How to quickly get rid of bedbugs - the best advice. Destruction of bedbugs in the apartment How to get rid of bedbugs forever

What to bring the bedbugs in an apartment or house yourself - the task is not easy enough. The fact is that with the slightest errors in the process of getting rid, they are rapidly restored and multiply.

What means to bring bugs from the apartment if they quickly get used to poisons and any chemistry directed against them? There is no universal means from this misfortune, but it is possible to carry out a comprehensive work and get rid of insects, samples and error. It depends on how much the room is infected with these insects. Today there are many chemicals that will help bring bugs with their own hands.

Before engaged in the destruction of bugs in the apartment, it is necessary to carefully process it. Before processing, pack hermetically all food, as well as dishes that you use so that the drug does not get into the body of households.

Also from the room it is necessary to bring children and animals so that chemicals do not fall on them. As for children, it is necessary to isolate and their toys, as well as their personal items, because children often pull their things in the mouth, and this contact should be avoided. Sealing things, make sure that there are no bugs or larvae (eggs).

Prelate yourself: buy rubber gloves and protective mask. Self-destruction of bedbugs is not always financially profitable, because in the desire to save, you can spend even more due to ignorance of effective funds. In addition, destroy the bugs with their own hands is quite dangerous, because you have to breathe evaporation of chemicals.

Blinds in the apartment: Chemicals

It is worth passing to chemicals if the destruction of insects by people was inactive:

Liquid bugs Aerosol spray from bedbugs Powders from Klopov Other funds
Lacter Raptor Riapan. AKTELLIK
Ecodist Raid Neucente Pyrethrum
Insket Dibro Fin Carbosol Ecokiller Chlorpirimark
Forsight Personf P. Effective ultra

Liquid bugs

All liquid tools from bedbugs are good because they can be processed even hard-to-reach places. The method of application of each drug from the list is the same: the liquid is bottled in the habitats of bloodsuckers. Labor range has a neuro-paralytic effect. Forsyt is almost non-toxic for a person, but effectively kills both adult insects and their eggs. Insects Dibro Fin and Foxide also show an excellent result.

Spray from Klopov

Sprays from bedbugs like a raptor, raid, carbosol, Persof-P are suitable for handling upholstered furniture, carpets and any soft surfaces. They are notable for not leaving traces. You also know how to use them, but how effective are these means? As practice shows, sprays are greatly struggling with bloodsuckers, but only if the latter divorced a bit. If the bugs in the apartment have a large amount, it is recommended to use more radical methods.

Powders from Klopov



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Be find out the price

Powder from all types of homemade bedbugs Ecokiller


Be find out the price

Such means to combat clouds can be bought in any specialized store. Be careful: the most tangible effect is given by those chemicals, which contains carboofos. Therefore, do not forget to read the instructions before buying.

A good effect against bedbugs shows a spray from insects "Delicia". It quickly acts at first contact with insects. Processing should be done without spraying into the air, but strictly processing the place of insects.

One of the popular facilities for combating clusters (and at the same time with cockroaches, axes, ants) is a GET suspension. Its advantage is that the GET can be used independently. This tool is traditionally diluted with 1: 5 with water and handle the room with the resulting liquid.

Once you have handled the room, it is recommended to ventilate it 2-4 hours. This means that has helped many families understand how to bring bugs independently, has a unique formula. The active substance is inside the capsule, so the insect clings one capsule and then brings it to the place of reproduction, thereby killing other insects. This tool is safe for animals and does not smell, besides, resistant to temperature difference.

Folk remedies

If, before starting to combat clusters with chemicals, you decided to try folk remedies, then you will need:

  • Boiling water;
  • Turpentine;
  • Kerosene;
  • Transformer oil;
  • Sagebrush.

If we talk about kerosene, turpentine, transformer oil and vinegar, then all these means scare bugs. The first even amazes their respiratory tract, but only if used in large quantities. All of them will help to get rid of pests for a while, but over time they will return.

One of the effective classic means is wormwood - it is necessary to lay it for the plinth, wherever possible. Insects do not tolerate this smell and most quickly leave the room, regardless of the house is or a small apartment. Since the struggle against clusters is a complex process, let's talk about other, more efficient ways.

How to remove bedbugs: mechanical impact on pests

  • you will not be able to get out of every insect;
  • surely you miss a couple of pests out of sight;
  • the eggs of the bedbugs will remain hidden, and through time the bloodsicles will begin to disturb you.

