy to care

Important! Wash glossy ceilings need no more than five years.

Where appropriate to install glossy ceilings

This type of canvase can be installed in any room.

Important! Installation of the design should be made before finishing the floor and walls so that dust does not settle on them.

However, it is not necessary to mount such designs in places with low temperatures, in unfinished houses, where the heating system is not yet connected.

For such types of designs, high temperatures are not appropriate, as it reduces their life. Gloss is well suited for small rooms, it allows you to increase the space. However, it is not necessary to use it for low ceilings, since after mounting the design it drops even lower.

Fig. 9 Stretch ceilings can be installed in any room, even in the bathroom

Color palette design

Glossy designs can be performed in various variants of the color palette.

Important! It should be noted that the color of the resulting ceiling will be brighter and rushing than he was in a roll.

It is best to choose pastel glossy canvas, they look fresh and original. It should be considered the color of the main interior, and after, choosing the canvas. For stretch designs, one or two colors are enough.

Ceiling in the living room

For the living room, it is better to select glossy linen of light shades. Thanks to this, the room will seem lighter and spacious. Especially if you provide backlight. If the room is large, you can install a plasterboard box that is covered by a gloss. You can combine several suitable design colors at once.

Fig. 10 Stretch glossy ceiling in the living room

If you want to focus on the ceiling, you can choose dark colors in combination with light. Additional interior will be able to bright designs that will help make the room unusual and individual.

Ceiling in the bedroom

For the bedroom it is better to choose bright shades to not irritate the eyes.

Fig. 11 beautifully looks like this ceiling and in the bedroom

Well-tensioning two-level glossy ceilings, combining blue, pink and white color.

If the room is large, you can experiment with shades, for example, take brown and white. The main thing is to pick up no more than two colors, otherwise it will look faded.

A beautiful solution will be a ceiling with photo printing. The most popular option is the "Starry Sky", which, mostly, is installed in the bedroom and the children's room. Hidden illumination is also often used to design the ceiling. It can have different outlines. Thanks to Gloss, the light is refracted, which makes the interior unusual.

Ceiling in the kitchen

Such types of structures can be used in the kitchen. However, their wet cleaning should be carried out more often.

Fig.12 This ceiling is well suited for the kitchen, since it is easy to erase fat and other dirt

In the kitchen, you can use a monochon coating, two-level, with different drawings, etc. It is best that the color harmonized with a tabletop, chandelier or other interior items. As drawings, it is best to choose those related to the kitchen: vegetables, fruits, coffee, etc.

In the large kitchen appropriate and beautiful will look a black canvas with white inserts. You can also use any other dark shade.

To date, the installation of stretch ceilings is one of the most popular solutions in interior design. The stretch ceiling allows you to hide all visible concrete base defects for the ceiling, various communications or differences between the plates. A huge variety of colors and textures allow you to satisfy the wishes of even the most attractive customers.

Types of stretch ceilings:

  1. Matte. A distinctive feature of such tension ceilings is the complete lack of highlights. The matte surface allows you to guarantee the lack of reflection of the objects located in the room, but simultaneously with this allows the light in the room evenly distributed. An externally matte stretch ceiling is almost indistinguishable from painted, which is an important criterion for most customers.
  1. Glossy. The glossy surface is able to bring a notch of modernism in any interior, to make it spectacular and memorable. A brilliant cloth in most cases has a property to reflect the interior, which creates a feeling of expanding space. The smooth surface is very profitable disperses the light around the room, its shine looks very modern and futuristic.
  1. Satin. Their main distinctive feature is a unique interweaving of the fibers, which externally makes them indistinguishable from the canvas of the same name. Visually, such ceilings are more expressive than matte, and softer, gentle than glossy. They are made of polyvinyl chloride composition. Depending on the lighting, the canvas changes its visual properties.

Depending on the purpose of your goals, our consultants can help choose the most suitable option. Our company sells stretch ceilings in Moscow inexpensively for a long time and has proven itself in the market. Thanks to the use of the latest technologies, it became possible to manufacture inexpensive, but very high-quality canvases. There were those times when only people with sufficient average could afford to allow the stretch ceiling. Buy stretch ceilings cheaply you can also on our website.

Before making a choice in favor of any material, check out the photos of existing interiors. The scope of use of stretch structures is limited to your fantasy. Virtually any kinds of cloths are suitable for photo printing or hand painted. The ceiling can be made multi-level, play with various types of lighting and backlight. Stretch ceilings, photos of which are presented on our website, have a huge amount of advantages about which you may have not even guessed. It is beautiful, quickly, safe and durable. You can order a stretch ceiling in a few clicks or by phone. Our operators will be happy to answer all the questions you are interested in will help make a decision and calculate the exact cost.

Installation of stretch ceilings is carried out by our specialists in the shortest possible time. After installation, almost the dirt remains, with the exception of a small amount of construction dust. We cooperate only with the best masters, which means that your ceiling will be installed quickly and very well, and then will please you with your impeccable appearance for a long year.

Our company offers only high quality products at attractive prices. We value our reputation, so we offer an individual approach in each individual case. Cooperating with us, you can be sure of the quality and optimal cost of services. You choose the color, material, and the rest of the work provide our professionals. By ordering the stretch ceiling on our website, you will definitely be satisfied with the service and the results of our work.

Modern designers are widely used in interior design stretch ceilings. They are beneficial from the usual plaster or plasterboard plates. The method allows to significantly reduce the timing of installation work. The surface of the ceiling becomes perfectly smooth and smooth in a few hours. In this case, the cost of material is much less. White gloss reflects the light no worse than the mirror, filling the room with light and warmth. The use of such a material makes it possible to visually increase the space, and a small apartment suddenly becomes more.

Starting repair, the owner of the house wants to quickly turn the interior of the apartment in the original work of art, emphasizing not only financial capabilities, but also the great artistic taste of the host of the house. Conduct with such a task can tension glossy white ceiling. Gloss makes the surrounding atmosphere more beautiful and respectable. In addition, such material has a large number of other positive qualities.

The minuses include a higher cost in relation to the matte ceilings and the possibility of loss of shine under the influence of a large temperature. They are less durable and may be damaged by sharp objects.

Method of installation of a glossy ceiling

If there is sufficient experience and tools, you can carry out the installation of a glossy stretch ceiling yourself, however, if you are going to do it for the first time, it is better to seek help from a specialist. Today, two installation methods are most often used.


  • A special device is fastened along the contour of the canvas, in shape resembling harpoon, from it and the name of the methodology has come. In order for the work as quickly and efficiently and efficiently, it is necessary to adhere to simple rules.
  • Make sure the source size of the canvas is slightly less than the base area of \u200b\u200bthe room. When installing installation, the cloth stretches.
  • A special baguette is attached to the perimeter of the room, to which the harpoon fastening is attached with the help of special thermal equipment.
  • The film stretched on the diagonal is attached to the baguette, stretching throughout the perimeter of the room. Heated with special thermal guns, the film is fastened to the baguette and is securely fixed by special clamps. After cooling, it stretches, forming a perfectly smooth and smooth surface.


  • With this installation, the canvas should be placed in such a way that it was a little more room sizes. Surplus at the end of the work can be trimmed with a building knife.
  • A special installation profile is attached around the perimeter.
  • The material is attached to it with special clamps in the form of clothespins. Gradually tensioning, it acquires a flat, flawlessly smooth surface.
  • At the end of the installation in places, folds can be slightly working a special construction hairdryer. Under the influence of hot air, the surface will be perfectly smooth.

Method for installing lamps

The most common and most frequently used point lamps are. They help not only provide a room fairly good lighting, but also fulfill the role of a great design decoration. When installing lamps, some rules should be followed, in this case they will serve for a long time without the need to carry out overhaul.

  • The wiring is laid directly on the main ceiling in a special plastic or metal protection, which will help to avoid fire with a short circuit.
  • In advance places in the ceiling, holes are made, the plastic amplifier is attached to the film in the form of a ring that does not allow the material in the places of installation of the lamps.
  • Special protection is mounted, which does not allow the lamps to heat the cloth during their work.
  • For use in the lamps, lamps are used with no more than thirty-five watts or housekeeping.
  • When installing the chandelier, you must remember that the distance from the stretch ceiling to the base should not exceed fifteen centimeters.

All work with wiring should carry out an electrician. When connecting the lamps to the prepared wires, it is necessary to carefully insulate the locations of the wires to avoid their oxidation and short-circuit capabilities.

Choosing the coloring of the stretch ceiling, it should be remembered that light pastel tones are capable of making a small room more and fill it with extra light. The objects reflected in the mirror surface will help you become more voluminous apartment. If the area is large, you can use dark tones. It looks good in administrative buildings, pools, enterprise offices. Try to choose a colors, ideally appropriate to the mood of the house and the selected room stylist. Screaming colors can start annoying over time. Ideally, if, choosing the material, we use the Council of the Specialist - this will help to avoid annoying misunderstandings.

Which ceiling is better matte or glossy

Choosing the type of material, it is necessary to clearly understand for what purposes you are going to use it. Matte surface is more practical. For such a ceiling, you do not need to care and it can serve for many years without requiring attention. The glossy surface can under the influence of high temperatures to lose its shine and it will be necessary to replace the web. Matte material is cheaper than glossy and perfectly imitates the usual whitewash. It is perfect for rooms with high humidity.

The permanent competition between glossy and matte tension ceilings on the market causes manufacturers to produce new options emphasizing the individual attractiveness of a particular product. With sufficient experience, the designers are happy to combine the two of these material, creating a harmonious space.

Many enterprises offer ready-made structures that use both types of stretch ceiling. Similar structures are called combined, and they are widely used when interior design not only in residential buildings, but also administrative and industrial buildings.

No matter what kind of ceiling you have chosen, it will certainly be better than the old plasterboard or plastered. With the help of modern finishing methods, you can quickly hide the units of builders, ventilation pipes, wiring, traces of lines and other problem areas.

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