How to bring bugs from the apartment: temperature effects

It is known that the bugs do not tolerate the effects of too high or low temperatures. Often, the special services are resorted to the heat treatment of the room, because:

If there are insects on your sofa or beds, take the piece of furniture to the street in the frost. Leave it there for several hours and put back. The bugs and their eggs will certainly die.

After I made my sofa to the frost, I forgot about bedclocks for a long time. Prior to that, used various sprays and even leafs of wormwood, but it gave a short-term result.

So, how to get rid of bugs? Bed bugs are a real problem, after all, I don't want to sleep on such a bed. However, in this case, it makes sense to contact the SanEpidemstation, because it comes to your bed and here it is better to trust professionals. The fact is that experts will only use those drugs that are already tested, and therefore, as harmless to people as harmless. How to remove bugs from the mattress on their own, without assistance?

One of the means is carbofos is an effective remedy against bed bugs. It is used by dackets to fight various pests: TLL, Tsicades, ticks. Among the advantages of this drug is that he has a wide range of action, as well as a long period when it protects against insects. Carbophos is compatible with fungicides and sufficiently inexpensive, so it can be bought for trial use.

In the process of getting rid of bed bugs, it is also recommended to use case for Mattress. Possessing water-repellent and antiallergenic properties, the mattress staff will also help you protect your bed bits during sleep. Remember that you need to wear a cover on a clean mattress: if it turned out to be infected, you need or pre-clean it from the beetles, or even get rid of the mattress.

You can also come in handy a manual "Vacuum cleaner for bedbugs", because of the mattress of these insects can be eliminated in this way. The model of such manual instrument is only 1380 rubles

How to remove bedbugs at home: we take bloodsucks from the sofa and bed

To get rid of bloodsuckers on a sofa or bed, it is recommended to expose furniture to heat treatment. As already mentioned, you can attribute it to the street in Moroz and give it to stand for several hours. If there is no such possibility, use any of the above sprays. We advise you to call a special service, which with the help of special equipment will quickly destroy bloodsuckers. Remember that in addition to processing a sofa or bed, you can not forget about bedding.

We bring bugs from the carpet

  1. It is more often cleaned with the use of a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Use one of the powders whose list is above.
  3. Choose a carpet on the street (preferably in the frost).

Often, bugs in carpets are not found, as preferred more secluded places.

  • watch your favorite things in very hot water;
  • fully stroke clothes iron;
  • sprinkle garder objects with chlorine.

Precautions and Prevention

Precautionary measures are not so much. First, work with aggressive chemicals exclusively in respirators. Secondly, the processing of the room is carried out in the absence of people, especially those who suffer on allergies and has a high sensitivity. As for the prevention, after the destruction of the bugs:

  • clean regularly in all rooms;
  • make timely repairs (a small crack in the wall can serve as a source of penetration into your home);
  • fresh bedding often and replace them;
  • try to limit the purchase of used things.

Tip number 1. Find what served as a source of infection with the clouds of your home. Most often, the bugs find themselves with the refuge among the furniture, cabinets, wallpaper, behind the plinth, among books. Therefore, it should be not lazy when you process the room with a solution, and climb into the most hard-to-reach places. The thoroughly you will process the apartment - the most likely a positive result. Especially pay attention to the upholstered furniture, pillows and toys. Claps can hide perfectly in bed, so you need to carefully check the sleeping place. Mattresses and sofa pillows are one of the places where the owners of the house often discover these unpleasant insects.

Tip number 2. Fight clouds as if you are in the process of general cleaning - move the furniture and look blinds larvae. If you are removed in winter, you will bring all household items to where it is colder than everything - preferably on an open balcony. Blinds at this temperature do not hold out more than a day.

Tip number 3. If the hot summer window, then you should do the same actions, since the bugs do not wear heat, as well as frost, and die after a couple of hours. Do not carry out the room right away if any drug has a caustic smell - give the smell to "stand out", it will have a negative impact on the vital activity of the bugs.

Tip №4. With successful action of drugs, the effect is manifested right away, and after 3-4 days. If the room is strongly infected with insects, then proceed several times, making a break in two weeks. Two weeks - this is the middle incubation period at the eggs, if you could not get rid of them.

Tip number 5. Therefore, if for the first time you failed to free your dwelling from bedbugs, then after the incubation period, the invasion of insects can begin with a new force. In order for the bugs to be addicted to the drug, and the immunity was not developed, try to use the most diverse tools.

Tip number 6. So that the effect of your disinfection is maximum, do not start to remove the room immediately after processing from bugs. Wipe the soda solution only those places that you regularly use. After you finally get rid of insects, make a general cleaning and walk around with a damp cloth on all surfaces. Pre-moisten a rag in soda solution. Ideally, it is necessary to free the apartment for a while to be able to make several chemical treatment of the room and not "breathe" by evaporation from drugs.

We hope that you have found useful ways that you can withdraw bedbugs from home. If you follow our advice, you can quickly and forever bring bugs from the house / apartment with your own hands. Good luck!

Feeding human blood.

These small insects are hiding in secluded places, practically invisible, very quickly multiply and deliver a lot of inconvenience.

There are many ways to combat homemade beds: folk and modern, expensive and very affordable.

Topic of today's article - Blinds: How to get rid of forever? Tell me how to bring bugs at home fast, how and how to roped bugs effectively?

    How to deal with clouds yourself at home?

    All measures to combat can be divided into 3 Main groups.

    Prevention. This subgroup includes manipulations that can prevent the appearance of bugs in the house or apartment.

    Scaring. Includes various events designed to hold bugs at a distance from a person. Act short-term and do not reduce the number of insects. Practically does not affect eggs.

    Destruction. The most radical way that allows you to get rid of adult insects, larvae and eggs.

    To get rid of bedbugs in the apartment quickly it is recommended to combine all the ways. First, it is affected by the population, after the disappearance of bugs, the places of increased risk is periodically treated with repellent drugs, while at the same time carrying out the necessary prophylactic measures.

    How to destroy insects?

    To combat clusters, there is a rich range of industrial funds, designed for any situation. Choosing a drug should be considered:

    • the degree of it toxicity;
    • lack of;
    • security for people and domestic animals;
    • ease of use;
    • no side effects;
    • comprehensive impact on adult bedbugs, larvae, eggs.

    The most popular option For processing residential or utility rooms: a variety of sprays. They are comfortable, available, on sale there are means with smells or practically without them. Sprays process places of accumulation of insects, their larvae and eggs.

    Usually this plinths, joint frames, doorways, ventilation grids. Specials and recreation deserve special attention: mattresses, frames of beds, sofas and armchairs, puffs, carpets, bedside tables.

    Depending on the instructions oncefarty or multiple treatment is possible.. It is recommended to protect the respiratory tract with a mask or respirator, all work is carried out in rubber gloves.

    Popular brands of such money: ,.

    Also effective aerosols: ,.

    For furniture processing, gels and pastes are comfortable. They do not smell, have a high penetrating ability, no spots leave. It is best to use tubes with a thin long nose that can penetrate any gaps. The action of the gels is long-term, from time to time they can be updated.

    Separate group of drugs - insecticidal chalks (). They are safe for people and animals, non-toxic, easy to use. They have a storage effect, since the insect that fell into the zone of the shame, begins to infect its relatives. Minus chalk - a limited area of \u200b\u200bapplication, it is difficult to apply to upholstered furniture.

    Simple and inexpensive method How to get rid of home bedbugs - adhesive traps. They lure insects, and then immobilize them. Do not act on eggs, effective for adult bedbugs and larvae.

    Folk methods of combating clusters less effectiveBut more dangerous. They imply the use of poisonous and toxic compositions, unsafe for residential premises.

    These include kerosene, denature, ethyl alcohol, and also mixtures including these liquids. It is necessary to use such compositions very carefully, and it is better to exclude them at all, replacing with modern insecticides.

    The most effective method of struggle - Processing of the room and bed by professional disinsectors. Specialists spray every corner of the apartment, furniture, soft equipment.

    The compositions are safe for animals and people, one-time spray is necessary, after which the insects disappear for a long time, and perhaps forever. Such a method is suitable for apartments with large insect colonies.which are difficult to withdraw in conventional ways.

    Scaring and prevention

    Choosing preventive measures it is important to know that bugs are afraid:

    • bright light;
    • reduced temperatures;
    • dry or wet heat.

    How to get bugs from home? Very effective method of struggle - room freezing. The method is often used in rural houses, until the invention of industrial insecticides, it was the main method of how to destroy bugs. The room remains open for 3-4 days at a temperature not lower than -20 degrees.

    Practiced and roaring bedding (Perin, mattresses, pillows, blankets) on the bright sun. The method is less effective, heat may not affect insect eggs. But they can be destroyed using a steam cleanerwhich is handled furniture, junctions of frames, plinths, sofa pillows.

    Simple and reliable method - frequent washing of bed linen, blankets, covered, furniture covers in very hot water. In this way, it is possible to destroy not only eggs and adult bedbugs, but also get rid of insect life products.

    Before you make an old or antique furniture to the apartment, you need to carefully examine all countersight places: bottom of tables and cabinets, the inner and rear surface of the boxes, grooves and joints, check the furniture upholstery.

    It can use herbs with a strong smell as preventive measures: persian chamomile, pyrhem, wormwood. Fresh or dried grass is folded next to bed, at plinths, on the windowsill. Plants can not destroy the already appearing bugs, but able to protect the premises from the invasion of insects From the neighbors or from the street.

    Instead of herbal use essential oils with sharp odors: clove, eucalyptus, mint, rosemary. They processed the ventilation grids, spray mattresses and blankets. It is worth remembering that oils can leave insanible spots on the tissues.

    As a preventive agent is often used table vinegar or acetic essence. The means of the possible concentration of bedlops are missing, it will have to be updated frequently, since the sharp smell that scares the bugs will quickly disappear.

As soon as bed bugs appear in the apartment or house, households immediately cause disinsection service for stripping. This decision is definitely effective, but also expensive. Not rare cases when, after the smoking procedure, home bugs disappear for a while, but after a few weeks or months the problem returns to his place. Claps again begin to drink blood at household, delivering them a lot of trouble and health problems.

How to destroy bugs in the apartment

In addition to calling special brigades, you can fight clouds with more adequate methods. In addition, such methods are ten times cheaper, and in efficiency depending rather from the correctness of the disinsection work. Each person, thanks to the variety of ways and options for the fight against clusters, can choose for itself the most optimal. Now the question of how to destroy the bugs in the apartment is solved much easier, and also cheaper.

By visiting a specialized store, you can simply be confused from the variety of species and ways to combat these night bloodsuckers. Naturally, to find out which insecticide is the most efficient, you can learn from the seller. But sometimes sellers do not always know about the effectiveness of a means, as they themselves did not come across the aforementioned problem. Therefore, the most reliable option remains to be familiar with all possible ways with means and insecticides, allowing to overcome night bloodsuckers in the face of bed bugs.

How to make sure in the presence of insects in the apartment

Households about the presence of bedbugs in the apartment may not even suspect, and for a long time. In order to make sure the presence of night bloodsuckers in the apartment, there are certain recommendations. The main habitat of home bedbugs are:

  • bed;
  • chairs and sofas;
  • bed linen and towels.

The main place of localization of the colonies of insects is the plinth, heating systems and other hard-to-reach places where the air temperature is not reduced to +15 degrees. If the temperature is below +15 degrees, then bugs leave such a room or die away.

The bugs go hunting at night, so the person does not respond to the attack of insects. In addition, in the saliva of the bedbugs there is an analgesic substance.

Most of the bites are applied precisely females, and the males are less active in this regard, but they carry no less harm than women's individuals.

Famous ways to combat clusters

The disadvantage of all types of aerosols is the possibility of human poisoning with these insecticides. The poison is dangerous not only for a person, but also for animals. In order to correctly detect bugs using an aerosol, it is required to comply with such recommendations:

  • Remove all food in the kitchen, as the poison during spraying can settle on them. It is also necessary to hide the dishes and means of individual use, which will improve safety.
  • Delete follows from the premises where disinfection will be held, all family and animal members. You need to close all the doors and windows, as well as ventilation moves.
  • A person who will perform an aerosol spray procedure should wear glasses, respirator, gloves and a bathrobe. Clothes after the end of disinfection must be wrapped.

To completely destroy the bedbugs, it is necessary to carefully treat insecticides all places where bugs can arrange their nests

Now we will find out which aerosols exist to combat insects at home.

  • Raid. This aerosol is intended for processing upholstered furniture, for example, if you need to destroy bugs in the sofa or bed. The raid is due not only to the effectiveness of the impact, but also the absence of an unpleasant odor, which will quickly disappear. The cost of such a fund does not exceed 200 rubles.

  • Microphos +. If the first two drugs practically do not smell, then the microphos + has a powerful aroma. Such a fragrance gives high performance indicators, but only to find the microphos plus is quite difficult. The cost of the microphos canister will cost 1500 rubles.

The bedbugs live in the creams of the walls, in the parquet, near the heating systems, so when using an aerosol, it is necessary to spray poison in these places.

With the help of aerosols, it is also possible to destroy bug eggs, spraying any of the above preparations on them. In addition to aerosol preparations for the destruction of bedbugs, there are also powder species.

Selection of the best 5 means to combat clusters (video):

Powder insecticides

This is concerned only such powders, which are based on the Essential Poison. Such powders are cheap and practically not effective. But another thing is a powder that has the main destroying substance is the poison of contact action. The use of such tools increases the likelihood of destruction of bedbugs, but only this process is stretched over time.

The store can meet the following types of efficient insecticidal powders:

  • Chlorofos. It is represented in the form of a phosphorod insecticide, which should be prepared before use. For cooking it is necessary 15 grams of powder to dilute in 10 liters of water. The drug is toxic and dangerous for a person, therefore, when used to comply with all safety regulations. The result with the use of chlorofos is almost 100%.

On the market you can find liquid tools for the destruction of bedbugs, only their very little. To use liquid insecticides, it will be necessary to get a special equipment that is quite expensive. Moreover, liquid equipment in efficiency is almost similar to aerosols and powder preparations.

Temperature treatment

Using such a method, do not forget about the heating system, which can extrude, and it threatens the development of big trouble with JCC and neighbors.

If you need to withdraw bedbugs in the sofa or armchair, it is recommended to bring this piece of furniture to the street in winter, leaving it for several hours.

Folk Methods

Effective folk remedies against bedbugs include:

  • vinegar;
  • sagebrush;
  • tansy;
  • ammonia.

Wormwood and Pijm can be the causes of the development of allergies, if one of the family members has individual intolerance to one of these herbs. Before applying this method, make sure that there are no allergies from other family members.

  • Cleaning the carpet with a vacuum cleaner. To do this, it is necessary to put a vacuum cleaner on complete power and carefully walk through the entire surface of the coating.

  • White vinegar. With the help of the brush, you must rub a white vinegar carpet. The procedure is recommended to be repeated in time, which will increase the effectiveness of this method.


Knowing the basic measures for the destruction of bedbugs in the apartment, you can draw appropriate conclusions about the effectiveness of each of them. Answer the question how to destroy homemade bedbugs, you can independently, after you cope with the task.

To properly choose an effective tool, to begin with, explain the complexity of the problem. Need to destroy single individuals or a whole colony? In any case, it should be started with aerosols or powder facilities, which are due to the integrated effect. If you are trying the methods and methods do not bring the desired result, then there is one way out - contact the disinsection service.

Homemade bedbugs - a whole disaster for a person: in terms of harm, even cockroaches cannot compare with these insects. They and their larvae are ruthlessly biting the whole family at night, literally throwing young children, after which the skin is covered and covered with a rash. How to kill the bedbugs - the first question that worries a person if he gained "happiness" in the form of bloodsicles in the house. Consider the basic ways to get rid of bruises of attack.

Bugs and their features

  • After a night in a hotel, the hotel, friends and relatives (can drive in things).
  • From the neighbors - insects are easily moved through ventilation or even crawled into the door.
  • After bringing things from dry cleaning, wardrobe, storage cameras.
  • When buying a used furniture.

Before processing the apartment, carefully examine all secluded places for insects

Attention: The consequences of the appearance of bugs in the apartment can be serious - in addition to allergic reactions, constant bites at night cause lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, neurosis and even depression!

When is it time to take action?

Finding bites on the skin, you need to think well. It is not necessary to immediately reflect on how to kill the bedbugs - you must surely make sure of their presence. Initially, a mattress or sofa should be carefully looked carefully, as well as all secluded corners in the bedroom. It is almost unrealistic to notice small eggs, but the adult insects are usually sitting in a row during the day in their nest, not running away from there.

There are other "symptoms" of the appearance of the bugs:

  1. Blood stains on bed linen.
  2. Black crumbs (excrement) not far from the bed.
  3. The presence of skins that dump the larvae.

Tele bites are also very unusual. As a rule, the bug leaves the "track" of 3-5 bites, only it is completely saturated. Usually such traces can be seen on the neck, hands, chest and other open places.

What to do when detecting bugs?

According to experts, insects may appear in any home or apartment regardless of the sanitary condition of housing. Nevertheless, purity and lack of places of accumulation of dust, unacceptable secluded places will be the first step in getting rid of bugs. Cleaning will help kill the eggs of bedbugs and caught adult insects, so you need to put on gloves and mechanically destroy all the insect nests. You need to spend the carpets and immediately endure the garbage, rinse the gaps and angles, clean all the departed pieces of wallpaper, linoleum.

In parallel with cleaning, underwear should be wrapped, plaid, rugs, or handle hot steam things. You can also make furniture and things on the balcony to freeze or, on the contrary, leave in the sun. Claps can live only at room temperature!

How is the easiest way to kill bedbugs?

If there are a lot of bedbugs and you yourself are not able to cope with insects, there is one way out - a challenge of professional disinsection service

Whatever the tool is chosen for work, there are important advice on working with it:

  • Before starting work, carefully read the instructions.
  • Correctly calculate the flow rate for the preparation of the solution.
  • Pre-make a wet cleaning of the room, to move away from the walls.
  • Products, toothbrushes, other private accessories Tightly pack, and better - remove to the balcony (food - in the refrigerator).
  • Well process all the places of possible bed lugs, trying to keep the approximate consumption of the working solution (this indicator is also indicated in the instructions).

  • After applying the chemical, leave the room immediately.
  • You can return to the apartment or the house only after the time specified in the instructions, and immediately ventilate housing.
  • After 10 days to make disinsection again. Thus, the larvae of the bugs will be killed, which appeared during this time.

When operating any insecticides, security measures should be observed - to wear a respirator, gloves, glasses, on the body - dense synthetic clothing.

During the processing of the room from the bedbugs, there can be no people with serious chronic diseases, children, elderly, pregnant women. Animals also need to withdraw or make out of the apartment.

Tips that will help get rid of bed bugs:

What are the means from bugs?

Here are common brands of drugs against bedbugs:

  1. "Raptor Spray". Includes poison from a group of pyrethroids, paralyzes insects.
  2. Spray "Raid". Ideal for handling upholstered furniture.
  3. Aerosol "Combat". Equipped with a nozzle for penetration into hard-to-reach places, quickly kills bedbugs in the nests.
  4. Aerosol "Dichlofos". Easy to use, cheap, sign all and quite effective.

Powders, concentrates or micrographs for the preparation of solutions are usually more effective against bloodsowing insects. They contain one, but more often - 2-3 active substances, and they act prolongated. This will help destroy those bedbugs that will appear 10-30 days after the disinsection.

Some funds can be scattered in the habitats of the bugs, others - in the divorced form to apply a brush. Powder preparations include:

  • "Klopoveron",
  • "Executioner",
  • "Klopomor",
  • "Diazinon",
  • "Chlorpiffos",
  • "Neugenous".

If the drugs are coping with clouds very quickly - they penetrate through the chitin and paralyzize the insect - then their eggs are almost always saved. But modern tools are calculated for a long action, so after hatching the larvae doomed. Only with high population of the room with bloodsuckers better make re-processing. It is necessary to shoot dead insects at once so that children and pets do not touch them, and the processed zones should not be turned around 20-30 days.

ATTENTION: It is almost pointless to acquire chalk, traps, sticky bait to destroy insects. They only eat blood and will not be interested in another proposed food.

Other measures to destroy bugs in the house

  • Freezing. If you manage to make a bed, a sofa or things with a cluster on a balcony or to the street in winter and leave there at least for a couple of hours, all insects perished. It is also possible to "freeze an apartment" by opening windows, but there is a danger of spanning pipe heating.

  • Steam processing. Pouring water in a household steam generator and walking on secluded steam corners, you can kill most of the bugs, larvae. Some also water insect sockets boiling water, which is also unfavorable for them.

  • Pulling the bugs with a solution of vinegar, turbidar, kerosene. These methods are less effective, they will have to exercise many times, while the damage of furniture and things is almost guaranteed.

Deciding to get rid of parasites in any way, it is important to prevent neighbors. If they interfere with them through ventilation, get them again - a matter of time. Therefore, it is better to make a high-quality disinsection and forget about the problem than forever to suffer from bite bites!

It does not want any normal owner that his neighbors around the house were bugs. They will not be difficult to put in a clean house, but to bring much more difficult. They have a property very quickly multiply, from several individuals after 2 weeks a whole colony can be obtained. Not always, it turns out, cause a disinsector. Is it possible to fight bedclothes at home?

What to do, when bugs bring not only material harm, but also physical and how to destroy bed bugs in an apartment, a house quickly and efficiently? There are several ways: you can call a specialized brigade, but you can try to clean the house yourself.

The removal of bed bugs can be carried out using such methods:

  • Chemical extermination.
  • Mechanical extermination.
  • Apply temperature methods.
  • Folk remedies.

Chemical extermination

The disinsection of bed bugs is better to start with those places where there are their mass clusters. Cutles can be under the plinth, parquet, in beds, mattresses, under the wallpaper, etc. That is, there are places for their breeding of a lot, and it is advisable to find them all.

The use of chemical has a minus. This method does not destroy the eggs bugs. They have such a solid shell that harmful substances do not fall into the germin. Therefore, it cannot be said that this method is 100% effective.

How to deal with bedclothes at home with chemicals? Yes, just! There are a lot of substances that can be purchased in special stores, they have enough easy use. For example:

  • Powder, Dust. Powder is dissolved in water and is used as a solution. It can be used in a dry form. This method takes longer, but does not require temporary eviction of residents.
  • Spray can. They are inside a small canister. For use, you need to remove the cap and spray in the right places, after closing.

Such substances have a large concentration of harmful people of substances, therefore, it should be a specially trained person in the apartment and in a private house.

If you follow all safety rules and instructions of the applied funds, the bed bug will no longer disturb you.

After any means, after some time (it is different for everyone), you need to carry out general cleaning and ventilate all the premises.

If you do not invite a specialist, but to deal with the clouds yourself, then applying chemicals you need to wear a special bathrobe, gloves and preferably a gauze bandage. So that bed bugs are exterminated in full, chemical treatment is desirable to conduct twice (depending on the drug, there are those that do not require reuse). It is better to consult with a specialist, how to bring bed bugs, and when choosing a means, too, or at least the seller.

Mechanical extermination

How to bring bed bedbugs by applying remedies? Almost no, but it is possible to reduce their quantity. Use an ordinary vacuum cleaner, or a sex rag, in difficultly reaching places you can take a mop. A special slotted nozzle is put on the vacuum cleaner so that the bugs are homemade cannot get back.

Since to kill bed bugs of all to one, this method is impossible, it can become a preparatory stage in front of the total disinsection.

The use of temperature methods

To bring bed bugs at home with temperature methods can be partially. You can use both cold and heat.

The subject in which the mass of the bugs must be placed on the street (if it is winter). When the temperature is -20 0 s, then send it to the day, if it is a little lower, then twice as much. The main thing is that it is not higher -15 0 s, otherwise the bed bug flows into the hibernation and after the end of the winter will again remind himself.

When it is not possible to fight with a cold, you can use a high temperature. For this, the pair generator will suit, or the usual steam iron. You can handle sofa, things, carpets. But, for the complete destruction of bedbugs it is better to use another method.

Folk remedies

Many parents are wondering than to stretch bed bodops in an apartment, house when there are children nearby. It is not always obtained and adults after applying harmful means to leave for some time an apartment. In this case, folk remedies against these harmful insects will be effective.

Use such funds:

  • Vinegar.
  • Turpentine.
  • Kerosene.
  • Sagebrush.
  • Valerian.

That is, you can use the remedies at least something from this list, but there is a good mistress.

Vinegar can handle floors, parquet, linoleum, all wood furniture and so it is harmless, you can not travel out of the house. The main thing is not to give animals to approach the processed places.

How to get rid of home from bedbugs with the help of turbidar? It can destroy insects, but discomfort will be that the substance has a sharp, nasty smell. In addition, it can be used kerosene, ammonia. In addition, in large quantities, such funds can spoil furniture.

What is afraid of bugs, it is wormwood, Valerian, Lavender. They are also unpleasant to them, he can dissipate them, but not kill. That is, bug eggs will remain, and you can expect new colonies. So, how to withdraw bed bugs will not fully work out, it will be a good additional means, but not the main one.

Preventive measures

Prevention is pretty simple:

  1. The house should be pure and tidy, the holey linoleum, parquet, the old wallpaper is better to replace.
  2. Holes in the walls, you need to close.
  3. Visiting the hotels, hostels, etc., on arrival home, you need to change clothes and clothing to be washed.